24 resultados para Methodology of research
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Vernacular architecture has demonstrated its perfect environmental adaptation through its empirical development and improvement by generations of user-builders. Nowadays, the sustainability of vernacular architecture is the aim of some research projects in which the same method should be applied in order to be comparable. Hence, we propose a research method putting together various steps. Through the analysis of geographical, lithology, economic, cultural and social influence as well as materials and constructive systems, vernacular architecture is analyzed. But, all this information is put together with the natural landscape (topography and vegetation) and the climatic data (temperature, winds, rain and sun exposure). In addition, the use of bioclimatic charts, such as Olgyay or Givoni’s, revealed the necessities and strategies in urban and building design. They are satisfied in the vernacular architecture by the application of different energy conservation mechanisms, some of them are shown by different examples in this paper.
The main problem to study vertical drainage from the moisture distribution, on a vertisol profile, is searching for suitable methods using these procedures. Our aim was to design a digital image processing methodology and its analysis to characterize the moisture content distribution of a vertisol profile. In this research, twelve soil pits were excavated on a ba re Mazic Pellic Vertisols ix of them in May 13/2011 and the rest in May 19 /2011 after a moderate rainfall event. Digital RGB images were taken from each vertisol pit using a Kodak? camera selecting a size of 1600x945 pixels. Each soil image was processed to homogenized brightness and then a spatial filter with several window sizes was applied to select the optimum one. The RGB image obtained were divided in each matrix color selecting the best thresholds for each one, maximum and minimum, to be applied and get a digital binary pattern. This one was analyzed by estimating two fractal scaling exponents box counting dimension D BC) and interface fractal dimension (D) In addition, three pre-fractal scaling coefficients were determinate at maximum resolution: total number of boxes intercepting the foreground pattern (A), fractal lacunarity (?1) and Shannon entropy S1). For all the images processed the spatial filter 9x9 was the optimum based on entropy, cluster and histogram criteria. Thresholds for each color were selected based on bimodal histograms.
Technological and environmental problems related to ore processing are a serious limitation for sustainable development of mineral resources, particularly for countries / companies rich in ores, but with little access to sophisticated technology, e.g. in Latin America. Digital image analysis (DIA) can provide a simple, unexpensive and broadly applicable methodology to assess these problems, but this methodology has to be carefully defined, to produce reproducible and relevant information.
In the last two decades, there has been an important increase in research on speech technology in Spain, mainly due to a higher level of funding from European, Spanish and local institutions and also due to a growing interest in these technologies for developing new services and applications. This paper provides a review of the main areas of speech technology addressed by research groups in Spain, their main contributions in the recent years and the main focus of interest these days. This description is classified in five main areas: audio processing including speech, speaker characterization, speech and language processing, text to speech conversion and spoken language applications. This paper also introduces the Spanish Network of Speech Technologies (RTTH. Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla) as the research network that includes almost all the researchers working in this area, presenting some figures, its objectives and its main activities developed in the last years.
Over a decade ago, nanotechnologists began research on applications of nanomaterials for medicine. This research has revealed a wide range of different challenges, as well as many opportunities. Some of these challenges are strongly related to informatics issues, dealing, for instance, with the management and integration of heterogeneous information, defining nomenclatures, taxonomies and classifications for various types of nanomaterials, and research on new modeling and simulation techniques for nanoparticles. Nanoinformatics has recently emerged in the USA and Europe to address these issues. In this paper, we present a review of nanoinformatics, describing its origins, the problems it addresses, areas of interest, and examples of current research initiatives and informatics resources. We suggest that nanoinformatics could accelerate research and development in nanomedicine, as has occurred in the past in other fields. For instance, biomedical informatics served as a fundamental catalyst for the Human Genome Project, and other genomic and ?omics projects, as well as the translational efforts that link resulting molecular-level research to clinical problems and findings.
