18 resultados para New forms of urbanization. Beyond the urban-rural dichotomy

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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According to UN provisions in the period from 2007 to 2050 world population will grow up to 9200 million people. In fact, for the first time in history, in the year 2008 world urban population became higher than rural population. The increase of urban areas and their transport infrastructures has influenced agricultural land use due to their irreversible change, especially when they remain as periurban vacant land, losing their character and identity. In the Europe of the nineties, the traditional urban-rural gradient, characterized by a neat contact between both land types, has become so complex that it has change to a gradient in which it is difficult to separate urban and rural land uses. [Antrop 2004]. A literature review has been made on methodologies used for the urban-rural gradient analysis. One of these methodologies was selected that integrates ecological characterization based on the use of spatial metrics and geographical characterization based on spatial components. Cartographical sources used were Corine Land Cover at 1: 100000 scale and the Spanish Land Use Information System at 1:25000 scale. Urban-rural gradient paradigm is an analysis methodology, coming from landscape ecology, which enables to investigate how urbanization provokes changes in ecological patterns and processes into landscape. [Hahs and McDonnell 2006].The present research adapt this methodology to study the urban-rural gradient in the outskirts of Madrid, Toledo and Guadalajara. Both scales (1:25000 and 1:100000) were simultaneously used to reach the next objectives: 1) Analysis of landscape pattern dynamics in relation to distance to the town centre and major infrastructures. 2) Analysis of landscape pattern dynamics in the fringe of protected areas. The paper presents a new approach to the urban-rural relationship which allows better planning and management of urban áreas.


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The present study analyzes residential models in coastal areas with large influxes of tourism, the sustainability of their planning and its repercussion on urban values. The project seeks to establish a methodology for territorial valuation through the analysis of externalities that have influenced urban growth and its impact on the formation of residential real estate values. This will make it possible to create a map for qualitative land valuation, resulting from a combination of environmental, landscape, social and productive valuations. This in turn will establish a reference value for each of the areas in question, as well as their spatial interrelations. These values become guidelines for the study of different territorial scenarios, which help improve the sustainable territorial planning process. This is a rating scale for urban planning. The results allow us to establish how the specific characteristics of the coast are valued and how they can be incorporated into sustainable development policies.


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Two-phase plant communities with an engineer conforming conspicuous patches and affecting the performance and patterns of coexisting species are the norm under stressful conditions. To unveil the mechanisms governing coexistence in these communities at multiple spatial scales, we have developed a new point-raster approach of spatial pattern analysis, which was applied to a Mediterranean high mountain grassland to show how Festuca curvifolia patches affect the local distribution of coexisting species. We recorded 22 111 individuals of 17 plant perennial species. Most coexisting species were negatively associated with F. curvifolia clumps. Nevertheless, bivariate nearest-neighbor analyses revealed that the majority of coexisting species were confined at relatively short distances from F. curvifolia borders (between 0-2 cm and up to 8 cm in some cases). Our study suggests the existence of a fine-scale effect of F. curvifolia for most species promoting coexistence through a mechanism we call 'facilitation in the halo'. Most coexisting species are displaced to an interphase area between patches, where two opposite forces reach equilibrium: attenuated severe conditions by proximity to the F. curvifolia canopy (nutrient-rich islands) and competitive exclusion mitigated by avoiding direct contact with F. curvifolia.


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In the framework ofthe National Research Plan2008-2011, our research poses estrategy for the design and evaluation of plans and programmes of urban integrated regeneration. The objective is to develop a study on the role of rehabilitation of buildings in concepts like urban integration, social cohesion and environmental responsibility. The research proposes a methodological tool for evaluating urban regeneration processes from a holistic perspective that can serve as a guide for governments and technical teams to address intervention in consolidated urban areas with physical and socio-economic problems. The development of the tool has inevitably led to delve into different areas where you can intervene but has not lost sight of the complex interplay of factors involved in the process.It is an open source tool to visualize Urban Integrated Rehabilitation processes.


