44 resultados para Negative stiffness structure, snap through, elastomers, hyperelastic model, root cause analysis

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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A specific numerical procedure for the analysis of arbitrary nonprismatic folded plate structures is presented. An elastic model is studied and compared with a harmonic solution for a prismatic structure. An extension to the plastic analysis is developed, and the influence of the structural geometry and loading pattern is analyzed. Nonprismatic practical cases, with arbitrary geometry and loading are shown, as well in the elastic range as in the plastic one. Finally, a dynamic formulation is outlined


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A method for estimating the dimensions of non-delimited free parking areas by using a static surveillance camera is proposed. The proposed method is specially designed to tackle the main challenges of urban scenarios (multiple moving objects, outdoor illumination conditions and occlusions between vehicles) with no training. The core of this work is the temporal analysis of the video frames to detect the occupancy variation of the parking areas. Two techniques are combined: background subtraction using a mixture of Gaussians to detect and track vehicles and the creation of a transience map to detect the parking and leaving of vehicles. The authors demonstrate that the proposed method yields satisfactory estimates on three real scenarios while being a low computational cost solution that can be applied in any kind of parking area covered by a single camera.


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En la presente investigación se analiza la causa del hundimiento del cuarto compartimento del Tercer Depósito del Canal de Isabel II el 8 de abril de 1905, uno de los más graves de la historia de la construcción en España: fallecieron 30 personas y quedaron heridas otras 60. El Proyecto y Construcción de esta estructura era de D. José Eugenio Ribera, una de las grandes figuras de la ingeniería civil en nuestro país, cuya carrera pudo haber quedado truncada como consecuencia del siniestro. Dado el tiempo transcurrido desde la ocurrencia de este accidente, la investigación ha partido de la recopilación de la información relativa al Proyecto y a la propia construcción de la estructura, para revisar a continuación la información disponible sobre el hundimiento. De la construcción de la cubierta es interesante destacar la atrevida configuración estructural, cubriéndose una inmensa superficie de 74.000 m2 mediante una sucesión de bóvedas de hormigón armado de tan sólo 5 cm de espesor y un rebajamiento de 1/10 para salvar una luz de 6 m, que apoyaban en pórticos del mismo material, con pilares también muy esbeltos: 0,25 m de lado para 8 m de altura. Y todo ello en una época en la que la tecnología y conocimiento de las estructuras con este "nuevo" material se basaban en buena medida en el desarrollo de patentes. En cuanto a la información sobre el hundimiento, llama la atención en primer lugar la relevancia de los técnicos, peritos y letrados que intervinieron en el juicio y en el procedimiento administrativo posterior, poniéndose de manifiesto la trascendencia que el accidente tuvo en su momento y que, sin embargo, no ha trascendido hasta nuestros días. Ejemplo de ello es el papel de Echegaray -primera figura intelectual de la época- como perito en la defensa de Ribera, de D. Melquiades Álvarez -futuro presidente del Congreso- como abogado defensor, el General Marvá -uno de los máximos exponentes del papel de los ingenieros militares en la introducción del hormigón armado en nuestro país-, que presidiría la Comisión encargada del peritaje por parte del juzgado, o las opiniones de reconocidas personalidades internacionales del "nuevo" material como el Dr. von Emperger o Hennebique. Pero lo más relevante de dicha información es la falta de uniformidad sobre lo que pudo ocasionar el hundimiento: fallos en los materiales, durante la construcción, defectos en el diseño de la estructura, la realización de unas pruebas de carga cuando se concluyó ésta, etc. Pero la que durante el juicio y en los Informes posteriores se impuso como causa del fallo de la estructura fue su dilatación como consecuencia de las altas temperaturas que se produjeron aquella primavera. Y ello a pesar de que el hundimiento ocurrió a las 7 de la mañana... Con base en esta información se ha analizado el comportamiento estructural de la cubierta, permitiendo evaluar el papel que diversos factores pudieron tener en el inicio del hundimiento y en su extensión a toda la superficie construida, concluyéndose así cuáles fueron las causas del siniestro. De los resultados obtenidos se presta especial atención a las enseñanzas que se desprenden de la ocurrencia del hundimiento, enfatizándose en la relevancia de la historia -y en particular de los casos históricos de error- para la formación continua que debe existir en la Ingeniería. En el caso del hundimiento del Tercer Depósito algunas de estas "enseñanzas" son de plena actualidad, tales como la importancia de los detalles constructivos en la "robustez" de la estructuras, el diseño de estructuras "integrales" o la vigilancia del proceso constructivo. Por último, la investigación ha servido para recuperar, una vez más, la figura de D. José Eugenio Ribera, cuyo papel en la introducción del hormigón armado en España fue decisivo. En la obra del Tercer Depósito se arriesgó demasiado, y provocó un desastre que aceleró la transición hacia una nueva etapa en el hormigón estructural al abrigo de un mayor conocimiento científico y de las primeras normativas. También en esta etapa sería protagonista. This dissertation analyses the cause of the collapse of the 4th compartment of the 3th Reservoir of Canal de Isabel II in Madrid. It happened in 1905, on April 8th, being one of the most disastrous accidents occurred in the history of Spanish construction: 30 people died and 60 were injured. The design and construction supervision were carried out by D. José Eugenio Ribera, one of the main figures in Civil Engineering of our country, whose career could have been destroyed as a result of this accident. Since it occurred more than 100 years ago, the investigation started by compiling information about the structure`s design and construction, followed by reviewing the available information about the accident. With regard to the construction, it is interesting to point out its daring structural configuration. It covered a huge area of 74.000 m2 with a series of reinforced concrete vaults with a thickness of not more than 5 cm, a 6 m span and a rise of 1/10th. In turn, these vaults were supported by frames composed of very slender 0,25 m x 0,25 m columns with a height of 8 m. It is noteworthy that this took place in a time when the technology and knowledge about this "new" material was largely based on patents. In relation to the information about the collapse, its significance is shown by the important experts and lawyers that were involved in the trial and the subsequent administrative procedure. For example, Echegaray -the most important intellectual of that time- defended Ribera, Melquiades Álvarez –the future president of the Congress- was his lawyer, and General Marvá -who represented the important role of the military engineers in the introduction of reinforced concrete in our country-, led the Commission that was put in charge by the judge of the root cause analysis. In addition, the matter caught the interest of renowned foreigners like Dr. von Emperger or Hennebique and their opinions had a great influence. Nonetheless, this structural failure is unknown to most of today’s engineers. However, what is most surprising are the different causes that were claimed to lie at the root of the disaster: material defects, construction flaws, errors in the design, load tests performed after the structure was finished, etc. The final cause that was put forth during the trial and in the following reports was attributed to the dilatation of the roof due to the high temperatures that spring, albeit the collapse occurred at 7 AM... Based on this information the structural behaviour of the roof has been analysed, which allowed identifying the causes that could have provoked the initial failure and those that could have led to the global collapse. Lessons have been learned from these results, which points out the relevance of history -and in particular, of examples gone wrong- for the continuous education that should exist in engineering. In the case of the 3th Reservoir some of these lessons are still relevant during the present time, like the importance of detailing in "robustness", the design of "integral" structures or the due consideration of construction methods. Finally, the investigation has revived, once again, the figure of D. José Eugenio Ribera, whose role in the introduction of reinforced concrete in Spain was crucial. With the construction of the 3th Reservoir he took too much risk and caused a disaster that accelerated the transition to a new era in structural concrete based on greater scientific knowledge and the first codes. In this new period he would also play a major role.


