4 resultados para Lithuanian 3rd person future forms
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
La capacidad de comunicación de los seres humanos ha crecido gracias a la evolución de dispositivos móviles cada vez más pequeños, manejables, potentes, de mayor autonomía y más asequibles. Esta tendencia muestra que en un futuro próximo cercano cada persona llevaría consigo por lo menos un dispositivo de altas prestaciones. Estos dispositivos tienen incorporados algunas formas de comunicación: red de telefonía, redes inalámbricas, bluetooth, entre otras. Lo que les permite también ser empleados para la configuración de redes móviles Ad Hoc. Las redes móviles Ad Hoc, son redes temporales y autoconfigurables, no necesitan un punto de acceso para que los nodos intercambien información entre sí. Cada nodo realiza las tareas de encaminador cuando sea requerido. Los nodos se pueden mover, cambiando de ubicación a discreción. La autonomía de estos dispositivos depende de las estrategias de como sus recursos son utilizados. De tal forma que los protocolos, algoritmos o modelos deben ser diseñados de forma eficiente para no impactar el rendimiento del dispositivo, siempre buscando un equilibrio entre sobrecarga y usabilidad. Es importante definir una gestión adecuada de estas redes especialmente cuando estén siendo utilizados en escenarios críticos como los de emergencias, desastres naturales, conflictos bélicos. La presente tesis doctoral muestra una solución eficiente para la gestión de redes móviles Ad Hoc. La solución contempla dos componentes principales: la definición de un modelo de gestión para redes móviles de alta disponibilidad y la creación de un protocolo de enrutamiento jerárquico asociado al modelo. El modelo de gestión propuesto, denominado High Availability Management Ad Hoc Network (HAMAN), es definido en una estructura de cuatro niveles, acceso, distribución, inteligencia e infraestructura. Además se describen los componentes de cada nivel: tipos de nodos, protocolos y funcionamiento. Se estudian también las interfaces de comunicación entre cada componente y la relación de estas con los niveles definidos. Como parte del modelo se diseña el protocolo de enrutamiento Ad Hoc, denominado Backup Cluster Head Protocol (BCHP), que utiliza como estrategia de encaminamiento el empleo de cluster y jerarquías. Cada cluster tiene un Jefe de Cluster que concentra la información de enrutamiento y de gestión y la envía al destino cuando esta fuera de su área de cobertura. Para mejorar la disponibilidad de la red el protocolo utiliza un Jefe de Cluster de Respaldo el que asume las funciones del nodo principal del cluster cuando este tiene un problema. El modelo HAMAN es validado a través de un proceso la simulación del protocolo BCHP. El protocolo BCHP se implementa en la herramienta Network Simulator 2 (NS2) para ser simulado, comparado y contrastado con el protocolo de enrutamiento jerárquico Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) y con el protocolo de enrutamiento Ad Hoc reactivo denominado Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV). Abstract The communication skills of humans has grown thanks to the evolution of mobile devices become smaller, manageable, powerful, more autonomy and more affordable. This trend shows that in the near future each person will carry at least one high-performance device. These high-performance devices have some forms of communication incorporated: telephony network, wireless networks, bluetooth, among others. What can also be used for configuring mobile Ad Hoc networks. Ad Hoc mobile networks, are temporary and self-configuring networks, do not need an access point for exchange information between their nodes. Each node performs the router tasks as required. The nodes can move, change location at will. The autonomy of these devices depends on the strategies of how its resources are used. So that the protocols, algorithms or models should be designed to efficiently without impacting device performance seeking a balance between overhead and usability. It is important to define appropriate management of these networks, especially when being used in critical scenarios such as emergencies, natural disasters, wars. The present research shows an efficient solution for managing mobile ad hoc networks. The solution comprises two main components: the definition of a management model for highly available mobile networks and the creation of a hierarchical routing protocol associated with the model. The proposed management model, called High Availability Management Ad Hoc Network (HAMAN) is defined in a four-level structure: access, distribution, intelligence and infrastructure. The components of each level: types of nodes, protocols, structure of a node are shown and detailed. It also explores the communication interfaces between each component and the relationship of these with the levels defined. The Ad Hoc routing protocol proposed, called Backup Cluster Head Protocol( BCHP), use of cluster and hierarchies like strategies. Each cluster has a cluster head which concentrates the routing information and management and sent to the destination when out of cluster coverage area. To improve the availability of the network protocol uses a Backup Cluster Head who assumes the functions of the node of the cluster when it has a problem. The HAMAN model is validated accross the simulation of their BCHP routing protocol. BCHP protocol has been implemented in the simulation tool Network Simulator 2 (NS2) to be simulated, compared and contrasted with a hierarchical routing protocol Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) and a routing protocol called Reactive Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV).