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Tamaño y densidad son atributos imprescindibles para la caracterización de cualquier ciudad, sin embargo no siempre se les presta la misma atención. Mientras la densidad ocupa un lugar destacado en cualquier manual de planificación urbana, como variable crítica para modular la intervención urbanística, el tamaño de la ciudad tiende a tomarse como un imponderable más allá del control de la planificación. Sin embargo, no está claro que ambas variables se puedan analizar de forma autónoma, ya que las interrelaciones entre ambas son significativas. Con el fin de evaluar cómo se influyen mutuamente tamaño y densidad se plantea una metodología novedosa adaptada a las nuevas formas contemporáneas de urbanización que combina una delimitación funcional de las áreas urbanas con un análisis de su morfología en términos de densidad y compacidad. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de una muestra de 47 áreas urbanas españolas permiten clarificar algunos aspectos de la relación entre tamaño y densidad. Las grandes metrópolis españolas presentan valores relativamente altos de densidad y compacidad, pero los valores más elevados de ambos valores están presentes en áreas urbanas de tamaño intermedio o pequeño. En realidad se puede apreciar una enorme diversidad entre las áreas urbanas intermedias y pequeñas que desaparece casi por completo en las más grandes. Otro aspecto reseñable es la constatación de que densidad y compacidad son variables absolutamente independientes: existen áreas urbanas densas y compactas, pero también densas y poco compactas, o compactas pero poco densas. Sobre esta base, se propone una caracterización de la tipología tradicional de las ciudades españolas. Las áreas urbanas del Cantábrico presentan una alta densidad pero baja compacidad, en gran medida por la difícil orografía; por el contrario la áreas urbanas del interior presentan baja densidad y valores muy diversos de compacidad. Finalmente las áreas urbanas mediterráneas se caracterizan más por su alta compacidad que por su densidad, que es muy variable. En general los resultados obtenidos reflejan adecuadamente aspectos conocidos de la diversidad urbana española, pero también otros menos evidentes. Las conclusiones del estudio están muy mediatizadas por el contexto español, pero la metodología empleada ha demostrado ser de gran utilidad para el análisis de los territorios urbanos contemporáneos. ABSTRACT Size and density are essential attributes for characterizing cities, however they don't always deserve the same attention. While density is considered a critical variable in every urban planning guidebook, city size tends to be taken as an imponderable beyond the control of planning. However, it is unclear whether both variables can be analyzed independently, because their reciprocal influences are evident. To assess how city size and urban density influence each other, we propose a new methodology adapted to contemporary forms of urbanization, bringing together urban areas functional delimitation and morphological analysis in terms of density and compactness. Results obtained from a sample of 47 Spanish urban areas clarify some aspects of the size-density link. The largest Spanish urban areas are relatively dense and compact, but the highest values of both density and compactness are found in intermediate or small urban areas. Actually there is a huge diversity among intermediate and small urban areas which almost disappears in larger ones. Another noteworthy aspect is the realization that density and compactness are absolutely independent variables: there are dense and compact urban areas, but also low-density compact, and low-compactness dense areas. On this basis, we make a revision of the tradicional classification of Spanish urban areas. Cantabrian urban areas display high density and low compactness, largely because of the difficult terrain; on the contrary, inland urban areas exhibit low density and very different values of compactness. Finally, Mediterranean urban areas are characterized more by its high compactness than by its density, which is remarkably variable. In general results accurately reflect known aspects of Spanish urban diversity, but they also expose less obvious attributes. These findings may be closedly related to Spanish context, but the methodology has proven a useful tool for analyzing contemporary urban areas.


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New forms of natural interactions between human operators and UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) are demanded by the military industry to achieve a better balance of the UAV control and the burden of the human operator. In this work, a human machine interface (HMI) based on a novel gesture recognition system using depth imagery is proposed for the control of UAVs. Hand gesture recognition based on depth imagery is a promising approach for HMIs because it is more intuitive, natural, and non-intrusive than other alternatives using complex controllers. The proposed system is based on a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier that uses spatio-temporal depth descriptors as input features. The designed descriptor is based on a variation of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) technique to efficiently work with depth video sequences. Other major consideration is the especial hand sign language used for the UAV control. A tradeoff between the use of natural hand signs and the minimization of the inter-sign interference has been established. Promising results have been achieved in a depth based database of hand gestures especially developed for the validation of the proposed system.


