13 resultados para PLS DA

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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La gestin del conocimiento y el capital intelectual son conceptos complejos de difcil implantacin en las organizaciones y desde nuestra perspectiva, slo es posible entenderlos desde un punto de vista socio-tcnico, es decir, donde el componente humano establece una relacin de sinergia con elementos tecnolgicos y culturales para ampliar sus capacidades. El modelo exploratorio propuesto est basado en una relacin causa-efecto, como resultado de la vinculacin entre las TI/SI, la cultura y el capital humano con la gestin del conocimiento organizacional, en el marco de un modelo de madurez. La investigacin fue desarrollada sobre un grupo de pymes latinoamericanas del sector industrial y manufacturero. Se usaron ecuaciones estructuradas (PLS) como herramientas de anlisis estadstico. Estructuralmente se pudo demostrar la validez del modelo, quedando comprobada su fiabilidad, consistencia, estabilidad, calidad y poder de prediccin. Mientras que funcionalmente, ste sirvi como apoyo para demostrar que las Pymes aun no han encontrado el equilibrio que les permita aprovechar eficientemente la tecnologa instalada y la capacidad de su recurso humano para explotar su capital intelectual. Su desempeo sigue basado fundamentalmente en su cultura organizacional.


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Este trabajo presenta una propuesta de codificacin morfosintctica para corpus de referencia en lengua espaola basada en los estndares de la Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), The Network of European Reference Corpora (NERC) y The Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards (EAGLES) tal y como se presenta en (Martn de Santa Olalla, 1994). Presentamos tambin el trabajo de creacin de etiquetador morfosintctico que utiliza el conjunto de etiquetas que sta contiene.


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The production of minimally processed vegetables and fruits is an emergent sector, however these processes reduce the useful life of the products. Main preservation techniques such cold storage and modified atmosphere are limited. New treatments are being applied (O3 , UVC radiation, biodegradable filmsetc.). The sector precise of cheap and fast techniques to evaluate the general quality and the security of the processed products, that constitute a tool of aid to the decision in the implementation of new procedures of packaging and/or treatments. Objectives: To explore hyperspectral imaging for monitoring the evolution of minimally processed leafy vegetables during shelflife . To identify and classify deterioration rates of the leaves through Multivariate analysis techniques (PLSDA)


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Las Tecnologas de la Informacin y la Comunicacin en general e Internet en particular han supuesto una revolucin en nuestra forma de comunicarnos, relacionarnos, producir, comprar y vender acortando tiempo y distancias entre proveedores y consumidores. A la paulatina penetracin del ordenador, los telfonos inteligentes y la banda ancha fija y/o mvil ha seguido un mayor uso de estas tecnologas entre ciudadanos y empresas. El comercio electrnico empresaconsumidor (B2C) alcanz en 2010 en Espaa un volumen de 9.114 millones de euros, con un incremento del 17,4% respecto al dato registrado en 2009. Este crecimiento se ha producido por distintos hechos: un incremento en el porcentaje de internautas hasta el 65,1% en 2010 de los cuales han adquirido productos o servicios a travs de la Red un 43,1% 1,6 puntos porcentuales ms respecto a 2010. Por otra parte, el gasto medio por comprador ha ascendido a 831 en 2010, lo que supone un incremento del 10,9% respecto al ao anterior. Si segmentamos a los compradores segn por su experiencia anterior de compra podemos encontrar dos categoras: el comprador novel que adquiri por primera vez productos o servicios en 2010 y el comprador constante aquel que haba adquirido productos o servicios en 2010 y al menos una vez en aos anteriores. El 85,8% de los compradores se pueden considerar como compradores constantes: haban comprado en la Red en 2010, pero tambin lo haban hecho anteriormente. El comprador novel tiene un perfil sociodemogrfico de persona joven de entre 1524 aos, con estudios secundarios, de clase social media y mediabaja, estudiante no universitario, residente en poblaciones pequeas y sigue utilizando frmulas de pago como el contrareembolso (23,9%). Su gasto medio anual ascendi en 2010 a 449. El comprador constante, o comprador que ya haba comprado en Internet anteriormente, tiene un perfil demogrfico distinto: estudios superiores, clase alta, trabajador y residente en grandes ciudades, con un comportamiento maduro en la compra electrnica dada su mayor experiencia utiliza con mayor intensidad canales exclusivos en Internet que no disponen de tienda presencial. Su gasto medio duplica al observado en compradores noveles (con una media de 930 anuales). Por tanto, los compradores constantes suponen una mayora de los compradores con un gasto medio que dobla al comprador que ha adoptado el medio recientemente. Por consiguiente es de inters estudiar los factores que predicen que un internauta vuelva a adquirir un producto o servicio en la Red. La respuesta a esta pregunta no se ha revelado sencilla. En Espaa, la mayora de productos y servicios an se adquieren de manera presencial, con una baja incidencia de las ventas a distancia como la teletienda, la venta por catlogo o la venta a travs de Internet. Para dar respuesta a las preguntas planteadas se ha investigado desde distintos puntos de vista: se comenzar con un estudio descriptivo desde el punto de vista de la demanda que trata de caracterizar la situacin del comercio electrnico B2C en Espaa, poniendo el foco en las diferencias entre los compradores constantes y los nuevos compradores. Posteriormente, la investigacin de modelos de adopcin y continuidad en el uso de las tecnologas y de los factores que inciden en dicha continuidad con especial inters en el comercio electrnico B2C, permiten afrontar el problema desde la perspectiva de las ecuaciones estructurales pudiendo tambin extraer conclusiones de tipo prctico. Este trabajo sigue una estructura clsica de investigacin cientfica: en el captulo 1 se introduce el tema de investigacin, continuando con una descripcin del estado de situacin del comercio electrnico B2C en Espaa utilizando fuentes oficiales (captulo 2). Posteriormente se desarrolla el marco terico y el estado del arte de modelos de adopcin y de utilizacin de las tecnologas (captulo 3) y de los factores principales que inciden en la adopcin y continuidad en el uso de las tecnologas (captulo 4). El captulo 5 desarrolla las hiptesis de la investigacin y plantea los modelos tericos. Las tcnicas estadsticas a utilizar se describen en el captulo 6, donde tambin se analizan los resultados empricos sobre los modelos desarrollados en el captulo 5. El captulo 7 expone las principales conclusiones de la investigacin, sus limitaciones y propone nuevas lneas de investigacin. La primera parte corresponde al captulo 1, que introduce la investigacin justificndola desde un punto de vista terico y prctico. Tambin se realiza una breve introduccin a la teora del comportamiento del consumidor desde una perspectiva clsica. Se presentan los principales modelos de adopcin y se introducen los modelos de continuidad de utilizacin que se estudiarn ms detalladamente en el captulo 3. En este captulo se desarrollan los objetivos principales y los objetivos secundarios, se propone el mapa mental de la investigacin y se planifican en un cronograma los principales hitos del trabajo. La segunda parte corresponde a los captulos dos, tres y cuatro. En el captulo 2 se describe el comercio electrnico B2C en Espaa utilizando fuentes secundarias. Se aborda un diagnstico del sector de comercio electrnico y su estado de madurez en Espaa. Posteriormente, se analizan las diferencias entre los compradores constantes, principal inters de este trabajo, frente a los compradores noveles, destacando las diferencias de perfiles y usos. Para los dos segmentos se estudian aspectos como el lugar de acceso a la compra, la frecuencia de compra, los medios de pago utilizados o las actitudes hacia la compra. El captulo 3 comienza desarrollando los principales conceptos sobre la teora del comportamiento del consumidor, para continuar estudiando los principales modelos de adopcin de tecnologa existentes, analizando con especial atencin su aplicacin en comercio electrnico. Posteriormente se analizan los modelos de continuidad en el uso de tecnologas (Teora de la Confirmacin de Expectativas; Teora de la Justicia), con especial atencin de nuevo a su aplicacin en el comercio electrnico. Una vez estudiados los principales modelos de adopcin y continuidad en el uso