7 resultados para Laguerre and Hermite functions of second kind

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Occupations in the labor market are linked with to a minimum basic training and other capacities. Hired workers should be able to accomplish required functions related to their specific job. Regarding the rural development labor market, local action groups? workers have defined performance areas?projects, strategy, organization and training & market?but specific functions within each of these areas are not as clearly defined. Neither both, basic training and capacities needed to perform each job profile within the local action group are defined. This communication analyses training and other capacities linked to each of the job profiles within the local action group. Functions within each of the performance areas previously defined are also analyzed regarding the job profiles.


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We characterize the region of meromorphic continuation of an analytic function ff in terms of the geometric rate of convergence on a compact set of sequences of multi-point rational interpolants of ff. The rational approximants have a bounded number of poles and the distribution of interpolation points is arbitrary.


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DNA binding with One Finger (DOF) transcription factors are involved in multiple aspects of plant growth and development but their precise roles in abiotic stress tolerance are largely unknown. Here we report a group of five tomato DOF genes, homologous to Arabidopsis Cycling DOF Factors (CDFs), that function as transcriptional regulators involved in responses to drought and salt stress and flowering-time control in a gene-specific manner. SlCDF1?5 are nuclear proteins that display specific binding with different affinities to canonical DNA target sequences and present diverse transcriptional activation capacities in vivo. SlCDF1?5 genes exhibited distinct diurnal expression patterns and were differentially induced in response to osmotic, salt, heat, and low-temperature stresses. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing SlCDF1 or SlCDF3 showed increased drought and salt tolerance. In addition, the expression of various stress-responsive genes, such as COR15, RD29A, and RD10, were differentially activated in the overexpressing lines. Interestingly, overexpression in Arabidopsis of SlCDF3 but not SlCDF1 promotes late flowering through modulation of the expression of flowering control genes such as CO and FT. Overall, our data connect SlCDFs to undescribed functions related to abiotic stress tolerance and flowering time through the regulation of specific target genes and an increase in particular metabolites