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La búsqueda de nuevas formas de modernidad se convirtió en la cuestión principal de la obras desarrolladas por Leslie Martin, Colin St. John Wilson y James Stirling entre los años 1955 y 1970. Enmarcadas dentro de la sensibilidad surgida en la posguerra británica, su profundo sentido crítico supone una renovada interpretación de alguno fundamentos del Movimiento Moderno así como la reflexión sobre la modificación y el uso de formas que tienen sus raíces en la tradición cultural. Esta investigación se estructura en cuatro temas ampliamente debatidos y que han articulado parte de la revisión moderna a lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XX: » la abstracción y el realismo » la revisión de la idea funcionalista » la reconsideración de los arquetipos formales » la relación entre forma y contexto urbano se muestran como base crítica para las obras seleccionadas. La tendencia hacia el realismo surgió como respuesta a la voluntad de universalidad (y objetividad) que representó el lenguaje abstracto, del mismo modo que la revisión de la idea funcionalista pretendió superar la consideración de la obra arquitectónica como producto racional de su función y tecnología. La reconsideración de los arquetipos de la tradición, a su vez, muestra una preocupación por el significado de las formas culturales del pasado, una cuestión igualmente decisiva en la renovada atención a la estructura de la ciudad histórica. Estos temas evidencian un interés por ampliar la arquitectura moderna sin que el reconocimiento de las formas del pasado suponga un distanciamiento respecto al futuro. La idea de revisión, asimismo, se convierte en estrategia a la hora de encontrar nuevas respuestas. Si algunos de los principios del Movimiento Moderno surgen como reacción al clasicismo Beaux Arts que le precedió, las propuestas analizadas muestran la validez operativa de este enfoque para crear obras de una intensa modernidad. Su interés, por lo tanto, no solo radica en su consideración como objetos de estudio que amplían nuestro conocimiento de un período determinado, sino como tradición reciente que sirve de base crítica para la práctica actual. ABSTRACT The search of new forms of modernity became the main theme of the works developed by Leslie Martin, Colin St. John Wilson and James Stirling between 1955 and 1970. Belonging to the sensitivity emerged in postwar Britain, their deep critical sense encourages a renewed interpretation of some principles of Modern Movement and a reflection about the modification or the use of forms that are rooted in cultural tradition. This research is divided into four themes widely discussed and which has articulated part of modern review along the second half of the twentieth century: » Abstraction and realism » Review of Functionalism » The reconsideration of the formal archetypes » The relationship between form and urban context are shown as critical base for the selected works. The trend toward realism arose in response to the will of universality (and objectivity) that represented the abstract language, just as the review of Functionalism aimed to overcome the consideration of architecture's work as rational product of its function and technology. The reconsideration of traditional archetypes, in turn, shows a concern for the meaning of the cultural forms, a matter equally decisive in the renewed attention to the structure of the historical city. These themes evidence an interest to extend modern architecture, without thereby the recognition of the past forms imply a distancing regarding the future. The idea of review also becomes strategy in finding new answers. If some principles of the Modern Movement arose in reaction to Beaux-Arts classicism which preceded it, the analyzed proposals show the operational validity of this approach to create works of a strong modernity. Their interest, therefore, lies not only in its consideration as study cases that broaden our knowledge of a certain period, but as a recent tradition which serves as a critic basis for the current practice.


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Los cambios percibidos hacia finales del siglo XX y a principios del nuevo milenio, nos ha mostrado que la crisis cultural de la que somos participes refleja también una crisis de los modelos universales. Nuestra situación contemporánea, parece indicar que ya no es posible formular un sistema estético para atribuirle una vigencia universal e intemporal más allá de su estricta eficacia puntual. La referencia organizada, delimitada, invariable y específica que ofrecía cualquier emplazamiento, en tanto preexistencia, reflejaba una jerarquía del sistema formal basado en lo extensivo: la medida, las normas, el movimiento, el tiempo, la modulación, los códigos y las reglas. Sin embargo, actualmente, algunos aspectos que permanecían latentes sobre lo construido, emergen bajo connotaciones intensivas, transgrediendo la simple manifestación visual y expresiva, para centrase en las propiedades del comportamiento de la materia y la energía como determinantes de un proceso de adaptación en el entorno. A lo largo del todo el siglo XX, el desarrollo de la relación del proyecto sobre lo construido ha sido abordado, casi en exclusiva, entre acciones de preservación o intervención. Ambas perspectivas, manifestaban esfuerzos por articular un pensamiento que diera una consistencia teórica, como soporte para la producción de la acción aditiva. No obstante, en las últimas décadas de finales de siglo, la teoría arquitectónica terminó por incluir pensamientos de otros campos que parecen contaminar la visión sesgada que nos refería lo construido. Todo este entramado conceptual previo, aglomeraba valiosos intentos por dar contenido a una teoría que pudiese ser entendida desde una sola posición argumental. Es así, que en 1979 Ignasi Solá-Morales integró todas las imprecisiones que referían una actuación sobre una arquitectura existente, bajo el termino de “intervención”, el cual fue argumentado en dos sentidos: El primero referido a cualquier tipo de actuación que se puede hacer en un edificio, desde la defensa, preservación, conservación, reutilización, y demás acciones. Se trata de un ámbito donde permanece latente el sentido de intensidad, como