de tecnologas, el captulo 4 analiza los principales factores que se utilizan en los modelos: calidad, valor, factores basados en la confirmacin de expectativas satisfaccin, utilidad percibida y factores especficos en situaciones especiales por ejemplo, tras una queja como pueden ser la justicia, las emociones o la confianza. La tercera parte que corresponde al captulo 5 desarrolla el diseo de la investigacin y la seleccin muestral de los modelos. En la primera parte del captulo se enuncian las hiptesis que van desde lo general a lo particular, utilizando los factores especficos analizados en el captulo 4 para su posterior estudio y validacin en el captulo 6 utilizando las tcnicas estadsticas apropiadas. A partir de las hiptesis, y de los modelos y factores estudiados en los captulos 3 y 4, se definen y vertebran dos modelos tericos originales que den respuesta a los retos de investigacin planteados en el captulo 1. En la segunda parte del captulo se disea el trabajo emprico de investigacin definiendo los siguientes aspectos: alcance geogrficotemporal, tipologa de la investigacin, carcter y ambiente de la investigacin, fuentes primarias y secundarias utilizadas, tcnicas de recoleccin de datos, instrumentos de medida utilizados y caractersticas de la muestra utilizada. Los resultados del trabajo de investigacin constituyen la cuarta parte de la investigacin y se desarrollan en el captulo 6, que comienza analizando las tcnicas estadsticas basadas en Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales. Se plantean dos alternativas, modelos confirmatorios correspondientes a Mtodos Basados en Covarianzas (MBC) y modelos predictivos. De forma razonada se eligen las tcnicas predictivas dada la naturaleza exploratoria de la investigacin planteada. La segunda parte del captulo 6 desarrolla el anlisis de los resultados de los modelos de medida y modelos estructurales construidos con indicadores formativos y reflectivos y definidos en el captulo 4. Para ello se validan, sucesivamente, los modelos de medida y los modelos estructurales teniendo en cuenta los valores umbrales de los parmetros estadsticos necesarios para la validacin. La quinta parte corresponde al captulo 7, que desarrolla las conclusiones basndose en los resultados del captulo 6, analizando los resultados desde el punto de vista de las aportaciones tericas y prcticas, obteniendo conclusiones para la gestin de las empresas. A continuacin, se describen las limitaciones de la investigacin y se proponen nuevas lneas de estudio sobre distintos temas que han ido surgiendo a lo largo del trabajo. Finalmente, la bibliografa recoge todas las referencias utilizadas a lo largo de este trabajo. Palabras clave: comprador constante, modelos de continuidad de uso, continuidad en el uso de tecnologas, comercio electrnico, B2C, adopcin de tecnologas, modelos de adopcin tecnolgica, TAM, TPB, IDT, UTAUT, ECT, intencin de continuidad, satisfaccin, confianza percibida, justicia, emociones, confirmacin de expectativas, calidad, valor, PLS. ABSTRACT Information and Communication Technologies in general, but more specifically those related to the Internet in particular, have changed the way in which we communicate, relate to one another, produce, and buy and sell products, reducing the time and shortening the distance between suppliers and consumers. The steady breakthrough of computers, Smartphones and landline and/or wireless broadband has been greatly reflected in its large scale use by both individuals and businesses. Businesstoconsumer (B2C) ecommerce reached a volume of 9,114 million Euros in Spain in 2010, representing a 17.4% increase with respect to the figure in 2009. This growth is due in part to two different facts: an increase in the percentage of web users to 65.1% en 2010, 43.1% of whom have acquired products or services through the Internet which constitutes 1.6 percentage points higher than 2010. On the other hand, the average spending by individual buyers rose to 831 en 2010, constituting a 10.9% increase with respect to the previous year. If we select buyers according to whether or not they have previously made some type of purchase, we can divide them into two categories: the novice buyerwho first made online purchases in 2010 and the experienced buyer: who also made purchases in 2010, but had done so previously as well. The sociodemographic profile of the novice buyer is that of a young person between 1524 years of age, with secondary studies, middle to lowermiddle class, and a nonuniversity educated student who resides in smaller towns and continues to use payment methods such as cash on delivery (23.9%). In 2010, their average purchase grew to 449. The more experienced buyer, or someone who has previously made purchases online, has a different demographic profile: highly educated, upper class, resident and worker in larger cities, who exercises a mature behavior when making online purchases due to their experience this type of buyer frequently uses exclusive channels on the Internet that dont have an actual store. His or her average purchase doubles that of the novice buyer (with an average purchase of 930 annually.) That said, the experienced buyers constitute the majority of buyers with an average purchase that doubles that of novice buyers. It is therefore of interest to study the factors that help to predict whether or not a web user will buy another product or use another service on the Internet. The answer to this question has proven not to be so simple. In Spain, the majority of goods and services are still bought in person, with a low amount of purchases being made through means such as the Home Shopping Network, through catalogues or Internet sales. To answer the questions that have been posed here, an investigation has been conducted which takes into consideration various viewpoints: it will begin with a descriptive study from the perspective of the supply and demand that characterizes the B2C ecommerce situation in Spain, focusing on the differences between experienced buyers and novice buyers. Subsequently, there will be an investigation concerning the technology acceptance and continuity of use of models as well as the factors that have an effect on their continuity of use with a special focus on B2C electronic commerce, which allows for a theoretic approach to the problem from the perspective of the structural equations being able to reach practical conclusions. This investigation follows the classic structure for a scientific investigation: the subject of the investigation is introduced (Chapter 1), then the state of the B2C ecommerce in Spain is described citing official sources of information (Chapter 2), the theoretical framework and state of the art of technology acceptance and continuity models are developed further (Chapter 3) and the main factors that affect their acceptance and continuity (Chapter 4). Chapter 5 explains the hypothesis behind the investigation and poses the theoretical models that will be confirmed or rejected partially or completely. In Chapter 6, the technical statistics that will be used are described briefly as well as an analysis of the empirical results of the models put forth in Chapter 5. Chapter 7 explains the main conclusions of the investigation, its limitations and proposes new projects. First part of the project, chapter 1, introduces the investigation, justifying it from a theoretical and practical point of view. It is also a brief introduction to the theory of consumer behavior from a standard perspective. Technology acceptance models are presented and then continuity and repurchase models are introduced, which are studied more in depth in Chapter 3. In this chapter, both the main and the secondary objectives are developed through a mind map and a timetable which highlights the milestones of the project. The second part of the project corresponds to Chapters Two, Three and Four. Chapter 2 describes the B2C ecommerce in Spain from the perspective of its demand, citing secondary official sources. A diagnosis concerning the ecommerce sector and the status of its maturity in Spain is taken on, as well as the barriers and alternative methods of ecommerce. Subsequently, the differences between experienced buyers, which are of particular interest to this project, and novice buyers are analyzed, highlighting the differences between their profiles and their main transactions. In order to study both groups, aspects such as the place of purchase, frequency with which online purchases are made, payment methods used and the attitudes of the purchasers concerning making online purchases are taken into consideration. Chapter 3 begins by developing the main concepts concerning consumer behavior theory in order to continue the study of the main existing acceptance models (among others, TPB, TAM, IDT, UTAUT and other models derived from them) paying special attention to their application in