37 resultados para Non contact measurement

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In recent years, the technology for measuring the diameter and height of standing trees has improved significantly. These enhancements allow estimation of the volume of standing trees using stem taper equations, which traditionally have been constructed with data from felled trees, in an accurate and economically feasible way. A nondestructive method was evaluated with data from 38 pines and was validated with data from another 38 pines, both in the Northern Iberian Range (Spain). The electronic dendrometer Criterion RD1000 (Laser Technology Inc.) and the laser hypsometer TruPulse (Laser Technology Inc.) were used due to their accuracy and interoperability. The methodology was valid (unbiased and precise) measuring from a distance similar to the height of the tree. In this distance, statistical criteria and plots based on the residuals showed no clear advantage in volume estimation with models fitted with data from destructive methods against models fitted with data from the proposed non-destructive technique. This methodology can be considered useful for individual volume estimation and for developing taper equations.


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This work presents the evaluation of a new non-contact technique to assess the fatigue damage state of CFRP structures by measuring surface roughness parameters. Surface roughness and stiffness degradation have been measured in CFRP coupons cycled with constant amplitude loads, and a Pearson?s correlation of 0.79 was obtained between both variables. Results suggest that changes on the surface roughness measured in strategic zones of components made of the evaluated CFRP, could be indicative of the level of damage due to fatigue loads. This methodology could be useful for other FRP due to similarities in the fatigue damage process.


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Soil erosion is a complex phenomenon involving the detachment and transport of soil particles, storage and runoff of rainwater, and infiltration. The relative magnitude and importance of these processes depends on several factors being one of them surface microtopography, usually quantified trough soil surface roughness (SSR). Surface soil porosity and SSR can be altered by tillage operation. Even though the surface porosity is an important parameter of a tilled field, however, no practical technique for rapid and non-contact measurement of surface porosity has been developed yet.


