22 resultados para Men, masculinities and methodologies

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This paper shows the results of a research aimed to formulate a general model for supporting the implementation and management of an urban road pricing scheme. After a preliminary work, to define the state of the art in the field of sustainable urban mobility strategies, the problem has been theoretically set up in terms of transport economy, introducing the external costs’ concept duly translated into the principle of pricing for the use of public infrastructures. The research is based on the definition of a set of direct and indirect indicators to qualify the urban areas by land use, mobility, environmental and economic conditions. These indicators have been calculated for a selected set of typical urban areas in Europe on the basis of the results of a survey carried out by means of a specific questionnaire. Once identified the most typical and interesting applications of the road pricing concept in cities such as London (Congestion Charging), Milan (Ecopass), Stockholm (Congestion Tax) and Rome (ZTL), a large benchmarking exercise and the cross analysis of direct and indirect indicators, has allowed to define a simple general model, guidelines and key requirements for the implementation of a pricing scheme based traffic restriction in a generic urban area. The model has been finally applied to the design of a road pricing scheme for a particular area in Madrid, and to the quantification of the expected results of its implementation from a land use, mobility, environmental and economic perspective.


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The aim of the present study was to identify the importance of floorball tactical variables to predict ball possession effectiveness, when controlling quality of opposition and game periods. The sample was composed by 1500 ball possessions, corresponding to 14 games randomly selected from the International Championships played during 2008 and 2010 (World Championship, Four nations tournament and classificatory phases for World Championship) by teams from different competition levels (HIGH, INTERMEDIATE and LOW). The effects of the predictor variables on successful ball possessions according to the three game contexts (HIGH vs. HIGH; HIGH vs. LOW; LOW vs. LOW games) were analyzed using Binomial Logistic Regressions. The results showed no interaction with the game period. In HIGH vs. HIGH games, quality of opposition showed an association with ball possession effectiveness with ending zone, offensive system, possession duration, height of shooting and defensive pressures previous to the shot. In HIGH vs. LOW games the important factors were the starting zone, possession duration, defensive pressure previous to the last pass and to the shot, technique of shooting and the number players involved in each ball possession. Finally, in LOW vs. LOW games, the results emphasized the importance of starting and ending zones, the number of passes used and the technique of shooting. In conclusion, elite floorball performance is mainly affected by quality of opposition showing different game patterns in each context that should be considered by coaches when preparing practices and competitions.


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In the beginning of the 90s, ontology development was similar to an art: ontology developers did not have clear guidelines on how to build ontologies but only some design criteria to be followed. Work on principles, methods and methodologies, together with supporting technologies and languages, made ontology development become an engineering discipline, the so-called Ontology Engineering. Ontology Engineering refers to the set of activities that concern the ontology development process and the ontology life cycle, the methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and the tool suites and languages that support them. Thanks to the work done in the Ontology Engineering field, the development of ontologies within and between teams has increased and improved, as well as the possibility of reusing ontologies in other developments and in final applications. Currently, ontologies are widely used in (a) Knowledge Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, (b) applications related to knowledge management, natural language processing, e-commerce, intelligent information integration, information retrieval, database design and integration, bio-informatics, education, and (c) the Semantic Web, the Semantic Grid, and the Linked Data initiative. In this paper, we provide an overview of Ontology Engineering, mentioning the most outstanding and used methodologies, languages, and tools for building ontologies. In addition, we include some words on how all these elements can be used in the Linked Data initiative.


