em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Wood is a natural material that is able to trigger rhinitis and asthma in exposed subjects in occupational settings. This has been described with both soft and hard woods.1,2 Involvement of both low- and high-molecular-weight allergens has been reported, and the relevance of these is related with the wood type.1 There are cases where protein may be the responsible allergen. Crossreactivity between obeche and ramin woods3 and between obeche and latex4 has been shown. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a multiple IgE-mediated sensitization to different woods that caused occupational respiratory symptoms in the same worker.
La prevalencia de las alergias está aumentando desde mediados del siglo XX, y se estima que actualmente afectan a alrededor del 2-8 % de la población, pero las causas de este aumento aún no están claras. Encontrar el origen del mecanismo por el cual una proteína inofensiva se convierte en capaz de inducir una respuesta alérgica es de vital importancia para prevenir y tratar estas enfermedades. Aunque la caracterización de alérgenos relevantes ha ayudado a mejorar el manejo clínico y a aclarar los mecanismos básicos de las reacciones alérgicas, todavía queda un largo camino para establecer el origen de la alergenicidad y reactividad cruzada. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido caracterizar las bases moleculares de la alergenicidad tomando como modelo dos familias de panalergenos (proteínas de transferencia de lípidos –LTPs- y taumatinas –TLPs-) y estudiando los mecanismos que median la sensibilización y la reactividad cruzada para mejorar tanto el diagnóstico como el tratamiento de la alergia. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo dos estrategias: estudiar la reactividad cruzada de miembros de familias de panalérgenos; y estudiar moléculas-co-adyuvantes que pudieran favorecer la capacidad alergénica de dichas proteínas. Para estudiar la reactividad cruzada entre miembros de la misma familia de proteínas, se seleccionaron LTPs y TLPs, descritas como alergenos, tomando como modelo la alergia a frutas. Por otra parte, se estudiaron los perfiles de sensibilización a alérgenos de trigo relacionados con el asma del panadero, la enfermedad ocupacional más relevante de origen alérgico. Estos estudios se llevaron a cabo estandarizando ensayos tipo microarrays con alérgenos y analizando los resultados por la teoría de grafos. En relación al estudiar moléculas-co-adyuvantes que pudieran favorecer la capacidad alergénica de dichas proteínas, se llevaron a cabo estudios sobre la interacción de los alérgenos alimentarios con células del sistema inmune humano y murino y el epitelio de las mucosas, analizando la importancia de moléculas co-transportadas con los alérgenos en el desarrollo de una respuesta Th2. Para ello, Pru p 3(LTP y alérgeno principal del melocotón) se selección como modelo para llevarlo a cabo. Por otra parte, se analizó el papel de moléculas activadoras del sistema inmune producidas por patógenos en la inducción de alergias alimentarias seleccionando el modelo kiwi-alternaria, y el papel de Alt a 1, alérgeno mayor de dicho hongo, en la sensibilización a Act d 2, alérgeno mayor de kiwi. En resumen, el presente trabajo presenta una investigación innovadora aportando resultados de gran utilidad tanto para la mejora del diagnóstico como para nuevas investigaciones sobre la alergia y el esclarecimiento final de los mecanismos que caracterizan esta enfermedad. ABSTRACT Allergies are increasing their prevalence from mid twentieth century, and they are currently estimated to affect around 2-8% of the population but the underlying causes of this increase remain still elusive. The understanding of the mechanism by which a harmless protein becomes capable of inducing an allergic response provides us the basis to prevent and treat these diseases. Although the characterization of relevant allergens has led to improved clinical management and has helped to clarify the basic mechanisms of allergic reactions, it seems justified in aspiring to molecularly dissecting these allergens to establish the structural basis of their allergenicity and cross-reactivity. