8 resultados para Inverse methods

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Penguin colonies represent some of the most concentrated sources of ammonia emissions to the atmosphere in the world. The ammonia emitted into the atmosphere can have a large influence on the nitrogen cycling of ecosystems near the colonies. However, despite the ecological importance of the emissions, no measurements of ammonia emissions from penguin colonies have been made. The objective of this work was to determine the ammonia emission rate of a penguin colony using inverse-dispersion modelling and gradient methods. We measured meteorological variables and mean atmospheric concentrations of ammonia at seven locations near a colony of Adélie penguins in Antarctica to provide input data for inverse-dispersion modelling. Three different atmospheric dispersion models (ADMS, LADD and a Lagrangian stochastic model) were used to provide a robust emission estimate. The Lagrangian stochastic model was applied both in ‘forwards’ and ‘backwards’ mode to compare the difference between the two approaches. In addition, the aerodynamic gradient method was applied using vertical profiles of mean ammonia concentrations measured near the centre of the colony. The emission estimates derived from the simulations of the three dispersion models and the aerodynamic gradient method agreed quite well, giving a mean emission of 1.1 g ammonia per breeding pair per day (95% confidence interval: 0.4–2.5 g ammonia per breeding pair per day). This emission rate represents a volatilisation of 1.9% of the estimated nitrogen excretion of the penguins, which agrees well with that estimated from a temperature-dependent bioenergetics model. We found that, in this study, the Lagrangian stochastic model seemed to give more reliable emission estimates in ‘forwards’ mode than in ‘backwards’ mode due to the assumptions made.


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In this paper, we seek to expand the use of direct methods in real-time applications by proposing a vision-based strategy for pose estimation of aerial vehicles. The vast majority of approaches make use of features to estimate motion. Conversely, the strategy we propose is based on a MR (Multi-Resolution) implementation of an image registration technique (Inverse Compositional Image Alignment ICIA) using direct methods. An on-board camera in a downwards-looking configuration, and the assumption of planar scenes, are the bases of the algorithm. The motion between frames (rotation and translation) is recovered by decomposing the frame-to-frame homography obtained by the ICIA algorithm applied to a patch that covers around the 80% of the image. When the visual estimation is required (e.g. GPS drop-out), this motion is integrated with the previous known estimation of the vehicles' state, obtained from the on-board sensors (GPS/IMU), and the subsequent estimations are based only on the vision-based motion estimations. The proposed strategy is tested with real flight data in representative stages of a flight: cruise, landing, and take-off, being two of those stages considered critical: take-off and landing. The performance of the pose estimation strategy is analyzed by comparing it with the GPS/IMU estimations. Results show correlation between the visual estimation obtained with the MR-ICIA and the GPS/IMU data, that demonstrate that the visual estimation can be used to provide a good approximation of the vehicle's state when it is required (e.g. GPS drop-outs). In terms of performance, the proposed strategy is able to maintain an estimation of the vehicle's state for more than one minute, at real-time frame rates based, only on visual information.


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Objective: This research is focused in the creation and validation of a solution to the inverse kinematics problem for a 6 degrees of freedom human upper limb. This system is intended to work within a realtime dysfunctional motion prediction system that allows anticipatory actuation in physical Neurorehabilitation under the assisted-as-needed paradigm. For this purpose, a multilayer perceptron-based and an ANFIS-based solution to the inverse kinematics problem are evaluated. Materials and methods: Both the multilayer perceptron-based and the ANFIS-based inverse kinematics methods have been trained with three-dimensional Cartesian positions corresponding to the end-effector of healthy human upper limbs that execute two different activities of the daily life: "serving water from a jar" and "picking up a bottle". Validation of the proposed methodologies has been performed by a 10 fold cross-validation procedure. Results: Once trained, the systems are able to map 3D positions of the end-effector to the corresponding healthy biomechanical configurations. A high mean correlation coefficient and a low root mean squared error have been found for both the multilayer perceptron and ANFIS-based methods. Conclusions: The obtained results indicate that both systems effectively solve the inverse kinematics problem, but, due to its low computational load, crucial in real-time applications, along with its high performance, a multilayer perceptron-based solution, consisting in 3 input neurons, 1 hidden layer with 3 neurons and 6 output neurons has been considered the most appropriated for the target application.


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We present a technique to reconstruct the electromagnetic properties of a medium or a set of objects buried inside it from boundary measurements when applying electric currents through a set of electrodes. The electromagnetic parameters may be recovered by means of a gradient method without a priori information on the background. The shape, location and size of objects, when present, are determined by a topological derivative-based iterative procedure. The combination of both strategies allows improved reconstructions of the objects and their properties, assuming a known background.


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In tunnel construction, as in every engineering work, it is usual the decision making, with incomplete data. Nevertheless, consciously or not, the builder weighs the risks (even if this is done subjectively) so that he can offer a cost. The objective of this paper is to recall the existence of a methodology to treat the uncertainties in the data so that it is possible to see their effect on the output of the computational model used and then to estimate the failure probability or the safety margin of a structure. In this scheme it is possible to include the subjective knowledge on the statistical properties of the random variables and, using a numerical model consistent with the degree of complexity appropiate to the problem at hand, to make rationally based decisions. As will be shown with the method it is possible to quantify the relative importance of the random variables and, in addition, it can be used, under certain conditions, to solve the inverse problem. It is then a method very well suited both to the project and to the control phases of tunnel construction.