ecommerce. Subsequently, the models of technology reuse are analyzed (CDT, ECT; Theory of Justice), focusing again specifically on their application in ecommerce. Once the main technology acceptance and reuse models have been studied, Chapter 4 analyzes the main factors that are used in these models: quality, value, factors based on the contradiction of expectations/failure to meet expectations satisfaction, perceived usefulness and specific factors pertaining to special situations for example, after receiving a complaint justice, emotions or confidence. The third part which appears in Chapter 5 develops the plan for the investigation and the sample selection for the models that have been designed. In the first section of the Chapter, the hypothesis is presented beginning with general ideas and then becoming more specific, using the detailed factors that were analyzed in Chapter 4 for its later study and validation in Chapter 6 as well as the corresponding statistical factors. Based on the hypothesis and the models and factors that were studied in Chapters 3 and 4, two original theoretical models are defined and organized in order to answer the questions posed in Chapter 1. In the second part of the Chapter, the empirical investigation is designed, defining the following aspects: geographictemporal scope, type of investigation, nature and setting of the investigation, primary and secondary sources used, data gathering methods, instruments according to the extent of their use and characteristics of the sample used. The results of the project constitute the fourth part of the investigation and are developed in Chapter 6, which begins analyzing the statistical techniques that are based on the Models of Structural Equations. Two alternatives are put forth: confirmatory models which correspond to Methods Based on Covariance (MBC) and predictive models Methods Based on Components. In a wellreasoned manner, the predictive techniques are chosen given the explorative nature of the investigation. The second part of Chapter 6 explains the results of the analysis of the measurement models and structural models built by the formative and reflective indicators defined in Chapter 4. In order to do so, the measurement models and the structural models are validated one by one, while keeping in mind the threshold values of the necessary statistic parameters for their validation. The fifth part corresponds to Chapter 7 which explains the conclusions of the study, basing them on the results found in Chapter 6 and analyzing them from the perspective of the theoretical and practical contributions, and consequently obtaining conclusions for business management. The limitations of the investigation are then described and new research lines about various topics that came up during the project are proposed. Lastly, all of the references that were used during the project are listed in a final bibliography. Key Words: constant buyer, repurchase models, continuity of use of technology, ecommerce, B2C, technology acceptance, technology acceptance models, TAM, TPB, IDT, UTAUT, ECT, intention of repurchase, satisfaction, perceived trust/confidence, justice, feelings, the contradiction of expectations, quality, value, PLS.


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The objective of this study was to assess the potential of visible and near infrared spectroscopy (VIS+NIRS) combined with multivariate analysis for identifying the geographical origin of cork. The study was carried out on cork planks and natural cork stoppers from the most representative cork-producing areas in the world. Two training sets of international and national cork planks were studied. The first set comprised a total of 479 samples from Morocco, Portugal, and Spain, while the second set comprised a total of 179 samples from the Spanish regions of Andalusia, Catalonia, and Extremadura. A training set of 90 cork stoppers from Andalusia and Catalonia was also studied. Original spectroscopic data were obtained for the transverse sections of the cork planks and for the body and top of the cork stoppers by means of a 6500 Foss-NIRSystems SY II spectrophotometer using a fiber optic probe. Remote reflectance was employed in the wavelength range of 400 to 2500 nm. After analyzing the spectroscopic data, discriminant models were obtained by means of partial least square (PLS) with 70% of the samples. The best models were then validated using 30% of the remaining samples. At least 98% of the international cork plank samples and 95% of the national samples were correctly classified in the calibration and validation stage. The best model for the cork stoppers was obtained for the top of the stoppers, with at least 90% of the samples being correctly classified. The results demonstrate the potential of VIS + NIRS technology as a rapid and accurate method for predicting the geographical origin of cork plank and stoppers


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The present research is focused on the application of hyperspectral images for the supervision of quality deterioration in ready to use leafy spinach during storage (Spinacia oleracea). Two sets of samples of packed leafy spinach were considered: (a) a first set of samples was stored at 20 C (E-20) in order to accelerate the degradation process, and these samples were measured the day of reception in the laboratory and after 2 days of storage; (b) a second set of samples was kept at 10 C (E-10), and the measurements were taken throughout storage, beginning the day of reception and repeating the acquisition of Images 3, 6 and 9 days later. Twenty leaves per test were analyzed. Hyperspectral images were acquired with a push-broom CCD camera equipped with a spectrograph VNIR (4001000 nm). Calibration set of spectra was extracted from E-20 samples, containing three classes of degradation: class A (optimal quality), class B and class C (maximum deterioration). Reference average spectra were defined for each class. Three models, computed on the calibration set, with a decreasing degree of complexity were compared, according to their ability for segregating leaves at different quality stages (fresh, with incipient and non-visible symptoms of degradation, and degraded): spectral angle mapper distance (SAM), partial least squares discriminant analysis models (PLS-DA), and a non linear index (Leafy Vegetable Evolution, LEVE) combining five wavelengths were included among the previously selected by CovSel procedure. In sets E-10 and E-20, artificial images of the membership degree according to the distance of each pixel to the reference classes, were computed assigning each pixel to the closest reference class. The three methods were able to show the degradation of the leaves with storage time.


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Presenta parte de las conclusiones y de los resultados de la tesis doctoral Planeamiento y Polticas de vivienda en el rea Metropolitana de Madrid durante la democracia


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The applicability of a portable NIR spectrometer for estimating the Brix content of grapes by non-destructive measurement has been analysed in field. The NIR spectrometer AOTF-NIR Luminar 5030, from Brimrose, was used. The spectrometer worked with a spectral range from 1100 to 2300 nm. A total of 600 samples of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, belonging to two vintages, were measured in a non-destructive way. The specific objective of this research is to analyse the influence of the statistical treatment of the spectra information in the development of Brix estimation models. Different data pretreatments have been tested before applying multivariate analysis techniques to generate estimation models. The calibration using PLS regression applied to spectra data pretreated with the MSC method (multiplicative scatter correction) has been the procedure with better results. Considering the models developed with data corresponding to the first campaign, errors near to 1.35 Brix for calibration (SEC = 1.36) and, about 1.50 Brix for validation (SECV = 1.52) were obtained. The coefficients of determination were R2 = 0.78 for the calibration, and R2 = 0.77 for the validation. In addition, the great variability in the data of the Brix content for the tested plots was analysed. The variation of Brix on the plots was up to 4 Brix, for all varieties. This deviation was always superior to the calculated errors in the generated models. Therefore, the generated models can be considered to be valid for its application in field. Models were validated with data corresponding to the second campaign. In this sense, the validation results were worse than those obtained in the first campaign. It is possible to conclude in the need to realize an adjustment of the spectrometer for each season, and to develop specific predictive models for every vineyard.


