12 resultados para Non-canonical splicing sites

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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During sentence processing there is a preference to treat the first noun phrase found as the subject and agent, unless marked the other way. This preference would lead to a conflict in thematic role assignment when the syntactic structure conforms to a non-canonical object-before-subject pattern. Left perisylvian and fronto-parietal brain networks have been found to be engaged by increased computational demands during sentence comprehension, while event-reated brain potentials have been used to study the on-line manifestation of these demands. However, evidence regarding the spatiotemporal organization of brain networks in this domain is scarce. In the current study we used Magnetoencephalography to track spatio-temporally brain activity while Spanish speakers were reading subject- and object-first cleft sentences. Both kinds of sentences remained ambiguous between a subject-first or an object-first interpretation up to the appearance of the second argument. Results show the time-modulation of a frontal network at the disambiguation point of object-first sentences. Moreover, the time windows where these effects took place have been previously related to thematic role integration (300–500 ms) and to sentence reanalysis and resolution of conflicts during processing (beyond 500 ms post-stimulus). These results point to frontal cognitive control as a putative key mechanism which may operate when a revision of the sentence structure and meaning is necessary


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Una bóveda no canónica es una bóveda que se adapta a una forma distinta de aquella para la que ha sido inicialmente concebida. Bóvedas raras, anormales, no convencionales, habitualmente consideradas excepciones o casos particulares, resultan ser más frecuentes de lo inicialmente esperado. El interés por este tipo de bóvedas surge a raíz de una investigación inicial sobre las bóvedas empleadas para cubrir espacios de planta anular, como en el caso de las girolas de las iglesias. Sin embargo, el problema de la bóveda anular no puede ser abordado directamente, sino como parte de una investigación más general sobre bóvedas que se deforman para adaptarse a una situación anómala. El análisis de las posibilidades que un determinado tipo de bóveda brinda para resolver el abovedamiento de espacios de planta irregular, trascendiendo el problema de la planta anular, es lo que da origen a esta investigación. La cuestión de las bóvedas deformadas forma parte de un contexto mayor, el de la deformación en arquitectura abovedada. Ante una contradicción, la deformación de la bóveda es sólo una de las posibles opciones que esta arquitectura ofrece para resolver un problema de deformación. La tesis se estructura en dos partes: en la primera parte se analizan los conceptos de forma y deformación en el contexto de la arquitectura abovedada con objeto de sentar las bases para una teoría de las bóvedas no canónicas. El objetivo es establecer un punto de partida para la investigación en un campo que todavía no había sido abordado. En la segunda parte se analizan tres tipos de bóveda desde la perspectiva de las bóvedas no canónicas, a partir de un estudio de casos de bóvedas en España entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. El estudio de la deformación en arquitectura abovedada se centra en el problema de la girola, por tratarse de un caso generalizado de deformación, directamente relacionado con el problema de las bóvedas irregulares y cuyo estudio, llamativamente, no había sido llevado a cabo hasta la fecha. Se propone una primera aproximación al problema de la girola, desde un punto de vista puramente morfológico, al margen de consideraciones históricas. En el caso de las bóvedas deformadas, el análisis se centra en tres tipos de bóveda: la bóveda de crucería, la bóveda de arista y la bóveda baída. Estos tres tipos de bóveda, aunque basadas en criterios formales distintos, están íntimamente relacionados entre sí. Por un lado permiten resolver el mismo problema –planta cuadrada delimitada por arcos–, por otro lado es posible establecer una relación formal entre la bóveda de arista y la bóveda baída a través de la bóveda de crucería. El estudio de casos recogido en la segunda parte de la tesis se fundamenta en dos líneas de investigación, la primera sobre soluciones teóricas de bóvedas no convencionales propuestas en los manuscritos y tratados de cantería, y