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El desarrollo de nuevas estructuras aeroespaciales optimizadas, utilizan materiales compuestos, para los componentes críticos y subsistemas, principalmente polímeros reforzados con fibra de carbono (CFRP). Un conocimiento profundo del estado de daño por fatiga de estructuras de CFRP avanzado, es esencial para predecir la vida residual y optimizar los intervalos de inspección estructural, reparaciones y/o sustitución de componentes. Las técnicas actuales se basan principalmente en la medición de cargas estructurales a lo largo de la vida útil de la estructura mediante galgas extensométricas eléctricas. Con esos datos, se estima la vida a fatiga utilizando modelos de acumulación de daño. En la presente tesis, se evalúa la metodología convencional para la estimación de la vida a fatiga de un CFRP aeronáutico. Esta metodología está basada en la regla de acumulación de daño lineal de Palmgren-Miner, y es aplicada para determinar la vida a fatiga de estructuras sometidas a cargas de amplitud variable. Se ha realizado una campaña de ensayos con cargas de amplitud constante para caracterizar un CFRP aeronáutico a fatiga, obteniendo las curvas clásicas S-N, en diferentes relaciones de esfuerzo. Se determinaron los diagramas de vida constante, (CLD), también conocidos como diagramas de Goodman, utilizando redes neuronales artificiales debido a la ausencia de modelos coherentes para materiales compuestos. Se ha caracterizado la degradación de la rigidez debido al daño por fatiga. Se ha ensayado un segundo grupo de probetas con secuencias estandarizadas de cargas de amplitud variable, para obtener la vida a fatiga y la degradación de rigidez en condiciones realistas. Las cargas aplicadas son representativas de misiones de aviones de combate (Falstaff), y de aviones de transporte (Twist). La vida a fatiga de las probetas cicladas con cargas de amplitud variable, se comparó con el índice de daño teórico calculado en base a la regla de acumulación de daño lineal convencional. Los resultados obtenidos muestran predicciones no conservativas. Esta tesis también presenta el estudio y desarrollo, de una nueva técnica de no contacto para evaluar el estado de daño por fatiga de estructuras de CFRP por medio de cambios de los parámetros de rugosidad. La rugosidad superficial se puede medir fácilmente en campo con métodos sin contacto, mediante técnicas ópticas tales como speckle y perfilómetros ópticos. En el presente estudio, se han medido parámetros de rugosidad superficial, y el factor de irregularidad de la superficie, a lo largo de la vida de las probetas cicladas con cargas de amplitud constante y variable, Se ha obtenido una buena tendencia de ajuste al correlacionar la magnitud de la rugosidad y el factor de irregularidad de la superficie con la degradación de la rigidez de las probetas fatigadas. Estos resultados sugieren que los cambios en la rugosidad superficial medida en zonas estratégicas de componentes y estructuras hechas de CFRP, podrían ser indicativas del nivel de daño interno debido a cargas de fatiga. Los resultados también sugieren que el método es independiente del tipo de carga de fatiga que ha causado el daño. Esto último hace que esta técnica de medición sea aplicable como inspección para una amplia gama de estructuras de materiales compuestos, desde tanques presurizados con cargas de amplitud constante, estructuras aeronáuticas como alas y colas de aeronaves cicladas con cargas de amplitud variable, hasta aplicaciones industriales como automoción, entre otros. ABSTRACT New optimized aerospace structures use composite materials, mainly carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite (CFRP), for critical components and subsystems. A strong knowledge of the fatigue state of highly advanced (CFRP) structures is essential to predict the residual life and optimize intervals of structural inspection, repairs, and/or replacements. Current techniques are based mostly on measurement of structural loads throughout the service life by electric strain gauge sensors. These sensors are affected by extreme environmental conditions and by fatigue loads in such a way that the sensors and their systems require exhaustive maintenance throughout system life. In the present thesis, the conventional methodology based on linear damage accumulation rules, applied to determine the fatigue life of structures subjected to variable amplitude loads was evaluated for an aeronautical CFRP. A test program with constant amplitude loads has been performed to obtain the classical S-N curves at different stress ratios. Constant life diagrams, CLDs, where determined by means of Artificial Neural Networks due to the absence of consistent models for composites. The stiffness degradation due to fatigue damage has been characterized for coupons under cyclic tensile loads. A second group of coupons have been tested until failure with a standardized sequence of variable amplitude loads, representative of missions for combat aircraft (Falstaff), and representative of commercial flights (Twist), to obtain the fatigue life and the stiffness degradation under realistic conditions. The fatigue life of the coupons cycled with variable amplitude loads were compared to the theoretical damage index calculated based on the conventional linear damage accumulation rule. The obtained results show non-conservative predictions. This thesis also presents the evaluation of a new non-contact technique to evaluate the fatigue damage state of CFRP structures by means of measuring roughness parameters to evaluate changes in the surface topography. Surface roughness can be measured easily on field with non-contact methods by optical techniques such as speckle and optical perfilometers. In the present study, surface roughness parameters, and the surface irregularity factor, have been measured along the life of the coupons cycled with constant and variable amplitude loads of different magnitude. A good agreement has been obtained when correlating the magnitude of the roughness and the surface irregularity factor with the stiffness degradation. These results suggest that the changes on the surface roughness measured in strategic zones of components and structures made of CFRP, could be indicative of the level of internal damage due to fatigue loads. The results also suggest that the method is independent of the type of fatigue load that have caused the damage. It makes this measurement technique applicable for a wide range of inspections of composite materials structures, from pressurized tanks with constant amplitude loads, to variable amplitude loaded aeronautical structures like wings and empennages, up to automotive and other industrial applications.


