29 resultados para PARAMETERIZATION

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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There exists an interest in performing full core pin-by-pin computations for present nuclear reactors. In such type of problems the use of a transport approximation like the diffusion equation requires the introduction of correction parameters. Interface discontinuity factors can improve the diffusion solution to nearly reproduce a transport solution. Nevertheless, calculating accurate pin-by-pin IDF requires the knowledge of the heterogeneous neutron flux distribution, which depends on the boundary conditions of the pin-cell as well as the local variables along the nuclear reactor operation. As a consequence, it is impractical to compute them for each possible configuration. An alternative to generate accurate pin-by-pin interface discontinuity factors is to calculate reference values using zero-net-current boundary conditions and to synthesize afterwards their dependencies on the main neighborhood variables. In such way the factors can be accurately computed during fine-mesh diffusion calculations by correcting the reference values as a function of the actual environment of the pin-cell in the core. In this paper we propose a parameterization of the pin-by-pin interface discontinuity factors allowing the implementation of a cross sections library able to treat the neighborhood effect. First results are presented for typical PWR configurations.


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The structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is modelled with the limited- length-scale k-ε model of Apsley and Castro. Contrary to the standard k-ε model, the limited-length-scale k-ε model imposes a maximum mixing length which is derived from the boundary layer height, for neutral and unstable atmospheric situations, or by Monin-Obukhov length when the atmosphere is stably stratified. The model is first verified reproducing the famous Leipzig wind profile. Then the performance of the model is tested with measurements from FINO-1 platform using sonic anemometers to derive the appropriate maximum mixing length.


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La motivación de esta tesis es el desarrollo de una herramienta de optimización automática para la mejora del rendimiento de formas aerodinámicas enfocado en la industria aeronáutica. Este trabajo cubre varios aspectos esenciales, desde el empleo de Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), al cálculo de gradientes utilizando la metodología del adjunto continuo, el uso de b-splines volumétricas como parámetros de diseño, el tratamiento de la malla en las intersecciones, y no menos importante, la adaptación de los algoritmos de la dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD) en arquitecturas hardware de alto paralelismo, como las tarjetas gráficas, para acelerar el proceso de optimización. La metodología adjunta ha posibilitado que los métodos de optimización basados en gradientes sean una alternativa prometedora para la mejora de la eficiencia aerodinámica de los aviones. La formulación del adjunto permite calcular los gradientes de una función de coste, como la resistencia aerodinámica o la sustentación, independientemente del número de variables de diseño, a un coste computacional equivalente a una simulación CFD. Sin embargo, existen problemas prácticos que han imposibilitado su aplicación en la industria, que se pueden resumir en: integrabilidad, rendimiento computacional y robustez de la solución adjunta. Este trabajo aborda estas contrariedades y las analiza en casos prácticos. Como resumen, las contribuciones de esta tesis son: • El uso de NURBS como variables de diseño en un bucle de automático de optimización, aplicado a la mejora del rendimiento aerodinámico de alas en régimen transónico. • El desarrollo de algoritmos de inversión de punto, para calcular las coordenadas paramétricas de las coordenadas espaciales, para ligar los vértices de malla a las NURBS. • El uso y validación de la formulación adjunta para el calculo de los gradientes, a partir de las sensibilidades de la solución adjunta, comparado con diferencias finitas. • Se ofrece una estrategia para utilizar la geometría CAD, en forma de parches NURBS, para tratar las intersecciones, como el ala-fuselaje. • No existen muchas alternativas de librerías NURBS viables. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una librería, DOMINO NURBS, y se ofrece a la comunidad como código libre y abierto. • También se ha implementado un código CFD en tarjeta gráfica, para realizar una valoración de cómo se puede adaptar un código sobre malla no estructurada a arquitecturas paralelas. • Finalmente, se propone una metodología, basada en la función de Green, como una forma eficiente de paralelizar simulaciones numéricas. Esta tesis ha sido apoyada por las actividades realizadas por el Área de Dinámica da Fluidos del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), a través de numerosos proyectos de financiación nacional: DOMINO, SIMUMAT, y CORESFMULAERO. También ha estado en consonancia con las actividades realizadas por el departamento de Métodos y Herramientas de Airbus España y con el grupo Investigación y Tecnología Aeronáutica Europeo (GARTEUR), AG/52. ABSTRACT The motivation of this work is the development of an automatic optimization strategy for large scale shape optimization problems that arise in the aeronautics industry to improve the aerodynamic performance; covering several aspects from the use of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), the calculation of the gradients with the continuous adjoint formulation, the development of volumetric b-splines parameterization, mesh adaptation and intersection handling, to the adaptation of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) algorithms to take advantage of highly parallel architectures in order to speed up the optimization process. With the development of the adjoint formulation, gradient-based methods for aerodynamic optimization become a promising approach to improve the aerodynamic performance of aircraft designs. The adjoint methodology allows the evaluation the gradients to all design variables of a cost function, such as drag or lift, at the equivalent cost of more or less one CFD simulation. However, some practical problems have been delaying its full implementation to the industry, which can be summarized as: integrability, computer performance, and adjoint robustness. This work tackles some of these issues and analyse them in well-known test cases. As summary, the contributions comprises: • The employment of NURBS as design variables in an automatic optimization loop for the improvement of the aerodynamic performance of aircraft wings in transonic regimen. • The development of point inversion algorithms to calculate the NURBS parametric coordinates from the space coordinates, to link with the computational grid vertex. • The use and validation of the adjoint formulation to calculate the gradients from the surface sensitivities in an automatic optimization loop and evaluate its reliability, compared with finite differences. • This work proposes some algorithms that take advantage of the underlying CAD geometry description, in the form of NURBS patches, to handle intersections and mesh adaptations. • There are not many usable libraries for NURBS available. In this work an open source library DOMINO NURBS has been developed and is offered to the community as free, open source code. • The implementation of a transonic CFD solver from scratch in a graphic card, for an assessment of the implementability of conventional CFD solvers for unstructured grids to highly parallel architectures. • Finally, this research proposes the use of the Green's function as an efficient paralellization scheme of numerical solvers. The presented work has been supported by the activities carried out at the Fluid Dynamics branch of the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) through national founding research projects: DOMINO, SIMUMAT, and CORESIMULAERO; in line with the activities carried out by the Methods and Tools and Flight Physics department at Airbus and the Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe (GARTEUR) action group AG/52.


