7 resultados para New York (N.Y.). Rapid Transit.
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
La productividad es un factor importante que influye en la viabilidad económica de un cultivo energético de sauce y maximizarla se convierte en un tema primordial. Esta investigación está directamente relacionada con dicha característica. La productividad varía según los clones cultivados, que pueden ser mejorados y seleccionados genéticamente. Los programas genéticos requieren de una información previa (productividad media en función del porte y número de los tallos, características de las hojas, resistencia a las plagas, etc.) que ayudará a obtener clones más productivos y resistentes. Por ello, nuestra investigación consta de dos estudios: (1) Evaluación de la eficiencia del uso de la luz o LUE (Light Use Efficiency). El incremento de biomasa y la eficiencia del uso de la luz (LUE) fue estudiado en 15 clones del genero Salix durante los meses de junio a septiembre de 2011 en Belleville (Central New York, USA). Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: (1) Evaluar la eficiencia del uso de la luz en la explicación a la variación en la producción de biomasa y (2) Determinar si existen diferencias significativas entre clones evaluando el índice de área foliar (LAI) y algunos componentes de las hojas (N, P, K,…). Se concluye que la variación de biomasa está relacionada con la cantidad de luz interceptada y con la eficiencia de su uso. Dicha información debe de ser transferida para ayudar a mejorar genéticamente los futuros clones a comercializar, con el fin de maximizar la productividad y aumentar la resistencia a plagas. (2) Estimación de biomasa a través de modelos de regresión. Los estudios de investigación relacionados con la productividad requieren estimaciones no destructivas de la biomasa aérea. Sin embargo, el nivel de precisión requerido y la inversión de tiempo son excesivos para operaciones comerciales con grandes extensiones (plantaciones de 10.000 ha). Por esta razón, se estudia el nivel de especificidad (específico, intermedio y general) en la toma de datos de campo sobre los mismos 15 clones (12 de ellos se pueden agrupar en 5 grupos según su genotipo origen) del genero Salix, empleados en el estudio anterior. Para todos los niveles estudiados se observaron diferencias significativas. Pero desde nuestro punto de vista, las diferencias obtenidas no son relevantes. Para validar los modelos finalmente seleccionados se calcularon los porcentajes de error entre la biomasa estimada por los modelos de regresión calculados y la biomasa real obtenida tras los pesajes de biomasa, todo ello se realizó para cada clon según nivel de especificidad. ABSTRACT Productivity is an important factor in the economic viability of a willow crop´s, therefore, maximize it becomes a major factor. This study is directly related to this feature. Productivity, among other factors, may vary depending on different clones, which can be improved and selected genetically. Genetic programs require prior information (average productivity, size and number of stems, leaf characteristics, resistance to pests, etc.) to help you get more productive clones resistant to local pests. Our research consists of two studies: (1) Evaluation of the efficiency of use of light (LUE, Light Use Efficiency). The increase of biomass and light use efficiency (LUE) was tested on 15 clones of the genus Salix during June and September 2011 in Belleville (Central New York, USA). The objectives of this study were: (1) evaluate the light use efficiency and its relationship with the variation in biomass production and (2) determine whether there are significant differences between clones evaluating the leaf area index (LAI) and some traits of the leaves (N, P, K). We studied the correlation with the light use efficiency. It is concluded that the variation of biomass was related to the amount of light intercepted and its efficiency. Such information must be transferred to help improve future genetically clones to market in order to maximize productivity and increase resistance to pests. (2) Estimation of biomass through regression models. Research studies related to productivity estimates require precision and non destructive biomass. However, the level of accuracy required and the investment of time are excessive for large commercial operations with extensions (plantations of 10,000 ha). Precisely for this reason, we study the level of specificity (specific, intermediate and general) in making field data on the same 15 clones (12 of them can be grouped into five groups according to their genotype origin) of the genus Salix, employees in the previous study. For all levels studied some significant differences were observed. But from our practical standpoint, the differences are not relevant. Finally, to validate the selected models, we calculated the percent of bias between estimated biomass (by the regression models) and real biomass obtained after the weighing of biomass, all this process was done for each clone by level of specificity.