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En los últimos años, y asociado al desarrollo de la tecnología MEMS, la técnica de indentación instrumentada se ha convertido en un método de ensayo no destructivo ampliamente utilizado para hallar las características elástico-plásticas de recubrimientos y capas delgadas, desde la escala macroscópica a la microscópica. Sin embargo, debido al complejo mecanismo de contacto debajo de la indentación, es urgente proponer un método más simple y conveniente para obtener unos resultados comparables con otras mediciones tradicionales. En este estudio, el objetivo es mejorar el procedimiento analítico para extraer las propiedades elástico-plásticas del material mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada. La primera parte se centra en la metodología llevada a cabo para medir las propiedades elásticas de los materiales elásticos, presentándose una nueva metodología de indentación, basada en la evolución de la rigidez de contacto y en la curva fuerza-desplazamiento del ensayo de indentación. El método propuesto permite discriminar los valores de indentación experimental que pudieran estar afectados por el redondeo de la punta del indentador. Además, esta técnica parece ser robusta y permite obtener valores fiables del modulo elástico. La segunda parte se centra en el proceso analítico para determinar la curva tensión-deformación a partir del ensayo de indentación, empleando un indentador esférico. Para poder asemejar la curva tension-deformación de indentación con la que se obtendría de un ensayo de tracción, Tabor determinó empíricamente un factor de constricción de la tensión () y un factor de constricción de la deformación (). Sin embargo, la elección del valor de y  necesitan una derivación analítica. Se describió analíticamente una nueva visión de la relación entre los factores de constricción de tensión y la deformación basado en la deducción de la ecuación de Tabor. Un modelo de elementos finitos y un diseño experimental se realizan para evaluar estos factores de constricción. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, las curvas tension-deformación extraidas de los ensayos de indentación esférica, afectadas por los correspondientes factores de constricción de tension y deformación, se ajustaron a la curva nominal tensión-deformación obtenida de ensayos de tracción convencionales. En la última parte, se estudian las propiedades del revestimiento de cermet Inconel 625-Cr3C2 que es depositado en el medio de una aleación de acero mediante un láser. Las propiedades mecánicas de la matriz de cermet son estudiadas mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada, haciendo uso de las metodologías propuestas en el presente trabajo. In recent years, along with the development of MEMS technology, instrumented indentation, as one type of a non-destructive measurement technique, is widely used to characterize the elastic and plastic properties of metallic materials from the macro to the micro scale. However, due to the complex contact mechanisms under the indentation tip, it is necessary to propose a more convenient and simple method of instrumented indention to obtain comparable results from other conventional measurements. In this study, the aim is to improve the analytical procedure for extracting the elastic plastic properties of metallic materials by instrumented indentation. The first part focuses on the methodology for measuring the elastic properties of metallic materials. An alternative instrumented indentation methodology is presented. Based on the evolution of the contact stiffness and indentation load versus the depth of penetration, the possibility of obtaining the actual elastic modulus of an elastic-plastic bulk material through instrumented sharp indentation tests has been explored. The proposed methodology allows correcting the effect of the rounding of the indenter tip on the experimental indentation data. Additionally, this technique does not seem too sensitive to the pile-up phenomenon and allows obtaining convincing values of the elastic modulus. In the second part, an analytical procedure is proposed to determine the representative stress-strain curve from the spherical indentation. Tabor has determined the stress constraint factor (stress CF), and strain constraint factor (strain CF), empirically but the choice of a value for and is debatable and lacks analytical derivation. A new insight into the relationship between stress and strain constraint factors is analytically described based on the formulation of Tabor’s equation. Finite element model and experimental tests have been carried out to evaluate these constraint factors. From the results, representative stress-strain curves using the proposed strain constraint factor fit better with the nominal stress-strain curve than those using Tabor’s constraint factors. In the last part, the mechanical properties of an Inconel 625-Cr3C2 cermet coating which is deposited onto a medium alloy steel by laser cladding has been studied. The elastic and plastic mechanical properties of the cermet matrix are studied using depth-sensing indentation (DSI) on the micro scale.


