24 resultados para Mobile Security, Mobile App Security, App Stores, Android Security, iOS Security
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Case study on mobile applications UX: effect of the usage of a crosss-platform development framework
Cross-platform development frameworks for mobile applications promise important advantages in cost cuttings and easy maintenance, posing as a very good option for organizations interested in the design of mobile applications for several platforms. Given that platform conventions are especially important for the User eXperience (UX) of mobile applications, the usage of framework where the same code defines the behavior of the app in different platforms could have negative impact in the UX. The objetive of this study is comparing the cross-platform and the native approach for being able to determine if the selected development approach has any impact on the users in terms of UX. To be able to set a base line under this subject, study on cross-platform frameworks was performed to select the most appropriate one from a UX point of view. In order to achieve the objectives of this work, two development teams have developed two versions of the same application; one using framework that generates Android and iOS versions automatically, and another team developing native versions of the same application. The alternative versions for each platform have been evaluated with 37 users with a combination of a laboratory usability test and a longitudinal study. The results show that differences are minimal in the Android version, but in iOS, even if a reasonable good UX can be obtained with the usage of this framework by an UX-conscious design team, a higher level of UX can be obtained directly developing in native code.
Cross-platform development frameworks for mobile applications promise important advantages in cost cuttings and easy maintenance, posing as a very good option for organizations interested in the design of mobile applications for several platforms. Given that platform conventions are especially important for the User eXperience (UX) of mobile applications, the usage of a framework where the same code defines the behavior of the app in different platforms could have a negative impact in the UX. This paper describes a study where two independent teams have designed two different versions of a mobile application, one using a framework that generates Android and iOS versions automatically, and another team using native tools. The alternative versions for each platform have been evaluated with 37 users with a combination of a laboratory usability test and a longitudinal study. The results show that differences are minimal in the Android platform, but in iOS, even if a reasonably good UX can be obtained with the usage of this framework by an UX-conscious design team, a higher level of UX can be obtained directly developing with a native tool.
The mobile apps market is a tremendous success, with millions of apps downloaded and used every day by users spread all around the world. For apps’ developers, having their apps published on one of the major app stores (e.g. Google Play market) is just the beginning of the apps lifecycle. Indeed, in order to successfully compete with the other apps in the market, an app has to be updated frequently by adding new attractive features and by fixing existing bugs. Clearly, any developer interested in increasing the success of her app should try to implement features desired by the app’s users and to fix bugs affecting the user experience of many of them. A precious source of information to decide how to collect users’ opinions and wishes is represented by the reviews left by users on the store from which they downloaded the app. However, to exploit such information the app’s developer should manually read each user review and verify if it contains useful information (e.g. suggestions for new features). This is something not doable if the app receives hundreds of reviews per day, as happens for the very popular apps on the market. In this work, our aim is to provide support to mobile apps developers by proposing a novel approach exploiting data mining, natural language processing, machine learning, and clustering techniques in order to classify the user reviews on the basis of the information they contain (e.g. useless, suggestion for new features, bugs reporting). Such an approach has been empirically evaluated and made available in a web-‐based tool publicly available to all apps’ developers. The achieved results showed that the developed tool: (i) is able to correctly categorise user reviews on the basis of their content (e.g. isolating those reporting bugs) with 78% of accuracy, (ii) produces clusters of reviews (e.g. groups together reviews indicating exactly the same bug to be fixed) that are meaningful from a developer’s point-‐of-‐view, and (iii) is considered useful by a software company working in the mobile apps’ development market.