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El tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) es considerado uno de los cultivos hortícolas de mayor importancia económica en el territorio Español. Sin embargo, su producción está seriamente afectada por condiciones ambientales adversas como, salinidad, sequía y temperaturas extremas. Para resolver los problemas que se presentan en condiciones de estrés, se han empleado una serie de técnicas culturales que disminuyen sus efectos negativos, siendo de gran interés el desarrollo de variedades tolerantes. En este sentido la obtención y análisis de plantas transgénicas, ha supuesto un avance tecnológico, que ha facilitado el estudio y la evaluación de genes seleccionados en relación con la tolerancia al estrés. Estudios recientes han mostrado que el uso de genes reguladores como factores de transcripción (FTs) es una gran herramienta para obtener nuevas variedades de tomate con mayor tolerancia a estreses abióticos. Las proteínas DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) son una familia de FTs específica de plantas (Yangisawa, 2002), que están involucrados en procesos fisiológicos exclusivos de plantas como: asimilación del nitrógeno y fijación del carbono fotosintético, germinación de semilla, metabolismo secundario y respuesta al fotoperiodo pero su preciso rol en la tolerancia a estrés abiótico se desconoce en gran parte. El trabajo descrito en esta tesis tiene como objetivo estudiar genes reguladores tipo DOF para incrementar la tolerancia a estrés abiotico tanto en especies modelo como en tomate. En el primer capítulo de esta tesis se muestra la caracterización funcional del gen CDF3 de Arabidopsis, así como su papel en la respuesta a estrés abiótico y otros procesos del desarrollo. La expresión del gen AtCDF3 es altamente inducido por sequía, temperaturas extremas, salinidad y tratamientos con ácido abscísico (ABA). La línea de inserción T-DNA cdf3-1 es más sensible al estrés por sequía y bajas temperaturas, mientras que líneas transgénicas de Arabidopsis 35S::AtCDF3 aumentan la tolerancia al estrés por sequía, osmótico y bajas temperaturas en comparación con plantas wild-type (WT). Además, estas plantas presentan un incremento en la tasa fotosintética y apertura estomática. El gen AtCDF3 se localiza en el núcleo y que muestran una unión específica al ADN con diferente afinidad a secuencias diana y presentan diversas capacidades de activación transcripcional en ensayos de protoplastos de Arabidopsis. El dominio C-terminal de AtCDF3 es esencial para esta localización y su capacidad activación, la delección de este dominio reduce la tolerancia a sequía en plantas transgénicas 35S::AtCDF3. Análisis por microarray revelan que el AtCDF3 regula un set de genes involucrados en el metabolismo del carbono y nitrógeno. Nuestros resultados demuestran que el gen AtCDF3 juega un doble papel en la regulación de la respuesta a estrés por sequía y bajas temperaturas y en el control del tiempo de floración. En el segundo capítulo de este trabajo se lleva a cabo la identificación de 34 genes Dof en tomate que se pueden clasificar en base a homología de secuencia en cuatro grupos A-D, similares a los descritos en Arabidopsis. Dentro del grupo D se han identificado cinco genes DOF que presentan características similares a los Cycling Dof Factors (CDFs) de Arabidopsis. Estos genes son considerados ortólogos de Arabidopsis CDF1-5, y han sido nombrados como Solanum lycopersicum CDFs o SlCDFs. Los SlCDF1-5 son proteínas nucleares que muestran una unión específica al ADN con diferente afinidad a secuencias diana y presentan diversas capacidades de activación transcripcional in vivo. Análisis de expresión de los genes SlCDF1-5 muestran diferentes patrones de expresión durante el día y son inducidos de forma diferente en respuesta a estrés osmótico, salino, y de altas y bajas temperaturas. Plantas de Arabidopsis que sobre-expresan SlCDF1 y SlCDF3 muestran un incremento de la tolerancia a la sequía y salinidad. Además, de la expresión de varios genes de respuesta estrés como AtCOR15, AtRD29A y AtERD10, son expresados de forma diferente en estas líneas. La sobre-expresión de SlCDF3 en Arabidopsis promueve un retardo en el tiempo de floración a través de la modulación de la expresión de genes que controlan la floración como CONSTANS (CO) y FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT). En general, nuestros datos demuestran que los SlCDFs están asociados a funciones aun no descritas, relacionadas con la tolerancia a estrés abiótico y el control del tiempo de floración a través de la regulación de genes específicos y a un aumento de metabolitos particulares. ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the horticultural crops of major economic importance in the Spanish territory. However, its production is being affected by adverse environmental conditions such as salinity, drought and extreme temperatures. To resolve the problems triggered by stress conditions, a number of agricultural techniques that reduce the negative effects of stress are being frequently applied. However, the development of stress tolerant varieties is of a great interest. In this direction, the technological progress in obtaining and analysis of transgenic plants facilitated the study and evaluation of selected genes in relation to stress tolerance. Recent studies have shown that a use of regulatory genes such as transcription factors (TFs) is a great tool to obtain new tomato varieties with greater tolerance to abiotic stresses. The DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) proteins form a family of plant-specific TFs (Yangisawa, 2002) that are involved in the regulation of particular plant processes such as nitrogen assimilation, photosynthetic carbon fixation, seed germination, secondary metabolism and flowering time bur their precise roles in abiotic stress tolerance are largely unknown. The work described in this thesis aims at the study of the DOF type regulatory genes to increase tolerance to abiotic stress in both model species and the tomato. In the first chapter of this thesis, we present molecular characterization of the Arabidopsis CDF3 gene as well as its role in the response to abiotic stress and in other developmental processes. AtCDF3 is highly induced by drought, extreme temperatures, salt and abscisic acid (ABA) treatments. The cdf3-1 T-DNA insertion mutant was more sensitive to drought and low temperature stresses, whereas the AtCDF3 overexpression enhanced the tolerance of transgenic plants to drought, cold and osmotic stress comparing to the wild-type (WT) plants. In addition, these plants exhibit increased photosynthesis rates and stomatal aperture. AtCDF3 is localized in the nuclear region, displays specific binding to the canonical DNA target sequences and has a transcriptional activation activity in Arabidopsis protoplast assays. In addition, the C-terminal domain of AtCDF3 is essential for its localization and activation capabilities and the deletion of this domain significantly reduces the tolerance to drought in transgenic 35S::AtCDF3 overexpressing plants. Microarray analysis revealed that AtCDF3 regulated a set of genes involved in nitrogen and carbon metabolism. Our results demonstrate that AtCDF3 plays dual roles in regulating plant responses to drought and low temperature stress and in control of flowering time in vegetative tissues. In the second chapter this work, we carried out to identification of 34 tomato DOF genes that were classified by sequence similarity into four groups A-D, similar to the situation in Arabidopsis. In the D group we have identified five DOF genes that show similar characteristics to the Cycling Dof Factors (CDFs) of Arabidopsis. These genes were considered orthologous to the Arabidopsis CDF1 - 5 and were named Solanum lycopersicum CDFs or SlCDFs. SlCDF1-5 are nuclear proteins that display specific binding to canonical DNA target sequences and have transcriptional activation capacities in vivo. Expression analysis of SlCDF1-5 genes showed distinct diurnal expression patterns and were differentially induced in response to osmotic, salt and low and high temperature stresses. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing SlCDF1 and SlCDF3 showed increased drought and salt tolerance. In addition, various stress-responsive genes, such as AtCOR15, AtRD29A and AtERD10, were expressed differently in these lines. The overexpression of SlCDF3 in Arabidopsis also results in the late flowering phenotype through the modulation of the expression of flowering control genes such CONSTANS (CO) and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT). Overall, our data connet SlCDFs to undescribed functions related to abiotic stress tolerance and flowering time through the regulation of specific target genes and an increase in particular metabolites.


