6 resultados para Kullback-Leibler Divergence

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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We propose a method to measure real-valued time series irreversibility which combines two different tools: the horizontal visibility algorithm and the Kullback-Leibler divergence. This method maps a time series to a directed network according to a geometric criterion. The degree of irreversibility of the series is then estimated by the Kullback-Leibler divergence (i.e. the distinguishability) between the in and out degree distributions of the associated graph. The method is computationally efficient and does not require any ad hoc symbolization process. We find that the method correctly distinguishes between reversible and irreversible stationary time series, including analytical and numerical studies of its performance for: (i) reversible stochastic processes (uncorrelated and Gaussian linearly correlated), (ii) irreversible stochastic processes (a discrete flashing ratchet in an asymmetric potential), (iii) reversible (conservative) and irreversible (dissipative) chaotic maps, and (iv) dissipative chaotic maps in the presence of noise. Two alternative graph functionals, the degree and the degree-degree distributions, can be used as the Kullback-Leibler divergence argument. The former is simpler and more intuitive and can be used as a benchmark, but in the case of an irreversible process with null net current, the degree-degree distribution has to be considered to identify the irreversible nature of the series


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Hoy en día, con la evolución continua y rápida de las tecnologías de la información y los dispositivos de computación, se recogen y almacenan continuamente grandes volúmenes de datos en distintos dominios y a través de diversas aplicaciones del mundo real. La extracción de conocimiento útil de una cantidad tan enorme de datos no se puede realizar habitualmente de forma manual, y requiere el uso de técnicas adecuadas de aprendizaje automático y de minería de datos. La clasificación es una de las técnicas más importantes que ha sido aplicada con éxito a varias áreas. En general, la clasificación se compone de dos pasos principales: en primer lugar, aprender un modelo de clasificación o clasificador a partir de un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento, y en segundo lugar, clasificar las nuevas instancias de datos utilizando el clasificador aprendido. La clasificación es supervisada cuando todas las etiquetas están presentes en los datos de entrenamiento (es decir, datos completamente etiquetados), semi-supervisada cuando sólo algunas etiquetas son conocidas (es decir, datos parcialmente etiquetados), y no supervisada cuando todas las etiquetas están ausentes en los datos de entrenamiento (es decir, datos no etiquetados). Además, aparte de esta taxonomía, el problema de clasificación se puede categorizar en unidimensional o multidimensional en función del número de variables clase, una o más, respectivamente; o también puede ser categorizado en estacionario o cambiante con el tiempo en función de las características de los datos y de la tasa de cambio subyacente. A lo largo de esta tesis, tratamos el problema de clasificación desde tres perspectivas diferentes, a saber, clasificación supervisada multidimensional estacionaria, clasificación semisupervisada unidimensional cambiante con el tiempo, y clasificación supervisada multidimensional cambiante con el tiempo. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea, hemos usado básicamente los clasificadores Bayesianos como modelos. La primera contribución, dirigiéndose al problema de clasificación supervisada multidimensional estacionaria, se compone de dos nuevos métodos de aprendizaje de clasificadores Bayesianos multidimensionales a partir de datos estacionarios. Los métodos se proponen desde dos puntos de vista diferentes. El primer método, denominado CB-MBC, se basa en una estrategia de envoltura de selección de variables que es voraz y hacia delante, mientras que el segundo, denominado MB-MBC, es una estrategia de filtrado de variables con una aproximación basada en restricciones y en el manto de Markov. Ambos métodos han sido aplicados a dos problemas reales importantes, a saber, la predicción de los inhibidores de la transcriptasa inversa y de la proteasa para el problema de infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana tipo 1 (HIV-1), y la predicción del European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) a partir de los cuestionarios de la enfermedad de Parkinson con 39 ítems (PDQ-39). El estudio experimental incluye comparaciones de CB-MBC y MB-MBC con los métodos del estado del arte de la clasificación multidimensional, así como con métodos comúnmente utilizados para resolver el problema de predicción de la enfermedad de Parkinson, a saber, la regresión logística multinomial, mínimos cuadrados ordinarios, y mínimas desviaciones absolutas censuradas. En ambas aplicaciones, los resultados han sido prometedores con respecto a la precisión de la clasificación, así como en relación al análisis de las estructuras gráficas que identifican interacciones conocidas y novedosas entre las variables. La segunda contribución, referida al