em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El objetivo de este trabajo es la aportación de un caso que evidencie la importancia de realizar esfuerzos tanto en el terreno económico como en el laboral para conseguir una adecuada retención y atracción del conocimiento científico. Para ello, se analizan los datos de un estudio que destaca estas cuestiones para un país como España, que necesita urgentemente mejorar su balance de movilidad investigadora. Los resultados confirman la importancia de la aplicación de estas medidas y las debilidades que presenta en este tipo de políticas el sistema nacional de investigación, desarrollo e innovación (I+D+i). Abstract: The goal of this paper is to disclose a case study which highlights the impor tance of realising effor ts at an economic and labour scale in order to reach an adequate retention and attraction of scientific knowledge. Although science has evolved during different periods through the flow of mankind and ideas, studies about international mobility of scientists are recent in time. It started mid XXth century with the brain drain phenomenon. To alleviate the loss of scientists, countries have disclosed different politics. Some countries like Singapore, Southern Korea, India and China have been successful in bringing scientists back home. Those countries have made huge effor ts in human resources investments and scientific infrastructures, so as to enforce their national R&D&I systems. Despite such experiences and despite the increasement in terms of evidences related with international scientific mobility, few studies and figures have been disclosed. The goal of this current work is to disclose data, which backs up the liability of such kind of politics that combine effor ts in economic and labour terms. For that reason, data has been analyzed from a study which highlights these key aspects for a country like Spain and which recently established a wide range of politics in order to attract scientists. Despite the increasement of financial resources, such politics have turned out unable to reach a proper balance in terms of mobility research. Such data as well as it analysis comes from the development of an annual survey to Spanish scientists during the period 2008- 2011. Based on sample data and analysis an expectations index for the coming year has been constructed. This compares the level of confidence which related the support and prestige of their national R&D&I systems in which they operate. Two groups where surveyed: young researchers which currently work in Spain and as a group are more likely to go working abroad and Spanish scientists who are currently working abroad. Samples were obtained for young researchers were the following: 2008 (217), 2009 (270), 2010 (390) and 2011 (610). In the case of Spanish scientists abroad, the following data were obtained: 2008 (218), 2009 (250), 2010 (241) and 2011 (167). Both groups assume simple random sampling, with a level of confidence of 95%. The results obtained confirm the importance of this combined effor t of labor and economic policies which presents weaknesses of Spanish national R&D&I systems and its application, so that Spain becomes a pole of excellence in terms of attraction and retention of scientific knowledge.
En el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior los estudios deben de estar orientados a facilitar la movilidad de los futuros egresados para que su inclusión en mundo laboral sea global y en este contexto, los sistemas educativos deben introducir cambios en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje y en la gestión. Como uno de los elementos básicos de la creación del EEES es el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida, se deben adoptar metodologías que doten al estudiante de capacidades para poder enfrentarse a todos los retos de la vida laboral. A través de la presente investigación se trata de aportar una visión real de la aplicación efectiva de un modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el Método del Caso acompañados de una fuerte Acción Tutorial y el uso de la Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación en la Universidad (TIC). Se considera asimismo de gran interés para la mejora del aprendizaje conocer cuál es la opinión real de los estudiantes universitarios, ya que son los principales implicados en relación a un modelo formativo apoyado en el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, el Método del Caso, la Acción Tutorial y utilización de las TIC. A través de este estudio se pretende comprobar y valorar cual es la visión real que los alumnos tienen de estas aplicaciones y como las utilizan. Para ello durante los últimos cursos se ha trabajado con alumnos de los últimos cursos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid aplicando técnicas de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el Método del Caso conjuntamente con la utilización de un Modelo de Acción Tutorial y el uso de la TIC. La tarea se ha centrado en desarrollar, a lo largo de los cursos 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 y 2013-14, un modelo de Acción Tutorial con los alumnos matriculados en las asignaturas de Caminos I, Caminos II, Aforos y Ordenación del Tráfico, asignaturas de la titulación de Ingeniería Técnica de Obras Públicas, y por otro lado, en la asignatura de Caminos, perteneciente a la titulación de Ingeniería Civil. Mediante cuestionarios al inicio y final del curso, se ha