11 resultados para Interventions in the family system

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Background Energy Policy is one of the main drivers of Transport Policy. A number of strategies to reduce current energy consumption trends in the transport sector have been designed over the last decades. They include fuel taxes, more efficient technologies and changing travel behavior through demand regulation. But energy market has a high degree of uncertainty and the effectiveness of those policy options should be assessed. Methods A scenario based assessment methodology has been developed in the frame of the EU project STEPS. It provides an integrated view of Energy efficiency, environment, social and competitiveness impacts of the different strategies. It has been applied at European level and to five specific Regions. Concluding remarks The results are quite site specific dependent. However they show that regulation measures appear to be more effective than new technology investments. Higher energy prices could produce on their turn a deterioration of competitiveness and a threat for social goals.


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CiaoPP is the abstract interpretation-based preprocessor of the Ciao multi-paradigm (Constraint) Logic Programming system. It uses modular, incremental abstract interpretation as a fundamental tool to obtain information about programs. In CiaoPP, the semantic approximations thus produced have been applied to perform high- and low-level optimizations during program compilation, including transformations such as múltiple abstract specialization, parallelization, partial evaluation, resource usage control, and program verification. More recently, novel and promising applications of such semantic approximations are being applied in the more general context of program development such as program verification. In this work, we describe our extensión of the system to incorpórate Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC), a novel approach to mobile code safety. ACC follows the standard strategy of associating safety certificates to programs, originally proposed in Proof Carrying- Code. A distinguishing feature of ACC is that we use an abstraction (or abstract model) of the program computed by standard static analyzers as a certifícate. The validity of the abstraction on the consumer side is checked in a single-pass by a very efficient and specialized abstractinterpreter. We have implemented and benchmarked ACC within CiaoPP. The experimental results show that the checking phase is indeed faster than the proof generation phase, and that the sizes of certificates are reasonable. Moreover, the preprocessor is based on compile-time (and run-time) tools for the certification of CLP programs with resource consumption assurances.


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This paper describes the current prototype of the distributed CIAO system. It introduces the concepts of "teams" and "active modules" (or active objects), which conveniently encapsulate different types of functionalities desirable from a distributed system, from parallelism for achieving speedup to client-server applications. The user primitives available are presented and their implementation described. This implementation uses attributed variables and, as an example of a communication abstraction, a blackboard that follows the Linda model. Finally, the CIAO WWW interface is also briefly described. The unctionalities of the system are illustrated through examples, using the implemented primitives.


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This paper describes the current prototype of the distributed CIAO system. It introduces the concepts of "teams" and "active modules" (or active objects), which conveniently encapsulate different types of functionalities desirable from a distributed system, from parallelism for achieving speedup to client-server applications. It presents the user primitives available and describes their implementation. This implementation uses attributed variables and, as an example of a communication abstraction, a blackboard that follows the Linda model. The functionalities of the system are illustrated through examples, using the implemented primitives. The implementation of most of the primitives is also described in detail.


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La reticula de Nueva York ha sido un formato de nuevos planteamientos de "hacer ciudad" desde hace dos siglos. Esta ultima decada ha suspuesto un periodo fructifero para el espacio publico neoyorkino bajo la administracion de Michael Bloomerg. Esta revitalizacion no habria podido ser posible sin la reactivacion de factores de espacio publico que ya existian: la reticula, la legislacion publica y el rol del ciudadano. El ciudadano juega un papel fundamental en la ciudad, ya que es usuario, critico y promotor de espacio publico. Sin embargo, en ocasiones no es evidente para quien o quienes estan pensados los nuevos espacios publicos en la ciudad. Desde esta perspectiva, podemos identificar diferentes usuarios en la ciudad y analizar formulas recientes de espacio publico para cada uno de ellos: el vecino, el ciudadano, y el visitante. En palabras de Jane Jacobs: " las ciudades tienen la capacidad de proveer algo para todo el mundo, solo porque, y solo cuando, han sido proyectadas por todo el mundo".


