12 resultados para Localities embracing and accepting diversity (LEAD) program

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Program specialization optimizes programs for known valúes of the input. It is often the case that the set of possible input valúes is unknown, or this set is infinite. However, a form of specialization can still be performed in such cases by means of abstract interpretation, specialization then being with respect to abstract valúes (substitutions), rather than concrete ones. We study the múltiple specialization of logic programs based on abstract interpretation. This involves in principie, and based on information from global analysis, generating several versions of a program predicate for different uses of such predicate, optimizing these versions, and, finally, producing a new, "multiply specialized" program. While múltiple specialization has received theoretical attention, little previous evidence exists on its practicality. In this paper we report on the incorporation of múltiple specialization in a parallelizing compiler and quantify its effects. A novel approach to the design and implementation of the specialization system is proposed. The resulting implementation techniques result in identical specializations to those of the best previously proposed techniques but require little or no modification of some existing abstract interpreters. Our results show that, using the proposed techniques, the resulting "abstract múltiple specialization" is indeed a relevant technique in practice. In particular, in the parallelizing compiler application, a good number of run-time tests are eliminated and invariants extracted automatically from loops, resulting generally in lower overheads and in several cases in increased speedups.


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Predicting statically the running time of programs has many applications ranging from task scheduling in parallel execution to proving the ability of a program to meet strict time constraints. A starting point in order to attack this problem is to infer the computational complexity of such programs (or fragments thereof). This is one of the reasons why the development of static analysis techniques for inferring cost-related properties of programs (usually upper and/or lower bounds of actual costs) has received considerable attention.


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Program specialization optimizes programs for known valúes of the input. It is often the case that the set of possible input valúes is unknown, or this set is infinite. However, a form of specialization can still be performed in such cases by means of abstract interpretation, specialization then being with respect to abstract valúes (substitutions), rather than concrete ones. This paper reports on the application of abstract múltiple specialization to automatic program parallelization in the &-Prolog compiler. Abstract executability, the main concept underlying abstract specialization, is formalized, the design of the specialization system presented, and a non-trivial example of specialization in automatic parallelization is given.


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The ENEN III project covers the structuring, organization, coordination and implementation of training schemes in cooperation with local, national and international training organizations, to provide training to professionals active in nuclear organizations or their contractors and sub-contractors. The training schemes provide a portfolio of courses, training sessions, seminars, and workshops for continuous learning for upgrading knowledge and developing skills. The training schemes allow individuals to acquire qualifications and skills, as required by the specific positions in the nuclear sector which will be documented in a training passport. The essence of such passport is to be recognized within the EU by the whole nuclear sector which provides mobility to the individual looking for employment and an EU wide recruitment field for the nuclear employers.


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Dentro del Proyecto EBONE (Red de Observación de la Biodiversidad Europea) se analizan diferentes tipos de paisaje en varias zonas de Madrid y norte de Portugal. Se realiza un estudio de los habitats y la diversidad de especies con el objetivo principal de preservarlos y conservalos.


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The objective of the current study was to assess how closely batch cultures (BC) of rumen microorganisms can mimic the dietary differences in fermentation characteristics found in the rumen, and to analyse changes in bacterial diversity over the in vitro incubation period. Four ruminally and duodenally cannulated sheep were fed four diets having forage : concentrate ratios (FCR) of 70 : 30 or 30 : 70, with either alfalfa hay or grass hay as forage. Rumen fluid from each sheep was used to inoculate BC containing the same diet fed to the donor sheep, and the main rumen fermentation parameters were determined after 24 h of incubation. There were differences between BC and sheep in the magnitude of most measured parameters, but BC detected differences among diets due to forage type similar to those found in sheep. In contrast, BC did not reproduce the dietary differences due to FCR found in sheep for pH, degradability of neutral detergent fibre and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations. There were differences between systems in the magnitude of most determined parameters and BC showed higher pH values and NH3–N concentrations, but lower fibre degradability and VFA and lactate concentrations compared with sheep. There were significant relationships between in vivo and in vitro values for molar proportions of acetate, propionate and butyrate, and the acetate : propionate ratio. The automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) of 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid showed that FCR had no effect on bacterial diversity either in the sheep rumen fluid used as inoculum (IN) or in BC samples. In contrast, bacterial diversity was greater with alfalfa hay diets than those with grass hay in the IN, but was unaffected by forage type in the BC. Similarity index between the bacterial communities in the inocula and those in the BC ranged from 67·2 to 74·7%, and was unaffected by diet characteristics. Bacterial diversity was lower in BC than in the inocula with 14 peaks out of a total of 181 detected in the ARISA electropherograms never appearing in BC samples, which suggests that incubation conditions in the BC may have caused a selection of some bacterial strains. However, each BC sample showed the highest similarity index with its corresponding rumen IN, which highlights the importance of using rumen fluid from donors fed a diet similar to that being incubated in BC when conducting in vitro experiments.


