28 resultados para Logistic equation

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Las nuevas tendencias de compartir archivos multimedia a través de redes abiertas, demanda el uso de mejores técnicas de encriptación que garanticen la integridad, disponibilidad y confidencialidad, manteniendo y/o mejorando la eficiencia del proceso de cifrado sobre estos archivos. Hoy en día es frecuente la transferencia de imágenes a través de medios tecnológicos, siendo necesario la actualización de las técnicas de encriptación existentes y mejor aún, la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas. Actualmente los algoritmos criptográficos clásicos son altamente conocidos en medio de la sociedad informática lo que provoca mayor vulnerabilidad, sin contar los altos tiempos de procesamiento al momento de ser utilizados, elevando la probabilidad de ser descifrados y minimizando la disponibilidad inmediata de los recursos. Para disminuir estas probabilidades, el uso de la teoría de caos surge como una buena opción para ser aplicada en un algoritmo que tome partida del comportamiento caótico de los sistemas dinámicos, y aproveche las propiedades de los mapas logísticos para elevar el nivel de robustez en el cifrado. Es por eso que este trabajo propone la creación de un sistema criptográfico basado sobre una arquitectura dividida en dos etapas de confusión y difusión. Cada una de ellas utiliza una ecuación logística para generar números pseudoaleatorios que permitan desordenar la posición del píxel y cambiar su intensidad en la escala de grises. Este proceso iterativo es determinado por la cantidad total de píxeles de una imagen. Finalmente, toda la lógica de cifrado es ejecutada sobre la tecnología CUDA que permite el procesamiento en paralelo. Como aporte sustancial, se propone una nueva técnica de encriptación vanguardista de alta sensibilidad ante ruidos externos manteniendo no solo la confidencialidad de la imagen, sino también la disponibilidad y la eficiencia en los tiempos de proceso.---ABSTRACT---New trends to share multimedia files over open networks, demand the best use of encryption techniques to ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality, keeping and/or improving the efficiency of the encryption process on these files. Today it is common to transfer pictures through technological networks, thus, it is necessary to update existing techniques encryption, and even better, the searching of new alternatives. Nowadays, classic cryptographic algorithms are highly known in the midst of the information society which not only causes greater vulnerability, but high processing times when this algorithms are used. It raise the probability of being deciphered and minimizes the immediate availability of resources. To reduce these odds, the use of chaos theory emerged as a good option to be applied on an algorithm that takes advantage of chaotic behavior of dynamic systems, and take logistic maps’ properties to raise the level of robustness in the encryption. That is why this paper proposes the creation of a cryptographic system based on an architecture divided into two stages: confusion and diffusion. Each stage uses a logistic equation to generate pseudorandom numbers that allow mess pixel position and change their intensity in grayscale. This iterative process is determined by the total number of pixels of an image. Finally, the entire encryption logic is executed on the CUDA technology that enables parallel processing. As a substantial contribution, it propose a new encryption technique with high sensitivity on external noise not only keeping the confidentiality of the image, but also the availability and efficiency in processing times.


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It is known that the Camassa–Holm (CH) equation describes pseudo-spherical surfaces and that therefore its integrability properties can be studied by geometrical means. In particular, the CH equation admits nonlocal symmetries of “pseudo-potential type”: the standard quadratic pseudo-potential associated with the geodesics of the pseudo-spherical surfaces determined by (generic) solutions to CH, allows us to construct a covering π of the equation manifold of CH on which nonlocal symmetries can be explicitly calculated. In this article, we present the Lie algebra of (first-order) nonlocal π-symmetries for the CH equation, and we show that this algebra contains a semidirect sum of the loop algebra over sl(2,R) and the centerless Virasoro algebra. As applications, we compute explicit solutions, we construct a Darboux transformation for the CH equation, and we recover its recursion operator. We also extend our results to the associated Camassa–Holm equation introduced by J. Schiff.


