31 resultados para Modellazione 3D,Blender,Leap Motion,Leap Aided Modelling,NURBS,Computer Grafica

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Here an inertial sensor-based monitoring system for measuring and analyzing upper limb movements is presented. The final goal is the integration of this motion-tracking device within a portable rehabilitation system for brain injury patients. A set of four inertial sensors mounted on a special garment worn by the patient provides the quaternions representing the patient upper limb’s orientation in space. A kinematic model is built to estimate 3D upper limb motion for accurate therapeutic evaluation. The human upper limb is represented as a kinematic chain of rigid bodies with three joints and six degrees of freedom. Validation of the system has been performed by co-registration of movements with a commercial optoelectronic tracking system. Successful results are shown that exhibit a high correlation among signals provided by both devices and obtained at the Institut Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital.


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El diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de suspensión para vehículos se basa cada día más en el diseño por ordenador y en herramientas de análisis por ordenador, las cuales permiten anticipar problemas y resolverlos por adelantado. El comportamiento y las características dinámicas se calculan con precisión, bajo coste, y recursos y tiempos de cálculo reducidos. Sin embargo, existe una componente iterativa en el proceso, que requiere la definición manual de diseños a través de técnicas “prueba y error”. Esta Tesis da un paso hacia el desarrollo de un entorno de simulación eficiente capaz de simular, analizar y evaluar diseños de suspensiones vehiculares, y de mejorarlos hacia la solución optima mediante la modificación de los parámetros de diseño. La modelización mediante sistemas multicuerpo se utiliza aquí para desarrollar un modelo de autocar con 18 grados de libertad, de manera detallada y eficiente. La geometría y demás características de la suspensión se ajustan a las del vehículo real, así como los demás parámetros del modelo. Para simular la dinámica vehicular, se utiliza una formulación multicuerpo moderna y eficiente basada en las ecuaciones de Maggi, a la que se ha incorporado un visor 3D. Así, se consigue simular maniobras vehiculares en tiempos inferiores al tiempo real. Una vez que la dinámica está disponible, los análisis de sensibilidad son cruciales para una optimización robusta y eficiente. Para ello, se presenta una técnica matemática que permite derivar las variables dinámicas dentro de la formulación, de forma algorítmica, general, con la precisión de la maquina, y razonablemente eficiente: la diferenciación automática. Este método propaga las derivadas con respecto a las variables de diseño a través del código informático y con poca intervención del usuario. En contraste con otros enfoques en la bibliografía, generalmente particulares y limitados, se realiza una comparación de librerías, se desarrolla una formulación híbrida directa-automática para el cálculo de sensibilidades, y se presentan varios ejemplos reales. Finalmente, se lleva a cabo la optimización de la respuesta dinámica del vehículo citado. Se analizan cuatro tipos distintos de optimización: identificación de parámetros, optimización de la maniobrabilidad, optimización del confort y optimización multi-objetivo, todos ellos aplicados al diseño del autocar. Además de resultados analíticos y gráficos, se incluyen algunas consideraciones acerca de la eficiencia. En resumen, se mejora el comportamiento dinámico de vehículos por medio de modelos multicuerpo y de técnicas de diferenciación automática y optimización avanzadas, posibilitando un ajuste automático, preciso y eficiente de los parámetros de diseño. ABSTRACT Each day, the design and development of vehicle suspension systems relies more on computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering tools, which allow anticipating the problems and solving them ahead of time. Dynamic behavior and characteristics are thus simulated accurately and inexpensively with moderate computational times and resources. There is, however, an iterative component in the process, which involves the manual definition of designs in a trialand-error manner. This Thesis takes a step towards the development of an efficient simulation framework capable of simulating, analyzing and evaluating vehicle suspension designs, and automatically improving them by varying the design parameters towards the optimal solution. The multibody systems approach is hereby used to model a three-dimensional 18-degrees-of-freedom coach in a comprehensive yet efficient way. The suspension geometry and characteristics resemble the ones from the real vehicle, as do the rest of vehicle parameters. In order to simulate vehicle dynamics, an efficient, state-of-the-art multibody formulation based on Maggi’s equations is employed, and a three-dimensional graphics viewer is developed. As a result, vehicle maneuvers can be simulated faster than real-time. Once the dynamics are ready, a sensitivity analysis is crucial for a robust optimization. To that end, a mathematical technique is introduced, which allows differentiating the dynamic variables within the multibody formulation in a general, algorithmic, accurate to machine precision, and reasonably efficient way: automatic differentiation. This method propagates the derivatives with respect to the design parameters throughout the computer code, with little user interaction. In contrast with other attempts in the literature, mostly not generalpurpose, a benchmarking of libraries is carried out, a hybrid direct-automatic differentiation approach for the computation of sensitivities is developed, and several real-life examples are analyzed. Finally, a design optimization process of the aforementioned vehicle is carried out. Four different types of dynamic response optimization are presented: parameter identification, handling optimization, ride comfort optimization and multi-objective optimization; all of which are applied to the design of the coach example. Together with analytical and visual proof of the results, efficiency considerations are made. In summary, the dynamic behavior of vehicles is improved by using the multibody systems approach, along with advanced differentiation and optimization techniques, enabling an automatic, accurate and efficient tuning of design parameters.