factor común de entendimiento de una misma acción. En segundo lugar, más restringido, la idea de intervención se erige como el acto crítico a las ideas anteriores. Ambos representan en definitiva, formas de interpretación de un nuevo discurso. “Una intervención, es tanto como intentar que el edificio vuelva a decir algo o lo diga en una determinada dirección”. A mediados de 1985, motivado por la corriente de revisión historiográfica y la preocupación del deterioro de los centros históricos que recorría toda Europa, Solá-Morales se propone reflexionar sobre “la relación” entre una intervención de nueva arquitectura y la arquitectura previamente existente. Relación condicionada estrictamente bajo consideraciones lingüísticas, a su entender, en sintonía con toda la producción arquitectónica de todo el siglo XX. Del Contraste a la Analogía, resumirá las transformaciones en la concepción discursiva de la intervención arquitectónica, como un fenómeno cambiante en función de los valores culturales, pero a su vez, mostrando una clara tendencia dialógica entres dos categorías formales: El Contraste, enfatizando las posibilidades de la novedad y la diferencia; y por otro lado la emergente Analogía, como una nueva sensibilidad de interpretación del edificio antiguo, donde la semejanza y la diversidad se manifiestan simultáneamente. El aporte reflexivo de los escritos de Solá-Morales podría ser definitivo, si en las últimas décadas antes del fin de siglo, no se hubiesen percibido ciertos cambios sobre la continuidad de la expresión lingüística que fomentaba la arquitectura, hacia una especie de hipertrofia figurativa. Entre muchos argumentos: La disolución de la consistencia compositiva y el estilo unitario, la incorporación volumétrica del proyecto como dispositivo reactivo, y el cambio de visión desde lo retrospectivo hacia lo prospectivo que sugiere la nueva conservación. En este contexto de desintegración, el proyecto, en tanto incorporación o añadido sobre un edificio construido, deja de ser considerado como un apéndice volumétrico subordinado por la reglas compositivas y formales de lo antiguo, para ser considerado como un organismo de orden reactivo, que produce en el soporte existente una alteración en su conformación estructural y sistémica. La extensión, antes espacial, se considera ahora una extensión sensorial y morfológica con la implementación de la tecnología y la hiper-información, pero a su vez, marcados por una fuerte tendencia de optimización energética en su rol operativo, ante el surgimiento del factor ecológico en la producción contemporánea. En una sociedad, como la nuestra, que se está modernizando intensamente, es difícil compartir una adecuada sintonía con las formas del pasado. Desde 1790, fecha de la primera convención francesa para la conservación de monumentos, la escala de lo que se pretende preservar es cada vez más ambiciosa, tanto es así, que al día de hoy el repertorio de lo que se conserva incluye prácticamente todas las tipologías del entorno construido. Para Koolhaas, el intervalo entre el objeto y el momento en el cual se decide su conservación se ha reducido, desde dos milenios en 1882 a unas décadas hoy en día. En breve este lapso desaparecerá, demostrando un cambio radical desde lo retrospectivo hacia lo prospectivo, es decir, que dentro de poco habrá que decidir que es lo que se conserva antes de construir. Solá-Morales, en su momento, distinguió la relación entre lo nuevo y lo antiguo, entre el contraste y la analogía. Hoy casi tres décadas después, el objetivo consiste en evaluar si el modelo de intervención arquitectónica sobre lo construido se ha mantenido desde entonces o si han aparecido nuevas formas de posicionamiento del proyecto sobre lo construido. Nuestro trabajo pretende demostrar el cambio de enfoque proyectual con la preexistencia y que éste tiene estrecha relación con la incorporación de nuevos conceptos, técnicas, herramientas y necesidades que imprimen el contexto cultural, producido por el cambio de siglo. Esta suposición nos orienta a establecer un paralelismo arquitectónico entre los modos de relación en que se manifiesta lo nuevo, entre una posición comúnmente asumida (Tópica), genérica y ortodoxa, fundamentada en lo visual y expresivo de las últimas décadas del siglo XX, y una realidad emergente (Heterotópica), extraordinaria y heterodoxa que estimula lo inmaterial y que parece emerger con creciente intensidad en el siglo XXI. Si a lo largo de todo el siglo XX, el proyecto de intervención arquitectónico, se debatía entre la continuidad y discontinuidad de las categorías formales marcadas por la expresión del edificio preexistente, la nueva intervención contemporánea, como dispositivo reactivo en el paisaje y en el territorio, demanda una absoluta continuidad, ya no visual, expresiva, ni funcional, sino una continuidad fisiológica de adaptación y cambio con la propia dinámica del territorio, bajo nuevas reglas de juego y desplegando planes y estrategias operativas (proyectivas) desde su propia lógica y contingencia. El objeto de esta investigación es determinar los nuevos modos de continuidad y las posibles lógicas de producción que se manifiestan dentro de la Intervención Arquitectónica, intentando superar lo aparente de su relación física y visual, como resultado de la incorporación del factor operativo desplegado por el nuevo dispositivo contemporáneo. Creemos que es acertado mantener la senda connotativa que marca la denominación intervención arquitectónica, por aglutinar conceptos y acercamientos teóricos previos que han ido evolucionando en el tiempo. Si bien el término adolece de mayor alcance operativo desde su formulación, una cualidad que infieren nuestras lógicas contemporáneas, podría ser la reformulación y consolidación de un concepto de intervención más idóneo con nuestros tiempos, anteponiendo un procedimiento lógico desde su propia necesidad y contingencia. Finalmente, nuestro planteamiento inicial aspira a constituir un nueva forma de reflexión que nos permita comprender las complejas implicaciones que infiere la nueva arquitectura sobre la preexistencia, motivada por las incorporación de factores externos al simple juicio formal y expresivo preponderante a finales del siglo XX. Del mismo modo, nuestro camino propuesto, como