16 resultados para Pérez de Guzmán

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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En los últimos años la movilidad se ha convertido en uno de los puntos de mayor desarrollo dentro de las tecnologías de la información. Uno de los campos en los que las nuevas herramientas de movilidad han encontrado mayor aceptación, es el ámbito de la asistencia sanitaria. Este rápido desarrollo se puede aprovechar para facilitar el cuidado de enfermedades crónicas complejas como el VIH/SIDA que requieren un gran control de la enfermedad y su tratamiento. Dentro del proyecto Hospital VIHrtual se ha creado un portal web con servicios adecuados a los pacientes de VIH y que permite al paciente el acceso en cualquier momento y lugar utilizando su teléfono móvil. Todo ello con el fin de favorecer el cumplimiento del paciente y permitir mejorar su calidad de vida.


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La presente tesis estudia las realizaciones del arquitecto Emilio Pérez Pinero, todas dentro de las estructuras espaciales de barras desmontables y desplegables, elabora la documentación que hace transmisible su investigación y generaliza el estudio del comportamiento en la parcela de las desplegables. La obra de este arquitecto forma un conjunto original, atractivo y sin continuadores, y por otra parte, no abundan las" investigaciones sobre este tipo de estructuras ( mucho menos las realizaciones), en las que hay que resolver tanto su definición como su movilidad y comportamiento estructural. El contenido de la parte correspondiente a las estructuras desmontables se limita a las cúpulas reticuladas de una capa, con el sistema de reticulado y montaje ideado por Pinero, por considerar que se debe documentar su aportación pero no incidir mas en un campo de investigación que cuenta con abundantes estudios. Se aporta la solución matemática y un programa de ordenador para la definición geométrica completa del reticulado empleado. Las estructuras desplegables se caracterizan por el empleo de barras dispuestas en "x" en el espesor de la estructura, con generación de superficies tanto planas como curvas. En ambos casos se analiza la movilidad en fase de mecanismo, tanto a las soluciones de Pinero como a las complementarlas que se exponen. Se estudian las relaciones geométricas que deben de cumplirse para que sea posible el movimiento de las barras, relaciones particularmente complejas en las desplegables según superficies esféricas, y que determinan su definición geométrica. En la fase de estructura, además de analizar lo realizado por Pinero, documentando y definiendo sus componentes, se proponen varias estructuras posibles para cada mecanismo, y se desarrolla en detalle el tipo de los emparrillados de canto constante, donde se incluye un estudio comparativo de nueve variantes distintas. Se muestra el amplio campo de uso posible para estas estructuras. ABSTRACT The • present doctoral dissertation studies the work of de spanish architect Emilio Pérez Pinero, all of it within de field of spatial demountable and deployable structures. This contribution compiles the necessary documentation for research in this field and, besides, generalizes the theoretical background for the analysis of this type of structures. Pérez Pinero's contributions are original and attractive, but, so far, he has not any followers ; on the other hand research in this field is scarce (much less actual realizations). In the part corresponding to demountable structures the research is limited to reticulated domes of only one layer, following Pérez Pinero's sys~ tem, trying to give a comprehensive documentation of it. The mathematical solution is given and so is a computer program for the complete definition of the geometry of the structure. One characteristic of deployable structures is the use of struts placed - formix "X" in the thickness of the structure, making possible the generation of plañe as well as curved surfaces. In both cases, the operation in the phase of mechanism is studied, both fot Pinero's solution and for the other schemes presented. The geometrical relationships that must be maintained in order to guarantee strut's movements, are studied; these relationships are particularly complex in the case of spherical surfaces, and, in this last casey determine completely its geometrical definition. In regard of the structure behaviour, besides analysing Pinero's works, a variety of solutions are proposed for each mechanism. Particularly, the configuration for double layer grids of constant thickness is developed with great detall, and a comparative study of nine different solutions of this special case is included. A wide range of the possible applications of this structural type is shown.


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Recuperación de la memoria realizada por el arquitecto Adolfo Blanco sobre las Ideas Modernas del Urbanismo redactada durante sus viajes por Europa y África en 1927


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Numerosos estudios (Brickett et al., 2007; Serrano et al., 2012) han demostrado que la granulación del pienso mejora el consumo, los IC y el PV en broilers. La granulación podría aumentar la digestibilidad de algunos de los componentes de la dieta (Abdollahi et al., 2011) y reducir las pérdidas de alimento en animales no rumiantes (Serrano et al., 2012; Berrocoso et al., 2013). Sin embargo, la información disponible sobre el efecto de la presentación del pienso sobre la productividad en pollitas es escasa. Debido a su menor consumo y menor velocidad de crecimiento, es de esperar que los beneficios de la granulación sean inferiores, en valores absolutos, en pollitas que en broilers. La densidad energética del pienso afecta al crecimiento y al IC en avicultura. Las aves comen para satisfacer sus necesidades energéticas (Nahashon et al, 2006) y por tanto, aumentan la ingesta voluntaria de pienso al disminuir el contenido de energía del mismo (Veldkamp et al, 2005). Sin embargo, las pollitas podrían no ser capaces de mantener constante la ingesta de energía con dietas muy diluidas (Pérez-Bonilla et al., 2012). Por otra parte, piensos muy energéticos son más palatables y tienden a aumentar el consumo voluntario, lo que podría resultar en mejoras de las GMD y de los IC (Frikha et al., 2009a; Perez-Bonilla et al., 2012). El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar los efectos de la presentación del pienso y la concentración energética del mismo sobre los rendimientos productivos en pollitas de 1 a 35 d de edad.