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El sector del transporte por carretera es uno de los principales contribuyentes de consumo de combustible y emisiones de España. Por lo tanto, la evaluación de los impactos ambientales del tráfico rodado es esencial para los programas de mitigación del cambio climático y la eficiencia energética. Sin embargo, uno de los retos en la planificación del transporte y el diseño de políticas consiste en la aplicación de metodologías de evaluación de emisiones consistentes, el diseño de estrategias y la evaluación de su eficacia. Las metodologías existentes de evaluación de las emisiones del transporte por carretera, utilizan diferentes niveles de análisis y períodos. Sin embargo, estos análisis son puntuales y no existe una continuidad en el análisis de diferentes estrategias o políticas. Esta tesis doctoral proporciona conocimientos y herramientas para el análisis de las políticas destinadas a reducir las emisiones de tráfico, tomando España como caso de estudio. La investigación se estructura en dos partes: i) el desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías para el análisis de factores y políticas que contribuyen en la evolución de las emisiones GEI del transporte por carretera en España; desde una perspectiva nacional; y ii) el desarrollo y aplicación de un marco metodológico para estimar las emisiones del tráfico interurbano y de evaluar estrategias centradas en la operación del tráfico y en la infraestructura. En resumen, esta tesis demuestra la idoneidad de utilizar diferentes herramientas para analizar las emisiones de tráfico desde diferentes puntos de vista. Desde el diseño de políticas de mitigación y eficiencia energética a nivel nacional, a estrategias centradas en la operación del tráfico interurbano y la infraestructura. Road transport is one of the major contributors to fuel consumption and emissions in Spain. Consequently, assessing the environmental impacts of road traffic is essential for climate change mitigation and energy efficiency programs. However, one of the key challenges of policy makers and transport planners consists of implementing consistent assessment emissions methodologies, applying mitigation strategies, and knowing their effectiveness. Current state-of-the-art emissions assessment methodologies estimate emissions from different levels and periods, using different approaches. Nevertheless, these studies are timely and they usually take different methodologies for analysing different strategies or policies, regardless of the assessment as a whole. This doctoral thesis provides knowledge and methodologies for analysing policies designed to reduce road traffic emissions, using the case study of Spain. The research procedure consists of two main scopes: i) the development and application of methodologies for analysing key factors and policies driving the GHG emissions of road transport in Spain; from a national perspective; and ii) the development and application of a road traffic emissions model for assessing operational and infrastructure strategies of the interurban road network at segment level. In summary, this thesis demonstrates the appropriateness to use different tools to analyse road traffic emissions at different levels: from appropriate nationwide mitigation and energy efficiency policies, to strategies focused on the operation of interurban traffic and infrastructure.


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Determining as accurate as possible spent nuclear fuel isotopic content is gaining importance due to its safety and economic implications. Since nowadays higher burn ups are achievable through increasing initial enrichments, more efficient burn up strategies within the reactor cores and the extension of the irradiation periods, establishing and improving computation methodologies is mandatory in order to carry out reliable criticality and isotopic prediction calculations. Several codes (WIMSD5, SERPENT 1.1.7, SCALE 6.0, MONTEBURNS 2.0 and MCNP-ACAB) and methodologies are tested here and compared to consolidated benchmarks (OECD/NEA pin cell moderated with light water) with the purpose of validating them and reviewing the state of the isotopic prediction capabilities. These preliminary comparisons will suggest what can be generally expected of these codes when applied to real problems. In the present paper, SCALE 6.0 and MONTEBURNS 2.0 are used to model the same reported geometries, material compositions and burn up history of the Spanish Van de llós II reactor cycles 7-11 and to reproduce measured isotopies after irradiation and decay times. We analyze comparisons between measurements and each code results for several grades of geometrical modelization detail, using different libraries and cross-section treatment methodologies. The power and flux normalization method implemented in MONTEBURNS 2.0 is discussed and a new normalization strategy is developed to deal with the selected and similar problems, further options are included to reproduce temperature distributions of the materials within the fuel assemblies and it is introduced a new code to automate series of simulations and manage material information between them. In order to have a realistic confidence level in the prediction of spent fuel isotopic content, we have estimated uncertainties using our MCNP-ACAB system. This depletion code, which combines the neutron transport code MCNP and the inventory code ACAB, propagates the uncertainties in the nuclide inventory assessing the potential impact of uncertainties in the basic nuclear data: cross-section, decay data and fission yields