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We present a quasi-monotone semi-Lagrangian particle level set (QMSL-PLS) method for moving interfaces. The QMSL method is a blend of first order monotone and second order semi-Lagrangian methods. The QMSL-PLS method is easy to implement, efficient, and well adapted for unstructured, either simplicial or hexahedral, meshes. We prove that it is unconditionally stable in the maximum discrete norm, h,, and the error analysis shows that when the level set solution u(t) is in the Sobolev space Wr+1,(D), r 0, the convergence in the maximum norm is of the form (KT/t)min(1,t v h, /h)((1 )hp + hq), p = min(2, r + 1), and q = min(3, r + 1),where v is a velocity. This means that at high CFL numbers, that is, when t > h, the error is O( (1)hp+hq) t ), whereas at CFL numbers less than 1, the error is O((1 )hp1 + hq1)). We have tested our method with satisfactory results in benchmark problems such as the Zalesaks slotted disk, the single vortex flow, and the rising bubble.


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El comercio electrnico ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento en los ltimos aos, favorecido especialmente por el aumento de las tasas de penetracin de Internet en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, no todos los pases estn evolucionando de la misma manera, con un espectro que va desde las naciones pioneras en desarrollo de tecnologas de la informacin y comunicaciones, que cuentan con una elevado porcentaje de internautas y de compradores online, hasta las rezagadas de rpida adopcin en las que, pese a contar con una menor penetracin de acceso, presentan una alta tasa de internautas compradores. Entre ambos extremos se encuentran pases como Espaa que, aunque alcanz hace aos una tasa considerable de penetracin de usuarios de Internet, no ha conseguido una buena tasa de transformacin de internautas en compradores. Pese a que el comercio electrnico ha experimentado importantes aumentos en los ltimos aos, sus tasas de crecimiento siguen estando por debajo de pases con caractersticas socio-econmicas similares. Para intentar conocer las razones que afectan a la adopcin del comercio por parte de los compradores, la investigacin cientfica del fenmeno ha empleado diferentes enfoques tericos. De entre todos ellos ha destacado el uso de los modelos de adopcin, proveniente de la literatura de adopcin de sistemas de informacin en entornos organizativos. Estos modelos se basan en las percepciones de los compradores para determinar qu factores pueden predecir mejor la intencin de compra y, en consecuencia, la conducta real de compra de los usuarios. Pese a que en los ltimos aos han proliferado los trabajos de investigacin que aplican los modelos de adopcin al comercio electrnico, casi todos tratan de validar sus hiptesis mediante el anlisis de muestras de consumidores tratadas como un nico conjunto, y del que se obtienen conclusiones generales. Sin embargo, desde el origen del marketing, y en especial a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, se considera que existen diferencias en el comportamiento de los consumidores, que pueden ser debidas a caractersticas demogrficas, sociolgicas o psicolgicas. Estas diferencias se traducen en necesidades distintas, que slo podrn ser satisfechas con una oferta adaptada por parte de los vendedores. Adems, por contar el comercio electrnico con unas caractersticas particulares que lo diferencian del comercio tradicional especialmente por la falta de contacto fsico entre el comprador y el producto a las diferencias en la adopcin para cada consumidor se le aaden las diferencias derivadas del tipo de producto adquirido, que si bien haban sido consideradas en el canal fsico, en el comercio electrnico cobran especial relevancia. A la vista de todo ello, el presente trabajo pretende abordar el estudio de los factores determinantes de la intencin de compra y la conducta real de compra en comercio electrnico por parte del consumidor final espaol, teniendo en cuenta el tipo de segmento al que pertenezca dicho comprador y el tipo de producto considerado. Para ello, el trabajo contiene ocho apartados entre los que se encuentran cuatro bloques tericos y tres bloques empricos, adems de las conclusiones. Estos bloques dan lugar a los siguientes ocho captulos por orden de aparicin en el trabajo: introduccin, situacin del comercio electrnico, modelos de adopcin de tecnologa, segmentacin en comercio electrnico, diseo previo del trabajo emprico, diseo de la investigacin, anlisis de los resultados y conclusiones. El captulo introductorio justifica la relevancia de la investigacin, adems de fijar los objetivos, la metodologa y las fases seguidas para el desarrollo del trabajo. La justificacin se complementa con el segundo captulo, que cuenta con dos elementos principales: en primer lugar se define el concepto de comercio electrnico y se hace una breve retrospectiva desde sus orgenes hasta la situacin actual en un contexto global; en segundo lugar, el anlisis estudia la evolucin del comercio electrnico en Espaa, mostrando su desarrollo y situacin presente a partir de sus principales indicadores. Este apartado no slo permite conocer el contexto de la investigacin, sino que adems permite contrastar la relevancia de la muestra utilizada en el presente estudio con el perfil espaol respecto al comercio electrnico. Los captulos tercero modelos de adopcin de tecnologas y cuarto segmentacin en comercio electrnico sientan las bases tericas necesarias para abordar el estudio. En el captulo tres se hace una revisin general de la literatura de modelos de adopcin de tecnologa y, en particular, de los modelos de adopcin empleados en el mbito del comercio electrnico. El resultado de dicha revisin deriva en la construccin de un modelo adaptado basado en los modelos UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Teora unificada de la aceptacin y el uso de la tecnologa) y UTAUT2, combinado con dos factores especficos de adopcin del comercio electrnico: el riesgo percibido y la confianza percibida. Por su parte, en el captulo cuatro se revisan las metodologas de segmentacin de clientes y productos empleadas en la literatura. De dicha revisin se obtienen un amplio conjunto de variables de las que finalmente se escogen nueve variables de clasificacin que se consideran adecuadas tanto por su adaptacin al contexto del comercio electrnico como por su adecuacin a las caractersticas de la muestra empleada para validar el modelo. Las nueve variables se agrupan en tres conjuntos: variables de tipo socio-demogrfico gnero, edad, nivel de estudios, nivel de ingresos, tamao de la unidad familiar y estado civil, de comportamiento de compra experiencia de compra por Internet y frecuencia de compra por Internet y de tipo psicogrfico motivaciones de compra por Internet. La segunda parte del captulo cuatro se dedica a la revisin de los criterios empleados en la literatura para la clasificacin de los productos en el contexto del comercio electrnico. De dicha revisin se obtienen quince grupos de variables que pueden tomar un total de treinta y cuatro valores, lo que deriva en un elevado nmero de combinaciones posibles. Sin embargo, pese a haber sido utilizados en el contexto del comercio electrnico, no en todos los casos se ha comprobado la influencia de dichas variables respecto a la intencin de compra o la conducta real de compra por Internet; por este motivo, y con el objetivo de definir una clasificacin robusta y abordable de tipos de productos, en el capitulo cinco se lleva a cabo una validacin de las variables de clasificacin de productos mediante un experimento previo con 207 muestras. Seleccionando slo aquellas variables objetivas que no dependan de la interpretacin personal del consumidores y que determinen grupos significativamente distintos respecto a la intencin y conducta de compra de los consumidores, se obtiene un modelo de dos variables que combinadas dan lugar a cuatro tipos de productos: bien digital, bien no digital, servicio digital y servicio no digital. Definidos el modelo de adopcin y los criterios de segmentacin de consumidores y productos, en el sexto captulo se desarrolla el modelo completo de investigacin formado por un conjunto de hiptesis obtenidas de la revisin de la literatura de los captulos anteriores, en las que se definen las hiptesis de investigacin con respecto a las influencias esperadas de las variables de segmentacin sobre las