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The author participated in the 6 th EU Framework Project ―Q-pork Chains (FP6-036245-2)‖ from 2007 to 2009. With understanding of work reports from China and other countries, it is found that compared with other countries, China has great problems in pork quality and safety. By comparing the pork chain management between China and Spain, It is found that the difference in governance structure is one of the main differences in pork chain management between Spain and China. In China, spot-market relationship still dominates governance structure of pork chain, especially between the numerous house-hold pig holders and the great number of small slaughters. While in Spain, chain agents commonly apply cooperatives or integrations to cooperate. It also has been proven by recent studies, that in quality management at the chain level that supply chain integration has a direct effect on quality management practices (Han, 2010). Therefore, the author started to investigate the governance structure choices in supply chain management. And it has been set as the first research objective, which is to explain the governance structure choices process and the influencing factors in supply chain management, analyzing the pork chains cases in Spain and in China. During the further investigation, the author noticed the international trade of pork between Spain and China is not smooth since the signature of bi-lateral agreement on pork trade in 2007. Thus, another objective of the research is to find and solve the problems exist in the international pork chain between Spain and China. For the first objective, to explain the governance structure choices in supply chain management, the thesis conducts research in three main sections. 10 First of all, the thesis gives a literature overview in chapter two on Supply Chain Management (SCM), agri-food chain management and pork chain management. It concludes that SCM is a systems approach to view the supply chains as a whole, and to manage the total flow of goods inventory from the supplier to the ultimate customer. It includes the bi-directional flow of products (materials and services) and information, and the associated managerial and operational activities. And it also is a customer focus to create unique and individual source of customer value with an appropriate use of resources, leading to customer satisfaction and building competitive chain advantages. Agri-food chain management and pork chain management are applications of SCM in agri-food sector and pork sector respectively. Then, the research gives a comparative study in chapter three in the pork chain and pork chain management between Spain and China. Many differences are found, while the main difference is governance structure in pork chain management. Furthermore, the author gives an empirical study on governance structure choice in chapter five. It is concluded that governance structure of supply chain consists of a collection of rules/institutions/constraints structuring the transactions between the various stakeholders. Based on the overview on literatures closely related with governance structure, such as transaction cost economics, transaction value analysis and resource-based view theories, seven hypotheses are proposed, which are: Hypothesis 1: Transaction cost has positive relationship with governance structure choice Hypothesis 2: Uncertainty has positive relationship with transaction cost; higher uncertainty exerts high transaction cost Hypothesis 3: The relationship between asset specificity and transaction cost is positive Hypothesis 4: Collaboration advantages and governance structure choice have positive relationship11 Hypothesis 5: Willingness to collaborate has positive relationship with collaboration advantages Hypothesis 6: Capability to collaborate has positive relationship with collaboration advantages Hypothesis 7: Uncertainty has negative effect on collaboration advantages It is noted that as transaction cost value is negative, the transaction cost mentioned in the hypotheses is its absolute value. To test the seven hypotheses, Structural Equation Model (SEM) is applied and data collected from 350 pork slaughtering and processing companies in Jiangsu, Shandong and Henan Provinces in China is used. Based on the empirical SEM model and its results, the seven hypotheses are proved. The author generates several conclusions accordingly. It is found that the governance structure choice of the chain not only depends on transaction cost, it also depends on collaboration advantages. Exchange partners establish more stable and more intense relationship to reduce transaction cost and to maximize collaboration advantages. ―Collaboration advantages‖ in this thesis is defined as the joint value achieved through transaction (mutual activities) of agents in supply chains. This value forms as improvements, mainly in mutual logistics systems, cash response, information exchange, technological improvements and innovative improvements and quality management improvements, etc. Governance structure choice is jointly decided by transaction cost and collaboration advantages. Chain agents take different governance structures to coordinate in order to decrease their transaction cost and to increase their collaboration advantages. In China´s pork chain case, spot market relationship dominates the governance structure among the numerous backyard pig farmer and small family slaughterhouse 12 as they are connected by acquaintance relationship and the transaction cost in turn is low. Their relationship is reliable as they know each other in the neighborhood; as a result, spot market relationship is suitable for their exchange. However, the transaction between large-scale slaughtering and processing industries and small-scale pig producers is becoming difficult. The information hold back behavior and hold-up behavior of small-scale pig producers increase transaction cost between them and large-scale slaughtering and processing industries. Thus, through the more intense and stable relationship between processing industries and pig producers, processing industries reduce the transaction cost and improve the collaboration advantages with their chain partners, in which quality and safety collaboration advantages be increased, meaning that processing industries are able to provide consumers products with better quality and higher safety. It is also drawn that transaction cost is influenced mainly by uncertainty and asset specificity, which is in line with new institutional economics theories developed by Williamson O. E. In China´s pork chain case, behavioral uncertainty is created by the hold-up behaviors of great numbers of small pig producers, while big slaughtering and processing industries having strong asset specificity. On the other hand, ―collaboration advantages‖ is influenced by chain agents´ willingness to collaborate and chain agents´ capabilities to cooperate. With the fast growth of big scale slaughtering and processing industries, they are more willing to know and make effort to cooperate with their chain members, and they are more capable to create joint value together with other chain agents. Therefore, they are now the main chain agents who drive more intense and stable governance structure in China‘s pork chain. For the other objective, to find and solve the problems in the international pork chain between Spain and China, the research gives an analysis in chapter four on the 13 international pork chain. This study gives explanations why the international trade of pork between Spain and China is not sufficient from the chain perspective. It is found that the first obstacle is the high quality and safety requirement set by Chinese government. It makes the Spanish companies difficult to get authorities to export. Other aspects, such as Spanish pork is not competitive in price compared with other countries such as Denmark, United States, Canada, etc., Chinese consumers do not have sufficient information on Spanish pork products, are also important reasons that Spain does not export great quantity of pork products to China. It is concluded that China´s government has too much concern on the quality and safety requirements to Spanish pork products, which makes trade difficult to complete. The two countries need to establish a more stable and intense trade relationship. They also should make the information exchange sufficient and efficient and try to break trade barriers. Spanish companies should consider proper price strategies to win the Chinese pork market


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Natural regeneration is an ecological key-process that makes plant persistence possible and, consequently, it constitutes an essential element of sustainable forest management. In this respect, natural regeneration in even-aged stands of Pinus pinea L. located in the Spanish Northern Plateau has not always been successfully achieved despite over a century of pine nut-based management. As a result, natural regeneration has recently become a major concern for forest managers when we are living a moment of rationalization of investment in silviculture. The present dissertation is addressed to provide answers to forest managers on this topic through the development of an integral regeneration multistage model for P. pinea stands in the region. From this model, recommendations for natural regeneration-based silviculture can be derived under present and future climate scenarios. Also, the model structure makes it possible to detect the likely bottlenecks affecting the process. The integral model consists of five submodels corresponding to each of the subprocesses linking the stages involved in natural regeneration (seed production, seed dispersal, seed germination, seed predation and seedling survival). The outputs of the submodels represent the transitional probabilities between these stages as a function of climatic and stand variables, which in turn are representative of the ecological factors driving regeneration. At subprocess level, the findings of this dissertation should be interpreted as follows. The scheduling of the shelterwood system currently conducted over low density stands leads to situations of dispersal limitation since the initial stages of the regeneration period. Concerning predation, predator activity appears to be only limited by the occurrence of severe summer droughts and masting events, the summer resulting in a favourable period for seed survival. Out of this time interval, predators were found to almost totally deplete seed crops. Given that P. pinea dissemination occurs in summer (i.e. the safe period against predation), the likelihood of a seed to not be destroyed is conditional to germination occurrence prior to the intensification of predator activity. However, the optimal conditions for germination seldom take place, restraining emergence to few days during the fall. Thus, the window to reach the seedling stage is narrow. In addition, the seedling survival submodel predicts extremely high seedling mortality rates and therefore only some individuals from large cohorts will be able to persist. These facts, along with the strong climate-mediated masting habit exhibited by P. pinea, reveal that viii the overall probability of establishment is low. Given this background, current management –low final stand densities resulting from intense thinning and strict felling schedules– conditions the occurrence of enough favourable events to achieve natural regeneration during the current rotation time. Stochastic simulation and optimisation computed through the integral model confirm this circumstance, suggesting that more flexible and progressive regeneration fellings should be conducted. From an ecological standpoint, these results inform a reproductive strategy leading to uneven-aged stand structures, in full accordance with the medium shade-tolerant behaviour of the species. As a final remark, stochastic simulations performed under a climate-change scenario show that regeneration in the species will not be strongly hampered in the future. This resilient behaviour highlights the fundamental ecological role played by P. pinea in demanding areas where other tree species fail to persist.


