14 resultados para N-ary Designs

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Direct-drive inertial confinement thermonuclear fusion consists in illuminating a shell of cryogenic Deuterium and Tritium (DT) mixture with many intense beams of laser light. Capsule is composed of DT gassurrounded by cryogenic DT as combustible fuel. Basic rules are used to define shell geometry from aspect ratio, fuel mass and layers densities. We define baseline designs using two aspect ratio (A=3 and A=5) who complete HiPER baseline design (A=7.7). Aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of ice DT shell inner radius over DT shell thickness. Low aspect ratio improves hydrodynamics stabilities of imploding shell. Laser impulsion shape and ablator thickness are initially defined by using Lindl (1995) pressure ablation and mass ablation formulae for direct-drive using CH layer as ablator. In flight adiabat parameter is close to one during implosion. Velocitie simplosions chosen are between 260 km/s and 365 km/s. More than thousand calculations are realized for each aspect ratio in order to optimize the laser pulse shape. Calculations are performed using the one-dimensional version of the Lagrangian radiation hydrodynamics FCI2. We choose implosion velocities for each initial aspect ratio, and we compute scaled-target family curves for each one to find self-ignition threshold. Then, we pick points on each curves that potentially product high thermonuclear gain and compute shock ignition in the context of Laser MegaJoule. This systematic analyze reveals many working points which complete previous studies ´allowing to highlight baseline designs, according to laser intensity and energy, combustible mass and initial aspect ratio to be relevant for Laser MegaJoule.


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Manufacturing technologies as injection molding or embossing specify their production limits for minimum radii of the vertices or draft angle for demolding, for instance. In some demanding nonimaging applications, these restrictions may limit the system optical efficiency or affect the generation of undesired artifacts on the illumination pattern. A novel manufacturing concept is presented here, in which the optical surfaces are not obtained from the usual revolution symmetry with respect to a central axis (z axis), but they are calculated as free-form surfaces describing a spiral trajectory around z axis. The main advantage of this new concept lies in the manufacturing process: a molded piece can be easily separated from its mold just by applying a combination of rotational movement around axis z and linear movement along axis z, even for negative draft angles. Some of these spiral symmetry examples will be shown here, as well as their simulated results.


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Manufacturing technologies as injection molding or embossing specify their production limits for minimum radii of the vertices or draft angle for demolding, for instance. In some demanding nonimaging applications, these restrictions may limit the system optical efficiency or affect the generation of undesired artifacts on the illumination pattern. A novel manufacturing concept is presented here, in which the optical surfaces are not obtained from the usual revolution symmetry with respect to a central axis (z axis), but they are calculated as free-form surfaces describing a spiral trajectory around z axis. The main advantage of this new concept lies in the manufacturing process: a molded piece can be easily separated from its mold just by applying a combination of rotational movement around axis z and linear movement along axis z, even for negative draft angles. Some of these spiral symmetry examples will be shown here, as well as their simulated results.


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The Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) method in planar geometry (2D) is applied to imaging designs, generating lenses that compare well with aplanatic designs. When the merit function utilizes image quality over the entire field (not just paraxial), the SMS strategy is superior. In fact, the traditional aplanatic approach is actually a particular case of the SMS strategy


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A recent study by Pichugin et al. recall the Hemp’s solution for uniform load of 1974, showing that if allowable tensile and compressive stresses are unequal then the Hemp’s arch is optimal provided the ratio of stresses falls within a certain interval. This work is undoubtedly an important pass forward to find an optimal solution for the mathematical problem stated by Hemp. Furthermore, the Authors suggest that their optimal solutions are potentially reasonable from a practical perspective for materials with more allowable compressive stress than tensile one, as this kind of materials used to be not too much expensive. In this paper we profoundly analyse the solutions of the Authors from this practical perspective finding that the original Hemp’s solution —albeit sub-optimal for the mathematical problem— leads to real designs that are more efficient than the theoretic optimal solutions of the Authors.We show that the reasons for this shocking fact has to do with the class of problems considered by Hemp and the Authors.