alternativa, permite proyectar posibles sendas de prospección, al considerar lo preexistente como un ámbito que abarca la totalidad del territorio con dinámicas emergentes de cambio, y con ellas, sus lógicas de intervención.Abstract The perceived changes towards the end of the XXth century and at the beginning of the new milennium have shown us that the cultural crisis in which we participate also reflects a crisis of the universal models. The difference between our contemporary situation and the typical situations of modern orthodoxy and post-modernistic fragmentation, seems to indicate that it is no longer possible to formulate a valid esthetic system, to assign a universal and eternal validity to it beyond its strictly punctual effectiveness; which is even subject to questioning because of the continuous transformations that take place in time and in the sensibility of the subject itself every time it takes over the place. The organised reference that any location offered, limited, invariable and specific, while pre-existing, reflected a hierarchy of the formal system based on the applicable: measure, standards, movement, time, modulation, codes and rules. Authors like Marshall Mc Luhan, Paul Virilio, or Marc Augé anticipated a reality where the conventional system already did not seem to respond to the new architectural requests in which information, speed, disappearance and the virtual had blurred the traditional limits of place; pre-existence did no longer possess a specific delimitation and, on the contrary, they expect to reach a global scale. Currently, some aspects that stayed latent relating to the constructed, surface from intensive connotations, transgressing the simple visual and expressive manifestation in order to focus on the traits of the behaviour of material and energy as determinants of a process of adaptation to the surroundings. Throughout the entire Century, the development of the relation of the project relating to the constructed has been addressed, almost exclusively, in preservational or interventianal actions. Both perspectives showed efforts in order to express a thought that would give a theoretical consistency as a base for the production of the additive action. Nevertheless, the last decades of the Century, architectural theory ended up including thoughts from other fields that seem to contaminate the biased vision 15 which the constructed related us. Ecology, planning, philosophy, global economy, etc, suggest new approaches to the construction of the contemporary city; but this time with a determined idea of change and continuous transformation, that enriches the panorama of thought and architectural practice, at the same time, according to some, it puts disciplinary specification at risk, given that there is no architecture without destruction, the constructed organism requires mutation in order to adjust to the change of shape. All of this previous conceptual framework gathered valuable intents to give importance to a theory that could be understood solely from an argumental position. Thusly, in 1979 Ignasi Solá-Morales integrated all of the imprecisions that referred to an action in existing architecture under the term of “Intervention”, which was explained in two ways: The first referring to any type of intervention that can be carried out in a building, regarding protection, conservation, reuse, etc. It is about a scope where the meaning of intensity stays latent as a common factor of the understanding of a single action. Secondly, more limitedly, the idea of intervention is established as the critical act to the other previous ideas such as restauration, conservation, reuse, etc. Both ultimately represent ways of interpretation of a new speech. “An intervention, is as much as trying to make the building say something again or that it be said in a certain direction”. Mid 1985, motivated by the current of historiographical revision and the concerns regarding the deterioration of historical centres that traversed Europe, Solá-Morales decides to reflect on “the relationship” between an intervention of the new architecture and the previously existing architecture. A relationship determined strictly by linguistic considerations, to his understanding, in harmony with all of the architectural production of the XXth century. From Contrast to Analogy would summarise transformations in the discursive perception of architectural intervention, as a changing phenomenon depending on cultural values, but at the same time, showing a clear dialogical tendency between two formal categories: Contrast, emphasising the possibilities of novelty and difference; and on the other hand the emerging Analogy, as a new awareness of interpretation of the ancient building, where the similarity and diversity are manifested simultaneously. For Solá-Morales the analogical procedure is not based on the visible simultaneity of formal orders, but on associations that the subject establishes throughout time. Through analogy it is tried to overcome the simple visual relationship with the antique, to focus on its spacial, physical and geographical nature. If the analogical attempt guides an opening towards a new continuity; it still persists in the connection of dimensional, typological and figurative factors, subordinate to the formal hierarchy of the preexisting subjects. 16 The reflexive contribution of Solá-Morales’ works could be final, if in the last decades before the end of the century there had not been certain changes regarding linguistic expression, encouraged by architecture, towards a kind of figurative hypertrophy, amongst many arguments we are in this case interested in three moments: The dissolution of the compositional consistency and the united style, the volumetric incorporation of the project as a reactive mechanism, and the change of the vision from retrospective towards prospective that the new conservation suggests. The recurrence to the history of architecture and its recognisable forms, as a way of perpetuating memory and establishing a reference, dissolved any instinct of compositive unity and style, provoking permanent relationships to tend to disappear. The composition and coherence lead to suppose a type of discontinuity of isolated objects in which only possible relationships could appear; no