15 resultados para Investment-Specific Technology
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Developing countries are experiencing unprecedented levels of economic growth. As a result, they will be responsible for most of the future growth in energy demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Curbing GHG emissions in developing countries has become one of the cornerstones of a future international agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC). However, setting caps for developing countries’ GHG emissions has encountered strong resistance in the current round of negotiations. Continued economic growth that allows poverty eradication is still the main priority for most developing countries, and caps are perceived as a constraint to future growth prospects. The development, transfer and use of low-carbon technologies have more positive connotations, and are seen as the potential path towards low-carbon development. So far, the success of the UNFCCC process in improving the levels of technology transfer (TT) to developing countries has been limited. This thesis analyses the causes for such limited success and seeks to improve on the understanding about what constitutes TT in the field of climate change, establish the factors that enable them in developing countries and determine which policies could be implemented to reinforce these factors. Despite the wide recognition of the importance of technology and knowledge transfer to developing countries in the climate change mitigation policy agenda, this issue has not received sufficient attention in academic research. Current definitions of climate change TT barely take into account the perspective of actors involved in actual climate change TT activities, while respective measurements do not bear in mind the diversity of channels through which these happen and the outputs and effects that they convey. Furthermore, the enabling factors for TT in non-BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) developing countries have been seldom investigated, and policy recommendations to improve the level and quality of TTs to developing countries have not been adapted to the specific needs of highly heterogeneous countries, commonly denominated as “developing countries”. This thesis contributes to enriching the climate change TT debate from the perspective of a smaller emerging economy (Chile) and by undertaking a quantitative analysis of enabling factors for TT in a large sample of developing countries. Two methodological approaches are used to study climate change TT: comparative case study analysis and quantitative analysis. Comparative case studies analyse TT processes in ten cases based in Chile, all of which share the same economic, technological and policy frameworks, thus enabling us to draw conclusions on the enabling factors and obstacles operating in TT processes. The quantitative analysis uses three methodologies – principal component analysis, multiple regression analysis and cluster analysis – to assess the performance of developing countries in a number of enabling factors and the relationship between these factors and indicators of TT, as well as to create groups of developing countries with similar performances. The findings of this thesis are structured to provide responses to four main research questions: What constitutes technology transfer and how does it happen? Is it possible to measure technology transfer, and what are the main challenges in doing so? Which factors enable climate change technology transfer to developing countries? And how do different developing countries perform in these enabling factors, and how can differentiated policy priorities be defined accordingly? vi Resumen Los paises en desarrollo estan experimentando niveles de crecimiento economico sin precedentes. Como consecuencia, se espera que sean responsables de la mayor parte del futuro crecimiento global en demanda energetica y emisiones de Gases de Efecto de Invernadero (GEI). Reducir las emisiones de GEI en los paises en desarrollo es por tanto uno de los pilares de un futuro acuerdo internacional en el marco de la Convencion Marco de las Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Climatico (UNFCCC). La posibilidad de compromisos vinculantes de reduccion de emisiones de GEI ha sido rechazada por los paises en desarrollo, que perciben estos limites como frenos a su desarrollo economico y a su prioridad principal de erradicacion de la pobreza. El desarrollo, transferencia y uso de tecnologias bajas en carbono tiene connotaciones mas positivas y se percibe como la via hacia un crecimiento bajo en carbono. Hasta el momento, la UNFCCC ha tenido un exito limitado en la promocion de transferencias de tecnologia (TT) a paises en desarrollo. Esta tesis analiza las causas de este resultado y busca mejorar la comprension sobre que constituye transferencia de tecnologia en el area de cambio climatico, cuales son los factores que la facilitan en paises en desarrollo y que politicas podrian implementarse para reforzar dichos factores. A pesar del extendido reconocimiento sobre la importancia de la transferencia de tecnologia a paises en desarrollo en la agenda politica de cambio climatico, esta cuestion no ha sido suficientemente atendida por la investigacion existente. Las definiciones actuales de transferencia de tecnologia relacionada con la mitigacion del cambio climatico no tienen en cuenta la diversidad de canales por las que se manifiestan o los efectos que consiguen. Los factores facilitadores de TT en paises en desarrollo no BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) apenas han sido investigados, y las recomendaciones politicas para aumentar el nivel y la calidad de la TT no se han adaptado a las necesidades especificas de paises muy heterogeneos aglutinados bajo el denominado grupo de "paises en desarrollo". Esta tesis contribuye a enriquecer el debate sobre la TT de cambio climatico con la perspectiva de una economia emergente de pequeno tamano (Chile) y el analisis cuantitativo de factores que facilitan la TT en una amplia muestra de paises en desarrollo. Se utilizan dos metodologias para el estudio de la TT a paises en desarrollo: analisis comparativo de casos de estudio y analisis cuantitativo basado en metodos multivariantes. Los casos de estudio analizan procesos de TT en diez casos basados en Chile, para derivar conclusiones sobre los factores que facilitan u obstaculizan el proceso de transferencia. El analisis cuantitativo multivariante utiliza tres metodologias: regresion multiple, analisis de componentes principales y analisis cluster. Con dichas metodologias se busca analizar el posicionamiento de diversos paises en cuanto a factores que facilitan la TT; las relaciones entre dichos factores e indicadores de transferencia tecnologica; y crear grupos de paises con caracteristicas similares que podrian beneficiarse de politicas similares para la promocion de la transferencia de tecnologia. Los resultados de la tesis se estructuran en torno a cuatro preguntas de investigacion: .Que es la transferencia de tecnologia y como ocurre?; .Es posible medir la transferencia de tecnologias de bajo carbono?; .Que factores facilitan la transferencia de tecnologias de bajo carbono a paises en desarrollo? y .Como se puede agrupar a los paises en desarrollo en funcion de sus necesidades politicas para la promocion de la transferencia de tecnologias de bajo carbono?
Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), and Web Services (WS), the technology generally used to implement them, achieve the integration of heterogeneous technologies, providing interoperability, and yielding the reutilization of pre-existent systems. Model-driven development methodologies provide inherent benefits such as increased productivity, greater reuse, and better maintainability, to name a few. Efforts on achieving model-driven development of SOAs already exist, but there is currently no standard solution that addresses non-functional aspects of these services as well. This paper presents an approach to integrate these non-functional aspects in the development of web services, with an emphasis on security.