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El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar una metodología para estimar los potenciales impactos económicos y de transporte generados por la aplicación de políticas en el sector transporte. Los departamentos de transporte y otras instituciones gubernamentales relacionadas se encuentran interesadas en estos análisis debido a que son presentados comúnmente de forma errónea por la insuficiencia de datos o por la falta de metodologías adecuadas. La presente investigación tiene por objeto llenar este vacío haciendo un análisis exhaustivo de las técnicas disponibles que coincidan con ese propósito. Se ha realizado un análisis que ha identificado las diferencias cuando son aplicados para la valoración de los beneficios para el usuario o para otros efectos como aspectos sociales. Como resultado de ello, esta investigación ofrece un enfoque integrado que incluye un modelo Input-Output de múltiples regiones basado en la utilidad aleatoria (RUBMRIO), y un modelo de red de transporte por carretera. Este modelo permite la reproducción con mayor detalle y realismo del transporte de mercancías que por medio de su estructura sectorial identifica los vínculos de las compras y ventas inter-industriales dentro de un país utilizando los servicios del transporte de mercancías. Por esta razón, el modelo integrado es aplicable a diversas políticas de transporte. En efecto, el enfoque se ha aplicado para estudiar los efectos macroeconómicos regionales de la implementación de dos políticas diferentes en el sistema de transporte de mercancías de España, tales como la tarificación basada en la distancia recorrida por vehículo-kilómetro (€/km) aplicada a los vehículos del transporte de mercancías, y para la introducción de vehículos más largos y pesados de mercancías en la red de carreteras de España. El enfoque metodológico se ha evaluado caso por caso teniendo en cuenta una selección de la red de carreteras que unen las capitales de las regiones españolas. También se ha tenido en cuenta una dimensión económica a través de una tabla Input-Output de múltiples regiones (MRIO) y la base de datos de conteo de tráfico existente para realizar la validación del modelo. El enfoque integrado reproduce las condiciones de comercio observadas entre las regiones usando el sistema de transporte de mercancías por carretera, y que permite por comparación con los escenarios de políticas, determinar las contribuciones a los cambios distributivos y generativos. Así pues, el análisis estima los impactos económicos en cualquier región considerando los cambios en el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) y el empleo. El enfoque identifica los cambios en el sistema de transporte a través de todos los caminos de la red de transporte a través de las medidas de efectividad (MOEs). Los resultados presentados en esta investigación proporcionan evidencia sustancial de que en la evaluación de las políticas de transporte, es necesario establecer un vínculo entre la estructura económica de las regiones y de los servicios de transporte. Los análisis muestran que para la mayoría de las regiones del país, los cambios son evidentes para el PIB y el empleo, ya que el comercio se fomenta o se inhibe. El enfoque muestra cómo el tráfico se desvía en ambas políticas, y también determina detalles de las emisiones de contaminantes en los dos escenarios. Además, las políticas de fijación de precios o de regulación de los sistemas de transporte de mercancías por carretera dirigidas a los productores y consumidores en las regiones promoverán transformaciones regionales afectando todo el país, y esto conduce a conclusiones diferentes. Así mismo, este enfoque integrado podría ser útil para evaluar otras políticas y otros países en todo el mundo. The purpose of this research is to develop a methodological approach aimed at assessing the potential economic and transportation impacts of transport policies. Transportation departments and other related government parties are interested in such analysis because it is commonly misrepresented for the insufficiency of data and suitable methodologies available. This research is directed at filling this gap by making a comprehensive analysis of the available techniques that match with that purpose. The differences when they are applied for the valuation of user benefits or for other impacts as social matters have been identified. As a result, this research presents an integrated approach which includes both a random utility-based multiregional Input-Output model (RUBMRIO), and a road transport network model. This model accounts for freight transport with more detail and realism because its commodity-based structure traces the linkages of inter-industry purchases and sales that use freight services within a given country. For this reason, the integrated model is applicable to various transport policies. In fact, the approach is applied to study the regional macroeconomic effects of implementing two different policies in the freight transport system of Spain, such as a distance-based charge in vehicle-kilometer (€/km) for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), and the introduction of Longer and Heavier Vehicles (LHVs) in the road network of Spain. The methodological approach has been evaluated on a case by case basis considering a selected road network of highways linking the capitals of the Spanish regions. It has also considered an economic dimension through a Multiregional Input Output Table (MRIO) and the existing traffic count database used in the model validation. The integrated approach replicates observed conditions of trade among regions using road freight transport systems that determine contributions to distributional and generative changes by comparison with policy scenarios. Therefore, the model estimates economic impacts in any given area by considering changes in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment (jobs), and in the transportation system across all paths of the transport network considering Measures of effectiveness (MOEs). The results presented in this research provide substantive evidence that in the assessment of transport policies it is necessary to establish a link between the economic structure of regions and the transportation services. The analysis shows that for most regions in the country, GDP and employment changes are noticeable when trade is encouraged or discouraged. This approach shows how traffic is diverted in both policies, and also provides details of the pollutant emissions in both scenarios. Furthermore, policies, such as pricing or regulation of road freight transportation systems, directed to producers and consumers in regions will promote different regional transformations across the country, and this lead to different conclusions. In addition, this integrated approach could be useful to assess other policies and countries worldwide.


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Cualquier estructura vibra según unas frecuencias propias definidas por sus parámetros modales (frecuencias naturales, amortiguamientos y formas modales). A través de las mediciones de la vibración en puntos clave de la estructura, los parámetros modales pueden ser estimados. En estructuras civiles, es difícil excitar una estructura de manera controlada, por lo tanto, las técnicas que implican la estimación de los parámetros modales sólo registrando su respuesta son de vital importancia para este tipo de estructuras. Esta técnica se conoce como Análisis Modal Operacional (OMA). La técnica del OMA no necesita excitar artificialmente la estructura, atendiendo únicamente a su comportamiento en servicio. La motivación para llevar a cabo pruebas de OMA surge en el campo de la Ingeniería Civil, debido a que excitar artificialmente con éxito grandes estructuras no sólo resulta difícil y costoso, sino que puede incluso dañarse la estructura. Su importancia reside en que el comportamiento global de una estructura está directamente relacionado con sus parámetros modales, y cualquier variación de rigidez, masa o condiciones de apoyo, aunque sean locales, quedan reflejadas en los parámetros modales. Por lo tanto, esta identificación puede integrarse en un sistema de vigilancia de la integridad estructural. La principal dificultad para el uso de los parámetros modales estimados mediante OMA son las incertidumbres asociadas a este proceso de estimación. Existen incertidumbres en el valor de los parámetros modales asociadas al proceso de cálculo (internos) y también asociadas a la influencia de los factores ambientales (externas), como es la temperatura. Este Trabajo Fin de Máster analiza estas dos fuentes de incertidumbre. Es decir, en primer lugar, para una estructura de laboratorio, se estudian y cuantifican las incertidumbres asociadas al programa de OMA utilizado. En segundo lugar, para una estructura en servicio (una pasarela de banda tesa), se estudian tanto el efecto del programa OMA como la influencia del factor ambiental en la estimación de los parámetros modales. Más concretamente, se ha propuesto un método para hacer un seguimiento de las frecuencias naturales de un mismo modo. Este método incluye un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple que permite eliminar la influencia de estos agentes externos. A structure vibrates according to some of its vibration modes, defined by their modal parameters (natural frequencies, damping ratios and modal shapes). Through the measurements of the vibration at key points of the structure, the modal parameters can be estimated. In civil engineering structures, it is difficult to excite structures in a controlled manner, thus, techniques involving output-only modal estimation are of vital importance for these structure. This techniques are known as Operational Modal Analysis (OMA). The OMA technique does not need to excite artificially the structure, this considers its behavior in service only. The motivation for carrying out OMA tests arises in the area of Civil Engineering, because successfully artificially excite large structures is difficult and expensive. It also may even damage the structure. The main goal is that the global behavior of a structure is directly related to their modal parameters, and any variation of stiffness, mass or support conditions, although it is local, is also reflected in the modal parameters. Therefore, this identification may be within a Structural Health Monitoring system. The main difficulty for using the modal parameters estimated by an OMA is the uncertainties associated to this estimation process. Thus, there are uncertainties in the value of the modal parameters associated to the computing process (internal) and the influence of environmental factors (external), such as the temperature. This Master’s Thesis analyzes these two sources of uncertainties. That is, firstly, for a lab structure, the uncertainties associated to the OMA program used are studied and quantified. Secondly, for an in-service structure (a stress-ribbon footbridge), both the effect of the OMA program and the influence of environmental factor on the modal parameters estimation are studied. More concretely, a method to track natural frequencies of the same mode has been proposed. This method includes a multiple linear regression model that allows to remove the influence of these external agents.