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In this paper, abstract interpretation algorithms are described for computing the sharmg as well as the freeness information about the run-time instantiations of program variables. An abstract domain is proposed which accurately and concisely represents combined freeness and sharing information for program variables. Abstract unification and all other domain-specific functions for an abstract interpreter working on this domain are presented. These functions are illustrated with an example. The importance of inferring freeness is stressed by showing (1) the central role it plays in non-strict goal independence, and (2) the improved accuracy it brings to the analysis of sharing information when both are computed together. Conversely, it is shown that keeping accurate track of sharing allows more precise inference of freeness, thus resulting in an overall much more powerful abstract interpreter.


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We present a tutorial overview of Ciaopp, the Ciao system preprocessor. Ciao is a public-domain, next-generation logic programming system, which subsumes ISO-Prolog and is specifically designed to a) be highly extensible via librarles and b) support modular program analysis, debugging, and optimization. The latter tasks are performed in an integrated fashion by Ciaopp. Ciaopp uses modular, incremental abstract interpretation to infer properties of program predicates and literals, including types, variable instantiation properties (including modes), non-failure, determinacy, bounds on computational cost, bounds on sizes of terms in the program, etc. Using such analysis information, Ciaopp can find errors at compile-time in programs and/or perform partial verification. Ciaopp checks how programs cali system librarles and also any assertions present in the program or in other modules used by the program. These assertions are also used to genérate documentation automatically. Ciaopp also uses analysis information to perform program transformations and optimizations such as múltiple abstract specialization, parallelization (including granularity control), and optimization of run-time tests for properties which cannot be checked completely at compile-time. We illustrate "hands-on" the use of Ciaopp in all these tasks. By design, Ciaopp is a generic tool, which can be easily tailored to perform these and other tasks for different LP and CLP dialects.


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There is a growing call for inventories that evaluate geographic patterns in diversity of plant genetic resources maintained on farm and in species' natural populations in order to enhance their use and conservation. Such evaluations are relevant for useful tropical and subtropical tree species, as many of these species are still undomesticated, or in incipient stages of domestication and local populations can offer yet-unknown traits of high value to further domestication. For many outcrossing species, such as most trees, inbreeding depression can be an issue, and genetic diversity is important to sustain local production. Diversity is also crucial for species to adapt to environmental changes. This paper explores the possibilities of incorporating molecular marker data into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to allow visualization and better understanding of spatial patterns of genetic diversity as a key input to optimize conservation and use of plant genetic resources, based on a case study of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.), a Neotropical fruit tree species. We present spatial analyses to (1) improve the understanding of spatial distribution of genetic diversity of cherimoya natural stands and cultivated trees in Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru based on microsatellite molecular markers (SSRs); and (2) formulate optimal conservation strategies by revealing priority areas for in situ conservation, and identifying existing diversity gaps in ex situ collections. We found high levels of allelic richness, locally common alleles and expected heterozygosity in cherimoya's putative centre of origin, southern Ecuador and northern Peru, whereas levels of diversity in southern Peru and especially in Bolivia were significantly lower. The application of GIS on a large microsatellite dataset allows a more detailed prioritization of areas for in situ conservation and targeted collection across the Andean distribution range of cherimoya than previous studies could do, i.e. at province and department level in Ecuador and Peru, respectively.


