37 resultados para Luis Felipe, Duque de Orleans, 1773-ca. 1848

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this paper the very first geochemical and isotopic data related to surface and spring waters and dissolved gases in the area of Hontomín–Huermeces (Burgos, Spain) are presented and discussed. Hontomín–Huermeces has been selected as a pilot site for the injection of pure (>99%) CO2. Injection and monitoring wells are planned to be drilled close to 6 oil wells completed in the 1980s for which detailed stratigraphical logs are available, indicating the presence of a confined saline aquifer at the depth of about 1500 m into which less than 100,000 tons of iquid CO2 will be injected, possibly starting in 2013. The chemical and features of the spring waters suggest that they are related to a shallow hydrogeological system as the concentration of the Total Dissolved Solids approaches 800 mg/L with a Ca2+(Mg2+)-HCO3− composition, similar to that of the surface waters. This is also supported by the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratios that have values lying between those of the Global and the Mediterranean Meteoric Water Lines. Some spring waters close to the oil wells are haracterized by relatively high concentrations of NO3− (up to 123 mg/L), unequivocally suggesting an anthropogenic source that adds to the main water–rock interaction processes. The latter can be referred to Ca-Mg-carbonate and, at a minor extent, Al-silicate dissolution, being the outcropping sedimentary rocks characterized by Palaeozoic to Quaternary rocks. Anomalous concentrations of Cl−, SO42−, As, B and Ba were measured in two springs discharging a few hundred meters from the oil wells and in the Rio Ubierna. These contents are significantly higher than those of the whole set of the studied waters and are possibly indicative of mixing processes, although at very low extent, between deep and shallow aquifers. No evidence of deep-seated gases interacting with the Hontomín–Huermeces waters was recognized in the chemistry of the disolved gases. This is likely due to the fact that they are mainly characterized by an atmospheric source as highlighted by the high contents of N2, O2 and Ar and by N2/Ar ratios that approach that of ASW (Air Saturated Water) and possibly masking any contribution related to a deep source. Nevertheless, significant concentrations (up to 63% by vol.) of isotopically negative CO2 (<−17.7‰ V-PDB) were found in some water samples, likely related to a biogenic source. The geochemical and isotopic data of this work are of particular importance when a monitoring program will be established to verify whether CO2 leakages, induced by the injection of this greenhouse gas, may be affecting the quality of the waters in the shallow hydrological circuits at Hontomín–Huermeces. In this respect, carbonate chemistry, the isotopic carbon of dissolved CO2 and TDIC (Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon) and selected trace elements can be considered as useful parameters to trace the migration of the injected CO2 into near-surface environments.


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In this study, the very first geochemical and isotopic data related to surface and spring waters and dissolved gases in the area of Hontomín-Huermeces (Burgos, Spain) are presented and discussed. Hontomín-Huermeces was selected as a pilot site for the injection of pure (>99 %) CO2. Injection and monitoring wells are planned to be drilled close to 6 oil wells completed in the 1980’s. Stratigraphical logs indicate the presence of a confined saline aquifer at the depth of about 1,500 m into which less than 100,000 tons of liquid CO2 will be injected, possibly starting in 2013. The chemical and isotopic features of the spring waters suggest the occurrence of a shallow aquifer having a Ca2+(Mg2+)-HCO3- composition, relatively low salinity (Total Dissolved Solids _800 mg/L) and a meteoric isotopic signature. Some spring waters close to the oil wells are characterized by relatively high concentrations of NO3- (up to 123 mg/L), unequivocally indicating anthropogenic contamination that adds to the main water-rock interaction processes. The latter can be referred to Ca-Mg-carbonate and, at a minor extent, Al-silicate dissolution, being the outcropping sedimentary rocks characterized by Palaeozoic to Quaternary rocks. Anomalous concentrations of Cl-, SO42-, As, B and Ba were measured in two springs discharging a few hundreds meters from the oil wells and in the Rio Ubierna, possibly indicative of mixing processes, although at very low extent, between deep and shallow aquifers. Gases dissolved in spring waters show relatively high concentrations of atmospheric species, such as N2, O2 and Ar, and isotopically negative CO2 (<-17.7 h V-PDB), likely related to a biogenic source, possibly masking any contribution related to a deep source. The geochemical and isotopic data of this study are of particular importance when a monitoring program will be established to verify whether CO2 leakages, induced by the injection of this greenhouse gas, may affect the quality of the waters of the shallow Hontomín-Huermeces hydrological circuit. In this respect, carbonate chemistry, the isotopic carbon of dissolved CO2 and TDIC (Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon) and selected trace elements can be considered as useful parameters to trace the migration of the injected CO2 into near-surface environments.