longer as an order of certain formal and compositive rules, but as a special way of setting elements in a specific work. The new globalised field required new forms of consistency between the project and the pre-existent subject, motivated amongst others by the higher pace of market evolution, increase of consumer tax and the level of information and competence between different locations; aspects which finally made stylistic consistence inefficient. In this context of disintegration, the project, in incorporation as well as added to a constructed building, stops being considered as a volumetric appendix subordinate to compositive and formal rules of old, to be considered as an organism of reactive order, that causes a change in the structural and systematic configuration of the existing foundation. The extension, previsouly spatial, is now considered a sensorial and morphological extension, with the implementation of technology and hyper-information, but at the same time, marked by a strong tendency of energetic optimization in its operational role, facing the emergence of the ecological factor in contemporary production. The technological world turns into a new nature, a nature that should be analysed from ecological terms; in other words, as an event of transition in the continuous redistribution of energy. In this area, effectiveness is not only determined by the capacity of adaptation to changing conditions, but also by its transforming capacity “expressly” in order to change an environment. In a society, like ours, that is modernising intensively, it is difficult to share an adecuate agreement with the forms of the past. From 1790, the date of the first French convention for the conservation of monuments, the scale of what is expexted to be preserved is more and more ambitious, so much so that nowadays the repertoire of that what is conserved includes practically all typologies of the constructed surroundings. For Koolhaas, the ínterval between the object and the moment when its conservation is decided has been reduced, from two 17 milennia in 1882 to a few decades nowadays. Shortly this lapse will disappear, showing a radical change of retrospective towards prospective, that is to say, that soon it will be necessary to decide what to conserve before constructing. The shapes of cities are the result of the continuous incorporation of architecture, and perhaps that only through architecture the response to the universe can be understood, the continuity of what has already been constructed. Our work is understood also within that system, modifying the field of action and leaving the road ready for the next movement of those that will follow after us. Continuity does not mean conservatism, continuity means being conscient of the transitory value of our answers to specific needs, accepting the change that we have received. That what has been constructed to remain and last, should cause future interventions to be integrated in it. It is necessary to accept continuity as a rule. Solá-Morales, in his time, distinguished between the relationship with new and old, between contrast and analogy. Today, almost three decades later, the objective consists of evaluating whether the model of architectural intervention in the constructed has been maintained since then or if new ways of positioning the project regarding the constructed have appeared. Our work claims to show the change of the approach of projects with pre-existing subjects and that this has got a close relation to the incorporation of new concepts, techniques, tools and necessities that impress the cultural context, caused by the change of centuries. This assumption guides us to establish a parallelism between the forms of connection where that what is new is manifested between a commonly assumed (topical), generic and orthodox position, based on that what is visual and expressive in the last decades of the XXth century, and an emerging (heterotopical), extraordinary and heterodox reality that stimulates the immaterial and that seems to emerge with growing intensity in the XXIst century. If throughout the XXth century the project of architectural intervention was considered from the continuity and discontinuity of formal categories, marked by the expression of the pre-existing building, the new contemporary intervention, as a reactive device in the landscape and territory, demands an absolute continuity. No longer a visual, expressive or functional one but a morphological continuity of adaptation and change with its own territorial dynamics, under new game rules and unfolding new operative (projective) strategies from its own logic and contingency. 18 The aim of this research is to determine new forms of continuity and the possible logic of production that are expressed in the Architectural Intervention, trying to overcome the obviousness of its physical and visual relationship, at the beginning of this new century, as a result of the incorporation of the operative factor that the new architectural device unfolds. We think it is correct to maintain the connotative path that marks the name architectural intervention by bringing previous concepts and theorical approaches that have been evolving through time together. If the name suffers from a wider operational range because of its formulation, a quality that our contemporary logic provokes, the reformulation and consolidation of an interventional concept could be more suitable for our times, giving preference to a logical method from its own necessity and contingency. It seems that now time shapes the topics, it is no longer about materialising a certain time but about expressing the changes that its new temporality generates. Finally, our initial approach aspires to form a new way of reflection that permits us to understand the complex implications that the new architecture submits the pre-existing subject to, motivated by the incorporation of factors external to simple formal and expressive judgement, prevailing at the end of the XXth century. In the same way, our set road, as an alternative, permits the contemplation of possible research paths, considering that what is pre-existing as an area that spans the whole territory with emerging changing dynamics and, with them, their interventional logics.


