134 resultados para Menéndez Pidal

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The paper presents analytical methods and results for assessing the variation in the concentration of sulphate (and other ions) over space and time in groundwater flowing through a soluble evaporite terrain beneath a dam. The influence of effective porosity, groundwater flow velocity and the specific rate of dissolution (K′) are considered. The theoretical analysis was tested in a scale model simulating a dam constructed on heavily karstified bedrock. A simple and useful method for assessing how much material is lost through dissolution and how the rate of dissolution changes over time is considered in the context of the Caspe Dam, Spain.


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El trabajo desarrolla el inventario de puntos de agua cartografiados y actuales que se emplazan en las proximidades de la vía romana Augustóbriga-Uxama. El objeto es aportar posibles relaciones del trazado de la vía con el agua tanto de escorrentía como subterránea. Especial mención se hace con respecto a las aguas subterráneas aprovechadas mediante la construcción de obras públicas muy notables y relacionadas con el mundo romano en este tramo. Se valora la importancia que representan para el patrimonio arquitectónico, histórico e hidrogeológico estas obras hidráulicas denominadas menores, pero que todavía sobreviven en gran número por nuestro territorio. Se razona la necesidad de conservar estas estructuras de abastecimiento antiguas en un ámbito rural cada vez más abandonado, y donde las fuentes públicas han perdido gran parte de su utilidad inicial, pero cuyo valor cultural y científico es innegable y debiera ser divulgado y preservado. Por último, se discuten las características y el arte de captar las aguas freáticas mediante pozos-fuentes y que identifican estas obras de ingeniería romana sobre otras semejantes de épocas distintas. Finalmente se presenta la descripción y explicación hidrogeológica de las fuentes romanas del tramo de vía citado.


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The engineer must have sufficient theoretical knowledge to be applied to solve specific problems, with the necessary capacity to simplify these approaches, and taking into account factors such as speed, simplicity, quality and economy. In Geology, its ultimate goal is the exploration of the history of the geological events through observation, deduction, reasoning and, in exceptional cases by the direct underground exploration or experimentation. Experimentation is very limited in Geology. Reproduction laboratory of certain phenomena or geological processes is difficult because both time and space become a large scale. For this reason, some Earth Sciences are in a nearly descriptive stage whereas others closest to the experimental, Geophysics and Geochemistry, have assimilated progress experienced by the physics and chemistry. Thus, Anglo-Saxon countries clearly separate Engineering Geology from Geological Engineering, i.e. Applied Geology to the Geological Engineering concepts. Although there is a big professional overlap, the first one corresponds to scientific approach, while the last one corresponds to a technological one. Applied Geology to Engineering could be defined as the Science and Applied Geology to the design, construction and performance of engineering infrastructures in and field geology discipline. There has been much discussion on the primacy of theory over practice. Today prevails the exaggeration of practice, but you get good workers and routine and mediocre teachers. This idea forgets too that teaching problem is a problem of right balance. The approach of the action lines on the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework provides for such balance. Applied Geology subject represents the first real contact with the physical environment with the practice profession and works. Besides, the situation of the topic in the first trace of Study Plans for many students implies the link to other subjects and topics of the career (tunnels, dams, groundwater, roads, etc). This work analyses in depth the justification of such practical trips. It shows the criteria and methods of planning and the result which manifests itself in pupils. Once practical trips experience developed, the objective work tries to know about results and changes on student’s motivation in learning perspective. This is done regardless of the outcome of their knowledge achievements assessed properly and they are not subject to such work. For this objective, it has been designed a survey about their motivation before and after trip. Survey was made by the Unidad Docente de Geología Aplicada of the Departamento de Ingeniería y Morfología del Terreno (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). It was completely anonymous. Its objective was to collect the opinion of the student as a key agent of learning and teaching of the subject. All the work takes place under new teaching/learning criteria approach at the European framework in Higher Education. The results are exceptionally good with 90% of student’s participation and with very high scores in a number of questions as the itineraries, teachers and visited places (range of 4.5 to 4.2 in a 5 points scale). The majority of students are very satisfied (average of 4.5 in a 5 points scale).