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the molecular basis of the allergenicity of model proteins belonging to different families (Lipid Transfer Proteins –LTPs-, and Thaumatin-like Proteins –TLPs-) in order to identify mechanisms that mediate sensitization and cross reactivity for developing new strategies in the management of allergy, both diagnosis and treatment, in the near future. With this purpose, two strategies have been conducted: studies of cross-reactivity among panallergen families and molecular studies of the contribution of cofactors in the induction of the allergic response by these panallergens. Following the first strategy, we studied the cross-reactivity among members of two plant panallergens (LTPs , Lipid Transfer Proteins , and TLPs , Thaumatin-like Proteins) using the peach allergy as a model. Similarly, we characterized the sensitization profiles to wheat allergens in baker's asthma development, the most relevant occupational disease. These studies were performed using allergen microarrays and the graph theory for analyzing the results. Regarding the second approach, we analyzed the interaction of plant allergens with immune and epithelial cells. To perform these studies , we examined the importance of ligands and co-transported molecules of plant allergens in the development of Th2 responses. To this end, Pru p 3, nsLTP (non-specific Lipid Transfer Protein) and peach major allergen, was selected as a model to investigate its interaction with cells of the human and murine immune systems as well as with the intestinal epithelium and the contribution of its ligand in inducing an allergic response was studied. Moreover, we analyzed the role of pathogen associated molecules in the induction of food allergy. For that, we selected the kiwi- alternaria system as a model and the role of Alt a 1 , major allergen of the fungus, in the development of Act d 2-sensitization was studied. In summary, this work presents an innovative research providing useful results for improving diagnosis and leading to further research on allergy and the final clarification of the mechanisms that characterize this disease.
The study of cross-reactivity in allergy is key to both understanding. the allergic response of many patients and providing them with a rational treatment In the present study, protein microarrays and a co-sensitization graph approach were used in conjunction with an allergen microarray immunoassay. This enabled us to include a wide number of proteins and a large number of patients, and to study sensitization profiles among members of the LTP family. Fourteen LTPs from the most frequent plant food-induced allergies in the geographical area studied were printed into a microarray specifically designed for this research. 212 patients with fruit allergy and 117 food-tolerant pollen allergic subjects were recruited from seven regions of Spain with different pollen profiles, and their sera were tested with allergen microarray. This approach has proven itself to be a good tool to study cross-reactivity between members of LTP family, and could become a useful strategy to analyze other families of allergens.
Cross-reactivity of plant foods is an important phenomenon in allergy, with geographical variations with respect to the number and prevalence of the allergens involved in this process, whose complexity requires detailed studies. We have addressed the role of thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs) in cross-reactivity between fruit and pollen allergies. A representative panel of 16 purified TLPs was printed onto an allergen microarray. The proteins selected belonged to the sources most frequently associated with peach allergy in representative regions of Spain. Sera from two groups of well characterized patients, one with allergy to Rosaceae fruit (FAG) and another against pollens but tolerant to food-plant allergens (PAG), were obtained from seven geographical areas with different environmental pollen profiles. Cross-reactivity between members of this family was demonstrated by inhibition assays. Only 6 out of 16 purified TLPs showed noticeable allergenic activity in the studied populations. Pru p 2.0201, the peach TLP (41%), chestnut TLP (24%) and plane pollen TLP (22%) proved to be allergens of probable relevance to fruit allergy, being mainly associated with pollen sensitization, and strongly linked to specific geographical areas such as Barcelona, Bilbao, the Canary Islands and Madrid. The patients exhibited mayor que50% positive response to Pru p 2.0201 and to chestnut TLP in these specific areas. Therefore, their recognition patterns were associated with the geographical area, suggesting a role for pollen in the sensitization of these allergens. Finally, the co-sensitizations of patients considering pairs of TLP allergens were analyzed by using the co-sensitization graph associated with an allergen microarray immunoassay. Our data indicate that TLPs are significant allergens in plant food allergy and should be considered when diagnosing and treating pollen-food allergy.
Baker's asthma is one of the most common types of occupational asthma and its prevalence is increasing in the last years. Diagnosis of occupational asthma is complex. The poor specificity of current diagnostic approaches may be associated with insufficient purity of wheat extracts or lack of inclusion of major allergens in them. In this work, we use microarray technology to characterize the allergenic profiles of baker's asthma patients from three regions in Spain and to analyze the influence of other environmental allergens on the sensitization pattern.
