5 resultados para OPC

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The present study deals with a characterization of metakaolin pozzolanic activity and its chemical character exhibited in the Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) blends by means of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Selected-Area Electron Diffraction (SAED) techniques principally. Metakaolin sample was prepared by calcination of kaolin rock (Guadalajara, Spain) at 780°C. Two OPC of different chemical composition from the tricalcium aluminate content point of view were chosen and Portland cement blends series elaborated and then submitted to the pozzolanic activity test (EN 196-5 or Frattini test). The main mineralogical components of the metakaolin are determined qualitatively: χ-alumina and quartz. The chemical character of the metakaolin is described because of its final composition as well as due to its Al atoms possible coordination. The crystalline order of the material is found to be of both amorphous and polycrystalline, being an intimate amorphous mixture of alumina and silica. Finally, all the alumina capable of reacting chemically is denominated and classified as reactive alumina component, Al2O3r−, of pozzolans, as well as the aluminic chemical character of metakaolin in OPC blends is once again proved and exhibited by means of Friedel's salt formation studied already at 4 h-age.


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Esta tesis ha estudiado los morteros celulares, centrándose en la experimentación con pastas de cemento aireadas (PCA) con polvo de aluminio como agente expansor. El objetivo es el desarrollo de un material cementicio con una baja conductividad térmica que sirva como aislamiento térmico. La naturaleza inorgánica del material lo hace incombustible, en contraste con las espumas poliméricas existentes en el mercado, cuya aplicación en cámaras ventiladas ha sido prohibida por normativas de construcción tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Las posibles aplicaciones son con proyección neumática o en paneles prefabricados. Se han ensayado dos series de pastas de cemento con polvo de aluminio: - Serie WPC/CAC/CH. Mezcla de referencia con cemento blanco (WPC), cemento de aluminato cálcico (CAC) y cal aérea (CH) en proporción 5:1:4. - Serie OPC/CH. Mezcla de referencia con cemento portland con cenizas volantes (OPC) y cal aérea (CH) en proporción OPC/CH de 4:1 A las mezclas de referencia se le han añadido adiciones de metacaolín (MK) (10 y 20%) o sepiolita (SP) (1 y 2%) para observar el efecto que producen tanto en el mortero fresco como en el mortero endurecido. Se ha estudiado la reología de las pastas en estado fresco, analizando el proceso de expansión de las pastas, registrando los valores de tensión de fluencia, aire ocluido y temperatura durante la expansión. Con los valores obtenidos se ha discutido la influencia de las adiciones utilizadas en la cinética de corrosión del polvo de aluminio que genera la expansión, concluyendo que las adiciones puzolánicas (CV y MK) y la SP reducen mucho el periodo de inducción, lo que provoca poros más grandes y mayor cantidad de aire ocluido. Asimismo se ha analizado la relación entre la tensión de fluencia y el contenido de aire ocluido, deduciendo que a mayor tensión de fluencia en el momento de iniciarse la expansión, menor tamaño de poros y contenido de aire ocluido. Finalmente, se han obtenido las densidades y capacidades de retención de agua de los morteros frescos. Para caracterizar la red porosa de las pastas aireadas endurecidas, se obtuvieron tanto las densidades reales, netas, aparentes y relativas como las porosidades abiertas, cerradas y totales con ensayos hídricos. Finalmente se obtuvieron imágenes de los poros con tomografía axial computerizada para obtener las porosimetrías de las muestras. La caracterización de la red porosa ha servido para terminar de analizar lo observado en la evolución de la expansión del mortero fresco. Se ha analizado la influencia de la red porosa en la conductividad térmica, obtenida con caja caliente, comparándola con la existente en la literatura existente tanto de morteros celulares como de espumas poliméricas. Se concluye que los valores de conductividad térmica conseguida están en el mínimo posible para un material celular de base cementicia. La microestructura se ha estudiado con microscopía electrónica de barrido, difracción de rayos X y ensayos térmicos TG/ATD, observando que los productos de hidratación encontrados coinciden con los que se producen en morteros sin airear. Las imágenes SEM y los resultados de ultrasonidos han servido para analizar la presencia de microfisuras de retracción en las pastas aireadas, observando que en las muestras con adiciones de MK y SP, se reduce la presencia de microfisuras. ABSTRACT This thesis has studied cellular mortars, focusing in testing aerated cement pastes with aluminum powder as expansive agent. The purpose is the development of a cementitious material with low thermal conductivity that can be used as thermal isolation. Inorganic nature of this material makes it non-combustible, in contrast with polymeric foams in market, whose application in ventilated double skin façade systems has been banned by building standards, both domestically and internationally. Possible uses for this material are pneumatically sprayed applications and precast panels. Two series of batches with aluminum powder have been tested: - WPC/CAC/CH series. Reference paste with white portland cement (WPC), calcium aluminate cement (CAC) and lime (CH) with 5:1:4 ratio. - OPC/CH series. Reference paste with portland cement with fly ash (OPC) and lime (CH) with 4:1 ratio. Metakaolin (MK) (10 and 20%) or sepiolite (SP) (1 and 2%) additions were used in reference pastes to characterize the effect in fresh and hardened mortar. Rheology in fresh pastes was studied, expansion process of pastes was analyzed, recording yield stress, entrained air and temperature values during expansion. Recorded values were used to discuss influence of additions on reaction kinetics of aluminum powder corrosion, that produces expansion.. Conclusion is that pozzolanic additions (FA and MK) and SP greatly reduce induction period, producing bigger pores and more entrained air. Relation between yield stress and entrained air has been also analyzed, observing that the bigger yield stress at beginning of expansion, the smaller pores size and the lower entrained air values. Finally density and water retention of fresh mortars were obtained. Pore network in hardened aerated cement pastes was characterized by imbibition methods providing true, bulk and relative density, and providing also open, closed and total porosity. Finally, pore system imaging were obtained with computerized axial tomography to study porosimetry of specimens. Pore network characterization was useful to complete facts analysis observed in expansion of fresh mortars. Influence of pore network in thermal conductivity, checked in hot box, was analyzed comparing with those existing values in cellular mortar and polymeric foams researches. It was concluded that thermal conductivity values achieved are close to minimum possible in a cementitious cellular material. Microstructure was studied with Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Diffractometry and TG-DTA analysis, observing that hydration phases found, are those produced in non aerated mortar. SEM imaging and ultrasound results were useful to analyze shrinkage microcracks in aerated cement pastes, concluding that microcrack presence in specimens with MK and SP additions were reduced.