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Maíz y trigo son los cereales más utilizados en piensos para aves. El maíz tiene menos proteína (7,7 vs. 11,2%) pero más energía (3.260 vs. 3.150 Kcal EMAn/kg) que el trigo (FEDNA, 2010). Además, el valor nutricional es más variable para el trigo que para el maíz Kim et al., 1976; Mollah et al., 1983). En pollos y en ponedoras, numerosos trabajos indican que el trigo puede ser utilizado en sustitución del maíz como ingrediente principal del pienso Mathlouthi et al., 2002; Carré et al., 2002; Lázaro et al., 2003; Pérez-Bonilla et al., 2011). Frikha et al. (2009), observaron que las pollitas alimentadas con maíz tenían mayores GMD pero IC similares que las pollitas alimentadas con trigo. La presentación del pienso afecta los rendimientos productivos en avicultura. Amerah et al. (2007) mostraron un aumento de la GMD y una mejora del IC en pollos alimentados con gránulos en comparación con los alimentados con harina. Gous y Morris (2001) observaron que pollitas alimentadas con migas de 1 a 4 sem y con gránulo de 5 a 20 sem de edad, consumieron 2% menos pienso pero pesaron un 6% más que las alimentadas con harina durante toda la recría. Frikha et al. (2009) observaron un incremento en la GMD en las pollitas alimentadas con gránulo respecto a las pollitas alimentadas con harina. Los autores no han encontrado información alguna sobre el efecto de alternar la presentación del pienso (bien en harina, bien en miga) durante las distintas etapas del periodo de recría (0-5, 5-10 y 10-17 sem de vida) sobre la productividad de las aves. El presente trabajo estudió la influencia del cereal base del pienso y de cambios en la presentación del mismo durante las 3 fases del programa de alimentación en recría sobre los parámetros productivos en pollitas de 1 a 17 semanas de edad.


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Pérez Pita y Junquera, a la manera de Corrales y Molezún, es uno de los equipos más prestigiosos de su generación.


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Economic growth has traditionally been linked to road freight transport demand, leading to a steady rise in social and environmental impacts. Concern about this problem has caused the EU to promote a decoupling strategy aimed at boosting sustainable development in European countries by improving the efficiency of transport systems without curbing economic growth. Over the last few years empirical evidence in some countries such as the United Kingdom has shown an increase in GDP while the volume of road freight traffic has remained stable or even decreased. This paper compares recent decoupling trends by analyzing the evolution of road tonne-kms/GDP relationship in the United Kingdom and Spain from 1999 to 2007. This comparison seeks to identify the main differences and key drivers of decoupling in both countries. We first provide an overview of the divergences between both economic structures and levels of road transport intensity. Then we conduct a decomposition analysis in order to identify the variables that explain the evolution of truck traffic per unit of GDP in each country. The results show that the increasing share of services in GDP has substantially contributed to decreasing road transport demand in both cases. Changes in road transport intensity due to improvements in logistic and supply chain management have been more successful in the UK than in Spain.


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Artículo de opinión sobre Tanis Pérez Pita, publicado en El País


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El baño de Doña Leonor de Guzmán en el palacio de Tordesillas


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The introduction of a homogeneous road charging system according to the Directive 2011/76/EU for the use of roads is still under development in most European Union (EU) member states. Spain, like other EU members, has been encouraged to introduce a charging system for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) throughout the country. This nationwide charge has been postponed because there are serious concerns about their advantages from an economic point of view. Within this context, this paper applies an integrated modeling approach to shape elastic trade coefficients among regions by using a random utility based multiregional Input- Output (RUBMRIO) approach and a road transport network model in order to determine regional distributive and substitutive economic effects by simulating the introduction of a distance-based charge (?/km) considering 7,053.8 kilometers of free highways linking the capitals of the Spanish regions. In addition, an in-depth analysis of interregional trade changes is developed to evaluate and characterize the role of the road charging approach in trade relations among regions and across freight intensive economic sectors. For this purpose, differences in trade relations are described and assessed between a base-case or ?do nothing? scenario and a road fee-charge setting scenario. The results show that the specific amount of the charge set for HGVs affect each region differently and to a different extent because in some regions the price of commodities and the Generalized Transport Cost will decrease its competiveness within the country.