La Educación Física se muestra, a priori, como un área idónea para trabajar intervenciones educativas para facilitar la inclusión de alumnos con discapacidad. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre el potencial que presentan los deportes adaptados y paralímpicos como contenido para fomentar la sensibilización y concienciación del alumnado sin discapacidad, especialmente en situaciones inclusivas de práctica. Por otro lado, la actitud del docente y su formación se presentan como claves en este contexto, ya que es quien en última instancia selecciona los contenidos a trabajar. Entendemos que en EF disponemos de una ocasión única en el curriculum para fomentar la participación activa y efectiva del alumno con discapacidad en clase (especialmente a nivel de desarrollo de la competencia motriz, entre otras), si bien esto depende de factores relacionados con los dos agentes anteriores. Es por todo ello que la Educación Física, como protagonista y como contenido, se muestra como un contexto adecuado para la investigación de los procesos de inclusión de alumnos con discapacidad en el ámbito educativo. Este trabajo de investigación pretende arrojar luz a los interrogantes que condicionan y limitan este contexto, desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, con distintas metodologías, sobre los tres agentes indicados. La falta de consenso en la literatura en cuanto a las características y tipo de intervenciones eficaces para facilitar esta sensibilización del alumnado, unido a que es un ámbito relativamente reciente como tema de investigación, nos ha impulsado a trabajar en esta línea. El primer objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue diseñar e implementar un programa de sensibilización y concienciación hacia la discapacidad basado en los deportes adaptados en el área de Educación Física para alumnos de secundaria y bachillerato. Inicialmente, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, con el fin de definir las características principales que aporta la literatura científica en este aspecto. Apoyándonos por un lado, en el programa educativo Paralympic School Day (CPI, 2004) y por otro, en la citada revisión, desarrollamos un planteamiento inicial de estructura y fases. Dicho proyecto, fue presentado al Comité Paralímpico Español y a las federaciones deportivas españolas para personas con discapacidad, con la finalidad de recabar su apoyo institucional en forma de aval y recursos no solo a nivel económico sino también como apoyo logístico y de difusión. Tras su aprobación y gracias también al apoyo de la UPM, la Fundación Sanitas y Liberty Seguros, se procedió a diseñar el programa. Para el desarrollo de los materiales didácticos se contactó con expertos en la materia de EF y Actividad Física Adaptada tanto del ámbito educativo (profesores de educación secundaria y profesorado universitario) como del deportivo a nivel nacional. A su vez, se comenzó a difundir entre el profesorado de los centros con el fin de detectar su interés en participar durante el curso académico (2012-2013) en el programa “Deporte Inclusivo en la Escuela”. Con la finalización del desarrollo de los materiales didácticos, se visitó a los centros educativos para presentar el dossier informativo donde se explicaba el programa, así como las características y fases para su implementación. El programa está fundamentado en la Teoría del Contacto (Allport, 1954) y basado en los deportes adaptados y paralímpicos, planteado con una metodología inclusiva, seleccionando la información, la simulación y el contacto directo como estrategias para el fomento de la sensibilización y concienciación hacia la inclusión. En la reunión celebrada en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (INEF-UPM) en febrero de 2013, se coordinó junto con el profesorado la implementación del programa en cada uno de los 13 centros educativos, con acciones concretas como la adecuación de la propuesta didáctica en la planificación anual del profesor, el préstamo de material o la ponencia del deportista paralímpico entre otras cuestiones. Para la consecución del objetivo 2 de este trabajo, analizar el efecto del programa en los distintos agentes implicados en el mismo, alumnos sin discapacidad, profesorado de EF y alumnos con discapacidad, se calendarizó la toma de datos y la administración de las diferentes herramientas metodológicas para antes (pretest) como después de la intervención (posttets). En el caso de los alumnos sin discapacidad (N= 1068), se analizó el efecto de la intervención sobre la actitud hacia la inclusión, utilizando el cuestionario “Children Attitude Integrated Physical Education-Revised” (CAIPE-R; Block, 1995) de carácter cuantitativo tras su validación y adaptación al contexto español. Los resultados mostraron cambios significativos positivos en la actitud el grupo que mantuvo un contacto no estructurado con alumnos con discapacidad. En esta muestra también se midió la actitud hacia el juego cooperativo con compañeros con discapacidad en clases de EF usando el cuestionario “Children's Beliefs Toward Cooperative Playing With Peers With