7 resultados para Methodist Church (U.S.). California-Nevada Conference.
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This paper presents an analysis of different models used to assess the quality of formative actions, considering classroom learning and distance education courses. Taking as starting point one of the analyzed models, the paper sets out the necessity of developing a new model that could measure the quality of a blended formation process, by selecting the applicable indicators and proposing some new. The model is composed of seven different categories, which include a sum of thirty five indicators. They will be used to represent courses quality level in Kiviat?s diagrams. This model is currently being put into practice in a real university environment.
The employment of nonlinear analysis techniques for automatic voice pathology detection systems has gained popularity due to the ability of such techniques for dealing with the underlying nonlinear phenomena. On this respect, characterization using nonlinear analysis typically employs the classical Correlation Dimension and the largest Lyapunov Exponent, as well as some regularity quantifiers computing the system predictability. Mostly, regularity features highly depend on a correct choosing of some parameters. One of those, the delay time �, is usually fixed to be 1. Nonetheless, it has been stated that a unity � can not avoid linear correlation of the time series and hence, may not correctly capture system nonlinearities. Therefore, present work studies the influence of the � parameter on the estimation of regularity features. Three � estimations are considered: the baseline value 1; a � based on the Average Automutual Information criterion; and � chosen from the embedding window. Testing results obtained for pathological voice suggest that an improved accuracy might be obtained by using a � value different from 1, as it accounts for the underlying nonlinearities of the voice signal.
Implementation of the disruption predictor APODIS in JET Real Time Network using the MARTe framework
Disruptions in tokamaks devices are unavoidable, and they can have a significant impact on machine integrity. So it is very important have mechanisms to predict this phenomenon. Disruption prediction is a very complex task, not only because it is a multi-dimensional problem, but also because in order to be effective, it has to detect well in advance the actual disruptive event, in order to be able to use successful mitigation strategies. With these constraints in mind a real-time disruption predictor has been developed to be used in JET tokamak. The predictor has been designed to run in the Multithreaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) framework. The predictor ?Advanced Predictor Of DISruptions? (APODIS) is based on Support Vector Machine (SVM).
Implantación de la Red de Alta velocidad Ferroviaria en California. Tramo San Francisco-Sacramento. Este artículo de la serie “Alta velocidad Ferroviaria en California (CHSRS), se ocupa de la línea San Francisco– Sacramento “Bay Crossing Alternative”, que cierra la red de alta velocidad ferroviaria del Estado de California, permitiendo en la terminal HSR de Sacramento, conectar con la línea Fresno–Sacramento, en coincidencia de trazados para en el futuro prolongar la red californiana de alta velocidad ferroviaria hasta su entronque con la del Estado de Nevada, vía Tahoe Lake–Reno. La línea San Francisco–Sacramento “Bay Crossing Alternative”, consta de tres trayectos: El primero de ellos “San Francisco urbano” va desde la terminal HSR “San Francisco Airport”, donde termina la alternativa “Golden Gate” de la línea Fresno–San Francisco, hasta el viaducto de acceso al Paso de la Bahía, que constituye el segundo trayecto “San Francisco–Richmond”, trayecto estrella de la red, de 15,48 Km de longitud sobre la Bahía de San Francisco, con desarrollo a través de 11,28 Km en puente colgante múltiple, con vanos de 800 m de luz y 67 m de altura libre bajo el tablero que permite la navegación en la Bahía. El tercer trayecto “Richmond–Sacramento” cruza la Bahía de San Pablo con un puente colgante de 1,6 Km de longitud y tipología similar a los múltiples de la Bahía de San Francisco, pasa por Vallejo (la por plazo breve de tiempo, antigua capital del Estado de California) y por la universitaria Davis, antes de finalmente llegar a la HSR Terminal Station de Sacramento Roseville. This article of the series “California High Speed Railway System”(CHSRS) treats on Line San Francisco–Sacramento “Bay Crossing Alternative” (BCA). This line closes the system of California high speed state railway, and connects with the line Fresno–Sacramento “Stockton Arch Alternative”, joining its alignments in the HSR Terminal of Sacramento Roseville. From this station it will be possible, in the future, to extend the Californian railway system till the Nevada railway system, vía Tahoe Lake and Reno. The BCA consists of three sections: The first one passing through San Francisco city, goes from HSR San Francisco Airport Terminal Station (where the line Fresno–San Francisco “Golden Gate Alternative” ends), up to the Viaduct access at the Bay Crossing. The second section San Francisco–Richmond, constitutes the star section of the system, with 15,48 Km length on the San Francisco Bay, where 11,28 Km in multi suspension bridge, 800 m span and 67 m gauge under panel, to allow navigation through the Bay. The third section Richmond–Sacramento crosses the San Pablo Bay through another suspension bridge of similar typology to that of San Francisco Bay crossing; pass through Vallejo (the ancient and for a short time Head of the State of California) and through Davis, university city, to arrive to the HSR Terminal Station of Sacramento Roseville.
