8 resultados para Locking

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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La investigación trata de mostrar cuatro acciones habitualmente empleadas al proyectar arquitectura. La tesis narra el discurso que construyen cuatro acciones como mecanismos optimizadores, fundamentales, activos y necesarios cuando creamos nuevos proyectos. En este trabajo se estudian en profundidad cuatro acciones optimizadoras a través de numerosos casos de estudio. Se estudia también la presencia de estas acciones en otros campos creativos, como la biología, el arte, la literatura, la filosofía, la matemática o la psicología de la creatividad. Se busca qué tienen en común estas cuatro acciones y se indaga sobre la posible narración que construyen entre ellas. La mayor parte de los textos que constituyen este trabajo se escriben en un formato próximo al del ensayo, empleando tiempos verbales presentes evitando los tiempos verbales pretéritos o imperfectos para potenciar la acción a través el estilo narrativo. La investigación se ha realizado a partir de fuentes bibliográficas existentes en numerosas bibliotecas. Se han llevado a cabo estudios de campo realizados a través de entrevistas personales a interlocutores expertos, no sólo de teoría arquitectónica sino también de prácticas constructivas, así como visitas a lugares íntimamente relacionados con el tema de investigación. Se ha completado el estudio de casos con ejercicios prácticos realizados por el autor de esta tesis, para profundizar con la propia investigación por empatía con los autores estudiados. La investigación bibliográfica principal se ha desarrollado en las bibliotecas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, de la Universidad de Alicante, de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, de la Universidad Europea de Madrid, de la Universidad Camilo José Cela, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, de la Columbia University, de la Harvard University, de la Delft University, de Heidelberg University, de la Biblioteca Central de Madrid y de la Regional de Murcia, así como de la del COAMU. También se ha utilizado recursos bibliográficos propios. La metodología utilizada muestra desde diferentes perspectivas el problema de las acciones optimizadoras, desde obras artísticas, pasando por ejemplos de arquitectura construida hasta ejercicios puramente intelectuales. La acumulación ha sido el método de obtención de conocimiento de esta tesis. Se han acumulado conocimientos y posteriormente se ha profundizado, reflexionando sobre los datos que se han ido obteniendo. Al profundizar se enlazan unas pruebas con otras, hilando y ensamblándolas en un discurso que hace continuo y coherente la aparición de cada caso estudiado. Estas entidades probatorias son acciones que han sido aplicadas frecuentemente por distintas generaciones de autores que proyectan utilizando alguna de estas cuatro acciones. Partimos de una extensa bibliografía general y de otra específica. A través de citas e imágenes se muestra el repertorio de objetos y textos estudiados. Los casos de estudio seleccionados exponen los efectos que produce cada acción en el ejercicio del proyectar. Se ha estudiado la necesidad de cada acción en todas y cada una de las partes del ciclo creativo del proyecto, tanto en prácticas imaginadas como en construidas, de los autores que proyectan. Se citan y se interpretan las descripciones de biólogos, sociólogos, antropólogos, psicólogos, escritores, artistas, arquitectos, matemáticos, ingenieros, físicos, médicos y filósofos en los cuales estas acciones se encuentran conscientemente incorporadas en su procedimiento de proyectar y de pensar. Por último, hemos obtenido unos resultados adecuados a la metodología empleada y a los objetivos planteados gracias a la acumulación y clasificación de pruebas. Los resultados se exponen a modo de discursos conclusivos con un intencionado carácter abierto que despliega nuevas posibles nuevas vías de investigación entorno a los temas estudiados. ABSTRACT. The research seeks to show four commonly used actions in designing architecture. Thesis recounts the speech that built four actions like optimizer, fundamental, active and necessary mechanisms when we create new projects. In this work it studies in depth four optimizer actions through numerous case studies. Also, it considers the presence of these actions in other creative fields, such as biology, art, literature, philosophy, mathematics or psychology of creativity. It is intended what these four actions have in common and it explores the possible narrative constructed among them. Most of the texts that constitute this work are written in a format close to the essay, using present tenses avoiding past or imperfect tenses of enhancing the action through the narrative style. Research has been done from literature sources available in numerous libraries. Field studies have been carried out through personal interviews with expert speakers, not just of architectonic theory but also from constructive practices, as well as visits to sites closely related to the research topic. case studies with practical exercises conducted by the author of this thesis has been completed, to deepen with the own research by empathy with the studied authors. Main bibliographical investigation has been developed in the libraries of UPM, UA, UAM, UEM, the CJC, the UCM, Columbia University, Harvard University Delft University, Heidelberg University, Madrid Central Library, Regional Murcia Library and COAMU Library. Also it has been used own bibliographical resources. Methodology shows from different perspectives the problem of optimizers actions, from art, passing through examples of architecture built up to puré intellectual exercise. Accumulation has been the method of obtaining knowledge of this thesis. it has been accumulated knowledge and later it has been deepened, reflecting on the data that have been obtained. By deepening tests are linked with other, spinning and locking into a discourse that makes continuous and consistent the development of each case study. These evidentiary entities are actions that have been frequently applied by different generations of authors who project using some of these four stocks. We leave from an extensive general bibliography and another specific one. Through quotes and pictures it shows the repertoire of objects and texts studied. The selected study cases set out the effects that each action produces in the exercise of projecting. It has studied the need of each action in every parts of creative cycle of the project, both imagined as constructed practices, by the authors who project. It is quoted and interpreted the descriptions of biologists, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, writers, artists, architects, mathematicians, engineers, physicists, physicians and philosophers in which these actions are consciously incorporated into his projecting and thinking procedure. Finally, we have obtained adequate results to the used methodology and to the stated objectives through the accumulation and classification of evidence. The results are presented as conclusive speeches with an intentional open character that unfolds new possible research routes around the studied topics.