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There is general agreement within the scientific community in considering Biology as the science with more potential to develop in the XXI century. This is due to several reasons, but probably the most important one is the state of development of the rest of experimental and technological sciences. In this context, there are a very rich variety of mathematical tools, physical techniques and computer resources that permit to do biological experiments that were unbelievable only a few years ago. Biology is nowadays taking advantage of all these newly developed technologies, which are been applied to life sciences opening new research fields and helping to give new insights in many biological problems. Consequently, biologists have improved a lot their knowledge in many key areas as human function and human diseases. However there is one human organ that is still barely understood compared with the rest: The human brain. The understanding of the human brain is one of the main challenges of the XXI century. In this regard, it is considered a strategic research field for the European Union and the USA. Thus, there is a big interest in applying new experimental techniques for the study of brain function. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is one of these novel techniques that are currently applied for mapping the brain activity1. This technique has important advantages compared to the metabolic-based brain imagining techniques like Functional Magneto Resonance Imaging2 (fMRI). The main advantage is that MEG has a higher time resolution than fMRI. Another benefit of MEG is that it is a patient friendly clinical technique. The measure is performed with a wireless set up and the patient is not exposed to any radiation. Although MEG is widely applied in clinical studies, there are still open issues regarding data analysis. The present work deals with the solution of the inverse problem in MEG, which is the most controversial and uncertain part of the analysis process3. This question is addressed using several variations of a new solving algorithm based in a heuristic method. The performance of those methods is analyzed by applying them to several test cases with known solutions and comparing those solutions with the ones provided by our methods.


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The CENTURY soil organic matter model was adapted for the DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer), modular format in order to better simulate the dynamics of soil organic nutrient processes (Gijsman et al., 2002). The CENTURY model divides the soil organic carbon (SOC) into three hypothetical pools: microbial or active material (SOC1), intermediate (SOC2) and the largely inert and stable material (SOC3) (Jones et al., 2003). At the beginning of the simulation, CENTURY model needs a value of SOC3 per soil layer which can be estimated by the model (based on soil texture and management history) or given as an input. Then, the model assigns about 5% and 95% of the remaining SOC to SOC1 and SOC2, respectively. The model performance when simulating SOC and nitrogen (N) dynamics strongly depends on the initialization process. The common methods (e.g. Basso et al., 2011) to initialize SOC pools deal mostly with carbon (C) mineralization processes and less with N. Dynamics of SOM, SOC, and soil organic N are linked in the CENTURY-DSSAT model through the C/N ratio of decomposing material that determines either mineralization or immobilization of N (Gijsman et al., 2002). The aim of this study was to evaluate an alternative method to initialize the SOC pools in the DSSAT-CENTURY model from apparent soil N mineralization (Napmin) field measurements by using automatic inverse calibration (simulated annealing). The results were compared with the ones obtained by the iterative initialization procedure developed by Basso et al., 2011.


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En esta tesis se presenta un análisis en profundidad de cómo se deben utilizar dos tipos de métodos directos, Lucas-Kanade e Inverse Compositional, en imágenes RGB-D y se analiza la capacidad y precisión de los mismos en una serie de experimentos sintéticos. Estos simulan imágenes RGB, imágenes de profundidad (D) e imágenes RGB-D para comprobar cómo se comportan en cada una de las combinaciones. Además, se analizan estos métodos sin ninguna técnica adicional que modifique el algoritmo original ni que lo apoye en su tarea de optimización tal y como sucede en la mayoría de los artículos encontrados en la literatura. Esto se hace con el fin de poder entender cuándo y por qué los métodos convergen o divergen para que así en el futuro cualquier interesado pueda aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en esta tesis de forma práctica. Esta tesis debería ayudar al futuro interesado a decidir qué algoritmo conviene más en una determinada situación y debería también ayudarle a entender qué problemas le pueden dar estos algoritmos para poder poner el remedio más apropiado. Las técnicas adicionales que sirven de remedio para estos problemas quedan fuera de los contenidos que abarca esta tesis, sin embargo, sí se hace una revisión sobre ellas.---ABSTRACT---This thesis presents an in-depth analysis about how direct methods such as Lucas- Kanade and Inverse Compositional can be applied in RGB-D images. The capability and accuracy of these methods is also analyzed employing a series of synthetic experiments. These simulate the efects produced by RGB images, depth images and RGB-D images so that diferent combinations can be evaluated. Moreover, these methods are analyzed without using any additional technique that modifies the original algorithm or that aids the algorithm in its search for a global optima unlike most of the articles found in the literature. Our goal is to understand when and why do these methods converge or diverge so that in the future, the knowledge extracted from the results presented here can efectively help a potential implementer. After reading this thesis, the implementer should be able to decide which algorithm fits best for a particular task and should also know which are the problems that have to be addressed in each algorithm so that an appropriate correction is implemented using additional techniques. These additional techniques are outside the scope of this thesis, however, they are reviewed from the literature.