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La termografía infrarroja (TI) es una técnica no invasiva y de bajo coste que permite, con el simple acto de tomar una fotografía, el registro sin contacto de la energía que irradia el cuerpo humano (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011, Merla et al., 2005, Ng et al., 2009, Costello et al., 2012, Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Esta técnica comenzó a utilizarse en el ámbito médico en los años 60, pero debido a los malos resultados como herramienta diagnóstica y la falta de protocolos estandarizados (Head & Elliot, 2002), ésta se dejó de utilizar en detrimento de otras técnicas más precisas a nivel diagnóstico. No obstante, las mejoras tecnológicas de la TI en los últimos años han hecho posible un resurgimiento de la misma (Jiang et al., 2005, Vainer et al., 2005, Cheng et al., 2009, Spalding et al., 2011, Skala et al., 2012), abriendo el camino a nuevas aplicaciones no sólo centradas en el uso diagnóstico. Entre las nuevas aplicaciones, destacamos las que se desarrollan en el ámbito de la actividad física y el deporte, donde recientemente se ha demostrado que los nuevos avances con imágenes de alta resolución pueden proporcionar información muy interesante sobre el complejo sistema de termorregulación humana (Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Entre las nuevas aplicaciones destacan: la cuantificación de la asimilación de la carga de trabajo físico (Čoh & Širok, 2007), la valoración de la condición física (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012, Akimov et al., 2009, 2011, Merla et al., 2010), la prevención y seguimiento de lesiones (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012, Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) e incluso la detección de agujetas (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Bajo estas circunstancias, se acusa cada vez más la necesidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre los factores que influyen en la aplicación de la TI en los seres humanos, así como la descripción de la respuesta de la temperatura de la piel (TP) en condiciones normales, y bajo la influencia de los diferentes tipos de ejercicio. Por consiguiente, este estudio presenta en una primera parte una revisión bibliográfica sobre los factores que afectan al uso de la TI en los seres humanos y una propuesta de clasificación de los mismos. Hemos analizado la fiabilidad del software Termotracker, así como su reproducibilidad de la temperatura de la piel en sujetos jóvenes, sanos y con normopeso. Finalmente, se analizó la respuesta térmica de la piel antes de un entrenamiento de resistencia, velocidad y fuerza, inmediatamente después y durante un período de recuperación de 8 horas. En cuanto a la revisión bibliográfica, hemos propuesto una clasificación para organizar los factores en tres grupos principales: los factores ambientales, individuales y técnicos. El análisis y descripción de estas influencias deben representar la base de nuevas investigaciones con el fin de utilizar la TI en las mejores condiciones. En cuanto a la reproducibilidad, los resultados mostraron valores excelentes para imágenes consecutivas, aunque la reproducibilidad de la TP disminuyó ligeramente con imágenes separadas por 24 horas, sobre todo en las zonas con valores más fríos (es decir, zonas distales y articulaciones). Las asimetrías térmicas (que normalmente se utilizan para seguir la evolución de zonas sobrecargadas o lesionadas) también mostraron excelentes resultados pero, en este caso, con mejores valores para las articulaciones y el zonas centrales (es decir, rodillas, tobillos, dorsales y pectorales) que las Zonas de Interés (ZDI) con valores medios más calientes (como los muslos e isquiotibiales). Los resultados de fiabilidad del software Termotracker fueron excelentes en todas las condiciones y parámetros. En el caso del estudio sobre los efectos de los entrenamientos de la velocidad resistencia y fuerza en la TP, los resultados muestran respuestas específicas según el tipo de entrenamiento, zona de interés, el momento de la evaluación y la función de las zonas analizadas. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de las ZDI musculares se mantuvieron significativamente más calientes 8 horas después del entrenamiento, lo que indica que el efecto del ejercicio sobre la TP perdura por lo menos 8 horas en la mayoría de zonas analizadas. La TI podría ser útil para cuantificar la asimilación y recuperación física después de una carga física de trabajo. Estos resultados podrían ser muy útiles para entender mejor el complejo sistema de termorregulación humano, y por lo tanto, para utilizar la TI de una manera más objetiva, precisa y profesional con visos a mejorar las nuevas aplicaciones termográficas en el sector de la actividad física y el deporte Infrared Thermography (IRT) is a safe, non-invasive and low-cost technique that allows the rapid and non-contact recording of the irradiated energy released from the body (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011; Merla et al., 2005; Ng et al., 2009; Costello et al., 2012; Hildebrandt et al., 2010). It has been used since the early 1960’s, but due to poor results as diagnostic tool and a lack of methodological standards and quality assurance (Head et al., 2002), it was rejected from the medical field. Nevertheless, the technological improvements of IRT in the last years have made possible a resurgence of this technique (Jiang et al., 2005; Vainer et al., 2005; Cheng et al., 2009; Spalding et al., 2011; Skala et al., 2012), paving the way to new applications not only focused on the diagnose usages. Among the new applications, we highlighted those in physical activity and sport fields, where it has been recently proven that a high resolution thermal images can provide us with interesting information about the complex thermoregulation system of the body (Hildebrandt et al., 2010), information than can be used as: training workload quantification (Čoh & Širok, 2007), fitness and performance conditions (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012; Akimov et al., 2009, 2011; Merla et al., 2010; Arfaoui et al., 2012), prevention and monitoring of injuries (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012; Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) and even detection of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness – DOMS- (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Under this context, there is a relevant necessity to broaden the knowledge about factors influencing the application of IRT on humans, and to better explore and describe the thermal response of Skin Temperature (Tsk) in normal conditions, and under the influence of different types of exercise. Consequently, this study presents a literature review about factors affecting the application of IRT on human beings and a classification proposal about them. We analysed the reliability of the software Termotracker®, and also its reproducibility of Tsk on young, healthy and normal weight subjects. Finally, we examined the Tsk thermal response before an endurance, speed and strength training, immediately after and during an 8-hour recovery period. Concerning the literature review, we proposed a classification to organise the factors into three main groups: environmental, individual and technical factors. Thus, better exploring and describing these influence factors should represent the basis of further investigations in order to use IRT in the best and optimal conditions to improve its accuracy and results. Regarding the reproducibility results, the outcomes showed excellent values for consecutive images, but the reproducibility of Tsk slightly decreased with time, above all in the colder Regions of Interest (ROI) (i.e. distal and joint areas). The side-to-side differences (ΔT) (normally used to follow the evolution of some injured or overloaded ROI) also showed highly accurate results, but in this case with better values for joints and central ROI (i.e. Knee, Ankles, Dorsal and Pectoral) than the hottest muscle ROI (as Thigh or Hamstrings). The reliability results of the IRT software Termotracker® were excellent in all conditions and parameters. In the part of the study about the effects on Tsk of aerobic, speed and strength training, the results of Tsk demonstrated specific responses depending on the type of training, ROI, moment of the assessment and the function of the considered ROI. The results showed that most of muscular ROI maintained warmer significant Tsk 8 hours after the training, indicating that the effect of exercise on Tsk last at least 8 hours in most of ROI, as well as IRT could help to quantify the recovery status of the athlete as workload assimilation indicator. Those results could be very useful to better understand the complex skin thermoregulation behaviour, and therefore, to use IRT in a more objective, accurate and professional way to improve the new IRT applications for the physical activity and sport sector.