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The competition in markets, the distribution of limited resources based on productivity and performance, and the efficient management of universities are changing the criteria of trust and legitimacy of the educational system in Peru. Universities are perceived more as institutions of the public sector, while the services they offer must rather contribute to the modernization of the emerging society and the knowledge economy. Higher Educations reforms - initiated in the 1980s - have been inspired by the successful university organizations that have managed to change their governance and addressed to transform certain bureaucratic institutions into organizations capable of playing active role in this global competition for resources and best talent. Within this context, Peruvian universities are facing two major challenges: adapting themselves to new global perspectives and being able to develop a better response to society demands, needs and expectations. This article proposes a model of governance system for higher education in Peru that gives a comprehensive solution to these challenges, allowing dealing with the problems of universities for their development and inclusion within the global trends. For this purpose, a holistic and qualitative methodologic approach was developed, considering an integrated method which considered educational reality as a whole, understanding its facts, components and elements that affects its outcomes. It is proposed to define a policy for university education in Peru that permeates society, by changing the planning model from a social reform model to a policy analysis model, where the Peruvian State acts as sole responsible for responding to the demanding society as its legal representative complemented with some external and independent bodies that define the basis of best practice, as it is being done in many university models worldwide.


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A method that provides athree-dimensional representation ofthe basin ofattraction of a dynamical system from experimen tal data was applied tothe problem ofdynamic balance restoration. The method isbased onthe density ofthe data onthe phase space ofthe system under study and makes use ofmodeling and numerical curve fittingtools.For the dynamical system ofbalance restora tion,the shape and the size of the basin of attraction depend on the dynamics of the postural restoring mechanisms and contain important information regarding the biomechanical,as well as the neuromuscular condition of the individual. The aim ofthis work was toexamine the ability ofthe method todetect, through the observed changes inthe shape and/or the size ofthe calculated basins of attraction, (a)the inherent differences between different systems (in the current application, postural restoring systems of different individuals)and (b)induced chan ges in the same system (thepostural restoring system of an individual).The results ofthe study confirm the validity of the method and furthermore justify its robustness.