The main objective of this course, conducted by Jóvenes Nucleares (Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE) is to pass on basic knowledge about Science and Nuclear Technology to the general public, mostly students and introduce them to its most relevant points. The purposes of this course are to provide general information, to answer the most common questions about Nuclear Energy and to motivate the young students to start a career in nuclear. Therefore, it is directed mainly to high school and university students, but also to general people that wants to learn about the key issues of such an important matter in our society. Anybody could attend the course, as no specific scientific education is required. The course is done at least once a year, during the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, which takes place in a different Spanish city each time. The course is done also to whichever university or institution that asks for it to JJNN, with the only limit of the presenter´s availability. The course is divided into the following chapters: Physical nuclear and radiation principles, Nuclear power plants, Nuclear safety, Nuclear fuel, Radioactive waste, Decommission of nuclear facilities, Future nuclear power plants, Other uses of nuclear technology, Nuclear energy, climate change and sustainable development. The course is divided into 15 minutes lessons on the above topics, imparted by young professionals, experts in the field that belongs either to the Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, either to companies and institutions related with nuclear energy. At the end of the course, a 200 pages book with the contents of the course is handed to every member of the audience. This book is also distributed in other course editions at high schools and universities in order to promote the scientific dissemination of the Nuclear Technology. As an extra motivation, JJNN delivers a course certificate to the assistants. At the end of the last edition course, in Santiago de Compostela, the assistants were asked to provide a feedback about it. Some really interesting lessons were learned, that will be very useful to improve next editions of the course. As a general conclusion of the courses it can be said that many of the students that have assisted to the course have increased their motivation in the nuclear field, and hopefully it will help the young talents to choose the nuclear field to develop their careers
The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory belongs to the Centre for Biomedical Technology (CTB) of the Technical University of Madrid and its main objective is to provide the scientific community with devices and techniques for the characterization of micro and nanostructures and consequently finding their best biomedical applications. Hyperthermia (greek word for “overheating”) is defined as the phenomenon that occurs when a body is exposed to an energy generating source that can produce a rise in temperature (42-45ºC) for a given time [1]. Specifically, the aim of the hyperthermia methods used in The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory is the development of thermal therapies, some of these using different kinds of nanoparticles, to kill cancer cells and reduce the damage on healthy tissues. The optical hyperthermia is based on noble metal nanoparticles and laser irradiation. This kind of nanoparticles has an immense potential associated to the development of therapies for cancer on account of their Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) enhanced light scattering and absorption. In a short period of time, the absorbed light is converted into localized heat, so we can take advantage of these characteristics to heat up tumor cells in order to obtain the cellular death [2]. In this case, the laboratory has an optical hyperthermia device based on a continuous wave laser used to kill glioblastoma cell lines (1321N1) in the presence of gold nanorods (Figure 1a). The wavelength of the laser light is 808 nm because the penetration of the light in the tissue is deeper in the Near Infrared Region. The first optical hyperthermia results show that the laser irradiation produces cellular death in the experimental samples of glioblastoma cell lines using gold nanorods but is not able to decrease the cellular viability of cancer cells in samples without the suitable nanorods (Figure 1b) [3]. The generation of magnetic hyperthermia is performed through changes of the magnetic induction in magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) that are embedded in viscous medium. The Figure 2 shows a schematic design of the AC induction hyperthermia device in magnetic fluids. The equipment has been manufactured at The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory. The first block implies two steps: the signal selection with frequency manipulation option from 9 KHz to 2MHz, and a linear output up to 1500W. The second block is where magnetic field is generated ( 5mm, 10 turns). Finally, the third block is a software control where the user can establish initial parameters, and also shows the temperature response of MNPs due to the magnetic field applied [4-8]. The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory in collaboration with the Mexican company MRI-DT have recently implemented a new research line on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Hyperthermia, which is sustained on the patent US 7,423,429B2 owned by this company. This investigation is based on the use of clinical MRI equipment not only for diagnosis but for therapy [9]. This idea consists of two main facts: Magnetic Resonance Imaging can cause focal heating [10], and the differentiation in resonant frequency between healthy and cancer cells [11]. To produce only heating in cancer cells when the whole body is irradiated, it is necessary to determine the specific resonant frequency of the target, using the information contained in the spectra of the area of interest. Then, special RF pulse sequence is applied to produce fast excitation and relaxation mechanism that generates temperature increase of the tumor, causing cellular death or metabolism malfunction that stops cellular division
En la actualidad la humanidad se enfrenta a una serie de problemas de gran transcendencia que van a determinar en alto grado los niveles de calidad de vida en los próximos años. El calentamiento global, el incremento demográfico incontrolado, la contaminación ambiental y la escasez de recursos así como una mala distribución de los mismos, son sólo algunos ejemplos. En este contexto, las microalgas, microrganismos fotosintéticos de alta eficiencia y versatilidad, presentan una serie de características que las convierten a priori en la base de una tecnología con un enorme potencial para formar parte de la solución a estos graves problemas planteados. Uno de los principales factores que impiden una mayor implantación de la tecnología de microalgas es de tipo económico. La baja productividad por unidad de área de los sistemas de cultivo actuales y la alta inversión necesaria en equipos y mantenimiento, hace que solo se justifique el cultivo de productos de muy alto valor añadido. Las soluciones pasan por aumentar el rendimiento global de los cultivos y por disminuir los costes de equipos e instalaciones. La presente tesis investiga sobre la posibilidad de conseguir un mejor aprovechamiento de la luz solar incidente sobre un cultivo de microalgas mediante el uso de una serie de dispositivos ópticos que vienen a denominarse intensificadores lumínicos. De entre los factores que determinan la productividad de un campo de cultivo de microalgas, posiblemente el más determinante sea la cantidad de radiación que las microalgas pueden aprovechar. Los intensificadores aumentan la disponibilidad de luz en el interior de los tubos de cultivo, de forma que la fotosíntesis se vea favorecida y, de este modo, se incremente la tasa de crecimiento de las microalgas. En el desarrollo de la tesis se proponen tres tipologías diferentes de intensificador diseñadas en base a criterios óptico-geométricos. Para cada una de estas tipologías se evalúa el incremento de radiación que se lograría sobre un tubo de cultivo. Paralelamente se desarrolla un modelo que permite la evaluación de la productividad del cultivo. Esto permite añadir el factor biológico al puramente óptico-físico y valorar las distintas propuestas de intensificadores en función de las características propias del microalga utilizada en el cultivo. El modelo es verificado y contrastado frente a datos de producción obtenidos en la bibliografía. Finalmente, la exposición concluye con una presentación general de las futuras líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT Today, humanity is facing a series of problems of global significance that will determine the standard of living in the years ahead. Global warming, uncontrolled population growth, pollution, lack of resources and poor distribution of them are just an example of the challenges we are facing. In this context, microalgae, high efficient photosynthetic microorganisms, have a number of characteristics that turn them into a very promising technology that can contribute or be part of a sustainable solution. One of the main factors preventing the adoption of microalgae technology is economical. The low productivity per unit area of current farming systems and the high investment needed in equipment and maintenance, only justifies the cultivation of algae for high value applications. One solution could be increasing the overall yield of the crops and reduce the equipment and facilities costs. Among the factors that determine the productivity of a microalgae culture, possibly the most influential one is the amount of radiation that microalgae receive. This Thesis develops the possibility of making better use of the sunlight radiation incident on a crop field using a series of devices similar to solar collectors. The solar collectors proposed are intended to increase the availability of light inside the culture tubes and within it, the tax of photosynthesis and the overall growth rate of the microalgae. In this research, three different configurations of collectors are designed, based on optical and geometrical criteria. For each one of these collectors, the increase on radiation that would be expected is evaluated. Furthermore, a model for light distribution inside the culture is developed in terms to estimate the biomass productivity. This allows adding the biological factor to purely optical-physical considerations and to assess the different solar collectors proposed, in terms specific for the microalgae. The model is tested against production data obtained in different scientific literature. Finally, the exposition concludes with some guidelines for future research.
