97 resultados para Open source.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Open source is a software development paradigm that has seen a huge rise in recent years. It reduces IT costs and time to market, while increasing security and reliability. However, the difficulty in integrating developments from different communities and stakeholders prevents this model from reaching its full potential. This is mainly due to the challenge of determining and locating the correct dependencies for a given software artifact. To solve this problem we propose the development of an extensible software component repository based upon models. This repository should be capable of solving the dependencies between several components and work with already existing repositories to access the needed artifacts transparently. This repository will also be easily expandable, enabling the creation of modules that support new kinds of dependencies or other existing repository technologies. The proposed solution will work with OSGi components and use OSGi itself.


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Based on the empirical evidence that the ratio of email messages in public mailing lists to versioning system commits has remained relatively constant along the history of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), this paper has as goal to study what can be inferred from such a metric for projects of the ASF. We have found that the metric seems to be an intensive metric as it is independent of the size of the project, its activity, or the number of developers, and remains relatively independent of the technology or functional area of the project. Our analysis provides evidence that the metric is related to the technical effervescence and popularity of project, and as such can be a good candidate to measure its healthy evolution. Other, similar metrics -like the ratio of developer messages to commits and the ratio of issue tracker messages to commits- are studied for several projects as well, in order to see if they have similar characteristics.


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Web-based education or „e-learning‟ has become a critical component in higher education for the last decade, replacing other distance learning methods, such as traditional computer training or correspondence learning. The number of university students who take on-line courses is continuously increasing all over the world. In Spain, nearly a 90% of the universities have an institutional e-learning platform and over 60% of the traditional on-site courses use this technology as a supplement to the traditional face-to-face classes. This new form of learning allows the disappearance of geographical barriers and enables students to schedule their own learning process, among some other advantages. On-line education is developed through specific software called „e-learning platform‟ or „virtual learning environment‟ (VLE). A considerable number of web-based tools to deliver distance courses are currently available. Open source software packages such as Moodle, Sakai, dotLRN or Dokeos are the most commonly used in the virtual campuses of Spanish universities. This paper analyzes the possibilities that virtual learning environments provide university teachers and learners and offers a technical comparison among some of the most popular e-learning learning platforms.


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Antecedentes. La creciente importancia del Open Source Software (OSS) ha llevado a los investigadores a estudiar cómo los procesos OSS difieren de los procesos de la ingeniería del software tradicional. Objetivo. Determinar las diferencias y similitudes entre las actividades del proceso de mantenimiento seguido por la comunidad OSS y el establecido por el estándar IEEE 1074:2006. Método. Para conocer las actividades que conforman el proceso de desarrollo OSS realizamos un Systematic Mapping Study. Posteriormente, realizamos un emparejamiento entre las actividades del estándar IEEE 1074:2006 con las actividades del proceso OSS. Resultados. Encontramos un total de 22 estudios primarios. De estos estudios, el 73% contaba con actividades relacionadas con el proceso de mantenimiento. Conclusiones. El proceso de mantenimiento tradicional del software no encaja con lo que ocurre en la comunidad OSS. En su lugar, puede ser mejor caracterizar la dinámica general de la evolución OSS como reinvención. Esta reinvención emerge continuamente de la adaptación, aprendizaje, y mejora de las funcionalidadess y calidad del OSS. Los proyectos OSS evolucionan a través de mejoras menores donde participan tanto usuarios como desarrolladores.