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El conocimiento geológico, mineralógico y del funcionamiento hidrogeológico del macizo evaporítico de la margen derecha del río Jarama en Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Madrid) tiene consecuencias de geología aplicada, ya que condiciona la presencia y la generación de huecos, riesgo que es necesario conocer a la hora de plantear los estudios geotécnicos de las numerosas edificaciones que se están realizando en esta zona, y de otras obras públicas, cada vez más profundas, que es donde se sitúan las facies evaporíticas hipersolubles. También es importante considerar el peculiar comportamiento evolutivo de éstos materiales en los procesos de recarga natural concentrada y de recarga artificial, ya que la hidratación de algunas facies evaporíticas producen transformaciones mineralógicas y disoluciones que hacen generar huecos e hinchamientos que es preciso evitar en las cimentaciones de los edificios.


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En base a los datos proporcionados por los numerosos sondeos existentes, análisis químicos de los puntos de agua inventariados, y según observaciones detalladas de fenómenos de recarga natural, se establece un modelo de funcionamiento hidrogeológico de la formación yesífera que drena el arroyo del Cristo de Rivas y la laguna de la antigua cantera de yesos de Valderribas. Se constata que en el macizo la recarga se produce preferentemente de manera difusa, pero también de manera puntual a través de sumideros karstificados con una capacidad de recarga de más de 500 l/s. Se identifica un acuífero colgado condicionado por una capa de arcillas intercaladas que drenan a los manantiales de la Ermita del Santo Cristo de Rivas, y una recarga más profunda que alimenta la zona saturada regional, poco permeable, y a la que se asocian flujos de alta salinidad.


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Los recientes cambios derivados de la adopción de las directivas referentes al marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior junto con el crecimiento exponencial del uso de nuevas tecnologías TIC arrastrado por la creciente demanda profesional de perfiles profesionales con sólida formación geomática, induce a establecer metodologías de aprendizaje basadas en la integración de materias en el curriculum del perfil del ingeniero civil egresado. En este sentido son notables las aportaciones que desde la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos de la UPM se realizan en la planificación de la docencia integrando materias tales como Geología Aplicada y Técnicas de Representación Digital, organizando tutorías para el autoaprendizaje y orientando sus salidas profesionales a nivel internacional.


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There has been much discussion on the primacy of theory over practice. Today prevails the exaggeration of practice. This idea forgets too that teaching problem is a problem of right balance. The approach of the action lines on the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework provides for such balance. Applied Geology subject represents the first real contact with the physical environment with the practice profession and works. Besides, the situation of the topic in the first trace of Study Plans for many students implies the link to other subjects and topics of the career. This work analyses in depth the justification of such practical trips only on Applied Geology. This methodology could be usual in Study Plans of pure sciences career, Geology or Biology, but not in Civil Engineering like teaching method. It shows the criteria and methods of planning and the result which manifests itself in pupils. Therefore, work shows a methodology taking in account the engineering perspective, the practical point of view and the learning process inside students and their evaluation and, hence, their marks.


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Survey Engineering curricula involves the integration of many formal disciplines at a high level of proficiency. The Escuela de Ingenieros en Topografía, Cartografía y Geodesia at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Survey Engineering) has developed an intense and deep teaching on so-called Applied Land Sciences and Technologies or Land Engineering. However, new approaches are encouraged by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This fact requires a review of traditional teaching and methods. Furthermore, the new globalization and international approach gives new ways to this discipline to teach and learn about how to bridge gap between cultures and regions. This work is based in two main needs. On one hand, it is based on integration of basic knowledge and disciplines involved in typical Survey Engineering within Land Management. On the other, there is an urgent need to consider territory on a social and ethical basis, as far as a part of the society, culture, idiosyncrasy or economy. The integration of appropriate knowledge of the Land Management is typically dominated by civil engineers and urban planners. It would be very possible to integrate Survey Engineering and Cooperation for Development in the framework of Land Management disciplines. Cooperation for Development is a concept that has changed since beginning of its use until now. Development projects leave an impact on society in response to their beneficiaries and are directed towards self-sustainability. Furthermore, it is the true bridge to reduce gap between societies when differences are immeasurable. The concept of development has also been changing and nowadays it is not a purely economic concept. Education, science and technology are increasingly taking a larger role in what is meant by development. Moreover, it is commonly accepted that Universities should transfer knowledge to society, and the transfer of knowledge should be open to countries most in need for developing. If the importance of the country development is given by education, science and technology, knowledge transfer would be one of the most clear of ways of Cooperation for Development. Therefore, university cooperation is one of the most powerful tools to achieve it, placing universities as agents of development. In Spain, the role of universities as agents of development and cooperation has been largely strengthened. All about this work deals to how to implement both Cooperation for Development and Land Management within Survey Engineering at the EHEA framework.