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The study of matter under conditions of high density, pressure, and temperature is a valuable subject for inertial confinement fusion (ICF), astrophysical phenomena, high-power laser interaction with matter, etc. In all these cases, matter is heated and compressed by strong shocks to high pressures and temperatures, becomes partially or completely ionized via thermal or pressure ionization, and is in the form of dense plasma. The thermodynamics and the hydrodynamics of hot dense plasmas cannot be predicted without the knowledge of the equation of state (EOS) that describes how a material reacts to pressure and how much energy is involved. Therefore, the equation of state often takes the form of pressure and energy as functions of density and temperature. Furthermore, EOS data must be obtained in a timely manner in order to be useful as input in hydrodynamic codes. By this reason, the use of fast, robust and reasonably accurate atomic models, is necessary for computing the EOS of a material.


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We will present recent developments in the calculation of opacity and equation of state tables suitable for including in the radiation hydrodynamic code ARWEN [1] to study processes like ICF or X-ray secondary sources. For these calculations we use the code BiG BART to compute opacities in LTE conditions, with self-consistent data generated with the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC) [2]. Non-LTE effects are approximately taken into account by means of the improved RADIOM model [3], which makes use of existing LTE data tables. We use the screened-hydrogenic model [4] to derive the Equation of State using the population and energy of the levels avaliable from the atomic data


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This paper presents a new form of the one-dimensional Reynolds equation for lubricants whose rheological behaviour follows a modified Carreau rheological model proposed by Bair. The results of the shear stress and flow rate obtained through a new Reynolds–Carreau equation are shown and compared with the results obtained by other researchers.


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We study the renormalization group flow of the average action of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation with power-law forcing. Using Galilean invariance, we introduce a nonperturbative approximation adapted to the zero-frequency sector of the theory in the parametric range of the Hölder exponent 4−2 ɛ of the forcing where real-space local interactions are relevant. In any spatial dimension d, we observe the convergence of the resulting renormalization group flow to a unique fixed point which yields a kinetic energy spectrum scaling in agreement with canonical dimension analysis. Kolmogorov's −5/3 law is, thus, recovered for ɛ=2 as also predicted by perturbative renormalization. At variance with the perturbative prediction, the −5/3 law emerges in the presence of a saturation in the ɛ dependence of the scaling dimension of the eddy diffusivity at ɛ=3/2 when, according to perturbative renormalization, the velocity field becomes infrared relevant.


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We study a system of three partial differential equations modelling the spatiotemporal behaviour of two competitive populations of biological species both of which are attracted chemotactically by the same signal substance. For a range of the parameters the system possesses a uniquely determined spatially homogeneous positive equilibrium (u?, v?) globally asymptotically stable within a certain nonempty range of the logistic growth coefficients.


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This paper addresses the question of maximizing classifier accuracy for classifying task-related mental activity from Magnetoencelophalography (MEG) data. We propose the use of different sources of information and introduce an automatic channel selection procedure. To determine an informative set of channels, our approach combines a variety of machine learning algorithms: feature subset selection methods, classifiers based on regularized logistic regression, information fusion, and multiobjective optimization based on probabilistic modeling of the search space. The experimental results show that our proposal is able to improve classification accuracy compared to approaches whose classifiers use only one type of MEG information or for which the set of channels is fixed a priori.


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Data mining, and in particular decision trees have been used in different fields: engineering, medicine, banking and finance, etc., to analyze a target variable through decision variables. The following article examines the use of the decision trees algorithm as a tool in territorial logistic planning. The decision tree built has estimated population density indexes for territorial units with similar logistics characteristics in a concise and practical way.


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Four-dimensional flow in the phase space of three amplitudes of circularly polarized Alfven waves and one relative phase, resulting from a resonant three-wave truncation of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation, has been analyzed; wave 1 is linearly unstable with growth rate , and waves 2 and 3 are stable with damping 2 and 3, respectively. The dependence of gross dynamical features on the damping model as characterized by the relation between damping and wave-vector ratios, 2 /3, k2 /k3, and the polarization of the waves, is discussed; two damping models, Landau k and resistive k2, are studied in depth. Very complex dynamics, such as multiple blue sky catastrophes and chaotic attractors arising from Feigenbaum sequences, and explosive bifurcations involving Intermittency-I chaos, are shown to be associated with the existence and loss of stability of certain fixed point P of the flow. Independently of the damping model, P may only exist as against flow contraction just requiring.In the case of right-hand RH polarization, point P may exist for all models other than Landau damping; for the resistive model, P may exist for RH polarization only if 2+3/2.


