17 resultados para Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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La tesis doctoral La construccin de la transparencia. Museo de Arte Contemporneo del Siglo 21 de Kanazawa / SANAA estudia, desde diferentes perspectivas, esta obra de los arquitectos japoneses Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA. El museo, proyectado y construido entre 1999 y 2004, supone un referente arquitectnico de gran relevancia en el cambio de siglo, y est considerado un manifiesto construido en el que resuenan ecos culturales y sociales de su poca. La investigacin toma como constante el Museo del Siglo 21 de Kanazawa y a travs de l se realizan una serie de miradas transversales a modo de narrativas interconectadas. Estas visiones mltiples colaboran, a travs de las relaciones que se producen entre ellas, a generar un entendimiento global de esta obra y sus efectos sobre la cultura arquitectnica contempornea. La tesis se estructura en dos partes: la primera estudia de manera analtica la obra en su contexto cultural, el proceso de proyecto y el edificio construido. La segunda parte propone una triple lectura interpretativa del edificio en relacin a temas de especial relevancia para el proyecto y al modelo de espacio que constituye, tomando de nuevo como constante la nocin de transparencia. La tesis partir de la interpretacin que hace del museo su directora artstica Yuko Hasegawa, cuya colaboracin activa durante el proceso de diseo result de gran relevancia para el resultado final. Hasegawa define la obra como la materializacin de una situacin cultural caracterstica del nuevo siglo basada en tres conceptos: La Coexistencia, la Consciencia y la Inteligencia Colectiva. A partir de dichas ideas entenderemos la transparencia no slo desde el punto de vista de las cualidades fsicas y materiales del espacio sino tambin, desde una perspectiva ms amplia: como estrategia utilizada para clarificar la organizacin funcional del edificio y las relaciones entre sus partes como posicin poltica, catalizadora del espacio pblico; la produccin de consciencia a travs de la experiencia del arte y la arquitectura; y como medio de representacin y generacin de una identidad colectiva basada en la visibilidad meditica. Las conclusiones de esta investigacin, extradas de las confluencias y puntos de interseccin de las diferentes miradas transversales proyectadas sobre la obra, determinan una clara voluntad por parte de los arquitectos de construir un espacio donde lo pblico se entiende como el ensamblaje de diferentes individualidades. De manera similar al proceso de proyecto, la multiplicidad y las relaciones entre elementos autnomos generan un consciencia colectiva del espacio donde, a travs de la organizacin programtica, la construccin y el uso de los materiales y la luz, la arquitectura tiene la voluntad de desvanecerse para ofrecer protagonismo a sus usuarios y a las relaciones y encuentros que se producen entre ellos y con el espacio que habitan. ABSTRACT The PhD thesis The construction of transparency. 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa / SANAA studies, from different perspectives, this work, realized by Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA. The museum, designed and built between 1999 and 2004, had a huge relevance as an architectural referent in the swift of the century, being considered a built manifesto that echoes the culture and society of its time. The research takes as a constant the 21st Century Museum in Kanazawa and it is studied throughout a series of transversal readings as interconnected narratives. These multiple approaches and the relations among them, help to generate a global understanding of the building and its effects on contemporary architectural culture. The dissertation is structured in two parts: the first one studies from an analytical perspective the project in its cultural context, the process of design and the built work. The second part proposes a triple interpretative reading of the building in relation to topics that are especially relevant for the project and the spatial model that it constitutes, taking again the notion of transparency as a constant concept. The thesis departs from the interpretation expressed by the artistic director of the museum, Yuko Hasegawa, whose active collaboration during the design process had special relevance for the final result. She defines the work as the materialization of the cultural context of the new century based in three concepts: Co-existence, Consciousness and Collective Intelligence. From these concepts we will understand transparency, not only from the point of view of the physical and material qualities of the space, but also from a broader perspective: as an strategy used to clarify the functional organization of the building and the relation of its parts as political stand that catalyzes the public space; the production of consciousness based on the experience of art and architecture; and as a method of representation and construction of a collective identity based in the media visibility. The conclusions of this research -extracted from the confluences and intersections of the different transversal readings projected on the work- determine a clear intention by the architects to build a space where the public is understood as an assembly of different individualities. In a similar way as it happens in the design process, the multiplicity of relations between autonomous elements generate a collective consciousness of the space. Throughout the programmatic organization, the construction and the use of light and materials, the architecture has the will of disappearance to yield protagonist the users and the relations and encounters that happen among them and the space they inhabit.


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La revista coreana C3 publica el Museo de la Memoria de Andaluca. Contiene textos, imgenes, planos y dibujos del autor. El Museo de la Memoria se centra en la investigacin de distintos modos de relacionarse la materia y el aire. Yuxtapone volmenes de masa y vaco creando tensiones duales y complementarias. La obra aspira a una unidad total, a la cual contribuye especialmente la materialidad del hormign. La obra deviene un ejemplo de arquitectura singular en todos sus aspectos. Se publican detalles constructivos de la obra.