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This paper presents the results of cyclic loading tests on two large-scale reinforced concrete structural walls that were conducted at Purdue University. One of the walls had confinement reinforcement meeting ACI-318-11 requirements while the other wall did not have any confinement reinforcement. The walls were tested as part of a larger study aimed at indentifying parameters affecting failure modes observed to limit the drift capacity of structural walls in Chile during the Maule Earthquake of 2010. These failure modes include out-of-plane buckling (of the wall rather tan individual reinforcing bars), compression failure, and bond failure. This paper discusses the effects of confinement on failure mode. Distributions of unit strain and curvature obtained with a dense array of non-contact coordinate-tracking targets are also presented.


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En esta tesis doctoral se describe el trabajo de investigación enfocado al estudio y desarrollo de sensores de fibra óptica para la detección de presión, flujo y vibraciones en ductos ascendentes submarinos utilizados en la extracción y transporte de hidrocarburos, con el objetivo de aplicarlos en los campos de explotación de aguas profundas en el Golfo de México pertenecientes a la Industria Petrolera Mexicana. El trabajo se ha enfocado al estudio y desarrollo de sensores ópticos cuasi distribuidos y distribuidos. En especial se ha profundizado en el uso y aplicación de las redes de Bragg (FBG) y de reflectómetros ópticos en el dominio del tiempo sensible a la fase (φ-OTDR). Los sensores de fibra óptica son especialmente interesantes para estas aplicaciones por sus ventajosas características como su inmunidad a interferencias electromagnéticas, capacidad de multiplexado, fiabilidad para trabajar en ambientes hostiles, altas temperaturas, altas presiones, ambientes salino-corrosivos, etc. Además, la fibra óptica no solo es un medio sensor sino que puede usarse como medio de transmisión. Se ha realizado un estudio del estado del arte y las ventajas que presentan los sensores ópticos puntuales, cuasi-distribuidos y distribuidos con respecto a los sensores convencionales. Se han estudiado y descrito los interrogadores de redes de Bragg y se ha desarrollado un método de calibración útil para los interrogadores existentes en el mercado, consiguiendo incertidumbres en la medida de la longitud de onda menores de ± 88 nm e incertidumbres relativas (la mas interesante en el campo de los sensores) menores de ±3 pm. Centrándose en la aplicación de las redes de Bragg en la industria del petróleo, se ha realizado un estudio en detalle del comportamiento que presentan las FBGs en un amplio rango de temperaturas de -40 ºC a 500 oC. Como resultado de este estudio se han evaluado las diferencias en los coeficientes de temperatura en diversos tramos de mas mismas, así como para diferentes recubrimientos protectores. En especial se ha encontrado y evaluado las diferencias de los diferentes recubrimientos en el intervalo de temperaturas entre -40 ºC y 60 ºC. En el caso del intervalo de altas temperaturas, entre 100 ºC y 500 ºC, se ha medido y comprobado el cambio uniforme del coeficiente de temperatura en 1pm/ºC por cada 100 ºC de aumento de temperatura, en redes independientemente del fabricante de las mismas. Se ha aplicado las FBG a la medición de manera no intrusiva de la presión interna en una tubería y a la medición del caudal de un fluido en una tubería, por la medida de diferencia de presión entre dos puntos de la misma. Además se ha realizado un estudio de detección de vibraciones en tuberías con fluidos. Finalmente, se ha implementado un sistema de detección distribuida de vibraciones aplicable a la detección de intrusos en las proximidades de los ductos, mediante un φ-OTDR. En este sistema se ha estudiado el efecto negativo de la inestabilidad de modulación que limita la detección de vibraciones distribuidas, su sensibilidad y su alcance. ABSTRACT This thesis describes the research work focused for the study and development of on optical fiber sensors for detecting pressure, flow and vibration in subsea pipes used in the extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons, in order to apply them in deepwater fields in the Gulf of Mexico belonging to the Mexican oil industry. The work has focused on the study and development of optical sensors distributed and quasi distributed. Especially was done on the use and application of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and optical reflectometers time domain phase sensitive (φ-OTDR). The optical fiber sensors especially are interesting for these applications for their advantageous characteristics such as immunity to electromagnetic interference, multiplexing capability, reliability to work in harsh environments, high temperatures, high pressures, corrosive saline environments, etc. Furthermore, the optical fiber is not only a sensor means it can be used as transmission medium. We have performed a study of the state of the art and the advantages offered by optical sensors point, quasi-distributed and distributed over conventional sensors. Have studied and described interrogators Bragg grating and has developed a calibration method for interrogators useful for the existing interrogators in the market, resulting uncertainty in the measurement of the wavelength of less than ± 0.17 nm and uncertainties (the more interesting in the field of sensors) less than ± 3 pm. Focusing on the application of the Bragg gratings in the oil industry, has been studied in detail the behavior of the FBGs in a wide range of temperatures from -40 °C to 500 oC. As a result of this study we have evaluated the difference in temperature coefficients over various sections of the same, as well as different protective coatings. In particular evaluated and found the differences coatings in the range of temperatures between -40 º C and 60 º C. For the high temperature range between 20 ° C and 500 ° C, has been measured and verified the uniform change of the temperature coefficient at 1pm / ° C for each 100 ° C increase in temperature, in networks regardless of manufacturer thereof. FBG is applied to the non-intrusive measurement of internal pressure in a pipeline and measuring flow of a fluid in a pipe, by measuring the pressure difference between two points thereof. Therefore, has also made a study of detecting vibrations in pipes with fluids. Finally, we have implemented a distributed sensing system vibration applied to intrusion detection in the vicinity of the pipelines, by φ-OTDR. In this system we have studied the negative effect of modulation instability limits the distributed vibration detection, sensitivity and scope.


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Non-destructive measurement of fruit quality has been an important objective through recent years (Abbott, 1999). Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is applicable to the cuantification of chemicals in foods and NIK "laser spectroscopy" can be used to estimate the firmness of fruits. However, die main limitation of current optical techniques that measure light transmission is that they do not account for the coupling between absorption and scattering inside the tissue, when quantifying the intensity o f reemitted light. The solution o f this l i m i t a t i o n was the goal o f the present work.