Este Proyecto de Fin de Carrera presenta un prototipo de aplicación móvil híbrida multi-plataforma para Android y iOS. Las aplicaciones móviles híbridas son una combinación de aplicaciones web móviles y aplicaciones móviles nativas. Se desarrollan parcialmente con tecnologías web y pueden acceder a la capa nativa y sensores del teléfono. Para el usuario se presentan como aplicaciones nativas, ya que se pueden descargar de las tiendas de aplicaciones y son instaladas en el dispositivo. El prototipo consiste en la migración del módulo de noticias financieras de las aplicaciones actuales para móviles de una compañía bancaria reimplementándolo como aplicación híbrida utilizando uno de los entornos de desarrollo disponibles en el mercado para este propósito. El desarrollo de aplicaciones híbridas puede ahorrar tiempo y dinero cuando se pretende alcanzar más de una plataforma móvil. El objetivo es la evaluación de las ventajas e inconvenientes que ofrece el desarrollo de aplicaciones híbridas en términos de reducción de costes, tiempo de desarrollo y resultado final de la aplicación. El proyecto consta de varias fases. Durante la primera fase se realiza un estudio sobre las aplicaciones híbridas que podemos encontrar hoy en día en el mercado utilizando los ejemplos de linkedIn, Facebook y Financial times. Se hace hincapié en las tecnologías utilizadas, uso de la red móvil y problemas encontrados. Posteriormente se realiza una comparación de distintos entornos de desarrollo multi-plataforma para aplicaciones híbridas en términos de la estrategia utilizada, plataformas soportadas, lenguajes de programación, acceso a capacidades nativas de los dispositivos y licencias de uso. Esta primera fase da como resultado la elección del entorno de desarrollo más adecuado a las exigencias del proyecto, que es PhoneGap, y continua con un análisis más detallado de dicho entorno en cuanto a su arquitectura, características y componentes. La siguiente fase comienza con un estudio de las aplicaciones actuales de la compañía para extraer el código fuente necesario y adaptarlo a la arquitectura que tendrá la aplicación. Para la realización del prototipo se hace uso de la característica que ofrece PhoneGap para acceder a la capa nativa del dispositivo, esto es, el uso de plugins. Se diseña y desarrolla un plugin que permite acceder a la capa nativa para cada plataforma. Una vez desarrollado el prototipo para la plataforma Android, se migra y adapta para la plataforma iOS. Por último se hace una evaluación de los prototipos en cuanto a su facilidad y tiempo de desarrollo, rendimiento, funcionalidad y apariencia de la interfaz de usuario. ABSTRACT. This bachelor's thesis presents a prototype of a hybrid cross-platform mobile application for Android and iOS. Hybrid mobile applications are a combination of mobile web and mobile native applications. They are built partially with web technologies and they can also access native features and sensors of the device. For a user, they look like native applications as they are downloaded from the application stores and installed on the device. This prototype consists of the migration of the financial news module of current mobile applications from a financial bank reimplementing them as a hybrid application using one of the frameworks available in the market for that purpose. Development of applications on a hybrid way can help reducing costs and effort when targeting more than one platform. The target of the project is the evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages that hybrid development can offer in terms of reducing costs and efforts and the final result of the application. The project starts with an analysis of successfully released hybrid applications using the examples of linkedIn, Facebook and Financial Times, emphasizing the different used technologies, the transmitted network data and the encountered problems during the development. This analysis is followed by a comparison of most popular hybrid crossplatform development frameworks in terms of the different approaches, supported platforms, programming languages, access to native features and license. This first stage has the outcome of finding the development framework that best fits to the requirements of the project, that is PhoneGap, and continues with a deeper analysis of its architecture, features and components. Next stage analyzes current company's applications to extract the needed source code and adapt it to the architecture of the prototype. For the realization of the application, the feature that PhoneGap offers to access the native layer of the device is used. This feature is called plugin. A custom plugin is designed and developed to access the native layer of each targeted platform. Once the prototype is finished for Android, it is migrated and adapted to the iOS platform. As a final conclusion the prototypes are evaluated in terms of ease and time of development, performance, functionality and look and feel.
El desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles multiplataforma se ha convertido en una tarea compleja debido al alto crecimiento de dispositivos móviles y a la diversidad de plataformas que existen en el mercado. Tras identificar que las principales plataformas utilizadas por los usuarios a nivel mundial son iOS y Android y observar la evolución que han sufrido dichas plataformas desde un punto de vista de diseño de la interacción en los últimos años se establecen las bases para la realización del marco de diseño de la interacción en aplicaciones móviles. El marco de diseño pretende identificar la estructura de las aplicaciones en ambas plataformas y observar las similitudes y diferencias que existen entre las mismas. Por otra parte, se analizan, como parte del mismo, los elementos presentes en el diseño de la interacción de aplicaciones en las plataformas estudiadas con el fin de establecer similitudes y equivalencias entre los mismos. Para evaluar la viabilidad del marco propuesto, se ha llevado a cabo un caso de estudio en el que se aplica el marco sobre una aplicación real. Por último, se realiza una herramienta web con la que se permite a los usuarios poder acceder a la información propuesta en el marco de una forma más sencilla.---ABSTRACT---The mobile app development field has become a very complex task due to the increase of mobile devices and the diversity of the market existing platforms. After identifying that the most used platforms by the users are iOS and Android, and observing the evolution of both from the point of view of the interaction design, the basis for an interaction design frame are established. The design presents the basic structure of a mobile application in both platforms, identifying the existing similarities and differences among them. Moreover, the elements present in the design of the interaction are analysed, in order to establish similarities and equivalences among those elements. In addition, a case study was carried out in which the design frame was applied in a real application. Finally, a web tool which allow users to access the proposed information was developed, in order to have an easier access to the information.
El proyecto “Aplicación móvil y web para la gestión de lugares geolocalizados (www.midiez.com)” tiene como objetivo principal crear un repositorio de listas categorizadas de sitios para su uso en el ámbito personal o comercial. Tanto la aplicación web como la aplicación móvil desarrollada en Android tienen el propósito de gestionar listas de lugares de interés (Restaurantes, tiendas,..) o con propósitos específicos (Organización de viajes) o simplemente como una forma de anotar aquellos sitios que nos comentan y que nos gustaría visitar. El desarrollo de este proyecto además permitirá contrastar las distintas alternativas y la evolución de las distintas herramientas que se han ido desarrollando para la gestión del ocio en los últimos años desde el sistema Android y plataformas web. Todo el proyecto ha sido realizado usando software libre (PHP para el lenguaje web servidor y Java para la programación móvil). La principal finalidad desde el punto de vista del desarrollador es: aprovechar las sinergias de la programación móvil y la programación web de manera que las mismas capas de negocio de Datos sean usadas por ambas plataformas. Asimismo crear una aplicación distribuida y fácilmente escalable. Las herramientas que se han usado para desarrollar han sido: la SDK proporcionada por Google, una JDK de Java y un IDE de desarrollo Java como es Eclipse y otro similar para el desarrollo de la parte PHP. La BBDD elegida ha sido MySQL. El proyecto pretende mostrar el potencial de las aplicaciones móviles geolocalizadas desde el punto de vista del ocio y compararlas con el estado del arte actual. Por lo tanto la mayor parte del tiempo dedicado al proyecto ha sido empleado en el desarrollo de la aplicación web, la aplicación móvil y en la base de datos pero también he dedicado una pequeña parte del trabajo para realizar un estudio sobre las consecuencias que esta tecnología está teniendo en nuestros cerebros. ABSTRACT The project "Web and Mobile App for managing geolocation places” has as main objective managing of places lists in order to use them in the leisure time scope. Nowadays the use of GPS is being a constant in mobile applications so that is already part of our daily life. We used to know where we are always and at the same time we can find locations using the technology of our mobile phones. Now it is very difficult to get lost outside but also is difficult to explain somebody how to get to anywhere without using Google Maps. Google Maps, Geolocation, gps navigators, … all that kind of stuff are making our life easier and less complicated but also are making our brains lazier. Furthermore, the development of this project will use the potential of locate places into maps to avoid annotate every spot we would like to visit or a brand new restaurant. The project itself shows the location features of Google Maps combined with an places data base in order to create, and manage places lists and use them to get to them as well as to share those places with our contacts. Also, the main purpose from the point of view of the developer is to combine different programming languages and use the resulting synergies in a easily scalable and portable environment. The tools that have been used to develop are: the SDK provided by Google, one JDK Java and Java development IDE such as Eclipse and similar to the development of the PHP part. The DB has been chosen MySQL. Finally, this project aims to show, from an educational point of view, the use and potential of this technology. Thus, it has been devoted a large amount of time of the project (and, consequently, its documentation) on develop the Android app, the data base and the web app but also but also to highlight the consequences of using technology.