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The dramatic impact of neurological degenerative pathologies in life quality is a growing concern. It is well known that many neurological diseases leave a fingerprint in voice and speech production. Many techniques have been designed for the detection, diagnose and monitoring the neurological disease. Most of them are costly or difficult to extend to primary attention medical services. Through the present paper it will be shown how some neurological diseases can be traced at the level of phonation. The detection procedure would be based on a simple voice test. The availability of advanced tools and methodologies to monitor the organic pathology of voice would facilitate the implantation of these tests. The paper hypothesizes that some of the underlying mechanisms affecting the production of voice produce measurable correlates in vocal fold biomechanics. A general description of the methodological foundations for the voice analysis system which can estimate correlates to the neurological disease is shown. Some study cases will be presented to illustrate the possibilities of the methodology to monitor neurological diseases by voice


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Area, launched in 1999 with the Bologna Declaration, has bestowed such a magnitude and unprecedented agility to the transformation process undertaken by European universities. However, the change has been more profound and drastic with regards to the use of new technologies both inside and outside the classroom. This article focuses on the study and analysis of the technology’s history within the university education and its impact on teachers, students and teaching methods. All the elements that have been significant and innovative throughout the history inside the teaching process have been analyzed, from the use of blackboard and chalk during lectures, the use of slide projectors and transparent slides, to the use of electronic whiteboards and Internet nowadays. The study is complemented with two types of surveys that have been performed among teachers and students during the school years 1999 - 2011 in the School of Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The pros and cons of each of the techniques and methodologies used in the learning process over the last decades are described, unfolding how they have affected the teacher, who has evolved from writing on a whiteboard to project onto a screen, the student, who has evolved from taking handwritten notes to download information or search the Internet, and the educational process, that has evolved from the lecture to acollaborative learning and project-based learning. It is unknown how the process of learning will evolve in the future, but we do know the consequences that some of the multimedia technologies are having on teachers, students and the learning process. It is our goal as teachers to keep ourselves up to date, in order to offer the student adequate technical content, while providing proper motivation through the use of new technologies. The study provides a forecast in the evolution of multimedia within the classroom and the renewal of the education process, which in our view, will set the basis for future learning process within the context of this new interactive era.


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Actualmente, la escasez de agua constituye un importante problema en muchos lugares del mundo. El crecimiento de la población, la creciente necesidad de alimentos, el desarrollo socio-económico y el cambio climático ejercen una importante y cada vez mayor presión sobre los recursos hídricos, a la que muchos países van a tener que enfrentarse en los próximos anos. La región Mediterránea es una de las regiones del mundo de mayor escasez de recursos hídricos, y es además una de las zonas más vulnerables al cambio climático. La mayoría de estudios sobre cambio climático prevén mayores temperaturas y una disminución de las precipitaciones, y una creciente escasez de agua debida a la disminución de recursos disponibles y al aumento de las demandas de riego. En el contexto actual de desarrollo de políticas se demanda cada vez más una mayor consideración del cambio climático en el marco de las políticas sectoriales. Sin embargo, los estudios enfocados a un solo sector no reflejan las múltiples dimensiones del los efectos del cambio climático. Numerosos estudios científicos han demostrado que el cambio climático es un fenómeno de naturaleza multi-dimensional y cuyos efectos se transmiten a múltiples escalas. Por tanto, es necesaria la producción de estudios y herramientas de análisis capaces de reflejar todas estas dimensiones y que contribuyan a la elaboración de políticas robustas en un contexto de cambio climático. Esta investigación pretende aportar una visión global de la problemática de la escasez de agua y los impactos, la vulnerabilidad y la adaptación al cambio climático en el contexto de la región mediterránea. La investigación presenta un marco integrado de modelización que se va ampliando progresivamente en un proceso secuencial y multi-escalar en el que en cada etapa se incorpora una nueva dimensión. La investigación consta de cuatro etapas que se abordan a lo largo de cuatro capítulos. En primer lugar, se estudia la vulnerabilidad económica de las explotaciones de regadío del Medio Guadiana, en España. Para ello, se utiliza un modelo de programación matemática en combinación con un modelo econométrico. A continuación, en la segunda etapa, se utiliza un modelo hidro-económico que incluye un modelo de cultivo para analizar los procesos que tienen lugar a escala de cultivo, explotación y cuenca teniendo en cuenta distintas escalas geográficas y de toma de decisiones. Esta herramienta permite el análisis de escenarios de cambio climático y la evaluación de posibles medidas de adaptación. La tercera