la segunda sobre bóvedas efectivamente construidas, tratado de establecer una comparación entre teoría y práctica, confrontando el grado de relación entre ambas. Sin embargo este doble análisis sólo se ha podido llevar a cabo en contadas ocasiones. Constatamos que las bóvedas no canónicas reflejadas en los tratados son pocas y apenas se han llevado a la práctica, mientras que las soluciones construidas no responden a modelos teóricos propuestos, manifestando un divorcio entre teoría y práctica. El estudio de estas bóvedas permite poner en cuestión la definición tradicional que relaciona los conceptos de ‘bóveda’ y ‘superficie’. Al iniciar el trabajo nos encontramos con un modelo teórico extremadamente rígido que deja fuera un gran número de bóvedas, obligando a agruparlas bajo el término «no canónicas». El trabajo realizado pone en evidencia lo limitado del modelo. El problema no está en la presencia de bóvedas anómalas, que no se adaptan al modelo tradicionalmente propuesto, sino en la extrema rigidez del modelo. ABSTRACT A non canonical vault is a vault adapted to a different form from that for which was originally conceived. These rare, abnormal, unconventional vaults are usually considered as exceptions or special cases. However they prove to be more frequent than it was initially expected. Interest in this type of vaults arises from an initial research on the vaults used to roof annular spaces, such as ambulatories. Nevertheless, the annular vault question cannot be addressed directly, but as a part of a broader research on distorted vaults; a research on vaults deformed to conform an anomalous layout. The analysis of the possibilities that a particular type of vault provides to solve the vaulting of an irregular layout, beyond the problem of the annular plan is the origin of this research. The argument of deformed vaults is part of a greater context, the context of deformation in vaulted architecture. Facing a contradiction, deforming a vault is just one of the options that vaulted architecture offers to solve a problem of deformation. This dissertation is organised in two parts: in the first part we analyse the concepts of form and deformation in the context of vaulted architecture in order to lay the foundations for a non canonical vaults theory. The objective is to establish a starting point for future research in a field that has not been addressed yet. In the second part, we analyse three types of vault from the perspective of non canonical vaults, based on a case study of Spanish vaults between the 16th and 18th Centuries. The analysis of deformation in vaulted architecture focuses on the question of the ambulatory, because it is a generalized example of deformation, directly related to the problem of irregular vaults. Remarkably, the analysis of these spaces had not been conducted to date. We propose a first approach to the question of the ambulatory, from a purely morphological point of view, setting aside historical considerations. The analysis of deformed vaults focuses on three types of vault: the groin vault, the ribbed vault and the sail vault. These three types of vault, although based on different formal criteria, are closely related between them. On the one hand, they allow to solve the same problem –a square perimeter limited by arcs-; on the other hand, it is possible to establish a formal relationship between the groin vault and the sail vault through the ribbed vault. The case study presented in the second part of this dissertation is based on two research lines: theoretical non conventional vaults solutions proposed on stonecutting treatises; and currently built vaults. The aim of this double analysis was to establish a comparison between theory and practice, comparing the degree of relationship between them. Nevertheless, this double analysis has only been carried out on rare occasions. It is noted that non canonical vaults reflected in treaties are few and hardly been employed, while the built solutions do not meet proposed theoretical models, expressing a divorce between theory and practice. The analysis of these vaults allows us to question the traditional definition that connects the concepts of 'vault' and 'surface'. When we began this research, we found an extremely rigid theoretical model that leaved out many vaults, forcing to group them under the term of «non canonical vaults». This research evidences the limitations of the model. The problem is not the presence of abnormal vaults, which cannot adapt to the traditional model, but in the very high stiffness of the model.