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Most implementations of parallel logic programming rely on complex low-level machinery which is arguably difflcult to implement and modify. We explore an alternative approach aimed at taming that complexity by raising core parts of the implementation to the source language level for the particular case of and-parallelism. Therefore, we handle a signiflcant portion of the parallel implementation mechanism at the Prolog level with the help of a comparatively small number of concurrency-related primitives which take care of lower-level tasks such as locking, thread management, stack set management, etc. The approach does not eliminate altogether modiflcations to the abstract machine, but it does greatly simplify them and it also facilitates experimenting with different alternatives. We show how this approach allows implementing both restricted and unrestricted (i.e., non fork-join) parallelism. Preliminary experiments show that the amount of performance sacriflced is reasonable, although granularity control is required in some cases. Also, we observe that the availability of unrestricted parallelism contributes to better observed speedups.


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ntelligent systems designed to reduce highway fatalities have been widely applied in the automotive sector in the last decade. Of all users of transport systems, pedestrians are the most vulnerable in crashes as they are unprotected. This paper deals with an autonomous intelligent emergency system designed to avoid collisions with pedestrians. The system consists of a fuzzy controller based on the time-to-collision estimate – obtained via a vision-based system – and the wheel-locking probability – obtained via the vehicle’s CAN bus – that generates a safe braking action. The system has been tested in a real car – a convertible Citroën C3 Pluriel – equipped with an automated electro-hydraulic braking system capable of working in parallel with the vehicle’s original braking circuit. The system is used as a last resort in the case that an unexpected pedestrian is in the lane and all the warnings have failed to produce a response from the driver.


