23 resultados para Nilpotent-by-Finite Group

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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A finite element model was used to simulate timberbeams with defects and predict their maximum load in bending. Taking into account the elastoplastic constitutive law of timber, the prediction of fracture load gives information about the mechanisms of timber failure, particularly with regard to the influence of knots, and their local graindeviation, on the fracture. A finite element model was constructed using the ANSYS element Plane42 in a plane stress 2D-analysis, which equates thickness to the width of the section to create a mesh which is as uniform as possible. Three sub-models reproduced the bending test according to UNE EN 408: i) timber with holes caused by knots; ii) timber with adherent knots which have structural continuity with the rest of the beam material; iii) timber with knots but with only partial contact between knot and beam which was artificially simulated by means of contact springs between the two materials. The model was validated using ten 45 × 145 × 3000 mm beams of Pinus sylvestris L. which presented knots and graindeviation. The fracture stress data obtained was compared with the results of numerical simulations, resulting in an adjustment error less of than 9.7%


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In the thin-film photovoltaic industry, to achieve a high light scattering in one or more of the cell interfaces is one of the strategies that allow an enhancement of light absorption inside the cell and, therefore, a better device behavior and efficiency. Although chemical etching is the standard method to texture surfaces for that scattering improvement, laser light has shown as a new way for texturizing different materials, maintaining a good control of the final topography with a unique, clean, and quite precise process. In this work AZO films with different texture parameters are fabricated. The typical parameters used to characterize them, as the root mean square roughness or the haze factor, are discussed and, for deeper understanding of the scattering mechanisms, the light behavior in the films is simulated using a finite element method code. This method gives information about the light intensity in each point of the system, allowing the precise characterization of the scattering behavior near the film surface, and it can be used as well to calculate a simulated haze factor that can be compared with experimental measurements. A discussion of the validation of the numerical code, based in a comprehensive comparison with experimental data is included.


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En el presente proyecto se estudiará la conveniencia de utilizar simulación numérica para evaluar, diseñar y mejorar el diseño de instalaciones geotérmicas planas. Para ello, se modelizará el conjunto de terreno y sistema geotérmico mediante el acoplamiento de un modelo tridimensional (terreno) y un modelo unidimensional, formado por la red de tubería geotérmica, que estará dispuesta en un plano cuya orientación dependerá de las aplicaciones. Para la simulación numérica se utilizará un software de análisis y resolución por elementos finitos tipo comercial. Finalmente, se definirán unos parámetros geométricos de diseño y, teniendo en cuenta las propiedades térmicas de cada material, se realizarán estudios paramétricos para determinar la influencia de cada grupo de parámetros. Ello requerirá la realización de cientos de simulaciones numéricas que permitirán optimizar el rendimiento de sistemas geotérmicos planos tanto horizontales (soleras), como verticales (muros pantalla). ABSTRACT In this project it is going to be studied the convenience of numerical simulation as to evaluate, design and improve the design of geothermal planar installations. With this purpose, the terrain and the geothermal system will be modeled by coupling a three-dimensional model (terrain) and a one-dimensional model formed by the geothermal piping network disposed in a plane with an orientation which will depend on the applications. For the numerical simulation commercial software of analyzing and resolving by finite elements will be used. Finally, geometric design parameters will be defined, and taking into account the thermal properties of each material, parametric studies will be performed to determine the influence of each group of parameters. This will require the completion of hundreds of numerical simulations which will enhance the performance of both horizontal (slabs) and vertical (diaphragm walls) geothermal systems.


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This paper presents the experimental three-year learning activity developed by a group of teachers in a wind tunnel facility. The authors, leading a team of students, carried out a project consisting of the design, assembly and testing of a wind tunnel. The project included all stages of the process from its initial specifications to its final quality flow assessments, going through the calculation of each element, and the building of the whole wind tunnel. The group of (final year) students was responsible for the whole wind tunnel project as a part of their bachelor degree project. The paper focuses on the development of wind tunnel data acquisition software. This automatic tool is essential to improve the automation of the data acquisition of the wind tunnel facility systems, in particular for a 6DOF multi-axis force/torque sensor. This work can be considered as a typical example of real engineering practice: a set of specifications that has to be modified due to the constraints imposed throughout the project, in order to obtain the final result