fase consiste en el análisis de las barreras que dificultan la aplicación de procesos de adaptación para lo cual se analizan las redes socio-institucionales en la cuenca. Finalmente, la cuarta etapa aporta una visión sobre la escasez de agua y el cambio climático a escala nacional y regional mediante el estudio de distintos escenarios de futuro plausibles y los posibles efectos de las políticas en la escasez de agua. Para este análisis se utiliza un modelo econométrico de datos de panel para la región mediterránea y un modelo hidro-económico que se aplica a los casos de estudio de España y Jordania. Los resultados del estudio ponen de relieve la importancia de considerar múltiples escalas y múltiples dimensiones en el estudio de la gestión de los recursos hídricos y la adaptación al cambio climático en los contextos mediterráneos de escasez de agua estudiados. Los resultados muestran que los impactos del cambio climático en la cuenca del Guadiana y en el conjunto de España pueden comprometer la sostenibilidad del regadío y de los ecosistemas. El análisis a escala de cuenca hidrográfica resalta la importancia de las interacciones entre los distintos usuarios del agua y en concreto entre distintas comunidades de regantes, así como la necesidad de fortalecer el papel de las instituciones y de fomentar la creación de una visión común en la cuenca para facilitar la aplicación de los procesos de adaptación. Asimismo, los resultados de este trabajo evidencian también la capacidad y el papel fundamental de las políticas para lograr un desarrollo sostenible y la adaptación al cambio climático es regiones de escasez de agua tales como la región mediterránea. Especialmente, este trabajo pone de manifiesto el potencial de la Directiva Marco del Agua de la Unión Europea para lograr una efectiva adaptación al cambio climático. Sin embargo, en Jordania, además de la adaptación al cambio climático, es preciso diseñar estrategias de desarrollo sostenible más ambiciosas que contribuyan a reducir el riesgo futuro de escasez de agua. ABSTRACT Water scarcity is becoming a major concern in many parts of the world. Population growth, increasing needs for food production, socio-economic development and climate change represent pressures on water resources that many countries around the world will have to deal in the coming years. The Mediterranean region is one of the most water scarce regions of the world and is considered a climate change hotspot. Most projections of climate change envisage an increase in temperatures and a decrease in precipitation and a resulting reduction in water resources availability as a consequence of both reduced water availability and increased irrigation demands. Current policy development processes require the integration of climate change concerns into sectoral policies. However, sector-oriented studies often fail to address all the dimensions of climate change implications. Climate change research in the last years has evidenced the need for more integrated studies and methodologies that are capable of addressing the multi-scale and multi-dimensional nature of climate change. This research attempts to provide a comprehensive view of water scarcity and climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in Mediterranean contexts. It presents an integrated modelling framework that is progressively enlarged in a sequential multi-scale process in which a new dimension of climate change and water resources is addressed at every stage. It is comprised of four stages, each one explained in a different chapter. The first stage explores farm-level economic vulnerability in the Spanish Guadiana basin using a mathematical programming model in combination with an econometric model. Then, in a second stage, the use of a hydro-economic modelling framework that includes a crop growth model allows for the analysis of crop, farm and basin level processes taking into account different geographical and decision-making scales. This integrated tool is used for the analysis of climate change scenarios and for the assessment of potential adaptation options. The third stage includes the analysis of barriers to the effective implementation of adaptation processes based on socioinstitutional network analysis. Finally, a regional and country level perspective of water scarcity and climate change is provided focusing on different possible socio-economic development pathways and the effect of policies on future water scarcity. For this analysis, a panel-data econometric model and a hydro-economic model are applied for the analysis of the Mediterranean region and country level case studies in Spain and Jordan. The overall results of the study demonstrate the value of considering multiple scales and multiple dimensions in water management and climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean water scarce contexts analysed. Results show that climate change impacts in the Guadiana basin and in Spain may compromise the sustainability of irrigation systems and ecosystems. The analysis at the basin level highlights the prominent role of interactions between different water users and irrigation districts and the need to strengthen institutional capacity and common understanding in the basin to enhance the implementation of adaptation processes. The results of this research also illustrate the relevance of water policies in achieving sustainable development and climate change adaptation in water scarce areas such as the Mediterranean region. Specifically, the EU Water Framework Directive emerges as a powerful trigger for climate change adaptation. However, in Jordan, outreaching sustainable development strategies are required in addition to climate change adaptation to reduce future risk of water scarcity.