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Se da noticia retroactiva del hallazgo en los años cincuenta del siglo pasado de una gran piedra suelta labrada con marcas y signos rupestres alfabetiformes de carácter simbólico de difícil adscripción cultural, aunque se piensa pudieran corresponder al Neolítico. En el mismo monte de Campicerrado, junto a la Fuente de La Puerca, se han encontrado tres puntas de sílex con pedúnculo y aletas del Solutrense. It gives retroactive news of finding, in the fifties of the last century, of a large loose stone hewn rupestrian markings and pseudo alphabetical signs which are symbolic (Petroglyphs) and difficult assignment culture, although it is thought may correspond to Neolithic. In the same Campicerrado mount next to the Fuente de La Puerca, were found three flint arrowheads with peduncle and fins of Solutrean period.


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A methodology is described for understanding the interaction of karstic aquifers with allogenic rivers, where little information is available. This methodology includes conventional hydrogen- ology methods tracer tests and measurements of flow into, out of and circulating within the karstic system. The method is designed to un- derstand the hydrogeological behaviour of a river in sufficient detail, given a short study pe- riod. The methodology is applied to a karstic system in Spain, obtaining useful, quantitative results for a hydrological year, such as an esti- mate of the water balance, differentiation be- tween autogenic and allogenic natural recharge, relationship and connection between the river and the aquifer, and measurements of infiltration capacity in watercourses under different hydro- logical situations. The paper deals with a useful example that could be applied to other rivers and aquifers where few data are available. It can be applied to aquifers under a natural regime and Mediterranean climate.


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En una región amplia como España se demuestra —mediante inferencias estadísticas sobre una muestra completa de 875 manantiales en los que se conoce su caudal medio y la litología de su área de alimentación y que han sido agrupados en regiones de distinta pluviometría— que la recarga media anual es una fracción fija de la precipitación media para cada litología. Se han establecido así unas tasas de recarga respecto de la precipitación para seis grupos litológicos de diferente permeabilidad: arenas, gravas y formaciones aluviales en general, 8.3%; conglomerados, 5.6%; areniscas, 7.3%; calizas y dolomías, 34.3%; margas, margocalizas, limos y arcillas, 3.3%; otras rocas, 1.3%. Teniendo en cuenta la representatividad de España, la cual tiene una gran variabilidad de litología, pluviometría, topografía, etcétera, estas tasas de recarga respecto de la precipita-ción son probablemente valores cuasi universales que pueden ser utilizados para estimar la recarga media o los recursos hídricos subterráneos medios de regiones amplias en cualquier parte del mundo, salvo en regiones especiales, como las que tienen permafrost, por ejemplo. En todo caso, estas tasas de recarga podrían ser retocadas para cada región según sus particulares características. Los datos de precipitación y litología son muy corrientes, por lo que el método puede ser ampliamente utilizado para completar balances hidráulicos.In a region as large as Spain, annual mean recharge is shown to be a fixed proportion of the mean rainfall for each lithology. This determination is based on statistical inferences from a complete sample of 875 springs for which mean flow and catchment areas are known and which have been grouped into distinct rainfall regions. Recharge rates have thus been established with respect to rainfall for six lithological groups with different permeability: sands, gravels and generally alluvial formations, 8.3%; conglomerates, 5.6%; sandstones, 7.3%; limestone and dolomite 34.3%; marls, marly limestones, silts and clays, 3.3%; and hard rocks, 1.3%. Considering the representativeness of Spain, which is large in size and has a highly varied lithology, topography and rainfall, these recharge rates for rainfall are probably quasi-universal values that can be used to estimate average recharge or average groundwater resources of large regions in any part of the world (except in special cases such as areas with permafrost, for example). For any case, these recharge rates can be adapted to each region according to its particular characteristics. Rainfall and lithology data are very common, and so the method can be widely used to calculate hydraulic balances.