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Vivimos una época en la que el mundo se transforma aceleradamente. La globalización está siguiendo un curso imparable, la población mundial así como la población urbana siguen creciendo, y en los países emergentes los ingresos promedios aumentan, resultando en un cambio también acelerado de las dietas y hábitos alimentarios. En conjunto esos factores están causando un aumento fundamental de la demanda de alimentos. Junto con la apertura de los mercados agrícolas, estos procesos han provocado un crecimiento del comercio internacional de alimentos durante la última década. Dado que muchos países de América Latina están dotados de abundancia de recursos naturales, estas tendencias han producido un crecimiento rápido de las exportaciones de bienes primarios desde América Latina al resto del mundo. En sólo 30 años la participación en el mercado agrícola de América Latina casi se ha duplicado, desde 10% en 1980 a 18% en 2010. Este aumento del comercio agrícola ha dado lugar a un debate sobre una serie de cuestiones cruciales relacionadas con los impactos del comercio en la seguridad alimentaria mundial, en el medio ambiente o en la reducción de la pobreza rural en países en desarrollo. Esta tesis aplica un marco integrado para analizar varios impactos relacionados con la transformación de los mercados agrícolas y los mercados rurales debidos a la globalización y, en particular, al progresivo aumento del comercio internacional. En concreto, la tesis aborda los siguientes temas: En primer lugar, la producción mundial de alimentos tendrá que aumentar considerablemente para poder satisfacer la demanda de una población mundial de 9000 millones personas en 2050, lo cual plantea grandes desafíos sobre los sistemas de la producción de alimentos. Alcanzar este logro, sin comprometer la integridad del medio ambiente en regiones exportadoras, es un reto aún mayor. En este contexto, la tesis analiza los efectos de la liberalización del comercio mundial, considerando distintas tecnologías de producción agraria, sobre unos indicadores de seguridad alimentaria en diferentes regiones del mundo y sobre distintos indicadores ambientales, teniendo en cuenta escalas diferentes en América Latina y el Caribe. La tesis utiliza el modelo “International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT)” – un modelo dinámico de equilibrio parcial del sector agrícola a escala global – para modelar la apertura de los mercados agrícolas así como diferentes escenarios de la producción hasta el año 2050. Los resultados del modelo están vinculados a modelos biofísicos para poder evaluar los cambios en la huella hídrica y la calidad del agua, así como para cuantificar los impactos del cambio en el uso del suelo sobre la biodiversidad y los stocks de carbono en 2050. Los resultados indican que la apertura de los mercados agrícolas es muy importante para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria a nivel mundial, sin embargo, produce también presiones ambientales indeseables en algunas regiones de América Latina. Contrastando dos escenarios que consideran distintas modos de producción, la expansión de la tierra agrícola frente a un escenario de la producción más intensiva, se demuestra que las mejoras de productividad son generalmente superiores a la expansión de las tierras agrícolas, desde un punto de vista económico e ambiental. En cambio, los escenarios de intensificación sostenible no sólo hacen posible una mayor producción de alimentos, sino que también generan menos impactos medioambientales que los otros escenarios futuros en todas sus dimensiones: biodiversidad, carbono, emisiones de nitratos y uso del agua. El análisis muestra que hay un “trade-off” entre el objetivo de alcanzar la sostenibilidad ambiental y el objetivo de la seguridad alimentaria, independiente del manejo agrícola en el futuro. En segundo lugar, a la luz de la reciente crisis de los precios de alimentos en los años 2007/08, la tesis analiza los impactos de la apertura de los mercados agrícolas en la transmisión de precios de los alimentos en seis países de América Latina: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y el Perú. Para identificar las posibles relaciones de cointegración entre los índices de precios al consumidor de alimentos y los índices de precios de agrarios internacionales, sujetos a diferentes grados de apertura de mercados agrícolas en los seis países de América Latina, se utiliza un modelo simple de corrección de error (single equation error correction). Los resultados indican que la integración global de los mercados agrícolas ha dado lugar a diferentes tasas de transmisión de precios en los países investigados. Sobre todo en el corto plazo, las tasas de transmisión dependen del grado de apertura comercial, mientras que en el largo plazo las tasas de transmisión son elevadas, pero en gran medida independientes del régimen de comercio. Por lo tanto, durante un período de shocks de precios mundiales una mayor apertura del comercio trae consigo más inestabilidad de los precios domésticos a corto plazo y la resultante persistencia en el largo plazo. Sin embargo, estos resultados no verifican necesariamente la utilidad de las políticas comerciales, aplicadas frecuentemente por los gobiernos para amortiguar los shocks de precios. Primero, porque existe un riesgo considerable de volatilidad de los precios debido a cambios bruscos de la oferta nacional si se promueve la autosuficiencia en el país; y segundo, la política de proteccionismo asume el riesgo de excluir el país de participar en las cadenas de suministro de alto valor del sector agrícola, y por lo tanto esa política podría obstaculizar el desarrollo económico. Sin embargo, es indispensable establecer políticas efectivas para reducir la vulnerabilidad de los hogares a los aumentos repentinos de precios de alimentos, lo cual requiere una planificación gubernamental precisa con el presupuesto requerido disponible. En tercer lugar, la globalización afecta a la estructura de una economía y, por medios distintos, la distribución de los ingreso en un país. Perú sirve como ejemplo para investigar más profundamente las cuestiones relacionadas con los cambios en la distribución de los ingresos en zonas rurales. Perú, que es un país que está cada vez más integrado en los mercados mundiales, consiguió importantes descensos en la pobreza extrema en sus zonas rurales, pero a la vez adolece de alta incidencia de pobreza moderada y de desigualdad de los ingresos en zonas rural al menos durante el periodo comprendido entre 2004 y 2012. Esta parte de la tesis tiene como objetivo identificar las fuerzas impulsoras detrás de estas dinámicas en el Perú mediante el uso de un modelo de microsimulación basado en modelos de generación de ingresos aplicado a nivel los hogares rurales. Los resultados indican que la fuerza principal detrás de la reducción de la pobreza ha sido el crecimiento económico general de la economía, debido a las condiciones macroeconómicas favorables durante el periodo de estudio. Estos efectos de crecimiento beneficiaron a casi todos los sectores rurales, y dieron lugar a la disminución de la pobreza rural extrema, especialmente entre los agricultores de papas y de maíz. En parte, estos agricultores probablemente se beneficiaron de la apertura de los mercados agrícolas, que es lo que podría haber provocado un aumento de los precios al productor en tiempos de altos precios mundiales de los alimentos. Sin embargo, los resultados también sugieren que para una gran parte de la población más pobre existían barreras de entrada a la hora de poder participar en el empleo asalariado fuera de la agricultura o en la producción de cultivos de alto valor. Esto podría explicarse por la falta de acceso a unos activos importantes: por ejemplo, el nivel de educación de los pobres era apenas mejor en 2012 que en 2004; y también las dotaciones de tierra y de mano de obra, sobre todo de los productores pobres de maíz y patata, disminuyeron entre 2004 y 2012. Esto lleva a la conclusión de que aún hay margen para aplicar políticas para facilitar el acceso a estos activos, que podría contribuir a la erradicación de la pobreza rural. La tesis concluye que el comercio agrícola puede ser un importante medio para abastecer una población mundial creciente y más rica con una cantidad suficiente de calorías. Para evitar adversos efectos ambientales e impactos negativos para los consumidores y de los productores pobres, el enfoque debe centrarse en las mejoras de la productividad agrícola, teniendo en cuenta los límites ambientales y ser socialmente inclusivo. En este sentido, será indispensable seguir desarrollando soluciones tecnológicas que garanticen prácticas de producción agrícola minimizando el uso de recursos naturales. Además, para los pequeños pobres agricultores será fundamental eliminar las barreras de entrada a los mercados de exportación que podría tener efectos indirectos favorables a través de la adopción de nuevas tecnologías alcanzables a través de mercados internacionales. ABSTRACT The world is in a state of rapid transition. Ongoing globalization, population growth, rising living standards and increasing urbanization, accompanied by changing dietary patterns throughout the world, are increasing the demand for food. Together with more open trade regimes, this has triggered growing international agricultural trade during the last decade. For many Latin American countries, which are gifted with relative natural resource abundance, these trends have fueled rapid export growth of primary goods. In just 30 years, the Latin American agricultural market share has almost doubled from 10% in 1980 to 18% in 2010. These market developments have given rise to a debate around a number of crucial issues related to the role of agricultural trade for global food security, for the environment or for poverty reduction in developing countries. This thesis uses an integrated framework to analyze a broad array of possible impacts related to transforming agricultural and rural markets in light of globalization, and in particular of increasing trade activity. Specifically, the following issues are approached: First, global food production will have to rise substantially by the year 2050 to meet effective demand of a nine billion people world population which poses major challenges to food production systems. Doing so without compromising environmental integrity in exporting regions is an even greater challenge. In this context, the thesis explores the effects of future global trade liberalization on food security indicators in different world regions and on a variety of environmental indicators at different scales in Latin America and the Caribbean, in due consideration of different future agricultural production practices. The International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT) –a global dynamic partial equilibrium model of the agricultural sector developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)– is applied to run different future production scenarios, and agricultural trade regimes out to 2050. Model results are linked to biophysical models, used to assess changes in water footprints and water quality, as well as impacts on biodiversity and carbon stocks from land use change by 2050. Results indicate that further trade liberalization is crucial for improving food security globally, but that it would also lead to more environmental pressures in some regions across Latin America. Contrasting land expansion versus more intensified agriculture shows that productivity improvements are generally superior to agricultural land expansion, from an economic and environmental point of view. Most promising for achieving food security and environmental goals, in equal measure, is the sustainable intensification scenario. However, the analysis shows that there are trade-offs between environmental and food security goals for all agricultural development paths. Second, in light of the recent food price crisis of 2007/08, the thesis looks at the impacts of increasing agricultural market integration on food price transmission from global to domestic markets in six Latin American countries, namely Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. To identify possible cointegrating relationships between the domestic food consumer price indices and world food price levels, subject to different degrees of agricultural market integration in the six Latin American countries, a single equation error correction model is used. Results suggest that global agricultural market integration has led to different levels of price path-through in the studied countries. Especially in the short-run, transmission rates depend on the degree of trade openness, while in the long-run transmission rates are high, but largely independent of the country-specific trade regime. Hence, under world price shocks more trade openness brings with it more price instability in the short-term and the resulting persistence in the long-term. However, these findings do not necessarily verify the usefulness of trade policies, often applied by governments to buffer such price shocks. First, because there is a considerable risk of price volatility due to domestic supply shocks if self-sufficiency is promoted. Second, protectionism bears the risk of excluding a country from participating in beneficial high-value agricultural supply chains, thereby hampering economic development. Nevertheless, to reduce households’ vulnerability to sudden and large increases of food prices, effective policies to buffer food price shocks should be put in place, but must be carefully planned with the required budget readily available. Third, globalization affects the structure of an economy and, by different means, the distribution of income in a country. Peru serves as an example to dive deeper into questions related to changes in the income distribution in rural areas. Peru, a country being increasingly integrated into global food markets, experienced large drops in extreme rural poverty, but persistently high rates of moderate rural poverty and rural income inequality between 2004 and 2012. The thesis aims at disentangling the driving forces behind these dynamics by using a microsimulation model based on rural household income generation models. Results provide evidence that the main force behind poverty reduction was overall economic growth of the economy due to generally favorable macroeconomic market conditions. These growth effects benefited almost all rural sectors, and led to declines in extreme rural poverty, especially among potato and maize farmers. In part, these farmers probably benefited from policy changes towards more open trade regimes and the resulting higher producer prices in times of elevated global food price levels. However, the results also suggest that entry barriers existed for the poorer part of the population to participate in well-paid wage-employment outside of agriculture or in high-value crop production. This could be explained by a lack of sufficient access to important rural assets. For example, poor people’s educational attainment was hardly better in 2012 than in 2004. Also land and labor endowments, especially of (poor) maize and potato growers, rather decreased than increased over time. This leads to the conclusion that there is still scope for policy action to facilitate access to these assets, which could contribute to the eradication of rural poverty. The thesis concludes that agricultural trade can be one important means to provide a growing and richer world population with sufficient amounts of calories. To avoid adverse environmental effects and negative impacts for poor food consumers and producers, the focus should lie on agricultural productivity improvements, considering environmental limits and be socially inclusive. In this sense, it will be crucial to further develop technological solutions that guarantee resource-sparing agricultural production practices, and to remove entry barriers for small poor farmers to export markets which might allow for technological spill-over effects from high-value global agricultural supply chains.