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Abstract?Background: There is no globally accepted open source software development process to define how open source software is developed in practice. A process description is important for coordinating all the software development activities involving both people and technology. Aim: The research question that this study sets out to answer is: What activities do open source software process models contain? The activity groups on which it focuses are Concept Exploration, Software Requirements, Design, Maintenance and Evaluation. Method: We conduct a systematic mapping study (SMS). A SMS is a form of systematic literature review that aims to identify and classify available research papers concerning a particular issue. Results: We located a total of 29 primary studies, which we categorized by the open source software project that they examine and by activity types (Concept Exploration, Software Requirements, Design, Maintenance and Evaluation). The activities present in most of the open source software development processes were Execute Tests and Conduct Reviews, which belong to the Evaluation activities group. Maintenance is the only group that has primary studies addressing all the activities that it contains. Conclusions: The primary studies located by the SMS are the starting point for analyzing the open source software development process and proposing a process model for this community. The papers in our paper pool that describe a specific open source software project provide more regarding our research question than the papers that talk about open source software development without referring to a specific open source software project.


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Wake effect represents one of the most important aspects to be analyzed at the engineering phase of every wind farm since it supposes an important power deficit and an increase of turbulence levels with the consequent decrease of the lifetime. It depends on the wind farm design, wind turbine type and the atmospheric conditions prevailing at the site. Traditionally industry has used analytical models, quick and robust, which allow carry out at the preliminary stages wind farm engineering in a flexible way. However, new models based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are needed. These models must increase the accuracy of the output variables avoiding at the same time an increase in the computational time. Among them, the elliptic models based on the actuator disk technique have reached an extended use during the last years. These models present three important problems in case of being used by default for the solution of large wind farms: the estimation of the reference wind speed upstream of each rotor disk, turbulence modeling and computational time. In order to minimize the consequence of these problems, this PhD Thesis proposes solutions implemented under the open source CFD solver OpenFOAM and adapted for each type of site: a correction on the reference wind speed for the general elliptic models, the semi-parabollic model for large offshore wind farms and the hybrid model for wind farms in complex terrain. All the models are validated in terms of power ratios by means of experimental data derived from real operating wind farms.


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One of the major problems in developing countries is minority access to higher education. Traditional scholarships usually focus on paying tuition fees for bringing brilliant students to developed countries (from where they seldom return). But local grants seldom target the more needy students. We propose a system of student loans to pay tuition fees in exchange for technical work. This appears to be a satisfactory and sustainable solution. We also provide UBURYO (a Kirundi word meaning opportunity). UBURYO is the free open source software, that we have developed, to manage this loan system in a simple, trustworthy, fair and efficient way.


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This paper will present an open-source simulation tool, which is being developed in the frame of an European research project1. The tool, whose final version will be freely available through a website, allows the modelling and the design of different types of grid-connected PV systems, such as large grid-connected plants and building-integrated installations. The tool is based on previous software developed by the IES-UPM2, whose models and energy losses scenarios have been validated in the commissioning of PV projects3 carried out in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy, whose aggregated capacity is nearly 300MW. This link between design and commissioning is one of the key points of tool presented here, which is not usually addressed by present commercial software. The tool provides, among other simulation results, the energy yield, the analysis and breakdown of energy losses, and the estimations of financial returns adapted to the legal and financial frameworks of each European country. Besides, educational facilities will be developed and integrated in the tool, not only devoted to learn how to use this software, but also to train the users on the best design PV systems practices. The tool will also include the recommendation of several PV community experts, which have been invited to identify present necessities in the field of PV systems simulation. For example, the possibility of using meteorological forecasts as input data, or modelling the integration of large energy storage systems, such as vanadium redox or lithium-ion batteries. Finally, it is worth mentioning that during the verification and testing stages of this software development, it will be also open to the suggestions received from the different actors of the PV community, such as promoters, installers, consultants, etc.