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This investigation reports on a comparative study of the mechanical behavior at different temperatures of three different alkali-activated fly ash pastes chemically activated using sodium silicate. A control Portland cement (OPC) was used as a reference. In an attempt to simulate the conditions prevailing in the event of accidental fire, post-thermal mechanical tests were performed to determine the residual strength. It has therefore been established that FA based cements can be fabricated for construction purposes and these materials have great potential for fire resistance applications.


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La meta de intercambiabilidad de piezas establecida en los sistemas de producción del siglo XIX, es ampliada en el último cuarto del siglo pasado para lograr la capacidad de fabricación de varios tipos de producto en un mismo sistema de manufactura, requerimiento impulsado por la incertidumbre del mercado. Esta incertidumbre conduce a plantear la flexibilidad como característica importante en el sistema de producción. La presente tesis se ubica en el problema de integración del sistema informático (SI) con el equipo de producción (EP) en la búsqueda de una solución que coadyuve a satisfacer los requerimientos de flexibilidad impuestas por las condiciones actuales de mercado. Se describen antecedentes de los sistemas de producción actuales y del concepto de flexibilidad. Se propone una clasificación compacta y práctica de los tipos de flexibilidad relevantes en el problema de integración SI-EP, con la finalidad de ubicar el significado de flexibilidad en el área de interés. Así mismo, las variables a manejar en la solución son clasificadas en cuatro tipos: Medio físico, lenguajes de programación y controlador, naturaleza del equipo y componentes de acoplamiento. Por otra parte, la característica de reusabilidad como un efecto importante y deseable de un sistema flexible, es planteada como meta en la solución propuesta no solo a nivel aplicación del sistema sino también a nivel de reuso de conceptos de diseño. Se propone un esquema de referencia en tres niveles de abstracción, que permita manejar y reutilizar en forma organizada el conocimiento del dominio de aplicación (integración SI-EP), el desarrollo de sistemas de aplicación genérica así como también la aplicación del mismo en un caso particular. Un análisis del concepto de acoplamiento débil (AD) es utilizado como base en la solución propuesta al problema de integración SI-EP. El desarrollo inicia identificando condiciones para la existencia del acoplamiento débil, compensadores para soportar la operación del sistema bajo AD y los efectos que ocasionan en el sistema informático los cambios en el conjunto de equipos de producción. Así mismo, se introducen como componentes principales del acoplamiento los componentes tecnológico, tarea y rol, a utilizar en el análisis de los requerimientos para el desarrollo de una solución de AD entre SI-EP. La estructura de tres niveles del esquema de referencia propuesto surge del análisis del significado de conceptos de referencia comúnmente reportados en la literatura, tales como arquitectura de referencia, modelo de referencia, marco de trabajo, entre otros. Se presenta un análisis de su significado como base para la definición de cada uno de los niveles de la estructura del esquema, pretendiendo con ello evitar la ambigüedad existente debido al uso indistinto de tales conceptos en la literatura revisada. Por otra parte, la relación entre niveles es definida tomando como base la estructura de cuatro capas planteada en el área de modelado de datos. La arquitectura de referencia, implementada en el primer nivel del esquema propuesto es utilizada como base para el desarrollo del modelo de referencia o marco de trabajo para el acoplamiento débil entre el SI y el EP. La solución propuesta es validada en la integración de un sistema informático de coordinación de flujo y procesamiento de pieza con un conjunto variable de equipos de diferentes tipos, naturaleza y fabricantes. En el ejercicio de validación se abordaron diferentes estándares y técnicas comúnmente empleadas como soporte al problema de integración a nivel componente tecnológico, tales como herramientas de cero configuración (ejemplo: plug and play), estándar OPC-UA, colas de mensajes y servicios web, permitiendo así ubicar el apoyo de estas técnicas en el ámbito del componente tecnológico y su relación con los otros componentes de acoplamiento: tarea y rol. ABSTRACT The interchangeability of parts, as a goal of manufacturing systems at the nineteenth century, is extended into the present to achieve the ability to manufacture various types of products in the same manufacturing system, requirement