11 resultados para Liouvillean, thermal equilibrium, return to equilibrium
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Ponencia publicada en las Actas del Congreso Internacional de la EAHN (EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY NETWORK), celebrado en Bruselas del 31 Mayo -3 Junio 2012.
Using a new Admittance-based model for electrical noise able to handle Fluctuations and Dissipations of electrical energy, we explain the phase noise of oscillators that use feedback around L-C resonators. We show that Fluctuations produce the Line Broadening of their output spectrum around its mean frequency f0 and that the Pedestal of phase noise far from f0 comes from Dissipations modified by the feedback electronics. The charge noise power 4FkT/R C2/s that disturbs the otherwise periodic fluctuation of charge these oscillators aim to sustain in their L-C-R resonator, is what creates their phase noise proportional to Leeson’s noise figure F and to the charge noise power 4kT/R C2/s of their capacitance C that today’s modelling would consider as the current noise density in A2/Hz of their resistance R. Linked with this (A2/Hz?C2/s) equivalence, R becomes a random series in time of discrete chances to Dissipate energy in Thermal Equilibrium (TE) giving a similar series of discrete Conversions of electrical energy into heat when the resonator is out of TE due to the Signal power it handles. Therefore, phase noise reflects the way oscillators sense thermal exchanges of energy with their environment.
Using a new Admittance-based model for electrical noise able to handle Fluctuations and Dissipations of electrical energy, we explain the phase noise of oscillators that use feedback around L-C resonators. We show that Fluctuations produce the Line Broadening of their output spectrum around its mean frequency f0 and that the Pedestal of phase noise far from f0 comes from Dissipations modified by the feedback electronics. The charge noise power 4FkT/R C2/s that disturbs the otherwise periodic fluctuation of charge these oscillators aim to sustain in their L-C-R resonator, is what creates their phase noise proportional to Leeson’s noise figure F and to the charge noise power 4kT/R C2/s of their capacitance C that today’s modelling would consider as the current noise density in A2/Hz of their resistance R. Linked with this (A2/Hz?C2/s) equivalence, R becomes a random series in time of discrete chances to Dissipate energy in Thermal Equilibrium (TE) giving a similar series of discrete Conversions of electrical energy into heat when the resonator is out of TE due to the Signal power it handles. Therefore, phase noise reflects the way oscillators sense thermal exchanges of energy with their environment
European cities are essential in the development of Europe as they constitute the living environment of more than 60% of the population in the European Union and are drivers of the European economy – just under 85% of the EU’s gross domestic product is produced in urban areas (EC, 2007a). The car has been one of the main factors of development during the 20th century, but it is at the same time the origin of the key problems cities have to face: traffic increase. This has resulted in chronic congestion with many adverse consequences such as air pollution and noise. This loss of environmental quality is one of the reasons for urban sprawl in European cities during recent decades. But this urban sprawl at the same time worsens the environmental conditions. We must return to the dense city, but clean and competitive, and this implies reducing car use yet provides quality transport alternatives sufficient to recover and maintain the competitiveness of cities (EC, 2007a). Consequently, European cities need to establish an urban transport strategy which helps reduce their environmental problems –mainly emissions and noise – but without decreasing their trip attraction. This aspect is very important because a loss of trip attraction would result in an increase of people moving to more disperse areas, contributing towards worsening the current situation. This thesis is an attempt to contribute solutions to this problem in two ways: 1) The first is to analyze the complementarity and possible synergies of several urban transport measures aimed at improving a modal split to a more sustainable means of transport. This analysis will focus on the three aspects already mentioned: emissions, noise and attractiveness or competitiveness. 