relaciones del modelo de adopcin. Este modelo confiere a la investigacin un carcter social y de tipo fundamentalmente exploratorio, en el que en muchos casos ni siquiera se han encontrado evidencias empricas previas que permitan el enunciado de hiptesis sobre la influencia de determinadas variables de segmentacin. El captulo seis contiene adems la descripcin del instrumento de medida empleado en la investigacin, conformado por un total de 125 preguntas y sus correspondientes escalas de medida, as como la descripcin de la muestra representativa empleada en la validacin del modelo, compuesta por un grupo de 817 personas espaolas o residentes en Espaa. El captulo siete constituye el ncleo del anlisis emprico del trabajo de investigacin, que se compone de dos elementos fundamentales. Primeramente se describen las tcnicas estadsticas aplicadas para el estudio de los datos que, dada la complejidad del anlisis, se dividen en tres grupos fundamentales: Mtodo de mnimos cuadrados parciales (PLS, Partial Least Squares): herramienta estadstica de anlisis multivariante con capacidad de anlisis predictivo que se emplea en la determinacin de las relaciones estructurales de los modelos propuestos. Anlisis multigrupo: conjunto de tcnicas que permiten comparar los resultados obtenidos con el mtodo PLS entre dos o ms grupos derivados del uso de una o ms variables de segmentacin. En este caso se emplean cinco mtodos de comparacin, lo que permite asimismo comparar los rendimientos de cada uno de los mtodos. Determinacin de segmentos no identificados a priori: en el caso de algunas de las variables de segmentacin no existe un criterio de clasificacin definido a priori, sino que se obtiene a partir de la aplicacin de tcnicas estadsticas de clasificacin. En este caso se emplean dos tcnicas fundamentales: anlisis de componentes principales dado el elevado nmero de variables empleadas para la clasificacin y anlisis clster del que se combina una tcnica jerrquica que calcula el nmero ptimo de segmentos, con una tcnica por etapas que es ms eficiente en la clasificacin, pero exige conocer el nmero de clsteres a priori. La aplicacin de dichas tcnicas estadsticas sobre los modelos resultantes de considerar los distintos criterios de segmentacin, tanto de clientes como de productos, da lugar al anlisis de un total de 128 modelos de adopcin de comercio electrnico y 65 comparaciones multigrupo, cuyos resultados y principales consideraciones son elaboradas a lo largo del captulo. Para concluir, el captulo ocho recoge las conclusiones del trabajo divididas en cuatro partes diferenciadas. En primer lugar se examina el grado de alcance de los objetivos planteados al inicio de la investigacin; despus se desarrollan las principales contribuciones que este trabajo aporta tanto desde el punto de vista metodolgico, como desde los punto de vista terico y prctico; en tercer lugar, se profundiza en las conclusiones derivadas del estudio emprico, que se clasifican segn los criterios de segmentacin empleados, y que combinan resultados confirmatorios y exploratorios; por ltimo, el trabajo recopila las principales limitaciones de la investigacin, tanto de carcter terico como emprico, as como aquellos aspectos que no habiendo podido plantearse dentro del contexto de este estudio, o como consecuencia de los resultados alcanzados, se presentan como lneas futuras de investigacin. ABSTRACT Favoured by an increase of Internet penetration rates across the globe, electronic commerce has experienced a rapid growth over the last few years. Nevertheless, adoption of electronic commerce has differed from one country to another. On one hand, it has been observed that countries leading e-commerce adoption have a large percentage of Internet users as well as of online purchasers; on the other hand, other markets, despite having a low percentage of Internet users, show a high percentage of online buyers. Halfway between those two ends of the spectrum, we find countries such as Spain which, despite having moderately high Internet penetration rates and similar socio-economic characteristics as some of the leading countries, have failed to turn Internet users into active online buyers. Several theoretical approaches have been taken in an attempt to define the factors that influence the use of electronic commerce systems by customers. One of the betterknown frameworks to characterize adoption factors is the acceptance modelling theory, which is derived from the information systems adoption in organizational environments. These models are based on individual perceptions on which factors determine purchase intention, as a mean to explain users actual purchasing behaviour. Even though research on electronic commerce adoption models has increased in terms of volume and scope over the last years, the majority of studies validate their hypothesis by using a single sample of consumers from which they obtain general conclusions. Nevertheless, since the birth of marketing, and more specifically from the second half of the 19th century, differences in consumer behaviour owing to demographic, sociologic and psychological characteristics have also been taken into account. And such differences are generally translated into different needs that can only be satisfied when sellers adapt their offer to their target market. Electronic commerce has a number of features that makes it different when compared to traditional commerce; the best example of this is the lack of physical contact between customers and products, and between customers and vendors. Other than that, some differences that depend on the type of product may also play an important role in electronic commerce. From all the above, the present research aims to address the study of the main factors influencing purchase intention and actual purchase behaviour in electronic commerce by Spanish end-consumers, taking into consideration both the customer group to which they belong and the type of product being purchased. In order to achieve this goal, this Thesis is structured in eight chapters: four theoretical sections, three empirical blocks and a final section summarizing the conclusions derived from the research. The chapters are arranged in sequence as follows: introduction, current state of electronic commerce, technology adoption models, electronic commerce segmentation, preliminary design of the empirical work, research design, data analysis and results, and conclusions. The introductory chapter offers a detailed justification of the relevance of this study in the context of e-commerce adoption research; it also sets out the objectives, methodology and research stages. The second chapter further expands and complements the introductory chapter, focusing on two elements: the concept of electronic commerce and its evolution from a general point of view, and the evolution of electronic commerce in Spain and main indicators of adoption. This section is intended to allow the reader to understand the research context, and also to serve as a basis to justify the relevance and representativeness of the sample used in this study. Chapters three (technology acceptance models) and four (segmentation in electronic commerce) set the theoretical foundations for the study. Chapter 3 presents a thorough literature review of technology adoption modelling, focusing on previous studies on electronic commerce acceptance. As a result of the literature review, the research framework is built upon a model based on UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) and its evolution, UTAUT2, including two specific electronic commerce adoption factors: perceived risk and perceived trust. Chapter 4 deals with client and product segmentation methodologies used by experts. From the literature review, a wide range of classification variables is studied, and a shortlist of nine classification variables has been selected for inclusion in the research. The criteria for variable selection were their adequacy to electronic commerce characteristics, as well as adequacy to the sample characteristics. The nine variables have been classified in three groups: socio-demographic (gender, age, education level, income, family size and relationship status), behavioural (experience in electronic commerce and frequency of purchase) and psychographic (online purchase motivations) variables. The second half of chapter 4 is devoted to a review of the product classification criteria in electronic commerce. The review