Implantación de la Red de Alta velocidad Ferroviaria en California. Tramo Fresno-Sacramento. El presente articúlo es la cuarta parte de la serie "Alta Velocidad Ferroviaria en California (CHSRS)". Recoge la Alternativa "Stockton Arch", que el Proyecto FARWEST presenta a la prevista por la Authority (CHSRA), para la Línea HSR Fresno-Sacramento, en programación y en trazado. Éste discurre, desde la gran Terminal de Fresno (implantada en las afueras al suroeste de la ciudad) por el segmento sur del "mar interior" (que en el Terciario Superior ocupaba el actual Valle Central), hasta Stockton, y por el segmento norte, hasta Sacramento. El Paet de Ripperdan (~ pK 40) queda conectado por carretera con el PAET de Oroloma de la Línea HSR Fresno-San Francisco (Golden Gate Alternative). La última parte del trazado de la Línea HSR Fresno-Sacramento (Stockton Arch Alternative), coincide en alineación y rasante con la Línea HSR San Francisco-Sacramento (Crossing Bay Alternative) a la altura de Roseville, donde se emplaza la gran terminal norte de la red de California, desde la que se unirá ésta con la de Nevada, por Reno. This article forras the fourth part of the series entitled "High Speed Railway in California (CHSRS)". It addresses the "Stockton Arch" alternative, which the FARWESTProjectpresents in scheduling and in alignment as to that provided for by the Authority (CHSRA) for the Fresno-Sacramento HSR Line. The latter runs from the grand Fresno Terminal (located in the outskirts to the southwest ofthe city) through the south segment ofthe "inland sea" (which oceupied the current Central Valley in the Upper Tertiary) to Stockton and through the north segment to Sacramento. The Ripperdan TSAP (post ofpassing and stabling trains), — kilometer point 40, conneets with the Oroloma TSAP ofthe Fresno-San Francisco HSR Line (Golden Gate Alternative) by road. The last part of the Fresno-Sacramento HSR Line alignment (Stockton Arch Alternative), coincides in alignment and grade with the San Francisco-Sacramento HSR Line (Crossing Bay Alternative) at Roseville, where the great north terminal ofthe California network is located, from which the latter will be linked with Nevada s network through Reno.
In this work we carry out some results in sampling theory for U-invariant subspaces of a separable Hilbert space H, also called atomic subspaces. These spaces are a generalization of the well-known shift- invariant subspaces in L2 (R); here the space L2 (R) is replaced by H, and the shift operator by U. Having as data the samples of some related operators, we derive frame expansions allowing the recovery of the elements in Aa. Moreover, we include a frame perturbation-type result whenever the samples are affected with a jitter error.
Se da a conocer la existencia de un abedular relíctico en Sierra Nevada (Sur de España) en donde hasta la fecha solamente se conocía la existencia de dos ejemplares de Betula pendula subsp. fontqueri. Se aportan datos sobre la vegetación del valle del río Dúrcal, donde se encuentra este abedular, añadiendo recomendaciones para su conservación y gestión.