2 resultados para Llorente i Olivares, Teodor, 1836-1911, Exposiciones

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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"No son necesarios imponentes edificios para dar una buena educacin a los nios, mucho menos en zonas de clima suave. En el pasado Filsofos y Santos acostumbraban a sentarse con sus discpulos a la sombra de un rbol, transmitindoles su sabidura sin necesidad de edificaciones de hormign armado. Pero eran grandes hombres y grandes espritus que saban aprovechar el universo entero como material didctico junto a los simples recursos de su inteligencia y su fantasa". Esta tesis nace con la intencin de profundizar en la investigacin de los mecanismos arquitectnicos que hicieron posible en un determinado tipo de escuelas la relacin entre arquitectura y naturaleza, ya se entienda sta como paisaje natural o como paisaje artificial creado ex novo. Si desde los tiempos de Lao Tse no haba sido superada su definicin de Arquitectura: Arquitectura no son cuatro paredes y un tejado, arquitectura es el ordenamiento de los espacios y el espritu que se genera dentro; en realidad dicha definicin adoleca de una gran carencia, pues nada deca del espacio que queda fuera. As lo puso de manifiesto D. Rafael de La Hoz Arderius en su discurso de ingreso a la Real Academia de San Fernando5. Hubo que esperar al inicio del siglo XX para que la Arquitectura occidental se centrara de lleno en desmaterializar el lmite entre el espacio construido y el sitio en el que se inserta, convirtiendo ste en lugar habitado. El dentro y el fuera dejan de entenderse como dos realidades antagnicas para dejar paso a un espacio continuo articulado a travs de fructferas situaciones intermedias. Sin embargo, poco se ha estudiado sobre una tipologa arquitectnica : la escuela al aire libre, que fue crucial en la gnesis tanto de los espacios educativos, como en la conformacin del espacio Moderno as entendido. ste es por tanto el objeto de la presente Tesis, desde una doble vertiente: por un lado desde la investigacin de la evolucin de esta tipologa en general, y ms detenidamente de un caso concreto, el colegio de las Teresianas en Alicante de Rafael de La Hoz Arderius y Gerardo Olivares James. La evolucin de la escuela al aire libre se aborda a travs de una seleccin de casos de estudio que ilustran que la regeneracin social que pretenda acometerse no poda limitarse slo a los aspectos higinicos que centraron su primera etapa, sino que era necesario tambin reforzar el espritu comunitario del nio como futuro ciudadano. Por otro lado el Colegio de las Teresianas en Alicante (1964) de Rafael de La Hoz Arderius y Gerardo Olivares James se ha elegido como caso de estudio especfico. Este proyecto, siendo uno de los ms desconocidos de sus autores, supone la culminacin de sus investigaciones en torno a la escuela al aire libre8. Rafael de La Hoz, en lnea con los postulados humanistas del Realismo Biolgico de Richard Neutra, adverta de la imposibilidad de abordar la ordenacin del espacio si desconocemos el proceso perceptivo del ser humano, destinatario de la Arquitectura. Esta dificultad es an mayor si cabe cuando el destinatario no es el ser humano adulto sino el nio, dada su distinta percepcin del binomio espacio-tiempo. En este sentido el colegio de las Teresianas en Alicante es adems un ejemplo cercano, el nico de los incluidos en la presente Tesis del que verdaderamente se ha podido tener un conocimiento profundo tanto por el resultado de su anlisis a partir de una investigacin de carcter cientfico, como por la experiencia personal del mismo vivida desde nia, al ser antigua alumna del centro. Tanto en este ejemplo concreto como en el resto de casos analizados la metodologa para lograr la educacin integral del individuo, reproduciendo el mito de la caverna de Platn revisado a travs del Emilio roussoniano, se fundamenta en el contacto directo con el exterior, promoviendo un nuevo modo de vida equilibrado y en armona con la naturaleza, con uno mismo y con los dems. Desde un primer estadio en el que el espacio exterior sustituye literalmente al aula como lugar para la enseanza, se evoluciona hacia una tipologa ms compleja en la que los mecanismos de proyecto habrn de fomentar la continuidad entre interior y exterior en los espacios de aprendizaje, as como reproducir en el interior del aula las ventajas del ambiente exterior evitando algunos de sus inconvenientes. Todo ello con diferentes matices segn la edad del alumno y la climatologa del lugar. A partir del anlisis de los casos de estudio generales y del ejemplo concreto de las Teresianas, se pretende sintetizar cuales fueron los mecanismos de proyecto y los principales temas de reflexin que caracterizaron este tipo de escuelas. ABSTRACT "Imposing buildings are not necessary for children to receive a good education, even less in mild climate areas. In