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The effects of fiber inclusion, feed form, and energy concentration of the diet on the growth performance of pullets from hatching to 5 wk age were studied in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, there was a control diet based on cereals and soybean meal, and 6 extra diets that included 2 or 4% of cereal straw, sugar beet pulp (SBP), or sunflower hulls (SFHs) at the expense (wt/wt) of the whole control diet. From hatching to 5 wk age fiber inclusion increased (P < 0.05) ADG and ADFI, and improved (P < 0.05) energy efficiency (EnE; kcal AMEn/g ADG), but body weight (BW) uniformity was not affected. Pullets fed SFH tended to have higher ADG than pullets fed SBP (P = 0.072) with pullets fed straw being intermediate. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was better (P < 0.05) with 2% than with 4% fiber inclusion. In Experiment 2, 10 diets were arranged as a 2×5 factorial with 2 feed forms (mash vs. crumbles) and 5 levels of AMEn (2,850, 2,900, 2,950, 3,000, and 3,050 kcal/kg). Pullets fed crumbles were heavier and had better FCR than pullets fed mash (P < 0.001). An increase in the energy content of the crumble diets reduced ADFI and improved FCR linearly, but no effects were detected with the mash diets (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 for the interactions). Feeding crumbles tended to improve BW uniformity at 5 wk age (P = 0.077) but no effects were detected with increases in energy concentration of the diet. In summary, the inclusion of moderate amounts of fiber in the diet improves pullet performance from hatching to 5 wk age. The response of pullets to increases in energy content of the diet depends on feed form with a decrease in feed intake when fed crumbles but no changes when fed mash. Feeding crumbles might be preferred to feeding mash in pullets from hatching to 5 wk age.


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We investigated the effects of fiber inclusion in the diet on growth performance and digestive traits in pullets from hatching to 17 wk of age. The control diets of the 3 feeding periods (0 to 5 wk, 5 to 10 wk, and 10 to 17 wk) were based on corn and soybean meal and did not include any additional fiber source. The experimental diets included 2 or 4% of cereal straw or sugar beet pulp (SBP) at the expense (wt:wt) of the control diet. From 0 to 5 wk of age, fiber inclusion did not affect pullet performance. From hatch to 17 wk of age, the inclusion of straw had little effect on pullet performance but the inclusion of 4% SBP reduced (ADG) (P < 0.05) and reduced feed conversion ratio (FCR; P < 0.001). Pullets fed straw had greater ADG (P < 0.05) and better energy conversion ratio (P < 0.01) than pullets fed SBP. An increase in fiber from 2 to 4% reduced FCR (P < 0.05). Body weight uniformity was not affected by diet. Fiber inclusion increased the relative weight (% BW) of the gizzard at 5 wk (P = 0.056) and 10 wk (P < 0.01) of age, but no differences were detected between fiber sources. At same ages, the relative length (cm/kg BW) of the pullets (P = 0.058 and P < 0.01, respectively) and tarsus (P = 0.079 and P < 0.05, respectively) was higher in pullets fed SBP than in pullets fed straw. Fiber inclusion, however, did not affect any of these traits at 17 wk of age. In summary, the inclusion of 2% straw at the expense (wt:wt) of the whole diet did not affect pullet performance at 17 wk of age. An increase in the level of straw from 2 to 4% reduced FCR but did not affect ADG. The inclusion of SBP, however, reduced pullet growth, with effects being more pronounced at the higher level.


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The effects of fiber inclusion, feed form, and energy concentration of the diet on the growth performance of pullets from hatching to 5 wk age were studied in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, there was a control diet based on cereals and soybean meal, and 6 extra diets that included 2 or 4% of cereal straw, sugar beet pulp (SBP), or sunflower hulls (SFHs) at the expense (wt/wt) of the whole control diet. From hatching to 5 wk age fiber inclusion increased (P < 0.05) ADG and ADFI, and improved (P < 0.05) energy efficiency (EnE; kcal AMEn/g ADG), but body weight (BW) uniformity was not affected. Pullets fed SFH tended to have higher ADG than pullets fed SBP (P = 0.072) with pullets fed straw being intermediate. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was better (P < 0.05) with 2% than with 4% fiber inclusion. In Experiment 2, 10 diets were arranged as a 2×5 factorial with 2 feed forms (mash vs. crumbles) and 5 levels of AMEn (2,850, 2,900, 2,950, 3,000, and 3,050 kcal/kg). Pullets fed crumbles were heavier and had better FCR than pullets fed mash (P < 0.001). An increase in the energy content of the crumble diets reduced ADFI and improved FCR linearly, but no effects were detected with the mash diets (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 for the interactions). Feeding crumbles tended to improve BW uniformity at 5 wk age (P = 0.077) but no effects were detected with increases in energy concentration of the diet. In summary, the inclusion of moderate amounts of fiber in the diet improves pullet performance from hatching to 5 wk age. The response of pullets to increases in energy content of the diet depends on feed form with a decrease in feed intake when fed crumbles but no changes when fed mash. Feeding crumbles might be preferred to feeding mash in pullets from hatching to 5 wk age.