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One presents in this work the study of the interaction between a focused laser beam and Si nanowires (NWs). The NWs heating induced by the laser beam is studied by solving the heat transfer equation by finite element methods (fem). This analysis permits to establish the temperature distribution inside the NW when it is excited by the laser beam. The overheating is dependent on the dimensions of the NW, both the diameter and the length. When performing optical characterization of the NWs using focused laser beams, one has to consider the temperature increase introduced by the laser beam. An important issue concerns the fact that the NWs diameter has subwavelength dimensions, and is also smaller than the focused laser beam. The analysis of the thermal behaviour of the NWs under the excitation with the laser beam permits the interpretation of the Raman spectra of Si NWs, where it is demonstrated that temperature induced by the laser beam play a major role in shaping the Raman spectrum of Si NWs


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A novel concept for active space debris removal known as Ion Beam Shepherd (IBS) which has been recently presented by our group is investigated. The concept makes use of a highly collimated ion beam to exert the necessary force on a generic debris to modify its orbit and/or attitude from a safe distance in a controlled manner, without the need of docking. After describing the main characteristics of the IBS system, some of the key aspects of thruster plasma and its interaction with the debris are studied, namely, (1) the modeling of the expansion of an plasma beam, based on the quasi-selfsimilarity exhibited by hypersonic plumes, (2) the characterization of the force and torque exerted upon the target debris, and (3) a preliminary evaluation of other plasma-body interactions.