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Este trabajo está encuadrado en la tercera fase del proyecto "Arqueología Industrial: Patrimonio Minero-Metalúrgico madrileño", subvencionado por la Comunidad de Madrid. Se trata del inventario de antiguos hornos de fabricación de cal, existentes en localidades de la Sierra Norte (Lozoya). La fabricación de cal por medios artesanales tuvo una cierta importancia en el Alto Valle del Lozoya, sobre todo con vistas a su utilización para encalar las fachadas de las casas o como desinfectante. Se trabajaba en grupos reducidos, comercializándose en otros pueblos cercanos.


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Madrid has a long and vast quarring tradition and this is why we think a Stone Museum is needed. At the moment, only have a few monuments to the stone's cutter are erected and we only have been able to recover only some traditions. The european experience in this field, wich is present in this paper, explains the necessity and significance of organizing something alike in Madrid. The study of this patrimony has been carried out inside the wider frame of the Mining Heritage, a project promoved by Madrid Comunity.


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La recuperación del Patrimonio Minero-Metalúrgico es una nueva y, a la vez, apasionante iniciativa que, ya de práctica común en el resto de Europa, está alcanzando una creciente importancia en nuestro país, como lo demuestra el hecho que en la última Feria Internacional del Turismo (FITUR'98), se ofertaran más de 20 iniciativas turísticas directamente relacionadas con el mundo de la minería


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From the Englightenment to the middle of the 19th century, geological time and the antiquity of human beings received ever growing attention. This was caused by a series of events, such as: *the beginnings of experimentation in Geology (Buffon, 1778) *the development of the transformism (Lamarck, 1809) *the recognition and description of extinct animals (Cuvier, 1812) *as well as the studies made in alluvial deposits, caves and gravel beds, with brought to light artefacts, human rest and bone of extinguished animals (from John Frere, 1797, to Albert Gaudry, 1859). The development towards evolutionism (Darwin, 1859) came gradually. In Spain, all these currents found their echo: Spain, e.g. was the third country where the Palaeolithic remains were discovered (Verneuil and Lartet, 1863). Also the Darwin ideas were introduced forcefully, right from the beginning. But the change in worldview, which was prerequisite to these ideas, lead to polemic controversies in the political and religious realm. The most significant evidence was the official prohibition of the teaching Darwinism in public educational centres (1875). At theological level, thanks to the advance of the geologic knowledge, went leaving the literal interpretations of Biblical texts was eventually discontinued and replaced by more liberal interpretation. In some case, the process was difficult because some political, religious and scientific authors and researchers didn’t understand the new scientific ideas.


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Las ruinas de una mina de magnesita, localizada en el Puerto de la Cruz Verde, próxima a Zarzalejo y al Monasterio de El Escorial, es el objeto de este trabajo. Los edificios auxiliares, el transformador y las bocaminas se hallan en buen estado de conservación. Todo esto hace que sea necesario un proyecto de protección y restauración, dado el interés cultural y paisajístico que tiene este enclave


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Las minas de Almadén fueron explotadas ya con probabilidad por los celtas y sin duda por fenicios y romanos; por tanto, cuentan con más de dos mil años de antigüedad. Estas explotaciones han producido un tercio del mercurio mundial, generando innumerables beneficios para la nación española. El principal consumo histórico del azogue fue para su aplicación en los procesos de amalgamación, que permitieron la explotación, durante la época colonial, de muchos yacimientos de oro y plata iberoamericanos, aun con bajas leyes. Ahora, agotados los criaderos, toca la clausura de las labores. Pero este cierre no puede suponer dar un carpetazo a la historia de España: hay que conservar la memoria del lugar mediante la musealización de las minas. Varios centenares de personas en el Mundo han firmado un manifiesto para que esto se haga así porque Almadén es un Monumento del Arte de la Minería, Patrimonio Histórico Industrial y Tecnológico que debe preservarse.