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Introduction and motivation: A wide variety of organisms have developed in-ternal biomolecular clocks in order to adapt to cyclic changes of the environment. Clock operation involves genetic networks. These genetic networks have to be mod¬eled in order to understand the underlying mechanism of oscillations and to design new synthetic cellular clocks. This doctoral thesis has resulted in two contributions to the fields of genetic clocks and systems and synthetic biology, generally. The first contribution is a new genetic circuit model that exhibits an oscillatory behav¬ior through catalytic RNA molecules. The second and major contribution is a new genetic circuit model demonstrating that a repressor molecule acting on the positive feedback of a self-activating gene produces reliable oscillations. First contribution: A new model of a synthetic genetic oscillator based on a typical two-gene motif with one positive and one negative feedback loop is pre¬sented. The originality is that the repressor is a catalytic RNA molecule rather than a protein or a non-catalytic RNA molecule. This catalytic RNA is a ribozyme that acts post-transcriptionally by binding to and cleaving target mRNA molecules. This genetic clock involves just two genes, a mRNA and an activator protein, apart from the ribozyme. Parameter values that produce a circadian period in both determin¬istic and stochastic simulations have been chosen as an example of clock operation. The effects of the stochastic fluctuations are quantified by a period histogram and autocorrelation function. The conclusion is that catalytic RNA molecules can act as repressor proteins and simplify the design of genetic oscillators. Second and major contribution: It is demonstrated that a self-activating gene in conjunction with a simple negative interaction can easily produce robust matically validated. This model is comprised of two clearly distinct parts. The first is a positive feedback created by a protein that binds to the promoter of its own gene and activates the transcription. The second is a negative interaction in which a repressor molecule prevents this protein from binding to its promoter. A stochastic study shows that the system is robust to noise. A deterministic study identifies that the oscillator dynamics are mainly driven by two types of biomolecules: the protein, and the complex formed by the repressor and this protein. The main conclusion of this study is that a simple and usual negative interaction, such as degradation, se¬questration or inhibition, acting on the positive transcriptional feedback of a single gene is a sufficient condition to produce reliable oscillations. One gene is enough and the positive transcriptional feedback signal does not need to activate a second repressor gene. At the genetic level, this means that an explicit negative feedback loop is not necessary. Unlike many genetic oscillators, this model needs neither cooperative binding reactions nor the formation of protein multimers. Applications and future research directions: Recently, RNA molecules have been found to play many new catalytic roles. The first oscillatory genetic model proposed in this thesis uses ribozymes as repressor molecules. This could provide new synthetic biology design principles and a better understanding of cel¬lular clocks regulated by RNA molecules. The second genetic model proposed here involves only a repression acting on a self-activating gene and produces robust oscil¬lations. Unlike current two-gene oscillators, this model surprisingly does not require a second repressor gene. This result could help to clarify the design principles of cellular clocks and constitute a new efficient tool for engineering synthetic genetic oscillators. Possible follow-on research directions are: validate models in vivo and in vitro, research the potential of second model as a genetic memory, investigate new genetic oscillators regulated by non-coding RNAs and design a biosensor of positive feedbacks in genetic networks based on the operation of the second model Resumen Introduccion y motivacion: Una amplia variedad de organismos han desarro-llado relojes biomoleculares internos con el fin de adaptarse a los cambios ciclicos del entorno. El funcionamiento de estos relojes involucra redes geneticas. El mo delado de estas redes geneticas es esencial tanto para entender los mecanismos que producen las oscilaciones como para diseiiar nuevos circuitos sinteticos en celulas. Esta tesis doctoral ha dado lugar a dos contribuciones dentro de los campos de los circuitos geneticos en particular, y biologia de sistemas y sintetica en general. La primera contribucion es un nuevo modelo de circuito genetico que muestra un comportamiento oscilatorio usando moleculas de ARN cataliticas. La segunda y principal contribucion es un nuevo modelo de circuito genetico que demuestra que una molecula represora actuando sobre el lazo de un gen auto-activado produce oscilaciones robustas. Primera contribucion: Es un nuevo modelo de oscilador genetico sintetico basado en una tipica red genetica compuesta por dos genes con dos lazos de retroa-limentacion, uno positivo y otro negativo. La novedad de este modelo es que el represor es una molecula de ARN catalftica, en lugar de una protefna o una molecula de ARN no-catalitica. Este ARN catalitico es una ribozima que actua despues de la transcription genetica uniendose y cortando moleculas de ARN mensajero (ARNm). Este reloj genetico involucra solo dos genes, un ARNm y una proteina activadora, aparte de la ribozima. Como ejemplo de funcionamiento, se han escogido valores de los parametros que producen oscilaciones con periodo circadiano (24 horas) tanto en simulaciones deterministas como estocasticas. El efecto de las fluctuaciones es-tocasticas ha sido cuantificado mediante un histograma del periodo y la función de auto-correlacion. La conclusion es que las moleculas de ARN con propiedades cataliticas pueden jugar el misnio papel que las protemas represoras, y por lo tanto, simplificar el diseno de los osciladores geneticos. Segunda y principal contribucion: Es un nuevo modelo de oscilador genetico que demuestra que un gen auto-activado junto con una simple interaction negativa puede producir oscilaciones robustas. Este modelo ha sido estudiado y validado matematicamente. El modelo esta compuesto de dos partes bien diferenciadas. La primera parte es un lazo de retroalimentacion positiva creado por una proteina que se une al promotor de su propio gen activando la transcription. La segunda parte es una interaction negativa en la que una molecula represora evita la union de la proteina con el promotor. Un estudio estocastico muestra que el sistema es robusto al ruido. Un estudio determinista muestra que la dinamica del sistema es debida principalmente a dos tipos de biomoleculas: la proteina, y el complejo formado por el represor y esta proteina. La conclusion principal de este estudio es que una simple y usual interaction negativa, tal como una degradation, un secuestro o una inhibition, actuando sobre el lazo de retroalimentacion positiva de un solo gen es una condition suficiente para producir oscilaciones robustas. Un gen es suficiente y el lazo de retroalimentacion positiva no necesita activar a un segundo gen represor, tal y como ocurre en los relojes actuales con dos genes. Esto significa que a nivel genetico un lazo de retroalimentacion negativa no es necesario de forma explicita. Ademas, este modelo no necesita reacciones cooperativas ni la formation de multimeros proteicos, al contrario que en muchos osciladores geneticos. Aplicaciones y futuras lineas de investigacion: En los liltimos anos, se han descubierto muchas moleculas de ARN con capacidad catalitica. El primer modelo de oscilador genetico propuesto en esta tesis usa ribozimas como moleculas repre¬soras. Esto podria proporcionar nuevos principios de diseno en biologia sintetica y una mejor comprension de los relojes celulares regulados por moleculas de ARN. El segundo modelo de oscilador genetico propuesto aqui involucra solo una represion actuando sobre un gen auto-activado y produce oscilaciones robustas. Sorprendente-mente, un segundo gen represor no es necesario al contrario que en los bien conocidos osciladores con dos genes. Este resultado podria ayudar a clarificar los principios de diseno de los relojes celulares naturales y constituir una nueva y eficiente he-rramienta para crear osciladores geneticos sinteticos. Algunas de las futuras lineas de investigation abiertas tras esta tesis son: (1) la validation in vivo e in vitro de ambos modelos, (2) el estudio del potential del segundo modelo como circuito base para la construction de una memoria genetica, (3) el estudio de nuevos osciladores geneticos regulados por ARN no codificante y, por ultimo, (4) el rediseno del se¬gundo modelo de oscilador genetico para su uso como biosensor capaz de detectar genes auto-activados en redes geneticas.