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En esta memoria se describe el trabajo de construcción de una arquitectura software diseñada para facilitar el desarrollo un planificador de misión de un vehículo aéreo no tripulado (UAV), con el fin de que éste alcance los objetivos marcados en la competición internacional de robótica IARC (séptima edición). A lo largo de la memoria, se describe en primer lugar, una revisión de técnicas de robótica inteligente aplicadas a la construcción de vehículos aéreos no tripulados, en el que se ven los diferentes paradigmas de programación de la robótica inteligente y la clasificación de dichos robots aéreos, dependiendo de su autonomía. Este descripción finaliza con la presentación del problema correspondiente a la competición IARC. A continuación se describe el diseño realizado para soporte al desarrollo de un planificador de misiones de UAVs, con simulación de comportamiento de vehículos robóticos y visualización 3D con movimiento. Finalmente, se muestran las pruebas que se han realizado para validar la construcción de dicha arquitectura software. ---ABSTRACT---In this report it is presented the construction of a software architecture, designed to facilitate the development of a mission planner for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), so that it reaches the goals set in the International Aerial Robotics Competition - IARC (seventh edition). Throughout this report, it is described first, a review of intelligent robotics techniques applied to the construction of unmanned aerial vehicles, where different paradigms of intelligent robotics are seen, along with a classification of such aerial robots, depending on their autonomy. Description ends with the presentation of the problem corresponding to the IARC competition. Following, it is described the design made to satisfy the support to the development of a mission planner for UAV´s, with a simulation of the robotics vehicles’ behaviours and a 3D display with motion. Finally, we will deal with the tests that have been conducted to validate the construction of the software architecture.


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Tiled projector displays are a common choice for training simulators, where a high resolution output image is required. They are cheap for the resolution that they can reach and can be configured in many different ways. Nevertheless, such kinds of displays require geometric and color correction so that the composite image looks seamless. Display correction is an even bigger challenge when the projected images include dark scenes combined with brighter scenes. This is usually a problem for railway simulators when the train is positioned inside a tunnel and the black offset effect becomes noticeable. In this paper, a method for fast photometric and geometric correction of tiled display systems where dark and bright scenes are combined is presented. The image correction is carried out in two steps. First, geometric alignment and overlapping areas attenuation for brighter scenes is applied. Second, in the event of being inside a tunnel, the brightness of the scene is increased in certain areas using light sources in order to create the impression of darkness but minimizing the effect of the black offset


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Recently, we have presented some studies concerning the analysis, design and optimization of one experimental device developed in the UK - GPTAD - which has been designed to remove blood clots without the need to make contact with the clot itself, thereby potentially reducing the risk of problems such as downstream embolisation. Based on the idea of a modification of the previous device, in this work, we present a model based in the use of stents like the SolitaireTM FR, which is in contact with the clot itself. In the case of such devices, the stent is self-expandable and the extraction of the blood clot is faciliatated by the stent, which must be inside the clot. Such stents are generally inserted in position by using the guidewire inserted into the catheter. This type of modeling could potentially be useful in showing how the blood clot is moved by the various different forces involved. The modelling has been undertaken by analyzing the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. We model an artery and blood clot for range of forces for the guidewire. In each case we determine the interaction between blood clot, stent and artery.