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Debido a la complejidad de los procesos que controlan el intercambio de gases de carbono (C) y nitrógeno (N) entre el suelo y la atmósfera, en los sistemas forestales y agroforestales, son comprensibles las incógnitas existentes respecto a la estimación de los flujos de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) y la capacidad como reservorios de carbono de los suelos, bajo diferentes formas de uso y regímenes de alteración a escala regional y global. Esta escasez de información justifica la necesidad de caracterizar la dinámica de intercambio de GEI en los ecosistemas Mediterráneos, en especial en el contexto actual de cambio climático, y el incremento asociado de temperatura y periodos de sequía, alteración de los patrones de precipitación, y el riesgo de incendios forestales; cuyas consecuencias afectarán tanto a los compartimentos de C y de N del suelo como a la capacidad de secuestro de C de estos ecosistemas. Dentro de este contexto se enmarca la presente tesis doctoral cuyo objetivo ha sido cuantificar y caracterizar los flujos de dióxido de carbono (CO2), de oxido nitroso (N2O) y de metano (CH4), junto con los stocks de C y N, en suelos forestales de Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica y Pinus sylvestris afectados por incendios forestales; así como el estudiar el efecto de la gestión y la cubierta arbórea en la respiración del suelo y los stocks de C y N en una dehesa situada en el centro de la Península Ibérica. De manera que los flujos de CO2, N2O y CH4; y los parámetros físico-químicos y biológicos del suelo fueron estudiados en los diferentes tratamientos y ecosistemas a lo largo del trabajo que se presenta. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de variaciones temporales y espaciales de la respiración del suelo dentro de una escala geográfica pequeña, controladas principalmente por la temperatura y la humedad del suelo; y por los contenidos de C y N del suelo en un bosque de Pinus sylvestris en la vertiente norte de la Sierra de Guadarrama , en España. El análisis de los efectos de los incendios forestales a largo plazo (6-8 años) revela que las pérdidas anuales de C a través de la respiración del suelo en las zonas quemadas de Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica y Pinus sylvestris fueron 450 gCm-2yr-1, 790 gCm-2yr-1 y 1220 gCm-2yr-1, respectivamente; lo que representa una reducción del 43%, 22% y 11% en comparación con las zonas no quemadas de dichas especies, debido a la destrucción de la masa arbórea. El efecto del fuego también alteró los flujos N2O y CH4 del suelo, de una forma diferente en los distintos ecosistemas y estacionalidades estudiadas. De tal modo, que los suelos quemados mostraron una mayor oxidación del CH4 en las masas de Q. ilex, y una menor oxidación en las de P. sylvestris; además de una disminución de los flujos de N2O en Q. pyrenaica. Los incendios también afectaron los parámetros microclimáticos de los suelos forestales, observándose un incremento de la temperatura del suelo y una disminución de la humedad en los emplazamientos quemados que en los no quemados. Los cationes intercambiables, el pH, el cociente C/N, el contenido en raicillas y la biomasa microbiana también disminuyeron en las zonas quemadas. Aunque el C orgánico del suelo no se alteró de manera significativa, si lo hizo la calidad de la materia orgánica, disminuyendo el carbono lábil y aumentando las formas recalcitrantes lo que se tradujo en menor sensibilidad de la respiración del suelo a la temperatura (valores de Q10) en las zonas quemadas. Los resultados del estudio realizado en la Dehesa muestran que las actividades silvopastorales estudiadas afectaron levemente y de forma no constante a la respiración del suelo y las condiciones microclimáticas del suelo. Se observó una reducción 12% de la respiración del suelo por efecto del pastoreo no intensivo. Sin embargo, se observaron incrementos de 3Mg/ha en los stocks de C y de 0.3 Mg/ha en los stocks de N en los suelos pastoreados en comparación con los no pastoreados. Aunque, no se observó un claro efecto de la labranza sobre la respiración del suelo en nuestro experimento, sin embargo si se observó una disminución de 3.5 Mg/ha en las reservas de C y de 0.3 Mg/ ha en las de N en los suelos labrados comparados con los no labrados. La copa del arbolado influyó de forma positiva tanto en la respiración del suelo, como en los stocks de C y N de los suelos. La humedad del suelo jugó un papel relevante en la sensibilidad de la respiración a la temperatura del suelo. Nuestros resultados ponen de manifiesto la sensibilidad de la respiración del suelo a cambios en la humedad y los parámetros edáficos, y sugieren que la aplicación de modelos estándar para estimar la respiración del suelo en áreas geográficas pequeñas puede no ser adecuada a menos que otros factores sean considerados en combinación con la temperatura del suelo. Además, las diferentes respuestas de los flujos de gases de efecto invernadero a los cambios, años después de la ocurrencia de incendios forestales, destaca la necesidad de incluir estos cambios en las futuras investigaciones de la dinámica del carbono en los ecosistemas mediterráneos. Por otra parte, las respuestas divergentes en los valores de respiración del suelo y en los contenidos de C y N del suelo observados en la dehesa, además de la contribución de la copa de los árboles en los nutrientes del suelo ilustran la importancia de mantener la gestión tradicional aplicada en beneficio de la capacidad de almacenar C en la dehesa estudiada. La información obtenida en este trabajo pretende contribuir a la mejora del conocimiento de la dinámica y el balance de C en los sistemas mediterráneos, además de ayudar a predecir el impacto del cambio climático en el intercambio de C entre los ecosistemas forestales y agroforestales y la atmósfera. ABSTRACT Due to the complexity of the processes that control the exchange of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) gasses between soils and the atmosphere in forest and agroforestry ecosystems, understandable uncertainties exist as regards the estimation of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and the soil sink capacity at regional and global scale under different forms of land use and disturbance regimes. These uncertainties justify the need to characterize the exchange dynamics of GHG between the atmosphere and soils in Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems, particularly in the current context of climate change and the associated increase in temperature, drought periods, heavy rainfall events, and increased risk of wildfires, which affect not only the C and N pools but also the soil C sink capacity of these ecosystems. Within this context, the aims of the present thesis were, firstly, to quantify and characterize the fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) as well as the C and N stocks in Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica and Pinus sylvestris stands affected by wildfires, and secondly, to study the effects of Quercus ilex canopy and management on both soil respiration and C and N pools in dehesa systems in the center of Iberian Peninsula. Soil CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes, and soil physical-chemical and biological parameters were studied under the different treatments and ecosystems considered in this study. The results showed seasonal and spatial variations in soil respiration within small geographic areas, mainly controlled by soil temperature and moisture in addition to soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in mixed pine–oak forest ecosystems on the north facing slopes of the Sierra de Guadarrama in Spain. The analysis of long term effects of wildfires (6–8 years) revealed that annual carbon losses through soil respiration from burned sites in Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica and Pinus sylvestris stands were 450 gCm-2yr-1, 790 gCm-2yr-1 and 1220 gCm-2yr-1, respectively; with burned sites emitting 43%, 22% and 11% less in burned as opposed to non-burned sites due the loss of trees. Fire may alter both N2O and CH4 fluxes although the magnitude of such variation depends on the site, soil characteristics and seasonal climatic conditions. The burned sites showed higher CH4 oxidation in Q.ilex stands, and lower oxidation rates in P. sylvestris stands. A reduction in N2O fluxes in Q. pyrenaica stands was detected at burned sites along with changes in soil microclimate; higher soil temperature and lower soil moisture content. Exchangeable cations, the C/N ratio, pH, fine root and microbial biomass were also found to decrease at burned sites. Although the soil organic carbon was not significantly altered, the quality of the organic matter changed, displaying a decrease in labile carbon and a relative increase in refractory forms, leading to lower sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature (Q10 values) at burned sites. The results from the dehesa study show that light grazing and superficial tilling practices used in the studied dehesa system in Spain had a slight but non-consistent impact on soil respiration and soil microclimate over the study period. The reduction in soil respiration in the dehesa system due to the effects of grazing was around 12 %. However, increments of 3Mg/ha in C stocks and 0.3 Mg/ha in N stocks in grazed soils were observed. Although no clear effect of tilling on soil respiration was found, a decrease of 3.5 Mg/ha in C stocks and 0.3 Mg/ha in N stocks was detected for tilled soils. The presence of a tree canopy induced increases in soil respiration, soil C and N stocks, while soil moisture was found to play an important role in soil respiration temperature response. Our results suggest that the use of standard models to estimate soil respiration in small geographical areas may not be adequate unless other factors are considered in addition to soil temperature. Furthermore, the different responses of GHG flux to climatic shifts, many years after the occurrence of wildfire, highlight the need to include these shifts in C dynamics in future research undertaken in Mediterranean ecosystems. Furthermore, divergent responses in soil respiration and soil C and N stocks to grazing or tilling practices in Dehesa systems, and the influence of tree canopy on soil respiration and soil nutrient content, illustrate the importance of maintaining beneficial management practices. Moreover, the carbon sequestration capacity of the Dehesa system studied may be enhanced through improvements in the management applied. It is hoped that the information obtained through this research will contribute towards improving our understanding of the dynamics and balance of C in Mediterranean systems, and help predict the impact of climate change on the exchange of C between forest and agroforestry ecosystems and the atmosphere.