has led to the identification of a final set of fifteen groups of variables, whose combination offered a total of thirty-four possible outputs. However, due to the lack of empirical evidence in the context of electronic commerce, further investigation on the validity of this set of product classifications was deemed necessary. For this reason, chapter 5 proposes an empirical study to test the different product classification variables with 207 samples. A selection of product classifications including only those variables that are objective, able to identify distinct groups and not dependent on consumers point of view, led to a final classification of products which consisted on two groups of variables for the final empirical study. The combination of these two groups gave rise to four types of products: digital and non-digital goods, and digital and non-digital services. Chapter six characterizes the research social, exploratory research and presents the final research model and research hypotheses. The exploratory nature of the research becomes patent in instances where no prior empirical evidence on the influence of certain segmentation variables was found. Chapter six also includes the description of the measurement instrument used in the research, consisting of a total of 125 questions and the measurement scales associated to each of them as well as the description of the sample used for model validation (consisting of 817 Spanish residents). Chapter 7 is the core of the empirical analysis performed to validate the research model, and it is divided into two separate parts: description of the statistical techniques used for data analysis, and actual data analysis and results. The first part is structured in three different blocks: Partial Least Squares Method (PLS): the multi-variable analysis is a statistical method used to determine structural relationships of models and their predictive validity; Multi-group analysis: a set of techniques that allow comparing the outcomes of PLS analysis between two or more groups, by using one or more segmentation variables. More specifically, five comparison methods were used, which additionally gives the opportunity to assess the efficiency of each method. Determination of a priori undefined segments: in some cases, classification criteria did not necessarily exist for some segmentation variables, such as customer motivations. In these cases, the application of statistical classification techniques is required. For this study, two main classification techniques were used sequentially: principal component factor analysis in order to reduce the number of variables and cluster analysis. The application of the statistical methods to the models derived from the inclusion of the various segmentation criteria for both clients and products, led to the analysis of 128 different electronic commerce adoption models and 65 multi group comparisons. Finally, chapter 8 summarizes the conclusions from the research, divided into four parts: first, an assessment of the degree of achievement of the different research objectives is offered; then, methodological, theoretical and practical implications of the research are drawn; this is followed by a discussion on the results from the empirical study based on the segmentation criteria for the research; fourth, and last, the main limitations of the research both empirical and theoretical as well as future avenues of research are detailed.


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Durante dcadas y aun en la actualidad muchas organizaciones, a nivel mundial, continan afrontando prdidas significativas debido a fracasos parciales y totales respecto a sus inversiones en sistemas de informacin (SI), planteando serios retos a los niveles gerenciales y los profesionales de SI. Estadsticas alarmantes y dcadas de experiencia en la praxis en el rea de SI en diversas organizaciones llevan al autor a poner el nfasis en los usuarios finales internos (UF) que son designados como representantes (UFR) de sus pares en los proyectos de desarrollo de SI (PDSI) por considerarlos como factores influyentes de manera significativa en el problema. Particularmente, con enfoque en ciertos factores de los UFR crticos para el xito de los PDSI, con dimensiones analizadas de forma aislada o incompleta en otros estudios empricos, a la fecha. No se encontraron estudios en Latinoamrica ni en otras latitudes que abordasen el fenmeno del xito/fracaso de los SI desde el punto de vista adoptado en esta tesis. Por ello, esta investigacin emprica ha evaluado en qu grado estos factores pudiesen influenciar los resultados durante el desarrollo e implementacin de SI y su posible impacto en la satisfaccin de los UF, siendo esta ltima aceptada por variados autores como la principal medida del xito de los SI. Este estudio fue realizado en Amrica Latina en las cuatro grandes empresas industriales que integran verticalmente el sector aluminio de Venezuela, sometidas a un macro PDSI para instalar el paquete, de tipo ERP, SAP/R3. Experimentados profesionales fueron encuestados o entrevistados, tales como altos ejecutivos, desarrolladores, lderes de proyecto y lderes de los UF. Un enfoque metodolgico de triangulacin permiti combinar un anlisis cuantitativo con un anlisis cualitativo interpretativo del tipo hermenutico/dialctico, hallndose resultados convergentes y complementarios. Un anlisis estadstico, utilizando Partial Least Squares (PLS), seguido de un anlisis hermenutico/dialctico. Los resultados confirmaron un hecho importante: en los casos problemticos, paradjicamente, los orgenes de las razones de rechazo de esos SI argumentadas por los UF, en alto grado, apuntaron a los UFR o a ellos mismos. Los resultados tambin confirmaron la prevalencia de factores de orden cognitivo, conductual y poltico en estas organizaciones sobre los tecnolgicos, al igual que el alto riesgo de dar por sentado la presencia y calidad de los factores requeridos de los UFR y de los otros factores estudiados. La validacin estadstica del modelo propuesto revel al constructo conocimientos de los UFR como la principal variable latente, con los variables indicadoras que componen este constructo ejerciendo la mayor influencia sobre la calidad y el xito de los SI. Un hallazgo contrario al de otros estudios, mostr que los conocimientos sobre las tecnologas de la informacin (TI) fueron los menos relevantes. Los SI de nmina y de administracin de los RRHH fueron los ms problemticos, como suele ser el caso, por su complejidad en organizaciones grandes. Las conclusiones principales confirman el decisivo rol de los UF para el xito de los PDSI y su relacin con la creciente problemtica planteada, la cual amerita ms investigacin y de las organizaciones una mayor atencin y preparacin. Descuidar los factores humanos y sociales as como una efectiva planificacin y gestin de los mismos en preparacin para estos proyectos origina serios riesgos. No obstante las limitaciones de este trabajo, la problemtica analizada suele influir en los PDSI en diversas organizaciones, indistintamente de su tamao o tipo de SI, estimndose, por tanto, que los resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones de esta investigacin tienen un alto grado de generalizacin. Una relacin de indicadores claves es suministrada con fines preventivos. Finalmente, los factores evaluados pueden usarse para ampliar el modelo reconocido de DeLone y McLean (2003), conectndolos como variables latentes de sus variables independientes calidad de la informacin y calidad del SI. ABSTRACT For decades, many organizations worldwide have been enduring heavy losses due to partial and total failures regarding their investments in information systems (IS), posing serious challenges to all management levels and IS practitioners. Alarming statistics in this regard and decades of practice in the IS area lead the author to place an emphasis on the end users (EU) who are appointed in representation of their peers (EUR) to IS development projects (ISDP), considering them as highly influential factors on the problem. Especially, focusing on certain EUR success factors, and their dimensions, deemed critical to any IS development and implementation, omitted or not thoroughly analyzed neither in the theory nor in the empirical research on the subject, so far. No studies were found in Latin America or elsewhere addressing the phenomenon of IS success/failure from the perspective presented herein. Hence, this