21 resultados para Parameter tuning

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Multi-camera 3D tracking systems with overlapping cameras represent a powerful mean for scene analysis, as they potentially allow greater robustness than monocular systems and provide useful 3D information about object location and movement. However, their performance relies on accurately calibrated camera networks, which is not a realistic assumption in real surveillance environments. Here, we introduce a multi-camera system for tracking the 3D position of a varying number of objects and simultaneously refin-ing the calibration of the network of overlapping cameras. Therefore, we introduce a Bayesian framework that combines Particle Filtering for tracking with recursive Bayesian estimation methods by means of adapted transdimensional MCMC sampling. Addi-tionally, the system has been designed to work on simple motion detection masks, making it suitable for camera networks with low transmission capabilities. Tests show that our approach allows a successful performance even when starting from clearly inaccurate camera calibrations, which would ruin conventional approaches.


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Voice biometry is classically based on the parameterization and patterning of speech features mainly. The present approach is based on the characterization of phonation features instead (glottal features). The intention is to reduce intra-speaker variability due to the `text'. Through the study of larynx biomechanics it may be seen that the glottal correlates constitute a family of 2-nd order gaussian wavelets. The methodology relies in the extraction of glottal correlates (the glottal source) which are parameterized using wavelet techniques. Classification and pattern matching was carried out using Gaussian Mixture Models. Data of speakers from a balanced database and NIST SRE HASR2 were used in verification experiments. Preliminary results are given and discussed.


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La adolescencia es un período de crecimiento y desarrollo crítico e importante para la adquisición de hábitos saludables, en los que tanto la alimentación como la actividad física tienen un papel destacado. Junto con el primer año de vida, los requerimientos de energía y nutrientes son mayores que en cualquier otro periodo. Dentro de la nutrición, las vitaminas se ven involucradas en múltiples procesos celulares y tisulares, y sus deficiencias se vinculan a enfermedades crónicas degenerativas en la edad adulta como las cardiovasculares, cáncer, diabetes y osteoporosis, pero cuyos factores de riesgo se establecen a edades más tempranas. Las concentraciones sanguíneas de vitaminas están influenciadas en gran medida por la ingesta dietética, pero existen otros factores del individuo, entre los que cabe citar la composición corporal, la actividad física y condición física que, junto a la genética, podrían desempeñar un papel crucial. La presente memoria de Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo analizar el estado en vitaminas liposolubles y su relación con diversos factores de salud, entre los que destacan la composción corporal, hábitos dietéticos, actividad física y condición física en adolescentes Europeos. El trabajo está basado en los datos del estudio HELENA (“Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence”). Se han analizado un total de 1089 adolescentes procedentes de diez ciudades en nueve paises europeos. Los principales resultados de este trabajo indican; a) La existencia de un estado deficiente en vitaminas liposolubles en adolescentes Europeos, especialmente de vitamina D, que alcanza valores del 80%. b) La estación del año, la latitud, el índice de masa corporal, la condición física, la ingesta de calcio dietético, los suplementos vitamínicos y la edad son las variables más relacionadas con el estado de vitamina D. c) A su vez, la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria puede predecir los niveles de vitamina D en los chicos, mientras que la fuerza muscular y masa magra parecen influir en los niveles de vitamina D en las chicas. La grasa corporal y el índice de masa corporal se correlaccionan negativamente con los niveles de vitamina D, especialmente en chicos. d) Un estado de vitamina D óptimo provoca una mejora de la masa ósea sólo cuando se tiene un nivel adecuado de actividad física. e) Se identifica la necesidad de establecer un consenso sobre los rangos aceptables y puntos de corte para las concentraciones sanguíneas de estas vitaminas en este grupo de población, ya que los actuales están extrapolados de la población adulta ABSTRACT Adolescence is a critical period of physiological growth and development as well as for the acquisition of healthy behaviors where both diet and physical activity play a major role. Apart from the first year of life, both energy and nutrient requirements are greatest during adolescence and the way to spend this energy by movement is also crucial. Vitamins are specifically involved in multiple cellular and tissue processes, and there is increasing evidence that deficiencies at these early ages could contribute to risk factors of chronic diseases like cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis in adulthood, regardless data are scarce for younger ages. Vitamin concentrations are largely influenced by diet but other individual factors like body composition, physical activity or fitness together with genetics could play also an important role. The current thesis analyzes the liposoluble vitamin status in European adolescents and their relation with several health related factors, like body composción, dietary intake, physical activity and fitness. The work is based on data from the HELENA study ("Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence"), for which a total of 1089 adolescents from ten different cities, in nine European countries were recruited. The main outcomes of this thesis are: a) There is a high liposoluble vitamin deficiency prevalence in European adolescents, specifically for vitamin D, which is presenting almost 80% of the adolescents. b) Season, latitude, BMI, fitness, dietary calcium intake, supplements intake and age are highly related to 25(OH)D concentrations found in European adolescents. c) Cardiorespiratory fitness may predict 25(OH)D concentrations in male adolescents, whereas upper limbs muscular strength and FFM may predict 25(OH)D concentrations in young females. Fat mass and BMI are inversely related to 25(OH)D concentrations, especially in males. d) The effect of 25(OH)D concentrations on bone mineral content in adolescents depends on physical activity levels. e) There is a need to establish a consensus on acceptable ranges and cut-offs of blood concentrations of these vitamins during adolescence, as currently they are extrapolated from adults.