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New actuation technology in functional or "smart" materials has opened new horizons in robotics actuation systems. Materials such as piezo-electric fiber composites, electro-active polymers and shape memory alloys (SMA) are being investigated as promising alternatives to standard servomotor technology [52]. This paper focuses on the use of SMAs for building muscle-like actuators. SMAs are extremely cheap, easily available commercially and have the advantage of working at low voltages. The use of SMA provides a very interesting alternative to the mechanisms used by conventional actuators. SMAs allow to drastically reduce the size, weight and complexity of robotic systems. In fact, their large force-weight ratio, large life cycles, negligible volume, sensing capability and noise-free operation make possible the use of this technology for building a new class of actuation devices. Nonetheless, high power consumption and low bandwidth limit this technology for certain kind of applications. This presents a challenge that must be addressed from both materials and control perspectives in order to overcome these drawbacks. Here, the latter is tackled. It has been demonstrated that suitable control strategies and proper mechanical arrangements can dramatically improve on SMA performance, mostly in terms of actuation speed and limit cycles.


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The performance indices are important tools for motion planning and design of robot manipulators. In this paper we present a collection of some of the performance indices that have generated interest in the robotics community. These indices are four different types: kinetostatic performance indices, dynamic performance indices, indices of joint limits, and finally global performance indices. In addition, we review the strategies that have been proposed to solve the problems that occur when the units of the Jacobian matrix elements are not homogeneous. At the end of this paper, we propose a set of global performance indices that can be useful in the design of robot manipulators.


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The study of supply networks sustainability is a field with a long path behind. Nonetheless, most studies to date are focused on the environmental sub dimension of sustainability, while the social perspective in supply chain networks research still shows a potential for pioneering contri butions. Moreover, from the development standpoint we have observed a paradigm shift advancing from a narrow concept of development, centered on purely economic dimensions, towards more refined issues such as inclusive business, shared value or poverty footprint, all of which are highly related to supply chain activities. In this paper we present a review of the current state of the art on social sustainability of supply chains and we identify the main existing trends in this field. After conducting this study, we can state that a new sphere of knowledge is emerging at the interface between sustainable supply chain networks and development research. The academic community is called to play an important dovetailing role in this scenario by advancing both conceptual and methodological contributions.


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During the last decades, the photovoltaic (PV) modules and their associated architectural materials are increasingly being incorporated into the construction of the building envelope such as faade, roof and skylights in the urban centers. This paper analyzes the-state-of-the-art of the PV elements and construction materials which are advertised as BIPV-products at the most important companies in the world. For this purpose 136 companies and 445 PV elements have been investigated and analyzed from a technical and architectural point of view. Also, the study has been divided into two main groups according to industry which producing the product: BIPV-Modules, which comes from the PV modules manufacturers and consist of standard PV-modules with some variations in its aesthetic features, support or dimensions; and PV-Constructions Elements, which consist of conventional constructive elements with architectural features intentionally manufactured for photovoltaic integration. In advance for conclusions, the solar tile is the most common PV-constructions element, the Si-crystalline is the most widely used PV technology, and the BIPV-urban furniture is the fastest growing market experienced in recent years. However, it is clear the absences of innovative elements which meet at the same time both the constructive purpose as the quality standards of PV technology.


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El nuevo edificio del Museo de la Memoria de Andaluca constituye una metfora de las actividades que Caja Granada desarrolla en esa ciudad y, por ello, se ha propuesto un edificio dialogante con la vecina Sede Central de Caja Granada, obra de los mismos arquitectos.


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Museo Memoria de Andaluca, Granada = Andaluca Museum of Memory, Granada. Texto en espaol e ingls


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We would like to make the most beautiful building for the Museo de la Memoria de Andaluca (Andalusias Museum of Memory) in Granada = Querramos hacer el ms hermoso edificio para el Museo de la Memoria de Andaluca en Granada


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In collaboration with Antn Garca Abril.


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Contemporary Art Fair - ARCO, Madrid (1990)


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Isolated electrical systems lack electrical interconnection to other networks and are usually placed in geographically isolated areasmainly islands or locations in developing countries. Until recently, only diesel generators were able to assure a safe and reliable supply in exchange for very high costs for fuel transportation and system operation. Transmission system operators (TSOs) are increasingly seeking to replace traditional energy models based on large groups of conventional generation units with mixed solutions where diesel groups are held as backup generation and important advantages are provided by renewable energy sources. The grid codes determine the technical requirements to be fulfilled by the generators connected in any electrical network, but regulations applied to isolated grids are more demanding. In technical literature it is rather easy to find and compare grid codes for interconnected electrical systems. However, the existing literature is incomplete and sparse regarding isolated grids. This paper aims to review the current state of isolated systems and grid codes applicable to them, specifying points of comparison and defining the guidelines to be followed by the upcoming regulations.