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We employ numerical computations of the full Navier-Stokes equations to investigate non-Boussinesq convection in a rotating system using water as the working fluid. We identify two regimes. For weak non- Boussinesq effects the Hopf bifurcation from steady to oscillating (whirling) hexagons is supercritical and typical states exhibit defect chaos that is systematically described by the cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. For stronger non-Boussinesq effects the Hopf bifurcation becomes subcritical and the oscil- lations exhibit localized chaotic bursting, which is modeled by a quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation.


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Dynamic soil-structure interaction has been for a long time one of the most fascinating areas for the engineering profession. The building of large alternating machines and their effects on surrounding structures as well as on their own functional behavior, provided the initial impetus; a large amount of experimental research was done,and the results of the Russian and German groups were especially worthwhile. Analytical results by Reissner and Sehkter were reexamined by Quinlan, Sung, et. al., and finally Veletsos presented the first set of reliable results. Since then, the modeling of the homogeneous, elastic halfspace as a equivalent set of springs and dashpots has become an everyday tool in soil engineering practice, especially after the appearance of the fast Fourier transportation algorithm, which makes possible the treatment of the frequency-dependent characteristics of the equivalent elements in a unified fashion with the general method of analysis of the structure. Extensions to the viscoelastic case, as well as to embedded foundations and complicated geometries, have been presented by various authors. In general, they used the finite element method with the well known problems of geometric truncations and the subsequent use of absorbing boundaries. The properties of boundary integral equation methods are, in our opinion, specially well suited to this problem, and several of the previous results have confirmed our opinion. In what follows we present the general features related to steady-state elastodynamics and a series of results showing the splendid results that the BIEM provided. Especially interesting are the outputs obtained through the use of the so-called singular elements, whose description is incorporated at the end of the paper. The reduction in time spent by the computer and the small number of elements needed to simulate realistically the global properties of the halfspace make this procedure one of the most interesting applications of the BIEM.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la localización óptima de una planta de producción de 30.000 m3/año de bioetanol a partir de tubérculos de pataca (Helianthus tuberosus L.) cultivada en regadío, en tierras de barbecho de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Duero (CH Duero). Inicialmente se elaboró, a partir de datos bibliográficos, un modelo de producción de pataca en base a una ecuación de regresión que relaciona datos experimentales de rendimientos de variedades tardías con variables agroclimáticas. Así se obtuvo una función de producción basada en la cantidad de agua disponible (precipitación efectiva + dosis de riego) y en la radiación global acumulada en el periodo brotación‐senescencia del cultivo. A continuación se estima la superficie potencial de cultivo de pataca en la CH Duero a partir de la superficie arable en regadío cartografiada por el Sistema de Ocupación del Suelo (SIOSE), a la cual se le aplican, en base a los requerimientos del cultivo, unas restricciones climáticas, edafológicas, topográficas y logísticas mediante el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). La proporción de superficie de regadío restringida se cuantifica a escala municipal con el fin de calcular la superficie de barbecho en regadío apta para el cultivo de pataca. A partir de las bases de datos georreferenciadas de precipitación, radiación global, y la dotación de agua para el riego de cultivos no específicos establecida en el Plan Hidrológico de la Cuenca del Duero a escala comarcal, se estimó la producción potencial de tubérculos de pataca sobre la superficie de barbecho de regadío según el modelo de producción elaborado. Así, en las 53.360 ha de barbecho en regadío aptas para el cultivo de pataca se podrían producir 3,8 Mt de tubérculos al año (80 % de humedad) (761.156 t ms/año) de los que se podría obtener 304.462 m3/año de bioetanol, considerando un rendimiento en la transformación de 12,5 kg mf/l de etanol. Se estiman los costes de las labores de cultivo de pataca así como los costes de la logística de suministro a una planta de transformación considerando una distancia media de transporte de 25 km, en base a las hojas de cálculo de utilización de aperos y maquinaria agrícola oficiales del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA). Considerando el balance de costes asociados a la producción de bioetanol (costes de transformación, distribución y transporte del producto, costes estructurales de la planta, ahorro de costes por la utilización de las vinazas generadas en el proceso como fertilizante y un beneficio industrial), se ha estimado que el coste de producción de bioetanol a partir de tubérculos de pataca asciende a 61,03 c€/l. Se calculan los beneficios fiscales para el Estado por el cultivo de 5.522 ha de pataca que suministren la materia prima necesaria para una planta de bioetanol de 30.000 m3/año, en concepto de cotizaciones a la Seguridad Social de los trabajadores, impuestos sobre el valor añadido de los productos consumidos, impuesto sobre sociedades y ahorro de las prestaciones por desempleo. Se obtuvieron unos beneficios fiscales de 10,25 c€ por litro de bioetanol producido. El coste de producción de bioetanol depende del rendimiento de tubérculos por hectárea y de la distancia de transporte desde las zonas de producción de la materia prima hasta la planta. Se calculó la distancia máxima de transporte para que el precio de coste del bioetanol producido sea competitivo con el precio de mercado del bioetanol. Como resultado se determinó que el precio del bioetanol (incluido un beneficio industrial del 15%) de la planta sería igual o inferior al precio de venta en el mercado (66,35 c€/l) con una distancia máxima de transporte de 25 km y un rendimiento mínimo del cultivo de 60,1 t mf/ha. Una vez conocido el área de influencia de la planta según la distancia de transporte máxima, se determinó la localización óptima