4 resultados para Liberation Theologies
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The characterisation of mineral texture has been a major concern for process mineralogists, as liberation characteristics of the ores are intimately related to the mineralogical texture. While a great effort has been done to automatically characterise texture in unbroken ores, the characterisation of textural attributes in mineral particles is usually descriptive. However, the quantitative characterisation of texture in mineral particles is essential to improve and predict the performance of minerallurgical processes (i.e. all the processes involved in the liberation and separation of the mineral of interest) and to achieve a more accurate geometallurgical model. Driven by this necessity of achieving a more complete characterisation of textural attributes in mineral particles, a methodology has been recently developed to automatically characterise the type of intergrowth between mineral phases within particles by means of digital image analysis. In this methodology, a set ofminerallurgical indices has been developed to quantify different mineralogical features and to identify the intergrowth pattern by discriminant analysis. The paper shows the application of the methodology to the textural characterisation of chalcopyrite in the rougher concentrate of the Kansanshi copper mine (Zambia). In this sample, the variety of intergrowth patterns of chalcopyrite with the other minerals has been used to illustrate the methodology. The results obtained show that the method identifies the intergrowth type and provides quantitative information to achieve a complete and detailed mineralogical characterisation. Therefore, the use of this methodology as a routinely tool in automated mineralogy would contribute to a better understanding of the ore behaviour during liberation and separation processes.
Process mineralogy provides the mineralogical information required by geometallurgists to address the inherent variation of geological data. The successful benefitiation of ores mostly depends on the ability of mineral processing to be efficiently adapted to the ore characteristics, being liberation one of the most relevant mineralogical parameters. The liberation characteristics of ores are intimately related to mineral texture. Therefore, the characterization of liberation necessarily requieres the identification and quantification of those textural features with a major bearing on mineral liberation. From this point of view grain size, bonding between mineral grains and intergrowth types are considered as the most influential textural attributes. While the quantification of grain size is a usual output of automated current technologies, information about grain boundaries and intergrowth types is usually descriptive and difficult to quantify to be included in the geometallurgical model. Aiming at the systematic and quantitative analysis of the intergrowth type within mineral particles, a new methodology based on digital image analysis has been developed. In this work, the ability of this methodology to achieve a more complete characterization of liberation is explored by the analysis of chalcopyrite in the rougher concentrate of the Kansanshi copper-gold mine (Zambia). Results obtained show that the method provides valuable textural information to achieve a better understanding of mineral behaviour during concentration processes. The potential of this method is enhanced by the fact that it provides data unavailable by current technologies. This opens up new perspectives on the quantitative analysis of mineral processing performance based on textural attributes.
Cuando el cineasta y periodista Rem Koolhaas aterriza con 24 años de edad, en 1968, en el terreno de la arquitectura, lo hace con un objetivo todavía pendiente: liberar a la arquitectura de la propia arquitectura. Arropándose con el título del Proyecto de Graduación que Rem Koolhaas entrega en 1972 en la Architectural Association, Exodus or the Voluntary Prisoners of the Architecture (en adelante Exodus), proyecto sobre el que el autor de este trabajo realizó la Tesis fin de Máster, bajo el marco académico del Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados en la ETSA de Madrid, este trabajo se presenta como una continuación y ampliación del anterior, aunque con objetivos complementarios. Así pues, si antes Atlas de Exodus consistía en el profundo análisis de un proyecto de relevancia capital, que servía para entender las intenciones proyectuales de Rem Koolhaas en su desarrollo profesional posterior en Office for Metropolitan Architecture, ahora ese análisis se extiende retrospectivamente a los años previos a la entrega de este proyecto, centrándose en torno a 1968 y 1972. La hipótesis de este trabajo es que Rem Koolhaas quiere liberar a la arquitectura de la propia arquitectura o, aprovechando el juego de palabras, desea provocar el éxodo de la arquitectura hacia el terreno lo infraordinario.2 Este rastreo, durante el transcurso narrativo de la tesis, abstrae las herramientas de liberación utilizadas para la consecución de este objetivo. Herramientas que se compilan, clasifican y enumeran como conclusiones del Atlas del éxodo de la arquitectura y que dejan la puerta abierta para la continuación de esta empresa en los días actuales. La hipótesis alarga su vigencia hasta el momento presente, ya que en opinión del autor, Rem Koolhaas no ha conseguido lo que se proponía y existen evidencias de que no desiste en su búsqueda. Atlas de Exodus se centra más en lo que el arquitecto no ha conseguido que en lo que sí. ABSTRACT When the filmmaker and journalist Rem Koolhaas lands, with 24 years old, in 1968, in the architecture field, he does it with an ambition that still is pending: liberate architecture from the architecture. Using the title fo the Graduation Project that Rem Koolhaas deliver in 1972, at the Architectural Association, named “Exodus or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture”, project on which the author of this dissertation developed his Final Master’s Thesis, under the academic frame of the Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados in the ETSAM, this work is introduced as a continuation and an extension of the former one, but with complementary goals. So, if before Atlas of Exodus was focused on Rem Koolhaas’ Graduation project on 1972, now it is extended retrospectively to 1968. The hypothesis of the dissertation is that Rem Koolhaas wanted and wants to liberate architecture from architecture, or using the pun, he wants to provoque the exodus of architecture to the terrain of the infra-ordinary.4 During the narrative course of the dissertation it abstracts the Liberation Tools that Rem Koolhaas used in order to achieve this goal. This tools that are compiled, classified and listed as the conclusions of this Atlas. They leave an open door for a practical continuation of this issue in the present days. The hypothesis extends its validity to the present time because, in the opinion of the author, Rem Koolhaas didn´t achieve what he wanted in the beginning of his career as an architect, and there are evidences that he didn´t give up in his goal. Atlas of Exodus is focused more in what the architect didn´t get than in what he really got.
Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de las investigaciones de Jorge Oteiza en torno a la funcionalidad estética del espacio, en especial, en la actividad artística que desarrolló en el año 1958, un año decisivo en la vida del escultor en el que dio por finalizado su proceso de experimentación sobre la naturaleza espacial de la estatua. En este desenlace tuvo un papel fundamental la relación funcional que planteó, a la hora de retomar su trabajo después de su triunfo en la IV Bienal de São Paulo de 1957, entre la escultura y la arquitectura. La primera, entendida como organismo puramente espacial, debía de responder a las condiciones de su mundo circundante, el espacio arquitectónico. Su función: acondicionarlo estéticamente para satisfacer las necesidades espirituales del habitante. Siguiendo el canon estético que para la escultura acababa de anunciar en Brasil, la desocupación espacial (la liberación de la energía espacial de la estatua, el rompimiento de la neutralidad del espacio libre) no se trataba de embellecer superficialmente la arquitectura sino de activar su vacío interior. Oteiza, que siempre estuvo muy interesado por la arquitectura y que había colaborado con anterioridad en numerosas ocasiones con los mejores arquitectos del país, fue durante este año cuando profundizó de manera más sistemática (teórica y prácticamente) sobre la relación arte-arquitectura. De hecho, él mismo nombraba como el último trabajo de su línea de experimentación en escultura a su propuesta para el concurso del Monumento a José Batlle en Montevideo, que junto al arquitecto Roberto Puig acabaron a finales de año. En el proyecto se planteaba a escala urbana, y como ejemplo concreto, el modelo teórico de integración arquitectura + (arte=0) que había elaborado los meses anteriores, la integración vacía. En el texto explicativo que acompañaba al proyecto (un texto que desbordaba los límites de una memoria al uso) demandaba la necesidad de la toma de conciencia estética del espacio, como acto de libertad individual, y declaraba el fin del rol de espectador del hombre frente a la obra de arte, reclamando su participación activa en la misma. Para él, la noción del espacio estético no era una condición innata en el hombre, se descubría, se aprendía, evolucionaba y se olvidaba (una vez convertido en hábito). Frente a la ceguera de la sensibilidad espacial del hombre, proponía la educación de la percepción espacial, condicionar emocionalmente la reflexión espontánea ante el juego espacial de las formas en la naturaleza y el espectáculo natural de la ciudad. Aprender a leer el lenguaje emocional del espacio, a pensar visualmente. La obra de arte era así un catalizador espiritual del contorno del mundo, modificador de la vida espacial circundante que corregía hábitos visuales y condicionaba estímulos y reflejos. Desde una resonancia afectiva con la definición psicológica del término (como energía psíquica profunda que invita o incita a pasar a la acción), a diferencia del instinto, la pulsión (siendo la fuente de toda conducta espontánea) es susceptible de ser modificada por la experiencia, por la educación, por la cultura, por el deseo. Es desde esta aproximación en términos de energía desde la que se propone la noción pulsiones del espacio como fórmula (reversible) entre la energía espacial liberada en el proceso de desocupación definido por Oteiza y caracterizadora de la obra como vacío activo (en escultura, en arquitectura), y la energía psíquica profunda que invita o incita a la toma de posesión del espacio (la voluntad espacial absoluta con la que Oteiza definía su modelo de arte=0, cero como expresión formal). Si el hombre modifica su entorno al mismo tiempo que es condicionado por él, es indispensable una conciencia estética del espacio que le enseñe, de entre todas las posibilidades que este le ofrece, qué es lo que necesita (qué es lo que le falta), para tomar posesión de él, para un efectivo ser o existir en el espacio. Es desde esta caracterización como energía por lo que las pulsiones del espacio se sitúan entre el hombre y su entorno (construido) y permiten la transformación entre energía espacial y energía psíquica; entre su hábitat y sus hábitos. Por estas mismas fechas, Oteiza definía una casa como un conjunto articulado de vacíos activos, como una obra de plástica pura que no es arte sino en función del habitante. Es este habitante, educado en la toma de conciencia estética del espacio, el que participando activamente en la interpretación de los espacios previstos por el arquitecto, sintiendo y movido por las pulsiones del espacio, hará uso adecuado de la arquitectura; pasando de un arte como objeto