associated with market uncertainty. This uncertainty raises flexibility as an important feature in the production system. This thesis addresses the problem regarding integration of software system (SS) and the set of production equipment (PE); looking for a solution that contributes to satisfy the requirements of flexibility that the current market conditions impose on manufacturing, particularly to the production floor. Antecedents to actual production systems as well as the concept of flexibility are described and analyzed in detail. A practical and compact classification of flexibility types of relevance to the integration SS-EP problem is proposed with the aim to delimit the meaning of flexibility regarding the area of interest. Also, a classification for the variables involved in the integration problem is presented into four types: Physical media, programming and controller languages, equipment nature and coupling components. In addition, the characteristic of reusability that has been seen as an important and desirable effect of a flexible system is taken as a goal in the proposed solution, not only at system implementation level but also at system design level. In this direction, a reference scheme is proposed consisting of three abstraction levels to systematically support management and reuse of domain knowledge (SS-PE), development of a generic system as well as its application in a particular case. The concept of loose coupling is used as a basis in the development of the proposed solution to the problem of integration SS-EP. The first step of the development process consists of an analysis of the loose coupled concept, identifying conditions for its existence, compensators for system operation under loose coupling conditions as well as effects in the software system caused by modification in the set of production equipment. In addition coupling components: technological, task and role are introduced as main components to support the analysis of requirements regarding loose coupling of SS-PE. The three tier structure of the proposed reference scheme emerges from the analysis of reference concepts commonly reported in the literature, such as reference architecture, reference model and framework, among others. An analysis of these concepts is used as a basis for definition of the structure levels of the proposed scheme, trying to avoid the ambiguity due to the indiscriminate use of such concepts in the reviewed literature. In addition, the relation between adjacent levels of the structure is defined based on the four tiers structure commonly used in the data modelling area. The reference architecture is located as the first level in the structure of the proposed reference scheme and it is utilized as a basis for the development of the reference model or loose coupling framework for SS-PE integration. The proposed solution is validated by integrating a software system (process and piece flow coordination system) with a variable set of production equipment including different types, nature and manufacturers of equipment. Furthermore, in this validation exercise, different standards and techniques commonly used have been taken into account to support the issue of technology coupling component, such as tools for zero configuration (i.e. Plug and Play), message queues, OPC-UA standard, and web services. Through this part of the validation exercise, these integration tools are located as a part of the technological component and they are related to the role and task components of coupling.


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This study was designed to determine the effect of temperature on the mechanical strength (in both in vivo and post-exposure trials) of two alkaline cements (without OPC): (a) 100% fly ash (FA) and (b) 85% FA + 15% bauxite, the activated alkaline solution used was 85% 10-M NaOH + 15% sodium silicate. A Type I 42.5 R Portland cement was used as a control. Two series of trials were conducted: (i) in vivo trials in which bending and compressive strength, fracture toughness and modulus of elasticity were determined at different temperatures; and (ii) post-firing trials, assessing residual bending and compres-sive strength after a 1-h exposure to high temperatures and subsequent cooling. The findings showed that from 25 to 600 C, irrespective of the type of test (in vivo or post-firing), compressive mechanical strength rose, with the specimens exhibiting elastic behaviour and consequently brittle failure. At tem-peratures of over 600 C, behaviour differed depending on the type of test: (i) in the in vivo trials the high temperature induced pseudo-plastic strain and a decline in mechanical strength that did not necessarily entail specimen failure; (ii) in the post-firing trials, compressive strength rose.