2 resultados para Jussila, Päivi: Peter Abelard on imagery
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
La Capilla de Sogn Benedetg en Sumvitg, parte de la obra temprana de Peter Zumthor, condensa aspectos de sus ideas, de su forma de proyectar y construir, que aún hoy siguen vigentes en él. Los recuerdos de infancia cimientan su enfoque de la arquitectura, en el que trata de reunir trazas de la vida cotidiana, sensible al lugar y utilizando materiales tratados de un modo preciso que bajo la luz adquieren su presencia. Con un lenguaje táctil y tectónico, desde una aproximación fenomenológica, persigue compartir una experiencia multisensorial, englobando percepciones complementarias que trascienden la geometría visual. Como Kahn, se apoya en el pensamiento de Heidegger, y se inspira en la pequeña cabaña que el filósofo habitaba en la Selva Negra, así como en la arquitectura religiosa de Rudolf Schwarz, cuya huella puede apreciarse tanto en el edificio como en los objetos que se encuentran en él. La tensión que genera entre interior y exterior mantiene despiertos los sentidos del visitante, a la vez que las características de la capilla enlazan con un regionalismo integrador que no se aparta de las formas abstractas contemporáneas. : Sogn Benedetg Chapel in Sumvitg, part of the early work of Peter Zumthor, condenses aspects of his ideas and his way of designing and building, which still remain valid today. Remembrances of childhood lay the foundation for his focus to architecture, which involves the collection of daily life traces, sensitive to the place and using materials treated in a precise manner, acquiring their presence under the light. With a tactile and tectonic language, from a phenomenological approach, he seeks to share a multi-sensory experience, encompassing complementary perceptions that transcend the visual geometry. As Kahn does, he relies on Heidegger?s thinking and is inspired by the little hut that the philosopher inhabited in the Black Forest, as well as by Rudolf Schwarz?s religious architecture, whose imprint can be appreciated in both the building and the objects encountered within it. The tension generated between interior and exterior keeps awake the senses of the visitor, while the characteristics of the chapel connect with an integrative regionalism that does not exclude contemporary abstract forms.
It has been suggested that different pathways through the brain are followed depending on the type of information that is being processed. Although it is now known that there is a continuous exchange of information through both hemispheres, language is considered to be processed by the left hemisphere, where Broca?s and Wernicke?s areas are located. On the other hand, music is thought to be processed mainly by the right hemisphere. According to Sininger Y.S. & Cone- Wesson, B. (2004), there is a similar but contralateral specialization of the human ears; due to the fact that auditory pathways cross-over at the brainstem. A previous study showed an effect of musical imagery on spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) (Perez-Acosta and Ramos-Amezquita, 2006), providing evidence of an efferent influence from the auditory cortex on the basilar membrane. Based on these results, the present work is a comparative study between left and right ears of a population of eight musicians that presented SOAEs. A familiar musical tune was chosen, and the subjects were trained in the task of evoking it after having heard it. Samples of ear-canal signals were obtained and processed in order to extract frequency and amplitude data on the SOAEs. This procedure was carried out before, during and after the musical image creation task. Results were then analyzed to compare the difference between SOAE responses of left and right ears. A clear asymmetrical SOAEs response to musical imagery tasks between left and right ears was obtained. Significant changes of SOAE amplitude related to musical imagery tasks were only observed on the right ear of the subjects. These results may suggest a predominant left hemisphere activity related to a melodic image creation task.