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La tesis revela paralelismos y conexiones entre las arquitectas/diseñadoras Charlotte Perriand (1903-1999) y Kazuyo Sejima (n. 1956), reflejados en una serie de proyectos de pequeña escala que denomino arquitectura petite—mobiliario tecnológico habitable—, resultado de momentos semejantes de cambio social, cultural, económico, industrial y transnacional en Francia en la década de 1920 y en Japón en la década de 1980. Este trabajo dirige su atención a la arquitectura doméstica concebida desde el interior por arquitectos con una formación complementaria en diseño de mobiliario. A su vez, profundiza en la relación que se establece entre el diseño de una casa y el diseño de un mueble, una máquina o un vestido. Los pequeños proyectos, próximos al mobiliario, diseñados por Sejima, no han sido suficientemente estudiados, al igual que los proyectos de arquitectura experimental proyectados por Perriand. Ambas trayectorias analizadas desde estos renovados puntos de vista se encuentran en lo que denominamos arquitectura petite. Surge así un nuevo paradigma espacial en un contexto de poder de lo femenino—en los medios de comunicación—y de intercambio cultural transnacional. Cuando el mobiliario crece y se equipa tecnológicamente para hacerse habitable por un grupo de personas, con cualidades suficientes de confort sensorial, es arquitectura petite. En 2009, Toyo Ito mostró en una conferencia en Madrid, una imagen de Sejima posando en su proyecto Pao I. Justo ochenta años antes, en 1929, Le Corbusier presentó en Buenos Aires la imagen de Perriand posando para su Chaise Longue. La coincidencia de ambas fotografías, junto con la lectura de dos inspiradores artículos de Toyo Ito, “Adèle’s dream” (1984)—cuyo enigmático título utiliza un nombre francés femenino para describir una casa japonesa—y “Simple lines for Le Corbusier” (1994), dieron origen a la hipótesis central de una investigación: la comparación de dos arquitectas, sus maestros y dos objetos pertenecientes a dos momentos y lugares distantes. Perriand y Sejima fueron emblemas del concepto de Nueva Feminidad, ambas tenían éxito en la prensa generalista del momento antes de ser contratadas por Le Corbusier y Toyo Ito respectivamente. Junto a sus maestros de entonces, concibieron dos iconos de la era de la maquina y de la electrónica respectivamente, la Chaise Longue (1928) y Pao I (1985), diseñados para ellas mismas. Perriand y Sejima usaron su propio cuerpo como unidad de medida y su imagen como reclamo publicitario para la promoción de los dos objetos respectivamente. La precisión técnica, materiales de lujo y enfoque de la relajación que compartieron la Chaise Longue y Pao I sugirió un nomadismo lúdico que anticipó el desarrollo posterior de lo que denominamos de arquitectura petite por parte de Perriand y Sejima. Ambos prototipos son los antecedentes de una arquitectura de talla precisa o petite (objetos híbridos entre casa, mueble y máquina con la sensualidad como característica distintiva) que ambas arquitectas han proyectado a lo largo de su carrera, y que aúnan su interés mutuo por las propiedades físicas de los materiales, así como su formación en diseño de mobiliario y su fascinación por la moda. La tesis concluye que la arquitectura petite es la depositaria de los manifiestos de una época, la que sigue a la era de la máquina enunciada por Le Corbusier y a la era de la electrónica descrita por Toyo Ito. En este sentido, la tesis evidencia la forma en la que importantes arquitectos han concentrado ideas ambiciosas en pequeños proyectos. Las características de petite se resumen en el hecho de ser una arquitectura de límites precisos, desmontable y por tanto temporal, que explora el potencial técnico y formal de nuevos materiales importados de otras industrias, incorpora condiciones sensuales propias de su escala antropométrica, y está destinada al ocio de un grupo de personas. A modo de colofón, la tesis descubre la existencia de una historia de ficción que vincula a Charlotte Perriand y Kazuyo Sejima a través de Toyo Ito: “El diario de Adèle”. ABSTRACT This dissertation reveals parallels between the architects/designers Charlotte Perriand (1903- 1999) and Kazuyo Sejima (b. 1956), reflected in a series of small projects I call petite architecture—habitable technological furniture—, which formed during similar periods of social, cultural, economic, industrial and transnational change in France in the 1920s and in Japan in the 1980s. This research focuses on domestic architecture conceived from the inside by architects with additional training in furniture design. At the same time, it explores the relationships established between the design of a house, a piece of furniture, a machine, or a dress. Small architectural projects, close to the furniture, designed by Sejima have not been sufficiently studied, as well as the experimental architectural projects designed by Perriand. Both of their experimental trajectories analyzed from this renovated point of view converge on what we call petite architecture. Thus, it raises a new spatial paradigm in the context of feminine power within the media, as direct consumers, and transnational cultural exchange. When furniture expands and is technologically equipped to the point where it becomes habitable by a group, or groups of people, providing its occupants with sensorial comfort, it is petite architecture. In 2009, at a conference in Madrid, Ito showed a picture of Sejima posing at his Pao I (1985). Just eighty years earlier, in 1929, Le Corbusier exhibited in a conference in Buenos Aires an image of Perriand posing for his Chaise Longue (1928). The coincidence of the two photographs, along with two inspiring articles by Toyo Ito "Adèle's dream" (1984) — whose enigmatic title uses a French female name to describe a Japanese house — and "Simple lines for Le Corbusier" (1994) led to a hypothesis and an investigation comparing the two architects, their mentors, and two objects, each belonging to two distant times and places. Perriand and Sejima were emblems of the concept of New Femininity, both had success in the media of their time before being hired by Le Corbusier and Toyo Ito respectively. Together with their mentors they designed two objects that became icons of the Machine Age and the Electronic Age respectively: the Chaise Longue (1928) and Pao I (1985). Designed "for themselves," Perriand and Sejima used their own bodies as a measuring unit and their image as a publicity stunt to promote the two objects respectively. Both objects are the embryonic capsules of the architecture that pampers the scale or petite (objects that conflate residence, machine and furniture, and have sensuality as a distinctive feature). From the technical precision, luxurious materials, and approach towards relaxation, emerged a playful nomadism, which anticipated the further development of what we call petite architecture. Perriand and Sejima would develop these ideas throughout their career, pooling their interests on the physical properties of materials, formation in furniture design, and their intense interest in fashion. The dissertation concludes that petite architecture is the manifestation of an age, which follows the Machine Age defined by Le Corbusier and the Electronic Age described by Toyo Ito. In this sense, the dissertation demonstrates the way in which important architects have focused their ambitious ideas on small projects. petite characteristics are summarized as being: architecture that pampers the scale, is (de)mountable and therefore temporary, explores the formal and technical potential of novel materials and techniques imported from other industries, incorporates sensual conditions according with its anthropometric scale, and is conceived for the leisure of a group of people. In addition, by way of colophon, the dissertation discovers the existence of a fictional story that links Charlotte Perriand and Kazuyo Sejima through Toyo Ito: "Adèle's Diary".