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En la situación actual, tanto las posibilidades de contratar como los resultados económicos de un astillero, dependen de su capacidad para construir un buque en el plazo mas corto posible. Dentro de los trabajos de diseño y construcción de de un buque el trabajo de tuberías ha sido el que tradicionalmente ha condicionado los plazos de construcción. En este estudio se considerara que se han tenido en cuenta los criterios necesarios para que las instalaciones del buque funcionen correctamente y se verá como los sistemas de diseño influyen en el coste y plazo del buque y, por tanto, en la productividad del astillero. Se estudian los distintos procesos de diseño, fabricación y montaje de tuberías, la evolución de estos procesos a lo largo del tiempo, los módulos de armamento que se realizan en los astilleros, los modelos de cámara de máquinas, y los sistemas de ayuda al diseño por ordenador. El autor, en su puesto de Jefe de la Oficina Tecnológica de la Factoría de Sevilla de Astilleros Españoles en los últimos 12 años, ha tomado parte activa en esta evolución, formando parte de un equipo que ha situado a este astillero entre los mas avanzarlos de Europa. Todo lo anterior sirve de base para la segunda parte de este estudio, donde se abordan las que, en opinión del autor, son las nuevas tendencias en el diseño de tuberías en la construcción naval. V Integración del CAD/CAM o CIM : CAD = computer aided design o diseño asistido por ordenador, CAM = computer aided manufacturing o fabricación asistida por ordenador, CIM = computer integrated manufacturing o fabricación integrada por ordenador. Se estudia la integración de los procesos de diseño con el resto de los procesos de gestión y de producción de un astillero, proponiéndose un modelo de cómo el autor ve esta integración. Se comenta la actual tendencia a pasar de las automatizaciones duras con maquinas especializadas para cada proceso, a las automatizaciones blandas en las que un robot puede realizar distintos procesos modificando su programación. Se estudian las nuevas posibilidades de la normal i zacio'n, de los planos parametrizados y de la tecnología de grupos aportando algunos ejemplos. Se estudia también como los procesos anteriores conducirán a una optimización del producto en sí, es decir a conseguir mejores buques. En las conclusiones destacamos como el camino que tienen los países desarrollados, como el nuestro, para mantener una industria competitiva de construcción naval va por la mecanización de los procesos constructivos siguiendo las tendencias anteriores y obteniendo buques optimizados. vi SUMMARY Under the present situation the possibilities to contract and the economical results of a Shipyard depend on its capacity to build a ship within the shortest time. i Within the works of design and construction of a ship, piping work has traditionally conditioned the construction time. In this study it shall be considered that the necessary criteria for the ship installations to operate correctly have been taken into account and it shall be noticed how the design systems influence on the cost and time of a ship and therefore on the Shipyard's productivity. Studies are made of different design processes, manufacturing and installation of piping, evolution of these processes along the time, outfitting modules made in the Shipyard, engine room models and computerized design aid systems. The author, in his post of Chief of the Technological Office of Sevilla Shipyard of Astilleros Españoles for the last 12 years, has taken an active part in this evolution, making part of a team which has placed this Shipyard among the most advanced in Europe. All of the above is used for the second part of this study, whereby an approach is made to those who, in the author's opinion, are the new trends in the piping design of shipbuilding. vii Integration of CAD/CAM or CIM: CAD = computer aided design, CAM = computer aided manufacturing, CIM = computer integrated manufacturing. i A study is made of the integration of design processes with the remaining step and production Shipyard processes, proposing a model of how the author views this integration. Comments are made on the present trend to go from hard automations with specialized machines for each process to soft automations, in which a robot can carry out different processes modifying its programmes. Studies are made of: New possibility of standardization, parametrized drawings and group technology, bringing some examples. It is also studied how the above processes shall lead to optimize the product itself, that is, to obtain better ships. In the conclusions we stand out how the way of developed countries (as ours) to maintain a competitive shipbuilding industry is by computerizing constructive processes, following the above trends and obtaining better ships.


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This article presents the first musculoskeletal model and simulation of upper plexus brachial injury. From this model is possible to analyse forces and movement ranges in order to develop a robotic exoskeleton to improve rehabilitation. The software that currently exists for musculoskeletal modeling is varied and most have advanced features for proper analysis and study of motion simulations. Whilst more powerful computer packages are usually expensive, there are other free and open source packages available which offer different tools to perform animations and simulations and which obtain forces and moments of inertia. Among them, Musculoskeletal Modeling Software was selected to construct a model of the upper limb, which has 7 degrees of freedom and 10 muscles. These muscles are important for two of the movements simulated in this article that are part of the post-surgery rehabilitation protocol. We performed different movement animations which are made using the inertial measurement unit to capture real data from movements made by a human being. We also performed the simulation of forces produced in elbow flexion-extension and arm abduction-adduction of a healthy subject and one with upper brachial plexus injury in a postoperative state to compare the force that is capable of being produced in both cases.