a un arte como comportamiento, transformará su habitar en un arte, el arte de habitar. ABSTRACT This work focuses on the study of Jorge Oteiza’s investigations on the aesthetic functionality of space, especially on his artistic activity developed in 1958, a decisive year in the life of the sculptor, in which he gave end to his process of experimentation on the spatial nature of the statue. In this outcome it was fundamental the functional relationship that he propounded, at the time of returning to work after his triumph in the IV Bienal de São Paulo in 1957, between sculpture and architecture. The first, understood as a purely spatial organism, should respond to the conditions of its environment (umwelt), the architectonic space. Its function: set it up aesthetically to meet the spiritual needs of the inhabitant. Following the aesthetic canon that he had just announced in Brazil for sculpture, the spatial disoccupation (the liberation of the spatial energy of the statue, the breaking of the neutrality of the free space) the aim was not to superficially beautify architecture but to activate its inner void. Oteiza, who had always been very interested in architecture and who had previously collaborated on numerous occasions with the best architects in the country, was in this year when he deepened in a more systematic way (theoretically and practically) about the art-architecture relationship. In fact, he named as the last work of his line of experimentation in sculpture to his proposal for the competition of the Monument to José Batlle in Montevideo, which, developed together with the architect Roberto Puig, was ended at the end of the year. The project proposed on an urban scale, and as a concrete example, the theoretical model of integration architecture + (art = 0) which he had elaborated the previous months, the empty integration. In the explanatory text accompanying the project (a text that exceeded the normal extents of a competition statement) he demanded the need of the aesthetic awareness of space, as an act of individual freedom, and it declared the end of the role of man as passive spectator in front of the work of art, claiming his actively participation in it. For him, the notion of the aesthetic space was not an inborn condition in man; first it was discovered, then learned, evolved and finally forgotten (once converted into a habit). To counteract blindness of the spatial sensitivity of man, he proposed the education of spatial perception, to emotionally influence the spontaneous reflection in front of the spatial game of forms in nature and the natural spectacle of the city. Learn to read the emotional language of space, to think visually. The work of art was thus a spiritual catalyst of the world’s contour, a modifier of the surrounding spatial life that corrected visual habits and conditioned stimuli and reflexes. From an emotional resonance with the psychological definition of the term (such as deep psychic power that invites or urges action), as opposed to instinct, drive (being the source of all spontaneous behavior) is likely to be modified by experience, by education, by culture, by desire. It is from this approach in terms of energy from which the notion drives of space is proposed, as a (reversible) formula between the spatial energy released in the process of disoccupation defined by Oteiza and characterizing of the work as a charged void (in sculpture, in architecture), and the deep psychic energy that invites or encourages the taking possession of the space (the absolute spatial will with which Oteiza defined its model of Art = 0, zero as a formal expression). If man changes his environment at the same time that is conditioned by it, it is essential an aesthetic awareness of space that shows him, among all the possibilities that it offers, what he needs (what is what he lacks), in order to take possession of it, for an effective being or existing in space. It is this characterization as energy by what drives of space lie between man and his (built) environment and allow the transformation between spatial and psychological energy; between his habitat and his habits. Around this same time, Oteiza defined a House as an articulated set of charged voids, as a work of pure plastic that is not art but according to the inhabitant. It is this inhabitant, educated in aesthetic awareness of space, who actively participating in the interpretation of the spaces provided by the architect, feeling and moved by the drives of the space, will make proper use of the architecture; from an art as object to an art as behavior, he will transform his inhabitation into an art, the art of inhabitation.