problema de clasificación semi-supervisada unidimensional cambiante con el tiempo, consiste en un método nuevo (CPL-DS) para clasificar flujos de datos parcialmente etiquetados. Los flujos de datos difieren de los conjuntos de datos estacionarios en su proceso de generación muy rápido y en su aspecto de cambio de concepto. Es decir, los conceptos aprendidos y/o la distribución subyacente están probablemente cambiando y evolucionando en el tiempo, lo que hace que el modelo de clasificación actual sea obsoleto y deba ser actualizado. CPL-DS utiliza la divergencia de Kullback-Leibler y el método de bootstrapping para cuantificar y detectar tres tipos posibles de cambio: en las predictoras, en la a posteriori de la clase o en ambas. Después, si se detecta cualquier cambio, un nuevo modelo de clasificación se aprende usando el algoritmo EM; si no, el modelo de clasificación actual se mantiene sin modificaciones. CPL-DS es general, ya que puede ser aplicado a varios modelos de clasificación. Usando dos modelos diferentes, el clasificador naive Bayes y la regresión logística, CPL-DS se ha probado con flujos de datos sintéticos y también se ha aplicado al problema real de la detección de código malware, en el cual los nuevos ficheros recibidos deben ser continuamente clasificados en malware o goodware. Los resultados experimentales muestran que nuestro método es efectivo para la detección de diferentes tipos de cambio a partir de los flujos de datos parcialmente etiquetados y también tiene una buena precisión de la clasificación. Finalmente, la tercera contribución, sobre el problema de clasificación supervisada multidimensional cambiante con el tiempo, consiste en dos métodos adaptativos, a saber, Locally Adpative-MB-MBC (LA-MB-MBC) y Globally Adpative-MB-MBC (GA-MB-MBC). Ambos métodos monitorizan el cambio de concepto a lo largo del tiempo utilizando la log-verosimilitud media como métrica y el test de Page-Hinkley. Luego, si se detecta un cambio de concepto, LA-MB-MBC adapta el actual clasificador Bayesiano multidimensional localmente alrededor de cada nodo cambiado, mientras que GA-MB-MBC aprende un nuevo clasificador Bayesiano multidimensional. El estudio experimental realizado usando flujos de datos sintéticos multidimensionales indica los méritos de los métodos adaptativos propuestos. ABSTRACT Nowadays, with the ongoing and rapid evolution of information technology and computing devices, large volumes of data are continuously collected and stored in different domains and through various real-world applications. Extracting useful knowledge from such a huge amount of data usually cannot be performed manually, and requires the use of adequate machine learning and data mining techniques. Classification is one of the most important techniques that has been successfully applied to several areas. Roughly speaking, classification consists of two main steps: first, learn a classification model or classifier from an available training data, and secondly, classify the new incoming unseen data instances using the learned classifier. Classification is supervised when the whole class values are present in the training data (i.e., fully labeled data), semi-supervised when only some class values are known (i.e., partially labeled data), and unsupervised when the whole class values are missing in the training data (i.e., unlabeled data). In addition, besides this taxonomy, the classification problem can be categorized into uni-dimensional or multi-dimensional depending on the number of class variables, one or more, respectively; or can be also categorized into stationary or streaming depending on the characteristics of the data and the rate of change underlying it. Through this thesis, we deal with the classification problem under three different settings, namely, supervised multi-dimensional stationary classification, semi-supervised unidimensional streaming classification, and supervised multi-dimensional streaming classification. To accomplish this task, we basically used Bayesian network classifiers as models. The first contribution, addressing the supervised multi-dimensional stationary classification problem, consists of two new methods for learning multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifiers from stationary data. They are proposed from two different points of view. The first method, named CB-MBC, is based on a wrapper greedy forward selection approach, while the second one, named MB-MBC, is a filter constraint-based approach based on Markov blankets. Both methods are applied to two important real-world problems, namely, the prediction of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase and protease inhibitors, and the prediction of the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) from 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39). The experimental study includes comparisons of CB-MBC and MB-MBC against state-of-the-art multi-dimensional classification methods, as well as against commonly used methods for solving the Parkinson’s disease prediction problem, namely, multinomial logistic regression, ordinary least squares, and censored least absolute deviations. For both considered case studies, results are promising in terms of classification accuracy as well as regarding the analysis of the learned MBC graphical