Disabilities in Physical Education” (CBIPPD-MPE; Obrusnikova, Block, y Dillon, 2010). El desarrollo de un sistema de categorías fundamentado en la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado (Azjen, 1991) sirvió como base para el análisis de las creencias del alumnado sin discapacidad. Tras la intervención, las creencias conductuales emergentes se mantuvieron, excepto en el caso de los factores identificados como obstáculos de la inclusión. En el caso de las creencias normativas también se mantuvieron tras la intervención y respecto a las creencias de control, los alumnos identificaron al profesor como principal agente facilitador de la inclusión. En el caso de los profesores de EF participantes en el programa (N=18), se analizó el efecto del programa en su actitud hacia la inclusión de alumnos con discapacidad en EF con el cuestionario “Attitud toward inclusion of individual with physical disabilities in Physical Education” (ATISDPE-R; Kudláèek, Válková, Sherrill, Myers, y French, 2002). Los resultados mostraron que no se produjeron diferencias significativas tras la intervención en la actitud general, encontrando algunas diferencias en determinados ítems relacionados con los beneficios de la inclusión en los alumnos sin discapacidad relacionados con los docentes con experiencia previa con discapacidad y en EF antes de la intervención. La otra dimensión analizada fue el efecto de la intervención en la autoeficacia del profesor en la enseñanza de la EF en condiciones inclusivas, habiendo utilizado el cuestionario "Self-efficacy in teaching PE under inclusive conditions" (SEIPE; Hutzler, Zach, y Gafni, 2005). Los resultados en este caso muestran diferencias significativas positivas en cuestiones relacionadas como sentirse capaces de mejorar las condiciones óptimas de enseñanza con alumnos con discapacidad física como movilidad reducida severa y amputación y discapacidad visual tanto en situaciones deportivas, como juegos o actividades fuera del centro educativo a favor de los docentes. En cuanto al género, los hombres obtuvieron valores superiores a las mujeres en relación a sentirse más capaces de incluir a alumnos con discapacidad física tanto en juegos durante el recreo como en la enseñanza de técnica deportiva. Los profesores con menos de 10 años de docencia mostraron valores más positivos en cuanto a sentirse capaces de incluir a un alumno con discapacidad fisica en deportes durante su tiempo libre. El análisis del diario del profesor muestra por un lado, las tendencias emergentes como principales elementos facilitadores u obstaculizadores de la inclusión en EF, identificando al propio alumno sin discapacidad, el propio profesor, los contenidos, los materiales y la organización. Por otro lado, el análisis de los contenidos propuestos en el programa. En el caso de los alumnos con discapacidad (N=22), se analizó el impacto del programa de intervención en el autoconcepto, con el cuestionario "Autoconcepto forma 5" (AF5; F. García y Musitu, 2001). Se encontraron diferencias significativas a favor de las mujeres antes de la intervención en la dimensión familiar, mientras que los hombres obtuvieron valores más altos en las dimensiones social y físico. En cuanto a la edad, se encontraron diferencias significativas antes de la intervención, con valores superiores en los alumnos más jóvenes (12-14 años) en la dimensión físico, mientras que los alumnos mayores (15-17 años) mostraron valores más altos en la dimensión social del cuestionario. Respeto al tipo de discapacidad, los alumnos con discapacidad motórica mostraron mejores valores que los que tienen discapacidad auditiva para la dimensión físico antes de la intervención. En cuanto al autoconcepto general, las diferencias significativas positivas se producen en la dimensión académica. En cuanto al efecto del programa en la autoestima de los alumnos con discapacidad, se utilizó la Escala de "Autoestima de Rosenberg" (Rosenberg, 1989), no obteniendo diferencias significativas en cuanto el género. Apareciendo diferencias significativas antes de la intervención en el caso de la variable edad en los alumnos más jóvenes, en cuanto a que desearían valorarse más, y en los alumnos con discapacidad auditiva en que no se sienten muy orgullosos de ellos mismos. Se produce una mejora en la autoestima general en cuanto a que se sienten menos inútiles tras la intervención. En relación al objetivo 3 de este trabajo, tras el análisis de los resultados y haber discutido los mismos con los autores de referencia, emergió la propuesta de orientaciones tanto para los programa de intervención en EF para la sensibilización y concienciación del alumnado hacia la inclusión como de cara a la formación específica del profesorado, como clave en este tipo de intervenciones. Creemos que el programa “Deporte Inclusivo Escuela” se convierte en un elemento transformador de la realidad, ya que responde a las necesidades detectadas a la luz de esta investigación y que vienen a dar respuesta a los distintos agentes implicados en su desarrollo. Por un lado, atiende la demanda del ámbito educativo en cuanto a las necesidades de