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The success of an aquaculture breeding program critically depends on the way in which the base population of breeders is constructed since all the genetic variability for the traits included originally in the breeding goal as well as those to be included in the future is contained in the initial founders. Traditionally, base populations were created from a number of wild strains by sampling equal numbers from each strain. However, for some aquaculture species improved strains are already available and, therefore, mean phenotypic values for economically important traits can be used as a criterion to optimize the sampling when creating base populations. Also, the increasing availability of genome-wide genotype information in aquaculture species could help to refine the estimation of relationships within and between candidate strains and, thus, to optimize the percentage of individuals to be sampled from each strain. This study explores the advantages of using phenotypic and genome-wide information when constructing base populations for aquaculture breeding programs in terms of initial and subsequent trait performance and genetic diversity level. Results show that a compromise solution between diversity and performance can be found when creating base populations. Up to 6% higher levels of phenotypic performance can be achieved at the same level of global diversity in the base population by optimizing the selection of breeders instead of sampling equal numbers from each strain. The higher performance observed in the base population persisted during 10 generations of phenotypic selection applied in the subsequent breeding program.


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An understanding of spatial patterns of plant species diversity and the factors that drive those patterns is critical for the development of appropriate biodiversity management in forest ecosystems. We studied the spatial organization of plants species in human- modified and managed oak forests (primarily, Quercus faginea) in the Central Pre- Pyrenees, Spain. To test whether plant community assemblages varied non-randomly across the spatial scales, we used multiplicative diversity partitioning based on a nested hierarchical design of three increasingly coarser spatial scales (transect, stand, region). To quantify the importance of the structural, spatial, and topographical characteristics of stands in patterning plant species assemblages and identify the determinants of plant diversity patterns, we used canonical ordination. We observed a high contribution of ˟-diversity to total -diversity and found ˟-diversity to be higher and ˞-diversity to be lower than expected by random distributions of individuals at different spatial scales. Results, however, partly depended on the weighting of rare and abundant species. Variables expressing the historical management intensities of the stand such as mean stand age, the abundance of the dominant tree species (Q. faginea), age structure of the stand, and stand size were the main factors that explained the compositional variation in plant communities. The results indicate that (1) the structural, spatial, and topographical characteristics of the forest stands have the greatest effect on diversity patterns, (2) forests in landscapes that have different land use histories are environmentally heterogeneous and, therefore, can experience high levels of compositional differentiation, even at local scales (e.g., within the same stand). Maintaining habitat heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales should be considered in the development of management plans for enhancing plant diversity and related functions in human-altered forests