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Voice biometry is classically based on the parameterization and patterning of speech features mainly. The present approach is based on the characterization of phonation features instead (glottal features). The intention is to reduce intra-speaker variability due to the `text'. Through the study of larynx biomechanics it may be seen that the glottal correlates constitute a family of 2-nd order gaussian wavelets. The methodology relies in the extraction of glottal correlates (the glottal source) which are parameterized using wavelet techniques. Classification and pattern matching was carried out using Gaussian Mixture Models. Data of speakers from a balanced database and NIST SRE HASR2 were used in verification experiments. Preliminary results are given and discussed.


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This paper describes a new category of CAD applications devoted to the definition and parameterization of hull forms, called programmed design. Programmed design relies on two prerequisites. The first one is a product model with a variety of types large enough to face the modeling of any type of ship. The second one is a design language dedicated to create the product model. The main purpose of the language is to publish the modeling algorithms of the application in the designer knowledge domain to let the designer create parametric model scripts. The programmed design is an evolution of the parametric design but it is not just parametric design. It is a tool to create parametric design tools. It provides a methodology to extract the design knowledge by abstracting a design experience in order to store and reuse it. Programmed design is related with the organizational and architectural aspects of the CAD applications but not with the development of modeling algorithms. It is built on top and relies on existing algorithms provided by a comprehensive product model. Programmed design can be useful to develop new applications, to support the evolution of existing applications or even to integrate different types of application in a single one. A three-level software architecture is proposed to make the implementation of the programmed design easier. These levels are the conceptual level based on the design language, the mathematical level based on the geometric formulation of the product model and the visual level based on the polyhedral representation of the model as required by the graphic card. Finally, some scenarios of the use of programmed design are discussed. For instance, the development of specialized parametric hull form generators for a ship type or a family of ships or the creation of palettes of hull form components to be used as parametric design patterns. Also two new processes of reverse engineering which can considerably improve the application have been detected: the creation of the mathematical level from the visual level and the creation of the conceptual level from the mathematical level. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction


