18 resultados para Niobium carbide. 15Kh2MFA ferritic steel. Powder metallurgy. High energy milling and composite materials

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Se ha estudiado el acero inoxidable pulvimetalúrgico AISI 430L, comparando la sinterización en dos atmósferas diferentes; en vacío, y en una atmósfera que contiene nitrógeno. Se ha desarrollado un tratamiento térmico con objeto de incrementar las propiedades mecánicas, mediante la modificación microestructural de los nitruros complejos de hierro y cromo precipitados durante la etapa de sinterización. Se han evaluado las propiedades físicas y a la vez se ha realizado un análisis microestructural con el fin de relacionar la microestructura con el incremento en las propiedades mecánicas. Influence of sintering atmosphere on the mechanical properties of steel P / M AISI 430L. It has studied the stainless steel powder metallurgy AISI 430L. It has compared the sintering in two different atmospheres; in vacuum, and in an atmosphere containing nitrogen. It has developed a heat treatment with the aim of improving the mechanical properties. This has been done through microstructural modification of complex nitrides of iron and chromium precipitates during the phase of sintering. Physical properties have been evaluated and are been performing a microstructural analysis for microstructure related to the increase in mechanical properties.


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The new generation jet engines operate at highly demanding working conditions. Such conditions need very precise design which implies an exhaustive study of the engine materials and behaviour in their extreme working conditions. With this purpose, this work intends to describe a numerically-based calibration of the widely-used Johnson–Cook fracture model, as well as its validation through high temperature ballistic impact tests. To do so, a widely-used turbine casing material is studied. This material is the Firth Vickers 535 martensitic stainless steel. Quasi-static tensile tests at various temperatures in a universal testing machine, as well as dynamic tests in a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, are carried out at different triaxialities. Using ABAQUS/Standard and LS-DYNA numerical codes, experimental data are matched. This method allows the researcher to obtain critical data of equivalent plastic strain and triaxility, which allows for more precise calibration of the Johnson–Cook fracture model. Such enhancement allows study of the fracture behaviour of the material across its usage temperature range.


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The production and industry of paprika present several problems related to quality and to production costs. One of the main difficulties is to obtain an objective and quick method for predicting quality. Quality in powder paprika involves: quantity of carotenoids and the appearance and stability of colour. The method used currently for determining quality is the measurement of absorbance at 460 nm wavelength, of an acetone extract of carotenoids, but there is no information about the appearance of the paprika or the stability of its colour with time. " Another important problem is the presence of mixtures of powdered paprika produced in the Spanish region of "La Vera", which has a peculiar way of production, with a high '' quality and price, with other products of lower quality. It is necessary to obtain methods which are able to detect the fraud.


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The effect of the applied stress on the deformation and crack nucleation and propagation mechanisms of a c-TiAl intermetallic alloy (Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn (at. pct)-0.8 vol. pct TiB2) was examined by means of in situ tensile (constant strain rate) and tensile-creep (constant load) experiments performed at 973 K (700 �C) using a scanning electron microscope. Colony boundary cracking developed during the secondary stage in creep tests at 300 and 400 MPa and during the tertiary stage of the creep tests performed at higher stresses. Colony boundary cracking was also observed in the constant strain rate tensile test. Interlamellar ledges were only found during the tensile-creep tests at high stresses (r>400 MPa) and during the constant strain rate tensile test. Quantitative measurements of the nature of the crack propagation path along secondary cracks and along the primary crack indicated that colony boundaries were preferential sites for crack propagation under all the conditions investigated. The frequency of interlamellar cracking increased with stress, but this fracture mechanism was always of secondary importance. Translamellar cracking was only observed along the primary crack.