The Darwin theory of evolution by natural selection is based on three principles: (a) variation; (b) inheritance; and (c) natural selection. Here, I take these principles as an excuse to review some topics related to the future research prospects in Animal Breeding. With respect to the first principle I describe two forms of variation different from mutation that are becoming increasingly important: variation in copy number and microRNAs. With respect to the second principle I comment on the possible relevance of non-mendelian inheritance, the so-called epigenetic effects, of which the genomic imprinting is the best characterized in domestic species. Regarding selection principle I emphasize the importance of selection for social traits and how this could contribute to both productivity and animal welfare. Finally, I analyse the impact of molecular biology in Animal Breeding, the achievements and limitations of quantitative trait locus and classical marker-assisted selection and the future of genomic selection
By 2050 it is estimated that the number of worldwide Alzheimer?s disease (AD) patients will quadruple from the current number of 36 million people. To date, no single test, prior to postmortem examination, can confirm that a person suffers from AD. Therefore, there is a strong need for accurate and sensitive tools for the early diagnoses of AD. The complex etiology and multiple pathogenesis of AD call for a system-level understanding of the currently available biomarkers and the study of new biomarkers via network-based modeling of heterogeneous data types. In this review, we summarize recent research on the study of AD as a connectivity syndrome. We argue that a network-based approach in biomarker discovery will provide key insights to fully understand the network degeneration hypothesis (disease starts in specific network areas and progressively spreads to connected areas of the initial loci-networks) with a potential impact for early diagnosis and disease-modifying treatments. We introduce a new framework for the quantitative study of biomarkers that can help shorten the transition between academic research and clinical diagnosis in AD.
La revolución industrial, en todas sus etapas, supuso un cambio que afectó de lleno a la actividad comercial en la ciudad, produciéndose paulatinamente, una separación radical entre los lugares de producción de bienes manufacturados y los de intercambio. Estos últimos, van especializándose, desde las primeras agrupaciones de comercios en pequeños mercados, hasta una de las formas más evolucionadas de superficie comercial en la actualidad, los Parques Comerciales. En base a que actualmente, no hay estudios concluyentes sobre la manera de abordar estos nuevos espacios, se ha considerado el estudio de 17 Parques Comerciales representativos españoles, de este se han obtenido datos según su planeamiento, de los cuales se ha postulado una división de los Parques Comerciales en los que tienen ordenación exclusiva y los que se han desarrollado sin ordenación exclusiva, de la misma manera, se han dividido cada uno de ellos en los que se considera parcela de aparcamiento y en los que la parcela de aparcamiento está incluida en la parcela a edificar, de este manera se han obtenido unos parámetros de dimensionamiento representativos para cada uno de los casos considerados, que van a servir de orientación para el responsable de futuros planeamientos, tales como usos, parámetros de ordenación, distribución urbanística, aparcamientos, etc. También se realiza una clasificación de los Parques Comerciales en función de las dimensiones de las "medianas comerciales" que los corforman. La Tesis postula una nueva definición de Parque Comercial más completa y adaptada a la importancia de este formato comercial, así como unas recomendaciones para su diseño y desarrollo en base a los parámetros urbanísticos obtenidos. Se desarrolla en la Tesis el horizonte previsible de los Parques Comerciales y las posibles nuevas líenas de investigación. The industrial revolution, in all its stages, marked a change that would have a major impact on commercial activity in cities, gradually producing a radical separation between the production sites of manufacturated goods and those of trading goods. The latter are becoming increasingly specialized, from the first trade associations in small markets, up to what is now one of the most highly evolved forms of retail spaces, the Commercial Parks. On the grounds that there are currently no conclusive studies on the manner in which to address these new spaces, a study of 17 prominent Spanish Commercial Parks has been considered, from which data has been obtained based on the way in which they were planned. It has been proposed that these Commercial Parks be divided into those that have been developed without exclusive planning. Likewise, each of these has been divided into those considered as parking lots and those in which the parking area is included in the building plot. In this manner, representative sizing parameters have been obtained for each of the cases considered, which will act as guidelines for the person in charge of future proposals, such as uses, development parameters, town planning, parking, etc. The Commercial Parks have also been classified according to the sizes of the "mid-sized stores" that comprise them. The Thesis proposes a new definition of the Commercial Park, which is more comprehensive and better adapted to the importance of this commercial format, as well as recommendations for design and development based on the urban planning parameters obtained. The Thesis explores the foresseable horizon of Commercial Parks and potential new lines of research.