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With the advancement of Information and Communication Technology ICT which favors increasingly fast, easy, and accessible communication for all and which can reach large groups of people, there have been changes, in recent years in our society that have modified the way we interact, communicate and transmit information. Access to this, it is possible, not only through computers situated in a fixed location, but new mobile devices make it available, wherever the user happens to be located. Now, information "travels" with the user. These forms of communication, transmission and access to information, have also affected the way to conceive and manage business. To these new forms of business that the Internet has brought, is now added the concept of companies in the Cloud Computing ClC. The ClC technology is based on the supply and consumption of services on demand and pay per use, and it gives a 180 degree turn to the business management concept. Small and large businesses may use the latest developments in ICT, to manage their organizations without the need for expensive investments in them. This will enable enterprises to focus more specifically within the scope of their business, leaving the ICT control to the experts. We believe that education can also and should benefit from these new philosophies. ?Due to the global economic crisis in general and each country in particular, economic cutbacks have come to most universities. These are seen in the need to raise tuition rates, which makes increasingly fewer students have the opportunity to pursue higher education?. In this paper we propose using ClC technologies in universities and we make a dissertation on the advantages that it can provide to both: universities and students. For the universities, we expose two focuses, one: ?to reorganize university ICT structures with the ClC philosophy? and the other one, ?to extend the offer of the university education with education on demand?. Regarding the former we propose to use public or private Clouds, to reuse resources across the education community, to save costs on infrastructure investment, in upgrades and in maintenance of ICT, and paying only for what you use and with the ability to scale according to needs. Regarding the latter, we propose an educational model in the ClC, to increase the current university offerings, using educational units in the form of low-cost services and where students pay only for the units consumed on demand. For the students, they could study at any university in the world (virtually), from anywhere, without travel costs: money and time, and what is most important paying only for what they consume. We think that this proposal of education on demand may represent a great change in the current educational model, because strict registration deadlines disappear, and also the problem of economically disadvantaged students, who will not have to raise large amounts of money for an annual tuition. Also it will decrease the problem of loss of the money invested in an enrollment when the student dropout. In summary we think that this proposal is interesting for both, universities and students, we aim for "Higher education from anywhere, with access from any mobile device, at any time, without requiring large investments for students, and with reuse and optimization of resources by universities. Cost by consumption and consumption by service?. We argue for a Universal University "wisdom and knowledge accessible to all?


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La presente tesis se presenta como un continuo de investigaciones realizadas durante el proceso de desarrollo del Doctorado en torno al tema de la Participación Ciudadana en la Gestión Urbana Local. El Objetivo general de la tesis es verificar y evaluar la existencia de una planificación participativa en la gestión urbana local en Chile. Los objetivos específicos abordan los factores clave que facilitan y restringen los procesos participativos en la gestión urbana local, la factibilidad de desarrollar nuevas formas de participación en el medio local y los avances que se han registrado o no en materia de planificación y gestión participativa en Chile. La Metodología planteada es de tipo cualitativa y se centra en el estudio del caso: la RED de Alcaldías Pro-Participación del Área Metropolitana de Santiago. Se utilizan diversos instrumentos metodológicos básicamente cualitativos donde destaca la utilización de la Transparencia Activa con 2 consultas a los 13 municipios, entrevistas a los Directores de la Secretaría de Planificación, SECPLA, a Encargados de las Unidades de Participación y con algunos Asesores Urbanos. Paralelamente en el segundo semestre del año 2013 se llevo a cabo una observación directa de los cabildos territoriales realizados en el marco del proceso de actualización del Plan de Desarrollo Comunal. Por último se realizó un Focus Group con integrantes de los Consejos de la Sociedad Civil de modo de complementar los resultados de las entrevistas y las consultas a los municipios. Todo lo anterior complementado con una revisión documental en relación a la conceptualización de la participación, los tipos de participación, los actores que intervienen en el proceso y los mecanismos o herramientas que hacen posible el desarrollo de estos procesos. Finalmente los resultados esperados, en el marco de los objetivos y las hipótesis planteadas estaban básicamente enfocados en los desafíos que impone llevar adelante una gestión más participativa y transparente. ABSTRACT This thesis is presented as a continuum of the research conducted during the development of the doctorate process on the subject of Citizen Participation in Local Urban Management. Initially referring to the more specific field of urban planning and in this case in the more general context of local planning. The overall aim of the thesis is to verify and assess the existence of participatory planning in local urban management in Chile. The specific objectives address the key factors that facilitate and constrain participatory processes in local urban management, the feasibility of developing new forms of participation in the local environment and the progress that has been registered or not in participatory planning and management in Chile. The proposed methodology is a qualitative approach and focuses on the case study: A Pro-Participation mayors of Greater Santiago. Basically using different qualitative methodological tools which highlights the use of Active Transparency with 2 consultations to the 13 municipalities, interviews with the directors of the Planning Office, SECPLAN, directors or managers of Participation Units in those municipalities that had created one and some professionals in charge of the Urban Office. Parallel to those methodological tools in the second half of 2013 was held a direct observation of the territorial councils (Caboildos Territoriales) made under the PLADECO update process. Finally, a focus group was held with members of the Civil Society Council, COSOC that will complement the results of interviews and consultations with municipalities. All this with tools in the context of a review of documents related to the conceptualization of participation, types of participation, the actors involved in the process and the mechanisms and tools that make possible these participatory processes. Finally the expected results within the framework of the objectives and hypotheses were basically focused on identifying the elements that facilitate or constrain participatory processes and identify accordingly the challenges posed pursue a more participatory and transparent management.