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El uso de materiales compuestos para el refuerzo, reparación y rehabilitación de estructuras de hormigón se ha convertido en una técnica muy utilizada en la última década. Con independencia de la técnica del refuerzo, uno de los principales condicionantes del diseño es el fallo de la adherencia entre el hormigón y el material compuesto, atribuida generalmente a las tensiones en la interfaz de estos materiales. Las propiedades mecánicas del hormigón y de los materiales compuestos son muy distintas. Los materiales compuestos comúnmente utilizados en ingeniería civil poseen alta resistencia a tracción y tienen un comportamiento elástico y lineal hasta la rotura, lo cual, en contraste con el ampliamente conocido comportamiento del hormigón, genera una clara incompatibilidad para soportar esfuerzos de forma conjunta. Esta incompatibilidad conduce a fallos relacionados con el despegue del material compuesto del sustrato de hormigón. En vigas de hormigón reforzadas a flexión o a cortante, el despegue del material compuesto es un fenómeno que frecuentemente condiciona la capacidad portante del elemento. Existen dos zonas potenciales de iniciación del despegue: los extremos y la zona entre fisuras de flexión o de flexión-cortante. En el primer caso, la experiencia a través de los últimos años ha demostrado que se puede evitar prolongando el refuerzo hasta los apoyos o mediante el empleo de algún sistema de anclaje. Sin embargo, las recomendaciones para evitar el segundo caso de despegue aún se encuentran lejos de poder prever el fallo de forma eficiente. La necesidad de medir la adherencia experimentalmente de materiales FRP adheridos al hormigón ha dado lugar a desarrollar diversos métodos por la comunidad de investigadores. De estas campañas experimentales surgieron modelos para el pronóstico de la resistencia de adherencia, longitud efectiva y relación tensión-deslizamiento. En la presente tesis se propone un ensayo de beam-test, similar al utilizado para medir la adherencia de barras de acero, para determinar las características de adherencia del FRP al variar la resistencia del hormigón y el espesor del adhesivo. A la vista de los resultados, se considera que este ensayo puede ser utilizado para investigar diferentes tipos de adhesivos y otros métodos de aplicación, dado que representa con mayor realidad el comportamiento en vigas reforzadas. Los resultados experimentales se trasladan a la comprobación del fallo por despegue en la región de fisuras de flexión o flexión cortante en vigas de hormigón presentando buena concordancia. Los resultados condujeron a la propuesta de que la limitación de la deformación constituye una alternativa simple y eficiente para prever el citado modo de fallo. Con base en las vigas analizadas, se propone una nueva expresión para el cálculo de la limitación de la deformación del laminado y se lleva a cabo una comparación entre los modelos existentes mediante un análisis estadístico para evaluar su precisión. Abstract The use of composite materials for strengthening, repairing or rehabilitating concrete structures has become more and more popular in the last ten years. Irrespective of the type of strengthening used, design is conditioned, among others, by concrete-composite bond failure, normally attributed to stresses at the interface between these two materials. The mechanical properties of concrete and composite materials are very different. Composite materials commonly used in civil engineering possess high tensile strength (both static and long term) and they are linear elastic to failure, which, in contrast to the widely known behavior of concrete, there is a clear incompatibility which leads to bond-related failures. Bond failure in the composite material in bending- or shear-strengthened beams often controls bearing capacity of the strengthened member. Debonding failure of RC beams strengthened in bending by externally-bonded composite laminates takes place either, at the end (plate end debonding) or at flexure or flexure-shear cracks (intermediate crack debonding). In the first case, the experience over the past years has shown that this can be avoided by extending laminates up to the supports or by using an anchoring system. However, recommendations for the second case are still considered far from predicting failure efficiently. The need to experimentally measure FRP bonding to concrete has induced the scientific community to develop test methods for that purpose. Experimental campaigns, in turn, have given rise to models for predicting bond strength, effective length and the stress-slip relationship. The beam-type test proposed and used in this thesis to determine the bonding characteristics of FRP at varying concrete strengths and adhesive thicknesses was similar to the test used for measuring steel reinforcement to concrete bonding conditions. In light of the findings, this test was deemed to be usable to study different types of adhesives and application methods, since it reflects the behavior of FRP in strengthened beams more accurately than the procedures presently in place. Experimental results are transferred to the verification of peeling-off at flexure or flexure-shear cracks, presenting a good general agreement. Findings led to the conclusion that the strain limitation of laminate produces accurate predictions of intermediate crack debonding. A new model for strain limitation is proposed. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation based on a statistical analysis among existing models is carried out in order to assess their accuracy.


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El artículo examina un nuevo sistema envolvente ligero, delgado, con ahorro energético, libre de formas diseñado para su uso en proyectos de arquitectura.


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In layered silicate-epoxy nanocomposites organic modification of the silicates makes them compatible with the epoxy which intercalates into the clay galleries. The effect of clay dispersion on epoxies of high Tg is not clear. Decreases of the epoxy Tg have been frequently reported. The presence of clay may cause stoichiometry imbalances that conduces to the formation of imperfect networks


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In this work a methodology for analysing the lateral coupled behavior of large viaducts and high-speed trains is proposed. The finite element method is used for the structure, multibody techniques are applied for vehicles and the interaction between them is established introducing wheel-rail nonlinear contact forces. This methodology is applied for the analysis of the railway viaduct of the R´ıo Barbantino, which is a very long and tall bridge in the north-west spanish high-speed line.