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The Set-Sharing domain has been widely used to infer at compiletime interesting properties of logic programs such as occurs-check reduction, automatic parallelization, and flnite-tree analysis. However, performing abstract uniflcation in this domain requires a closure operation that increases the number of sharing groups exponentially. Much attention has been given to mitigating this key inefflciency in this otherwise very useful domain. In this paper we present a novel approach to Set-Sharing: we define a new representation that leverages the complement (or negative) sharing relationships of the original sharing set, without loss of accuracy. Intuitively, given an abstract state sh\> over the finite set of variables of interest V, its negative representation is p(V) \ shy. Using this encoding during analysis dramatically reduces the number of elements that need to be represented in the abstract states and during abstract uniflcation as the cardinality of the original set grows toward 2 . To further compress the number of elements, we express the set-sharing relationships through a set of ternary strings that compacts the representation by eliminating redundancies among the sharing sets. Our experiments show that our approach can compress the number of relationships, reducing signiflcantly the memory usage and running time of all abstract operations, including abstract uniflcation.


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El estado Bolívar con una superficie de 238.000 Km2 se encuentra ubicado al SE de Venezuela y su capital es Ciudad Bolívar. Ocupa el 26,24% de la superficie del territorio nacional. Ciudad Guayana es la principal región del desarrollo económico del estado siendo sede de las empresas básicas de los sectores siderúrgicos y del aluminio que se encargan de la extracción, procesamiento y transformación del mineral de hierro y de la transformación de la bauxita en aluminio primario. Además, cuenta con un gran potencial hidroeléctrico, garantizando el suministro de energía eléctrica para el funcionamiento de las empresas básicas, para el parque industrial de la región, así como para el desarrollo industrial, económico y social de la nación. Con relación al sector de la industria del mineral de hierro y del aluminio, las empresas destinan más del 60 por ciento de su producción al mercado internacional. A pesar de que el sector de las Pequeñas y Medianas Industrias (PYMIS) del estado Bolívar cuenta con un mercado cercano y seguro, no se le ha propiciado un desarrollo integral en términos de orientar sus esfuerzos en innovar en nuevos productos o mejoras de procesos. Debido a la falta del personal de investigación calificado, la escasa vinculación con centros de investigación, la baja inversión en investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación (I+D+i), la ausencia de la aplicación de una política pública de I+D+i y la desarticulación de los miembros del Sistema Regional de Innovación (SRI), constituyen los principales obstáculos para generar bienes y servicios con un alto valor agregado. Esta situación desequilibra y hace ineficiente el funcionamiento del SRI. La baja capacidad de las PYMIS del estado Bolívar en I+D+i, es una situación que impide generar por si sola nuevos productos o procesos para satisfacer las demandas del mercado regional. Por lo tanto, se requiere de la intervención y participación activa de la institución gubernamental responsable del diseño y aplicación de una política pública de I+D+i para dinamizar la capacidad de innovación en las PYMIS, en su articulación y vinculación con los miembros del SRI. xiii El presente proyecto se planteó como objetivo diseñar una metodología de política pública de I+D+i para liderar, coordinar y direccionar el SRI del estado Bolívar, para el desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación en el sector industrial y específicamente en las PYMIS. La presente tesis representa una investigación no experimental de tipo proyectivo que analiza la situación actual del Sistema Regional de Innovación del estado Bolívar. El análisis de los resultados se ha dividido en tres fases. En la primera se realizan diagnósticos por medio de encuestas de las PYMIS en materia de I+D+i, de los centros y laboratorios de investigación pertenecientes a las universidades de la región en el área de Materiales y de los sectores financieros público y privado. En dichas encuestas se evalúa el nivel de integración con los entes gubernamentales que definen y administran la política pública de I+D+i. En la segunda fase, con el diagnóstico y procesamiento de los resultados de la primera fase, se procede a desarrollar un análisis de las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas (FODA) del Sistema Regional de Innovación, permitiendo comprender la situación actual de la relación y vinculación de las PYMIS con los centros de investigación, instituciones financieras y entes gubernamentales. Con la problemática detectada, resultó necesario el diseño de estrategias y un modelo de gestión de política pública de I+D+i para la articulación de los miembros del SRI, para el apoyo de las PYMIS. En la tercera fase se diseña la metodología de política pública de I+D+i para fortalecer la innovación en las PYMIS. La metodología se representa a través de un modelo propuesto que se relaciona con las teorías de los procesos de innovación, con los modelos de sistemas de innovación y con las reflexiones y recomendaciones hechas por diferentes investigadores e instituciones de cooperación internacional referentes a la aplicación de políticas públicas de I+D+i para dinamizar la capacidad de innovación en el sector industrial. La metodología diseñada es comparada con diferentes modelos de aplicación de política pública de I+D+i. Cada modelo se representa en una figura y se analiza su xiv situación presente y la función que desempeña el ente gubernamental en la aplicación del enfoque de política pública de I+D+i. El diseño de la metodología de política pública de I+D+i propuesta aportará nuevos conocimientos y podrá ser aplicado para apoyar el progreso de la I+D+i en las PYMIS de la región, como caso de estudio, con el fin de impulsar una economía más competitiva y reducir el grado de dependencia tecnológica. La metodología una vez evaluada podrá ser empleada en el contexto de la gran industria y en otras regiones de Venezuela y además, puede aplicarse en otros países con características similares en su tejido industrial. En la tesis doctoral se concluye que el desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación en las PYMIS depende del diseño y aplicación de la política pública de I+D+i como elemento dinamizador y articulador del SRI del estado Bolívar. xv ABSTRACT The Bolivar state with an area of 238,000 km2 is located in the SE of Venezuela and its capital is Ciudad Bolivar. It occupies a surface which is 26.24% of the national territory. Ciudad Guayana is the main area of the state's economic development and the location of the corporate headquarters of the basic steel and aluminum sectors that are responsible for the extraction, processing and transformation of iron ore and bauxite processing for primary aluminum. It also has a great hydroelectric potential, ensuring the supply of electricity for the operation of enterprises, for the regional industrial park as well as for the industrial, economic and social development of the nation. With regard to the iron ore and aluminum industry, companies allocate more than 60 percent of their production to the international market. Although the sector of Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) of the Bolivar state has a secure market, it has not been led to an integral development in terms of targeting its efforts on innovating new products or improving processes. Due to the lack of qualified research staff, poor links with research centers, low investment in research, technological development and innovation (R & D & I), the absence of the implementation of a public policy for R & D & I and the dismantling of the members of the Regional Innovation System (RIS), are the main obstacles to generate goods and services with high added value. This situation makes the RIS unbalanced and inefficient. The low capacity of Bolivar state’s SMIs in R & D & I, is a situation that cannot generate by itself new products or processes to meet regional market demands. Therefore, it requires the active involvement and participation of the government institution responsible for the design and implementation of R & D & I public policy to boost the innovation capacity in SMIs, through the connection and integration with members of the RIS. This project is intended to design a methodology aimed at public policy for R & D & I to lead, coordinate and direct the RIS of Bolivar state, for the development of innovation capacity in the industrial sector and specifically in the SMIs. xvi This thesis is an experimental investigation of projective type which analyzes the current situation of the Regional Innovation System of the Bolivar state. The analysis of the results is divided into three phases. In the first one, a diagnosis is performed through surveys of SMIs in R & D & I centers and research laboratories belonging to the universities of the region in the area of materials and public and private financial sectors. In such surveys the level of integration with government agencies that define and manage the public policy of R & D & I is assessed. In the second phase, with the diagnosis and processing of the results of the first phase, we proceed to develop an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the Regional Innovation System, allowing the comprehension of the current status of the relationship of SMIs with research centers, financial institutions and government agencies. With the problems identified it was necessary to design strategies and a model of public policy management of R & D & I for the articulation of the members of the RIS, to support the SMIs. In the third phase a public policy methodology for R & D & I is designed in order to strengthen innovation in SMIs. The methodology is shown through a proposed model that relates to the theories of the innovation process, with models of innovation systems and with the discussions and recommendations made by different researchers and institutions of international cooperation concerning the implementation of policies public for R & D & I to boost innovation capacity in the industrial sector. The methodology designed is compared with different models of public policy implementation for R & D & I. Each model is represented in a figure and its current situation and the role of the government agency in the implementation of the public policy approach to R & D & I is analyzed. The design of the proposed public policy methodology for R & D & I will provide new knowledge and can be applied to support the progress of R & D & I in the region’s SMIs, as a case study, in order to boost a more competitive economy and reduce the degree of technological dependence. After being evaluated the methodology can be used in the context of big industry and in other regions of Venezuela and can also be applied in other countries with similar characteristics in their industrial structure. xvii The thesis concludes that the development of the innovation capacity in SMIs depends on the design and implementation of the public policy for R & D & I as a catalyst and coordination mechanism of the Regional Innovation System of the Bolivar state.