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Researchers in ecology commonly use multivariate analyses (e.g. redundancy analysis, canonical correspondence analysis, Mantel correlation, multivariate analysis of variance) to interpret patterns in biological data and relate these patterns to environmental predictors. There has been, however, little recognition of the errors associated with biological data and the influence that these may have on predictions derived from ecological hypotheses. We present a permutational method that assesses the effects of taxonomic uncertainty on the multivariate analyses typically used in the analysis of ecological data. The procedure is based on iterative randomizations that randomly re-assign non identified species in each site to any of the other species found in the remaining sites. After each re-assignment of species identities, the multivariate method at stake is run and a parameter of interest is calculated. Consequently, one can estimate a range of plausible values for the parameter of interest under different scenarios of re-assigned species identities. We demonstrate the use of our approach in the calculation of two parameters with an example involving tropical tree species from western Amazonia: 1) the Mantel correlation between compositional similarity and environmental distances between pairs of sites, and; 2) the variance explained by environmental predictors in redundancy analysis (RDA). We also investigated the effects of increasing taxonomic uncertainty (i.e. number of unidentified species), and the taxonomic resolution at which morphospecies are determined (genus-resolution, family-resolution, or fully undetermined species) on the uncertainty range of these parameters. To achieve this, we performed simulations on a tree dataset from southern Mexico by randomly selecting a portion of the species contained in the dataset and classifying them as unidentified at each level of decreasing taxonomic resolution. An analysis of covariance showed that both taxonomic uncertainty and resolution significantly influence the uncertainty range of the resulting parameters. Increasing taxonomic uncertainty expands our uncertainty of the parameters estimated both in the Mantel test and RDA. The effects of increasing taxonomic resolution, however, are not as evident. The method presented in this study improves the traditional approaches to study compositional change in ecological communities by accounting for some of the uncertainty inherent to biological data. We hope that this approach can be routinely used to estimate any parameter of interest obtained from compositional data tables when faced with taxonomic uncertainty.


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We study the renormalization group flow of the average action of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation with power-law forcing. Using Galilean invariance, we introduce a nonperturbative approximation adapted to the zero-frequency sector of the theory in the parametric range of the Hölder exponent 4−2 ɛ of the forcing where real-space local interactions are relevant. In any spatial dimension d, we observe the convergence of the resulting renormalization group flow to a unique fixed point which yields a kinetic energy spectrum scaling in agreement with canonical dimension analysis. Kolmogorov's −5/3 law is, thus, recovered for ɛ=2 as also predicted by perturbative renormalization. At variance with the perturbative prediction, the −5/3 law emerges in the presence of a saturation in the ɛ dependence of the scaling dimension of the eddy diffusivity at ɛ=3/2 when, according to perturbative renormalization, the velocity field becomes infrared relevant.


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Abstract: In this paper we propose a generalization of the accepting splicingsystems introduced in Mitrana et al. (Theor Comput Sci 411:2414?2422,2010). More precisely, the input word is accepted as soon as a permittingword is obtained provided that no forbidding word has been obtained sofar, otherwise it is rejected. Note that in the new variant of acceptingsplicing system the input word is rejected if either no permitting word isever generated (like in Mitrana et al. in Theor Comput Sci 411:2414?2422,2010) or a forbidding word has been generated and no permitting wordhad been generated before. We investigate the computational power ofthe new variants of accepting splicing systems and the interrelationshipsamong them. We show that the new condition strictly increases thecomputational power of accepting splicing systems. Although there areregular languages that cannot be accepted by any of the splicing systemsconsidered here, the new variants can accept non-regular and even non-context-free languages, a situation that is not very common in the case of(extended) finite splicing systems without additional restrictions. We alsoshow that the smallest class of languages out of the four classes definedby accepting splicing systems is strictly included in the class of context-free languages. Solutions to a few decidability problems are immediatelyderived from the proof of this result.


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In this paper we propose a condition for rejecting the input word by an accepting splicing system which is defined by a finite set of forbidding words. We investigate the computational power of the new variants of accepting splicing systems. We show that the new condition strictly increases the computational power of accepting splicing systems. Rather surprisingly, accepting splicing systems considered here can accept non-regular languages, a situation that has never occurred in the case of (extended) finite splicing systems without additional restrictions.


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The application of conservation treatments, such as consolidation and protection ones, has been demonstrated ineffective in many cases, and even harmful. Evaluation studies should be a mandatory task, ideally before and after the intervention, but both tasks are complex and unusual in the case of archaeological heritage. This study is mainly focused on analyzing changes in petrophysical properties of stone material from archaeological sites of Merida (Spain), evaluating, both on site and in laboratory, effects derived from different conservation treatments applied in past interventions, throughout the integration of different non-destructive techniques (NDT) and portable devices of analysis available at the Institute of Geosciences (CSIC,UCM). These techniques allow, not only assessment of effectiveness and alteration processes, but also monitoring durability of treatments, focused mainly on 1996 intervention in the case of Roman Theater, as well as different punctual interventions from the 90?s until date in the House of Mitreo. Studies carried out on archaeological sites of Merida permit us to compare outcomes and also check limitations in the use of those equipments. In this paper we discuss about the use of some techniques, their integration and limits, for the assessment of conservation treatments, showing some examples of Merida?s case study.