empirical research has assessed to what degree such factors can influence the outcomes of an ISDP and their feasible impact on the EUs satisfaction, being the latter accepted by several authors as the main measure of IS success. This study was performed in Latin America embracing four major industrial enterprises, which vertically integrate the aluminum sector of Venezuela, subjected to a macro ISDP to install the ERP-type package SAP/R3. The field work included surveying and interviewing experienced professionals such as IS executives, IS developers, IS project leaders and end-user project leaders. A triangulation methodological approach allowed combining quantitative and interpretive analyses, obtaining convergent and complementing results. A statistical analysis, using Partial Least Squares (PLS), was carried out followed by a hermeneutical/dialectical analysis. Results confirmed a major finding: in problematic cases, paradoxically, the origins of IS rejection reasons argued by the EU, at a high degree, were usually traceable to the EUR and themselves. The results also confirmed the prevalence of cognitive, behavioral and political factors in these organizations as well as the high risk of taking for granted the presence and quality of those factors demanded from the EUR. The statistical validation of the proposed model revealed the construct EUR knowledge as the main latent variable, with its items exerting a major influence on IS quality and success. Another finding, in contradiction with that of other studies, proved knowledge of information technology (IT) aspects to be irrelevant. The payroll and the human resources administration IS were the most problematic, as is usually the case in large companies. The main conclusions confirm the EUs decisive role for IS success and their relationship with the problem, which continues, demanding more research and, from organizations, more attention and preparation. Neglecting human and social factors in organizations as well as their effective planning and management in preparation for ISDP poses serious risks. Despite the limitations of this work, the analyzed problem tends to influence ISDP in a wide range of organizations; regardless of their size or type of IS, thus showing a high degree of generalization. Therefore it is believed that the results, conclusions and suggestions of this research have a high degree of generalization. A detailed checklist comprising key measures is provided for preventive actions. Finally, the factors evaluated can be used to expand the well-known model of DeLone & McLean (2003), by connecting them as latent variables of its independent variables information quality and IS quality.


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Models for prediction of oil content as percentage of dried weight in olive fruits were comput- ed through PLS regression on NIR spectra. Spectral preprocessing was carried out by apply- ing multiplicative signal correction (MSC), Sa vitzkyGolay algorithm, standard normal variate correction (SNV), and detrending (D) to NIR spectra. MSC was the preprocessing technique showing the best performance. Further reduction of variability was performed by applying the Wold method of orthogonal signal correction (OSC). The calibration model achieved a R 2 of 0.93, a SEPc of 1.42, and a RPD of 3.8. The R 2 obtained with the validation set remained 0.93, and the SEPc was 1.41.


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En las ltimas dos dcadas, se ha puesto de relieve la importancia de los procesos de adquisicin y difusin del conocimiento dentro de las empresas, y por consiguiente el estudio de estos procesos y la implementacin de tecnologas que los faciliten ha sido un tema que ha despertado un creciente inters en la comunidad cientfica. Con el fin de facilitar y optimizar la adquisicin y la difusin del conocimiento, las organizaciones jerrquicas han evolucionado hacia una configuracin ms plana, con estructuras en red que resulten ms giles, disminuyendo la dependencia de una autoridad centralizada, y constituyendo organizaciones orientadas a trabajar en equipo. Al mismo tiempo, se ha producido un rpido desarrollo de las herramientas de colaboracin Web 2.0, tales como blogs y wikis. Estas herramientas de colaboracin se caracterizan por una importante componente social, y pueden alcanzar todo su potencial cuando se despliegan en las estructuras organizacionales planas. La Web 2.0 aparece como un concepto enfrentado al conjunto de tecnologas que existan a finales de los 90s basadas en sitios web, y se basa en la participacin de los propios usuarios. Empresas del Fortune 500 HP, IBM, Xerox, Cisco las adoptan de inmediato, aunque no hay unanimidad sobre su utilidad real ni sobre cmo medirla. Esto se debe en parte a que no se entienden bien los factores que llevan a los empleados a adoptarlas, lo que ha llevado a fracasos en la implantacin debido a la existencia de algunas barreras. Dada esta situacin, y ante las ventajas tericas que tienen estas herramientas de colaboracin Web 2.0 para las empresas, los directivos de stas y la comunidad cientfica muestran un inters creciente en conocer la respuesta a la pregunta: cules son los factores que contribuyen a que los empleados de las empresas adopten estas herramientas Web 2.0 para colaborar? La respuesta a esta pregunta es compleja ya que se trata de herramientas relativamente nuevas en el contexto empresarial mediante las cuales se puede llevar a cabo la gestin del conocimiento en lugar del manejo de la informacin. El planteamiento que se ha llevado a cabo en este trabajo para dar respuesta a esta pregunta es la aplicacin de los modelos de adopcin tecnolgica, que se basan en las percepciones de los individuos sobre diferentes aspectos relacionados con el uso de la tecnologa. Bajo este enfoque, este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de los factores que influyen en la adopcin de blogs y wikis en empresas, mediante un modelo predictivo, terico y unificado, de adopcin tecnolgica, con un planteamiento holstico a partir de la literatura de los modelos de adopcin tecnolgica y de las particularidades que presentan las herramientas bajo estudio y en el contexto especifico. Este modelo terico permitir determinar aquellos factores que predicen la intencin de uso de las herramientas y el uso real de las mismas. El trabajo de investigacin cientfica se estructura en cinco partes: introduccin al tema de investigacin, desarrollo del marco terico, diseo del trabajo de investigacin, anlisis emprico, y elaboracin de conclusiones. Desde el punto de vista de la estructura de la memoria de la tesis, las cinco partes mencionadas se desarrollan de forma secuencial a lo largo de siete captulos, correspondiendo la primera parte al captulo 1, la segunda a los captulos 2 y 3, la tercera parte a los captulos 4 y 5, la cuarta parte al captulo 6, y la quinta y ltima parte al captulo 7. El contenido del captulo 1 se centra en el planteamiento del problema de investigacin as como en los objetivos, principal y secundarios, que se pretenden cumplir a lo largo del trabajo. As mismo, se expondr el concepto de colaboracin y su encaje con las herramientas colaborativas Web 2.0 que se plantean en la investigacin y una introduccin a los modelos de adopcin tecnolgica. A continuacin se expone la justificacin de la investigacin, los objetivos de la misma y el plan de trabajo para su elaboracin. Una vez introducido el tema de investigacin, en el captulo 2 se lleva a cabo una revisin de la evolucin de los principales modelos de adopcin tecnolgica existentes (IDT, TRA, SCT, TPB, DTPB, C-TAM-TPB, UTAUT, UTAUT2), dando cuenta de sus fundamentos y factores empleados. Sobre la base de los modelos de adopcin tecnolgica expuestos en el captulo 2, en el captulo 3 se estudian los factores que se han expuesto en el captulo 2 pero adaptados al contexto de las herramientas colaborativas Web 2.0. Con el fin de facilitar la comprensin del modelo final, los factores se agrupan en cuatro tipos: tecnolgicos, de control, socio-normativos y otros especficos de las herramientas colaborativas. En el captulo 4 se lleva a cabo la relacin de los factores que son ms apropiados para estudiar la adopcin de las herramientas colaborativas y se define un modelo que especifica las relaciones entre los diferentes factores. Estas relaciones finalmente se convertirn en hiptesis de trabajo, y que habr que contrastar mediante el estudio emprico. A lo largo del