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El objetivo final de las investigaciones recogidas en esta tesis doctoral es la estimación del volumen de hielo total de los ms de 1600 glaciares de Svalbard, en el Ártico, y, con ello, su contribución potencial a la subida del nivel medio del mar en un escenario de calentamiento global. Los cálculos más exactos del volumen de un glaciar se efectúan a partir de medidas del espesor de hielo obtenidas con georradar. Sin embargo, estas medidas no son viables para conjuntos grandes de glaciares, debido al coste, dificultades logísticas y tiempo requerido por ellas, especialmente en las regiones polares o de montaña. Frente a ello, la determinación de áreas de glaciares a partir de imágenes de satélite sí es viable a escalas global y regional, por lo que las relaciones de escala volumen-área constituyen el mecanismo más adecuado para las estimaciones de volúmenes globales y regionales, como las realizadas para Svalbard en esta tesis. Como parte del trabajo de tesis, hemos elaborado un inventario de los glaciares de Svalbard en los que se han efectuado radioecosondeos, y hemos realizado los cálculos del volumen de hielo de más de 80 cuencas glaciares de Svalbard a partir de datos de georradar. Estos volúmenes han sido utilizados para calibrar las relaciones volumen-área desarrolladas en la tesis. Los datos de georradar han sido obtenidos en diversas campañas llevadas a cabo por grupos de investigación internacionales, gran parte de ellas lideradas por el Grupo de Simulación Numérica en Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, del que forman parte la doctoranda y los directores de tesis. Además, se ha desarrollado una metodología para la estimación del error en el cálculo de volumen, que aporta una novedosa técnica de cálculo del error de interpolación para conjuntos de datos del tipo de los obtenidos con perfiles de georradar, que presentan distribuciones espaciales con unos patrones muy característicos pero con una densidad de datos muy irregular. Hemos obtenido en este trabajo de tesis relaciones de escala específicas para los glaciares de Svalbard, explorando la sensibilidad de los parámetros a diferentes morfologías glaciares, e incorporando nuevas variables. En particular, hemos efectuado experimentos orientados a verificar si las relaciones de escala obtenidas caracterizando los glaciares individuales por su tamaño, pendiente o forma implican diferencias significativas en el volumen total estimado para los glaciares de Svalbard, y si esta partición implica algún patrón significativo en los parámetros de las relaciones de escala. Nuestros resultados indican que, para un valor constante del factor multiplicativo de la relacin de escala, el exponente que afecta al área en la relación volumen-área decrece según aumentan la pendiente y el factor de forma, mientras que las clasificaciones basadas en tamaño no muestran un patrón significativo. Esto significa que los glaciares con mayores pendientes y de tipo circo son menos sensibles a los cambios de área. Además, los volúmenes de la población total de los glaciares de Svalbard calculados con fraccionamiento en grupos por tamaño y pendiente son un 1-4% menores que los obtenidas usando la totalidad de glaciares sin fraccionamiento en grupos, mientras que los volúmenes calculados fraccionando por forma son un 3-5% mayores. También realizamos experimentos multivariable para obtener estimaciones óptimas del volumen total mediante una combinación de distintos predictores. Nuestros resultados muestran que un modelo potencial simple volumen-área explica el 98.6% de la varianza. Sólo el predictor longitud del glaciar proporciona significación estadística cuando se usa además del área del glaciar, aunque el coeficiente de determinación disminuye en comparación con el modelo más simple V-A. El predictor intervalo de altitud no proporciona información adicional cuando se usa además del área del glaciar. Nuestras estimaciones del volumen de la totalidad de glaciares de Svalbard usando las diferentes relaciones de escala obtenidas en esta tesis oscilan entre 6890 y 8106 km3, con errores relativos del orden de 6.6-8.1%. El valor medio de nuestras estimaciones, que puede ser considerado como nuestra mejor estimación del volumen, es de 7.504 km3. En términos de equivalente en nivel del mar (SLE), nuestras estimaciones corresponden a una subida potencial del nivel del mar de 17-20 mm SLE, promediando 19_2 mm SLE, donde el error corresponde al error en volumen antes indicado. En comparación, las estimaciones usando las relaciones V-A de otros autores son de 13-26 mm SLE, promediando 20 _ 2 mm SLE, donde el error representa la desviación estándar de las distintas estimaciones. ABSTRACT The final aim of the research involved in this doctoral thesis is the estimation of the total ice volume of the more than 1600 glaciers of Svalbard, in the Arctic region, and thus their potential contribution to sea-level rise under a global warming scenario. The most accurate calculations of glacier volumes are those based on ice-thicknesses measured by groundpenetrating radar (GPR). However, such measurements are not viable for very large sets of glaciers, due to their cost, logistic difficulties and time requirements, especially in polar or mountain regions. On the contrary, the calculation of glacier areas from satellite images is perfectly viable at global and regional scales, so the volume-area scaling relationships are the most useful tool to determine glacier volumes at global and regional scales, as done for Svalbard in this PhD thesis. As part of the PhD work, we have compiled an inventory of the radio-echo sounded glaciers in Svalbard, and we have performed the volume calculations for more than 80 glacier basins in Svalbard from GPR data. These volumes have been used to calibrate the volume-area relationships derived in this dissertation. Such GPR data have been obtained during fieldwork campaigns carried out by international teams, often lead by the Group of Numerical Simulation in Science and Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid, to which the PhD candidate and her supervisors belong. Furthermore, we have developed a methodology to estimate the error in the volume calculation, which includes a novel technique to calculate the interpolation error for data sets of the type produced by GPR profiling, which show very characteristic data distribution patterns but with very irregular data density. We have derived in this dissertation scaling relationships specific for Svalbard glaciers, exploring the sensitivity of the scaling parameters to different glacier morphologies and adding new variables. In particular, we did experiments aimed to verify whether scaling relationships obtained through characterization of individual glacier shape, slope and size imply significant differences in the estimated volume of the total population of Svalbard glaciers, and whether this partitioning implies any noticeable pattern in the scaling relationship parameters. Our results indicate that, for a fixed value of the factor in the scaling relationship, the exponent of the area in the volume-area relationship decreases as slope and shape increase, whereas size-based classifications do not reveal any clear trend. This means that steep slopes and cirque-type glaciers are less sensitive to changes in glacier area. Moreover, the volumes of the total population of Svalbard glaciers calculated according to partitioning in subgroups by size and slope are smaller (by 1-4%) than that obtained considering all glaciers without partitioning into subgroups, whereas the volumes calculated according to partitioning in subgroups by shape are 3-5% larger. We also did multivariate experiments attempting to optimally predict the volume of Svalbard glaciers from a combination of different predictors. Our results show that a simple power-type V-A model explains 98.6% of the variance. Only the predictor glacier length provides statistical significance when used in addition to the predictor glacier area, though the coefficient of determination decreases as compared with the simpler V-A model. The predictor elevation range did not provide any additional information when used in addition to glacier area. Our estimates of the volume of the entire population of Svalbard glaciers using the different scaling relationships that we have derived along this thesis range within 6890-8106 km3, with estimated relative errors in total volume of the order of 6.6-8.1% The average value of all of our estimates, which could be used as a best estimate for the volume, is 7,504 km3. In terms of sea-level equivalent (SLE), our volume estimates correspond to a potential contribution to sea-level rise within 17-20 mm SLE, averaging 19 _ 2 mm SLE, where the quoted error corresponds to our estimated relative error in volume. For comparison, the estimates using the V-A scaling relations found in the literature range within 13-26 mm SLE, averaging 20 _ 2 mm SLE, where the quoted error represents the standard deviation of the different estimates.