Reconociendo que podía ser útil para los alumnos una aplicación móvil para que pudieran acceder a información relacionada con sus estudios de forma rápida y sobre la marcha, se decide realizar una prueba de concepto cuyo resultado satisfactorio conduce a dar el siguiente paso en el desarrollo de la aplicación móvil. En este contexto es donde se enmarca el proyecto “Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil iOS de información a estudiantes universitarios” que tiene como finalidad aprovechar las ventajas que nos brindan las nuevas tecnologías. En el prototipo de aplicación móvil fueron encontrados problemas de mantenibilidad y la versión del sistema operativo había quedado obsoleta. Por lo tanto el primer paso fue refactorizar todos los paquetes del proyecto, después de esto fue necesario crear un estándar de codificación y una documentación del proyecto. El segundo paso fue adaptar el proyecto a la última versión del sistema operativo, iOS 7, siguiendo la guía de transición de la interfaz de usuario de Apple. Además de todo esto, había nuevas funcionalidades que incluir al prototipo, estas nuevas funcionalidades han sido probadas en una evaluación con usuarios para obtener comentarios y sugerencias de los alumnos universitarios para mejorar la aplicación en la medida de lo posible. ----ABSTRACT----Recognizing that could be useful a mobile app for students to enable them to access information related to their studies quickly and on the go, it was decided to perform a proof of concept whose satisfactory results leads to take the next step in the development of the mobile app. In this context is where the project “Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil iOS de información a estudiantes universitarios” takes part whose aim is to exploit the advantages offered by the new technologies. Maintenance problems were found in the mobile app prototype and the operating system version was outdated. So the first step was to refactor all the Project packages, after that it was necessary to create a coding standard and a Project documentation. The second step was to adapt the project to the latest versión of the operating system, iOS7, following the Apple UI transition guide. In addition to all of this, there were new features to include to the prototype, these new features have been tested in an user evaluation to obtain feedback and suggestions from college students to improve the app as far as possible.
En esta tesis doctoral se propone una técnica biométrica de verificación en teléfonos móviles consistente en realizar una firma en el aire con la mano que sujeta el teléfono móvil. Los acelerómetros integrados en el dispositivo muestrean las aceleraciones del movimiento de la firma en el aire, generando tres señales temporales que pueden utilizarse para la verificación del usuario. Se proponen varios enfoques para la implementación del sistema de verificación, a partir de los enfoques más utilizados en biometría de firma manuscrita: correspondencia de patrones, con variantes de los algoritmos de Needleman-Wusch (NW) y Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), modelos ocultos de Markov (HMM) y clasificador estadístico basado en Máquinas de Vector Soporte (SVM). Al no existir bases de datos públicas de firmas en el aire y con el fin de evaluar los métodos propuestos en esta tesis doctoral, se han capturado dos con distintas características; una con falsificaciones reales a partir del estudio de las grabaciones de usuarios auténticos y otra con muestras de usuarios obtenidas en diferentes sesiones a lo largo del tiempo. Utilizando estas bases de datos se han evaluado una gran cantidad de algoritmos para implementar un sistema de verificación basado en firma en el aire. Esta evaluación se ha realizado de acuerdo con el estándar ISO/IEC 19795, añadiendo el caso de verificación en mundo abierto no incluido en la norma. Además, se han analizado las características que hacen que una firma sea suficientemente segura. Por otro lado, se ha estudiado la permanencia de las firmas en el aire a lo largo del tiempo, proponiendo distintos métodos de actualización, basados en una adaptación dinámica del patrón, para mejorar su rendimiento. Finalmente, se ha implementado un prototipo de la técnica de firma en el aire para teléfonos Android e iOS. Los resultados de esta tesis doctoral han tenido un gran impacto, generando varias publicaciones en revistas internacionales, congresos y libros. La firma en el aire ha sido nombrada también en varias revistas de divulgación, portales de noticias Web y televisión. Además, se han obtenido varios premios en competiciones de ideas innovadoras y se ha firmado un acuerdo de explotación de la tecnología con una empresa extranjera. ABSTRACT This thesis proposes a biometric verification technique on mobile phones consisting on making a signature in the air with the hand holding a mobile phone. The accelerometers integrated in the device capture the movement accelerations, generating