structures identifying known and novel interactions among variables. The second contribution, addressing the semi-supervised uni-dimensional streaming classification problem, consists of a novel method (CPL-DS) for classifying partially labeled data streams. Data streams differ from the stationary data sets by their highly rapid generation process and their concept-drifting aspect. That is, the learned concepts and/or the underlying distribution are likely changing and evolving over time, which makes the current classification model out-of-date requiring to be updated. CPL-DS uses the Kullback-Leibler divergence and bootstrapping method to quantify and detect three possible kinds of drift: feature, conditional or dual. Then, if any occurs, a new classification model is learned using the expectation-maximization algorithm; otherwise, the current classification model is kept unchanged. CPL-DS is general as it can be applied to several classification models. Using two different models, namely, naive Bayes classifier and logistic regression, CPL-DS is tested with synthetic data streams and applied to the real-world problem of malware detection, where the new received files should be continuously classified into malware or goodware. Experimental results show that our approach is effective for detecting different kinds of drift from partially labeled data streams, as well as having a good classification performance. Finally, the third contribution, addressing the supervised multi-dimensional streaming classification problem, consists of two adaptive methods, namely, Locally Adaptive-MB-MBC (LA-MB-MBC) and Globally Adaptive-MB-MBC (GA-MB-MBC). Both methods monitor the concept drift over time using the average log-likelihood score and the Page-Hinkley test. Then, if a drift is detected, LA-MB-MBC adapts the current multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifier locally around each changed node, whereas GA-MB-MBC learns a new multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifier from scratch. Experimental study carried out using synthetic multi-dimensional data streams shows the merits of both proposed adaptive methods.


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We propose a new Bayesian framework for automatically determining the position (location and orientation) of an uncalibrated camera using the observations of moving objects and a schematic map of the passable areas of the environment. Our approach takes advantage of static and dynamic information on the scene structures through prior probability distributions for object dynamics. The proposed approach restricts plausible positions where the sensor can be located while taking into account the inherent ambiguity of the given setting. The proposed framework samples from the posterior probability distribution for the camera position via data driven MCMC, guided by an initial geometric analysis that restricts the search space. A Kullback-Leibler divergence analysis is then used that yields the final camera position estimate, while explicitly isolating ambiguous settings. The proposed approach is evaluated in synthetic and real environments, showing its satisfactory performance in both ambiguous and unambiguous settings.


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El funcionamiento interno del cerebro es todavía hoy en día un misterio, siendo su comprensión uno de los principales desafíos a los que se enfrenta la ciencia moderna. El córtex cerebral es el área del cerebro donde tienen lugar los procesos cerebrales de más alto nivel, cómo la imaginación, el juicio o el pensamiento abstracto. Las neuronas piramidales, un tipo específico de neurona, suponen cerca del 80% de los cerca de los 10.000 millones de que componen el córtex cerebral, haciendo de ellas un objetivo principal en el estudio del funcionamiento del cerebro. La morfología neuronal, y más específicamente la morfología dendrítica, determina cómo estas procesan la información y los patrones de conexión entre neuronas, siendo los modelos computacionales herramientas imprescindibles para el estudio de su rol en el funcionamiento del cerebro. En este trabajo hemos creado un modelo computacional, con más de 50 variables relativas a la morfología dendrítica, capaz de simular el crecimiento de arborizaciones dendríticas basales completas a partir de reconstrucciones de neuronas piramidales reales, abarcando desde el número de dendritas hasta el crecimiento los los árboles dendríticos. A diferencia de los trabajos anteriores, nuestro modelo basado en redes Bayesianas contempla la arborización dendrítica en su conjunto, teniendo en cuenta las interacciones entre dendritas y detectando de forma automática las relaciones entre las variables morfológicas que caracterizan la arborización. Además, el análisis de las redes Bayesianas puede ayudar a identificar relaciones hasta ahora desconocidas entre variables morfológicas. Motivado por el estudio de la orientación de las dendritas basales, en este trabajo se introduce una regularización L1 generalizada, aplicada al aprendizaje de la distribución von Mises multivariante, una de las principales distribuciones de probabilidad direccional multivariante. También se propone una distancia circular multivariante que puede utilizarse para estimar la divergencia de Kullback-Leibler entre dos muestras de datos circulares. Comparamos los modelos con y sin regularizaci ón en el estudio de la orientación de la dendritas basales en neuronas humanas, comprobando que, en general, el modelo regularizado obtiene mejores resultados. El muestreo, ajuste y representación de la distribución von Mises multivariante se implementa en un nuevo paquete de R denominado mvCircular.