6 resultados para Other Benefits

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Se busca relacionar dos sectores que sin tener a priori nada en común, pueden verse beneficiados por una solución que mejore la situación de ambos. Hablamos del sector biocombustibles y del sector algodonero español. El sector de los biocombustibles ha visto un desarrollo espectacular en los últimos diez años, empujado por fuertes políticas gubernamentales. En general estas políticas buscan satisfacer una necesidad, la energía, mediante fórmulas que supongan un menor impacto medioambiental que las actuales. También una disminución de la dependencia exterior para el suministro de energía y otras ventajas. El sector algodonero español es un sector tradicional, que subsiste gracias a las ayudas europeas, y que se ha visto fuertemente afectado por las reformas de esas subvenciones. Se caracteriza por estar en vías de amortizar fuertes inversiones en regadío, por ser viable en suelos con alta salinidad, y por el clima propio del sur de España. Al ser un cultivo no alimentario, se evita la controversia que suscita la producción de cultivos energéticos en suelos factibles de ser usados para producción alimentaria. Se propone la sustitución del algodón por el ricino, cultivo muy experimentado en otros países (Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brasil, Chile e India) y que tendría buena acogida en la tierra andaluza. Se analizan las características del nuevo cultivo y su adecuación para esta región. Se estudian los procesos necesarios para la extracción del aceite y su procesamiento a biodiesel, con el dimensionamiento de los equipos necesarios. Por último, se realiza un estudio económico de la propuesta, haciendo hincapié en los beneficios económicos que se obtienen por la vía del ahorro, tanto en ayudas de la PAC (Política Agraria Común) de la UE (Unión Europea), cómo por la disponer de un producto, biodiesel, que de otro modo deberíamos satisfacer mediante la compra de combustible tradicional. Abstract This Project looks forward the relationship between two different sectors with different troubles in Spain, which could be benefited by a common solution. We are talking about biofuels and the cotton industry. The biofuels sector has been developed along the last ten years because of strong governmental policies. These policies try to find how to supply energy, with the less environmental impact, as well as to decrease the dependency of third countries, and other benefits. The Spanish cotton industry is traditional, it has survived because of the European grants, and it is passing through an uncertain scenario because of the alteration of these grants. It is characterized by the non amortized investment in irrigation, by the high salinity ratio in the ground (which means that is unable for a number of crops), and by weather of this Spanish region. As well as cotton is not a food crop, the controversial of to plant energetic crops in areas able to produce food is avoided. It is aimed to replace cotton with castor, an oilseed which has been experienced in other countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Chile e India) and which could be accepted in that ground. It is analyzed the main features of the new drop and its ability to be planted in this area. The processes to obtain the oil and then the biofuel are studied. The equipment is sized. At least, it is developed an economic survey about the proposal, deepening in the benefits which are obtained because of savings, in European grants and in diesel.


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Biochar research has focused in the last years in the use of wood or grass derived materials for carbon sequestration. However, manure derived biochar can provide other benefits after soil addition, including nutrient supply. At present, there is an incomplete understanding of pyrolysis on manures. In order to understand the benefits obtained after addition of these types of materials to the soil, an experiment involving the use of different manures and pyrolysis temperatures was performed. Five manure wastes were selected for this experiment: cattle manure (E); cattle manure mixed with straw (EP), chicken manure (G), chicken manure mixed with sawdust (GS) and pig slurry (PC). Unpyrolyzed samples were compared to biochars prepared at 300 and 500?C. Relevant properties for agronomic purposes were determined, including pH, electrical conductivity, nutrient content, metal content, proximate analysis and carbon thermostability. Our results show that biochars tailored for different purposes can be prepared after a careful choice of feedstock and pyrolysis temperature.