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Electrical power systems are changing their traditional structure, which was based on a little number of large generating power plants placed at great distances from loads by new models that tend to split the big production nodes in many smaller ones. The set of small groups which are located close to consumers and provide safe and quality energy is called distributed generation (DG). The proximity of the sources to the loads reduces losses associated with transportation and increases overall system efficiency. DG also favors the inclusion of renewable energy sources in isolated electrical systems or remote microgrids, because they can be installed where the natural resource is located. In both cases, as weak grids unable to get help from other nearby networks, it is essential to ensure appropriate behavior of DG sources to guarantee power system safety and stability. The grid codes sets out the technical requirements to be fulfilled for the sources connected in these electrical networks. In technical literature it is rather easy to find and compare grid codes for interconnected electrical systems. However, the existing literature is incomplete and sparse regarding isolated electrical systems and this happens due to the difficulties inherent in the pursuit of codes. Some countries have developed their own legislation only for their island territory (as Spain or France), others apply the same set of rules as in mainland, another group of island countries have elaborated a complete grid code for all generating sources and some others lack specific regulation. This paper aims to make a complete review of the state of the art in grid codes applicable to isolated systems, setting the comparison between them and defining the guidelines predictably followed by the upcoming regulations in these particular systems.


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El modelo dominante durante la Era Moderna asume la presencia del hombre como sujeto dentro del gran engranaje mecnico del Cosmos. Asimismo, recoge una idea acerca del ser natural dentro de la tradicin ontolgica iniciada por el eleatismo presocrtico que concibe a ste como lo inmutable y esttico frente al cambio y al movimiento, los cuales se constituyen como meras apariencias. Durante el periodo anterior a la aparicin de los grandes filsofos griegos se produce una transformacin en donde, de la inicial cosmologa vinculada a un tiempo primordial, se pasar a una visin del Universo como ente indestructible, atemporal, inmutable, perfecto, geomtrico y espacial. Si en Demcrito se admite un universo sometido al azar y a la necesidad, en Platn el Universo slo atiende a la necesidad. Este modelo ontolgico se pone en entredicho cuando el hombre ya no es concebido como pieza de un sistema ms amplio, sino como centro radical del pensamiento. La condicin radical del hombre es entonces su propia vida, siendo ste el concepto troncal del denominado vitalismo cuyo ms influyente representante en Espaa es Jos Ortega y Gasset. El estatismo del ser del hombre- pierde sentido; en palabras del propio Ortega, no es un ser sino un estar siendo lo que caracteriza a la vida humana. La razn cartesiana es ahora la razn vital y su objeto de estudio no es la naturaleza sino el propio devenir, es decir, el tiempo, la historia. Este planteamiento es fundamental para comprender el edificio que es objeto de este estudio, el Museo de Arte Romano de Mrida (1980-1985) de Rafael Moneo. Por ello el concepto de tiempo es utilizado como marco y estructura de la presente tesis, a sabiendas del notorio y muy significativo papel que este edificio desempe en la carrera de su autor y en el panorama nacional e internacional de la arquitectura y de la museologa. Este proyecto nos permite acercarnos al pensamiento de su autor a travs de un edificio que, aun habiendo sido ampliamente reconocido, no cuenta con un estudio suficientemente exhaustivo que recoja la amplitud y riqueza que encierra. Esta tesis no es un compendio de lo que ya se ha investigado sobre Mrida; es una aproximacin global e interpretativa cuyo sentido slo puede concebirse al vislumbrar la estructura completa de la misma en sintona con el "lgos" vital, histrico y narrativo que el proyecto encierra. Se revisar la concepcin histrica segn la cual, la configuracin espacial de la forma habra tenido primaca respecto a su configuracin temporal, al remitir esta ltima a una condicin espacializada y circunstancial. La componente vicaria de la circunstancia ser elevada por Ortega a la categora de esencial, visualizando as una paradoja cuya reformulacin nos lleva a la concepcin de un tiempo sustancial. El diccionario de la RAE, en su tercera acepcin, define la sustancia como aquello que permanece en algo que cambia, lo cual nos remite al pensamiento antiguo. Se mostrar que lo que permanece no necesariamente implica una concepcin esttica y eletica de la forma, que la arquitectura esencial no es unvocamente la arquitectura atemporal del platonismo y que cabe concebir la "firmitas" desde la atencin a la "dure" bergsoniana. Al asociar tradicionalmente la sustancia con el referido estatismo, se margina al tiempo y a la duracin a lo no sustancial; por ello, se tratar de aproximar los trminos de tiempo y sustancia para definir la forma. Ello conllevar al estudio de las notables patologas derivadas de la asuncin de un tiempo cronolgico en nuestra contemporaneidad frente a las cuales, las intuiciones contenidas en Mrida, se alinearn con la actual actitud revisionista en el mbito del pensamiento filosfico y cientfico. En Mrida, la memoria recoger los aspectos de la conciencia as como los aspectos vinculados a la experiencia