formación del profesorado, sensibilización y concienciación del alumnado sin discapacidad, además de facilitar oportunidades de participación activa al alumno con discapacidad en las sesiones de EF. Por otro lado, satisface la demanda por parte de las instituciones deportivas del ámbito de la discapacidad en cuanto a la promoción y difusión de los deportes adaptados y paralímpicos. Por último, desde el ámbito universitario, se muestra como un recurso en la formación del alumnado del grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte, por su participación directa con la discapacidad. Por estos motivos, este trabajo se muestra como un punto de partida adecuado para seguir avanzando en la investigación en esta área. ABSTRACT Physical Education (PE) seems a priori, as a suitable area to work educational interventions to facilitate the inclusion of students with disabilities. However, little is known about the potential that have adapted and Paralympic sports as content to raise awareness of students without disabilities, especially in inclusive practice context. On the other hand, teachers’ attitude and their training are presented as key in this context because it is who selects the content to work. We understand that PE have a unique opportunity in the curriculum to encourage active and effective participation of students with disabilities in class (especially at motor competence development, etc.), although this depends on factors related to the two agents. For these reasons that the PE, as actors and as content is displayed as a context for investigating the processes of inclusion of students with disabilities in education. This research aims to shed light on the questions that condition and limit this context, from a multidisciplinary perspective, with different methodologies on the three agents mentioned. The lack of accord in the literature regarding the characteristics and type of effective facilitators of awareness of students, and that is a new area as a research topic, has prompted us to work in this topic research. The first aim of this research was to design and implement a program of awareness towards disability based on adapted sports in the area of physical education for middle and high school students. Initially, a literature search was performed both nationally and internationally, in order to define the main features that brings the scientific literature in this area. On the one hand, we supported in the Paralympic School Day (IPC, 2004) educative program and on the other hand, in that review, we developed an initial approach to structure and phases. The project was presented to the Spanish Paralympic Committee and the Spanish Sports Federations for people with disabilities, in order to obtain institutional support in the form of guarantees and resources not only in economic terms but also as logistical support and dissemination. Thanks to the support of Fundación Sanitas, Liberty Seguros and Politechnical University of Madrid, we proceeded to design the program. For the development of teaching resources it was contacted experts in the field of Adapted Physical Activity and physical education and both the field of education (high school teachers and university professors) as the adapted sport national. In turn, it began to spread among the teachers of the schools in order to identify their interest in participating in the academic year (2012-2013) in the "Inclusive Sport in School" program. With the completion of the development of educational materials to schools he was visited to present the briefing where the program, as well as features and steps for its implementation are explained. The program is based on the Contact Theory (Allport, 1954) and based on adapted and Paralympic sports, raised with an inclusive approach, selecting strategies for promoting awareness and awareness to inclusion like information, contact and simulation of disability. At the meeting held at the Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (INEF-UPM) in February 2013, it was coordinated with the teachers implementing the program in each of the 13 schools with concrete actions such as adequacy of methodological approach in the annual planning of the teacher, the loan or the presentation of materials Paralympian among other issues. To achieve the objective 2 of this paper, to analyze the effect of the program on the various actions involved it, students without disabilities, PE teachers and students with disabilities, the date for management of the different methodological tools for before (pretest) and after the intervention (posttets). For students without disabilities (N= 1068), the effect of the intervention on the attitude towards inclusion was analyzed, using the quantitative questionnaire "Integrated Physical Education Attitude Children-Revised" (CAIPE-R; Block, 1995), after validation and adaptation to the Spanish context. The results showed significant positive changes in the attitude of the group with no structured contact with students with disabilities. This shows the beliefs towards the cooperative play was with peers with disabilities