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Urban Agriculture was a common practice in the old times. However after a period of low interest by urban population there is a movement of renaissance of urban agriculture especially in the new megalopolis. It is important to understand the role of UA in the new framework, and the interface of urban and rural agricultures, with their comparative advantages. Thus, we describe the impact of UA in several scenarios: political, socioeconomic and environmental. As a consequence several actions should be developed for improving the situation, with the stimulus to UA: urban planning, food value chain, appropriate technology, education and extension services, entertainment and leisure, selection of botanic varieties and agrochemical inputs, design and landscape and good farming practices. As a complement, there is an analysis of the Urban Greening Value Organization in our society. In the paper there is a description of the situation of urban agriculture in Spain (located mainly in roofs, walls, indoor and ground places) the existence of local regulations, barriers and opportunities in the new situation. Due to the social dimension of urban agriculture there are some comments about the role of the more significant stakeholders, and the goals and the structure of the neighbor communities.


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Nowadays, treatment of food allergy only considered the avoidance of the specific food. However, the possibility of cross-reactivity makes this practice not very effective. Immunotherapy may exhibit as a good alternative to food allergy treatment. The use of hypoallergenic molecules with reduced IgE binding capacity but with ability to stimulate the immune system is a promising tool which could be developed for immunotherapy. In this study, three mutants of Pru p 3, the principal allergen of peach, were produced based on the described mimotope and T cell epitopes, by changing the specific residues to alanine, named as Pru p 3.01, Pru p 3.02, and Pru p 3.03. Pru p 3.01 showed very similar allergenic activity as the wild type by in vitro assays. However, Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 presented reduced IgE binding with respect to the native form, by in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo assays. In addition, Pru p 3.03 had affected the IgG4 binding capacity and presented a random circular dichroism, which was reflected in the nonrecognition by specific antibodies anti-Pru p 3. Nevertheless, both Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 maintained the binding to IgG1 and their ability to activate T lymphocytes. Thus, Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 could be good candidates for potential immunotherapy in peach-allergic patients.


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The processes of social and urban segregation have got worse during the last decades. Several studies have deepened into the analysis of the causes and consequences of these processes and have tried to define solutions that beyond eradicating some specific problems, were aimed at the consolidation of sustainable urban environments. This paper presents an approach to the problem of urban inequality based on the concept of urban vulnerability as something that goes beyond the social and economic problems. In exclusion processes it is very important to consider the urban context and the physical and structural conditions not only in each neighborhood but also in the city as a whole. The paper seeks to pose a reflection on the urban support, which is understood in all its complexity and thought to be a key to ensure access and the right to the city of the citizens most in need.


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The main scope of this research is to identify and evaluate solutions to redesign the parcels delivery logistic process to achieve higher level of quality, lower operational costs, energy consumptions and air pollution. The study is starting from the analysis of the delivery process managed by a leader company operating in Rome. Main delivery flows, personnel and fleet management costs, quality performances and environmental impacts are investigated. The results of this analysis are benchmarked with other European situations. On the basis of the feedback of this analysis, a set of operational measures, potentially able tackle the objectives, are identified and assessed by means of a simulative approach. The assessment is based on environmental and economic indicators allowing the comparison between new and reference scenarios from the viewpoints of the key players: operator, customer and Society. Moreover, the operational measures are combined into alternative packages by looking for the sets capable to maximize the benefits for the key players. The methodology, tested on Rome case study, is general and flexible enough to be extended to parcels delivery problem in different urban contexts, as well as to similar urban distribution problems (e.g. press, food, security, school)