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Background: In recent years, Spain has implemented a number of air quality control measures that are expected to lead to a future reduction in fine particle concentrations and an ensuing positive impact on public health. Objectives: We aimed to assess the impact on mortality attributable to a reduction in fine particle levels in Spain in 2014 in relation to the estimated level for 2007. Methods: To estimate exposure, we constructed fine particle distribution models for Spain for 2007 (reference scenario) and 2014 (projected scenario) with a spatial resolution of 16x16 km2. In a second step, we used the concentration-response functions proposed by cohort studies carried out in Europe (European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects and Rome longitudinal cohort) and North America (American Cancer Society cohort, Harvard Six Cities study and Canadian national cohort) to calculate the number of attributable annual deaths corresponding to all causes, all non-accidental causes, ischemic heart disease and lung cancer among persons aged over 25 years (2005-2007 mortality rate data). We examined the effect of the Spanish demographic shift in our analysis using 2007 and 2012 population figures. Results: Our model suggested that there would be a mean overall reduction in fine particle levels of 1mg/m3 by 2014. Taking into account 2007 population data, between 8 and 15 all-cause deaths per 100,000 population could be postponed annually by the expected reduction in fine particle levels. For specific subgroups, estimates varied from 10 to 30 deaths for all non-accidental causes, from 1 to 5 for lung cancer, and from 2 to 6 for ischemic heart disease. The expected burden of preventable mortality would be even higher in the future due to the Spanish population growth. Taking into account the population older than 30 years in 2012, the absolute mortality impact estimate would increase approximately by 18%. Conclusions: Effective implementation of air quality measures in Spain, in a scenario with a short-term projection, would amount to an appreciable decline infine particle concentrations, and this, in turn, would lead to notable health-related benefits. Recent European cohort studies strengthen the evidence of an association between long-term exposure to fine particles and health effects, and could enhance the health impact quantification in Europe. Air quality models can contribute to improved assessment of air pollution health impact estimates, particularly in study areas without air pollution monitoring data.


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A mathematical model of the process employed by a sonic anemometer to build up the measured wind vector in a steady flow is presented to illustrate the way the geometry of these sensors as well as the characteristics of aerodynamic disturbance on the acoustic path can lead to singularities in the transformation function that relates the measured (disturbed) wind vector with the real (corrected) wind vector, impeding the application of correction/calibration functions for some wind conditions. An implicit function theorem allows for the identification of those combinations of real wind conditions and design parameters that lead to undefined correction/ calibration functions. In general, orthogonal path sensors do not show problematic combination of parameters. However, some geometric sonic sensor designs, available in the market, with paths forming smaller angles could lead to undefined correction functions for some levels of aerodynamic disturbances and for certain wind directions. The parameters studied have a strong influence on the existence and number of singularities in the correction/ calibration function as well as on the number of singularities for some combination of parameters. Some conclusions concerning good design practices are included.