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Based on theoretical arguments, we propose a possible route for controlling the band-gap in the promising photovoltaic material CdIn2S4. Our ab initio calculations show that the experimental degree of inversion in this spinel (fraction of tetrahedral sites occupied by In) corresponds approximately to the equilibrium value given by the minimum of the theoretical inversion free energy at a typical synthesis temperature. Modification of this temperature, or of the cooling rate after synthesis, is then expected to change the inversion degree, which in turn sensitively tunes the electronic band-gap of the solid, as shown here by screened hybrid functional calculations.


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Novel carbon fiber (CF)-reinforced poly(phenylene sulphide) (PPS) laminates incorporating inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) nanoparticles were prepared via melt-blending and hot-press processing. The influence of the IF-WS2 on the morphology, thermal, mechanical and tribological properties of PPS/CF composites was investigated. Efficient nanoparticle dispersion within the matrix was attained without using surfactants. A progressive rise in thermal stability was found with increasing IF-WS2 loading, as revealed by thermogravimetric analysis. The addition of low nanoparticle contents retarded the crystallization of the matrix, whereas concentrations equal or higher than 1.0 wt% increased both the crystallization temperature and degree of crystallinity compared to those of PPS/CF. Mechanical tests indicated that with only 1.0 wt% IF-WS2 the flexural modulus and strength of PPS/CF improved by 17 and 14%, respectively, without loss in toughness, ascribed to a synergistic effect between the two fillers. A significant enhancement in the storage modulus and glass transition temperature was also observed. Moreover, the wear rate and coefficient of friction strongly decreased, attributed to the lubricant role of the IF-WS2 combined with their reinforcing effect. These inorganic nanoparticles show great potential to improve the mechanical and tribological properties of conventional thermoplastic/CF composites for structural applications.


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Este artículo describe una estrategia de selección de frases para hacer el ajuste de un sistema de traducción estadístico basado en el decodificador Moses que traduce del español al inglés. En este trabajo proponemos dos posibilidades para realizar esta selección de las frases del corpus de validación que más se parecen a las frases que queremos traducir (frases de test en lengua origen). Con esta selección podemos obtener unos mejores pesos de los modelos para emplearlos después en el proceso de traducción y, por tanto, mejorar los resultados. Concretamente, con el método de selección basado en la medida de similitud propuesta en este artículo, mejoramos la medida BLEU del 27,17% con el corpus de validación completo al 27,27% seleccionando las frases para el ajuste. Estos resultados se acercan a los del experimento ORACLE: se utilizan las mismas frases de test para hacer el ajuste de los pesos. En este caso, el BLEU obtenido es de 27,51%.


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This article describes the results of an investigation aimed at the analysis methods used in the design of the protections against scour phenomenon on offshore wind farms in transitional waters, using medium and large diameter monopile type deep foundations.


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Providing QoS in the context of Ad Hoc networks includes a very wide field of application from the perspective of every level of the architecture in the network. Saying It in another way, It is possible to speak about QoS when a network is capable of guaranteeing a trustworthy communication in both extremes, between any couple of the network nodes by means of an efficient Management and administration of the resources that allows a suitable differentiation of services in agreement with the characteristics and demands of every single application.The principal objective of this article is the analysis of the quality parameters of service that protocols of routering reagents such as AODV and DSR give in the Ad Hoc mobile Networks; all of this is supported by the simulator ns-2. Here were going to analyze the behavior of some other parameters like effective channel, loss of packages and latency in the protocols of routering. Were going to show you which protocol presents better characteristics of Quality of Service (QoS) in the MANET networks.


