8 resultados para Liaison multipoint

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Lately, videoconference applications have experienced an evolution towards the World Wide Web. New technologies have given browsers real-time communications capabilities. In this context, WebRTC aims to provide this functionality by following and defining standards. Being a new effort, WebRTC still lacks advanced videoconferencing services such as session recording, media mixing and adjusting to varying network conditions. This paper analyzes these challenges and proposes an architecture based on a traditional communications entity, the Multipoint Control Unit or MCU as a solution.


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Toponomastics is increasingly interested in the subjective role of place names in quotidian life. In the frame of Urban Geography, the interest in this matter is currently growing, as the recently change in modes of habitation has urged our discipline to find new ways of exploring the cities. In this context, the study of how name's significance is connected to a urban society constitutes a very interesting approach. We believe in the importance of place names as tools for decoding urban areas and societies at a local-scale. This consideration has been frequently taken into account in the analysis of exonyms, although in their case they are not exempt of political and practical implications that prevail over the tool function. The study of toponomastic processes helps us understanding how the city works, by analyzing the liaison between urban landscape, imaginaries and toponyms which is reflected in the scarcity of some names, in the biased creation of new toponyms and in the pressure exercised over every place name by tourists, residents and local government for changing, maintaining or eliminating them. Our study-case, Toledo, is one of the oldest cities in Spain, full of myths, stories and histories that can only be understood combined with processes of internal evolution of the city linked to the arrival of new residents and the more and more notorious change of its historical landscape. At a local scale, we are willing to decode the information which is contained in its toponyms about its landscape and its society.


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The increase in CPU power and screen quality of todays smartphones as well as the availability of high bandwidth wireless networks has enabled high quality mobile videoconfer- encing never seen before. However, adapting to the variety of devices and network conditions that come as a result is still not a trivial issue. In this paper, we present a multiple participant videoconferencing service that adapts to different kind of devices and access networks while providing an stable communication. By combining network quality detection and the use of a multipoint control unit for video mixing and transcoding, desktop, tablet and mobile clients can participate seamlessly. We also describe the cost in terms of bandwidth and CPU usage of this approach in a variety of scenarios.


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A software tool for planning and dimensioning Wireless Networks based on standard 802.16 is presented in this paper. Due to the deployment of communication systems based on this standard, it is necessary a tool which allows an easy implementation and dimensioning of this type of networks. With this tool the user will be able to evaluate point to point and point to multipoint networks, obtaining results such as losses in the link, power received, signal noise rate, coverage or bit rates the network is able to handle. For that purpose, the tool will employ technical specifications of transmitters and receivers, design parameters of the network and different propagation models.


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One of the key factors for a given application to take advantage of cloud computing is the ability to scale in an efficient, fast and reliable way. In centralized multi-party video conferencing, dynamically scaling a running conversation is a complex problem. In this paper we propose a methodology to divide the Multipoint Control Unit (the video conferencing server) into more simple units, broadcasters. Each broadcaster receives the media from a participant, processes it and forwards it to the rest. These broadcasters can be distributed among a group of CPUs. By using this methodology, video conferencing systems can scale in a more granular way, improving the deployment.


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Multi party videoconference systems use MCU (Multipoint Control Unit) devices to forward media streams. In this paper we describe a mechanism that allows the mobility of such streams between MCU devices. This mobility is especially useful when redistribution of streams is needed due to scalability requirements. These requirements are mandatory in Cloud scenarios to adapt the number of MCUs and their capabilities to variations in the user demand. Our mechanism is based on TURN (Traversal Using Relay around NAT) standard and adapts MICE (Mobility with ICE) specification to the requirements of this kind of scenarios. We conclude that this mechanism achieves the stream mobility in a transparent way for client nodes and without interruptions for the users.


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En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se va a explicar el procedimiento seguido a la hora de estudiar, diseñar y desarrollar Ackuaria, un portal de monitorización y análisis de estadísticas de comunicaciones en tiempo real. Después, se mostrarán los resultados obtenidos y la interfaz gráfica desarrollada para una mejor experiencia de usuario. Ackuaria se apoyará en el uso de Licode, un proyecto de código libre desarrollado en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, más concretamente en el Grupo de Internet de Nueva Generación de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación. Licode ofrece la posibilidad de crear un servicio de streaming y videoconferencia en la propia infraestructura del usuario. Está diseñado para ser totalmente escalable y su uso está orientado principalmente al Cloud, aunque es perfectamente utilizable en una infraestructura física. Licode a su vez se basa en WebRTC, un protocolo desarrollado por la W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) y el IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) pensado para poder transmitir y recibir flujos de audio, video y datos a través del navegador. No necesita ninguna instalación adicional, por lo que establecer una sesión de videoconferencia Peer-to-Peer es realmente sencillo. Con Licode se usa una MCU (Multipoint Control Unit) para evitar que todas las conexiones entre los usuarios sean Peer-To-Peer. Actúa como un cliente WebRTC más por el que pasan todos los flujos, que se encarga de multiplexar y redirigir donde sea necesario. De esta forma se ahorra ancho de banda y recursos del dispositivo de una forma muy significativa. Existe la creciente necesidad de los usuarios de Licode y de cualquier servicio de videoconferencia en general de poder gestionar su infraestructura a partir de datos y estadísticas fiables. Sus objetivos son muy variados: desde estudiar el comportamiento de WebRTC en distintos escenarios hasta monitorizar el uso de los usuarios para poder contabilizar después el tiempo publicado por cada uno. En todos los casos era común la necesidad de disponer de una herramienta que permitiese conocer en todo momento qué está pasando en el servicio de Licode, así como de almacenar toda la información para poder ser analizada posteriormente. Para conseguir desarrollar Ackuaria se ha realizado un estudio de las comunicaciones en tiempo real con el objetivo de determinar qué parámetros era indispensable y útil monitorizar. A partir de este estudio se ha actualizado la arquitectura de Licode para que obtuviese todos los datos necesarios y los enviase de forma que pudiesen ser recogidos por Ackuaria. El portal de monitorización entonces tratará esa información y la mostrará de forma clara y ordenada, además de proporcionar una API REST al usuario.


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Context: Replication plays an important role in experimental disciplines. There are still many uncertain- ties about how to proceed with replications of SE experiments. Should replicators reuse the baseline experiment materials? How much liaison should there be among the original and replicating experiment- ers, if any? What elements of the experimental configuration can be changed for the experiment to be considered a replication rather than a new experiment? Objective: To improve our understanding of SE experiment replication, in this work we propose a classi- fication which is intend to provide experimenters with guidance about what types of replication they can perform. Method: The research approach followed is structured according to the following activities: (1) a litera- ture review of experiment replication in SE and in other disciplines, (2) identification of typical elements that compose an experimental configuration, (3) identification of different replications purposes and (4) development of a classification of experiment replications for SE. Results: We propose a classification of replications which provides experimenters in SE with guidance about what changes can they make in a replication and, based on these, what verification purposes such a replication can serve. The proposed classification helped to accommodate opposing views within a broader framework, it is capable of accounting for less similar replications to more similar ones regarding the baseline experiment. Conclusion: The aim of replication is to verify results, but different types of replication serve special ver- ification purposes and afford different degrees of change. Each replication type helps to discover partic- ular experimental conditions that might influence the results. The proposed classification can be used to identify changes in a replication and, based on these, understand the level of verification.