de la planta de producción de bioetanol mediante un proceso de ubicación‐asignación realizado con SIG. Para ello se analizan los puntos candidatos a la ubicación de la planta según el cumplimiento de unos requerimientos técnicos establecidos (distancia a fuentes de suministro eléctrico y de recursos hídricos, distancia a estaciones de ferrocarril, distancia a núcleos urbanos y existencia de Espacios Naturales Protegidos) que minimizan la distancia de transporte maximizando la cantidad de biomasa disponible según la producción potencial estimada anteriormente. Por último, la superficie destinada al cultivo de pataca en el área de influencia de la planta se determina en base a un patrón de distribución del cultivo alrededor de una agroindustria. Dicho patrón se ha obtenido a partir del análisis del grado de ocupación del cultivo de la remolacha en función de la distancia de transporte a la planta azucarera de Miranda de Ebro (Burgos). El patrón resultante muestra que la relación entre el grado de ocupación del suelo por el cultivo y la distancia de transporte a la planta siguen una ecuación logística. La localización óptima que se ha obtenido mediante la metodología descrita se ubica en el municipio leonés de El Burgo Ranero, donde la producción potencial de tubérculos de pataca en la superficie de barbecho situada en un radio de acción de 25 km es de 375.665 t mf/año, superando las 375.000 t mf requeridas anualmente por la planta de bioetanol. ABSTRACT Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a harsh crop with a high potential for biomass production. Its main use is related to bioethanol production from the carbohydrates, inulin mainly, accumulated in its tubers at the end of the crop cycle. The aerial biomass could be used as solid biofuel to provide energy to the bioethanol production process. Therefore, Jerusalem artichoke is a promising crop as feedstock for biofuel production in order to achieve the biofuels consumption objectives established by the Government of Spain (PER 2011‐2020 and RDL 4/2013) and the European Union (Directive 2009/28/EC). This work aims at the determination of the optimal location for a 30,000 m3/year bioethanol production plant from Jerusalem artichoke tubers in the Duero river basin. With this purpose, a crop production model was developed by means of a regression equation that relates experimental yield data of late Jerusalem artichoke varieties with pedo‐climatic parameters from a bibliographic data matrix. The resulting crop production model was based on the crop water availability (including effective rainfall and irrigation water supplied) and on global radiation accumulated in the crop emergence‐senescence period. The crop potential cultivation area for Jerusalem artichoke in the Duero basin was estimated using the georeferenced irrigated arable land from the “Sistema de Ocupación del Suelo” (SIOSE) of Spain. Climatic, soil, slope and logistic restrictions were considered by means of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The limited potential growing area was then applied to a municipality scale in order to calculate the amount of fallow land suitable for Jerusalem artichoke production. Rainfall and global radiation georeferenced layers as well as data of irrigation water supply for crop production (established within the Duero Hydrologic Plan) were use to estimate the potential production of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in the suitable fallow land according to the crop production model. As a result of this estimation, there are 53,360 ha of fallow land suitable for Jerusalem artichoke production in the Duero basin, where 3.8 M t fm/year could be produced. Considering a bioethanol processing yield of 12.5 kg mf per liter of bioethanol, the above mentioned tuber potential production could be processed in 304,462 m3/year of bioethanol. The Jerusalem crop production costs and the logistic supply costs (considering an average transport distance of 25 km) were estimated according to official agricultural machinery cost calculation sheets of the Minister of Agriculture of Spain (MAGRAMA). The bioethanol production cost from Jerusalem artichoke tubers was calculated considering bioethanol processing, transport and structural costs, industrial profits as well as plant cost savings from the use of vinasses as fertilizer. The resulting bioetanol production cost from Jerusalem artichoke tubers was 61.03 c€/l. Additionally, revenues for the state coffers regarding Social Security contributions, added value taxes of consumed raw materials, corporation tax and unemployment benefit savings due to the cultivation of 5,522 ha of Jerusalem artichoke for the 30.000 m3/year bioethanol plant supply were calculated. The calculated revenues amounted to 10.25 c€/l. Bioethanol production cost and consequently the bioethanol plant economic viability are strongly related to the crop yield as well as to road transport distance from feedstock production areas to the processing plant. The previously estimated bioethanol production cost was compared to the bioethanol market price in order to determine the maximum supply transport distance and the minimum crop yield to reach the bioethanol plant economic viability. The results showed that the proposed plant would be economically viable at a maximum transport distance of 25 km and at a crop yield not less than 60.1 t fm/ha. By means of a GIS location‐allocation analysis, the optimal bioethanol plant location was determined. Suitable candidates were detected according to several plant technical requirements (distance to power and water supply sources, distance to freight station, and distance to urban areas and to Natural Protected Areas). The optimal bioethanol plant location must minimize the supply transport distance whereas it maximizes the amount of available biomass according to the previously estimated biomass potential production. Lastly, the agricultural area around the bioethanol plant finally dedicated to Jerusalem artichoke cultivation was planned according to a crop distribution model. The crop distribution model was established from the analysis of the relation between the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cropping area and the road transport distance from the sugar processing plant of Miranda de Ebro (Burgos, North of Spain). The optimal location was situated in the municipality of ‘El Burgo Ranero’ in the province of León. The potential production of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in the fallow land within 25 km distance from the plant location was 375,665 t fm/year, which exceeds the amount of biomass yearly required by the bioethanol plant.


