8 resultados para Ncaa Division-i

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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An accurate characterization of the near-region propagation of radio waves inside tunnels is of practical importance for the design and planning of advanced communication systems. However, there has been no consensus yet on the propagation mechanism in this region. Some authors claim that the propagation mechanism follows the free space model, others intend to interpret it by the multi-mode waveguide model. This paper clarifies the situation in the near-region of arched tunnels by analytical modeling of the division point between the two propagation mechanisms. The procedure is based on the combination of the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry. Three groups of measurements are employed to verify the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Furthermore, simplified models for the division point in five specific application situations are derived to facilitate the use of the model. The results in this paper could help to deepen the insight into the propagation mechanism within tunnel environments.


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A novel HCPV nonimaging concentrator concept with high concentration (>500×) is presented. It uses the combination of a commercial concentration GaInP∕GaInAs∕Ge 3J cell and a concentration Back‐Point‐Contact (BPC) concentration silicon cell for efficient spectral utilization, and external confinement techniques for recovering the 3J cell′s reflection. The primary optical element (POE) is a flat Fresnel lens and the secondary optical element (SOE) is a free‐form RXI‐type concentrator with a band‐pass filter embedded it, both POE and SOE performing Köhler integration to produce light homogenization. The band‐pass filter sends the IR photons in the 900–1200 nm band to the silicon cell. Computer simulations predict that four‐terminal terminal designs could achieve ∼46% added cell efficiencies using commercial 39% 3J and 26% Si cells. A first proof‐of concept receiver prototype has been manufactured using a simpler optical architecture (with a lower concentration, ∼ 100× and lower simulated added efficiency), and experimental measurements have shown up to 39.8% 4J receiver efficiency using a 3J with peak efficiency of 36.9%


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The writer would like to point out the existence of a very remarkable Spanish cable-stayed bridge built in 1925, wich is thus older than the first one recorded by the authors (and probably the pioneer in concrete-deck type). The Tempul Aqueduct was designed by the famous Professor Educardo Torroja. The deck is a concrete box girder sustained by two planes of 3 mm diam 37-wire double cables working at 27 kg/mm2.


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A time division multiplexing (TDM) array for passive multiplexing of identical fibre, optic intensity sensors has been demonstrated. Microbending loss sensors are introduced in fibre optic rings and pressure information is directly detected, demultiplexed and demodulated from the relative amplitude of the first two pulses produced on each ring. Several dynamic ranges from 6 dB to 14 dB are shown. A comparison between both fibre optic ring and Mach-Zehnder structure impulse responses is carried out and the consequences derived from second- and higher-order recirculating ring pulses are also evaluated. This technique can be applied to those TDM intensity sensing schemes which require low cost, high number of identical sensors, and suffer high element loss and undersirable intensity fluctuations at low frequencies.