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La actividad volcánica interviene en multitud de facetas de la propia actividad humana, no siempre negativas. Sin embargo, son más los motivos de peligrosidad y riesgo que incitan al estudio de la actividad volcánica. Existen razones de seguridad que inciden en el mantenimiento del seguimiento y monitorización de la actividad volcánica para garantizar la vida y la seguridad de los asentamientos antrópicos en las proximidades de los edificios volcánicos. En esta tesis se define e implementa un sistema de monitorización de movimientos de la corteza en las islas de Tenerife y La Palma, donde el impacto social que representa un aumento o variación de la actividad volcánica en las islas es muy severo. Aparte de la alta densidad demográfica del Archipiélago, esta población aumenta significativamente, en diferentes periodos a lo largo del año, debido a la actividad turística que representa la mayor fuente de ingresos de las islas. La población y los centros turísticos se diseminan predominantemente a lo largo de las costas y también a lo largo de los flancos de los edificios volcánicos. Quizá el mantenimiento de estas estructuras sociales y socio-económicas son los motivos más importantes que justifican una monitorización de la actividad volcánica en las Islas Canarias. Recientemente se ha venido trabajando cada vez más en el intento de predecir la actividad volcánica utilizando los nuevos sistemas de monitorización geodésica, puesto que la actividad volcánica se manifiesta anteriormente por deformación de la corteza terrestre y cambios en la fuerza de la gravedad en la zona donde más tarde se registran eventos volcánicos. Los nuevos dispositivos y sensores que se han desarrollado en los últimos años en materias como la geodesia, la observación de la Tierra desde el espacio y el posicionamiento por satélite, han permitido observar y medir tanto la deformación producida en el terreno como los cambios de la fuerza de la gravedad antes, durante y posteriormente a los eventos volcánicos que se producen. Estos nuevos dispositivos y sensores han cambiado las técnicas o metodologías geodésicas que se venían utilizando hasta la aparición de los mismos, renovando métodos clásicos y desarrollando otros nuevos que ya se están afianzando como metodologías probadas y reconocidas para ser usadas en la monitorización volcánica. Desde finales de la década de los noventa del siglo pasado se han venido desarrollando en las Islas Canarias varios proyectos que han tenido como objetivos principales el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de observación y monitorización por un lado y el diseño de una metodología de monitorización volcánica adecuada, por otro. Se presenta aquí el estudio y desarrollo de técnicas GNSS para la monitorización de deformaciones corticales y su campo de velocidades para las islas de Tenerife y La Palma. En su implementación, se ha tenido en cuenta el uso de la infraestructura geodésica y de monitorización existente en el archipiélago a fin de optimizar costes, además de complementarla con nuevas estaciones para dar una cobertura total a las dos islas. Los resultados obtenidos en los proyectos, que se describen en esta memoria, han dado nuevas perspectivas en la monitorización geodésica de la actividad volcánica y nuevas zonas de interés que anteriormente no se conocían en el entorno de las Islas Canarias. Se ha tenido especial cuidado en el tratamiento y propagación de los errores durante todo el proceso de observación, medida y proceso de los datos registrados, todo ello en aras de cuantificar el grado de fiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos. También en este sentido, los resultados obtenidos han sido verificados con otros procedentes de sistemas de observación radar de satélite, incorporando además a este estudio las implicaciones que el uso conjunto de tecnologías radar y GNSS tendrán en un futuro en la monitorización de deformaciones de la corteza terrestre. ABSTRACT Volcanic activity occurs in many aspects of human activity, and not always in a negative manner. Nonetheless, research into volcanic activity is more likely to be motivated by its danger and risk. There are security reasons that influence the monitoring of volcanic activity in order to guarantee the life and safety of human settlements near volcanic edifices. This thesis defines and implements a monitoring system of movements in the Earth’s crust in the islands of Tenerife and La Palma, where the social impact of an increase (or variation) of volcanic activity is very severe. Aside from the high demographic density of the archipelago, the population increases significantly in different periods throughout the year due to tourism, which represents a major source of revenue for the islands. The population and the tourist centres are mainly spread along the coasts and also along the flanks of the volcanic edifices. Perhaps the preservation of these social and socio-economic structures is the most important reason that justifies monitoring volcanic activity in the Canary Islands. Recently more and more work has been done with the intention of predicting volcanic activity, using new geodesic monitoring systems, since volcanic activity is evident prior to eruption because of a deformation of the Earth’s crust and changes in the force of gravity in the zone where volcanic events will later be recorded. The new devices and sensors that have been developed in recent years in areas such as geodesy, the observation of the Earth from space, and satellite positioning have allowed us to observe and measure the deformation produced in the Earth as well as the changes in the force of gravity before, during, and after the volcanic events occur. The new devices and sensors have changed the geodetic techniques and methodologies that were used previously. The classic methods have been renovated and other newer ones developed that are now vouched for as proven recognised methodologies to be used for volcanic monitoring. Since the end of the 1990s, in the Canary Islands various projects have been developed whose principal aim has been the development of new observation and monitoring techniques on the one hand, and the design of an appropriate volcanic monitoring methodology on the other. The study and development of GNSS techniques for the monitoring of crustal deformations and their velocity field is presented here. To carry out the study, the use of geodetic infrastructure and existing monitoring in the archipelago have been taken into account in order to optimise costs, besides complementing it with new stations for total coverage on both islands. The results obtained in the projects, which are described below, have produced new perspectives in the geodetic monitoring of volcanic activity and new zones of interest which previously were unknown in the environment of the Canary Islands. Special care has been taken with the treatment and propagation of errors during the entire process of observing, measuring, and processing the recorded data. All of this was done in order to quantify the degree of trustworthiness of the results obtained. Also in this sense, the results obtained have been verified with others from satellite radar observation systems, incorporating as well in this study the implications that the joint use of radar technologies and GNSS will have for the future of monitoring deformations in the Earth’s crust.


