5 resultados para MUSCULAR CONTRACTION
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A (LGMD2A) is a recessive genetic disorder caused by mutations in calpain 3 (CAPN3). Calpain 3 plays different roles in muscular cells, but little is known about its functions or in vivo substrates. The aim of this study was to identify the genes showing an altered expression in LGMD2A patients and the possible pathways they are implicated in. Ten muscle samples from LGMD2A patients with in which molecular diagnosis was ascertained were investigated using array technology to analyze gene expression profiling as compared to ten normal muscle samples. Upregulated genes were mostly those related to extracellular matrix (different collagens), cell adhesion (fibronectin), muscle development (myosins and melusin) and signal transduction. It is therefore suggested that different proteins located or participating in the costameric region are implicated in processes regulated by calpain 3 during skeletal muscle development. Genes participating in the ubiquitin proteasome degradation pathway were found to be deregulated in LGMD2A patients, suggesting that regulation of this pathway may be under the control of calpain 3 activity. As frizzled-related protein (FRZB) is upregulated in LGMD2A muscle samples, it could be hypothesized that β-catenin regulation is also altered at the Wnt signaling pathway, leading to an incorrect myogenesis. Conversely, expression of most transcription factor genes was downregulated (MYC, FOS and EGR1). Finally, the upregulation of IL-32 and immunoglobulin genes may induce the eosinophil chemoattraction explaining the inflammatory findings observed in presymptomatic stages. The obtained results try to shed some light on identification of novel therapeutic targets for limb-girdle muscular dystrophies
En el fútbol profesional, la exigencia a la que están sometidos los deportistas y su perseverancia para aumentar el rendimiento ha incrementado considerablemente la incidencia de lesiones. En concreto, son especialmente frecuentes las lesiones musculares. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el estudio y análisis del protocolo aplicado a un jugador de fútbol profesional de la Primera División Española quien sufre una lesión muscular durante la temporada 2011/2012. Desde el momento en que se produce la lesión se inicia un trabajo paralelo de tratamiento, rehabilitación y readaptación del deportista a la competición. En este proceso interviene un grupo de profesionales especializados en diferentes áreas interrelacionadas dentro de las ciencias del deporte que componen un equipo de trabajo multidisciplinar, destacando la figura del preparador físico en su papel de readaptador. Se estudian las técnicas empleadas para la recuperación funcional y reentrenamiento al esfuerzo antes de la reincorporación progresiva a los entrenamientos, analizando con especial atención los métodos y protocolos empleados por el readaptador en todas las fases de la temporada, tanto a nivel preventivo como terapéutico.
The contraction of the actomyosin cytoskeleton, which is produced by the sliding of myosin II along actin filaments, drives important cellular activities such as cytokinesis and cell migration. To explain the contraction velocities observed in such physiological processes, we have studied the contraction of intact cytoskeletons of Dictyostelium discoideum cells after removing the plasma membrane using Triton X-100. The technique developed in this work allows for the quantitative measurement of contraction rates of individual cytoskeletons. The relationship of the contraction rates with forces was analyzed using three different myosins with different in vitro sliding velocities. The cytoskeletons containing these myosins were always contractile and the contraction rate was correlated with the sliding velocity of the myosins. However, the values of the contraction rate were two to three orders of magnitude slower than expected from the in vitro sliding velocities of the myosins, presumably due to internal and external resistive forces. The contraction process also depended on actin cross-linking proteins. The lack of α-actinin increased the contraction rate 2-fold and reduced the capacity of the cytoskeleton to retain internal materials, while the lack of filamin resulted in the ATP-dependent disruption of the cytoskeleton. Interestingly, the myosin-dependent contraction rate of intact contractile rings is also reportedly much slower than the in vitro sliding velocity of myosin, and is similar to the contraction rates of cytoskeletons (different by only 2–3 fold), suggesting that the contraction of intact cells and cytoskeletons is limited by common mechanisms.
El trabajo pretende mostrar la planificación, programación y periodización de un programa de entrenamiento para el desarrollo de la hipertrofia muscular en un jugador de baloncesto en postemporada. El objeto para el desarrollo de esta propuesta teórica es un jugador con un perfil joven, cuya experiencia en la liga ACB de baloncesto es de aproximadamente un año. El objetivo para este jugador es la ganancia de masa muscular durante la postemporada, es decir, durante el periodo comprendido entre el final de una temporada y el comienzo de la pretemporada de la temporada siguiente.
Introducción: La incidencia lesional en el fútbol está muy documentada. Dentro de todas las lesiones, las musculares son las que presentan mayor incidencia, dentro de ellas, las que se refieren al aductor medio, ocupan el segundo lugar, sólo por detrás de las lesiones en los isquiotibiales. Objetivo: diseñar y aplicar un programa de readaptación para una rotura muscular de grado II en el aductor mediano, asegurando la completa recuperación del jugador y evitando posibles recidivas futuras.