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El diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de suspensión para vehículos se basa cada día más en el diseño por ordenador y en herramientas de análisis por ordenador, las cuales permiten anticipar problemas y resolverlos por adelantado. El comportamiento y las características dinámicas se calculan con precisión, bajo coste, y recursos y tiempos de cálculo reducidos. Sin embargo, existe una componente iterativa en el proceso, que requiere la definición manual de diseños a través de técnicas “prueba y error”. Esta Tesis da un paso hacia el desarrollo de un entorno de simulación eficiente capaz de simular, analizar y evaluar diseños de suspensiones vehiculares, y de mejorarlos hacia la solución optima mediante la modificación de los parámetros de diseño. La modelización mediante sistemas multicuerpo se utiliza aquí para desarrollar un modelo de autocar con 18 grados de libertad, de manera detallada y eficiente. La geometría y demás características de la suspensión se ajustan a las del vehículo real, así como los demás parámetros del modelo. Para simular la dinámica vehicular, se utiliza una formulación multicuerpo moderna y eficiente basada en las ecuaciones de Maggi, a la que se ha incorporado un visor 3D. Así, se consigue simular maniobras vehiculares en tiempos inferiores al tiempo real. Una vez que la dinámica está disponible, los análisis de sensibilidad son cruciales para una optimización robusta y eficiente. Para ello, se presenta una técnica matemática que permite derivar las variables dinámicas dentro de la formulación, de forma algorítmica, general, con la precisión de la maquina, y razonablemente eficiente: la diferenciación automática. Este método propaga las derivadas con respecto a las variables de diseño a través del código informático y con poca intervención del usuario. En contraste con otros enfoques en la bibliografía, generalmente particulares y limitados, se realiza una comparación de librerías, se desarrolla una formulación híbrida directa-automática para el cálculo de sensibilidades, y se presentan varios ejemplos reales. Finalmente, se lleva a cabo la optimización de la respuesta dinámica del vehículo citado. Se analizan cuatro tipos distintos de optimización: identificación de parámetros, optimización de la maniobrabilidad, optimización del confort y optimización multi-objetivo, todos ellos aplicados al diseño del autocar. Además de resultados analíticos y gráficos, se incluyen algunas consideraciones acerca de la eficiencia. En resumen, se mejora el comportamiento dinámico de vehículos por medio de modelos multicuerpo y de técnicas de diferenciación automática y optimización avanzadas, posibilitando un ajuste automático, preciso y eficiente de los parámetros de diseño. ABSTRACT Each day, the design and development of vehicle suspension systems relies more on computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering tools, which allow anticipating the problems and solving them ahead of time. Dynamic behavior and characteristics are thus simulated accurately and inexpensively with moderate computational times and resources. There is, however, an iterative component in the process, which involves the manual definition of designs in a trialand-error manner. This Thesis takes a step towards the development of an efficient simulation framework capable of simulating, analyzing and evaluating vehicle suspension designs, and automatically improving them by varying the design parameters towards the optimal solution. The multibody systems approach is hereby used to model a three-dimensional 18-degrees-of-freedom coach in a comprehensive yet efficient way. The suspension geometry and characteristics resemble the ones from the real vehicle, as do the rest of vehicle parameters. In order to simulate vehicle dynamics, an efficient, state-of-the-art multibody formulation based on Maggi’s equations is employed, and a three-dimensional graphics viewer is developed. As a result, vehicle maneuvers can be simulated faster than real-time. Once the dynamics are ready, a sensitivity analysis is crucial for a robust optimization. To that end, a mathematical technique is introduced, which allows differentiating the dynamic variables within the multibody formulation in a general, algorithmic, accurate to machine precision, and reasonably efficient way: automatic differentiation. This method propagates the derivatives with respect to the design parameters throughout the computer code, with little user interaction. In contrast with other attempts in the literature, mostly not generalpurpose, a benchmarking of libraries is carried out, a hybrid direct-automatic differentiation approach for the computation of sensitivities is developed, and several real-life examples are analyzed. Finally, a design optimization process of the aforementioned vehicle is carried out. Four different types of dynamic response optimization are presented: parameter identification, handling optimization, ride comfort optimization and multi-objective optimization; all of which are applied to the design of the coach example. Together with analytical and visual proof of the results, efficiency considerations are made. In summary, the dynamic behavior of vehicles is improved by using the multibody systems approach, along with advanced differentiation and optimization techniques, enabling an automatic, accurate and efficient tuning of design parameters.