New Electrodynarnic Tether Technology (NETT) is an experiment we proposed to ESA as part of the Columbus Precursor Flights. It was designed to fly as an exposed payload in the Spacelab carrier. Its primary objective is performance testing for the innovative bare tether concept. The experiment also includes two scientific objectives, specific for uninsulated tethers: i) detection of artificial auroral effects produced by secondary electron emission, and ii) detection of VLF wave emission. Additional objectives of the project are space performance of an electron-emitting hollow cathode and engineering verification of an open-loop deployment strategy.
Sterile coal is a low-value residue associated to the coal extraction and mining activity. According to the type and origin of the coal bed configuration, sterile coal production can mainly vary on quantity, calorific value and presence of sulphur compounds. In addition, the potential availability of sterile coal within Spain is apparently high and its contribution to the local power generation would be of interest playing a significant role. The proposed study evaluates the availability and deployment of gasification technologies to drive clean electricity generation from waste coal and sterile rock coal, incorporating greenhouse gas emission mitigation systems, like CO2, H2S and NOx removal systems. It establishes the target facility and its conceptual basic design proposal. The syngas obtained after the gasification of sterile coal is processed through specific conditioning units before entering into the combustion chamber of a gas turbine. Flue gas leaving the gas turbine is ducted to a heat recovery steam generation boiler; the steam produced within the boilerdrives a steam turbine. The target facility resembles a singular Integrated Gasification in Combined Cycle (IGCC) power station. The evaluation of the conceptual basic design according to the power output set for a maximum sterile contribution, established that rates over 95% H2S and 90% CO2 removal can be achieved. Noticeable decrease of NOx compounds can be also achieved by the use of commercial technology. A techno-economic approach of the conceptual basic design is made evaluating the integration of potential unitsand their implementation within the target facility aiming toachieve clean power generation. The criterion to be compliant with the most restrictive regulation regarding environmental emissions is setting to carry out this analysis.
En esta Tesis se presentan dos líneas de investigación relacionadas y que contribuyen a las áreas de Interacción Hombre-Tecnología (o Máquina; siglas en inglés: HTI o HMI), lingüística computacional y evaluación de la experiencia del usuario. Las dos líneas en cuestión son el diseño y la evaluación centrada en el usuario de sistemas de Interacción Hombre-Máquina avanzados. En la primera parte de la Tesis (Capítulos 2 a 4) se abordan cuestiones fundamentales del diseño de sistemas HMI avanzados. El Capítulo 2 presenta una panorámica del estado del arte de la investigación en el ámbito de los sistemas conversacionales multimodales, con la que se enmarca el trabajo de investigación presentado en el resto de la Tesis. Los Capítulos 3 y 4 se centran en dos grandes aspectos del diseño de sistemas HMI: un gestor del diálogo generalizado para tratar la Interacción Hombre-Máquina multimodal y sensible al contexto, y el uso de agentes animados personificados (ECAs) para mejorar la robustez del diálogo, respectivamente. El Capítulo 3, sobre gestión del diálogo, aborda el tratamiento de la heterogeneidad de la información proveniente de las modalidades comunicativas y de los sensores externos. En este capítulo se propone, en un nivel de abstracción alto, una arquitectura para la gestión del diálogo con influjos heterogéneos de información, apoyándose en el uso de State Chart XML. En el Capítulo 4 se presenta una contribución a la representación interna de intenciones comunicativas, y su traducción a secuencias de gestos a ejecutar por parte de un ECA, diseñados específicamente para mejorar la robustez en situaciones de diálogo críticas que pueden surgir, por ejemplo, cuando se producen errores de entendimiento en la comunicación entre el usuario humano y la máquina. Se propone, en estas páginas, una extensión del Functional Mark-up Language definido en el marco conceptual SAIBA. Esta extensión permite representar actos comunicativos que realizan intenciones del emisor (la máquina) que no se pretende sean captadas conscientemente por el receptor (el usuario humano), pero con las que se pretende influirle a éste e influir el curso del diálogo. Esto se consigue mediante un objeto llamado Base de Intenciones Comunicativas (en inglés, Communication Intention Base, o CIB). La representación en el CIB de intenciones “no claradas” además de las explícitas permite la construcción de actos comunicativos que realizan simultáneamente varias intenciones comunicativas. En el Capítulo 4 también se describe un sistema experimental para el control remoto (simulado) de un asistente domótico, con autenticación de locutor para dar acceso, y con un ECA en el interfaz de cada una de estas tareas. Se incluye una descripción de las secuencias de comportamiento verbal y no verbal de los ECAs, que fueron diseñados específicamente para determinadas situaciones con objeto de mejorar la robustez del diálogo. Los Capítulos 5 a 7 conforman la parte de la Tesis dedicada a la evaluación. El Capítulo 5 repasa antecedentes relevantes en la literatura de tecnologías de la información en general, y de sistemas de interacción hablada en particular. Los principales antecedentes en el ámbito de la evaluación de la interacción sobre los cuales se ha desarrollado el trabajo presentado en esta Tesis son el Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), la herramienta Subjective Assessment of Speech System Interfaces (SASSI), y la Recomendación P.851 de la ITU-T. En el Capítulo 6 se describen un marco y una metodología de evaluación aplicados a la experiencia del usuario con sistemas HMI multimodales. Se desarrolló con este propósito un novedoso marco de evaluación subjetiva de la calidad de la experiencia del usuario y su relación con la aceptación por parte del mismo de la tecnología HMI (el nombre dado en inglés a este marco es Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework). En este marco se articula