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In this paper we will see how the efficiency of the MBS simulations can be improved in two different ways, by considering both an explicit and implicit semi-recursive formulation. The explicit method is based on a double velocity transformation that involves the solution of a redundant but compatible system of equations. The high computational cost of this operation has been drastically reduced by taking into account the sparsity pattern of the system. Regarding this, the goal of this method is the introduction of MA48, a high performance mathematical library provided by Harwell Subroutine Library. The second method proposed in this paper has the particularity that, depending on the case, between 70 and 85% of the computation time is devoted to the evaluation of forces derivatives with respect to the relative position and velocity vectors. Keeping in mind that evaluating these derivatives can be decomposed into concurrent tasks, the main goal of this paper lies on a successful and straightforward parallel implementation that have led to a substantial improvement with a speedup of 3.2 by keeping all the cores busy in a quad-core processor and distributing the workload between them, achieving on this way a huge time reduction by doing an ideal CPU usage


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The AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been considered as promising candidates for the next generation of high temperature, high frequency, high-power devices. The potential of GaN-based HEMTs may be improved using an AlInN barrier because of its better lattice match to GaN, resulting in higher sheet carrier densities without piezoelectric polarization [1]. This work has been focused on the study of AlInN HEMTs pulse and DC mode characterization at high temperature.


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This article examines, from the energy viewpoint, a new lightweight, slim, high energy efficient, light-transmitting envelope system, providing for seamless, free-form designs for use in architectural projects. The research was based on envelope components already existing on the market, especially components implemented with granular silica gel insulation, as this is the most effective translucent thermal insulation there is today. The tests run on these materials revealed that there is not one that has all the features required of the new envelope model, although some do have properties that could be exploited to generate this envelope, namely, the vacuum chamber of vacuum insulated panels (VIP), the monolithic aerogel used as insulation in some prototypes, reinforced polyester barriers. By combining these three design components — the high-performance thermal insulation of the vacuum chamber combined with monolithic silica gel insulation, the free-form design potential provided by materials like reinforced polyester and epoxy resins—, we have been able to define and test a new, variable geometry, energy-saving envelope system.


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An analytical study of the relativistic interaction of a linearly-polarized laser-field of w frequency with highly overdense plasma is presented. Very intense high harmonics are generated produced by relativistic mirrors effects due to the relativistic electron plasma oscillation. Also, in agreement with 1D Particle-In-Cell Simulations (PICS), the model self-consistently explains the transition between the sheath inverse bremsstrahlung (SIB) absorption regime and the J×B heating (responsible for the 2w electron bunches), as well as the mean electron energy.


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High switching frequencies (several MHz) allow the integration of low power DC/DC converters. Although, in theory, a high switching frequency would make possible to implement a conventional Voltage Mode control (VMC) or Peak Current Mode control (PCMC) with very high bandwidth, in practice, parasitic effects and robustness limits the applicability of these control techniques. This paper compares VMC and CMC techniques with the V2IC control. This control is based on two loops. The fast internal loop has information of the output capacitor current and the error voltage, providing fast dynamic response under load and voltage reference steps, while the slow external voltage loop provides accurate steady state regulation. This paper shows the fast dynamic response of the V2IC control under load and output voltage reference steps and its robustness operating with additional output capacitors added by the customer.


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The objective of this paper is to analyse the factors influencing tourists? choice of a destination and the role of High Speed Rail (HSR) systems in this choice. The methodology proposed consists in analysing two capitals in Europe, i.e. Paris and Madrid where HSR services are important, to investigate the factors influencing holidaymakers in choosing these cities, and the role of HSR in this choice. The main outcome of this paper is to show that several factors influence the choice of a tourist, like the presence of architectural sites, the quality of promotion of the destination itself, the presence of events, and also HSR services. However we found that the HSR system has affected the choice of Paris and Madrid in a different way. Concerning the French case study, HSR is considered a real transport mode alternative among tourists, therefore HSR is chosen to reach Paris as well as for revisiting it. On the other hand, Madrid is chosen by tourists irrespective on the presence of HSR, while HSR is chosen for reaching cities close to Madrid. Data collected from the two surveys have been used for a further quantitative analysis. Models have been specified and calibrated to identify the factors influencing holidaymakers to revisit Paris and Madrid and the role of HSR in this choice has been highlighted.


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As embedded systems evolve, problems inherent to technology become important limitations. In less than ten years, chips will exceed the maximum allowed power consumption affecting performance, since, even though the resources available per chip are increasing, frequency of operation has stalled. Besides, as the level of integration is increased, it is difficult to keep defect density under control, so new fault tolerant techniques are required. In this demo work, a new dynamically adaptable virtual architecture (ARTICo3) to allow dynamic and context-aware use of resources is implemented in a high performance Wireless Sensor node (HiReCookie) to perform an image processing application.