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Spatial Data Infrastructures have become a methodological and technological benchmark enabling distributed access to historical-cartographic archives. However, it is essential to offer enhanced virtual tools that imitate the current processes and methodologies that are carried out by librarians, historians and academics in the existing map libraries around the world. These virtual processes must be supported by a generic framework for managing, querying, and accessing distributed georeferenced resources and other content types such as scientific data or information. The authors have designed and developed support tools to provide enriched browsing, measurement and geometrical analysis capabilities, and dynamical querying methods, based on SDI foundations. The DIGMAP engine and the IBERCARTO collection enable access to georeferenced historical-cartographical archives. Based on lessons learned from the CartoVIRTUAL and DynCoopNet projects, a generic service architecture scheme is proposed. This way, it is possible to achieve the integration of virtual map rooms and SDI technologies bringing support to researchers within the historical and social domains.


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Accurate control over the spent nuclear fuel content is essential for its safe and optimized transportation, storage and management. Consequently, the reactivity of spent fuel and its isotopic content must be accurately determined. Nowadays, to predict isotopic evolution throughout irradiation and decay periods is not a problem thanks to the development of powerful codes and methodologies. In order to have a realistic confidence level in the prediction of spent fuel isotopic content, it is desirable to determine how uncertainties in the basic nuclear data affect isotopic prediction calculations by quantifying their associated uncertainties


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The accurate prediction of the spent nuclear fuel content is essential for its safe and optimized transportation, storage and management. This isotopic evolution can be predicted using powerful codes and methodologies throughout irradiation as well as cooling time periods. However, in order to have a realistic confidence level in the prediction of spent fuel isotopic content, it is desirable to determine how uncertainties affect isotopic prediction calculations by quantifying their associated uncertainties.


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It is well known that many neurological diseases leave a fingerprint in voice and speech production. The dramatic impact of these pathologies in life quality is a growing concert. Many techniques have been designed for the detection, diagnose and monitoring the neurological disease. Most of them are costly or difficult to extend to primary services. The present paper shows that some neurological diseases can be traced a the level of voice production. The detection procedure would be based on a simple voice test. The availability of advanced tools and methodologies to monitor the organic pathology of voice would facilitate the implantation of these tests. The paper hypothesizes some of the underlying mechanisms affecting the production of voice and presents a general description of the methodological foundations for the voice analysis system which can estimate correlates to the neurological disease. A case of study is presented from spasmodic dysphonia to illustrate the possibilities of the methodology to monitor other neurological problems as well.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral trata sobre la caracterización acústica de los ecosistemas naturales y la evaluación del impacto ambiental del ruido antropogénico sobre sus potenciales receptores en estos lugares, incluidos los receptores no humanos y sus efectos ecológicos, además, analiza las implicaciones para su gestión a distintas escalas y se lleva a cabo una valoración económica. Este trabajo ofrece soluciones para caracterizar los paisajes sonoros de forma compatible con distintas escalas de trabajo, nivel de esfuerzo técnico y en contextos de recursos limitados que haga viable su tratamiento como cualquier otra variable ambiental en el ámbito de la conservación y gestión del medio natural. Se han adaptado herramientas y metodologías propias de disciplinas como la acústica ambiental, bioacústica y ecología del paisaje, para servir a los objetivos específicos de la evaluación y gestión de los paisajes sonoros y el ruido ambiental en amplias extensiones geográficas. Se ha establecido un método general de muestreo sistemático para trabajo de campo y también se han adaptado métodos de modelización informática, que permiten analizar escenarios sonoros dinámicos en el tiempo y en el espacio, desde localizaciones puntuales hasta la escala del paisaje. Es posible elaborar cartografía ambiental con esta información y se ha representado gráficamente la zona de influencia de distintas fuentes de ruido sobre la calidad de distintos hábitats faunísticos. Se recomienda el uso del indicador del nivel de presión sonora equivalente (Leq) por su operatividad en medición y modelización, y su adaptabilidad a cualquier dimensión espacial y temporal que se requiera, por ejemplo en función del paisaje, actividades o especies que se establezcan como objeto de análisis. Se ha comprobado que las voces y conversaciones de parte de los excursionistas