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La discontinuidad de Mohorovičić, más conocida simplemente como “Moho” constituye la superficie de separación entre los materiales rocosos menos densos de la corteza y los materiales rocosos más densos del manto, suponiendo estas capas de densidad constante del orden de 2.67 y 3.27 g/cm3, y es un contorno básico para cualquier estudio geofísico de la corteza terrestre. Los estudios sísmicos y gravimétricos realizados demuestran que la profundidad del Moho es del orden de 30-40 km por debajo de la Península Ibérica y 5-15 km bajo las zonas marinas. Además las distintas técnicas existentes muestran gran correlación en los resultados. Haciendo la suposición de que el campo de gravedad de la Península Ibérica (como le ocurre al 90% de la Tierra) está isostáticamente compensado por la variable profundidad del Moho, suponiendo un contraste de densidad constante entre la corteza y el manto y siguiendo el modelo isostático de Vening Meinesz (1931), se formula el problema isostático inverso para obtener tal profundidad a partir de la anomalía Bouguer de la gravedad calculada gracias a la gravedad observada en la superficie terrestre. La particularidad de este modelo es la compensación isostática regional de la que parte la teoría, que se asemeja a la realidad en mayor medida que otros modelos existentes, como el de Airy-Heiskanen, que ha sido históricamente el más utilizado en trabajos semejantes. Además, su solución está relacionada con el campo de gravedad global para toda la Tierra, por lo que los actuales modelos gravitacionales, la mayoría derivados de observaciones satelitales, deberían ser importantes fuentes de información para nuestra solución. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio con detalle de este método, desarrollado por Helmut Moritz en 1990, que desde entonces ha tenido poca evolución y seguidores y que nunca se ha puesto en práctica en la Península Ibérica. Después de tratar su teoría, desarrollo y aspectos computacionales, se está en posición de obtener un modelo digital del Moho para esta zona a fin de poder utilizarse para el estudio de la distribución de masas bajo la superficie terrestre. A partir de los datos del Moho obtenidos por métodos alternativos se hará una comparación. La precisión de ninguno de estos métodos es extremadamente alta (+5 km aproximadamente). No obstante, en aquellas zonas donde exista una discrepancia de datos significaría un área descompensada, con posibles movimientos tectónicos o alto grado de riesgo sísmico, lo que le da a este estudio un valor añadido. ABSTRACT The Mohorovičić discontinuity, simply known as “Moho” constitutes the division between the rocky and less thick materials of the mantle and the heavier ones in the crust, assuming densities of the orders of 2.67 y 3.27 g/cm3 respectively. It is also a basic contour for every geophysical kind of studies about the terrestrial crust. The seismic and previous gravimetric observations done in the study area show that the Moho depth is of the order of 30-40 km beneath the ground and 5-15 km under the ocean basin. Besides, the different techniques show a good correlation in their results. Assuming that the Iberian Peninsula gravity field (as it happens for the 90% of the Earth) is isostatically compensated according to the variable Moho depth, supposing a constant density contrast between crust and mantle, and following the isostatic Vening Meinesz model (1931), the inverse isostatic problem can be formulated from Bouguer gravity anomaly data obtained thanks to the observed gravity at the surface of the Earth. The main difference between this model and other existing ones, such as Airy- Heiskanen’s (pure local compensation and mostly used in these kinds of works) is the approaching to a regional isostatic compensation, much more in accordance with reality. Besides, its solution is related to the global gravity field, and the current gravitational models -mostly satellite derived- should be important data sources in such solution. The aim of this thesis is to study with detail this method, developed by Helmut Moritz in 1990, which hardly ever has it put into practice. Moreover, it has never been used in Iberia. After studying its theory, development and computational aspects, we are able to get a Digital Moho Model of the Iberian Peninsula, in order to study the masses distribution beneath the Earth’s surface. With the depth Moho information obtained from alternative methods, a comparison will be done. Both methods give results with the same order of accuracy, which is not quite high (+ 5 km approximately). Nevertheless, the areas in which a higher difference is observed would mean a disturbance of the compensation, which could show an unbalanced area with possible tectonic movements or potential seismic risk. It will give us an important additive value, which could be used in, at first, non related fields, such as density discrepancies or natural disasters contingency plans.


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In solid mechanics the weak formulation produces an integral equation ready for a discretization and with less restrictive requiremets than the standard field equations. Fundamentally the weak formulation is a expresion of a green formula. An alternative is to choose another green formula materializing a reciprocity relationship between the basis unknowns and an auxiliary family of functions. The degree of smoothness requiered to practice the discretization is then translated to the auxiliar functions. The subsequent discretization (constant, linear etc.)produces a set of equations on the boundary of the domain. For linear 3-D problems the BIEM appears then as a powerful alternative to FEM, because of the reduction to 2-D thanks to the features previously described.


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Optical communications receivers using wavelet signals processing is proposed in this paper for dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) systems and modal-division multiplexed (MDM) transmissions. The optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) required to demodulate polarization-division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PDM-QPSK) modulation format is alleviated with the wavelet denoising process. This procedure improves the bit error rate (BER) performance and increasing the transmission distance in DWDM systems. Additionally, the wavelet-based design relies on signal decomposition using time-limited basis functions allowing to reduce the computational cost in Digital-Signal-Processing (DSP) module. Attending to MDM systems, a new scheme of encoding data bits based on wavelets is presented to minimize the mode coupling in few-mode (FWF) and multimode fibers (MMF). The Shifted Prolate Wave Spheroidal (SPWS) functions are proposed to reduce the modal interference.


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Division of labor is a widely studied aspect of colony behavior of social insects. Division of labor models indicate how individuals distribute themselves in order to perform different tasks simultaneously. However, models that study division of labor from a dynamical system point of view cannot be found in the literature. In this paper, we define a division of labor model as a discrete-time dynamical system, in order to study the equilibrium points and their properties related to convergence and stability. By making use of this analytical model, an adaptive algorithm based on division of labor can be designed to satisfy dynamic criteria. In this way, we have designed and tested an algorithm that varies the response thresholds in order to modify the dynamic behavior of the system. This behavior modification allows the system to adapt to specific environmental and collective situations, making the algorithm a good candidate for distributed control applications. The variable threshold algorithm is based on specialization mechanisms. It is able to achieve an asymptotically stable behavior of the system in different environments and independently of the number of individuals. The algorithm has been successfully tested under several initial conditions and number of individuals.