in PE classes also measured, using the questionnaire "Children's Beliefs Toward Cooperative Playing With Peers With Disabilities in Physical Education" (CBIPPD-MPE; Obrusnikova, Block, and Dillon, 2010). The development of a system of categories based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (Azjen, 1991) served as the basis for analysis of the beliefs of students without disabilities. After surgery, emerging behavioral beliefs remained, except in the case of the factors identified as barriers to inclusion. In the case of normative beliefs also they remained after surgery and regarding control beliefs, students identified the teacher as the main facilitator of inclusion. Regarding PE teachers participating in the program (N = 18), the effect of the program was analyzed their attitude toward inclusion of students with disability in PE with the questionnaire "Toward Attitude inclusion of Individual with in Physical Education "(ATISDPE-R; Kudláèek, Válková, Sherrill, Myers, and French, 2002). The results showed no significant difference occurred after surgery in the general attitude, finding some differences in certain related benefits of inclusion in students without disability relating to teachers with previous experience with disability in PE before intervention. The other dimension was analyzed the effect of the intervention on self-efficacy of teachers in the teaching of PE in inclusive terms, having used the questionnaire "Self-efficacy in PE teaching even under conditions" (SEIPE; Hutzler, Zach, and Gafni, 2005). The results showed significant differences positive in issues like being able to enhance the optimal conditions for teaching students with physical disabilities as amputation and severe visual impairment in both sports situations, such as games or activities outside the school to for teachers. Regard to gender, men earned higher values regarding women about feel more able to include students with physical disabilities in both games during recess and teaching sports technique. Teachers with less than 10 years of teaching showed more positive values as you feel able to include a student with physical disabilities in sports during their leisure time. The analysis of daily teacher shows on the one hand, emerging trends as key facilitators or barrier of the inclusion elements in PE, identifying the students without disabilities themselves, the professor, contents, materials and organization. Furthermore, the analysis of daily teacher about the contents proposed in the program. In the case of students with disabilities (N=22), the impact of the intervention program on self-concept was analyzed, with the questionnaire "Self-concept form 5" (AF5, F. Garcia and Musitu, 2001). The women showed significant differences before the intervention in family dimension, while men scored higher values in the social and physical dimensions were found. In terms of age, significant differences were found before the intervention, with higher values in younger students (12-14 years) in the physical dimension, while older children (15-17 years) showed higher values the social dimension of the questionnaire. Respect disabilities, students with motor disabilities showed better values than those with hearing impairment to the physical dimension before surgery. As for the general self-concept, positive significant differences occur in the academic dimension. As for the effect of the program on self-esteem of students with disabilities Scale "Rosenberg Self-Esteem" (Rosenberg, 1989) was used, not getting significant differences in gender. Only appear significant difference before the intervention in the case of younger students as they wish to be valued more, and students with hearing disabilities who do not feel very proud of themselves. Improved self-esteem generally occurs in that they feel less useless after surgery. With regard to the aim 3 of this research, after analyzing the results and have discussed them with the authors, it emerged the proposal of guidelines for both intervention program EF for sensitization and awareness of students towards inclusion as in the face of specific training for teachers, as key in such interventions. We believe that "Inclusive Sport Schools" program becomes a transforming element of reality, as it responds to the needs identified in the light of this research and come to respond to the various elements involved in its development. On the one hand, it meets the demand of the education sector in terms of the needs of teacher training, awareness of students without disability, and facilitates opportunities for students with disabilities for active participation in PE class. On the other hand, it meets the demand of sports institutions in the field of disability regarding the promotion and dissemination of adapted and Paralympic sports. Finally, it is shown as a resource from the university level for the training of degree in Physical Activity and Sport Science students, by its direct involvement with disability. For these reasons, this work is shown as a good starting point to further advance research in this area.