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One presents in this work the study of the interaction between a focused laser beam and Si nanowires (NWs). The NWs heating induced by the laser beam is studied by solving the heat transfer equation by finite element methods (FEM). This analysis permits to establish the temperature distribution inside the NW when it is excited by the laser beam. The overheating is dependent on the dimensions of the NW, both the diameter and the length. When performing optical characterisation of NWs using focused laser beams, one has to consider the temperature increase introduced by the laser beam. An important issue concerns the fact that the NW's diameter has subwavelength dimensions, and is also smaller than the focused laser beam. The analysis of the thermal behaviour of the NWs under the excitation with the laser beam permits the interpretation of the Raman spectrum of Si NWs. It is demonstrated that the temperature increase induced by the laser beam plays a major role in shaping the Raman spectrum of Si NWs.


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This paper is an introduction of the regret theory-based scenario building approach combining with a modified Delphi method that uses an interactive process to design and assess four different TDM measures (i.e., cordon toll, parking charge, increased bus frequency and decreased bus fare). The case study of Madrid is used to present the analysis and provide policy recommendations. The new scenario building approach incorporates expert judgement and transport models in an interactive process. It consists of a two-round modified Delphi survey, which was answeared by a group of Spanish transport experts who were the participants of the Transport Engineering Congress (CIT 2012), and an integrated land-use and transport model (LUTI) for Madrid that is called MARS (Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator).