una estructura de clases de factores subjetivos relacionados con la satisfacción y aceptación por parte del usuario de la tecnología HMI propuesta. Esta estructura, tal y como se propone en la presente tesis, tiene dos dimensiones ortogonales. Primero se identifican tres grandes clases de parámetros relacionados con la aceptación por parte del usuario: “agradabilidad ” (likeability: aquellos que tienen que ver con la experiencia de uso, sin entrar en valoraciones de utilidad), rechazo (los cuales sólo pueden tener una valencia negativa) y percepción de utilidad. En segundo lugar, este conjunto clases se reproduce para distintos “niveles, o focos, percepción del usuario”. Éstos incluyen, como mínimo, un nivel de valoración global del sistema, niveles correspondientes a las tareas a realizar y objetivos a alcanzar, y un nivel de interfaz (en los casos propuestos en esta tesis, el interfaz es un sistema de diálogo con o sin un ECA). En el Capítulo 7 se presenta una evaluación empírica del sistema descrito en el Capítulo 4. El estudio se apoya en los mencionados antecedentes en la literatura, ampliados con parámetros para el estudio específico de los agentes animados (los ECAs), la auto-evaluación de las emociones de los usuarios, así como determinados factores de rechazo (concretamente, la preocupación por la privacidad y la seguridad). También se evalúa el marco de evaluación subjetiva de la calidad propuesto en el capítulo anterior. Los análisis de factores efectuados revelan una estructura de parámetros muy cercana conceptualmente a la división de clases en utilidad-agradabilidad-rechazo propuesta en dicho marco, resultado que da cierta validez empírica al marco. Análisis basados en regresiones lineales revelan estructuras de dependencias e interrelación entre los parámetros subjetivos y objetivos considerados. El efecto central de mediación, descrito en el Technology Acceptance Model, de la utilidad percibida sobre la relación de dependencia entre la intención de uso y la facilidad de uso percibida, se confirma en el estudio presentado en la presente Tesis. Además, se ha encontrado que esta estructura de relaciones se fortalece, en el estudio concreto presentado en estas páginas, si las variables consideradas se generalizan para cubrir más ampliamente las categorías de agradabilidad y utilidad contempladas en el marco de evaluación subjetiva de calidad. Se ha observado, asimismo, que los factores de rechazo aparecen como un componente propio en los análisis de factores, y además se distinguen por su comportamiento: moderan la relación entre la intención de uso (que es el principal indicador de la aceptación del usuario) y su predictor más fuerte, la utilidad percibida. Se presentan también resultados de menor importancia referentes a los efectos de los ECAs sobre los interfaces de los sistemas de diálogo y sobre los parámetros de percepción y las valoraciones de los usuarios que juegan un papel en conformar su aceptación de la tecnología. A pesar de que se observa un rendimiento de la interacción dialogada ligeramente mejor con ECAs, las opiniones subjetivas son muy similares entre los dos grupos experimentales (uno interactuando con un sistema de diálogo con ECA, y el otro sin ECA). Entre las pequeñas diferencias encontradas entre los dos grupos destacan las siguientes: en el grupo experimental sin ECA (es decir, con interfaz sólo de voz) se observó un efecto más directo de los problemas de diálogo (por ejemplo, errores de reconocimiento) sobre la percepción de robustez, mientras que el grupo con ECA tuvo una respuesta emocional más positiva cuando se producían problemas. Los ECAs parecen generar inicialmente expectativas más elevadas en cuanto a las capacidades del sistema, y los usuarios de este grupo se declaran más seguros de sí mismos en su interacción. Por último, se observan algunos indicios de efectos sociales de los ECAs: la “amigabilidad ” percibida los ECAs estaba correlada con un incremento la preocupación por la seguridad. Asimismo, los usuarios del sistema con ECAs tendían más a culparse a sí mismos, en lugar de culpar al sistema, de los problemas de diálogo que pudieran surgir, mientras que se observó una ligera tendencia opuesta en el caso de los usuarios del sistema con interacción sólo de voz. ABSTRACT This Thesis presents two related lines of research work contributing to the general fields of Human-Technology (or Machine) Interaction (HTI, or HMI), computational linguistics, and user experience evaluation. These two lines are the design and user-focused evaluation of advanced Human-Machine (or Technology) Interaction systems. The first part of the Thesis (Chapters 2 to 4) is centred on advanced HMI system design. Chapter 2 provides a background overview of the state of research in multimodal conversational systems. This sets the stage for the research work presented in the rest of the Thesis. Chapers 3 and 4 focus on two major aspects of HMI design in detail: a generalised dialogue manager for context-aware multimodal HMI, and embodied conversational agents (ECAs, or animated agents) to improve dialogue robustness, respectively. Chapter 3, on dialogue management, deals with how to handle information heterogeneity, both from the communication modalities or from external sensors. A highly abstracted architectural contribution based on State Chart XML is proposed. Chapter 4 presents a contribution for the internal representation of communication intentions and their translation into gestural sequences for an ECA, especially designed to improve robustness in critical dialogue situations such as when miscommunication occurs. We propose an extension of the functionality of Functional Mark-up Language, as envisaged in much of the work in the SAIBA framework. Our extension allows the representation of communication acts that carry intentions that are not for the interlocutor to know of, but which are made to influence him or her as well as the flow of the dialogue itself. This is achieved through a design element we have called the Communication Intention Base. Such r pr s ntation of “non- clar ” int ntions allows th construction of communication acts that carry several communication intentions simultaneously. Also in Chapter 4, an experimental system is described which allows (simulated) remote control to a home automation assistant, with biometric (speaker) authentication to grant access, featuring