Background: Component-based diagnosis on multiplex platforms is widely used in food allergy but its clinical performance has not been evaluated in nut allergy. Objective: To assess the diagnostic performance of a commercial protein microarray in the determination of specific IgE (sIgE) in peanut, hazelnut, and walnut allergy. Methods: sIgE was measured in 36 peanut-allergic, 36 hazelnut-allergic, and 44 walnut-allergic patients by ISAC 112, and subsequently, sIgE against available components was determined by ImmunoCAP in patients with negative ISAC results. ImmunoCAP was also used to measure sIgE to Ara h 9, Cor a 8, and Jug r 3 in a subgroup of lipid transfer protein (LTP)-sensitized nut-allergic patients (positive skin prick test to LTP-enriched extract). sIgE levels by ImmunoCAP were compared with ISAC ranges. Results: Most peanut-, hazelnut-, and walnut-allergic patients were sensitized to the corresponding nut LTP (Ara h 9, 66.7%; Cor a 8, 80.5%; Jug r 3, 84% respectively). However, ISAC did not detect sIgE in 33.3% of peanut-allergic patients, 13.9% of hazelnut-allergic patients, or 13.6% of walnut-allergic patients. sIgE determination by ImmunoCAP detected sensitization to Ara h 9, Cor a 8, and Jug r 3 in, respectively, 61.5% of peanut-allergic patients, 60% of hazelnut-allergic patients, and 88.3% of walnut-allergic patients with negative ISAC results. In the subgroup of peach LTP?sensitized patients, Ara h 9 sIgE was detected in more cases by ImmunoCAP than by ISAC (94.4% vs 72.2%, P<.05). Similar rates of Cor a 8 and Jug r 3 sensitization were detected by both techniques. Conclusions: The diagnostic performance of ISAC was adequate for hazelnut and walnut allergy but not for peanut allergy. sIgE sensitivity against Ara h 9 in ISAC needs to be improved.
Allergens come into contact with the immune system as components of a very diverse mixture. The most common sources are pollen grains, food, and waste. These sources contain a variety of immunomodulatory components that play a key role in the induction of allergic sensitization. The way allergen molecules bind to the cells of the immune system can determine the immune response. In order to better understand how allergic sensitization is triggered, we review the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of allergy and the role of immunomodulators in allergen recognition by innate cells.
Bakers are repeatedly exposed to wheat flour (WF) and may develop sensitization and occupational rhinoconjunctivitis and/or asthma to WF allergens.1 Several wheat proteins have been identified as causative allergens of occupational respiratory allergy in bakery workers.1 Testing of IgE reactivity in patients with different clinical profiles of wheat allergy (food allergy, wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, and baker's asthma) to salt-soluble and salt-insoluble protein fractions from WF revealed a high degree of heterogeneity in the recognized allergens. However, mainly salt-soluble proteins (albumins, globulins) seem to be associated with baker's asthma, and prolamins (gliadins, glutenins) with wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, whereas both protein fractions reacted to IgE from food-allergic patients.1 Notwithstanding, gliadins have also been incriminated as causative allergens in baker's asthma.2 We report on a 31-year-old woman who had been exposed to WF practically since birth because her family owned a bakery housed in the same home where they lived. She moved from this house when she was 25 years, but she continued working every day in the family bakery. In the last 8 years she had suffered from work-related nasal and ocular symptoms such as itching, watery eyes, sneezing, nasal stuffiness, and rhinorrhea. These symptoms markedly improved when away from work and worsened at work. In the last 5 years, she had also experienced dysphagia with frequent choking, especially when ingesting meats or cephalopods, which had partially improved with omeprazole therapy. Two years before referral to our clinic, she began to have dry cough and breathlessness, which she also attributed to her work environment. Upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms increased when sifting the WF and making the dough. The patient did not experience gastrointestinal symptoms with ingestion of cereal products. Skin prick test results were positive to grass (mean wheal, 6 mm), cypress (5 mm) and Russian thistle pollen (4 mm), WF (4 mm), and peach lipid transfer protein (6 mm) and were negative to rice flour, corn flour, profilin, mites, molds, and animal dander. Skin prick test with a homemade WF extract (10% wt/vol) was strongly positive (15 mm). Serologic tests yielded the following results: eosinophil cationic protein, 47 ?g/L; total serum IgE, 74 kU/L; specific IgE (ImmunoCAP; ThermoFisher, Uppsala, Sweden) to WF, 7.4 kU/L; barley flour, 1.24 kU/L; and corn, gluten, alpha-amylase, peach, and apple, less than 0.35 kU/L. Specific IgE binding to microarrayed purified WF allergens (WDAI-0.19, WDAI-0.53, WTAI-CM1, WTAI-CM2, WTAI-CM3, WTAI-CM16, WTAI-CM17, Tri a 14, profilin, ?