captulo 5 se especifican las caractersticas del trabajo emprico que se lleva a cabo para contrastar las hiptesis que se haban enunciado en el captulo 4. La naturaleza de la investigacin es de carcter social, de tipo exploratorio, y se basa en un estudio emprico cuantitativo cuyo anlisis se llevar a cabo mediante tcnicas de anlisis multivariante. En este captulo se describe la construccin de las escalas del instrumento de medida, la metodologa de recogida de datos, y posteriormente se presenta un anlisis detallado de la poblacin muestral, as como la comprobacin de la existencia o no del sesgo atribuible al mtodo de medida, lo que se denomina sesgo de mtodo comn (en ingls, Common Method Bias). El contenido del captulo 6 corresponde al anlisis de resultados, aunque previamente se expone la tcnica estadstica empleada, PLS-SEM, como herramienta de anlisis multivariante con capacidad de anlisis predictivo, as como la metodologa empleada para validar el modelo de medida y el modelo estructural, los requisitos que debe cumplir la muestra, y los umbrales de los parmetros considerados. En la segunda parte del captulo 6 se lleva a cabo el anlisis emprico de los datos correspondientes a las dos muestras, una para blogs y otra para wikis, con el fin de validar las hiptesis de investigacin planteadas en el captulo 4. Finalmente, en el captulo 7 se revisa el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados en el captulo 1 y se presentan las contribuciones tericas, metodolgicas y prcticas derivadas del trabajo realizado. A continuacin se exponen las conclusiones generales y detalladas por cada grupo de factores, as como las recomendaciones prcticas que se pueden extraer para orientar la implantacin de estas herramientas en situaciones reales. Como parte final del captulo se incluyen las limitaciones del estudio y se sugiere una serie de posibles lneas de trabajo futuras de inters, junto con los resultados de investigacin parciales que se han obtenido durante el tiempo que ha durado la investigacin. ABSTRACT In the last two decades, the relevance of knowledge acquisition and dissemination processes has been highlighted and consequently, the study of these processes and the implementation of the technologies that make them possible has generated growing interest in the scientific community. In order to ease and optimize knowledge acquisition and dissemination, hierarchical organizations have evolved to a more horizontal configuration with more agile net structures, decreasing the dependence of a centralized authority, and building team-working oriented organizations. At the same time, Web 2.0 collaboration tools such as blogs and wikis have quickly developed. These collaboration tools are characterized by a strong social component and can reach their full potential when they are deployed in horizontal organization structures. Web 2.0, based on user participation, arises as a concept to challenge the existing technologies of the 90s which were based on websites. Fortune 500 companies HP, IBM, Xerox, Cisco- adopted the concept immediately even though there was no unanimity about its real usefulness or how it could be measured. This is partly due to the fact that the factors that make the drivers for employees to adopt these tools are not properly understood, consequently leading to implementation failure due to the existence of certain barriers. Given this situation, and faced with theoretical advantages that these Web 2.0 collaboration tools seem to have for companies, managers and the scientific community are showing an increasing interest in answering the following question: Which factors contribute to the decision of the employees of a company to adopt the Web 2.0 tools for collaborative purposes? The answer is complex since these tools are relatively new in business environments. These tools allow us to move from an information Management approach to Knowledge Management. In order to answer this question, the chosen approach involves the application of technology adoption models, all of them based on the individuals perception of the different aspects related to technology usage. From this perspective, this thesis main objective is to study the factors influencing the adoption of blogs and wikis in a company. This is done by using a unified and theoretical predictive model of technological adoption with a holistic approach that is based on literature of technological adoption models and the particularities that these tools presented under study and in a specific context. This theoretical model will allow us to determine the factors that predict the intended use of these tools and their real usage. The scientific research is structured in five parts: Introduction to the research subject, development of the theoretical framework, research work design, empirical analysis and drawing the final conclusions. This thesis develops the five aforementioned parts sequentially thorough seven chapters; part one (chapter one), part two (chapters two and three), part three (chapters four and five), parte four (chapters six) and finally part five (chapter seven). The first chapter is focused on the research problem statement and the objectives of the thesis, intended to be reached during the project. Likewise, the concept of collaboration and its link with the Web 2.0 collaborative tools is discussed as well as an introduction to the technology adoption models. Finally we explain the planning to carry out the research and get the proposed results. After introducing the research topic, the second chapter carries out a review of the evolution of the main existing technology adoption models (IDT, TRA, SCT, TPB, DTPB, C-TAM-TPB, UTAUT, UTAUT2), highlighting its foundations and factors used. Based on technology adoption models set out in chapter 2, the third chapter deals with the factors which have been discussed previously in chapter 2, but adapted to the context of Web 2.0 collaborative tools under study, blogs and wikis. In order to better understand the final model, the factors are grouped into four types: technological factors, control factors, social-normative factors and other specific factors related to the collaborative tools. The first part of chapter 4 covers the analysis of the factors which are more relevant to study the adoption of collaborative tools, and the second part proceeds with the theoretical model which specifies the relationship between the different factors taken into consideration. These relationships will become specific hypotheses that will be tested by the empirical study. Throughout chapter 5 we cover the characteristics of the empirical study used to test the research hypotheses which were set out in chapter 4. The nature of research is social, exploratory, and it is based on a quantitative empirical study whose analysis is carried out using multivariate analysis techniques. The second part of this chapter includes the description of the scales of the measuring instrument; the methodology for data gathering, the detailed analysis of the sample, and finally the existence of bias attributable to the measurement method, the "Bias Common Method" is checked. The first part of chapter 6 corresponds to the analysis of results. The statistical technique employed (PLS-SEM) is previously explained as a tool of multivariate analysis, capable of carrying out predictive analysis, and as the appropriate methodology used to validate the model in a two-stages analysis, the measurement model and the structural model. Futhermore, it is necessary to check the requirements to be met by the sample and the thresholds of the parameters taken into account. In the second part of chapter 6 an empirical analysis of the data is performed for the two samples, one for blogs and the other for wikis, in order to validate the research hypothesis proposed in chapter 4. Finally, in chapter 7 the fulfillment level of the objectives raised in chapter 1 is reviewed and the theoretical, methodological and practical conclusions derived from the results of the study are presented. Next, we cover the general conclusions, detailing for each group of factors including practical recommendations that can be drawn to guide implementation of these tools in real situations in companies. As a final part of the chapter the limitations of the study are included and a number of potential future researches suggested, along with research partial results which have been obtained thorough the research.