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El presente trabajo desarrolla un servicio REST que transforma frases en lenguaje natural a grafos RDF. Los grafos generados son grafos dirigidos, donde los nodos se forman con los sustantivos o adjetivos de las frases, y los arcos se forman con los verbos. Se utiliza dentro del proyecto p-medicine para dar soporte a las siguientes funcionalidades: Búsquedas en lenguaje natural: actualmente la plataforma p-medicine proporciona un interfaz programático para realizar consultas en SPARQL. El servicio desarrollado permitiría generar esas consultas automáticamente a partir de frases en lenguaje natural. Anotaciones de bases de datos mediante lenguaje natural: la plataforma pmedicine incorpora una herramienta, desarrollada por el Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, para la anotación de bases de datos RDF. Estas anotaciones son necesarias para la posterior traducción de las bases de datos a un esquema central. El proceso de anotación requiere que el usuario construya de forma manual las vistas RDF que desea anotar, lo que requiere mostrar gráficamente el esquema RDF y que el usuario construya vistas RDF seleccionando las clases y relaciones necesarias. Este proceso es a menudo complejo y demasiado difícil para un usuario sin perfil técnico. El sistema se incorporará para permitir que la construcción de estas vistas se realice con lenguaje natural. ---ABSTRACT---The present work develops a REST service that transforms natural language sentences to RDF degrees. Generated graphs are directed graphs where nodes are formed with nouns or adjectives of phrases, and the arcs are formed with verbs. Used within the p-medicine project to support the following functionality: Natural language queries: currently the p-medicine platform provides a programmatic interface to query SPARQL. The developed service would automatically generate those queries from natural language sentences. Memos databases using natural language: the p-medicine platform incorporates a tool, developed by the Group of Biomedical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, for the annotation of RDF data bases. Such annotations are necessary for the subsequent translation of databases to a central scheme. The annotation process requires the user to manually construct the RDF views that he wants annotate, requiring graphically display the RDF schema and the user to build RDF views by selecting classes and relationships. This process is often complex and too difficult for a user with no technical background. The system is incorporated to allow the construction of these views to be performed with natural language.


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The option value problem with two costs is written as a variational inequality. The advantage of this formulation is that it takes place in a fixed domain. Thus no front tracking is needed for numerical approximation of the free boundary. An iterative algorithm is proposed which can be used to solve the nonlinear system obtained by finite differences or finite elements procedures. Especial care has to be taken in the design of differences finites schemes o finite elements due to the degeneracy of the differential operator. These schemes can be absortion or convection dominated nearly to the axis. This is a preliminary note to the study of this kind of problems.


