5 resultados para KT-invexity

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This paper presents the results of the analysis focused on scientific-technological KT in four Mexican firms and carried out by the case study approach. The analysis highlights the use of KT mechanisms as a means to obtain scientific-technological knowledge, learning, building S&T capabilities, and achieve the results of the R&D and innovation by firms.


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From the end of 2013 and during the following two years, 20 kt of CO2sc are planned to be injected in a saline reservoir (1500 m depth) at the Hontomín site (NE Spain). The target aquifers are Lower Jurassic limestone formations which are sealed by Lower Cretaceous clay units at the Hontomín site (NE Spain). The injection of CO2 is part of the activities committed in the Technology Development phase of the EC-funded OXYCFB300 project (European Energy Program for Recovery – EEPR, http://www.compostillaproject.eu), which include CO2 injection strategies, risk assessment, and testing and validating monitoring methodologies and techniques. Among the monitoring works, the project is intended to prove that present-day technology is able to monitor the evolution of injected CO2 in the reservoir and to detect potential leakage. One of the techniques is the measurement of CO2 flux at the soil–atmosphere interface, which includes campaigns before, during and after the injection operations. In this work soil CO2 flux measurements in the vicinity of oil borehole, drilled in the eighties and named H-1 to H-4, and injection and monitoring wells were performed using an accumulation chamber equipped with an IR sensor. Seven surveys were carried out from November 2009 to summer 2011. More than 4000 measurements were used to determine the baseline flux of CO2 and its seasonal variations. The measured values were low (from 5 to 13 g m−2 day−1) and few outliers were identified, mainly located close to the H-2 oil well. Nevertheless, these values cannot be associated to a deep source of CO2, being more likely related to biological processes, i.e. soil respiration. No anomalies were recognized close to the deep fault system (Ubierna Fault) detected by geophysical investigations. There, the CO2 flux is indeed as low as other measurement stations. CO2 fluxes appear to be controlled by the biological activity since the lowest values were recorded during autumn-winter seasons and they tend to increase in warm periods. Two reference CO2 flux values (UCL50 of 5 g m−2 d−1 for non-ploughed areas in autumn–winter seasons and 3.5 and 12 g m−2 d−1 for in ploughed and non-ploughed areas, respectively, in spring–summer time, and UCL99 of 26 g m−2 d−1 for autumn–winter in not-ploughed areas and 34 and 42 g m−2 d−1 for spring–summer in ploughed and not-ploughed areas, respectively) were calculated. Fluxes higher than these reference values could be indicative of possible leakage during the operational and post-closure stages of the storage project.


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The purpose of this research is to assess the effectiveness of a ship used as a detached floating breakwater for coastal protection and forming salients of sand or tombolos. Floating breakwaters have been extensively used as port or coastal protection structures and display advantages in terms of construction and ecology, amongst others. However, the greatest problem these structures present is the limited range of wave heights and periods for which they are really effective. Furthermore, ships may be considered as floating structures which, used as breakwaters, would keep the advantages of floating breakwaters and would increase their range of applicability. The possibility of using ships at the conclusion of their useful life for this purpose would also involve greater economic and environmental advantages. Tests were carried out to assess the ship’s effectiveness as a detached floating breakwater using a scaled down physical model to determine the vessel’s transmission coefficient (Kt) as to regular waves with significant periods of 5 sec to 12 sec and significant wave heights of 1.5 m to 4 m at depths from 20 m to 35 m. The ship proves effective for waves up to 4 m significant height and significant periods up to 9 sec. Hanson and Kraus and Pilarzyk’s analytical models, which take transmission coefficients into account, were used to analyse the shore’s response to the breakwater protection. The results obtained show that salients form for waves with periods between 6 sec and 9 sec. It is also concluded that the depths tested are far different from the more usual shallow water involved in constructing detached breakwaters and the shore’s response is therefore scarce.