2) Once possible synergies and complementarities have been analyzed, the second objective is to propose the best combination of these measures, in terms of level of implementation, to achieve the maximum benefit with respect to the three aspects previously established: emissions, noise and attractiveness or competitiveness. Therefore, within the wide range of measures enhancing sustainable urban transport, three of them have been be selected in this thesis to establish a methodology for achieving these objectives. The analysis will be based on the region of Madrid, which is also the case study selected for this research. Las ciudades europeas son piezas fundamentales para el desarrollo europeo, ya que son el lugar de residencia de más del 60% de la población de la unión europea así como los motores de su economía – casi el 85% del PIB europeo se produce en áreas urbanas (EC, 2007a). El coche ha sido uno de los principales motores de desarrollo de las ciudades durante el siglo XX, pero se ha terminado por convertir a su vez en uno de los principales problemas con los que tiene que lidiar las ciudades: el aumento del tráfico. Esto ha derivado en unos niveles crónicos de congestión, con multitud de efectos adversos, entre los que cabe destacar la contaminación del aire y el ruido. Esta pérdida de calidad ambiental es una de las razones que ha propiciado la dispersión urbana que han experimentado las ciudades europeas en las últimas décadas. Pero esta dispersión urbana a su vez contribuye a empeorar las condiciones ambientales de las ciudades. Debemos retornar a la ciudad densa, pero limpia y competitiva, y esto implica reducir el uso del coche, pero proporcionando alternativas de transporte que permitan recuperar y mantener la competitividad de las ciudades (EC, 2007a). Por lo tanto, las ciudades europeas necesitan encontrar una estrategia de transporte urbano que ayude a reducir sus problemas medio ambientales – principalmente ruido y emisiones – pero sin hacerlas perder atractividad o competitividad. Este aspecto tiene gran importancia porque una pérdida de la misma se traduciría en un aumento de dispersión de la población hacia áreas periféricas, contribuyendo a empeorar la situación actual. Esta tesis contribuye a solucionar este problema de dos maneras: 1) La primera, analizando la complementariedad y posibles sinergias de diferentes medidas de transporte urbano orientadas a promover un reparto modal hacia modos más sostenibles. Este análisis se centrará en los tres aspectos anteriormente citados: emisiones, ruido y atractividad o competitividad. 2) Una vez las posibles sinergias y complementariedades se han analizado, el segundo objetivo es proponer la mejor combinación de estas medidas – en términos de grado de aplicación - para lograr el máximo beneficio en lo que respecta a los tres objetivos previamente establecidos. Para ello, en esta tesis se han seleccionado una serie de medidas que permitan establecer una metodología para alcanzar estos objetivos previamente definidos. El análisis se centra en la ciudad de Madrid y su área metropolitana, la cual se ha escogido como caso de estudio para realizar esta investigación.
A broadband primary standard for thermal noise measurements is presented and its thermal and electromagnetic behavior is analyzed by means of analytical and numerical simulation techniques. It consists of a broadband termination connected to a 3.5mm coaxial airline partially immersed in liquid Nitrogen. The main innovative part of the device is the thermal bead between inner and outer conductors, designed for obtaining a proper thermal contact and to keep low both its contribution to the total thermal noise and its reflectivity. A sensitivity analysis is realized in order to fix the manufacturing tolerances for a proper performance in the range 10MHz¿26.5GHz.
Many efforts have been made in order to adequate the production of a solar thermal collector field to the consumption of domestic hot water of the inhabitants of a building. In that sense, much has been achieved in different domains: research agencies, government policies and manufacturers. However, most of the design rules of the solar plants are based on steady state models, whereas solar irradiance, consumption and thermal accumulation are inherently transient processes. As a result of this lack of physical accuracy, thermal storage tanks are sometimes left to be as large as the designer decides without any aforementioned precise recommendation. This can be a problem if solar thermal systems are meant to be implemented in nowadays buildings, where there is a shortage of space. In addition to that, an excessive storage volume could not result more efficient in many residential applications, but costly, extreme in space consumption and in some cases too heavy. A proprietary transient simulation program has been developed and validated with a detailed measurement campaign in an experimental facility. In situ environmental data have been obtained through a whole year of operation. They have been gathered at intervals of 10 min for a solar plant of 50 m2 with a storage tank of 3 m3, including the equipment for domestic hot water production of a typical apartment building. This program has been used to obtain the design and dimensioning criteria of DHW solar plants under daily transient conditions throughout a year and more specifically the size of the storage tank for a multi storey apartment building. Comparison of the simulation results with the current Spanish regulation applicable, “Código Técnico de la Edificación” (CTE 2006), offers fruitful details and establishes solar facilities dimensioning criteria.