embodied conversation agents for each of the tasks. The discussion includes a description of the behavioural sequences for the ECAs, which were designed for specific dialogue situations with particular attention given to the objective of improving dialogue robustness. Chapters 5 to 7 form the evaluation part of the Thesis. Chapter 5 reviews evaluation approaches in the literature for information technologies, as well as in particular for speech-based interaction systems, that are useful precedents to the contributions of the present Thesis. The main evaluation precedents on which the work in this Thesis has built are the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Subjective Assessment of Speech System Interfaces (SASSI) tool, and ITU-T Recommendation P.851. Chapter 6 presents the author’s work in establishing an valuation framework and methodology applied to the users’ experience with multimodal HMI systems. A novel user-acceptance Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework was developed by the author specifically for this purpose. A class structure arises from two orthogonal sets of dimensions. First we identify three broad classes of parameters related with user acceptance: likeability factors (those that have to do with the experience of using the system), rejection factors (which can only have a negative valence) and perception of usefulness. Secondly, the class structure is further broken down into several “user perception levels”; at the very least: an overall system-assessment level, task and goal-related levels, and an interface level (e.g., a dialogue system with or without an ECA). An empirical evaluation of the system described in Chapter 4 is presented in Chapter 7. The study was based on the abovementioned precedents in the literature, expanded with categories covering the inclusion of an ECA, the users’ s lf-assessed emotions, and particular rejection factors (privacy and security concerns). The Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework proposed in the previous chapter was also scrutinised. Factor analyses revealed an item structure very much related conceptually to the usefulness-likeability-rejection class division introduced above, thus giving it some empirical weight. Regression-based analysis revealed structures of dependencies, paths of interrelations, between the subjective and objective parameters considered. The central mediation effect, in the Technology Acceptance Model, of perceived usefulness on the dependency relationship of intention-to-use with perceived ease of use was confirmed in this study. Furthermore, the pattern of relationships was stronger for variables covering more broadly the likeability and usefulness categories in the Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework. Rejection factors were found to have a distinct presence as components in factor analyses, as well as distinct behaviour: they were found to moderate the relationship between intention-to-use (the main measure of user acceptance) and its strongest predictor, perceived usefulness. Insights of secondary importance are also given regarding the effect of ECAs on the interface of spoken dialogue systems and the dimensions of user perception and judgement attitude that may have a role in determining user acceptance of the technology. Despite observing slightly better performance values in the case of the system with the ECA, subjective opinions regarding both systems were, overall, very similar. Minor differences between two experimental groups (one interacting with an ECA, the other only through speech) include a more direct effect of dialogue problems (e.g., non-understandings) on perceived dialogue robustness for the voice-only interface test group, and a more positive emotional response for the ECA test group. Our findings further suggest that the ECA generates higher initial expectations, and users seem slightly more confident in their interaction with the ECA than do those without it. Finally, mild evidence of social effects of ECAs was also found: the perceived friendliness of the ECA increased security concerns, and ECA users may tend to blame themselves rather than the system when dialogue problems are encountered, while the opposite may be true for voice-only users.
In hot Spanish climate, Toledo, Syrah and Sauvignon blanc Vineyard were treated in pre veraison with yeast derivatives RD-LM and RD- LA to stimulate phenolic and aromatic maturity respectively (application of yeast derivatives specifically designed to be used with the patent foliar application technology WO/2014/024039, Lallemand Inc. Canada). For studied effects in berry and wine composition three harvest time had been done. Experimented yeast derivatives had no significant effects on yield components and vegetative growth in both varieties. The Syrah RD-LM variety presented higher total and extractable anthocyanins and also more amount of tannins, although this last ones are not evident in the sensory analysis. The sensory analysis of wine has given very similar results in both varieties but with significant results in favored by phenols and tannins derived RD- LM and RD-LA respectively.
Throughout history, humans have cyclically return to their old traditions such as the organic orchards. Nowadays, these have been integrated into the modern cities and could supply fresh vegetables to the daily food improving human health. Organic orchards grow crops without pesticides and artificial fertilizers thus, they are respectful with the environment and guarantee the food's safety . In modern society, the application of new technology is a must, in this case to obtain an efficient irrigation. In order to monitor a proper irrigation and save water and energy, soil water content probes are used to measure soil water content. Among them, capacitive probes ,monitored with a specific data logger, are typically used. Most of them, specially the data loggers, are expensive and in many cases are not used. In this work, we have applied the open hardware Arduino to build and program a low cost datalogger for the programming of irrigation in an experimental organic orchard. Results showed that the application of such as low cost technology, which is easily available in the market and easy to understand, everyone can built and program its own device helping in managing water resources in organic orchards .
