2 resultados para New items

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Este Trabajo Fin de Grado trata de dar respuesta a un problema de movilidad sostenible en el municipio de Madrid. Mediante las herramientas de análisis geoespacial de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) se buscan soluciones para la ampliación de la red de estaciones de suministro de combustibles alternativos como el Gas Licuado de Petróleo (GLP), Gas Natural Comprimido (GNC) y electricidad. Los resultados obtenidos determinan las posibles ubicaciones de los nuevos puntos atendiendo a criterios específicos según el tipo de combustible. Estas soluciones procuran que se alcancen las medidas impuestas por las directivas europeas en la materia de las Smart Cities. Además, con este Trabajo se muestran las capacidades de gestión de los SIG en el ámbito urbano y sus posibles aplicaciones. ABSTRACT: This Final Project answers the problem of sustainable mobility in the city of Madrid. By means of geospatial analysis tools of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) solutions are searched to extend the supply stations network for alternative fuels like Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and electricity. The final results are the best possible locations of new items according to specific criteria depending on the type of fuel. These solutions seek to the measures imposed by the European directives are reached in the field of Smart Cities. In addition, This Final Project shows management capabilities of GIS in urban areas and their possible application.


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It is well known that lasers have helped to increase efficiency and to reduce production costs in the photovoltaic (PV) sector in the last two decades, appearing in most cases as the ideal tool to solve some of the critical bottlenecks of production both in thin film (TF) and crystalline silicon (c-Si) technologies. The accumulated experience in these fields has brought as a consequence the possibility of using laser technology to produce new Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) products with a high degree of customization. However, to produce efficiently these personalized products it is necessary the development of optimized laser processes able to transform standard products in customized items oriented to the BIPV market. In particular, the production of semitransparencies and/or freeform geometries in TF a-Si modules and standard c-Si modules is an application of great interest in this market. In this work we present results of customization of both TF a-Si modules and standard monocrystalline (m-Si) and policrystalline silicon (pc-Si) modules using laser ablation and laser cutting processes. A discussion about the laser processes parameterization to guarantee the functionality of the device is included. Finally some examples of final devices are presented with a full discussion of the process approach used in their fabrication.