en zonas de reposo, observación y descanso (Laguna Grande de Peñalara) es la fuente de ruido que con mayor frecuencia identifican los propios visitantes (51%) y causa un incremento del nivel de presión sonora equivalente de unos 4,5 dBA sobre el nivel correspondiente al ambiente natural (Lnat). También se ha comprobado que carreteras con bajo nivel de tráfico (IMD<1000) pueden causar estrés fisiológico sobre la fauna y afectar a la calidad de sus hábitats. La isófona de 30 dBA del índice Leq (24h) permite dividir a los corzos de la zona de estudio en dos grupos con diferente nivel de estrés fisiológico, más elevado en los que se sitúan más cerca de la carretera con mayor volumen de tráfico y se expone a mayores niveles de ruido. Por otro lado, ha sido posible delimitar una zona de exclusión para la nidificación de buitre negro alrededor de las carreteras, coincidente con la isófona Leq (24h) de 40 dBA que afecta al 11% de su hábitat potencial. Además se ha llevado a cabo una novedosa valoración económica de la contaminación acústica en espacios naturales protegidos, mediante el análisis de la experiencia sonora de los visitantes del antiguo Parque Natural de Peñalara, y se ha constatado su disposición al pago de una entrada de acceso a estos lugares (aproximadamente 1 euro) si redundara en una mejora de su estado de conservación. En conclusión, los espacios naturales protegidos pueden sufrir un impacto ambiental significativo causado por fuentes de ruido localizadas en su interior pero también lejanas a ellos, que se sitúan fuera del ámbito de competencias de sus gestores. Sucesos sonoros como el sobrevuelo de aviones pueden incrementar en aproximadamente 8 dBA el nivel de referencia Lnat en las zonas tranquilas del parque. Se recomienda llevar a cabo una gestión activa del medio ambiente sonoro y se considera necesario extender la investigación sobre los efectos ecológicos del ruido ambiental a otros lugares y especies animales. ABSTRACT This PhD Thesis deals with acoustic characterization of natural ecosystems and anthropogenic noise impact assessment on potential receivers, including non-human receivers and their ecological effects. Besides, its management implications at different scales are analyzed and an economic valuation is performed. This study provides solutions for characterizing soundscapes in a compatible way with different working scales, level of technical effort and in a context of limited resources, so its treatment becomes feasible as for any other environmental variable in conservation and environmental management. Several tools and methodologies have been adapted from a variety of disciplines such as environmental acoustics, bioacoustics and landscape ecology, to better serve the specific goals of assessing and managing soundscapes and environmental noise in large areas. A procedure has been established for systematic field measurement surveys and noise common computer modelling methods have also been adapted in order to analyze dynamic soundscapes across time and space, from local to landscape scales. It is possible to create specific thematic cartography as for instance delimiting potential influence zone from different noise sources on animal habitats quality. Use of equivalent continuous sound pressure level index (Leq) is recommended because it provides great flexibility in operation for noise measurement and modelling, and because of its adaptability to any required temporal and spatial dimension, for instance landscape, activities or the target species established as study subjects. It has been found that human voices and conversations in a resting and contemplation area (Laguna Grande de Peñalara) is the most frequently referred noise source by national park visitors (51 %) when asked. Human voices alter this recreational area by increasing the sound pressure level approximately 4.5 dBA over the natural ambient level (Lnat). It has also been found that low traffic roads (AADT<1000 ) may cause physiological stress on wildlife and affect the quality of their habitats. It has also been possible to define a road-effect zone by noise mapping, which suggests an effective habitat loss within the Leq (24h) 30 dBA isophone in case of Roe deer and also divide the study area in two groups with different physiological stress level, higher for those exposed to higher noise levels and traffic volume. On the other hand, it has been possible to determine an exclusion area for Cinereous vulture nesting surrounding roads which is coincident with the Leq (24h) 40 dBA isophone and affects 11 % of the vulture potential habitat. It has also been performed an economic estimation of noise pollution impact on visitors’ perception and results showed that visitors would be willing to pay an entrance fee of approximately 1 euro if such payment is really bringing an improvement of the conservation status. In conclusion, protected areas may be significantly affected by anthropogenic noise sources located within the park borders but perturbations may also be caused by large-distance noise sources outside the park managers’ jurisdiction. Aircraft overflight events disrupted quietness and caused Leq increases of almost 8 dBA during a monitoring period with respect to Lnat reference levels in the park quiet areas. It is recommended to actively manage the acoustic environment. Finally, further research on ecological impacts of environmental noise needs to be extended to other species and places.