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We present a novel approach for the detection of severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) based on patients' voices introducing nonlinear measures to describe sustained speech dynamics. Nonlinear features were combined with state-of-the-art speech recognition systems using statistical modeling techniques (Gaussian mixture models, GMMs) over cepstral parameterization (MFCC) for both continuous and sustained speech. Tests were performed on a database including speech records from both severe OSA and control speakers. A 10 % relative reduction in classification error was obtained for sustained speech when combining MFCC-GMM and nonlinear features, and 33 % when fusing nonlinear features with both sustained and continuous MFCC-GMM. Accuracy reached 88.5 % allowing the system to be used in OSA early detection. Tests showed that nonlinear features and MFCCs are lightly correlated on sustained speech, but uncorrelated on continuous speech. Results also suggest the existence of nonlinear effects in OSA patients' voices, which should be found in continuous speech.


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La influencia de la aerodinámica en el diseño de los trenes de alta velocidad, unida a la necesidad de resolver nuevos problemas surgidos con el aumento de la velocidad de circulación y la reducción de peso del vehículo, hace evidente el interés de plantear un estudio de optimización que aborde tales puntos. En este contexto, se presenta en esta tesis la optimización aerodinámica del testero de un tren de alta velocidad, llevada a cabo mediante el uso de métodos de optimización avanzados. Entre estos métodos, se ha elegido aquí a los algoritmos genéticos y al método adjunto como las herramientas para llevar a cabo dicha optimización. La base conceptual, las características y la implementación de los mismos se detalla a lo largo de la tesis, permitiendo entender los motivos de su elección, y las consecuencias, en términos de ventajas y desventajas que cada uno de ellos implican. El uso de los algorimos genéticos implica a su vez la necesidad de una parametrización geométrica de los candidatos a óptimo y la generación de un modelo aproximado que complementa al método de optimización. Estos puntos se describen de modo particular en el primer bloque de la tesis, enfocada a la metodología seguida en este estudio. El segundo bloque se centra en la aplicación de los métodos a fin de optimizar el comportamiento aerodinámico del tren en distintos escenarios. Estos escenarios engloban los casos más comunes y también algunos de los más exigentes a los que hace frente un tren de alta velocidad: circulación en campo abierto con viento frontal o viento lateral, y entrada en túnel. Considerando el caso de viento frontal en campo abierto, los dos métodos han sido aplicados, permitiendo una comparación de las diferentes metodologías, así como el coste computacional asociado a cada uno, y la minimización de la resistencia aerodinámica conseguida en esa optimización. La posibilidad de evitar parametrizar la geometría y, por tanto, reducir el coste computacional del proceso de optimización es la característica más significativa de los métodos adjuntos, mientras que en el caso de los algoritmos genéticos se destaca la simplicidad y capacidad de encontrar un óptimo global en un espacio de diseño multi-modal o de resolver problemas multi-objetivo. El caso de viento lateral en campo abierto considera nuevamente los dos métoxi dos de optimización anteriores. La parametrización se ha simplificado en este estudio, lo que notablemente reduce el coste numérico de todo el estudio de optimización, a la vez que aún recoge las características geométricas más relevantes en un tren de alta velocidad. Este análisis ha permitido identificar y cuantificar la influencia de cada uno de los parámetros geométricos incluídos en la parametrización, y se ha observado que el diseño de la arista superior a barlovento es fundamental, siendo su influencia mayor que la longitud del testero o que la sección frontal del mismo. Finalmente, se ha considerado un escenario más a fin de validar estos métodos y su capacidad de encontrar un óptimo