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To develop effective cycling policies, decision makers and administrators should know the factors influencing the use of the bicycle for daily mobility. Traditional discrete choice models tend to be based on variables such as time and cost, which do not sufficiently explain the choice of the bicycle as a mode of transportation. Because psychological factors have been identified as particularly influential in the decision to commute by bicycle, this paper examines the perceptions of cycling factors and their influence on commuting by bicycle. Perceptions are measured by attitudes, other psychological variables, and habits. Statistical differences in the variables are established in relation to the choice of commuting mode and bicycle experience (commuter, sport-leisure, no use). Doing so enables the authors to identify the main barriers to commuting by bicycle and to make recommendations for cycling policies. Two underlying structures (factors) of the attitudinal variables are identified: direct benefits and long-term benefits. Three other factors are related to variables of difficulty: physical conditions, external facilities, and individual capacities. The effect of attitudes and other psychological variables on people's decision to cycle to work-place of study is tested by using a logit model. In the case study of Madrid, Spain, the decision to cycle to work-place of study is heavily influenced by cycling habits (for noncommuting trips). Because bicycle commuting is not common, attitudes and other psychological variables play a less important role in the use of bikes.


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One of the main problems in urban areas is the steady growth in car ownership and traffic levels. Therefore, the challenge of sustainability is focused on a shift of the demand for mobility from cars to collective means of transport. For this purpose, buses are a key element of the public transport systems. In this respect Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) systems help people change their travel behaviour towards more sustainable transport modes. This paper provides an assessment methodology which evaluates how RTPI systems improve the quality of bus services performance in two European cities, Madrid and Bremerhaven. In the case of Madrid, bus punctuality has increased by 3%. Regarding the travellers perception, Madrid raised its quality of service by 6% while Bremerhaven increased by 13%. On the other hand, the users¿ perception of Public Transport (PT) image increased by 14%.


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To develop effective cycling policies, decision makers and administrators should know the factors influencing the use of the bicycle for daily mobility. Traditional discrete choice models tend to be based on variables such as time and cost, which do not sufficiently explain the choice of the bicycle as a mode of transportation. Because psychological factors have been identified as particularly influential in the decision to commute by bicycle, this paper examines the perceptions of cycling factors and their influence on commuting by bicycle. Perceptions are measured by attitudes, other psychological variables, and habits. Statistical differences in the variables are established in relation to the choice of commuting mode and bicycle experience (commuter, sport–leisure, no use). Doing so enables the authors to identify the main barriers to commuting by bicycle and to make recommendations for cycling policies. Two underlying structures (factors) of the attitudinal variables are identified: direct benefits and long-term benefits. Three other factors are related to variables of difficulty: physical conditions, external facilities, and individual capacities. The effect of attitudes and other psychological variables on people’s decision to cycle to work–place of study is tested by using a logit model. In the case study of Madrid, Spain, the decision to cycle to work– place of study is heavily influenced by cycling habits (for noncommuting trips). Because bicycle commuting is not common, attitudes and other psychological variables play a less important role in the use of bikes.