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In order to achieve to minimize car-based trips, transport planners have been particularly interested in understanding the factors that explain modal choices. In the transport modelling literature there has been an increasing awareness that socioeconomic attributes and quantitative variables are not sufficient to characterize travelers and forecast their travel behavior. Recent studies have also recognized that users? social interactions and land use patterns influence travel behavior, especially when changes to transport systems are introduced, but links between international and Spanish perspectives are rarely deal. In this paper, factorial and path analyses through a Multiple-Indicator Multiple-Cause (MIMIC) model are used to understand and describe the relationship between the different psychological and environmental constructs with social influence and socioeconomic variables. The MIMIC model generates Latent Variables (LVs) to be incorporated sequentially into Discrete Choice Models (DCM) where the levels of service and cost attributes of travel modes are also included directly to measure the effect of the transport policies that have been introduced in Madrid during the last three years in the context of the economic crisis. The data used for this paper are collected from a two panel smartphone-based survey (n=255 and 190 respondents, respectively) of Madrid.


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Desde hace ya varias décadas la praxis de la ecología ha venido reconociendo la necesidad de estudiar los múltiples sistemas de interacción del ser humano, como especie viva, y su entorno. Entidades espaciales como el paisaje geográfico son empleadas para delimitar sistemas territoriales operados por la sociedad, precisando campos concretos de su acción física, biológica y cultural. La ecología aborda así el conocimiento científico del territorio como asentamiento humano, rastrea sus patrones espaciales y analiza su compleja estructura funcional. En ese contexto, la transferencia de herramientas e instrumentos desde la ecología al ámbito proyectivo posee ya un bagaje de más de cinco décadas. Cada vez con más frecuencia el proyecto emplea parámetros, inventarios, fórmulas, indicadores y tecnologías que tratan de dar una respuesta ambientalmente adecuada a los condicionantes de contorno, por ejemplo aprovechando las condiciones climáticas en la optimización energética o proponiendo programas de usos del suelo que eviten perturbaciones en ecosistemas de interés. Con todo, en el momento presente surgen voces que, ante el dominio indiscutible de los enfoques netamente deterministas, tratan de recordar que los principios del pensamiento ecológico van más allá del mero control cuantitativo de los procesos biofísicos. Recuerdan que la etología demostró a principios del XX que el ser humano, como ser consciente, inviste una relación de intimidad con su entorno que supera tales perspectivas: a través de la correspondencia entre percepción y significación, entre lo físico y lo psíquico, entre interioridad y exterioridad, las personas abrazan la plenitud de aquello que les rodea en un acto de profunda conciliación afectiva. De tal ligadura de intimidad depende, sí o sí, y en toda su profundidad, la aceptación humana del entorno construido. A través de la noción de ambiente [Umwelt] se demuestra que la relación del hombre con su entorno es inseparable, bidireccional y coordinada y, por lo tanto, desde una posición coherente, la experiencia del espacio puede ser examinada a partir de la reciprocidad que constituyen, en continuidad, la persona y el lugar. De esta forma, la tesis dirige su objetivo principal a explorar y considerar, desde el proyecto, el significado y la influencia de la experiencia ambiental del espacio construido en la vida humana. Es más que probable que buena parte de los problemas de desafección del hombre con los paisajes transformados de su contemporaneidad tenga que ver con que tanto las intensidades de la experiencia y percepción humana, como la potestad interpretativa de sus productos culturales, incluyendo la arquitectura, han sido fuertemente reducidas. Ante este problema, la investigación toma como hipótesis la oportunidad que ofrece el pensamiento ecológico de reformular la experiencia estética como un acto de conocimiento, como un evento donde se da el encuentro físico y se construyen significados, donde se sancionan valores sociales y se mira hacia el futuro. Se ha de señalar que la presente tesis doctoral arranca en el Laboratorio de Paisaje del Grupo de Investigación Paisaje Cultural de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid dirigido por Concha Lapayese y Darío Gazapo, y por tanto hace suyos para el estado del arte los principales conceptos e ideas bajo los que el trabajo teórico y práctico del grupo se viene orientando desde hace años: la consideración del paisaje como acontecimiento; la oscilación de la interpretación entre un paisaje específico y un paisaje genérico en un mundo globalizado; el reconocimiento de la experiencia estética del paisaje como una toma de conciencia social; y en definitiva, la reivindicación de la interioridad en el proyecto contemporáneo. La investigación profundiza en una línea de oportunidad que se abre al promover lo que se ha llamado un conocimiento por lo sentido como estrategia ambiental que permite contrarrestar mitos profundamente arraigados en las estructuras sociales. El primer paso en ese recorrido sería explorar ecológicamente el aporte de la experiencia estética; esto es, su consideración como forma de conocimiento específico. Resultaría pertinente impulsar la idea de la inmersión en el paisaje como fenómeno experiencial, sensual y corporal, y enfrentar, desde ahí, el problema de la aceptación social de lo nuevo y lo trasformado de acuerdo con el momento actual. La exploración sobre la afectividad en el ambiente no es, en cualquier caso, un asunto nuevo. Sin pretensiones de historiografía, dos momentos del siglo XX concentran el interés de la investigación. La primera se corresponde fundamentalmente con la segunda década del siglo, en relación a una serie de influencias que desde los avances científicos determinaron singulares aventuras del arte más experimental. La segunda se posiciona en el entorno de 1970, época en la que es conocido el interés que despertaron las cuestiones ambientales. En ambos casos se han estudiado aportaciones que desvelan conceptos determinantes en la definición de la experiencia estética como un evento de adquisición de conocimiento por lo sentido. Es conveniente adelantar el rol de centralidad que para la investigación tiene el concepto de energía, tal como el propio título subraya. La energía como realidad material y sensible es el sustrato que permite navegar por el principio de unidad epistemológica que subyace al pensamiento ecológico. Sus continuas referencias simbólicas, físicas y metafóricas entre los artistas estudiados no son un mero recurso iconográfico: mantienen inherente el principio de continuidad ambiental en el cual el ser humano y la inmensidad del cosmos navegan indisociables. Un discurso unificado y consistente sobre los aportes de la experiencia estética enfocada como forma de conocimiento por lo sentido hila la lectura histórica, conceptual y práctica de toda la investigación. Con ello se alcanza a hilvanar un diagrama conceptual, modelo de análisis proyectivo, que recoge ideas científicas, filosóficas y proyectivas. De alguna manera, el diagrama trata de dibujar, desde los principios del pensamiento ecológico, la correlación de continuidad que, vacilante, tensa, sutil y frágil se desplaza incesante e irresuelta entre interioridad y exterioridad. ABSTRACT Over the last few decades ecological practice has come to acknowledge a need for studying the multiple systems of interaction between the human being - inasmuch as it is a living species - and its environment. Spatial entities such as the geographic notion of landscape have been used to delimitate the territorial systems operated by society and to describe in detail specific fields of its physical, biological and cultural action. Ecology has thus managed to address the scientific knowledge of the territory as a human settlement, tracking its spatial patterns and analysing its complex functional structure. In this context, the transfer of tools and instruments from the field of ecology to that of design has a tradition already going back more than fifty years. Increasingly more often, design makes use of parameters, inventories, formulas, indicators and technologies to give an environmentally sound response to contour conditions: for instance, taking advantage of the local climate for the optimisation of energy consumption or proposing land uses that avoid disturbing valuable ecosystems. Yet in the present day some voices have arisen that, against the uncontested domination of purely positivistic approaches, are trying to draw attention to the fact that the principles of ecological thought go beyond mere quantitative control of biophysical processes. They point out that, in the early 20th century, ethology proved that the human being, as a conscious entity, invests itself into a relationship of intimacy with its environment that surpasses such perspectives: through the correspondences between perception and signification, between physical and psychological or between inside and outside, people embrace the entirety of their surroundings in an action of deep affective conciliation. It is on this link of intimacy that - fully and unquestionably - human acceptance of the built environment depends. Through the notion of environment [Umwelt] it can be proven that the relationship between the human being and its environment is inseparable, bidirectional and coordinated; and that, therefore, from a coherent position the experience of space can be examined through the reciprocity constituted continuously by person and place. Thus, the main goal in this thesis is to explore and acknowledge, from the standpoint of design, the meaning and influence of the environmental experience in human life. It is extremely likely that many of the issues with mankind’s alienation from the transformed landscapes of the present day arise from the fact that both the intensity of human perception and experience and the interpretive capacity of its cultural products –including architecture - have been greatly reduced. Facing this issue, research has taken as hypothesis the opportunity offered by ecological thought of reformulating aesthetic experience as an act of knowledge – as an event where physical encounter takes place and meanings are constructed; where