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We address the design and implementation of visual paradigms for observing the execution of constraint logic programs, aiming at debugging, tuning and optimization, and teaching. We focus on the display of data in CLP executions, where representation for constrained variables and for the constrains themselves are seeked. Two tools, VIFID and TRIFID, exemplifying the devised depictions, have been implemented, and are used to showcase the usefulness of the visualizations developed.


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An LED backlight has been designed using the flow-line design method. This method allows a very efficient control of the light extraction. The light is confined inside the guide by total internal reflection, being extracted only by specially calculated surfaces: the ejectors. Backlight designs presented here have a total optical efficiency of up to 80% (including Fresnel and absorption losses) with an FWHM below 30 degrees. The experimental results of the first prototype are shown.


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A complete simulation of the transmission performance for Equalized Holographic ROADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer) designs is presented in this paper. These devices can address several wavelengths from the input to different output fibres, according to the holograms stored in a SLM (Spatial Light Modulator), where all the outputs are equalized in power. All combinations of the input wavelengths are possible at the different output fibres. To simulate the transmission performance of the EH-ROADM, a software program, from Optiwave, has been used. The correspondence between physical blocks of the device (grating, SLM, lens...) and those simulated in the program (filters, losses, splitters...) has been defined in order to obtain a close agreement between the theoretical transmission performance and the simulated one. To complete the review about Equalized Holographic ROADMs some guidelines about its design have been done.