La presente tesis doctoral contribuye al problema del diagnóstico autonómico de fallos en redes de telecomunicación. En las redes de telecomunicación actuales, las operadoras realizan tareas de diagnóstico de forma manual. Dichas operaciones deben ser llevadas a cabo por ingenieros altamente cualificados que cada vez tienen más dificultades a la hora de gestionar debidamente el crecimiento exponencial de la red tanto en tamaño, complejidad y heterogeneidad. Además, el advenimiento del Internet del Futuro hace que la demanda de sistemas que simplifiquen y automaticen la gestión de las redes de telecomunicación se haya incrementado en los últimos años. Para extraer el conocimiento necesario para desarrollar las soluciones propuestas y facilitar su adopción por los operadores de red, se propone una metodología de pruebas de aceptación para sistemas multi-agente enfocada en simplificar la comunicación entre los diferentes grupos de trabajo involucrados en todo proyecto de desarrollo software: clientes y desarrolladores. Para contribuir a la solución del problema del diagnóstico autonómico de fallos, se propone una arquitectura de agente capaz de diagnosticar fallos en redes de telecomunicación de manera autónoma. Dicha arquitectura extiende el modelo de agente Belief-Desire- Intention (BDI) con diferentes modelos de diagnóstico que gestionan las diferentes sub-tareas del proceso. La arquitectura propuesta combina diferentes técnicas de razonamiento para alcanzar su propósito gracias a un modelo estructural de la red, que usa razonamiento basado en ontologías, y un modelo causal de fallos, que usa razonamiento Bayesiano para gestionar debidamente la incertidumbre del proceso de diagnóstico. Para asegurar la adecuación de la arquitectura propuesta en situaciones de gran complejidad y heterogeneidad, se propone un marco de argumentación que permite diagnosticar a agentes que estén ejecutando en dominios federados. Para la aplicación de este marco en un sistema multi-agente, se propone un protocolo de coordinación en el que los agentes dialogan hasta alcanzar una conclusión para un caso de diagnóstico concreto. Como trabajos futuros, se consideran la extensión de la arquitectura para abordar otros problemas de gestión como el auto-descubrimiento o la auto-optimización, el uso de técnicas de reputación dentro del marco de argumentación para mejorar la extensibilidad del sistema de diagnóstico en entornos federados y la aplicación de las arquitecturas propuestas en las arquitecturas de red emergentes, como SDN, que ofrecen mayor capacidad de interacción con la red. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis contributes to the problem of autonomic fault diagnosis of telecommunication networks. Nowadays, in telecommunication networks, operators perform manual diagnosis tasks. Those operations must be carried out by high skilled network engineers which have increasing difficulties to properly manage the growing of those networks, both in size, complexity and heterogeneity. Moreover, the advent of the Future Internet makes the demand of solutions which simplifies and automates the telecommunication network management has been increased in recent years. To collect the domain knowledge required to developed the proposed solutions and to simplify its adoption by the operators, an agile testing methodology is defined for multiagent systems. This methodology is focused on the communication gap between the different work groups involved in any software development project, stakeholders and developers. To contribute to overcoming the problem of autonomic fault diagnosis, an agent architecture for fault diagnosis of telecommunication networks is defined. That architecture extends the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent model with different diagnostic models which handle the different subtasks of the process. The proposed architecture combines different reasoning techniques to achieve its objective using a structural model of the network, which uses ontology-based reasoning, and a causal model, which uses Bayesian reasoning to properly handle the uncertainty of the diagnosis process. To ensure the suitability of the proposed architecture in complex and heterogeneous environments, an argumentation framework is defined. This framework allows agents to perform fault diagnosis in federated domains. To apply this framework in a multi-agent system, a coordination protocol is defined. This protocol is used by agents to dialogue until a reliable conclusion for a specific diagnosis case is reached. Future work comprises the further extension of the agent architecture to approach other managements problems, such as self-discovery or self-optimisation; the application of reputation techniques in the argumentation framework to improve the extensibility of the diagnostic system in federated domains; and the application of the proposed agent architecture in emergent networking architectures, such as SDN, which offers new capabilities of control for the network.
The Illinois Institute of Technology (iit) campus, Chicago, by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, is often considered as a transitional work, usually acknowledged as significant for the reorientation of his professional career after he emigrated to the United States. Moreover, its favorable recognition today is somehow indicative of its relevance as a model for urban intervention in the contemporary American city and for contemporary city planning in general, not to mention the profound impact that it had on the cityscape of Chicago. However, today we know it was rather the result of a close collaboration between he and Ludwig Hilberseimer —later on, to be completed with Alfred Caldwell— who merged their personal ideas and expertise in the design for the first time. In addition to this, when one tries to locate the design within its own historical context and evaluate the sources of its approach to it, some contradictions arise. The major impact of the images produced by Mies to promote its realization —widely disseminated in most contemporary architectural periodicals— probably outshined the particular circumstances in which the design was conceived. In fact, it would never be materialized as originally presented, but it was, instead, continuously reworked according to land availability in the site —a circumstance often ignored by subsequent architectural critic, that enthusiastically praised the design even before it was fully completed. One of the main consequences of looking at iit from such a standpoint is that, when historically contextualized, one can appreciate that, due to the urban scale of its implementation process, the design had to face a complex reality very different to that initially planned by the architect, often far from his actual possibilities of intervention. Such approach is in contradiction with the common description of the design as a ‘tabula rasa’ that allegedly would have been formulated on the basis of a full denial of its context. On the contrary, the ever-changing circumstances of the design motivated a necessary re-interpretation of the relation between its executed fragments, in order to keep the original identity of the whole in an ever-changing context. This situation implied a continuous transformation of the design by means of a steady re-composition of its elements: as the number of completed buildings increased in its successive stages, their relation to their site-specific context changed, in a very particular process that these lines try to delineate. Requiring decades to be erected, neither of its authors would ever see the design finished as planned, partially because of the difficulties in acquiring the extension of land that it required. Considering the study of this process as able to provide a valuable gateway to understand the urban discourse that the architects entailed, the aim of these lines is to analyze the problems that the iit campus design had to face. As a starting point, a relationship between practice and theory in the activity of the authors implied in iit campus design has been assumed. Far from being interrupted during World War ii, strong historical evidence can be found to infer that both were developed in parallel. Consequently, the historical sequence of the preserved testimonies has been put into context, as well as their transformation while Mies remained in charge for the campus Master Plan. Notably, when seen from this perspective, some ideas already expressed during his previous European practice were still present during the design process. Particularly, Mies's