The integration of scientific knowledge about possible climate change impacts on water resources has a direct implication on the way water policies are being implemented and evolving. This is particularly true regarding various technical steps embedded into the EU Water Framework Directive river basin management planning, such as risk characterisation, monitoring, design and implementation of action programmes and evaluation of the "good status" objective achievements (in 2015). The need to incorporate climate change considerations into the implementation of EU water policy is currently discussed with a wide range of experts and stakeholders at EU level. Research trends are also on-going, striving to support policy developments and examining how scientific findings and recommendations could be best taken on board by policy-makers and water managers within the forthcoming years. This paper provides a snapshot of policy discussions about climate change in the context of the WFD river basin management planning and specific advancements of related EU-funded research projects. Perspectives for strengthening links among the scientific and policy-making communities in this area are also highlighted.
Efectos derivados de tratamientos de conservación y restauración sobre material inorgánico en yacimientos arqueológicos. Caso de estudio: Mérida.
New digital artifacts are emerging in data-intensive science. For example, scientific workflows are executable descriptions of scientific procedures that define the sequence of computational steps in an automated data analysis, supporting reproducible research and the sharing and replication of best-practice and know-how through reuse. Workflows are specified at design time and interpreted through their execution in a variety of situations, environments, and domains. Hence it is essential to preserve both their static and dynamic aspects, along with the research context in which they are used. To achieve this, we propose the use of multidimensional digital objects (Research Objects) that aggregate the resources used and/or produced in scientific investigations, including workflow models, provenance of their executions, and links to the relevant associated resources, along with the provision of technological support for their preservation and efficient retrieval and reuse. In this direction, we specified a software architecture for the design and implementation of a Research Object preservation system, and realized this architecture with a set of services and clients, drawing together practices in digital libraries, preservation systems, workflow management, social networking and Semantic Web technologies. In this paper, we describe the backbone system of this realization, a digital library system built on top of dLibra.
Research on the assessment of the effects of conservation/restoration treatments on stone material has been significant in recent years, with focus on the early observation of decay caused by the application of these treatments. However, in the case of archaeological sites, research is still scarce and few studies on the subject have been published. Restoration, as everything else, has changed according to trends, mainly guided by the release of new products and technologies, an experimental field where scientific assessment of suitability, efficacy and durability pre-evaluations of treatments are not always conducted. Some efforts have been made to solve this problem in the architectural field, where functional needs and technical requirements force to set clear standards. Unfortunately, archaeological sites, unlike historic buildings, have specific features that preclude the extrapolation of these results. A critical review of the methodologies, products and restoration materials is necessary, coupled with deeper research on degradation mechanisms caused by these treatments in the mid- and long-term. The aim of this paper is to introduce the research on the above issues using Merida as a case study.
Fresnel lenses used as primary optics in concentrating photovoltaic modules may show warping produced by lens manufacturing or module assembly (e.g., stress during molding or weight load) or due to stress during operation (e.g., mismatch of thermal expansion between different materials). To quantify this problem, a simple method called “checkerboard method” is presented. The proposed method identifies shape errors on the front surface of primary lenses by analyzing the Fresnel reflections. This paper also deals with the quantification of the effects these curvatures have on their optical performance and on the electrical performance of concentrating modules incorporating them. This method can be used to perform quality control of Fresnel lenses in scenarios of high volume production.