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The applicability of a portable NIR spectrometer for estimating the °Brix content of grapes by non-destructive measurement has been analysed in field. The NIR spectrometer AOTF-NIR Luminar 5030, from Brimrose, was used. The spectrometer worked with a spectral range from 1100 to 2300 nm. A total of 600 samples of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, belonging to two vintages, were measured in a non-destructive way. The specific objective of this research is to analyse the influence of the statistical treatment of the spectra information in the development of °Brix estimation models. Different data pretreatments have been tested before applying multivariate analysis techniques to generate estimation models. The calibration using PLS regression applied to spectra data pretreated with the MSC method (multiplicative scatter correction) has been the procedure with better results. Considering the models developed with data corresponding to the first campaign, errors near to 1.35 °Brix for calibration (SEC = 1.36) and, about 1.50 °Brix for validation (SECV = 1.52) were obtained. The coefficients of determination were R2 = 0.78 for the calibration, and R2 = 0.77 for the validation. In addition, the great variability in the data of the °Brix content for the tested plots was analysed. The variation of °Brix on the plots was up to 4 °Brix, for all varieties. This deviation was always superior to the calculated errors in the generated models. Therefore, the generated models can be considered to be valid for its application in field. Models were validated with data corresponding to the second campaign. In this sense, the validation results were worse than those obtained in the first campaign. It is possible to conclude in the need to realize an adjustment of the spectrometer for each season, and to develop specific predictive models for every vineyard.


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This paper analyzes the noise and gain measurement of microwave differential amplifiers using two passive baluns. A general model of the baluns is considered, including potential losses and phase/amplitude unbalances. This analysis allows de-embedding the actual gain and noise performance of the isolated amplifier by using single-ended measurements of the cascaded system and baluns. Finally, measured results from two amplifier prototypes are used to validate the theoretical principles.


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Irrigation management in large crop fields is a very important practice. Since the farm management costs and the crop results are directly connected with the environmental moisture, water control optimization is a critical factor for agricultural practices, as well as for the planet sustainability. Usually, the crop humidity is measured through the water stress index (WSI), using imagery acquired from satellites or airplanes. Nevertheless, these tools have a significant cost, lack from availability, and dependability from the weather. Other alternative is to recover to ground tools, such as ground vehicles and even static base stations. However, they have an outstanding impact in the farming process, since they can damage the cultivation and require more human effort. As a possible solution to these issues, a rolling ground robot have been designed and developed, enabling non-invasive measurements within crop fields. This paper addresses the spherical robot system applied to intra-crop moisture measurements. Furthermore, some experiments were carried out in an early stage corn field in order to build a geo-referenced WSI map.


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An innovative dissipative multi-beam network for triangular arrays of three radiating elements is proposed. This novel network provides three orthogonal beams in θ0 elevation angle and a fourth one in the broadside steering direction. The network is composed of 90º hybrid couplers and fixed phase shifters. In this paper, a relation between network components, radiating element distance and beam steering directions will be shown. Application of the proposed dissipative network to the triangular cells of three radiating elements that integrate the intelligent antenna GEODA will be exhibited. This system works at 1.7 GHz, it has a 60º single radiating element beamwidth and a distance between array elements of 0.57 λ. Both beam patterns, theoretical and simulated, obtained with the network will be depicted. Moreover, the whole system, dissipative network built with GEODA cell array, has been measured in the anechoic chamber of the Radiation Group of Technical University of Madrid, demonstrating expected performance.


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In this work we study the optimization of laser-fired contact (LFC) processing parameters, namely laser power and number of pulses, based on the electrical resistance measurement of an aluminum single LFC point. LFC process has been made through four passivation layers that are typically used in c-Si and mc-Si solar cell fabrication: thermally grown silicon oxide (SiO2), deposited phosphorus-doped amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiCx/H(n)), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and silicon nitride (SiNx/H) films. Values for the LFC resistance normalized by the laser spot area in the range of 0.65–3 mΩ cm2 have been obtained


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Increasing consumer dissatisfaction related with lack of ripeness in peach has been repeatedly reported since 1990 to the present day. There is thus, a great interest in improving the assessment of peach maturity, currently based on Magness Taylor firmness (destructive, highly variable, and time consuming) and colour (not reliable for highly coloured varieties). The present research studies as an alternative several non-destructive (ND) measurements, based on multispectral imaging, visible spectra, and low mass impact response. Their relationship with maturity, as well as the potential of their combination was studied. As a result, two rather independent (R2 = 0.3) groups of non-destructive measurements, chlorophyll related optical indexes and low mass impact (LMI) measurements, were identified. Optical measurements showed the best behaviour for assessing maturity at harvest, while LMI measurements reflected handling incidences, showing a promising potential to be used to control transport and postharvest handling.