three temporal signals that can be used for verification. This thesis suggests several approaches for implementing the verification system, based on the most widely used approaches in handwritten signature biometrics: template matching, with a lot of variations of the Needleman- Wusch (NW) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithms, Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Supported Vector Machines (SVM). As there are no public databases of in-air signatures and with the aim of assessing the proposed methods, there have been captured two databases; one. with real falsification attempts from the study of recordings captured when genuine users made their signatures in front of a camera, and other, with samples obtained in different sessions over a long period of time. These databases have been used to evaluate a lot of algorithms in order to implement a verification system based on in-air signatures. This evaluation has been conducted according to the standard ISO/IEC 19795, adding the open-set verification scenario not included in the norm. In addition, the characteristics of a secure signature are also investigated, as well as the permanence of in-air signatures over time, proposing several updating strategies to improve its performance. Finally, a prototype of in-air signature has been developed for iOS and Android phones. The results of this thesis have achieved a high impact, publishing several articles in SCI journals, conferences and books. The in-air signature deployed in this thesis has been also referred in numerous media. Additionally, this technique has won several awards in the entrepreneurship field and also an exploitation agreement has been signed with a foreign company.
This paper presents a study on the effect of blurred images in hand biometrics. Blurred images simulates out-of-focus effects in hand image acquisition, a common consequence of unconstrained, contact-less and platform-free hand biometrics in mobile devices. The proposed biometric system presents a hand image segmentation based on multiscale aggregation, a segmentation method invariant to different changes like noise or blurriness, together with an innovative feature extraction and a template creation, oriented to obtain an invariant performance against blurring effects. The results highlight that the proposed system is invariant to some low degrees of blurriness, requiring an image quality control to detect and correct those images with a high degree of blurriness. The evaluation has considered a synthetic database created based on a publicly available database with 120 individuals. In addition, several biometric techniques could benefit from the approach proposed in this paper, since blurriness is a very common effect in biometric techniques involving image acquisition.
The increasing demand of security oriented to mobile applications has raised the attention to biometrics, as a proper and suitable solution for providing secure environment to mobile devices. With this aim, this document presents a biometric system based on hand geometry oriented to mobile devices, involving a high degree of freedom in terms of illumination, hand rotation and distance to camera. The user takes a picture of their own hand in the free space, without requiring any flat surface to locate the hand, and without removals of rings, bracelets or watches. The proposed biometric system relies on an accurate segmentation procedure, able to isolate hands from any background; a feature extraction, invariant to orientation, illumination, distance to camera and background; and a user classification, based on k-Nearest Neighbor approach, able to provide an accurate results on individual identification. The proposed method has been evaluated with two own databases collected with a HTC mobile. First database contains 120 individuals, with 20 acquisitions of both hands. Second database is a synthetic database, containing 408000 images of hand samples in different backgrounds: tiles, grass, water, sand, soil and the like. The system is able to identify individuals properly with False Reject Rate of 5.78% and False Acceptance Rate of 0.089%, using 60 features (15 features per finger)
Improving the security of mobile phones is one of the crucial points required to assure the personal information and the operations that can be performed from them. This article presents an authentication procedure consisting of verifying the identity of people by making a signature in the air while holding the mobile phone. Different temporal distance algorithms have been proposed and evaluated through a database of 50 people making their signatures in the air and 6 people trying to forge each of them by studying their records. Approaches based on DTW have obtained better EER results than those based on LCS (2.80% against 3.34%). Besides, different signal normalization methods have been evaluated not finding any with better EER results that when no normalization has carried out.