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Prediction at ungauged sites is essential for water resources planning and management. Ungauged sites have no observations about the magnitude of floods, but some site and basin characteristics are known. Regression models relate physiographic and climatic basin characteristics to flood quantiles, which can be estimated from observed data at gauged sites. However, these models assume linear relationships between variables Prediction intervals are estimated by the variance of the residuals in the estimated model. Furthermore, the effect of the uncertainties in the explanatory variables on the dependent variable cannot be assessed. This paper presents a methodology to propagate the uncertainties that arise in the process of predicting flood quantiles at ungauged basins by a regression model. In addition, Bayesian networks were explored as a feasible tool for predicting flood quantiles at ungauged sites. Bayesian networks benefit from taking into account uncertainties thanks to their probabilistic nature. They are able to capture non-linear relationships between variables and they give a probability distribution of discharges as result. The methodology was applied to a case study in the Tagus basin in Spain.


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Liquid-fueled burners are used in a number of propulsion devices ranging from internal combustion engines to gas turbines. The structure of spray flames is quite complex and involves a wide range of time and spatial scales in both premixed and non-premixed modes (Williams 1965; Luo et al. 2011). A number of spray-combustion regimes can be observed experimentally in canonical scenarios of practical relevance such as counterflow diffusion flames (Li 1997), as sketched in figure 1, and for which different microscalemodelling strategies are needed. In this study, source terms for the conservation equations are calculated for heating, vaporizing and burning sprays in the single-droplet combustion regime. The present analysis provides extended formulation for source terms, which include non-unity Lewis numbers and variable thermal conductivities.


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The application of conservation treatments, such as consolidation and protection ones, has been demonstrated ineffective in many cases, and even harmful. Evaluation studies should be a mandatory task, ideally before and after the intervention, but both tasks are complex and unusual in the case of archaeological heritage. This study is mainly focused on analyzing changes in petrophysical properties of stone material from archaeological sites of Merida (Spain), evaluating, both on site and in laboratory, effects derived from different conservation treatments applied in past interventions, throughout the integration of different non-destructive techniques (NDT) and portable devices of analysis available at the Institute of Geosciences (CSIC,UCM). These techniques allow, not only assessment of effectiveness and alteration processes, but also monitoring durability of treatments, focused mainly on 1996 intervention in the case of Roman Theater, as well as different punctual interventions from the 90’s until date in the House of Mitreo. Studies carried out on archaeological sites of Merida permit us to compare outcomes and also check limitations in the use of those equipments. In this paper we discuss about the use of some techniques, their integration and limits, for the assessment of conservation treatments, showing some examples of Merida’s case study.


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Different treatments (consolidation and water-repellent) were applied on samples of marble and granite from the Front stage of the Roman Theatre of Merida (Spain). The main goal is to study the effects of these treatments on archaeological stone material, by analyzing the surface changes. X-Ray Fluorescence and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy techniques, as well as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance have been used in order to study changes in the surface properties of the material, comparing treated and untreated specimens. The results confirm that silicon (Si) marker tracking allows the detection of applied treatments, increasing the peak signal in treated specimens. Furthermore, it is also possible to prove changes both within the pore system of the materialand in the distribution of surface water, resulting from the application of these products


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In this paper, the main steps necessary to evaluate the seismic risk on a site are discussed. Several examples from the authors practical experience are reported and a systematic procedure to study the seismic risk on a dam site is also shown. The characteristics of the available Spanish seismic information - mainly historical and non instrumental seismic records - are commented. Different types of seismic and geologic techniques to investigate the area under the dam are given. Finally, a probabilistic method to obtain from the given seismic intensities the design earthquake is summarized