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Stochastic model updating must be considered for quantifying uncertainties inherently existing in real-world engineering structures. By this means the statistical properties,instead of deterministic values, of structural parameters can be sought indicating the parameter variability. However, the implementation of stochastic model updating is much more complicated than that of deterministic methods particularly in the aspects of theoretical complexity and low computational efficiency. This study attempts to propose a simple and cost-efficient method by decomposing a stochastic updating process into a series of deterministic ones with the aid of response surface models and Monte Carlo simulation. The response surface models are used as surrogates for original FE models in the interest of programming simplification, fast response computation and easy inverse optimization. Monte Carlo simulation is adopted for generating samples from the assumed or measured probability distributions of responses. Each sample corresponds to an individual deterministic inverse process predicting the deterministic values of parameters. Then the parameter means and variances can be statistically estimated based on all the parameter predictions by running all the samples. Meanwhile, the analysis of variance approach is employed for the evaluation of parameter variability significance. The proposed method has been demonstrated firstly on a numerical beam and then a set of nominally identical steel plates tested in the laboratory. It is found that compared with the existing stochastic model updating methods, the proposed method presents similar accuracy while its primary merits consist in its simple implementation and cost efficiency in response computation and inverse optimization.


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A method based on experimental data is proposed to optimize the energy harvesting of a silicone-on-glass Fresnel-lens based CPV system. It takes into account the spectral variations along the year in a particular location as well as the thermal and spectral sensitivities of the optics and solar cell. In addition, different alternatives to tune the top/middle subcells current ratio in a CPV module are analyzed and their capacity to maximize the annually produced energy is quantified.


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Flash floods are of major relevance in natural disaster management in the Mediterranean region. In many cases, the damaging effects of flash floods can be mitigated by adequate management of flood control reservoirs. This requires the development of suitable models for optimal operation of reservoirs. A probabilistic methodology for calibrating the parameters of a reservoir flood control model (RFCM) that takes into account the stochastic variability of flood events is presented. This study addresses the crucial problem of operating reservoirs during flood events, considering downstream river damages and dam failure risk as conflicting operation criteria. These two criteria are aggregated into a single objective of total expected damages from both the maximum released flows and stored volumes (overall risk index). For each selected parameter set the RFCM is run under a wide range of hydrologic loads (determined through Monte Carlo simulation). The optimal parameter set is obtained through the overall risk index (balanced solution) and then compared with other solutions of the Pareto front. The proposed methodology is implemented at three different reservoirs in the southeast of Spain. The results obtained show that the balanced solution offers a good compromise between the two main objectives of reservoir flood control management


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In this paper an on line self-tuned PID controller is proposed for the control of a car whose goal is to follow another one, at distances and speeds typical in urban traffic. The bestknown tuning mechanism is perhaps the MIT rule, due to its ease of implementation. However, as it is well known, this method does not guarantee the stability of the system, providing good results only for constant or slowly varying reference signals and in the absence of noise, which are unrealistic conditions. When the reference input varies with an appreciable rate or in presence of noise, eventually it could result in system instability. In this paper an alternative method is proposed that significantly improves the robustness of the system for varying inputs or in the presence of noise, as demonstrated by simulation.


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Correct modeling of the equivalent circuits regarding solar cell and panels is today an essential tool for power optimization. However, the parameter extraction of those circuits is still a quite difficult task that normally requires both experimental data and calculation procedures, generally not available to the normal user. This paper presents a new analytical method that easily calculates the equivalent circuit parameters from the data that manufacturers usually provide. The analytical approximation is based on a new methodology, since methods developed until now to obtain the aforementioned equivalent circuit parameters from manufacturer's data have always been numerical or heuristic. Results from the present method are as accurate as the ones resulting from other more complex (numerical) existing methods in terms of calculation process and resources.


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In this paper the power-frequency control of hydropower plants with long penstocks is addressed. In such configuration the effects of pressure waves cannot be neglected and therefore commonly used criteria for adjustment of PID governors would not be appropriate. A second-order Π model of the turbine-penstock based on a lumped parameter approach is considered. A correction factor is introduced in order to approximate the model frequency response to the continuous case in the frequency interval of interest. Using this model, several criteria are analysed for adjusting the PI governor of a hydropower plant operating in an isolated system. Practical criteria for adjusting the PI governor are given. The results are applied to a real case of a small island where the objective is to achieve a generation 100% renewable (wind and hydro). Frequency control is supposed to be provided exclusively by the hydropower plant. It is verified that the usual criterion for tuning the PI controller of isolated hydro plants gives poor results. However, with the new proposed adjustment, the time response is considerably improved