5 resultados para Mixed Good

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The effects of conversion treatments, depending on ecological factors and silvicultural parameters (thinning intensity, thinning type and rotation, among others) have been studied during the last fifteen years in an experimental trial in Central Spain. The general climate is continental Mediterranean; soils are low depth and limy; vegetation is an homogeneous dense coppices of Quercus ilex with isolated Pinus nigra trees. The experimental design (three locations) includes different thinning intensities (from 0 to 100% of extracted basal area). Inventories have been carried out in 1994 and 2010; thinning treatments were done in 1995 and 2011. Analysis of the effects of the conversion treatment show the increment of diameter and height growth rates, the canopy recovery and the stand resprouting, finding differences in these effects between thinning treatments. Besides the induced changes at holm oak stand, the application of conversion treatment clearly changed the woodland dynamics. Fifteen years after the thinnings, floristic composition varied and an abundant pine regeneration was installed in the woodland. In this work we describe the changes between inventories in tree species composition and diameter distribution, specially in the case of black pine. The conversion treatment caused changes in forest dynamics in the short term, increasing biodiversity and diversifying the forest structure. The fast installation of Pinus regeneration suggests the potential of the zone for the establishment of multipurpose mixed Quercus-Pinus stands in wide areas where Quercus species were favoured by human populations for firewood production. Conversion treatment of coppices, with the creation of mixed stands, constitutes a good management alternative for extensive areas and an interesting technique to adaptation to global change.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es estudiar las propiedades del árido reciclado mixto para la fabricación de hormigón reciclado en aplicaciones no estructurales. Se ha realizado la caracterización completa de 35 muestras de áridos reciclados mixtos gruesos de distinta calidad, procedentes de 13 plantas de tratamiento diferentes de la geografía española. Se han estudiado las correlaciones que existen entre las diferentes propiedades, en particular, con la absorción de agua, el contenido de sulfatos y la composición. Se propone una clasificación de los áridos reciclados y se limita de forma indicativa el contenido de yeso para que una muestra de árido reciclado mixto cumpla con la limitación del 0,8% de los sulfatos solubles en ácido de la Instrucción EHE-08. Recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW) has become a widespread concern in Spain for the last years, as a way to preserve natural resources and achieve a better control of waste disposal sites.Specific applications which make use of mixed recycled aggregates are of great importance, as this types of aggregates constitute the majority of the total production. Structural and non-structural concrete is one of the possible applications, being this the main goal of our study. This paper presents a study on the physical and chemical characteristics of mixed recycled aggregates which have been obtained from different CDW treatment plants of Spain. Correlations between the different properties were investigated in order to find criterions of acceptance for recycled aggregates to be used in concrete. The comparison between the properties offers the possibility of pre-selecting a great quantity of mixed recycled aggregates, these being suitable for either structural and non-structural concrete. The determination of water absorption and the gypsum content are good indicators in order to evaluate the quality of the mixed recycled aggregates for its application in the production of concrete.


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The development of (static and dynamics)programs with constant and linear elements has shown good behaviour. It seems so natural to combine both advantages so that the results will not be affected by local distortions. This paper will be dedicated to presenting the reserch of mixed elements and the way to solve the over-determination that appears in some cases. Although all the study has been done with the potential theory, its application to elastic problems is straightforward.


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This contribution deals with the question, what makes cities sustainable and integrative, and suggests an approach for "liveable cities of tomorrow" designed to sustain mobility. The liveable city of tomorrow needs to meet both ecological and social requirements in an integrative approach. To design urban patterns appropriate or “sustainable mobility” based on a concept of mobility defined as the number of accessible destinations (different to that for “fossil mobility” defined as the ability to cover distances) is a key element of such an approach. Considering the limited reserves of fossil fuels and the long lifetime of the built structure, mobility needs to rely on modes independent of fossil fuels (public transport and pedestrians) to make it sustainable and the urban pattern needs to be developed appropriately for these modes. Crucial for the success of public transport is the location of buildings within the catchment area of stops. An attractive urban environment for pedestrians is characterised by short distances in a compact settlement with appropriate/qualified urban density and mixed land use as well as by attractive public space. This, complemented by an integrative urban development on the quarter level including neighbourhood management with a broad spectrum of activity areas (social infrastructure, integration of diverse social and ethnic groups, health promotion, community living, etc.), results in increased liveability. The role of information technology in this context is to support a sustainable use of the built structures by organisational instruments. Sustainable and liveable communities offer many benefits for health, safety and well-being of their inhabitants.


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This paper presents an ant colony optimization algorithm to sequence the mixed assembly lines considering the inventory and the replenishment of components. This is a NP-problem that cannot be solved to optimality by exact methods when the size of the problem growth. Groups of specialized ants are implemented to solve the different parts of the problem. This is intended to differentiate each part of the problem. Different types of pheromone structures are created to identify good car sequences, and good routes for the replenishment of components vehicle. The contribution of this paper is the collaborative approach of the ACO for the mixed assembly line and the replenishment of components and the jointly solution of the problem.