social values are sanctioned and the path towards the future is drawn. This notwithstanding, the present thesis began in the Landscape Laboratory of the Technical University of Madrid Cultural Landscape Research Group (GIPC-UPM), led by Concha Lapayese and Darío Gazapo; and has therefore appropriated for its state of the art the main concepts and ideas that have been orienting the practical and theoretical work of the latter: the understanding of landscape as an event, the oscillation of interpretation between a specific and a generic landscape within a globalised world; the acknowledgement of the aesthetic experience of landscape as a way of acquiring social awareness; and, all in all, a vindication of interiority in contemporary design. An exploration has been made of the line of opportunity that is opened when promoting what has been termed knowledge through the senses as an environmental strategy allowing to counter myths deeply rooted in social structures. The first step in this path would be an ecological exploration of the contribution of the aesthetic experience; that is, its consideration as a type of specific knowledge. It would be pertinent to further the idea of immersion into the landscape as an experiential, sensual and corporeal phenomenon and, from that point, to face the issue of social acceptance of what is new and transformed according to the values of the present day. The exploration of affectivity in the environment is not, at any rate, a new topic. Without aspiring to make a history of it, we can mark two points in the 20th century that have concentrated the interest of this research. The first coincides with the second decade of the century and relates to a number of influences that, arising from scientific progress, determined the singular adventures of the more experimental tendencies in art. The second is centred around 1970: a period in which the interest drawn by environmental matters is well known. In both cases, contributions have been studied that reveal crucial concepts in defining the aesthetic experience as an event for the acquisition of knowledge through the senses. It is necessary to highlight the role of centrality that the concept of energy has throughout this research, as is evident even in its title. Energy as a material, sensitive reality is the substrate making it possible to navigate through the principle of epistemological unity underlying ecological thought. The continuous symbolic, physical and metaphorical references to it among the artists studied here are not a mere iconographic source: they remind of the inherency of the principle of environmental continuity within which the human being and the immensity of cosmos travel indissociably. A unified, consistent discourse on the contributions of the aesthetic experience addressed as knowledge through the senses weaves together the historic, conceptual and practical reading of the whole research. With it, a conceptual diagram is constructed – a model of design analysis – gathering together scientific, philosophical and design ideas. Somehow, the diagram tries to draw from the principles of ecological thought the correlation of continuity that, vacillating, tense, subtle and fragile, shifts incessantly and unresolved between interiority and exteriority.


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La propuesta del análisis de la figura de Parque Agrario en el ámbito español surge ante la constatación de que un nuevo paradigma está aconteciendo a escala estatal. Diversos focos se encuentran trabajando en paralelo, y de forma participada, en pos de la reformulación de las políticas públicas relacionadas con la agricultura periurbana. Estos focos ven en la figura de Parque Agrario un instrumento territorial que permite mejorar la sostenibilidad y cohesión territorial a través de la defensa de la gobernanza alimentaria local, sin olvidar la necesidad de conservación de los recursos naturales y el patrimonio paisajístico, junto a la prestación de múltiples servicios de los ecosistemas de estos ámbitos a la ciudadanía. Complementariamente, se empieza a vislumbrar el papel que esta figura puede desempeñar como herramienta de desarrollo territorial de los sistemas agrarios periurbanos, clave ante los efectos de carácter local que la globalización ejerce en estos territorios. La figura de Parque Agrario es una estructura que actúa bloqueando la base territorial, favoreciendo el desarrollo de la actividad agraria. Su mayor potencial es el de convertir el factor “proximidad urbana” de una amenaza a una oportunidad de desarrollo local endógeno que permita la continuidad de la agricultura, de los agricultores y del espacio agrario. La peculiaridad del Parque Agrario es que no es una figura al uso, estructurada y reglada por una legislación, sino que se trata de una iniciativa ad hoc, específica para cada caso, orientada a cumplir determinados objetivos de dinamización agraria, protección urbanística y valorización territorial. A pesar de la existencia de diversas definiciones y aportaciones sobre diferentes aspectos de la figura, no existe un análisis complejo de la misma en todas sus dimensiones, ni una tentativa de descripción de un modelo global y unitario del caso español y de sus potenciales resultados. Tampoco se han analizado en profundidad sus “invariantes” que se muestran como los elementos estructurantes del proyecto, capaces desarrollarse de forma diversa, de alcanzar diferentes niveles de complejidad, y de materializarse en función a las posibilidades que permita el marco normativo y legal. Por tanto, se plantea como objetivo principal de la tesis la definición de un modelo conceptual de Parque Agrario español, capaz de ser articulado e institucionalizado mediante un proceso de gobernanza, y que, como condición sine qua non sea duradero en el tiempo. Para poder llegar a describir un modelo colectivo se realiza, en primer lugar, un análisis genealógico que permita analizar sistemáticamente las propuestas desarrolladas en el ámbito español y los casos para establecer la existencia de una continuidad en la idea de Parque Agrario en las propuestas desarrolladas durante los últimos 25 años—sus invariantes—, y analice todos aquellos elementos que han ido enriqueciendo la figura en cada experiencia —sus variantes. Este análisis, además, ofrece como aportaciones el árbol genealógico y los mapas de dispersión de la figura y el primer catálogo de propuestas de Parque Agrario materializadas en proyecto. El resultado de la inducción de los datos obtenidos en el análisis genealógico es el modelo conceptual de Parque Agrario, que se define como una estructura orgánica de planificación-gestión-gobierno del territorio capaz de adaptarse a las necesidades específicas de todo sistema agrario periurbano que requiera la articulación-institucionalización de esta figura en él. Una vez descrito el modelo, se contrasta su fiabilidad mediante su aplicación como metodología de caracterización y evaluación de dos estudios de casos: uno exitoso, el Parque Agrario del Baix Llobregat, y uno frustrado, la propuesta de Parque Agrario de la Vega de Granada. ------------------------------------------------------ ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------------- The proposed analysis of the figure of Agrarian Park in the Spanish sphere arises from the awareness that a new paradigm is happening at the state level. Different focuses are working in parallel, under participated programs, after the reformulation of public policies related to urban agriculture. These areas understand the figure of Agrarian Park as a territorial instrument for improving sustainability and territorial cohesion through the defense of local food governance, considering the need for conservation of natural resources and landscape heritage together with the multiple ecosystem services provided by these areas to the public. Additionally, the role that this figure can play as a tool for territorial development of peri-urban agrarian systems, which are key to the local effects that globalization has on these territories, is staring to be envisioned. The figure of Agrarian Park is a structure that works by blocking the territorial base to encourage the development of agrarian activity. Its greatest potential is to convert the threat of "urban proximity" into an opportunity for an endogenous local development that allows the persistence of agriculture, farmers and the agrarian space. The uniqueness of the Agrarian Park is that it is not a standard figure, structured and regulated by legislation, but rather an ad hoc initiative, specific to each case, designed to meet certain objectives of agrarian revitalization, urban protection and territorial enhance. Despite the existence of several definitions and contributions on different aspects of the figure, there is a lack of a complex analysis of it in all its dimensions, missing any attempt to describe a global and unitary model of the Spanish case and its potential outcomes. Its "invariants” have neither been evaluated in depth, shown as the structural elements of the project able to be developed in different ways, to achieve numerous levels of complexity, and to be materialized according to the possibilities allowed by the regulatory and legal framework. Therefore, the definition of a conceptual model of Spanish Agrarian Park able to be articulated and institutionalized through a process of governance, and durable over time as a sine qua non requisite, it is proposed as the main aim of the thesis. To get to describe a collective model, a genealogical analysis that systematically analyzes the proposals and cases developed in the Spanish field is undertaken to verify the existence of a continuity of the idea of Agrarian Park on the proposals developed during the past 25 years -invariants-, and evaluate all the elements that have enriched this figure in each experience - variants. This analysis also provides as inputs a family tree, maps of dispersion of the figure and the first catalog of Agrarian Park proposals materialized into projects. The result of inducting the data obtained in the genealogical analysis is the Conceptual Model of Agrarian Park, defined as an organic planning-management-government structure of the territory able to adapt to the specific needs of all peri-urban agrarian systems that require the articulation-institutionalization of this figure in it. Having described the model, its reliability is tested by applying it as a methodology for characterization and evaluation of two case studies, one successful, the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park, and one frustrated, the proposed Agrarian Park de la Vega of Granada.