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Para el proyecto y cálculo de estructuras metálicas, fundamentalmente pórticos y celosías de cubierta, la herramienta más comúnmente utilizada son los programas informáticos de nudos y barras. En estos programas se define la geometría y sección de las barras, cuyas características mecánicas son perfectamente conocidas, y sobre las cuales obtenemos unos resultados de cálculo concretos en cuanto a estados tensionales y de deformación. Sin embargo el otro componente del modelo, los nudos, presenta mucha mayor complejidad a la hora de establecer sus propiedades mecánicas, fundamentalmente su rigidez al giro, así como de obtener unos resultados de estados tensionales y de deformación en los mismos. Esta “ignorancia” sobre el comportamiento real de los nudos, se salva generalmente asimilando a los nudos del modelo la condición de rígidos o articulados. Si bien los programas de cálculo ofrecen la posibilidad de introducir nudos con una rigidez intermedia (nudos semirrígidos), la rigidez de cada nudo dependerá de la geometría real de la unión, lo cual, dada la gran variedad de geometrías de uniones que en cualquier proyecto se nos presentan, hace prácticamente inviable introducir los coeficientes correspondientes a cada nudo en los modelos de nudos y barras. Tanto el Eurocódigo como el CTE, establecen que cada unión tendrá asociada una curva momento-rotación característica, que deberá ser determinada por los proyectistas mediante herramientas de cálculo o procedimientos experimentales. No obstante, este es un planteamiento difícil de llevar a cabo para cada proyecto. La consecuencia de esto es, que en la práctica, se realizan extensas comprobaciones y justificaciones de cálculo para las barras de las estructuras, dejando en manos de la práctica común la solución y puesta en obra de las uniones, quedando sin justificar ni comprobar la seguridad y el comportamiento real de estas. Otro aspecto que conlleva la falta de caracterización de las uniones, es que desconocemos como afecta el comportamiento real de éstas en los estados tensionales y de deformación de las barras que acometen a ellas, dudas que con frecuencia nos asaltan, no sólo en la fase de proyecto, sino también a la hora de resolver los problemas de ejecución que inevitablemente se nos presentan en el desarrollo de las obras. El cálculo mediante el método de los elementos finitos, es una herramienta que nos permite introducir la geometría real de perfiles y uniones, y nos permite por tanto abordar el comportamiento real de las uniones, y que está condicionado por su geometría. Por ejemplo, un caso típico es el de la unión de una viga a una placa o a un soporte soldando sólo el alma. Es habitual asimilar esta unión a una articulación. Sin embargo, el modelo por elementos finitos nos ofrece su comportamiento real, que es intermedio entre articulado y empotrado, ya que se transmite un momento y el giro es menor que el del apoyo simple. No obstante, la aplicación del modelo de elementos finitos, introduciendo la geometría de todos los elementos estructurales de un entramado metálico, tampoco resulta en general viable desde un punto de vista práctico, dado que requiere invertir mucho tiempo en comparación con el aumento de precisión que obtenemos respecto a los programas de nudos y barras, mucho más rápidos en la fase de modelización de la estructura. En esta tesis se ha abordado, mediante la modelización por elementos finitos, la resolución de una serie de casos tipo representativos de las uniones más comúnmente ejecutadas en obras de edificación, como son las uniones viga-pilar, estableciendo el comportamiento de estas uniones en función de las variables que comúnmente se presentan, y que son: •Ejecución de uniones viga-pilar soldando solo por el alma (unión por el alma), o bien soldando la viga al pilar por todo su perímetro (unión total). •Disposición o no de rigidizadores en los pilares •Uso de pilares de sección 2UPN en cajón o de tipo HEB, que son los tipos de soporte utilizados en casi el 100% de los casos en edificación. Para establecer la influencia de estas variables en el comportamiento de las uniones, y su repercusión en las vigas, se ha realizado un análisis comparativo entre las variables de resultado de los casos estudiados:•Estados tensionales en vigas y uniones. •Momentos en extremo de vigas •Giros totales y relativos en nudos. •Flechas. Otro de los aspectos que nos permite analizar la casuística planteada, es la valoración, desde un punto de vista de costos de ejecución, de la realización de uniones por todo el perímetro frente a las uniones por el alma, o de la disposición o no de rigidizadores en las uniones por todo el perímetro. Los resultados a este respecto, son estrictamente desde un punto de vista económico, sin perjuicio de que la seguridad o las preferencias de los proyectistas aconsejen una solución determinada. Finalmente, un tercer aspecto que nos ha permitido abordar el estudio planteado, es la comparación de resultados que se obtienen por el método de los elementos finitos, más próximos a la realidad, ya que se tiene en cuenta los giros relativos en las uniones, frente a los resultados obtenidos con programas de nudos y barras. De esta forma, podemos seguir usando el modelo de nudos y barras, más versátil y rápido, pero conociendo cuáles son sus limitaciones, y en qué aspectos y en qué medida, debemos ponderar sus resultados. En el último apartado de la tesis se apuntan una serie de temas sobre los que sería interesante profundizar en posteriores estudios, mediante modelos de elementos finitos, con el objeto de conocer mejor el comportamiento de las uniones estructurales metálicas, en aspectos que no se pueden abordar con los programas de nudos y barras. For the project and calculation of steel structures, mainly building frames and cover lattices, the tool more commonly used are the node and bars model computer programs. In these programs we define the geometry and section of the bars, whose mechanical characteristics are perfectly known, and from which we obtain the all calculation results of stresses and displacements. Nevertheless, the other component of the model, the nodes, are much more difficulty for establishing their mechanical properties, mainly the rotation fixity coefficients, as well as the stresses and displacements. This "ignorance" about the real performance of the nodes, is commonly saved by assimilating to them the condition of fixed or articulated. Though the calculation programs offer the possibility to introducing nodes with an intermediate fixity (half-fixed nodes), the fixity of every node will depend on the real connection’s geometry, which, given the great variety of connections geometries that in a project exist, makes practically unviable to introduce the coefficients corresponding to every node in the models of nodes and bars. Both Eurocode and the CTE, establish that every connection will have a typical moment-rotation associated curve, which will have to be determined for the designers by calculation tools or experimental procedures. Nevertheless, this one is an exposition difficult to carry out for each project. The consequence of this, is that in the practice, in projects are extensive checking and calculation reports about the bars of the structures, trusting in hands of the common practice the solution and execution of the connections, resulting without justification and verification their safety and their real behaviour. Another aspect that carries the lack of the connections characterization, is that we don´t know how affects the connections real behaviour in the stresses and displacements of the bars that attack them, doubts that often assault us, not only in the project phase, but also at the moment of solving the execution problems that inevitably happen in the development of the construction works. The calculation by finite element model is a tool that allows us to introduce the real profiles and connections geometry, and allows us to know about the real behaviour of the connections, which is determined by their geometry. Typical example is a beam-plate or beam-support connection welding only by the web. It is usual to assimilate this connection to an articulation or simple support. Nevertheless, the finite element model determines its real performance, which is between articulated and fixed, since a moment is transmitted and the relative rotation is less than the articulation’s rotation. Nevertheless, the application of the finite element model, introducing the geometry of all the structural elements of a metallic structure, does not also turn out to be viable from a practical point of view, provided that it needs to invest a lot of time in comparison with the precision increase that we obtain opposite the node and bars programs, which are much more faster in the structure modelling phase. In this thesis it has been approached, by finite element modelling, the resolution of a representative type cases of the connections commonly used in works of building, since are the beam-support connections, establishing the performance of these connections depending on the variables that commonly are present, which are: •Execution of beam-support connections welding only the web, or welding the beam to the support for the whole perimeter. •Disposition of stiffeners in the supports •Use 2UPN in box section or HEB section, which are the support types used in almost 100% building cases. To establish the influence of these variables in the connections performance, and the repercussion in the beams, a comparative analyse has been made with the resulting variables of the studied cases: •Stresses states in beams and connections. •Bending moments in beam ends. •Total and relative rotations in nodes. •Deflections in beams. Another aspect that the study allows us to analyze, is the valuation, from a costs point of view, of the execution of connections for the whole perimeter opposite to the web connections, or the execution of stiffeners. The results of this analyse, are strictly from an economic point of view, without prejudice that the safety or the preferences of the designers advise a certain solution. Finally, the third aspect that the study has allowed us to approach, is the comparison of the results that are obtained by the finite element model, nearer to the real behaviour, since the relative rotations in the connections are known, opposite to the results obtained with nodes and bars programs. So that, we can use the nodes and bars models, more versatile and quick, but knowing which are its limitations, and in which aspects and measures, we must weight the results. In the last part of the tesis, are relationated some of the topics on which it would be interesting to approach in later studies, with finite elements models, in order to know better the behaviour of the structural steel connections, in aspects that cannot be approached by the nodes and bars programs.