Thermal characterization of Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV) modules and Arrays is needed to determine their performance and modelling of energy forecast. Module-ambient thermal resistance is easily obtained from its definition but the cell-module thermal resistant needs to be estimated from indirect procedures, two of them are presented in this paper. In addition, an equivalent parameter is defined, the Concentrator Nominal Operating Module/Cell Temperature (CNOMT/CNOCT), the temperature at Concentrator Standard Operating Conditions (CSOC). Definitions and expression to relate (CNOMT/CNOCT) to thermal resistances are presented, plus several examples of estimations from real operating arrays.
The use of thermal shields to reduce radiation heat loss in Siemens-type CVD reactors is analyzed, both theoretically and experimentally. The potential savings from the use of the thermal shields is first explored using a radiation heat model that takes emissivity variations with wavelength into account, which is important for materials that do not behave as grey bodies. The theoretical calculations confirm that materials with lower surface emissivity lead to higher radiation savings. Assuming that radiation heat loss is responsible for around 50% of the total power consumption, a reduction of 32.9% and 15.5% is obtained if thermal shields with constant emissivities of 0.3 and 0.7 are considered, respectively. Experiments considering different thermal shields are conducted in a laboratory CVD reactor, confirming that the real materials do not behave as grey bodies, and proving that significant energy savings in the polysilicon deposition process are obtained. Using silicon as a thermal shield leads to energy savings of between 26.5-28.5%. For wavelength-dependent emissivities, the model shows that there are significant differences in radiation heat loss, of around 25%, when compared to that of constant emissivity. The results of the model highlight the importance of having reliable data on the emissivities within the relevant range of wavelengths, and at deposition temperatures, which remains a pending issue.
SUNRISE is a balloon-borne solar telescope flown with a long-duration balloon by NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility team from Esrange (Swedish Space Corporation), on 8 June 2009. SUNRISE has been a challenging mission from the thermal point of view because of its size and power dissipation. Thus, a dedicated thermal analysis has been carried out to find a solution that allows all the devices to be kept within their appropriate temperature ranges, without exceeding the allowable temperature gradients, critical for optical devices. In this article, the thermal design of SUNRISE is described. A geometrical mathematical model and a thermal mathematical model of the whole system have been set up for the different load cases in order to obtain the temperature distribution and gradients in the system. Some trade-offs have been necessary to fulfil all the thermal requirements. The thermal hardware used to achieve it is described. Finally, the temperatures obtained with the models have been compared with flight data.
SUNRISE is a balloon-borne solar telescope flown with a long-duration balloon by NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility team from Esrange (Swedish Space Corporation), on 8 June 2009. SUNRISE has been a challenging mission from the thermal point of view because of its size and power dissipation. Thus, a dedicated thermal analysis has been carried out to find a solution that allows all the devices to be kept within their appropriate temperature ranges, without exceeding the allowable temperature gradients, critical for optical devices. In this article, the thermal design of SUNRISE is described. A geometrical mathematical model and a thermal mathematical model of the whole system have been set up for the different load cases in order to obtain the temperature distribution and gradients in the system. Some trade-offs have been necessary to fulfil all the thermal requirements. The thermal hardware used to achieve it is described. Finally, the temperatures obtained with the models have been compared with flight data.