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Hace no más de una década que empezó a escucharse el término biología sintética. Este área de estudio emergente consiste en la ingeniería y programación de sistemas biológicos, tratando la biología como una tecnología programable a la que aplican los principios y metodologías de la ingeniería, con el fin de crear nuevas funcionalidades genéticas desde cero, procurando asÍ algún beneficio como por ejemplo, programar células bacterianas para producir biocombustibles. Sin embargo, para la creación de dichas funcionalidades es necesario conocer bien al organismo sobre el que se van a implantar. Por este motivo, los biólogos sintéticos emplean bacterias en sus estudios, ya que es la forma de vida más simple, está presente en prácticamente todos los nichos ecológicos, desempeña algunas de las funcionalidades vitales para los humanos y lo mas importante, se conoce prácticamente todo su material genético. Los experimentos son costosos en tiempo y dinero, siendo necesaria la ayuda de herramientas que faciliten esta labor, los simuladores. En PLASWIRES, proyecto europeo de biología sintética en el que se engloba este este trabajo, el simulador empleado es GRO. Sin embargo, en GRO el crecimiento de las bacterias ocurre de forma exponencial y sin restricciones, generando comportamientos poco realistas. Por ello, se ha considerado relevante en biología sintética, y en el simulador GRO en particular, disponer de un modelo de crecimiento bacteriano dependiente de los nutrientes. El desarrollo de este trabajo se centra en la implementación de un módulo de consumo de nutrientes en colonias de bacterias simuladas con GRO, introduciendo así la limitación de nutrientes y evitanto que las bacterias crezcan exponencialmente. Se han introducido nutrientes en el medio y la capacidad de consumirlos, con el objetivo de obtener un crecimiento ajustado al que ocurre en la naturaleza. Además, se ha desarrollado en GRO una nueva función de adquisición de volumen, que condiciona el volumen adquirido por cada bacteria en función de los nutrientes. La implentación de las dos aportaciones presentadas ha supuesto la adición de funcionalidad extra a GRO, convirtiéndolo en el único simulador de bacterias que tiene en cuenta el crecimiento bacteriano dependiente de nutrientes.---ABSTRACT---It has been in this last decade that the synthetic biology term began to be heard. This emergent area of study consists in the engineering and programming of biological systems, dealing with biology as a programable technology in which the engineering principles and methodologies are applied in order to create novel genetic functinalities from scratch, obtaining some advatages such as programmed bacteria in order to produce biofuels. However, to create this functionalities, it is necessary to know well the organisms in which they are going to be implemented. For this reason, synthetic biology researchers use bacteria, because it is the simplest life form, it can be found in almost all the ecological niche, it does some vital function to humans and, most important, almost all of its genetic information is known. Experiments are expensive in time and money, making it necessary to use tools to ease this task: the simulators. In PLASWIRES, the european synthetic biology project in which this work is included, the simulator used is GRO. However, the bacterial growth in GRO is exponential and it does not have restrictions, generating unrealistic behaviours. Therefore, it has been considered relevant in synthetic biology, and in a particular way in GRO, to provide a bacterial growth model dependent on nutrient. This work focuses on the implementation of a nutrient consumption module in bacteria colonies simulated with GRO, introducing a nuntrient limitation and avoiding the bacteria exponential growth. The module introduces nutrients and the capacity for bacteria to consume them, aiming to obtain realistic growth simulations that fit the observations made in nature. Moreover, an adquisition volumen function has been developed in GRO, determining the volumen depending on nutrients. This two contributions make GRO the only bacteria simulator that computes growth depending on nutrients