Esta investigación nace de la necesidad de aunar el máximo conocimiento sobre el sector Desarrollo Rural, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición en la Cooperación Española, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como práctico, que facilite, por un lado, precisar los límites que abarca el sector, conceptuales y de aplicación, mejorando la eficiencia y eficacia de las intervenciones en él, y por otro, conformar una prospectiva del mismo. La tesis propone una metodología de investigación-acción, puesto que por la propia posición de trabajo de la investigadora en la AECID y en el sector, esta es, a la vez, objeto y actora de la realidad vivida y del cambio a futuro. Para el trabajo de campo se ha contado con un importante grupo de expertos en la materia, que han participado en talleres de reflexión y en la encuesta Delphi, así como con una serie de entrevistas en profundidad. El requisito de contar con un marco teórico en el que se sustente el sector es esencial y el capítulo IV contempla este, partiendo de los antecedentes y marco normativo de la política de cooperación española, substancialmente la Ley de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, pasando por los principales instrumentos de planificación de esta política: Planes Directores, Estrategias sectoriales y Plan de Actuación Sectorial de Desarrollo Rural y Lucha contra el Hambre. Se puntualiza la cooperación reembolsable en el sector, y se repasan las principales actuaciones que han tenido lugar en el contexto internacional con especial hincapié en la crisis provocada por la subida del precio de los alimentos y las medidas más significativas que se tomaron para combatirla, pasando a continuación al proceso post-2015, los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y la posición española en él. En el marco conceptual se revisan términos tales como Derecho Humano a la Alimentación, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición, Seguridad alimentaria, Seguridad alimentaria nutricional, Soberanía alimentaria, Seguridad alimentaria como Bien Público Mundial, Desarrollo Rural, Desarrollo Rural Territorial, Enfoque Territorial y Resiliencia, concluyendo este apartado con la búsqueda de las interrelaciones entre Seguridad alimentaria, Derecho Humano a la Alimentación y Desarrollo Rural Territorial. El capítulo termina con un breve repaso de lo que hacen en esta materia las principales agencias de Cooperación Internacional de los donantes más importantes del CAD. En el Marco de Aplicación se acomete una comparación de la evolución de la AOD en el marco temporal de la investigación, del 2000 al 2013, concedida al sector por la Cooperación Española en función de los distintos subsectores y también una comparativa de la ayuda otorgada por los principales donantes del CAD para este mismo periodo. Posteriormente se examinan las intervenciones centrales de la Cooperación Española en Derecho Humano a la Alimentación con la sociedad civil, con la FAO y con el relator especial de NNUU para el Derecho a la Alimentación, Seguridad Alimentaria Nutricional, destacando el Fondo España-ODM y el Programa Especial de Seguridad Alimentaria (PESA)y Desarrollo Rural Territorial , sobre el proyecto EXPIDER I y II (Experiencias de desarrollo local rural en América Latina) , y el proyecto PIDERAL ( Proyecto de políticas innovadoras de desarrollo de los territorios rurales en América Latina ) y tres intervenciones con enfoque regional como son :La Iniciativa América Latina y Caribe sin Hambre (IALCSH), la Estrategia Centroamericana de Desarrollo Rural Territorial (ECADERT) y la intervención de la Cooperación Española apoyando la Política Agraria de la CEDEAO. La investigación empírica esencialmente con un enfoque cualitativo, se examina y detalla en el capítulo VI, reflejándose las principales conclusiones de la misma en el capítulo del mismo nombre, tras haber contrastado las hipótesis formuladas y posteriormente cotejar las aplicaciones prácticas de la tesis y proponer posibles nuevas líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT This research stems from the need to combine the best knowledge about the Rural Development, Food Security and Nutrition sectors in Spanish Cooperation, both from a theoretical and practical point of view, that enables, on the one hand, to specify the limits that the sector covers, both conceptual and of implementation, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of interventions in it, and on the other, shape the future thereof. The thesis proposes a methodology of research-action, which is the AECID researcher´s own position in the sector, being at the same time, both researcher and participant of the reality experienced and future change. The field work benefitted from the support of a major group of experts in the field, who participated in reflection workshops, the Delphi survey and a series of in-depth interviews. The requirement for a theoretical framework that sustains the sector is essential and Chapter IV provides for this, starting with the background and legal framework of the policy of Spanish cooperation, essentially the International Development Cooperation Law, through the main instruments of policy planning: Master Plans; sectorial strategies; the Sectorial Action Plan for Rural Development; Fight against hunger. Refundable cooperation in the sector is specified, and the key actions that have taken place in the international