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This research in Cordoba's mosque tower main objective was to analyze and characterize the foundations and the underlying soil, calculating the stability of the monument as well as the settlement and deformations performed, using traditional calculation methods and also by finite elements, and to determine differences between both, as well as the stability factor of the Minaret Tower. The works done to study the soil, were drill bores and dynamic penetration tests, classification of samples by size, Atterberg limits, physical and chemical analysis, showing the typical geotechnical composition of the Guadalquivir valley: an alluvial material composed by sand, gravels and silt clays. To study the foundations, inclined bore samples were extracted with 10-65º, showing calcarenite stone ashlars and lime concrete alternating with stone and brick masonry.


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Current design practices recommend to comply with the capacity protection principle, which pays special attention to ensuring an elastic response of the foundations under ground motion events. However, in cases such as elevated reinforced concrete (RC) pile-cap foundation typologies, this design criterion may lead to conservative designs, with excessively high construction costs. Reinforced concrete elevated pile-cap foundations is a system formed by a group of partially embedded piles connected through an aboveground stayed cap and embedded in soil. In the cases when they are subjected to ground motions, the piles suffer large bending moments that make it difficult to maintain their behavior within the elastic range of deformations. Aiming to make an in-depth analysis of the nonlinear behavior of elevated pile-cap foundations, a cyclic loading test was performed on a concrete 2x3 pile configuration specimen of elevated pile-cap foundation. Two results of this test, the failure mechanism and the ductile behavior, were used for the calibration of a numerical model built in OpenSees framework, by using a pushover analysis. The calibration of the numerical model enabled an in-depth study of the seismic nonlinear response of this kind of foundations. A parametric analysis was carried for this purpose, aiming to study how sensitive RC elevated pile-cap foundations are, when subjected to variations in the diameter of piles, reinforcement ratios, external loads, soil density or multilayer configurations. This analysis provided a set of ductility factors that can be used as a reference for design practices and which correspond to each of the cases analyzed.