global. La entrada de un tren de alta velocidad en un túnel es uno de los casos más exigentes para un tren por el pico de sobrepresión generado, el cual afecta a la confortabilidad del pasajero, así como a la estabilidad del vehículo y al entorno próximo a la salida del túnel. Además de este problema, otro objetivo a minimizar es la resistencia aerodinámica, notablemente superior al caso de campo abierto. Este problema se resuelve usando algoritmos genéticos. Dicho método permite obtener un frente de Pareto donde se incluyen el conjunto de óptimos que minimizan ambos objetivos. ABSTRACT Aerodynamic design of trains influences several aspects of high-speed trains performance in a very significant level. In this situation, considering also that new aerodynamic problems have arisen due to the increase of the cruise speed and lightness of the vehicle, it is evident the necessity of proposing an optimization study concerning the train aerodynamics. Thus, the aerodynamic optimization of the nose shape of a high-speed train is presented in this thesis. This optimization is based on advanced optimization methods. Among these methods, genetic algorithms and the adjoint method have been selected. A theoretical description of their bases, the characteristics and the implementation of each method is detailed in this thesis. This introduction permits understanding the causes of their selection, and the advantages and drawbacks of their application. The genetic algorithms requirethe geometrical parameterization of any optimal candidate and the generation of a metamodel or surrogate model that complete the optimization process. These points are addressed with a special attention in the first block of the thesis, focused on the methodology considered in this study. The second block is referred to the use of these methods with the purpose of optimizing the aerodynamic performance of a high-speed train in several scenarios. These scenarios englobe the most representative operating conditions of high-speed trains, and also some of the most exigent train aerodynamic problems: front wind and cross-wind situations in open air, and the entrance of a high-speed train in a tunnel. The genetic algorithms and the adjoint method have been applied in the minimization of the aerodynamic drag on the train with front wind in open air. The comparison of these methods allows to evaluate the methdology and computational cost of each one, as well as the resulting minimization of the aerodynamic drag. Simplicity and robustness, the straightforward realization of a multi-objective optimization, and the capability of searching a global optimum are the main attributes of genetic algorithm. However, the requirement of geometrically parameterize any optimal candidate is a significant drawback that is avoided with the use of the adjoint method. This independence of the number of design variables leads to a relevant reduction of the pre-processing and computational cost. Considering the cross-wind stability, both methods are used again for the minimization of the side force. In this case, a simplification of the geometric parameterization of the train nose is adopted, what dramatically reduces the computational cost of the optimization process. Nevertheless, some of the most important geometrical characteristics are still described with this simplified parameterization. This analysis identifies and quantifies the influence of each design variable on the side force on the train. It is observed that the A-pillar roundness is the most demanding design parameter, with a more important effect than the nose length or the train cross-section area. Finally, a third scenario is considered for the validation of these methods in the aerodynamic optimization of a high-speed train. The entrance of a train in a tunnel is one of the most exigent train aerodynamic problems. The aerodynamic consequences of high-speed trains running in a tunnel are basically resumed in two correlated phenomena, the generation of pressure waves and an increase in aerodynamic drag. This multi-objective optimization problem is solved with genetic algorithms. The result is a Pareto front where a set of optimal solutions that minimize both objectives.