context with special emphasis on the crisis caused by rising food prices and the most significant measures taken to combat it are reviewed. Then continuing with the post-2015 process, the Sustainable Development Objectives and the Spanish position in them. Conceptional framework terms such as Human Right to Food, Food Security and Nutrition, Food Security, Nutritional Food Security, Food Sovereignty, Food Security as a global public good, Rural Development, Rural Regional Development, Regional Approach and Resilience are reviewed, ending this section with the search for the interrelationship between Food Security, Human Right to Food and Rural Regional Development. The chapter ends with a brief overview of what the main agencies for International Cooperation of the major DAC donors do in this area. In the implementation framework, a comparison is provided of the evolution of the ODA within the time frame of the investigation, from 2000 to 2013, granted to the sector by the Spanish Cooperation in terms of the various subsectors and also a comparison is made of the support provided by the DAC's major donors for the same period. Subsequently the core interventions of Spanish Cooperation in the Human Right to Food with civil society, with FAO and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Food Security Nutrition are examined, highlighting the Spain MDG Fund and the Special Programme for Food Security (PESA) and Regional Rural Development on the EXPIDER I and II project (Rural local development experiences in Latin America), and the PIDERAL project (Innovative policy development project of rural areas in Latin America) and three regionally focused interventions such as: the Latin America and Caribbean without Hunger (HFLACI) Initiative, the Central American Strategy for Rural Development (ECADERT) and the intervention of the Spanish Cooperation to support the ECOWAS Agricultural Policy. Empirical research, essentially with a qualitative approach, is examined and detailed in Chapter VI, reflecting the main conclusions of the investigation in the chapter of the same name, after having contrasted the ideas put forward, and then later compares the practical applications of the thesis and proposes possible new lines of research.
La arquitectura y la construcción deben generar un bien común para la sociedad y medio ambiente, los arquitectos tienen la responsabilidad de mitigar muchos efectos negativos que se generan en esta profesión; esto no es posible si los estudiantes egresan con un conocimiento nulo sobre la arquitectura sostenible; por lo que surge la inquietud de desarrollar la presente tesis, con el objetivo de aportar de una forma sutil al desarrollo de la arquitectura compartiendo conocimiento para generar conocimiento, ya que la investigación que a continuación se desarrolla está enfocada al desarrollo de la arquitectura sostenible en el campo de la formación de los estudiantes, donde se pueda enlazar los nuevos requerimientos profesionales planteados desde la sostenibilidad. La formación del arquitecto ha intentado abordar el conocimiento humanístico, técnico, cultural, tecnológico, calculo estructural, instalaciones y construcciones; sin embargo, se ha dejado a un lado lo que abarca la arquitectura sostenible, como calidad de vida, diseño bioclimático, energías renovables, normativas sostenibles, economía viable, emisiones, contaminación y residuos generados, materiales, elementos constructivos sostenibles, mancha urbana, huella ecológica, impacto ambiental y análisis del ciclo de vida, entre otras estrategias o elementos. A través de la investigación científica y profunda que se ha realizado, se busca conformar el conocimiento sistemático que contribuya a la resolución de los problemas de nuestra sociedad, ambiente y educación, con la elaboración de un sistema metodológico de evaluación y aplicación de sostenibilidad en los modelos educativos. Para desarrollar el sistema de evaluación y aplicación, se desarrolla una metodología de investigación donde se justifica la necesidad de la creación de dicho sistema, en base al análisis de la situación actual del medio ambiente y la relación directa con la arquitectura, construcción y conocimientos adquiridos en la formación de los estudiantes de arquitectura, donde se demuestra la importancia de la educación de la arquitectura sostenible en el desarrollo de las sociedades. En base al análisis de metodologías y sistemas que evalúan la sostenibilidad de los edificios y los sistemas que evalúan la educación, se propone uno propio para evaluar las asignaturas de los modelos educativos en base a elementos sostenibles propuestos. La presente investigación se enmarca en una estrategia general de promover la evaluación y aplicación de la sostenibilidad en los modelos educativos de las escuelas de arquitectura a nivel internacional; como caso de estudio se evaluará el plan de estudios llamado Minerva, de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla en México, donde he realizado una estancia de investigación y la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en España, donde he cursado el doctorado. ABSTRACT Architecture and construction must generate a common good for the society and environment, the architects have the responsibility of mitigating many negative effects that are generated in this profession; this is not possible if the students graduate with a void knowledge on the sustainable architecture that