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Background Gray scale images make the bulk of data in bio-medical image analysis, and hence, the main focus of many image processing tasks lies in the processing of these monochrome images. With ever improving acquisition devices, spatial and temporal image resolution increases, and data sets become very large. Various image processing frameworks exists that make the development of new algorithms easy by using high level programming languages or visual programming. These frameworks are also accessable to researchers that have no background or little in software development because they take care of otherwise complex tasks. Specifically, the management of working memory is taken care of automatically, usually at the price of requiring more it. As a result, processing large data sets with these tools becomes increasingly difficult on work station class computers. One alternative to using these high level processing tools is the development of new algorithms in a languages like C++, that gives the developer full control over how memory is handled, but the resulting workflow for the prototyping of new algorithms is rather time intensive, and also not appropriate for a researcher with little or no knowledge in software development. Another alternative is in using command line tools that run image processing tasks, use the hard disk to store intermediate results, and provide automation by using shell scripts. Although not as convenient as, e.g. visual programming, this approach is still accessable to researchers without a background in computer science. However, only few tools exist that provide this kind of processing interface, they are usually quite task specific, and don’t provide an clear approach when one wants to shape a new command line tool from a prototype shell script. Results The proposed framework, MIA, provides a combination of command line tools, plug-ins, and libraries that make it possible to run image processing tasks interactively in a command shell and to prototype by using the according shell scripting language. Since the hard disk becomes the temporal storage memory management is usually a non-issue in the prototyping phase. By using string-based descriptions for filters, optimizers, and the likes, the transition from shell scripts to full fledged programs implemented in C++ is also made easy. In addition, its design based on atomic plug-ins and single tasks command line tools makes it easy to extend MIA, usually without the requirement to touch or recompile existing code. Conclusion In this article, we describe the general design of MIA, a general purpouse framework for gray scale image processing. We demonstrated the applicability of the software with example applications from three different research scenarios, namely motion compensation in myocardial perfusion imaging, the processing of high resolution image data that arises in virtual anthropology, and retrospective analysis of treatment outcome in orthognathic surgery. With MIA prototyping algorithms by using shell scripts that combine small, single-task command line tools is a viable alternative to the use of high level languages, an approach that is especially useful when large data sets need to be processed.


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La idea de este proyecto es acercar la imagen de Libertad de Información y su conocida variante Open Source, donde cubriremos en detalle la multitud de puntos que abarca. Está dirigida a todos los usuarios que quieran conocer de primera mano cómo se inició la idea de Libertad Tecnológica hasta sus aplicaciones. No solo para aquellos que quieran emplearla, sino tambien para aquellos que la ya la usan y necesitan recursos para nuevas ideas. De esta forma, nos acercaremos tambien a la idea de libertad que en la tecnología está actualmente en debate. El contenido se estructura siguiendo las siguientes ramas:  Historia, desde sus orígenes hasta el presente.  Economía, ventajas y desventajas de esta libertad.  Problemas legales en distintos niveles  Noticias y actualizaciones de aplicaciones.  Sociedad, entorno a la aceptación y rechazo por los usuarios, ademas de su influencia en la ética, educación e innovación.  Aplicaciones, donde se incluirán la mayoría de las aplicaciones más conocidas en cada una de las ramas de Open Source. ---ABSTRACT---The topic finally chosen in the list of Professional Skills and Issues has been the Freedom of Information and its best known variant Open Source. We will try to cover in detail most of the points that includes history, economics, law, society and the various applications in which it have influenced. It allows all the public to see first-hand the term of Open Source, from its beginnings to applications. Not just for those who want to use it, but for those who already use it and want to find sources and new ideas. It will also get a step closer to the idea of Freedom of Information as currently being debated. The main branches are going to address:  History, from its origins to the present.  Economic, advantages and disadvantages of being free.  Laws, problems in different continents at the legal level.  News, latest in its various applications.  Society, acceptance or rejection by the people, addition to the factors that influence as ethics, education, and arts innovation.  Applications, where most try to include most current applications of each of the variants.