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Correct estimation of leaf-level stomatal conductance (gsto) is central for current ozone (O3) risk assessment of wheat yield loss based on the absorbed O3 phytotoxic dose (POD). The gsto model parameterizations developed in Europe must be checked in the different climatic regions where they are going to be applied in order to reduce the uncertainties associated with the POD approach. This work proposes a new gsto model parameterization for estimating POD of Triticum aestivum and Triticum durum under Mediterranean conditions, based on phenological observations over 25 years and gsto field measurements during 5 growing seasons. Results show that POD in the Mediterranean area might be higher than previously estimated. However, caution must be paid when assessing the risk of yield loss for wheat in this area since field validation of O3 impacts is still limited.


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Leaf nitrogen and leaf surface area influence the exchange of gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere, and play a significant role in the global cycles of carbon, nitrogen and water. The purpose of this study is to use field-based and satellite remote-sensing-based methods to assess leaf nitrogen pools in five diverse European agricultural landscapes located in Denmark, Scotland (United Kingdom), Poland, the Netherlands and Italy. REGFLEC (REGularized canopy reFLECtance) is an advanced image-based inverse canopy radiative transfer modelling system which has shown proficiency for regional mapping of leaf area index (LAI) and leaf chlorophyll (CHLl) using remote sensing data. In this study, high spatial resolution (10–20 m) remote sensing images acquired from the multispectral sensors aboard the SPOT (Satellite For Observation of Earth) satellites were used to assess the capability of REGFLEC for mapping spatial variations in LAI, CHLland the relation to leaf nitrogen (Nl) data in five diverse European agricultural landscapes. REGFLEC is based on physical laws and includes an automatic model parameterization scheme which makes the tool independent of field data for model calibration. In this study, REGFLEC performance was evaluated using LAI measurements and non-destructive measurements (using a SPAD meter) of leaf-scale CHLl and Nl concentrations in 93 fields representing crop- and grasslands of the five landscapes. Furthermore, empirical relationships between field measurements (LAI, CHLl and Nl and five spectral vegetation indices (the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, the Simple Ratio, the Enhanced Vegetation Index-2, the Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, and the green chlorophyll index) were used to assess field data coherence and to serve as a comparison basis for assessing REGFLEC model performance. The field measurements showed strong vertical CHLl gradient profiles in 26% of fields which affected REGFLEC performance as well as the relationships between spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) and field measurements. When the range of surface types increased, the REGFLEC results were in better agreement with field data than the empirical SVI regression models. Selecting only homogeneous canopies with uniform CHLl distributions as reference data for evaluation, REGFLEC was able to explain 69% of LAI observations (rmse = 0.76), 46% of measured canopy chlorophyll contents (rmse = 719 mg m−2) and 51% of measured canopy nitrogen contents (rmse = 2.7 g m−2). Better results were obtained for individual landscapes, except for Italy, where REGFLEC performed poorly due to a lack of dense vegetation canopies at the time of satellite recording. Presence of vegetation is needed to parameterize the REGFLEC model. Combining REGFLEC- and SVI-based model results to minimize errors for a "snap-shot" assessment of total leaf nitrogen pools in the five landscapes, results varied from 0.6 to 4.0 t km−2. Differences in leaf nitrogen pools between landscapes are attributed to seasonal variations, extents of agricultural area, species variations, and spatial variations in nutrient availability. In order to facilitate a substantial assessment of variations in Nl pools and their relation to landscape based nitrogen and carbon cycling processes, time series of satellite data are needed. The upcoming Sentinel-2 satellite mission will provide new multiple narrowband data opportunities at high spatio-temporal resolution which are expected to further improve remote sensing capabilities for mapping LAI, CHLl and Nl.


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By combining virtualization technologies, virtual private network techniques and parameterization of network scenarios it is possible to enhance a networking laboratory, typically carried out in university laboratory premises using equipment located there, by interconnecting it to virtual networks running on the students own personal computers. This paper describes some experiences applying this model to create hands-on assignments for a large group of students in computer networking education.


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Scaling is becoming an increasingly important topic in the earth and environmental sciences as researchers attempt to understand complex natural systems through the lens of an ever-increasing set of methods and scales. The guest editors introduce the papers in this issue’s special section and present an overview of some of the work being done. Scaling remains one of the most challenging topics in earth and environmental sciences, forming a basis for our understanding of process development across the multiple scales that make up the subsurface environment. Tremendous progress has been made in discovery, explanation, and applications of scaling. And yet much more needs to be done and is being done as part of the modern quest to quantify, analyze, and manage the complexity of natural systems. Understanding and succinct representation of scaling properties can unveil underlying relationships between system structure and response functions, improve parameterization of natural variability and heterogeneity, and help us address societal needs by effectively merging knowledge acquired at different scales.


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This article presents a mathematical method for producing hard-chine ship hulls based on a set of numerical parameters that are directly related to the geometric features of the hull and uniquely define a hull form for this type of ship. The term planing hull is used generically to describe the majority of hard-chine boats being built today. This article is focused on unstepped, single-chine hulls. B-spline curves and surfaces were combined with constraints on the significant ship curves to produce the final hull design. The hard-chine hull geometry was modeled by decomposing the surface geometry into boundary curves, which were defined by design constraints or parameters. In planing hull design, these control curves are the center, chine, and sheer lines as well as their geometric features including position, slope, and, in the case of the chine, enclosed area and centroid. These geometric parameters have physical, hydrodynamic, and stability implications from the design point of view. The proposed method uses two-dimensional orthogonal projections of the control curves and then produces three-dimensional (3-D) definitions using B-spline fitting of the 3-D data points. The fitting considers maximum deviation from the curve to the data points and is based on an original selection of the parameterization. A net of B-spline curves (stations) is then created to match the previously defined 3-D boundaries. A final set of lofting surfaces of the previous B-spline curves produces the hull surface.