ntima y colectiva como soporte para la consecucin de un discurso. La dualidad entre intuicin e inteligencia ser recogida por Moneo con idea de trascender su incomunicabilidad, mediante una operacin que consistir en la reivindicacin de una memoria irreductible, cuya morada estara incardinada en el propio tiempo de la duracin y de la vida y no en la espacialidad coextensiva del presente y de la accin funcional sobre la materia. Moneo asumir el papel de la memoria como condicin central de una forma que se encarnar al concebirse como un teatro. En la respuesta a la contradiccin entre el hecho fsico y el efecto psquico de la experiencia humana residir la pertinencia de un tiempo narrativo. Ser entonces el lenguaje el encargado de aportar sentido a la obra mediante el recurso fundado en la dramatizacin de la experiencia, es decir, a travs de una conexin entre la conciencia ntima y el carcter social y colectivo intrnseco en la arquitectura. ABSTRACT TIME AS A SUBSTANCE OF FORM. AN APPROACH TO THE ROMAN ART MUSEUM OF MRIDA FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF VITALISM. The dominant model during the Modern Era placed man as a subject inside the great mechanism of the cosmos. It is also based in an idea about natural being within the ontological tradition initiated by the pre-Socratic Eleatism that conceives it as something immutable and static in respect with change and movement, which are considered as mere appearances. Prior to the emergence of the great Greek philosophers occurred a transformation where concepts of cosmology linked to a primordial time, changed to a view of the universe as indestructible, timeless, unchanging, perfect, geometric and spatial. If Democritus accepted a universe subjected to randomness and necessity, Plato thought that the universe only worked by necessity. This ontological model is called into question when man is not conceived as a piece of a broader system, but as a radical center of thinking. The radical condition of man then is his own life. This is the core concept of so-called Vitalism, whose most influential representative in Spain was Jos Ortega y Gasset. The stillness of being of man - loses its meaning; in the words of Ortega, it is not being but being in progress that characterizes human life. The Cartesian reason is now the vital reason and its subject of study is no longer nature but its own evolution, in other words, time and history. This approach is fundamental to understand the building which is the subject of this study, the Museum of Roman Art in Mrida (1980-1985) by Rafael Moneo. The concept of time is used as a framework and structure of this thesis, demonstrating the notorious and very significant role this building has implied in the career of its author and in the national and international panorama of architecture and museology. This project allow us to approach the thought of its author through a building that, even whilst widely recognized, does not yet have a sufficiently comprehensive study covering its breadth and richness. This thesis is not a compendium of what already has been researched on Merida; it is a global and interpretative approach whose meaning can only be conceived as a study of its complete structure in line with the vital, historical and narrative logos the project implies. We will review the historical idea where spatial configuration of the form would have had primacy with respect to temporary configuration, because the latter refers to a spatial and circumstantial condition. The vicarious nature of the circumstance will be elevated by Ortega to the category of essential, thus showing a paradox which reformulation leads us to the conception of a substantial time. The dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy, in its third meaning, defines substance as "that which remains in something that changes". This is a reference to ancient thought. It will be shown that what remains does not necessarily imply a static and Eleatic conception of form. It will also be shown that the essential architecture is not uniquely the timeless architecture of Platonism and that it is possible to conceive the "firmitas" parallel to the "dure" of Henri Bergson. As a result of this traditional association between substance and stillness, it marginalizes the time and the duration to the non-substantial; for this reason, we will try to approach terms of time and substance to define the shape. This will involve studying significant pathologies resulting from an assumption of chronological time in our contemporary world against which, the insights contained in Merida, will be aligned with the current revisionist attitude in the fields of philosophical and scientific thought. In Merida, memory includes aspects of consciousness as well as aspects linked to the intimate and collective experience as a foundation for the achievement of discourse. The duality between intuition and intelligence is put forward by Moneo with the idea of transcending its lack of communication, by means of a resource consisting of the vindication of an irreducible memory, whose home would be embodied in the time of duration and life and not in the coextensive spatiality of the present and in the functional action on the matter. Moneo demonstrates the role of memory as a central condition of form as a theatre. In response to the contradiction between the physical fact and the psychological effect of human experience lies the relevance of narrative time. Language then assumes the responsibility of giving meaning to the work through the dramatization of experience, i.e., through a connection between the intimate consciousness and the intrinsic social and collective character of architecture.