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El presente trabajo se centra en la investigación del modelo de crowdsourcing y su relación con la Información Geográfica Voluntaria y otras actividades participativas para la creación de conocimiento geográfico de forma colaborativa. Primero se expone una introducción al concepto y distintos ámbitos de aplicación y uso en la adquisición,visualización y análisis de datos geográficos, presentándose las herramientas, tecnologías web y móviles que han hecho posible su implementación. Después se hace una breve revisión de algunas plataformas de código abierto que faciliten la creación de contenido geolocalizado por el usuario y proporcionen funcionalidades para el análisis básico y manipulación de información mediante la implementación de estrategias de crowdsourcing. En los apartados siguientes, se hace un breve análisis de requisitos para el caso de uso específico de una aplicación móvil de crowdsourcing para el mantenimiento urbano, sirviendo este, como base en el desarrollo de una plataforma Web-móvil que facilite la gestión de este tipo de infraestructura. El diseño de la plataforma propuesta permite consultar y actualizar información por medio de etiquetas NFC (Near Field Communications o comunicación de campo cercano) utilizadas en el mobiliario urbano inventariado y empleando dispositivos inteligentes habilitados con la misma tecnología y conexión a Internet, para dar seguimiento y reportar el estado de la infraestructura. También, es posible generar reportes geolocalizados sobre problemas en instalaciones urbanas no inventariadas, así como crear eventos geolocalizados que convoquen a tareas participativas para la mejora de la ciudad. Además, integra entradas de conversación de redes sociales para contribuir a la participación activa de los ciudadanos en la vigilancia y mantenimiento urbano. Por último, el trabajo presenta algunas conclusiones y líneas futuras.


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This paper presents the Virtual Science Hub platform. It is an open source platform that combines a social network, an e-learning authoring tool, a videoconference service and a learning object repository for science teaching enrichment. These four main functionalities fit very well together. The platform was released in April 2012 and since then it has not stopped growing. Finally we present the results of the surveys conducted and the statistics gathered to validate this approach.


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Systematic evaluation of Learning Objects is essential to make high quality Web-based education possible. For this reason, several educational repositories and e-Learning systems have developed their own evaluation models and tools. However, the differences of the context in which Learning Objects are produced and consumed suggest that no single evaluation model is sufficient for all scenarios. Besides, no much effort has been put in developing open tools to facilitate Learning Object evaluation and use the quality information for the benefit of end users. This paper presents LOEP, an open source web platform that aims to facilitate Learning Object evaluation in different scenarios and educational settings by supporting and integrating several evaluation models and quality metrics. The work exposed in this paper shows that LOEP is capable of providing Learning Object evaluation to e-Learning systems in an open, low cost, reliable and effective way. Possible scenarios where LOEP could be used to implement quality control policies and to enhance search engines are also described. Finally, we report the results of a survey conducted among reviewers that used LOEP, showing that they perceived LOEP as a powerful and easy to use tool for evaluating Learning Objects.


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The Internet of Things makes use of a huge disparity of technologies at very different levels that help one to the other to accomplish goals that were previously regarded as unthinkable in terms of ubiquity or scalability. If the Internet of Things is expected to interconnect every day devices or appliances and enable communications between them, a broad range of new services, applications and products can be foreseen. For example, monitoring is a process where sensors have widespread use for measuring environmental parameters (temperature, light, chemical agents, etc.) but obtaining readings at the exact physical point they want to be obtained from, or about the exact wanted parameter can be a clumsy, time-consuming task that is not easily adaptable to new requirements. In order to tackle this challenge, a proposal on a system used to monitor any conceivable environment, which additionally is able to monitor the status of its own components and heal some of the most usual issues of a Wireless Sensor Network, is presented here in detail, covering all the layers that give it shape in terms of devices, communications or services.


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Traditional Text-To-Speech (TTS) systems have been developed using especially-designed non-expressive scripted recordings. In order to develop a new generation of expressive TTS systems in the Simple4All project, real recordings from the media should be used for training new voices with a whole new range of speaking styles. However, for processing this more spontaneous material, the new systems must be able to deal with imperfect data (multi-speaker recordings, background and foreground music and noise), filtering out low-quality audio segments and creating mono-speaker clusters. In this paper we compare several architectures for combining speaker diarization and music and noise detection which improve the precision and overall quality of the segmentation.