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We present a quasi-monotone semi-Lagrangian particle level set (QMSL-PLS) method for moving interfaces. The QMSL method is a blend of first order monotone and second order semi-Lagrangian methods. The QMSL-PLS method is easy to implement, efficient, and well adapted for unstructured, either simplicial or hexahedral, meshes. We prove that it is unconditionally stable in the maximum discrete norm, � · �h,∞, and the error analysis shows that when the level set solution u(t) is in the Sobolev space Wr+1,∞(D), r ≥ 0, the convergence in the maximum norm is of the form (KT/Δt)min(1,Δt � v �h,∞ /h)((1 − α)hp + hq), p = min(2, r + 1), and q = min(3, r + 1),where v is a velocity. This means that at high CFL numbers, that is, when Δt > h, the error is O( (1−α)hp+hq) Δt ), whereas at CFL numbers less than 1, the error is O((1 − α)hp−1 + hq−1)). We have tested our method with satisfactory results in benchmark problems such as the Zalesak’s slotted disk, the single vortex flow, and the rising bubble.


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Este proyecto versa sobre el estudio y diseño de una central termosolar de torre central, así como de su rendimiento y producción. La característica especial de esta planta es que tiene como fin suministrar calor a un proceso químico: cracking térmico del metano para la producción de hidrógeno. Debido a que el cracking térmico tiene lugar en el interior de un tanque de metal líquido (reactor químico) y al peso del mismo, resulta conveniente dejar el reactor a nivel de suelo. Así pues, los rayos solares tienen que descender desde la parte superior de la torre hasta el reactor. Los rayos solares se reflejan en los heliostatos para volver a ser reflejados en la parte superior de la torre, donde hay otro espejo que conduce los rayos solares hasta el reactor. La localización elegida para realizar el estudio ha sido Tabernas, cerca de la Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA). De la estación SIAR (Sistema de Información Agroclimática para el Regadío del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de España). de Tabernas precisamente se han obtenido los datos de radiación global, y mediante una correlación kd-kt, se ha obtenido la radiación directa. Para el estudio de la energía aportada por el campo solar, se ha elegido un campo norte de heliostatos, debido a que un campo circular además de tener menor rendimiento en este proyecto no sería factible. Los heliostatos considerados son cuadrados de 11 x 11 m. Estos heliostatos apuntan hacia el punto (0, 0, 100) m en el sistema de coordenadas absoluto considerado para el proyecto, que coincide con una altura a 100 m en el centro interior de la torre. Este punto es uno de los focos del elipsoide virtual, del cual forma parte el reflector (espejo situado en la parte superior) y cuyo otro foco se sitúa en la parte superior del receptor (reactor), cuyo fin es dirigir los rayos hacia el reactor, como se ha indicado. Una vez definido el proyecto, se lleva a cabo un dimensionado del campo solar, con el cual puede obtenerse un campo de heliostatos. Tras realizar la simulación, se obtienen datos instantáneos y medios. A modo de ejemplo, se incluye el rendimiento por bloqueos y sombras a las 9 h de la mañana en enero, donde puede observarse que la sombra de la torre tiene una alta importancia sobre los heliostatos situados en la zona oeste. Del mismo modo, se han obtenido los datos de incidencia de los rayos solares sobre el receptor, de forma que puede caracterizarse la incidencia del flujo térmico sobre el mismo mediante un mallado. A continuación se incluye una imagen del número de rayos solares que inciden sobre el receptor a las 12 h en junio. Las conclusiones que pueden extraerse del proyecto son:  El rendimiento anual de la planta es del 26 %.  La producción anual de hidrógeno sería de 163,7 t.  Para mayores potencias de plantas el rendimiento por sombras y bloqueos sería menor, al igual que el asociado al efecto coseno, a la dispersión y absorción atmosférica y al factor de interceptación.  Para reducir el efecto del tamaño en los dos primeros rendimientos mencionados en el párrafo anterior podría elevarse la altura de la torre.  Para aumentar el factor de interceptación podría estudiarse la colocación de espejos en el interior de la torre, de modo que reflejasen los rayos solares hasta el receptor.