3 resultados para Motors elèctrics de corrent continu -- Control electrònic
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This paper presents the performance of an instantaneous torque control method. The simulation and experimental results illustrate the capability of Switched Reluctance Motors (SRM) being used in the motor drive industry. Based on experimental data, the advantages of this control method and its disadvantages in practical implementation were studied. The model used in the simulation is the linear magnetic model which has the 12/8 structure, the same structure as the experimental switched reluctance motor.
Hybrid Stepper Motors are widely used in open-loop position applications. They are the choice of actuation for the collimators in the Large Hadron Collider, the largest particle accelerator at CERN. In this case the positioning requirements and the highly radioactive operating environment are unique. The latter forces both the use of long cables to connect the motors to the drives which act as transmission lines and also prevents the use of standard position sensors. However, reliable and precise operation of the collimators is critical for the machine, requiring the prevention of step loss in the motors and maintenance to be foreseen in case of mechanical degradation. In order to make the above possible, an approach is proposed for the application of an Extended Kalman Filter to a sensorless stepper motor drive, when the motor is separated from its drive by long cables. When the long cables and high frequency pulse width modulated control voltage signals are used together, the electrical signals difer greatly between the motor and drive-side of the cable. Since in the considered case only drive-side data is available, it is therefore necessary to estimate the motor-side signals. Modelling the entire cable and motor system in an Extended Kalman Filter is too computationally intensive for standard embedded real-time platforms. It is, in consequence, proposed to divide the problem into an Extended Kalman Filter, based only on the motor model, and separated motor-side signal estimators, the combination of which is less demanding computationally. The efectiveness of this approach is shown in simulation. Then its validity is experimentally demonstrated via implementation in a DSP based drive. A testbench to test its performance when driving an axis of a Large Hadron Collider collimator is presented along with the results achieved. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of achieving position and load torque estimates which allow step loss to be detected and mechanical degradation to be evaluated without the need for physical sensors. These estimation algorithms often require a precise model of the motor, but the standard electrical model used for hybrid stepper motors is limited when currents, which are high enough to produce saturation of the magnetic circuit, are present. New model extensions are proposed in order to have a more precise model of the motor independently of the current level, whilst maintaining a low computational cost. It is shown that a significant improvement in the model It is achieved with these extensions, and their computational performance is compared to study the cost of model improvement versus computation cost. The applicability of the proposed model extensions is demonstrated via their use in an Extended Kalman Filter running in real-time for closed-loop current control and mechanical state estimation. An additional problem arises from the use of stepper motors. The mechanics of the collimators can wear due to the abrupt motion and torque profiles that are applied by them when used in the standard way, i.e. stepping in open-loop. Closed-loop position control, more specifically Field Oriented Control, would allow smoother profiles, more respectful to the mechanics, to be applied but requires position feedback. As mentioned already, the use of sensors in radioactive environments is very limited for reliability reasons. Sensorless control is a known option but when the speed is very low or zero, as is the case most of the time for the motors used in the LHC collimator, the loss of observability prevents its use. In order to allow the use of position sensors without reducing the long term reliability of the whole system, the possibility to switch from closed to open loop is proposed and validated, allowing the use of closed-loop control when the position sensors function correctly and open-loop when there is a sensor failure. A different approach to deal with the switched drive working with long cables is also presented. Switched mode stepper motor drives tend to have poor performance or even fail completely when the motor is fed through a long cable due to the high oscillations in the drive-side current. The design of a stepper motor output fillter which solves this problem is thus proposed. A two stage filter, one devoted to dealing with the diferential mode and the other with the common mode, is designed and validated experimentally. With this ?lter the drive performance is greatly improved, achieving a positioning repeatability even better than with the drive working without a long cable, the radiated emissions are reduced and the overvoltages at the motor terminals are eliminated.
En este proyecto, se pretende obtener la solución óptima para el control del hogar digital accesible. Para ello, comenzaremos explicando el funcionamiento básico de un sistema dómotico, enumeraremos los diversos dispositivos que se utilizan en este tipo de automatizaciones, y comentaremos las diferentes posibilidades con respecto a la arquitectura del sistema. Para elegir la opción más adecuada, se realizará un pequeño estudio a acerca de cada una de las tecnologías existentes, protocolos cerrados, y abiertos, así como tecnologías inalámbricas o de bus. Se realizará un estudio con mayor profundidad del estándar KNX, ya que será una de las tecnologías elegidas finalmente para la realización del proyecto. Una vez elegido el estándar, hemos de centrarnos en las necesidades del recinto, para así poder empezar a definir cada uno de los elementos que incluiremos en nuestra instalación, sensores, actuadores, elementos de intercomunicación, procesadores y dispositivos de control. El siguiente paso consistiría en la programación de la vivienda, para ello hemos de tener previamente estructurados y definidos tanto el número de circuitos eléctricos, como la función que estos desempeñan dentro del recinto inteligente, es decir, accionamiento, regulación etc, para así poder asignar cada circuito a la salida correspondiente de su propio actuador. La vivienda se programará a través de ETS, software asociado a la marca KNX. Mediante este protocolo controlaremos, iluminación, motores, climatización y seguridad. Debido a los recursos limitados que ofrece KNX con respecto a la programación lógica de eventos y secuencias de acciones, y la necesidad de visualizar la interfaz gráfica de la vivienda se ha integrado un procesador. Considerando el deseo de integrar el control de un televisor en la vivienda, futuras ampliaciones y otros aspectos, el procesador integrado será de Crestron Electronics, marca correspondiente a un protocolo cerrado de automatización de sistemas, que cuenta con grandes avances en el control multimedia. Por tanto, la segunda parte de la programación se realizará mediante otros dos softwares diferentes, pertenecientes a la marca, Simple Windows se encargará de la programación lógica del sistema, mientras que Vision Tools creará la visualización. Por último, obtendremos las conclusiones necesarias, adjuntaremos un diagrama de conexionado, presupuesto de la instalación, planos y un pequeño manual de usuario. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is to optimize the environment control of the Accesible Digital Home unit located in ETSIST - UPM, through different essays, valuing the domestic possibilities and the current interfaces. The tests will be carried out comparing different protocols and the possibilities of optimization that they offer to a Digital Home. Aspects such as: ease the communications with other systems, reliability, costs, long term maintenance of the installation, etc. After conducting trials protocol or most appropriate technology for the automation of the enclosure shall be elected. One Chosen the standard, we have to focus on the needs of the enclosure, so, to begin defining each of the elements included in our installation, sensors, actuators, elements intercom, processors and control devices. The next step is the programing of housing, for that we have previously structured and defined both the number of electrical circuits, as the role they play in the intelligent enclosure, that is, switching, dimming etc., in order to assign each circuit to the corresponding output of its own actuator. The house will be scheduled through ETS, software associated with the brand KNX. Through this protocol we will control, lighting, motors, air conditioning and security. Due to the limited resources available in KNX with respect logic programming of events and sequences of actions, and the need to display the graphical interface housing has been integrated processor belonging to the closed protocol or Crestron electronics brand. Finally, when we get the necessary conclusions, enclose a diagram of wiring, installation budget, planes and a small manual.