conocido cuál es la opinión que poseen los alumnos sobre esta acción. A continuación, durante los cursos 2010-11, 2011-12 y 2013-14 se desarrolla un modelo experimental para evaluar las mejoras, tanto de rendimiento como de adquisición de competencias, utilizando el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el Método del Caso acompañados de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza–aprendizaje como modelo de Acción Tutorial con alumnos. ABSTRACT Abstract In the frame of the European Higher Education Area, the studies must be faced to facilitate mobility of future graduates for inclusion in the workplace is global and in this context, educational systems must introduce changes in the process of education-learning and management. Since one of the basic elements of the creation of the EHEA is learning throughout life, there must be adopted methodologies that provide the student of aptitudes to be able to face all the challenges of the labor life. Through this research it is provided a real vision of the effective application of a Model of Learning Based on Problems and the Case Method accompanied by a strong Tutorial Action and the use of ITC in the University. It is also considered of great interest for the improvement of learning to know what the real opinion of the college students is, as they are the main players in relation in a training model based on Problem-Based Learning, the Case Method, the Tutorial Action and Use of ICT. Through this study it is expected to verify and assess which is the real vision that students have about these applications and how they use them. In order to achieve the goal of this research project, during the last three years I have been working with students of last courses of the Civil Engineering School of the Technical University of Madrid applying with them techniques of Problem-Based Learning and the Case Method together with the use of a Model Action Tutorial and the Use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT). The task has focused on developing, over the 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2013-14 courses, a model of Tutorial Action with students enrolled in the subjects of Roads I, Roads II, Traffic Gauging and Traffic Management, all of them of the old degree in Civil Engineering (1971 Study Plan), and secondly, on the subject of Roads which belong to the current degree of Civil Engineering. Using questionnaires at the beginning and end of the course the perception that students have on this action.. Then, during the 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2013-14 courses an experimental model is developed to evaluate improvements in both performance and skills acquisition, using Problem-Based Learning and the Case Method together with the ICT in Teaching-Learning Pprocess as a model of Tutorial Action with students.
El motivo de abordar esta Tesis responde al hecho personal de haber vivido históricamente momentos cumbre de la Construcción Naval en España y no dejar de plantearme, a pesar de mi distancia del sector desde el punto de vista profesional, en las opciones de futuro para volver a ser competitivos en un sector que ha tenido un peso tan importante en la economía española, y que tanto ha ilusionado a centenares de profesionales y compañeros a lo largo de muchas décadas con el optimismo de estar aportando valor para que España fuera competitiva. A lo largo de los últimos años, y la relación con el ámbito de la dirección de Empresas desde el punto de vista de una Escuela de Negocios, así como el contacto con enfoques estratégicos en sectores muy diversos me animó a plantearme la Tesis con el objetivo de reflejar el estado actual del sector y poder valorar alternativas de futuro para la Construcción Naval española, aun sabiendo que son muchos los “maestros” realmente autorizados en nuestros país, con amplios conocimientos y experiencia, que muchas veces, a pesar de las propuestas y de los esfuerzos que han realizado para impulsar el sector, se han encontrado con situaciones adversas, bien de tipo económico, social‐laboral, político ‐a nivel nacional, europeo o global‐, etc., que han impedido un fortalecimiento del sector como todos hubiéramos deseado. La presión histórica ejercida por los países competidores en Construcción naval del ámbito asiático y lejano oriente, así como los compromisos derivados de las Directivas europeas, han obligado al sector de la Construcción Naval en España a buscar unos nuevos posicionamientos estratégicos presentes y, sobre todo, de futuro. Partiendo de un análisis del sector naval, tanto del mercado nacional como del internacional, con especial foco en los países líderes, se plantea investigar, siguiendo el modelo de Porter, las fuerzas competitivas que han influido en estas últimas décadas y que han conducido a la situación actual, valorando la estructura competitiva, el entorno relevante y los efectos de la globalización, con las amenazas de los nuevos y actuales competidores y las barreras existentes. Para abordar esta investigación se ha realizado un análisis del sector naval con la siguiente metodología: 1. Análisis del estado actual de la construcción naval en España. 2. Análisis del estado actual de la construcción naval en el mundo. 3. Estudio de la demanda en el mercado y evolución de la misma en los últimos años: muy centrada en los países líderes y más competitivos. 