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In this work, novel imaging designs with a single optical surface (either refractive or reflective) are presented. In some of these designs, both object and image shapes are given but mapping from object to image is obtained as a result of the design. In other designs, not only the mapping is obtained in the design process, but also the shape of the object is found. In the examples considered, the image is virtual and located at infinity and is seen from known pupil, which can emulate a human eye. In the first introductory part, 2D designs have been done using three different design methods: a SMS design, a compound Cartesian oval surface, and a differential equation method for the limit case of small pupil. At the point-size pupil limit, it is proven that these three methods coincide. In the second part, previous 2D designs are extended to 3D by rotation and the astigmatism of the image has been studied. As an advanced variation, the differential equation method is used to provide the freedom to control the tangential rays and sagittal rays simultaneously. As a result, designs without astigmatism (at the small pupil limit) on a curved object surface have been obtained. Finally, this anastigmatic differential equation method has been extended to 3D for the general case, in which freeform surfaces are designed.


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Laparoscopic instrument tracking systems are a key element in image-guided interventions, which requires high accuracy to be used in a real surgical scenario. In addition, these systems are a suitable option for objective assessment of laparoscopic technical skills based on instrument motion analysis. This study presents a new approach that improves the accuracy of a previously presented system, which applies an optical pose tracking system to laparoscopic practice. A design enhancement of the artificial markers placed on the laparoscopic instrument as well as an improvement of the calibration process are presented as a means to achieve more accurate results. A technical evaluation has been performed in order to compare the accuracy between the previous design and the new approach. Results show a remarkable improvement in the fluctuation error throughout the measurement platform. Moreover, the accumulated distance error and the inclination error have been improved. The tilt range covered by the system is the same for both approaches, from 90º to 7.5º. The relative position error is better for the new approach mainly at close distances to the camera system


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We present direct-drive target design studies for the laser mégajoule using two distinct initial aspect ratios (A = 34 and A = 5). Laser pulse shapes are optimized by a random walk method and drive power variations are used to cover a wide variety of implosion velocities between 260 km/s and 365 km/s. For selected implosion velocities and for each initial aspect ratio, scaled-target families are built in order to find self-ignition threshold. High-gain shock ignition is also investigated in the context of Laser MégaJoule for marginally igniting targets below their own self-ignition threshold.


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This article is intended to state that Technical Drawing is a multiple tool of expression and communication essential to develop inquiry processes, the scientifically basis and comprehension of drawings and technological designs that can be manufactured. We demonstrate graphically and analytically that spatial vision and graphic thinking allow us to identify graphically real life problems, develop proposals of solutions to be analysed from different points of view, plan and develop the project, provide information needed to make decisions on objects and technological processes. From the knowledge of Technical Drawing and CAD tools we have developed graphic analyses to improve and optimize our proposed modification of the geometry of the rectangular cells of conventional bricks by hexagonal cells, which is protected by a Spanish patent owned by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. This new internal geometry of the bricks will improve the efficiency and the acoustic damping of walls built with the ceramic bricks of horizontal hollow, maintaining the same size of the conventional bricks, without increasing costs either in the manufacture and the sale. A single brick will achieve the width equivalent to more than FOUR conventional bricks.


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Analysis of low initial aspect ratio direct-drive target designs is carried out by varying the implosion velocity and the fuel mass. Starting from two different spherical targets with a given 300?g-DT mass, optimization of laser pulse and drive power allows to obtain a set of target seeds referenced by their peak implosion velocities and initial aspect ratio (A = 3 and A = 5). Self-ignition is achieved with higher implosion velocity for A = 5-design than for A = 3-design. Then, rescaling is done to extend the set of designs to a huge amount of mass, peak kinetic energies and peak areal densities. Self-ignition kinetic energy threshold Ek is characterized by a dependance of Ek ? v? with ?-values which depart from self-ignition models. Nevertheless, self-ignition energy is seen lower for smaller initial aspect ratio. An analysis of Two-Plasmons Decay threshold and Rayleigh?Taylor instability e-folding is carried out and it is shown that two-plasmon decay threshold is always overpassed for all designs. The hydrodynamic stability analysis is performed by embedded models to deal with linear and non-linear regime. It is found that the A = 5-designs are always at the limit of disruption of the shell.