---ABSTRACT---The inner workings of the brain are, as of today, a mystery. To understand the brain is one of the main challenges faced by current science. The cerebral cortex is the region of the brain where all superior brain processes, like imagination, judge and abstract reasoning take place. Pyramidal neurons, a specific type of neurons, constitute approximately the 80% of the more than 10.000 million neurons that compound the cerebral cortex. It makes the study of the pyramidal neurons crucial in order to understand how the brain works. Neuron morphology, and specifically the dendritic morphology, determines how the information is processed in the neurons, as well as the connection patterns among neurons. Computational models are one of the main tools for studying dendritic morphology and its role in the brain function. We have built a computational model that contains more than 50 morphological variables of the dendritic arborizations. This model is able to simulate the growth of complete dendritic arborizations from real neuron reconstructions, starting with the number of basal dendrites, and ending modeling the growth of dendritic trees. One of the main diferences between our approach, mainly based on the use of Bayesian networks, and other models in the state of the art is that we model the whole dendritic arborization instead of focusing on individual trees, which makes us able to take into account the interactions between dendrites and to automatically detect relationships between the morphologic variables that characterize the arborization. Moreover, the posterior analysis of the relationships in the model can help to identify new relations between morphological variables. Motivated by the study of the basal dendrites orientation, a generalized L1 regularization applied to the multivariate von Mises distribution, one of the most used distributions in multivariate directional statistics, is also introduced in this work. We also propose a circular multivariate distance that can be used to estimate the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two circular data samples. We compare the regularized and unregularized models on basal dendrites orientation of human neurons and prove that regularized model achieves better results than non regularized von Mises model. Sampling, fitting and plotting functions for the multivariate von Mises are implemented in a new R packaged called mvCircular.


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This work proposes an optimization of a semi-supervised Change Detection methodology based on a combination of Change Indices (CI) derived from an image multitemporal data set. For this purpose, SPOT 5 Panchromatic images with 2.5 m spatial resolution have been used, from which three Change Indices have been calculated. Two of them are usually known indices; however the third one has been derived considering the Kullbak-Leibler divergence. Then, these three indices have been combined forming a multiband image that has been used in as input for a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier where four different discriminant functions have been tested in order to differentiate between change and no_change categories. The performance of the suggested procedure has been assessed applying different quality measures, reaching in each case highly satisfactory values. These results have demonstrated that the simultaneous combination of basic change indices with others more sophisticated like the Kullback-Leibler distance, and the application of non-parametric discriminant functions like those employees in the SVM method, allows solving efficiently a change detection problem.


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A phylogenic analysis of Fusarium proliferatum and closely related species was performed using the most variable part within the intergenic spacer of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (IGS) and compared with a previously reported phylogeny performed in the same group of samples with a partial region of the nuclear single copy gene encoding the elongation factor 1α (EF-1α). The phylogenies from both genomic sequences were not concordant and revealed the presence of two nonorthologous IGS types, named types I and II, in F. proliferatum and Fusarium globosum. Two specific PCR assays designed to amplify either IGS type I or type II revealed that only one IGS type was present in each individual in these two species. The presence of both IGS types at the species level indicates that homogenization has not been achieved yet. This might be retarded if panmictic sexual reproduction was affected by certain levels of clonal reproduction and/or by the diverse hosts that these species are able to colonize. This study indicates that taxonomic studies carried out with the IGS rDNA, which has been widely used in Fusarium, should be undertaken with caution.