4. Estudio de las perspectivas de negocio en el sector marítimo y oceánico: estudio particular del transporte marítimo y una comparativa con la explotación de recursos oceánicos. Finalmente se decidió no abordar por falta de datos de futuro las construcciones militares. 5. Estudio de características de la industria naval española y capacidad de los astilleros. Se ha focalizado especialmente en la construcción para valorar la capacidad de futuro. 6. Análisis de fuerzas competitivas de la industria naval española a partir del modelo de Porter. En esta parte se incluyen alguno de los factores críticos externos e internos que ayudan a identificar barreras y estrategias en el entorno de la construcción naval como sector global. 7. Identificación de las oportunidades de negocio hacia el 2050. 8. Alternativas para una estrategia competitiva de actuación frente a las oportunidades de futuro en el 2050. Con esta Tesis se aporta un estudio competitivo actualizado, de acuerdo con el modelo de Porter, con el fin de proponer una posible estrategia competitiva de futuro, que posicione competitivamente la industria naval y el sector marítimo en España en las próximas décadas. ABSTRACT The reason for addressing this thesis responds to my personal experience about having lived historical moments summit Shipbuilding in Spain. Despite my distance from this industry from a professional point of view, I have never stopped wonder myself which are the options for the future to become competitive in an industry that has had such an important weight in the Spanish economy, which has excited so hundreds of professionals and peers through many decades with optimism to be adding value to Spain in order to be competitive again. Over recent years, and the relationship with the field of business management from the point of view of a business school, as well as contact with strategic approaches in diverse sectors encouraged me to wonder Thesis order to reflect the current state of the sector and to evaluate future alternatives for the Spanish Shipbuilding, knowing that many "teachers" really allowed in our country, with extensive knowledge and experience that often, despite proposals and the efforts that have been made to boost the sector, have met with adverse situations, whether economic, social and labor, political kind ‐at national, European or global‐level, etc., that have prevented a strengthening of all sectors we wished. The historical pressure from competing countries in Shipbuilding Asian area and Far East, as well as commitments arising from EU directives, have forced the shipbuilding industry in Spain to seek a new strategic positions present and, above all, future. Starting from an analysis of the shipbuilding sector, both national and international market, with special focus on the leading countries, we propose to investigate, following the model of Porter, the competitive forces that have influenced recent decades and have led to the current situation, assessing the competitive structure of the relevant environment and the effects of globalization, with the threat of new and existing competitors and barriers. To address this research has analyzed the naval sector with the following methodology: 1. Analysis of the current state of shipbuilding in Spain. 2. Analysis of the current state of shipbuilding in the world. 3. Study of the demand in the market and evolution of the same in recent years: very focused on the leading and most competitive countries. 4. Study of business prospects in the maritime and oceanic sector: private study of maritime transport and a comparison with the exploitation of ocean resources. Finally it was decided not to address a lack of data future military construction. 5. Study of characteristics of the Spanish shipbuilding and shipyard capacity. It is particularly focused on building the capacity to assess future. 6. Analysis of competitive forces of the Spanish shipbuilding industry from the model of Porter. In this part they include some critics of the external and internal factors that help identify barriers and strategies in the environment of global shipbuilding sector. 7. Identification of business opportunities by 2050. 8. Alternatives to a competitive strategy of action against future opportunities in 2050. This thesis has sought to provide a competitive study updated according to Porter's model, in order to propose a possible future competitive strategy to reach a competitive position at the shipbuilding industry and the maritime sector in Spain in the coming decades. The historical pressure from competing countries in the Asian sphere Shipbuilding and Far East, as well as commitments arising from EU directives have forced the shipbuilding industry in Spain to seek a new strategic positioning. Starting from an analysis of the shipbuilding sector, both national and international market, with a special focus on the leading countries, it is proposed to analyze, following the model of Porter, the competitive forces that have influenced in recent decades and have led to the current situation, studying the competitive structure of the relevant environment and the effects of globalization, with the threat of new and existing competitors and barriers. It concludes with a forecast of future market and business opportunities arising in the global environment of maritime and naval Industry, in order to propose a possible competitive strategy for the near future, which could help to achieve a competitive position on the shipbuilding and maritime sector in Spain for the coming decades.