-5-gliadin, Tri a Bd 36 and Tri a TLP, and gliadin and glutamine fractions) was assessed as described elsewhere.3 The patient's serum specifically recognized ?-5-gliadin and the gliadin fraction, and no IgE reactivity was observed to other wheat allergens. Spirometry revealed a forced vital capacity of 3.88 L (88%), an FEV1 of 3.04 L (87%), and FEV1/forced vital capacity of 83%. A methacholine inhalation test was performed following an abbreviated protocol,4 and the results were expressed as PD20 in cumulative dose (mg) of methacholine. Methacholine inhalation challenge test result was positive (0.24 mg cumulative dose) when she was working, and after a 3-month period away from work and with no visits to the bakery house, it gave a negative result. A chest x-ray was normal. Specific inhalation challenge test was carried out in the hospital laboratory by tipping WF from one tray to another for 15 minutes. Spirometry was performed at baseline and at 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, and 60 minutes after the challenge with WF. Peak expiratory flow was measured at baseline and then hourly over 24 hours (respecting sleeping time). A 12% fall in FEV1 was observed at 20 minutes and a 26% drop in peak expiratory flow at 9 hours after exposure to WF,
Food allergy is recognized as a major public health issue, especially in early childhood. It has been hypothesized that early sensitization to food allergens maybe due to their ingestion as components dissolved in the milk during the breastfeeding, explaining reaction to a food, which has never been taken before. Thus, the aim of this work has been to detect the presence of the food allergens in breast milk by microarray technology. We produced a homemade microarray with antibodies produced against major food allergens. The antibody microarray was incubated with breast milk from 14 women collected from Fundación Jiménez Díaz Hospital. In this way, we demonstrated the presence of major foods allergens in breast milk. The analysis of allergens presented in breast milk could be a useful tool in allergy prevention and could provide us a key data on the role of this feeding in tolerance induction or sensitization in children.
The incidence of Amaranthaceae pollen allergy has increased due to the desertification occurring in many countries. In some regions of Spain, Salsola kali is the main cause of pollinosis, at almost the same level as olive and grass pollen. Sal k 1 - the sensitization marker of S. kali pollinosis - is used in clinical diagnosis, but is purified at a low yield from pollen. We aimed to produce a recombinant (r)Sal k 1 able to span the structural and immunological properties of the natural isoforms from pollen, and validate its potential use for diagnosis. METHODS: Specific cDNA was amplified by PCR, cloned into the pET41b vector and used to transform BL21 (DE3) Escherichia coli cells. Immunoblotting, ELISA, basophil activation and skin-prick tests were used to validate the recombinant protein against Sal k 1 isolated from pollen. Sera and blood cells from S. kali pollen-sensitized patients and specific monoclonal and polyclonal antisera were used. RESULTS: rSal k 1 was produced in bacteria with a yield of 7.5 mg/l of cell culture. The protein was purified to homogeneity and structural and immunologically validated against the natural form. rSal k 1 exhibited a higher IgE cross-reactivity with plant-derived food extracts such as peanut, almond or tomato than with pollen sources such as Platanus acerifolia and Oleaceae members. CONCLUSIONS: rSal k 1 expressed in bacteria retains intact structural and immunological properties in comparison to the pollen-derived allergen. It spans the immunological properties of most of the isoforms found in pollen, and it might substitute natural Sal k 1 in clinical diagnosis.