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Leap Motion [1] es un pequeño dispositivo que se coloca frente al monitor, conectado mediante un cable USB al ordenador, capaz de capturar los movimientos de nuestras manos y dedos con alta precisión, además de algunos objetos como pinceles o bolígrafos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es evaluar las capacidades de este dispositivo y crear un prototipo que sea capaz de grabar y reconocer gestos para que pueda ser fácilmente integrado a cualquier aplicación. Para ello, el prototipo consta de 2 funciones principales: Grabar un movimiento: en el que recojo los datos que nos ofrece el Leap Motion, los proceso y los guardo en un formato específico. Reconocer un gesto: en el que comparo en cada momento el gesto que se está realizando con los gestos grabados mediante un algoritmo que detectara si son similares o no. Este es un resumen básico del prototipo, sin embargo debemos tener en cuenta una serie de requisitos y parámetros para hacerlo más eficiente y personalizable dependiendo de las necesidades del usuario. ---ABSTRACT---Leap Motion [1] is a small device we place in front of the display unit, connected to a USB cable to the computer. It is able to capture the motion of our hands and fingers with high accuracy, as well as some objects such as pens and brushes. This project's main goal is to evaluate the proficiency of the device, and create a prototype that is able to record and recognize gestures in order for it to be easily integrated into any application. For that, the prototype has 2 main functions: Recording a motion: in which I collect the data offered by the Leap Motion, process it and keep it in a specific format. Recognizing a gesture: in which I compare each time the gesture being made with the gestures recorded using an algorithm to detect whether they are similar or not. This is a basic summary of the prototype, but we need to take into consideration a number of requirements and parameters to make it more efficient and customizable depending on the user's needs.


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En este proyecto, se presenta un informe técnico sobre la cámara Leap Motion y el Software Development Kit correspondiente, el cual es un dispositivo con una cámara de profundidad orientada a interfaces hombre-máquina. Esto es realizado con el propósito de desarrollar una interfaz hombre-máquina basada en un sistema de reconocimiento de gestos de manos. Después de un exhaustivo estudio de la cámara Leap Motion, se han realizado diversos programas de ejemplo con la intención de verificar las capacidades descritas en el informe técnico, poniendo a prueba la Application Programming Interface y evaluando la precisión de las diferentes medidas obtenidas sobre los datos de la cámara. Finalmente, se desarrolla un prototipo de un sistema de reconocimiento de gestos. Los datos sobre la posición y orientación de la punta de los dedos obtenidos de la Leap Motion son usados para describir un gesto mediante un vector descriptor, el cual es enviado a una Máquina Vectores Soporte, utilizada como clasificador multi-clase.


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Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) tiene el objetivo incorporar el dispositivo Leap Motion [1] en un juego educativo para niños con necesidades educativas especiales para permitirles aprender de una forma divertida mientras disfrutan con los mini juegos que ofrece nuestra aplicación. Está destinado al apoyo del sistema educativo para los niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Debido al público que tenemos como objetivo debemos de tener en cuenta que hay distintos tipos de usuarios según el tipo de discapacidad que tienen. Entre ellas tenemos discapacidad visual, auditiva, cognitiva y motriz. Tenemos distintos mini juegos para facilitar el aprendizaje de las letras y nuevas palabras, los nombres de colores y diferenciarlos y la asociación de conceptos mediante ejemplos sencillos como son ropa, juguetes y comida. Para hacer que la interacción sea más divertida tenemos distintos tipos de dispositivos de interacción: unos comunes como son el teclado y la pantalla táctil y otros más novedosos como son Kinect [2] y Leap Motion que es el que se introducirá en el desarrollo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado. El otro objetivo de este proyecto es el estudio de los distintos dispositivos de interacción. Se quiere descubrir qué tipo de sistemas de interacción son más sencillos de aprender, cuáles son más intuitivos para los niños, los que les resultan más interesantes permitiendo captar mejor su atención y sus opuestos, es decir, los que son más difíciles de entender, los más monótonos y los más aburridos para ellos.---ABSTRACT---This Final Degree Project (TFG) aims to incorporate the Leap Motion device [1] in an educational game for children with special educational needs to enable them to learn in a funny way while enjoying the mini games that our application offered. It is intended to support the education system for children with special educational needs. Because the public that we have as objective we must take into account that there are different types of users depending on the type of disability they have. Among them we have visual, auditory, cognitive and motor disabilities. We have different mini games to make easier learning of letters and new words, names and distinguish colors and the association of concepts through simple examples such as clothing, toys and food. To make the interaction more fun we have different interaction devices: common such as the keyboard and the touch screen and other more innovative such as Kinect [2] and Leap Motion which is to be introduced in the development of this Final Degree Work. The other objective of this project is to study the various interaction devices. You want to find out what type of interaction systems are easier to learn, which are more intuitive for children, who are more interesting allowing better capture their attention and their opposites, that is, those that are more difficult to understand, the most monotonous and most boring for them.