is why the concern for developing the present thesis, with the aim to contribute to the development of the architecture sharing knowledge to generate knowledge, seeing as the investigation that later develops is focused on the development of the sustainable architecture in about the student’s professional training, where it could connect the new professional requirements raised from the sustainability. The architect’s professional training has tried to approach the humanistic, technical, cultural, technological knowledge, structural calculation, fittings and constructions; nevertheless, there has been left aside what includes the sustainable architecture, as quality of life, design bioclimatic, renewable energies, sustainable regulations, viable economy, emission, pollution and generated, material residues, constructive sustainable elements, urban spot, ecological fingerprint, environmental impact and analysis of the life cycle, between other strategies or elements. Across the scientific and deep research that has been realized, it reaches to make up the systematic knowledge that he contributes to the resolution of the problems of our society, environment and education, with the production of a methodological system of evaluation and application of sustainability in the educational models. To develop the system of evaluation and application, there is a methodology of research where it justifies itself the need of the creation of the above mentioned system, on the basis of the analysis of the current situation of the environment and the direct relationship with the architecture, construction and knowledge acquired in the architecture student’s education, where there is demonstrated the matter of the education of the sustainable architecture in the development of the companies. Based on the analysis of methodologies and systems that evaluate the sustainability of the buildings and the systems that evaluate the education, there is one own proposes to evaluate the subjects of the educational models on the basis of sustainable proposed elements. The present research places in a general strategy of promoting the evaluation and application of the sustainability in the educational models of the schools of architecture worldwide; since case of study will evaluate the study plan called Minerva, of the Meritorious Autonomous University of It Populates in Mexico, where I have realized a stay of researching and the Technical Top School of Architecture of the Technical University of Madrid in Spain, where the PHD has been done.
Current trends in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) are moving towards the continuous evaluation of the students in substitution of the traditional evaluation based on a single test or exam. This fact and the increase in the number of students during last years in Engineering Schools, requires to modify evaluation procedures making them compatible with the educational and research activities. This work presents a methodology for the automatic generation of questions. These questions can be used as self assessment questions by the student and/or as queries by the teacher. The proposed approach is based on the utilization of parametric questions, formulated as multiple choice questions and generated and supported by the utilization of common programs of data sheets and word processors. Through this approach, every teacher can apply the proposed methodology without the use of programs or tools different from those normally used in his/her daily activity
In this paper, the results of six years of research in engineering education, in the application of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to improve the performance of the students in the subject Analysis of Circuits of Telecommunication Engineering, are analysed taking into consideration the fact that there would be hidden variables that both separate students into subgroups and show the connection among several basic subjects such as Analysis of Circuits (AC) and Mathematics (Math). The discovery of these variables would help us to explain the characteristics of the students through the teaching and learning methodology, and would show that there are some characteristics that instructors do not take into account but that are of paramount importance
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help teachers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with a two-fold objective: a) To develop a model for teaching and evaluating core competences that is useful and easily applicable to its different degrees, and b) to provide support to teachers by creating an area within the Website for Educational Innovation where they can search for information on the model corresponding to each core competence approved by UPM. Information available on each competence includes its definition, the formulation of indicators providing evidence on the level of acquisition, the recommended teaching and evaluation methodology, examples of evaluation rules for the different levels of competence acquisition, and descriptions of best practices. These best practices correspond to pilot tests applied to several of the academic subjects conducted at UPM in order to validate the model. This work describes the general procedure that was used and presents the model developed specifically for the problem-solving competence. Some of the pilot experiences are also summarised and their results analysed