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MFCC coefficients extracted from the power spectral density of speech as a whole, seems to have become the de facto standard in the area of speaker recognition, as demonstrated by its use in almost all systems submitted to the 2013 Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) in Mobile Environment [1], thus relegating to background this component of the recognition systems. However, in this article we will show that selecting the adequate speaker characterization system is as important as the selection of the classifier. To accomplish this we will compare the recognition rates achieved by different recognition systems that relies on the same classifier (GMM-UBM) but connected with different feature extraction systems (based on both classical and biometric parameters). As a result we will show that a gender dependent biometric parameterization with a simple recognition system based on GMM- UBM paradigm provides very competitive or even better recognition rates when compared to more complex classification systems based on classical features


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BioMet®Phon is a software application developed for the characterization of voice in voice quality evaluation. Initially it was conceived as plain research code to estimate the glottal source from voice and obtain the biomechanical parameters of the vocal folds from the spectral density of the estimate. This code grew to what is now the Glottex®Engine package (G®E). Further demands from users in laryngology and speech therapy fields instantiated the development of a specific Graphic User Interface (GUI’s) to encapsulate user interaction with the G®E. This gave place to BioMet®Phon, an application which extracts the glottal source from voice and offers a complete parameterization of this signal, including distortion, cepstral, spectral, biomechanical, time domain, contact and tremor parameters. The semantic capabilities of biomechanical parameters are discussed. Study cases from its application to the field of laryngology and speech therapy are given and discussed. Validation results in voice pathology detection are also presented. Applications to laryngology, speech therapy, and monitoring neurological deterioration in the elder are proposed.