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Resource analysis aims at inferring the cost of executing programs for any possible input, in terms of a given resource, such as the traditional execution steps, time ormemory, and, more recently energy consumption or user defined resources (e.g., number of bits sent over a socket, number of database accesses, number of calls to particular procedures, etc.). This is performed statically, i.e., without actually running the programs. Resource usage information is useful for a variety of optimization and verification applications, as well as for guiding software design. For example, programmers can use such information to choose different algorithmic solutions to a problem; program transformation systems can use cost information to choose between alternative transformations; parallelizing compilers can use cost estimates for granularity control, which tries to balance the overheads of task creation and manipulation against the benefits of parallelization. In this thesis we have significatively improved an existing prototype implementation for resource usage analysis based on abstract interpretation, addressing a number of relevant challenges and overcoming many limitations it presented. The goal of that prototype was to show the viability of casting the resource analysis as an abstract domain, and howit could overcome important limitations of the state-of-the-art resource usage analysis tools. For this purpose, it was implemented as an abstract domain in the abstract interpretation framework of the CiaoPP system, PLAI.We have improved both the design and implementation of the prototype, for eventually allowing an evolution of the tool to the industrial application level. The abstract operations of such tool heavily depend on the setting up and finding closed-form solutions of recurrence relations representing the resource usage behavior of program components and the whole program as well. While there exist many tools, such as Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) and libraries able to find closed-form solutions for some types of recurrences, none of them alone is able to handle all the types of recurrences arising during program analysis. In addition, there are some types of recurrences that cannot be solved by any existing tool. This clearly constitutes a bottleneck for this kind of resource usage analysis. Thus, one of the major challenges we have addressed in this thesis is the design and development of a novel modular framework for solving recurrence relations, able to combine and take advantage of the results of existing solvers. Additionally, we have developed and integrated into our novel solver a technique for finding upper-bound closed-form solutions of a special class of recurrence relations that arise during the analysis of programs with accumulating parameters. Finally, we have integrated the improved resource analysis into the CiaoPP general framework for resource usage verification, and specialized the framework for verifying energy consumption specifications of embedded imperative programs in a real application, showing the usefulness and practicality of the resulting tool.---ABSTRACT---El Análisis de recursos tiene como objetivo inferir el coste de la ejecución de programas para cualquier entrada posible, en términos de algún recurso determinado, como pasos de ejecución, tiempo o memoria, y, más recientemente, el consumo de energía o recursos definidos por el usuario (por ejemplo, número de bits enviados a través de un socket, el número de accesos a una base de datos, cantidad de llamadas a determinados procedimientos, etc.). Ello se realiza estáticamente, es decir, sin necesidad de ejecutar los programas. La información sobre el uso de recursos resulta muy útil para una gran variedad de aplicaciones de optimización y verificación de programas, así como para asistir en el diseño de los mismos. Por ejemplo, los programadores pueden utilizar dicha información para elegir diferentes soluciones algorítmicas a un problema; los sistemas de transformación de programas pueden utilizar la información de coste para elegir entre transformaciones alternativas; los compiladores paralelizantes pueden utilizar las estimaciones de coste para realizar control de granularidad, el cual trata de equilibrar el coste debido a la creación y gestión de tareas, con los beneficios de la paralelización. En esta tesis hemos mejorado de manera significativa la implementación de un prototipo existente para el análisis del uso de recursos basado en interpretación abstracta, abordando diversos desafíos relevantes y superando numerosas limitaciones que éste presentaba. El objetivo de dicho prototipo era mostrar la viabilidad de definir el análisis de recursos como un dominio abstracto, y cómo se podían superar las limitaciones de otras herramientas similares que constituyen el estado del arte. Para ello, se implementó como un dominio abstracto en el marco de interpretación abstracta presente en el sistema CiaoPP, PLAI. Hemos mejorado tanto el diseño como la implementación del mencionado prototipo para posibilitar su evolución hacia una herramienta utilizable en el ámbito industrial. Las operaciones abstractas de dicha herramienta dependen en gran medida de la generación, y posterior búsqueda de soluciones en forma cerrada, de relaciones recurrentes, las cuales modelizan el comportamiento, respecto al consumo de recursos, de los componentes del programa y del programa completo. Si bien existen actualmente muchas herramientas capaces de encontrar soluciones en forma cerrada para ciertos tipos de recurrencias, tales como Sistemas de Computación Algebraicos (CAS) y librerías de programación, ninguna de dichas herramientas es capaz de tratar, por sí sola, todos los tipos de recurrencias que surgen durante el análisis de recursos. Existen incluso recurrencias que no las puede resolver ninguna herramienta actual. Esto constituye claramente un cuello de botella para este tipo de análisis del uso de recursos. Por lo tanto, uno de los principales desafíos que hemos abordado en esta tesis es el diseño y desarrollo de un novedoso marco modular para la resolución de relaciones recurrentes, combinando y aprovechando los resultados de resolutores existentes. Además de ello, hemos desarrollado e integrado en nuestro nuevo resolutor una técnica para la obtención de cotas superiores en forma cerrada de una clase característica de relaciones recurrentes que surgen durante el análisis de programas lógicos con parámetros de acumulación. Finalmente, hemos integrado el nuevo análisis de recursos con el marco general para verificación de recursos de CiaoPP, y hemos instanciado dicho marco para la verificación de especificaciones sobre el consumo de energía de programas imperativas embarcados, mostrando la viabilidad y utilidad de la herramienta resultante en una aplicación real.