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Este documento corresponde a la Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Arquitectura y Urbanismo en el marco del Programa de Doctorado conjunto de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Universidad de Chile. La investigación realizada es de carácter exploratorio-descriptivo con el propósito de establecer y relacionar conceptualmente las teorías y principios de la ergonomía y del diseño urbano, para proponer desde un enfoque sistémico criterios de confort en el diseño de la ciudad, que contribuyan a la calidad de vida y la vida urbana, dando a luz lineamientos para la “Ergociudad”; concepto que surge de la unión de las palabras Ergonomía y Ciudad. Al estudiar a diversos autores se concluye en la carencia de referentes de confort y de políticas basados en la relación empírica del ser humano en la ciudad que posibiliten la configuración del medio ambiente urbano a partir de ella. La ciudad se piensa y se construye desde su estructura y no desde una mirada sistémica e integrada de los factores dimensionales, ambientales y psicosociales condicionantes del confort en sus distintas escalas. La mirada respecto del desarrollo de la ciudad es físico constructiva y, por tanto, deja de lado el problema de los estresores o de la percepción de los factores de riesgo en el entorno construido. El tema central de esta tesis es proponer una estructura modélica de calidad de vida urbana denominada Ergociudad en base a los fundamentos teóricos de la Ergonomía y el Diseño Urbano y establecer el “Índice Ergourbano”, como representación de los factores ergonómicos presentes en la ciudad. En este marco, el enfoque de la ergonomía y sus prestaciones han sido trabajados en orden a facilitar mecanismos para disponer de sus procedimientos y de su modelo de análisis relacional a otras escalas. El concepto de “Ergociudad” y su propuesta de exploración desde las personas, postula una mirada sobre los problemas que enfrenta el ser humano en la ciudad considerando la dimensión de lo humano, desde perspectivas psicológicas y sociológicas para establecer y configurar la percepción de estrés y bienestar; la dimensión de lo urbano, representada por los objetos que componen el entorno (en sus distintas escalas); y, la dimensión de lo perceptual, que definiría el concepto de confort en la forma de comprender el mundo sensorial. Los resultados de la investigación confirman la hipótesis de trabajo en términos de demostrar que la percepción de disconfort en la ciudad reflejado en un índice de evaluación perceptual espacial denominado índice Ergourbano obtenido de las mediciones en situ de los factores ergonómicos del entorno. Los resultados finales de la tesis han permitido identificar variables afines en los aspectos espaciales y perceptuales. Ello mediante la exploración de las situaciones urbanas y sus conexiones para establecer el grado de adecuación del espacio urbano a las prácticas, usos y modos de las personas en la ciudad. Una vez aplicado y validado el método desarrollado se ha llegado a obtener información suficiente para aumentar el nivel de conocimiento sobre el espacio urbano con un enfoque relacional que permite entenderlo desde la experiencia de las personas que lo habitan, insistiendo en su aporte metodológico y proyectual considerando la inexistente aplicación de información que vincule la ergonomía a esta escala urbana. ABSTRACT This document corresponds to the thesis to obtain the degree of Doctor of Architecture and Urbanism in the framework of the combined doctorate program of the Technical University of Madrid and the University of Chile. The research carried out is of a descriptive–explanatory nature with the objective of establishing and conceptually relating the theories and principals of ergonomics (or human factors) and urban design. This is done in order to propose, from a systematic focus, comfort criteria in the design of cities that contribute to quality of life and urban life, giving birth to chacteristics for “Ergocity”; concepts that arise from the union of the words ergonomic and city. After studying diverse authors, one concludes the lack of references toward comfort and policies based on the empirical relation of humans in the city that allow for the configuration of the urban environment based on comfort. The city is thought out and built from its structure and not from a systematic and integrated viewpoint of the dimensional, environmental and psychosocial factors, determining factors of comfort in its distinct scales. The view regarding the development of the city is physical constructive and, therefore, leaves aside the problem of the stress factors or the perception of risk factors in the constructed environment. The central theme of this thesis is to propose a quality model of urban life entitled Ergo-city, based on the fundamental theories of the ergonomics and urban design, and to establish an “Ergourban index” as representation of the ergonomic factors present in the city. In this framework, the focus of ergonomics and its services have been used in order to facilitate mechanisms to arrange their procedures and their model of relational analysis on other scales. The concept of “Ergocity”and its offer of exploration from a people perspective, proposes a look at the problems that humans face in the city considering the nonhuman dimension, from psychological and sociological perspectives to establish and configure la perception of stress and well-being: the urban dimension, represented by the objects that the surroundings are made up of (on their distinct scales), and the perceptual dimension, which will define the concept of comfort by means of understanding the sensorial world. The results of the research confirm the working hypothesis in terms of demonstrating the perception of discomfort in the city reflected in an index of perceptual/spatial evaluation named ergo-urban obtained from in situ measurements of the ergonomic factors of the surroundings. The final results of the thesis have permitted the identification the identification of variables related to the spatial and perceptual aspects. All of this through the exploration of the urban situations and their connections in order to establish the level of adaptation of the urban space to the practices, uses and modes of the people in the city. Once applied and validated, the method of development has led to the collection of sufficient information to increase the level of knowledge of the urban space with a relational focus that allows us to understand it from the experience of the people who inhabit said space, persisting with its methodological and projective contribution considering the inexistent application of information that links the ergonomics on an urban scale.


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Accessibility is an essential concept widely used to evaluate the impact of transport and land-use strategies in urban planning and policy making. Accessibility is typically evaluated by using separately a transport model or a land-use model. This paper embeds two accessibility indicators (i.e., potential and adaptive accessibility) in a land use and transport interaction (LUTI) model in order to assess transport policies implementation. The first aim is to define the adaptive accessibility, considering the competition factor at territorial level (e.g. workplaces and workers). The second aim is to identify the optimal implementation scenario of policy measures using potential and adaptive accessibility indicators. The analysis of the results in terms of social welfare and accessibility changes closes the paper. Two transport policy measures are applied in Madrid region: a cordon toll and increase bus frequency. They have been simulated through the MARS model (Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator, i.e. LUTI model). An optimisation procedure is performed by MARS for maximizing the value of the objective function in order to find the optimal policy implementation (first best). Both policy measures are evaluated in terms of accessibility. Results show that the introduction of the accessibility indicators (potential and adaptive) influence the optimal value of the toll price and bus frequency level, generating different results in terms of social welfare. Mapping the difference between potential and adaptive accessibility indicator shows that the main changes occur in areas where there is a strong competition among different land-use opportunities.