New trends in biometrics are oriented to mobile devices in order to increase the overall security in daily actions like bank account access, e-commerce or even document protection within the mobile. However, applying biometrics to mobile devices imply challenging aspects in biometric data acquisition, feature extraction or private data storage. Concretely, this paper attempts to deal with the problem of hand segmentation given a picture of the hand in an unknown background, requiring an accurate result in terms of hand isolation. For the sake of user acceptability, no restrictions are done on background, and therefore, hand images can be taken without any constraint, resulting segmentation in an exigent task. Multiscale aggregation strategies are proposed in order to solve this problem due to their accurate results in unconstrained and complicated scenarios, together with their properties in time performance. This method is evaluated with a public synthetic database with 480000 images considering different backgrounds and illumination environments. The results obtained in terms of accuracy and time performance highlight their capability of being a suitable solution for the problem of hand segmentation in contact-less environments, outperforming competitive methods in literature like Lossy Data Compression image segmentation (LDC).
The mobile user experience has been significantly altered with the arrival of mobile broadband widespread deployments, massive improvements in available smartphones, and a shift in user habits toward a more participative, communicative role. In this context, mobile application stores have revolutionized software and content delivery. These stores focus on the applications, building around them an ecosystem of developers and consumers. The store greatly lessens the barrier between these agents, providing significant benefits to both developers and consumers. In this article we analyze this phenomenon, describing its originating factors and fundamental characteristics. We also perform a more detailed study on the two most successful application stores, identifying different approaches to implementing the model.
As wireless sensor networks are usually deployed in unattended areas, security policies cannot be updated in a timely fashion upon identification of new attacks. This gives enough time for attackers to cause significant damage. Thus, it is of great importance to provide protection from unknown attacks. However, existing solutions are mostly concentrated on known attacks. On the other hand, mobility can make the sensor network more resilient to failures, reactive to events, and able to support disparate missions with a common set of sensors, yet the problem of security becomes more complicated. In order to address the issue of security in networks with mobile nodes, we propose a machine learning solution for anomaly detection along with the feature extraction process that tries to detect temporal and spatial inconsistencies in the sequences of sensed values and the routing paths used to forward these values to the base station. We also propose a special way to treat mobile nodes, which is the main novelty of this work. The data produced in the presence of an attacker are treated as outliers, and detected using clustering techniques. These techniques are further coupled with a reputation system, in this way isolating compromised nodes in timely fashion. The proposal exhibits good performances at detecting and confining previously unseen attacks, including the cases when mobile nodes are compromised.
This article proposes an innovative biometric technique based on the idea of authenticating a person on a mobile device by gesture recognition. To accomplish this aim, a user is prompted to be recognized by a gesture he/she performs moving his/her hand while holding a mobile device with an accelerometer embedded. As users are not able to repeat a gesture exactly in the air, an algorithm based on sequence alignment is developed to correct slight differences between repetitions of the same gesture. The robustness of this biometric technique has been studied within 2 different tests analyzing a database of 100 users with real falsifications. Equal Error Rates of 2.01 and 4.82% have been obtained in a zero-effort and an active impostor attack, respectively. A permanence evaluation is also presented from the analysis of the repetition of the gestures of 25 users in 10 sessions over a month. Furthermore, two different gesture databases have been developed: one made up of 100 genuine identifying 3-D hand gestures and 3 impostors trying to falsify each of them and another with 25 volunteers repeating their identifying 3- D hand gesture in 10 sessions over a month. These databases are the most extensive in published studies, to the best of our knowledge.