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Nuestro cerebro contiene cerca de 1014 sinapsis neuronales. Esta enorme cantidad de conexiones proporciona un entorno ideal donde distintos grupos de neuronas se sincronizan transitoriamente para provocar la aparición de funciones cognitivas, como la percepción, el aprendizaje o el pensamiento. Comprender la organización de esta compleja red cerebral en base a datos neurofisiológicos, representa uno de los desafíos más importantes y emocionantes en el campo de la neurociencia. Se han propuesto recientemente varias medidas para evaluar cómo se comunican las diferentes partes del cerebro a diversas escalas (células individuales, columnas corticales, o áreas cerebrales). Podemos clasificarlos, según su simetría, en dos grupos: por una parte, la medidas simétricas, como la correlación, la coherencia o la sincronización de fase, que evalúan la conectividad funcional (FC); mientras que las medidas asimétricas, como la causalidad de Granger o transferencia de entropía, son capaces de detectar la dirección de la interacción, lo que denominamos conectividad efectiva (EC). En la neurociencia moderna ha aumentado el interés por el estudio de las redes funcionales cerebrales, en gran medida debido a la aparición de estos nuevos algoritmos que permiten analizar la interdependencia entre señales temporales, además de la emergente teoría de redes complejas y la introducción de técnicas novedosas, como la magnetoencefalografía (MEG), para registrar datos neurofisiológicos con gran resolución. Sin embargo, nos hallamos ante un campo novedoso que presenta aun varias cuestiones metodológicas sin resolver, algunas de las cuales trataran de abordarse en esta tesis. En primer lugar, el creciente número de aproximaciones para determinar la existencia de FC/EC entre dos o más señales temporales, junto con la complejidad matemática de las herramientas de análisis, hacen deseable organizarlas todas en un paquete software intuitivo y fácil de usar. Aquí presento HERMES (http://hermes.ctb.upm.es), una toolbox en MatlabR, diseñada precisamente con este fin. Creo que esta herramienta será de gran ayuda para todos aquellos investigadores que trabajen en el campo emergente del análisis de conectividad cerebral y supondrá un gran valor para la comunidad científica. La segunda cuestión practica que se aborda es el estudio de la sensibilidad a las fuentes cerebrales profundas a través de dos tipos de sensores MEG: gradiómetros planares y magnetómetros, esta aproximación además se combina con un enfoque metodológico, utilizando dos índices de sincronización de fase: phase locking value (PLV) y phase lag index (PLI), este ultimo menos sensible a efecto la conducción volumen. Por lo tanto, se compara su comportamiento al estudiar las redes cerebrales, obteniendo que magnetómetros y PLV presentan, respectivamente, redes más densamente conectadas que gradiómetros planares y PLI, por los valores artificiales que crea el problema de la conducción de volumen. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de caracterizar redes epilépticas, el PLV ofrece mejores resultados, debido a la gran dispersión de las redes obtenidas con PLI. El análisis de redes complejas ha proporcionado nuevos conceptos que mejoran caracterización de la interacción de sistemas dinámicos. Se considera que una red está compuesta por nodos, que simbolizan sistemas, cuyas interacciones se representan por enlaces, y su comportamiento y topología puede caracterizarse por un elevado número de medidas. Existe evidencia teórica y empírica de que muchas de ellas están fuertemente correlacionadas entre sí. Por lo tanto, se ha conseguido seleccionar un pequeño grupo que caracteriza eficazmente estas redes, y condensa la información redundante. Para el análisis de redes funcionales, la selección de un umbral adecuado para decidir si un determinado valor de conectividad de la matriz de FC es significativo y debe ser incluido para un análisis posterior, se convierte en un paso crucial. En esta tesis, se han obtenido resultados más precisos al utilizar un test de subrogadas, basado en los datos, para evaluar individualmente cada uno de los enlaces, que al establecer a priori un umbral fijo para la densidad de conexiones. Finalmente, todas estas cuestiones se han aplicado al estudio de la epilepsia, caso práctico en el que se analizan las redes funcionales MEG, en estado de reposo, de dos grupos de pacientes epilépticos (generalizada idiopática y focal frontal) en comparación con sujetos control sanos. La epilepsia es uno de los trastornos neurológicos más comunes, con más de 55 millones de afectados en el mundo. Esta enfermedad se caracteriza por la predisposición a generar ataques epilépticos de actividad neuronal anormal y excesiva o bien síncrona, y por tanto, es el escenario perfecto para este tipo de análisis al tiempo que presenta un gran interés tanto desde el punto de vista clínico como de investigación. Los resultados manifiestan alteraciones especificas en la conectividad y un cambio en la topología de las redes en cerebros epilépticos, desplazando la importancia del ‘foco’ a la ‘red’, enfoque que va adquiriendo relevancia en las investigaciones recientes sobre epilepsia. ABSTRACT There are about 1014 neuronal synapses in the human brain. This huge number of connections provides the substrate for neuronal ensembles to become transiently synchronized, producing the emergence of cognitive functions such as perception, learning or thinking. Understanding the complex brain network organization on the basis of neuroimaging data represents one of the most important and exciting challenges for systems neuroscience. Several measures have been recently proposed to evaluate at various scales (single cells, cortical columns, or brain areas) how the different parts of the brain communicate. We can classify them, according to their symmetry, into two groups: symmetric measures, such as correlation, coherence or phase synchronization indexes, evaluate functional connectivity (FC); and on the other hand, the asymmetric ones, such as Granger causality or transfer entropy, are able to detect effective connectivity (EC) revealing the direction of the interaction. In modern neurosciences, the interest in functional brain networks has increased strongly with the onset of new algorithms to study interdependence between time series, the advent of modern complex network theory and the introduction of powerful techniques to record neurophysiological data, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG). However, when analyzing neurophysiological data with this approach several questions arise. In this thesis, I intend to tackle some of the practical open problems in the field. First of all, the increase in the number of time series analysis algorithms to study brain FC/EC, along with their mathematical complexity, creates the necessity of arranging them into a single, unified toolbox that allow neuroscientists, neurophysiologists and researchers from related fields to easily access and make use of them. I developed such a toolbox for this aim, it is named HERMES (http://hermes.ctb.upm.es), and encompasses several of the most common indexes for the assessment of FC and EC running for MatlabR environment. I believe that this toolbox will be very helpful to all the researchers working in the emerging field of brain connectivity analysis and will entail a great value for the scientific community. The second important practical issue tackled in this thesis is the evaluation of the sensitivity to deep brain sources of two different MEG sensors: planar gradiometers and magnetometers, in combination with the related methodological approach, using two phase synchronization indexes: phase locking value (PLV) y phase lag index (PLI), the latter one being less sensitive to volume conduction effect. Thus, I compared their performance when studying brain networks, obtaining that magnetometer sensors and PLV presented higher artificial values as compared with planar gradiometers and PLI respectively. However, when it came to characterize epileptic networks it was the PLV which gives better results, as PLI FC networks where very sparse. Complex network analysis has provided new concepts which improved characterization of interacting dynamical systems. With this background, networks could be considered composed of nodes, symbolizing systems, whose interactions with each other are represented by edges. A growing number of network measures is been applied in network analysis. However, there is theoretical and empirical evidence that many of these indexes are strongly correlated with each other. Therefore, in this thesis I reduced them to a small set, which could more efficiently characterize networks. Within this framework, selecting an appropriate threshold to decide whether a certain connectivity value of the FC matrix is significant and should be included in the network analysis becomes a crucial step, in this thesis, I used the surrogate data tests to make an individual data-driven evaluation of each of the edges significance and confirmed more accurate results than when just setting to a fixed value the density of connections. All these methodologies were applied to the study of epilepsy, analysing resting state MEG functional networks, in two groups of epileptic patients (generalized and focal epilepsy) that were compared to matching control subjects. Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, with more than 55 million people affected worldwide, characterized by its predisposition to generate epileptic seizures of abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity, and thus, this scenario and analysis, present a great interest from both the clinical and the research perspective. Results revealed specific disruptions in connectivity and network topology and evidenced that networks’ topology is changed in epileptic brains, supporting the shift from ‘focus’ to ‘networks’ which is gaining importance in modern epilepsy research.