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Various researchers have developed models of conventional H2O–LiBr absorption machines with the aim of predicting their performance. In this paper, the methodology of characteristic equations developed by Hellmann et al. (1998) is applied. This model is able to represent the capacity of single effect absorption chillers and heat pumps by means of simple algebraic equations. An extended characteristic equation based on a characteristic temperature difference has been obtained, considering the facility features. As a result, it is concluded that for adiabatic absorbers a subcooling temperature must be specified. The effect of evaporator overflow has been characterized. Its influence on cooling capacity has been included in the extended characteristic equation. Taking into account the particular design and operation features, a good agreement between experimental performance data and those obtained through the extended characteristic equation has been achieved at off-design operation. This allows its use for simulation and control purposes.


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In recent years, the technology for measuring the diameter and height of standing trees has improved significantly. These enhancements allow estimation of the volume of standing trees using stem taper equations, which traditionally have been constructed with data from felled trees, in an accurate and economically feasible way. A nondestructive method was evaluated with data from 38 pines and was validated with data from another 38 pines, both in the Northern Iberian Range (Spain). The electronic dendrometer Criterion RD1000 (Laser Technology Inc.) and the laser hypsometer TruPulse (Laser Technology Inc.) were used due to their accuracy and interoperability. The methodology was valid (unbiased and precise) measuring from a distance similar to the height of the tree. In this distance, statistical criteria and plots based on the residuals showed no clear advantage in volume estimation with models fitted with data from destructive methods against models fitted with data from the proposed non-destructive technique. This methodology can be considered useful for individual volume estimation and for developing taper equations.