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More children with different versions of speech disorders appear in Russia last decades. This situation reflects general tendency of national health deterioration. Our practical experience shows that close grownups can?t communicate to children with limited health capacity. As a result there arise social disabilities in child development. Speech communication is one of the forms of global communicative interaction process between close grownups and young child in the course of which there is a redistribution of knowledge and ignorance (Nikas Luman,2005). Within a framework of sociocultiral theory of mental growth we consider the appearance of speech communication under any cases of physical illness is possible only under conditions of correctly- organized communication between grownups and young children. (L.S. Vigotski ,2000). The special value in this aspect acquires the study of communication between grownups and young children. For five years we have been conducting the surveys on the problem of communicative contacts between parents and non-verbal children. Analysis of received data gave us the opportunity to systematize peculiar communicative interaction of adults and children who have some lapses in acquiring speech form communication. We have revealed four versions of situational- business communication between close grownups and young children with disabilities in acquiring speech. We have assumed that four versions of situational- business communication negatively affect speech form communication formation.


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Speech is the major function, emergence and which development radically changes all course of formation of the identity of the child already in the early childhood. If language and speech development in solitary born children is investigated today quite well, at twin children this process practically is not studied. Our research was carried out for the purpose of studying of an originality of mastering by speech by heterosexual children of pair of twins within communicative and pragmatist approach (T.N. Ushakov,G. V. Chirkina). Application of this approach to the analysis of process of communication at twin children allowed us to allocate those peculiar receptions and means of communication which they functionally develop in a situation of pair of twins, as allows them to show the phenomena of the speech which are not meeting at solitary born contemporaries. In this work results of supervision and research of pair of heterosexual twins of the second year of the life, carried out by a technique developed by us under the scientific guide of G. V. Chirkina


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El relieve natural de las islas volcánicas montañosas tiene profundos barrancos taludes rocosos de pronunciadas pendientes y elevados acantilados costeros. Las formaciones geológicas de origen volcánico incluyen materiales rocosos y suelos muy heterogéneos en cuanto a su disposición espacial y comportamiento geomecánico. Además, en las zonas del sur de Gran Canaria y Fuerteventura, con frecuencia las construcciones civiles y de edificación muestran altos taludes practicados en el terreno y, como resultado en diversos puntos se ven afectados por desprendimientos de rocas y deslizamientos En el presente trabajo se muestran dos casos de estudio: 1) Estudio del riesgo de desprendimientos de rocas y métodos de estabilización aplicados en el talud de Los Teques, T.M. de Mogán, sur de Gran Canaria, y 2) Estudio geológico-geotécnico para el proyecto de construcción del paseo peatonal en el acantilado costero de Morro Jable T.M. de Pájara, sur de Fuerteventura. La variación espacial de las formaciones volcamcas, su grado de soldadura y alteración variables y la dificultad de establecer familias de fracturas características, han hecho que los métodos clásicos de clasificación geomecanica resultaran poco eficaces. En estos casos, el reconocimiento geológico detallado y una estimación del comportamiento geomecánico de los materiales ha sido el método empleado para definir y evaluar las zonas inestables en los taludes y para establecer los métodos de estabilización más convenientes.


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La naturaleza intrínseca del material mantiene una estrecha relación con el tipo de inestabilidad. El trabajo recoge la experiencia en la determinación de mecanismo de deslizamientos en el área de la Sierra de Las Apretaderas, término de Alcuzcuz, en Benahavís, Málaga. La intensa urbanización de amplias áreas serranas conlleva la transformación del medio a través de la construcción de infraestructuras de comunicación y extensas áreas residenciales y la interacción de dichas construcciones con el medio provoca a menudo el desencadenamiento de siniestros relacionados con los deslizamientos de ladera en ocasiones poco sospechosos. El trabajo que se presenta recoge la experiencia de un siniestro acaecido bajo estas circunstancias y provocando numerosos daños materiales en edificaciones de lujo e infraestructuras anejas.