La hipótesis que inspiró esta tesis sostiene que la integración de componentes fotovoltaicos en los cerramientos opacos y sombreamientos de huecos acristalados de edificios de oficinas en sitios ubicados en bajas latitudes, tomando como el ejemplo el caso concreto de Brasil, podría incrementar su eficiencia energética. Esta posibilidad se basa en el bloqueo de una parte significativa de la irradiación solar incidente en estos edificios, reduciendo así las cargas térmicas para la climatización y a la vez transformándola en energía eléctrica, a tal punto que se amortizan los costes de inversión en plazos aceptables a través de los ahorros en la demanda de energía. Para verificar esta hipótesis de partida se ha propuesto como objetivo general analizar la integración de elementos fotovoltaicos en cubiertas, muros opacos y sombreamiento de huecos acristalados desde la óptica del balance energético térmico y eléctrico. Inicialmente se presenta y analiza el estado del arte en los temas estudiados y la metodología de investigación, de carácter teórico basada en cálculos y simulaciones. A partir de un modelo tipo de edificio de oficinas situado en Brasil, se definen cuatro casos de estudio y una serie de parámetros, los cuales se analizan para siete latitudes ubicadas entre -1,4° y -30°, separadas las unas de las otras por aproximadamente 5°. Se presentan y discuten los resultados de más de 500 simulaciones para los siguientes conceptos: - recurso solar, desde la perspectiva de la disponibilidad de irradiación solar en distintas superficies de captación apropiadas para la integración de sistemas solares fotovoltaicos en edificaciones en bajas latitudes; - análisis de sombras, con objetivo de identificar los ángulos de sombras vertical (AVS) para protección de huecos acristalados en edificios de oficinas; - balance energético térmico, para identificar el efecto térmico del apantallamiento provocado por componentes fotovoltaicos en cubiertas, muros opacos y parasoles en ventanas en las cargas de refrigeración y consecuentemente en las demandas de energía eléctrica; - balance energético eléctrico, contrastando los resultados del balance térmico con la energía potencialmente generada en las envolventes arquitectónicas bajo estudio; - análisis económico, basado en un escenario de precios de la tecnología fotovoltaica de un mercado maduro y en la política de inyección a la red marcada por la actual normativa brasileña. Se han verificado los potenciales de ahorro económico que los sistemas activos fotovoltaicos podrían aportar, y asimismo se calculan diversos indicadores de rentabilidad financiera. En suma, esta investigación ha permitido extraer conclusiones que contribuyen al avance de la investigación y entender las condiciones que propician la viabilidad de la aplicación de componentes fotovoltaicas en las envolventes de edificios en Brasil, y hasta un cierto punto en otros países en latitudes equivalentes. ABSTRACT The hypothesis that inspired this thesis sustains that integration of photovoltaic components in the opaque envelope and shading elements of office buildings placed at low-latitude countries, using the specific case of Brazil, could increase its energy efficiency. This is possible because those components block a significant part of the incident solar irradiation, reducing its heating effect on the building and transforming its energy into electricity in such a way that the extra investments needed can be paid back in acceptable periods given the electricity bill savings they produce. In order to check this hypothesis, the main goal was to analyze the thermal and electrical performance of photovoltaic components integrated into roofs, opaque façades and window shadings. The first step is an introduction and discussion of the state of the art in the studied subjects, as well as the chosen methodology (which is theoretical), based on calculations and simulations. Starting from an office building located in Brazil, four case studies and their parameters are defined, and then analyzed, for seven cities located between latitudes -1.4° and -30°, with an approximate distance of 5° separating each one. Results of more than 500 simulations are presented and discussed for the following concepts: - Solar resource, from the perspective of irradiation availability on different surfaces for the integration of photovoltaic systems in buildings located at low latitudes; - Shading analysis, in order to determine the vertical shading angles (VSA) for protection of the glazed surfaces on office buildings; - Thermal energy balance, to identify the screening effect caused by photovoltaic components on roofs, opaque façades and window shadings on the cooling loads, and hence electricity demands; - Electric energy balance, comparing thermal energy balance with the energy potentially generated using the active skin of the buildings; - Economic analysis, based on a mature-market scenario and the current net metering rules established by the Brazilian government, to identify the potential savings these photovoltaic systems could deliver, as well as several indicators related to the return on the investment. In short, this research has led to conclusions that contribute to the further development of knowledge in this area and understanding of the conditions that favor the application of photovoltaic components in the envelope of office buildings in Brazil and, to a certain extent, in other countries at similar latitudes.