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La heterogeneidad del medio geológico introduce en el proyecto de obra subterránea un alto grado de incertidumbre que debe ser debidamente gestionado a fin de reducir los riesgos asociados, que son fundamentalmente de tipo geotécnico. Entre los principales problemas a los que se enfrenta la Mecánica de Rocas moderna en el ámbito de la construcción subterránea, se encuentran la fluencia de roca en túneles (squeezing) y la rotura de pilares de carbón. Es ampliamente conocido que su aparición causa importantes perjuicios en el coste y la seguridad de los proyectos por lo que su estudio, ha estado tradicionalmente vinculado a la predicción de su ocurrencia. Entre las soluciones existentes para la determinación de estos problemas se encuentran las que se basan en métodos analíticos y numéricos. Estas metodologías son capaces de proporcionar un alto nivel de representatividad respecto del comportamiento geotécnico real, sin embargo, su utilización solo es posible cuando se dispone de una suficiente caracterización geotécnica y por tanto de una detallada definición de los parámetros que alimentan los complejos modelos constitutivos y criterios de rotura que los fenómenos estudiados requieren. Como es lógico, este nivel de definición solo es posible cuando se alcanzan etapas avanzadas de proyecto, incluso durante la propia construcción, a fin de calibrar adecuadamente los parámetros introducidos en los modelos, lo que supone una limitación de uso en etapas iniciales, cuando su predicción tiene verdadero sentido. Por su parte, los métodos empíricos permiten proporcionar soluciones a estos complejos problemas de un modo sencillo, con una baja parametrización y, dado su eminente enfoque observacional, de gran fiabilidad cuando se implementan sobre condiciones de contorno similares a las originales. La sencillez y escasez de los parámetros utilizados permiten a estas metodologías ser utilizadas desde las fases preliminares del proyecto, ya que estos constituyen en general, información habitual de fácil y económica adquisición. Este aspecto permite por tanto incorporar la predicción desde el principio del proceso de diseño, anticipando el riesgo en origen. En esta tesis doctoral, se presenta una nueva metodología empírica que sirve para proporcionar predicciones para la ocurrencia de squeezing y el fallo de pilares de carbón basada en una extensa recopilación de información de casos reales de túneles y minas en las que ambos fenómenos fueron evaluados. Esta información, recogida de referencias bibliográficas de prestigio, ha permitido recopilar una de las más extensas bases de datos existentes hasta la fecha relativa a estos fenómenos, lo que supone en sí mismo una importante contribución sobre el estado del arte. Con toda esta información, y con la ayuda de la teoría de clasificadores estadísticos, se ha implementado sobre las bases de datos un clasificador lineal de tipo regresión logística que permite hacer predicciones sobre la ocurrencia de ambos fenómenos en términos de probabilidad, y por tanto ponderar la incertidumbre asociada a la heterogeneidad incorporada por el medio geológico. Este aspecto del desarrollo es el verdadero valor añadido proporcionado por la tesis y la principal ventaja de la solución propuesta respecto de otras metodologías empíricas. Esta capacidad de ponderación probabilística permite al clasificador constituir una solución muy interesante como metodología para la evaluación de riesgo geotécnico y la toma de decisiones. De hecho, y como ejercicio de validación práctica, se ha implementado la solución desarrollada en un modelo coste-beneficio asociado a la optimización del diseño de pilares involucrados en una de mina “virtual” explotada por tajos largos. La capacidad del clasificador para cuantificar la probabilidad de fallo del diseño, junto con una adecuada cuantificación de las consecuencias de ese fallo, ha permitido definir una ley de riesgo que se ha incorporado al balance de costes y beneficios, que es capaz, a partir del redimensionamiento iterativo del sistema de pilares y de la propia configuración de la mina, maximizar el resultado económico del proyecto minero bajo unas condiciones de seguridad aceptables, fijadas de antemano. Geological media variability introduces to the subterranean project a high grade of uncertainty that should be properly managed with the aim to reduce the associated risks, which are mainly geotechnical. Among the major problems facing the modern Rock Mechanics in the field of underground construction are both, the rock squeezing while tunneling and the failure of coal pillars. Given their harmfulness to the cost and safety of the projects, their study has been traditionally linked to the determination of its occurrence. Among the existing solutions for the determination of these problems are those that are based on analytical and numerical methods. Those methodologies allow providing a high level of reliability of the geotechnical behavior, and therefore a detailed definition of the parameters that feed the complex constitutive models and failure criteria that require the studied phenomena. Obviously, this level of definition is only possible when advanced stages of the project are achieved and even during construction in order to properly calibrate the parameters entered in the models, which suppose a limited use in early stages, when the prediction has true sense. Meanwhile, empirical methods provide solutions to these complex problems in a simple way, with low parameterization and, given his observational scope, with highly reliability when implemented on similar conditions to the original context. The simplicity and scarcity of the parameters used allow these methodologies be applied in the early stages of the project, since that information should be commonly easy and cheaply to get. This aspect can therefore incorporate the prediction from the beginning of the design process, anticipating the risk beforehand. This thesis, based on the extensive data collection of case histories of tunnels and underground mines, presents a novel empirical approach used to provide predictions for the occurrence of both, squeezing and coal pillars failures. The information has been collected from prestigious references, providing one of the largest databases to date concerning phenomena, a fact which provides an important contribution to the state of the art. With all this information, and with the aid of the theory of statistical classifiers, it has been implemented on both databases, a type linear logistic regression classifier that allows predictions about the occurrence of these phenomena in terms of probability, and therefore weighting the uncertainty associated with geological variability. This aspect of the development is the real added value provided by the thesis and the main advantage of the proposed solution over other empirical methodologies. This probabilistic weighting capacity, allows being the classifier a very interesting methodology for the evaluation of geotechnical risk and decision making. In fact, in order to provide a practical validation, we have implemented the developed solution within a cost-benefit analysis associated with the optimization of the design of coal pillar systems involved in a "virtual" longwall mine. The ability of the classifier to quantify the probability of failure of the design along with proper quantification of the consequences of that failure, has allowed defining a risk law which is introduced into the cost-benefits model, which is able, from iterative resizing of the pillar system and the configuration of the mine, maximize the economic performance of the mining project under acceptable safety conditions established beforehand.