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Kutná Hora está relativamente cerca de Praga y está incluida dentro de los circuitos turísticos habituales de la capital. La ciudad minera medieval de Kutná Hora, con su casco histórico, catedral de Santa Bárbara y monasterio cisterciense de Sedlce, fue considerada por la UNESCO como Patrimonio Mundial, en 1995. En ella existe un importante legado histórico-minero. Las ricas minas medievales de plata y la acuñación de una moneda de prestigio en Europa, el gross praguense (“groschen” en lengua germánica), hicieron famosa a esta ciudad, que se convirtió en la segunda población de Bohemia en importancia tras Praga


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Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN) is carrying out a project of geological storage of CO2, where CO2 injection tests are planned in saline aquifers at a depth of 1500 m for scientific objectives and project demonstration. Before any CO2 is stored, it is necessary to determine the baseline flux of CO2 in order to detect potential leakage during injection and post-injection monitoring. In November 2009 diffuse flux measurements of CO2 using an accumulationchamber were made in the area selected by CIUDEN for geological storage, located in Hontomin province of Burgos (Spain). This paper presents the tests carried out in order to establish the optimum sampling methodology and the geostatistical analyses performed to determine the range, with which future field campaigns will be planned.


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Madrid es una provincia minera con más de cien explotaciones en activo (rocas ornamentales y de construcción, áridos naturales y de machaqueo, arcillas comunes y especiales, yeso, caliza, cal, sulfato sódico, etc.). Ya no se explotan minas metálicas como en el pasado, aunque en la sierra hubo más de un centenar de labores. Las últimas desaparecieron a finales del siglo xx. También hubo importantes salinas, fábricas de vidrio y otras industrias minero-metalúrgicas


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El presente proyecto trata de un estudio de las distintas técnicas de monitorización superficial para la caracterización de fugas en un análogo natural. Tiene como objetivo la extrapolación de los resultados a un sistema de almacenamiento geológico de CO2. Para ello, se realizaron medidas en el área del análogo y sus alrededores para analizar la capacidad de detección de fuga de cada instrumento. A partir de esas mediciones y de las propiedades técnicas y económicas de cada método de monitorización, se determinó cuáles son los más recomendables para utilizar en una campaña inicial, de investigación o de seguimiento de caracterización superficial de un futuro sistema de almacenamiento. ABSTRACT This project is about the study of the different types of superficial monitoring techniques for the leakage characterization in a natural analogue. It aims to extrapolate the results to a geological storage system of CO2. For that purpose, measurements were made in the surrounding area of the analogue to analyze the ability of each leak detection instrument. From these measurements and the technical-economics features of each monitoring method, we established what are the most suitable for use in an initial, research or follow-up campaign of surface characterization of a future storage system.


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A geochemical model of an urban environment is presented in which multielemental tracers are used to characterise the circulation of trace elements in particulate matter_atmospheric aerosol, street dust and urban soil, within a city.


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The 15th International Geological Congress was held in South Africa in 1929. Many interesting issues were tackled, thanks to the development of geophysical techniques, ideas about magmatic differentiation, and the origin of the Karroo System, among others. The importance of the Congress from the point of view of the history of geology lies in the fact that an ‘inflection point’ occurred as regards thinking about the continental drift theory that had been proposed by Wegener a few years earlier. It can be said that the contributions of Du Toit allowed a deepening in the theoretical bases of this scientific hypothesis, which celebrated its first hundred years in 2012.


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CO2 capture and storage (CCS) projects are presently developed to reduce the emission of anthropogenic CO2 into the atmosphere. CCS technologies are expected to account for the 20% of the CO2 reduction by 2050. One of the main concerns of CCS is whether CO2 may remain confined within the geological formation into which it is injected since post-injection CO2 migration in the time scale of years, decades and centuries is not well understood. Theoretically, CO2 can be retained at depth i) as a supercritical fluid (physical trapping), ii) as a fluid slowly migrating in an aquifer due to long flow path (hydrodynamic trapping), iii) dissolved into ground waters (solubility trapping) and iv) precipitated secondary carbonates. Carbon dioxide will be injected in the near future (2012) at Hontomín (Burgos, Spain) in the frame of the Compostilla EEPR project, led by the Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN). In order to detect leakage in the operational stage, a pre-injection geochemical baseline is presently being developed. In this work a geochemical monitoring design is presented to provide information about the feasibility of CO2 storage at depth.