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Las comunicaciones inalámbricas han transformado profundamente la forma en la que la gente se comunica en el día a día y es, sin lugar a dudas, una de las tecnologías de nuestro tiempo que más rápidamente evoluciona. Este rápido crecimiento implica retos enormes en la tecnología subyacente, debido y entre otros motivos, a la gran demanda de capacidad de los nuevos servicios inalámbricos. Los sistemas Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) han despertado mucho interés como medio de mejorar el rendimiento global del sistema, satisfaciendo de este modo y en cierta medida los nuevo requisitos exigidos. De hecho, el papel relevante de esta tecnología en los actuales esfuerzos de estandarización internacionales pone de manifiesto esta utilidad. Los sistemas MIMO sacan provecho de los grados de libertad espaciales, disponibles a través del entorno multitrayecto, para mejorar el rendimiento de la comunicación con una destacable eficiencia espectral. Con el fin de alcanzar esta mejora en el rendimiento, la diversidad espacial y por diagrama han sido empleadas tradicionalmente para reducir la correlación entre los elementos radiantes, ya que una correlación baja es condición necesaria, si bien no suficiente, para dicha mejora. Tomando como referencia, o punto de partida, las técnicas empleadas para obtener diversidad por diagrama, esta tesis doctoral surge de la búsqueda de la obtención de diversidad por diagrama y/o multiplexación espacial a través del comportamiento multimodal de la antena microstrip, proponiendo para ello un modelo cuasi analítico original para el análisis y diseño de antenas microstrip multipuerto, multimodo y reconfigurables. Este novedoso enfoque en este campo, en vez de recurrir a simulaciones de onda completa por medio de herramientas comerciales tal y como se emplea en las publicaciones existentes, reduce significativamente el esfuerzo global de análisis y diseño, en este último caso por medio de guías de diseño generales. Con el fin de lograr el objetivo planteado y después de una revisión de los principales conceptos de los sistemas MIMO que se emplearán más adelante, se fija la atención en encontrar, implementar y verificar la corrección y exactitud de un modelo analítico que sirva de base sobre la cual añadir las mejoras necesarias para obtener las características buscadas del modelo cuasi analítico propuesto. Posteriormente y partiendo del modelo analítico base seleccionado, se exploran en profundidad y en diferentes entornos multitrayecto, las posibilidades en cuanto a rendimiento se refiere de diversidad por diagrama y multiplexación espacial, proporcionadas por el comportamiento multimodal de las antenas parche microstrip sin cargar. Puesto que cada modo de la cavidad tiene su propia frecuencia de resonancia, es necesario encontrar formas de desplazar la frecuencia de resonancia de cada modo empleado para ubicarlas en la misma banda de frecuencia, manteniendo cada modo al mismo tiempo tan independiente como sea posible. Este objetivo puede lograrse cargando adecuadamente la cavidad con cargas reactivas, o alterando la geometría del parche radiante. Por consiguiente, la atención en este punto se fija en el diseño, implementación y verificación de un modelo cuasi analítico para el análisis de antenas parche microstrip multipuerto, multimodo y cargadas que permita llevar a cabo la tarea indicada, el cuál es una de las contribuciones principales de esta tesis doctoral. Finalmente y basándose en el conocimiento adquirido a través del modelo cuasi analítico, se proporcionan y aplican guías generales para el diseño de antenas microstrip multipuerto, multimodo y reconfigurables para sistemas MIMO, con el fin de mejorar su diversidad por diagrama y/o su capacidad por medio del comportamiento multimodal de las antenas parche microstrip. Se debe destacar que el trabajo presentado en esta tesis doctoral ha dado lugar a una publicación en una revista técnica internacional de un alto factor de impacto. De igual manera, el trabajo también ha sido presentado en algunas de las más importantes conferencias internacionales en el ámbito de las antenas ABSTRACT Wireless communications have deeply transformed the way people communicate on daily basis and it is undoubtedly one of the most rapidly evolving technologies of our time. This fast growing behaviour involves huge challenges on the bearing technology, due to and among others reasons, the high demanding capacity of new wireless services. MIMO systems have given rise to considerable interest as a means to enhance the overall system performance, thus satisfying somehow the new demanding requirements. Indeed, the significant role of this technology on current international standardization efforts, highlights this usefulness. MIMO systems make profit from the spatial degrees of freedom available through the multipath scenario to improve the communication performance with a remarkable spectral efficiency. In order to achieve this performance improvement, spatial and pattern diversity have been traditionally used to decrease the correlation between antenna elements, as low correlation is a necessary but not sufficient condition. Taking as a reference, or starting point, the techniques used to achieve pattern diversity, this Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) arises from the pursuit of obtaining pattern diversity and/or spatial multiplexing capabilities through the multimode microstrip behaviour, thus proposing a novel quasi analytical model for the analysis and design of reconfigurable multimode multiport microstrip antennas. This innovative approach on this field, instead of resorting to full-wave simulations through commercial tools as done in the available publications, significantly reduces the overall analysis and design effort, in this last case through comprehensive design guidelines. In order to achieve this goal and after a review of the main concepts of MIMO systems which will be followed used, the spotlight is fixed on finding, implementing and verifying the correctness and accuracy of a base quasi analytical model over which add the necessary enhancements to obtain the sought features of the quasi analytical model proposed. Afterwards and starting from the base quasi analytical model selected, the pattern diversity and spatial multiplexing performance capabilities provided by the multimode behaviour of unloaded microstrip patch antennas under different multipath environments are fully explored. As each cavity mode has its own resonant frequency, it is required to find ways to displace the resonant frequency of each used mode to place them at the same frequency band while keeping each mode as independent as possible. This objective can be accomplished with an appropriate loading of the cavity with reactive loads, or through the alteration of the geometry of the radiation patch. Thus, the focus is set at this point on the design, implementation and verification of a quasi analytical model for the analysis of loaded multimode multiport microstrip patch antennas to carry out the aforementioned task, which is one of the main contributions of this Ph.D. Finally and based on the knowledge acquired through the quasi analytical model, comprehensive guidelines to design reconfigurable multimode MIMO microstrip antennas to improve the spatial multiplexing and/or diversity system performance by means of the multimode microstrip patch antenna behaviour are given and applied. It shall be highlighted that the work presented in this Ph.D. has given rise to a publication in an international technical journal of high impact factor. Moreover, the work has also been presented at some of the most important international conferences in antenna area.