7 resultados para Natividad Martínez Villar
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Este proyecto final de carrera detalla el diseño y construcción de un gasoducto entre el almacenamiento profundo de Yela (Guadalajara) hasta el término municipal de el Villar de Arnedo (La Rioja), detallando su justificación desde un punto de vista técnico así como mediambiental
Se realiza el diseño de un gasoducto requerido para la conexión del nuevo almacenamiento subterráneo de Yela con la red de gasoductos existentes. Se plantea un trazado alternativo al original, debido a circunstancias legales y administrativas que han provocado su variación. En el proyecto se muestran los datos básicos de diseño, criterios de cálculo, planos y pliegos de condiciones y el correspondiente presupuesto de las instalaciones. ABSTRACT This project analyzes the design of a pipeline required to connect the new underground storage Yela with existing pipeline network. An alternative route is proposed to the original, due to legal and administrative circumstances . The project shows the basic design data, calculation criteria, plans and specifications and the corresponding budget installations.
Assessment of diastolic chamber properties of the right ventricle by global fitting of pressure-volume data and conformational analysis of 3D + T echocardiographic sequences
Channel cbanges are the consequence of cbanges in sediment yield from the slopes and in the connectivity between slopes and channels bccause of distinct land use and climate inJpacts. In Ibis study, we investigated the characteristics and evolution of a short reach in the headwater of the !juez River, central-soutbem Pyrenees. Assessment of a series of sedimentar)' and geomorphic structures confirtned major cbanges to the valley boUom, mainly related to changes in the intensity of human activity. 'The oldest sedimentar)' structure is a terrace leve! located 3 10 4 m above the current alluvial plain. General deforestation, overgrazing and recwring tires in the montane belt ( 1100-1600 m a.sJ.) have led 10 increased soil erosioo and connectivity, and to tbe triggering of debris llows thal have been deposited on the fluvial tmace. Woody fragments from within the debris llows were dated using acceleraror mass spectrOmetry '"e radiocaroon tcchniques (AMS), yielding ages between 1 00 and 115 cal years BP, whicb coincides with tbe period of maximum deforestalion and human density in the Pyrenees. Depopulation and fannland abaodonment since tbe beginning of tbe 2001 oenrury has resulled in generalliJcod natural and artificial reforestation, a shrinkage of the eroded arcas aod a decline in connectivi¡y bdween slopes and the channel. 1be rnost impor1an1 consequence has been cbannel incision and oarrowing, and the development of a sedimed annour !ayer. Active sedimenl b8llSpOI1 is continui.Qg, although there has been a decrease in sed.iment yield from the slopes. Copyright O 2014 John Wiley & Soos, Ltd.
La presente tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, aborda la obra del arquitecto de origen español Juan Martínez Gutiérrez, reconocido por la crítica especializada como uno de los precursores de la arquitectura moderna en Chile. A pesar de la relevancia de su obra, en la actualidad se carece de un estudio sistematizado y preciso que, de manera global, expongan los factores de modernidad de sus principales edificios, aun cuando han aparecido en los últimos años dos publicaciones referentes al arquitecto y parcialmente a su obra. Formado tanto en arquitectura como en pintura, la labor profesional de Juan Martínez Gutiérrez se inscribió en un contexto de modernización de la sociedad chilena entre la década del 20 y del 50, adjudicándose mediante concurso público, el diseño de cinco edificios institucionales y de carácter público, los que conforman en la actualidad bienes de carácter patrimonial estando dos de ellos declarados Monumento Histórico. Se desenvolvió también en el ámbito de la docencia siendo profesor de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile por más de 35 años y Decano de la misma institución. Participó asimismo de la vida gremial de la profesión, recibiendo en el año 1969 el primer premio nacional de arquitectura. Sus edificios públicos, se han mantenido en uso siendo hitos urbanos y en el ámbito disciplinar reconocidas obras ejemplares. Sin embargo, al comenzar el siglo XXI, cuando la modernidad se nos presenta desde la historicidad, surge la pregunta por los valores que sustenta la arquitectura de Juan Martínez, en relación a su tiempo y a la actualidad. En este ámbito reflexivo se plantea la puesta en tesis de la presente investigación, donde las principales obras del arquitecto se analizan inquiriendo su condición de modernidad a la luz de un contexto local cuyas problemáticas sociales son aunadas por el proyecto desarrollista estatal de la primera mitad del siglo XX; interpelando algunos aspectos del estado técnico del país durante el periodo; las tendencias estéticas imperantes de la época y el entorno urbano en el que se emplazan. Al mismo tiempo, el desarrollo de la tesis examina un tópico referencial de la modernidad latinoamericana, que es el influjo europeo en el punto de inflexión que va desde el fin del modelo academicista y la incorporación de los preceptos de un funcionalismo y racionalismo arquitectónico, todo ello mediado por los condicionantes locales. ABSTRACT The following thesis, to achieve the Doctor´s degree at the Superior Technical School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid aboard the work of the chilean architect of spanish origin Juan Martinez Gutierrez, recognized by specialized critic as one of the forefathers of modern architecture in Chile. Although the relevance of his work, currently there is no systematic and precise study of it. A study that in a global view exposes the factors of modernity in his foremost buildings. The absence of such study is, despite the appearance in the last two years of two publications about the architect and –partially- his work. Formed as much in architecture as in painting, the professional labor of Juan Martinez Gutierrez was inscribed in the context of Chilean society modernization, between the decades of the 20´s and 30´s. Awarding himself, by means of architectural contests, the design of institutional buildings of public use, witch conform current cultural goods, two of them having been declared National Monuments; a category of cultural heritage officially protected by the state. He also developed an important academic work, being for more than 35 years, professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Chile and in his time, Faculty Dean. He also participated, actively, in guild life, being awarded in 1969 the first ever, National Prize of Architecture. His public buildings, still in use, are urban landmarks and exemplar works in a disciplinary dimension. Never the less, at the begins of the XXI century, when the modern movement is presented to us from an historical viewpoint, even from historicity, questions surge about the values that sustain Juan Martinez´s architecture in relation to his time and ours. It is in this reflexive field, that is planted the thesis of the present research, where the principal works of the architect are analyzed inquiring their modern condition, at the light of a local context who´s social problems join the chilean social development state the “Estado Desarrolista” of the first half of the XX century, a situation that interpellants several dimensions: the technical status of the country during the period, the aesthetic tendencies prevailing, and the urban context were they place themselves. At the same time, in its development, the thesis examines a referential topic, that is the Latin American modern movement, or the European influx in that inflexion point that goes from the end of academicism Beaux – Art model and the incorporation of functional and rationalist precepts, all mediated by local conditions.