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We report microwave signal generation using a 1550 nm single-mode VCSEL subject to two-frequency optical injection. Double injection locking is achieved. It is found that this generation system is independent of the master lasers polarization.


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We fabricate a biometric laser fiber synaptic sensor to transmit information from one neuron cell to the other by an optical way. The optical synapse is constructed on the base of an erbium-doped fiber laser, whose pumped diode current is driven by a pre-synaptic FitzHugh–Nagumo electronic neuron, and the laser output controls a post-synaptic FitzHugh–Nagumo electronic neuron. The implemented laser synapse displays very rich dynamics, including fixed points, periodic orbits with different frequency-locking ratios and chaos. These regimes can be beneficial for efficient biorobotics, where behavioral flexibility subserved by synaptic connectivity is a challenge.


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The proportion of elderly people in the population has increased rapidly in the last century and consequently "healthy aging" is expected to become a critical area of research in neuroscience. Evidence reveals how healthy aging depends on three main behavioral factors: social lifestyle, cognitive activity and physical activity. In this study, we focused on the role of cognitive activity, concentrating specifically on educational and occupational attainment factors, which were considered two of the main pillars of cognitive reserve. 21 subjects with similar rates of social lifestyle, physical and cognitive activity were selected from a sample of 55 healthy adults. These subjects were divided into two groups according to their level of cognitive reserve; one group comprised subjects with high cognitive reserve (9 members) and the other contained those with low cognitive reserve (12 members). To evaluate the cortical brain connectivity network, all participants were recorded by Magnetoencephalography (MEG) while they performed a memory task (modified version of the Sternberg¿s Task). We then applied two algorithms (Phase Locking Value & Phase-Lag Index) to study the dynamics of functional connectivity. In response to the same task, the subjects with lower cognitive reserve presented higher functional connectivity than those with higher cognitive reserve. These results may indicate that participants with low cognitive reserve needed a greater 'effort' than those with high cognitive reserve to achieve the same level of cognitive performance. Therefore, we conclude that cognitive reserve contributes to the modulation of the functional connectivity patterns of the aging brain.


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The readout procedure of charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras is known to generate some image degradation in different scientific imaging fields, especially in astrophysics. In the particular field of particle image velocimetry (PIV), widely extended in the scientific community, the readout procedure of the interline CCD sensor induces a bias in the registered position of particle images. This work proposes simple procedures to predict the magnitude of the associated measurement error. Generally, there are differences in the position bias for the different images of a certain particle at each PIV frame. This leads to a substantial bias error in the PIV velocity measurement (~0.1 pixels). This is the order of magnitude that other typical PIV errors such as peak-locking may reach. Based on modern CCD technology and architecture, this work offers a description of the readout phenomenon and proposes a modeling for the CCD readout bias error magnitude. This bias, in turn, generates a velocity measurement bias error when there is an illumination difference between two successive PIV exposures. The model predictions match the experiments performed with two 12-bit-depth interline CCD cameras (MegaPlus ES 4.0/E incorporating the Kodak KAI-4000M CCD sensor with 4 megapixels). For different cameras, only two constant values are needed to fit the proposed calibration model and predict the error from the readout procedure. Tests by different researchers using different cameras would allow verification of the model, that can be used to optimize acquisition setups. Simple procedures to obtain these two calibration values are also described.