the past, Philosophers and Saints used to sit with their disciples in the shade of a tree, passing on their wisdom without the need of reinforced concrete buildings. But they were great men and great minds who could take advantage of the entire universe as a source of teaching material, together with their intelligence and fantasy." This thesis was undertaken with the purpose of carrying out an in depth analysis of the architectural strategies targeting certain types of schools which have a close relationship between architecture and nature. It is said that since the time of Lao Tzu his definition of architecture had not been surpassed: architecture is not just four walls and a roof, architecture is the arrangement of the spaces and the spirit that is generated within. But this definition suffered from a serious lack as the space left outside is not mentioned. This was exposed by Rafael de La Hoz Arderius in his speech of entry into the Royal Academy of San Fernando10. It was not until the early twentieth century that Western architecture would squarely focus on dematerializing the boundary between the built environment and the site in which it is inserted, turning it into an inhabited place. The inside and the outside are no longer understood as two op-posed realities, instead they make way for a continuous space articulated through fruitful in-between situations. However, little has been studied about an architectural typology: the open air school, which was a turning point in the genesis of both educational, as well as modern space. This is therefore the object of this thesis, having two perspectives. On the one hand the development of this type of school is broadly investigated; on the other hand a specific case is introduced: the school of the Teresian association of Alicante, by Rafael de La Hoz and Gerardo Olivares. The development of the open air school is approached through a selection of case studies. These illustrate that the expected social regeneration could not be limited exclusively by the hygienic aspects targeting its first stage, but it was also necessary to strengthen the community spirit of the child as a future citizen. As previously mentioned the Teresian school of Alicante (1964-1966), has been chosen as a specific case study. Despite being quite a bit less renowned than other projects by the same authors, it represents the culmination of their researches about the open air school. In line with the humanist postulates of Richard Neutras Biological Realism, Rafael de La Hoz warned about the inability to deal with the arrangement of space if we are unaware of the perceptive process of the human being, addressee of the architecture. This difficulty becomes greater when the addressee is not the adult human but the child, given his different perception of the binomial space-time relationship. In this respect the Teresian school of Alicante is in addition a closely related case study, being the only one of the mentioned cases in this thesis allowing to acquire a deep knowledge, both from the results of its analysis coming from a research of scientific nature, as well as the personal experience lived since I was a child, given that I am a former pupil. Both in this case study and in the other analyzed cases, the methodology implemented to achieve the integral education of the individual is based on the direct contact with the exterior, promoting a balanced and in harmony with nature new way of life, including oneself and the others. Thereby it replicates the Platos cavern myth and its roussonian review: Emilio. From the first stage in which the exterior literally substitutes the classroom as the educational space, it is evolved towards a more complex typology in which the project strategies have to promote the continuity between inside and outside learning spaces, as well as to reproduce inside the classroom the advantages of the exterior environment avoiding some of its disadvantages; thereto considering the differing matrixes involving the pupil age and the local climatology. From the analysis of the general case studies and the Teresian school, the main project strategies and elements characterizing the open air school have been synthesized.


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The measurement of the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of low bandgap subcells in a multijunction solar cell can be sometimes problematic. In particular, this paper describes a set of cases where the EQE of a Ge subcell in a conventional GaInP/GaInAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell cannot be fully measured. We describe the way to identify each case by tracing the I-V curve under the same light-bias conditions applied for the EQE measurement, together with the strategies that could be implemented to attain the best possible measurement of the EQE of the Ge subcell.