4 resultados para Library management

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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RESUMEN Las aplicaciones de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) a la Arqueología, u otra disciplina humanística no son una novedad. La evolución de los mismos hacia sistemas distribuidos e interoperables, y estructuras donde las políticas de uso, compartido y coordinado de los datos sí lo son, estando todos estos aspectos contemplados en la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales. INSPIRE es el máximo exponente europeo en cuestiones de iniciativa y marco legal en estos aspectos. La metodología arqueológica recopila y genera gran cantidad de datos, y entre los atributos o características intrínsecas están la posición y el tiempo, aspectos que tradicionalmente explotan los SIG. Los datos se catalogan, organizan, mantienen, comparten y publican, y los potenciales consumidores comienzan a tenerlos disponibles. Toda esta información almacenada de forma tradicional en fichas y posteriormente en bases de datos relacionadas alfanuméricas pueden ser considerados «metadatos» en muchos casos por contener información útil para más usuarios en los procesos de descubrimiento, y explotación de los datos. Además estos datos también suelen ir acompañados de información sobre ellos mismos, que describe su especificaciones, calidad, etc. Cotidianamente usamos los metadatos: ficha bibliográfica del libro o especificaciones de un ordenador. Pudiéndose definir como: «información descriptiva sobre el contexto, calidad, condición y características de un recurso, dato u objeto que tiene la finalidad de facilitar su recuperación, identificación,evaluación, preservación y/o interoperabilidad». En España existe una iniciativa para estandarizar la descripción de los metadatos de los conjuntos de datos geoespaciales: Núcleo Español de Metadatos (NEM), los mismos contienen elementos para la descripción de las particularidades de los datos geográficos, que incluye todos los registros obligatorios de la Norma ISO19115 y del estudio de metadatos Dublin Core, tradicionalmente usado en contextos de Biblioteconomía. Conscientes de la necesidad de los metadatos, para optimizar la búsqueda y recuperación de los datos, se pretende formalizar la documentación de los datos arqueológicos a partir de la utilización del NEM, consiguiendo así la interoperabilidad de la información arqueológica. SUMMARY The application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to Archaeology and other social sciences is not new. Their evolution towards inter-operating, distributed systems, and structures in which policies for shared and coordinated data use are, and all these aspects are included in the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). INSPIRE is the main European exponent in matters related to initiative and legal frame. Archaeological methodology gathers and creates a great amount of data, and position and time, aspects traditionally exploited by GIS, are among the attributes or intrinsic characteristics. Data are catalogued, organised, maintained, shared and published, and potential consumers begin to have them at their disposal. All this information, traditionally stored as cards and later in relational alphanumeric databases may be considered «metadata» in many cases, as they contain information that is useful for more users in the processes of discovery and exploitation of data. Moreover, this data are often accompanied by information about themselves, describing its especifications, quality, etc. We use metadata very often: in a book’s bibliographical card, or in the description of the characteristics of a computer. They may be defined as «descriptive information regarding the context, quality, condition and characteristics of a resource, data or object with the purpose of facilitating is recuperation, identification, evaluation, preservation and / interoperability.» There is an initiative in Spain to standardise the description of metadata in sets of geo-spatial data: the Núcleo Español de Metadatos (Spanish Metadata Nucleus), which contains elements for the description of the particular characteristics of geographical data, includes all the obligatory registers from the ISO Norm 19115 and from the metadata study Dublin Core, traditionally used in library management. Being aware of the need of metadata, to optimise the search and retrieval of data, the objective is to formalise the documentation of archaeological data from the Núcleo Español de Metadatos (Spanish Metadata Nucleus), thus obtaining the interoperability of the archaeological information.


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Nowadays video and web conferencing systems have become effective tools for communication and collaboration inside organizations. However, although these systems have evolved and now provide very nice features (e.g. sharing multimedia and documents), they are still too focused on the moment the meeting takes place. The existing systems provide very few facilities to organize the meeting and they do not take advantage of the possibilities the generated content offers once the meeting is finished. In this paper, we analyze the life cycle of a web conference and how existing systems monitor these conferences. Finally we present our solution, based on our know-how in videoconference management and our experience with these existing systems.


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This paper aims to obtain a baseline snapshot of the requirement management process using a two-stage questionnaire to identify both performed and non-performed CMMI practices. The questionnaire proposed in this paper may help with the assessment of the requirement management process, provide useful information related to the current state of the process, and indicate those practices that require immediate attention with the aim of begin a Software Process Improvement program.


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Since 2010 the Industrial Engineering School at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSII UPM) has its Plan Study accredited by ABET. Since then a big motivation has been promoted from the management team encouraging teachers to work on the measurement and strengthening of student¿s competences. Generic skills or behavior acquired significant importance in the workplace, particularly in relation to project management. Because of this, and framed within the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the curriculum of the new degrees are being developed under the competence-based learning. This situation leads to the need to have a clear measurement tool skills as a basis for developing them within the curriculum. A group of multidisciplinary teachers have been working together during two years to design measuring instruments valid for engineering students.