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En esta tesis se analiza el sistema de tracción de un vehículo eléctrico de batería desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energética y de la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros (radiación electromagnética). Este estudio incluye tanto el sistema de almacenamiento de energía como la máquina eléctrica, junto con la electrónica de potencia y los sistemas de control asociados a ambos. Los análisis y los resultados presentados en este texto están basados en modelos matemáticos, simulaciones por ordenador y ensayos experimentales a escala de laboratorio. La investigación llevada a cabo durante esta tesis tuvo siempre un marcado enfoque industrial, a pesar de estar desarrollada en un entorno de considerable carácter universitario. Las líneas de investigación acometidas tuvieron como destinatario final al diseñador y al fabricante del vehículo, a pesar de lo cual algunos de los resultados obtenidos son preliminares y/o excesivamente académicos para resultar de interés industrial. En el ámbito de la eficiencia energética, esta tesis estudia sistemas híbridos de almacenamiento de energía basados en una combinación de baterías de litio y supercondensadores. Este tipo de sistemas son analizados desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia mediante modelos matemáticos y simulaciones, cuantificando el impacto de ésta en otros parámetros tales como el envejecimiento de las baterías. Respecto a la máquina eléctrica, el estudio se ha centrado en máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes. El análisis de la eficiencia considera tanto el diseño de la máquina como la estrategia de control, dejando parcialmente de lado el inversor y la técnica de modulación (que son incluidos en el estudio como fuentes adicionales de pérdidas, pero no como potenciales fuentes de optimización de la eficiencia). En este sentido, tanto la topología del inversor (trifásico, basado en IGBTs) como la técnica de modulación (control de corriente en banda de histéresis) se establecen desde el principio. El segundo aspecto estudiado en esta tesis es la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros. Este tema se enfoca desde un punto de vista predictivo, y no desde un punto de vista de diagnóstico, puesto que se ha desarrollado una metodología para estimar el campo magnético generado por los dispositivos de potencia de un vehículo eléctrico. Esta metodología ha sido validada mediante ensayos de laboratorio. Otros aspectos importantes de esta contribución, además de la metodología en sí misma, son las consecuencias que se derivan de ella (por ejemplo, recomendaciones de diseño) y la comprensión del problema proporcionada por esta. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis se listan a continuación: una recopilación de modelos de pérdidas correspondientes a la mayoría de dispositivos de potencia presentes en un vehículo eléctrico de batería, una metodología para analizar el funcionamiento de un sistema híbrido de almacenamiento de energía para aplicaciones de tracción, una explicación de cómo ponderar energéticamente los puntos de operación par-velocidad de un vehículo eléctrico (de utilidad para evaluar el rendimiento de una máquina eléctrica, por ejemplo), una propuesta de incluir un convertidor DC-DC en el sistema de tracción para minimizar las pérdidas globales del accionamiento (a pesar de las nuevas pérdidas introducidas por el propio DC-DC), una breve comparación entre dos tipos distintos de algoritmos de minimización de pérdidas para máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes, una metodología predictiva para estimar la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros de un vehículo eléctrico (debida a los equipos de potencia), y finalmente algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones de diseño respecto a dicha exposición a campos magnéticos. ABSTRACT This dissertation analyzes the powertrain of a battery electric vehicle, focusing on energy efficiency and passenger exposure to electromagnetic fields (electromagnetic radiation). This study comprises the energy storage system as well as the electric machine, along with their associated power electronics and control systems. The analysis and conclusions presented in this dissertation are based on mathematical models, computer simulations and laboratory scale tests. The research performed during this thesis was intended to be of industrial nature, despite being developed in a university. In this sense, the work described in this document was carried out thinking of both the designer and the manufacturer of the vehicle. However, some of the results obtained lack industrial readiness, and therefore they remain utterly academic. Regarding energy efficiency, hybrid energy storage systems consisting in lithium batteries, supercapacitors and up to two DC-DC power converters are considered. These kind of systems are analyzed by means of mathematical models and simulations from the energy efficiency point of view, quantifying its impact on other relevant aspects such as battery aging. Concerning the electric machine, permanent magnet synchronous machines are studied in this work. The energy efficiency analysis comprises the machine design and the control strategy, while the inverter and its modulation technique are taken into account but only as sources of further power losses, and not as potential sources for further efficiency optimization. In this sense, both the inverter topology (3-phase IGBT-based inverter) and the switching technique (hysteresis current control) are fixed from the beginning. The second aspect studied in this work is passenger exposure to magnetic fields. This topic is approached from the prediction point of view, rather than from the diagnosis point of view. In other words, a methodology to estimate the magnetic field generated by the power devices of an electric vehicle is proposed and analyzed in this dissertation. This methodology has been validated by laboratory tests. The most important aspects of this contribution, apart from the methodology itself, are the consequences (for instance, design guidelines) and the understanding of the magnetic radiation issue provided by it. The main contributions of this dissertation are listed next: a compilation of loss models for most of the power devices found in a battery electric vehicle powertrain, a simulation-based methodology to analyze hybrid energy storage performance in traction applications, an explanation of how to assign energy-based weights to different operating points in traction drives (useful when assessing electrical machine performance, for instance), a proposal to include one DC-DC converter in electric powertrains to minimize overall power losses in the system (despite the new losses added by the DC-DC), a brief comparison between two kinds of loss-minimization algorithms for permanent magnet synchronous machines in terms of adaptability and energy efficiency, a predictive methodology to estimate passenger magnetic field exposure due to power devices in an electric vehicle, and finally some useful conclusions and design guidelines concerning magnetic field exposure.