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Recently, three-dimensional (3D) video has decisively burst onto the entertainment industry scene, and has arrived in households even before the standardization process has been completed. 3D television (3DTV) adoption and deployment can be seen as a major leap in television history, similar to previous transitions from black and white (B&W) to color, from analog to digital television (TV), and from standard definition to high definition. In this paper, we analyze current 3D video technology trends in order to define a taxonomy of the availability and possible introduction of 3D-based services. We also propose an audiovisual network services architecture which provides a smooth transition from two-dimensional (2D) to 3DTV in an Internet Protocol (IP)-based scenario. Based on subjective assessment tests, we also analyze those factors which will influence the quality of experience in those 3D video services, focusing on effects of both coding and transmission errors. In addition, examples of the application of the architecture and results of assessment tests are provided.


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In this paper, a novel and approach for obtaining 3D models from video sequences captured with hand-held cameras is addressed. We define a pipeline that robustly deals with different types of sequences and acquiring devices. Our system follows a divide and conquer approach: after a frame decimation that pre-conditions the input sequence, the video is split into short-length clips. This allows to parallelize the reconstruction step which translates into a reduction in the amount of computational resources required. The short length of the clips allows an intensive search for the best solution at each step of reconstruction which robustifies the system. The process of feature tracking is embedded within the reconstruction loop for each clip as opposed to other approaches. A final registration step, merges all the processed clips to the same coordinate frame


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This thesis deals with the problem of efficiently tracking 3D objects in sequences of images. We tackle the efficient 3D tracking problem by using direct image registration. This problem is posed as an iterative optimization procedure that minimizes a brightness error norm. We review the most popular iterative methods for image registration in the literature, turning our attention to those algorithms that use efficient optimization techniques. Two forms of efficient registration algorithms are investigated. The first type comprises the additive registration algorithms: these algorithms incrementally compute the motion parameters by linearly approximating the brightness error function. We centre our attention on Hager and Belhumeur’s factorization-based algorithm for image registration. We propose a fundamental requirement that factorization-based algorithms must satisfy to guarantee good convergence, and introduce a systematic procedure that automatically computes the factorization. Finally, we also bring out two warp functions to register rigid and nonrigid 3D targets that satisfy the requirement. The second type comprises the compositional registration algorithms, where the brightness function error is written by using function composition. We study the current approaches to compositional image alignment, and we emphasize the importance of the Inverse Compositional method, which is known to be the most efficient image registration algorithm. We introduce a new algorithm, the Efficient Forward Compositional image registration: this algorithm avoids the necessity of inverting the warping function, and provides a new interpretation of the working mechanisms of the inverse compositional alignment. By using this information, we propose two fundamental requirements that guarantee the convergence of compositional image registration methods. Finally, we support our claims by using extensive experimental testing with synthetic and real-world data. We propose a distinction between image registration and tracking when using efficient algorithms. We show that, depending whether the fundamental requirements are hold, some efficient algorithms are eligible for image registration but not for tracking.


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Multi-camera 3D tracking systems with overlapping cameras represent a powerful mean for scene analysis, as they potentially allow greater robustness than monocular systems and provide useful 3D information about object location and movement. However, their performance relies on accurately calibrated camera networks, which is not a realistic assumption in real surveillance environments. Here, we introduce a multi-camera system for tracking the 3D position of a varying number of objects and simultaneously refin-ing the calibration of the network of overlapping cameras. Therefore, we introduce a Bayesian framework that combines Particle Filtering for tracking with recursive Bayesian estimation methods by means of adapted transdimensional MCMC sampling. Addi-tionally, the system has been designed to work on simple motion detection masks, making it suitable for camera networks with low transmission capabilities. Tests show that our approach allows a successful performance even when starting from clearly inaccurate camera calibrations, which would ruin conventional approaches.


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We study the dynamic response of a wind turbine structure subjected to theoretical seismic motions, taking into account the rotational component of ground shaking. Models are generated for a shallow moderate crustal earthquake in the Madrid Region (Spain). Synthetic translational and rotational time histories are computed using the Discrete Wavenumber Method, assuming a point source and a horizontal layered earth structure. These are used to analyze the dynamic response of a wind turbine, represented by a simple finite element model. Von Mises stress values at different heights of the tower are used to study the dynamical structural response to a set of synthetic ground motion time histories