particular understanding of certain architectural concepts — such as those of ‘order’ and ‘structure’—can be traced paralleling the theories about urban planning from his collaborators, a fact that possibly facilitated the campus successful development. The study of the way these ideas were actually redeveloped and modified in the American urban context, added to the specific process of the implementation of iit campus design, sheds a new light for a critical interpretation of the reasons that made it possible, and of the actual responsibility of Mies's collaborators in its overall development and final completion. RESUMEN El campus del Illinois Institute of Technology (iit) de Chicago, obra del arquitecto Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, es a menudo considerado como una obra de transición que, por lo general, ha venido siendo reconocida como relevante para la reorientación de su carrera profesional posterior a su exilio en los Estados Unidos. El reconocimiento del que goza el proyecto es indicativo, de algún modo, de su importancia como modelo para la intervención urbana en la ciudad norteamericana contemporánea y el planeamiento de la ciudad contemporánea en general, sin olvidar el profundo impacto que ha tenido sobre el paisaje urbano de Chicago. Sin embargo, hoy sabemos que el resultado se benefició de su estrecha colaboración con Ludwig Hilberseimer y se completaría más tarde con la de Alfred Caldwell, quienes unieron sus ideas y experiencia profesional en el proyecto por primera vez. Asimismo, cuando se intenta ubicar el proyecto dentro de su propio contexto histórico y evaluar los criterios de su manera de abordarlo, surgen algunas contradicciones. El considerable impacto de las imágenes producidas por Mies para impulsar su ejecución —ampliamente difundidas en la mayoría de publicaciones de arquitectura de la época— probablemente eclipsó las particulares circunstancias en las que el proyecto fue concebido. De hecho, nunca llegó a materializarse tal y como fue inicialmente presentado. Por contra, fue reelaborado de manera continua, de acuerdo a la disponibilidad de suelo en el emplazamiento; una circunstancia a menudo ignorada por la crítica posterior, que elogió con entusiasmo el proyecto antes siquiera de que fuese terminado. Una de las principales consecuencias de contemplar el iit desde semejante punto de vista es que, una vez contextualizada históricamente su puesta en obra, se puede apreciar que el arquitecto tuvo que enfrentarse a una compleja realidad urbana muy diferente a la inicialmente prevista —probablemente debido a la escala del proyecto— a menudo lejos de sus posibilidades reales de intervención. Este enfoque contradice la descripción habitual del proyecto como una ‘tabula rasa’, que supuestamente se habría formulado sobre la base de una negación completa de su contexto. Por el contrario, las circunstancias cambiantes del proyecto obligaron una necesaria reinterpretación de la relación entre sus frag mentos ejecutados, con el fin de mantener la identidad original del conjunto en un contexto en constante cambio. Esta situación implicó una continua transformación del proyecto por medio de una permanente re-composición de sus elementos: según se incrementaba el número de edificios construidos en las etapas sucesivas de desarrollo del conjunto, variaba su relación con el contexto específico en que se emplazaban, en un proceso muy particular que estas líneas tratan de perfilar. Al necesitar décadas para ser levantado, ninguno de sus autores vería el conjunto terminado según lo planificado, en parte debido a las dificultades para la adquisición de la extensión de suelo que demandaba. Asumiendo que el estudio de este proceso es capaz de proporcionar una valiosa puerta de entrada para elucidar el discurso urbano asumido por los Mies, el objetivo de estas líneas es analizar los problemas a los que el proyecto del campus del iit tuvo que enfrentarse. Como punto de partida, se ha supuesto una relación entre la práctica y la teoría en la actividad de los autores implicados en el proyecto del campus del iit. Lejos de interrumpirse durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, existen evidencias históricas sólidas para deducir que ambas vertientes se desarrollaron en paralelo. En consecuencia, se ha contextualizado la secuencia histórica de los testimonios conservados, así como su transformación durante el periodo en que Mies estuvo a cargo del Plan General del campus. Significativamente, al ser contempladas bajo esta perspectiva, algunas ideas ya expresadas durante su práctica europea anterior resultan aún presentes durante la redacción del proyecto. En concreto, se puede trazar un paralelismo entre la comprensión particular de Mies de ciertos conceptos arquitectónicos —como los de ‘orden’ y ‘estructura’— y las teorías sobre el urbanismo de sus colaboradores, hecho que posiblemente facilitó el exitoso desarrollo del proyecto. El estudio de la manera en que estas ideas fueron reelaboradas y modificadas en el contexto urbano estadounidense, sumado al proceso específico de su aplicación en el proyecto del campus del iit, arroja una nueva luz para una interpretación crítica tanto de las razones que lo hicieron posible, como del papel real que los colaboradores de Mies tuvieron en su desarrollo y ejecución final.
La presente Tesis Doctoral evalúa la contribución de una fachada activa, constituida por acristalamientos con circulación de agua, en el rendimiento energético del edificio. Con especial énfasis en la baja afección sobre su imagen, su integración ha de favorecer la calificación del edificio con el futuro estándar de Edificio de consumo de Energía Casi Nulo (EECN). El propósito consiste en cuantificar su aportación a limitar la demanda de climatización, como solución de fachada transparente acorde a las normas de la energía del 2020. En el primer capítulo se introduce el planteamiento del problema. En el segundo capítulo se desarrollan la hipótesis y el objetivo fundamental de la investigación. Para tal fin, en el tercer capítulo, se revisa el estado del arte de la tecnología y de la investigación científica, mediante el análisis de la literatura de referencia. Se comparan patentes, prototipos, sistemas comerciales asimilables, investigaciones en curso en Universidades, y proyectos de investigación y desarrollo, sobre envolventes que incorporan acristalamientos con circulación de agua. El método experimental, expuesto en el cuarto capítulo, acomete el diseño, la fabricación y la monitorización de un prototipo expuesto, durante ciclos de ensayos, a las condiciones climáticas de Madrid. Esta fase ha permitido adquirir información precisa sobre el rendimiento del acristalamiento en cada orientación de incidencia solar, en las distintas estaciones del año. En paralelo, se aborda el desarrollo de modelos teóricos que, mediante su asimilación a soluciones multicapa caracterizadas en las herramientas de simulación EnergyPlus y IDA-ICE (IDA Indoor Climate and Energy), reproducen el efecto experimental. En el quinto capítulo se discuten los resultados experimentales y teóricos, y se analiza la respuesta del acristalamiento asociado a un determinado volumen y temperatura del agua. Se calcula la eficiencia en la captación de la radiación y, mediante la comparativa con un acristalamiento convencional, se determina la reducción de las ganancias solares y las pérdidas de energía. Se comparan el rendimiento del acristalamiento, obtenido experimentalmente, con el ofrecido por paneles solares fototérmicos disponibles en el mercado. Mediante la traslación de los resultados experimentales a casos de células de tamaño habitable, se cuantifica la afección del acristalamiento sobre el consumo en refrigeración y calefacción. Diferenciando cada caso por su composición constructiva y orientación, se extraen conclusiones sobre la reducción del gasto en climatización, en condiciones de bienestar. Posteriormente, se evalúa el ahorro de su incorporación en un recinto existente, de construcción ligera, localizado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Mediante el planteamiento de escenarios de rehabilitación energética, se estima su compatibilidad con un sistema de climatización mediante bomba de calor y extracción geotérmica. Se describe el funcionamiento del sistema, desde la perspectiva de la operación conjunta de los acristalamientos activos e intercambio geotérmico, en nuestro clima. Mediante la parametrización de sus funciones, se estima el beneficio adicional de su integración, a partir de la mejora del rendimiento de la bomba de calor COP (Coefficient of Performance) en