The rolling stock circulation depends on two different problems: the rolling stock assignment and the train routing problems, which up to now have been solved sequentially. We propose a new approach to obtain better and more robust circulations of the rolling stock train units, solving the rolling stock assignment while accounting for the train routing problem. Here robustness means that difficult shunting operations are selectively penalized and propagated delays together with the need for human resources are minimized. This new integrated approach provides a huge model. Then, we solve the integrated model using Benders decomposition, where the main decision is the rolling stock assignment and the train routing is in the second level. For computational reasons we propose a heuristic based on Benders decomposition. Computational experiments show how the current solution operated by RENFE (the main Spanish train operator) can be improved: more robust and efficient solutions are obtained
This paper focuses on the railway rolling stock circulation problem in rapid transit networks, in which frequencies are high and distances are relatively short. Although the distances are not very large, service times are high due to the large number of intermediate stops required to allow proper passenger flow. The main complicating issue is the fact that the available capacity at depot stations is very low, and both capacity and rolling stock are shared between different train lines. This forces the introduction of empty train movements and rotation maneuvers, to ensure sufficient station capacity and rolling stock availability. However, these shunting operations may sometimes be difficult to perform and can easily malfunction, causing localized incidents that could propagate throughout the entire network due to cascading effects. This type of operation will be penalized with the goal of selectively avoiding them and ameliorating their high malfunction probabilities. Critic trains, defined as train services that come through stations that have a large number of passengers arriving at the platform during rush hours, are also introduced. We illustrate our model using computational experiments drawn from RENFE (the main Spanish operator of suburban passenger trains) in Madrid, Spain. The results of the model, achieved in approximately 1 min, have been received positively by RENFE planners
The aim of this paper is to propose an integrated planning model to adequate the offered capacity and system frequencies to attend the increased passenger demand and traffic congestion around urban and suburban areas. The railway capacity is studied in line planning, however, these planned frequencies were obtained without accounting for rolling stock flows through the rapid transit network. In order to provide the problem more freedom to decide rolling stock flows and therefore better adjusting these flows to passenger demand, a new integrated model is proposed, where frequencies are readjusted. Then, the railway timetable and rolling stock assignment are also calculated, where shunting operations are taken into account. These operations may sometimes malfunction, causing localized incidents that could propagate throughout the entire network due to cascading effects. This type of operations will be penalized with the goal of selectively avoiding them and ameliorating their high malfunction probabilities. Swapping operations will also be ensured using homogeneous rolling stock material and ensuring parkings in strategic stations. We illustrate our model using computational experiments drawn from RENFE (the main Spanish operator of suburban passenger trains) in Madrid, Spain. The results show that through this integrated approach a greater robustness degree can be obtained
This paper studies the disruption management problem of rapid transit rail networks. Besides optimizing the timetable and the rolling stock schedules, we explicitly deal with the effects of the disruption on the passenger demand. We propose a two-step approach that combines an integrated optimization model (for the timetable and rolling stock) with a model for the passengers’ behavior. We report our computational tests on realistic problem instances of the Spanish rail operator RENFE. The proposed approach is able to find solutions with a very good balance between various managerial goals within a few minutes. Se estudia la gestión de las incidencias en redes de metro y cercanías. Se optimizan los horarios y la asignación del material rodante, teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento de los pasajeros. Se reallizan pruebas en varias líneas de la red de cercanías de Madrid, con resultados satisfactorios.
La reticula de Nueva York ha sido un formato de nuevos planteamientos de "hacer ciudad" desde hace dos siglos. Esta ultima decada ha suspuesto un periodo fructifero para el espacio publico neoyorkino bajo la administracion de Michael Bloomerg. Esta revitalizacion no habria podido ser posible sin la reactivacion de factores de espacio publico que ya existian: la reticula, la legislacion publica y el rol del ciudadano. El ciudadano juega un papel fundamental en la ciudad, ya que es usuario, critico y promotor de espacio publico. Sin embargo, en ocasiones no es evidente para quien o quienes estan pensados los nuevos espacios publicos en la ciudad. Desde esta perspectiva, podemos identificar diferentes usuarios en la ciudad y analizar formulas recientes de espacio publico para cada uno de ellos: el vecino, el ciudadano, y el visitante. En palabras de Jane Jacobs: " las ciudades tienen la capacidad de proveer algo para todo el mundo, solo porque, y solo cuando, han sido proyectadas por todo el mundo".
Incidents and rolling stock breakdowns are commonplace in rapid transit rail systems and may disrupt the system performance imposing deviations from planned operations. A network design model is proposed for reducing the effect of disruptions less likely to occur. Failure probabilities are considered functions of the amount of services and the rolling stock’s routing on the designed network so that they cannot be calculated a priori but result from the design process itself. A two recourse stochastic programming model is formulated where the failure probabilities are an implicit function of the number of services and routing of the transit lines.