calefacción, y de la eficiencia EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) en refrigeración. En el recinto de la ETSAM, se ha analizado la contribución de la fachada activa en su calificación como Edificio de Energía Casi Nula, y estudiado la rentabilidad económica del sistema. En el sexto capítulo se exponen las conclusiones de la investigación. A la fecha, el sistema supone alta inversión inicial, no obstante, genera elevada eficiencia con bajo impacto arquitectónico, reduciéndose los costes operativos, y el dimensionado de los sistemas de producción, de mayor afección sobre el edificio. Mediante la envolvente activa con suministro geotérmico no se condena la superficie de cubierta, no se ocupa volumen útil por la presencia de equipos emisores, y no se reduce la superficie o altura útil a base de reforzar los aislamientos. Tras su discusión, se considera una alternativa de valor en procesos de diseño y construcción de Edificios de Energía Casi Nulo. Se proponen líneas de futuras investigación cuyo propósito sea el conocimiento de la tecnología de los acristalamientos activos. En el último capítulo se presentan las actividades de difusión de la investigación. Adicionalmente se ha proporcionado una mejora tecnológica a las fachadas activas existentes, que ha derivado en la solicitud de una patente, actualmente en tramitación. ABSTRACT This Thesis evaluates the contribution of an active water flow glazing façade on the energy performance of buildings. Special emphasis is made on the low visual impact on its image, and the active glazing implementation has to encourage the qualification of the building with the future standard of Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB). The purpose is to quantify the façade system contribution to limit air conditioning demand, resulting in a transparent façade solution according to the 2020 energy legislation. An initial approach to the problem is presented in first chapter. The second chapter develops the hypothesis and the main objective of the research. To achieve this purpose, the third chapter reviews the state of the art of the technology and scientific research, through the analysis of reference literature. Patents, prototypes, assimilable commercial systems, ongoing research in other universities, and finally research and development projects incorporating active fluid flow glazing are compared. The experimental method, presented in fourth chapter, undertakes the design, manufacture and monitoring of a water flow glazing prototype exposed during test cycles to weather conditions in Madrid. This phase allowed the acquisition of accurate information on the performance of water flow glazing on each orientation of solar incidence, during different seasons. In parallel, the development of theoretical models is addressed which, through the assimilation to multilayer solutions characterized in the simulation tools EnergyPlus and IDA-Indoor Climate and Energy, reproduce the experimental effect. Fifth chapter discusses experimental and theoretical results focused to the analysis of the active glazing behavior, associated with a specific volume and water flow temperature. The efficiency on harvesting incident solar radiation is calculated, and, by comparison with a conventional glazing, the reduction of solar gains and energy losses are determined. The experimental performance of fluid flow glazing against the one offered by photothermal solar panels available on the market are compared. By translating the experimental and theoretical results to cases of full-size cells, the reduction in cooling and heating consumption achieved by active fluid glazing is quantified. The reduction of energy costs to achieve comfort conditions is calculated, differentiating each case by its whole construction composition and orientation. Subsequently, the saving of the implementation of the system on an existing lightweight construction enclosure, located in the School of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), is then calculated. The compatibility between the active fluid flow glazing and a heat pump with geothermal heat supply system is estimated through the approach of different energy renovation scenarios. The overall system operation is described, from the perspective of active glazing and geothermal heat exchange combined operation, in our climate. By parameterization of its functions, the added benefit of its integration it is discussed, particularly from the improvement of the heat pump performance COP (Coefficient of Performance) in heating and efficiency EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) in cooling. In the case study of the enclosure in the School of Architecture, the contribution of the active glazing façade in qualifying the enclosure as nearly Zero Energy Building has been analyzed, and the feasibility and profitability of the system are studied. The sixth chapter sets the conclusions of the investigation. To date, the system may require high initial investment; however, high efficiency with low architectural impact is generated. Operational costs are highly reduced as well as the size and complexity of the energy production systems, which normally have huge visual impact on buildings. By the active façade with geothermal supply, the deck area it is not condemned. Useful volume is not consumed by the presence of air-conditioning equipment. Useful surface and room height are not reduced by insulation reinforcement. After discussion, water flow glazing is considered a potential value alternative in nZEB design and construction processes. Finally, this chapter proposes future research lines aiming to increase the knowledge of active water flow glazing technology. The last chapter presents research dissemination activities. Additionally, a technological improvement to existing active facades has been developed, which has resulted in a patent application, currently in handling process.
Tree nut allergies are considered an important health issue in developed countries. To comply with the regulations on food labeling, reliable allergen detection methods are required. In this work we isolated almond-specific recombinant antibody fragments (scFv) from a commercial phage display library bypassing the use of live animals, hence being consistent with the latest policies on animal welfare. To this end an iterative selection procedure employing the Tomlinson I phage display library and a crude almond protein extract was carried out. Two different almond-specific scFv (named PD1F6 and PD2C9) were isolated after two rounds of biopanning, and an indirect phage ELISA was implemented to detect the presence of almond protein in foodstuffs. The isolated scFvs demonstrated to be highly specific and allowed detection of 40 ng mL?1 and 100 ng mL?1 of raw and roasted almond protein, respectively. The practical detection limit of the assay in almond spiked food products was 0.1 mg g?1 (110e120 ppm). The developed indirect phage ELISA was validated by analysis of 92 commercial food products, showing good correlation with the results obtained by a previously developed real-time PCR method for the detection of almond in foodstuffs. The selected phage clones can be affinity maturated to improve their sensitivity and genetically engineered to be employed in different assay formats.
Several languages have been proposed for the task of describing networks of systems, either to help on managing, simulate or deploy testbeds for testing purposes. However, there is no one specifically designed to describe the honeynets, covering the specific characteristics in terms of applications and tools included in the honeypot systems that make the honeynet. In this paper, the requirements of honeynet description are studied and a survey of existing description languages is presented, concluding that a CIM (Common Information Model) match the basic requirements. Thus, a CIM like technology independent honeynet description language (TIHDL) is proposed. The language is defined being independent of the platform where the honeynet will be deployed later, and it can be translated, either using model-driven techniques or other translation mechanisms, into the description languages of honeynet deployment platforms and tools. This approach gives flexibility to allow the use of a combination of heterogeneous deployment platforms. Besides, a flexible virtual honeynet generation tool (HoneyGen) based on the approach and description language proposed and capable of deploying honeynets over VNX (Virtual Networks over LinuX) and Honeyd platforms is presented for validation purposes.