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ABSTRACT: Transcription factors (TFs) are proteins that have played a central role both in evolution and in domestication, and are major regulators of development in living organisms. Plant genome sequences reveal that approximately 7% of all genes encode putative TFs. The DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) TF family has been associated with vital processes exclusive to higher plants and to their close ancestors (algae, mosses and ferns). These are seed maturation and germination, light-mediated regulation, phytohormone and plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, etc. In Hordeum vulgare and Oryza sativa, 26 and 30 different Dof genes, respectively, have been annotated. Brachypodium distachyon has been the first Pooideae grass to be sequenced and, due to its genomic, morphological and physiological characteristics, has emerged as the model system for temperate cereals, such as wheat and barley. RESULTS: Through searches in the B. distachyon genome, 27 Dof genes have been identified and a phylogenetic comparison with the Oryza sativa and the Hordeum vulgare DOFs has been performed. To explore the evolutionary relationship among these DOF proteins, a combined phylogenetic tree has been constructed with the Brachypodium DOFs and those from rice and barley. This phylogenetic analysis has classified the DOF proteins into four Major Cluster of Orthologous Groups (MCOGs). Using RT-qPCR analysis the expression profiles of the annotated BdDof genes across four organs (leaves, roots, spikes and seeds) has been investigated. These results have led to a classification of the BdDof genes into two groups, according to their expression levels. The genes highly or preferentially expressed in seeds have been subjected to a more detailed expression analysis (maturation, dry stage and germination). CONCLUSIONS: Comparison of the expression profiles of the Brachypodium Dof genes with the published functions of closely related DOF sequences from the cereal species considered here, deduced from the phylogenetic analysis, indicates that although the expression profile has been conserved in many of the putative orthologs, in some cases duplication followed by subsequent divergence may have occurred (neo-functionalization).


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The genome of the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida harbours a complete set of xcp genes for a type II protein secretion system (T2SS). This study shows that expression of these genes is induced under inorganic phosphate (Pi ) limitation and that the system enables the utilization of various organic phosphate sources. A phosphatase of the PhoX family, previously designated UxpB, was identified, which was produced under low Pi conditions and transported across the cell envelope in an Xcp-dependent manner demonstrating that the xcp genes encode an active T2SS. The signal sequence of UxpB contains a twin-arginine translocation (Tat) motif as well as a lipobox, and both processing by leader peptidase II and Tat dependency were experimentally confirmed. Two different tat gene clusters were detected in the P.?putida genome, of which one, named tat-1, is located adjacent to the uxpB and xcp genes. Both Tat systems appeared to be capable of transporting the UxpB protein. However, expression of the tat-1 genes was strongly induced by low Pi levels, indicating a function of this system in survival during Pi starvation.


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The genome of the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida harbours a complete set of xcp genes for a type II protein secretion system (T2SS). This study shows that expression of these genes is induced under inorganic phosphate (Pi ) limitation and that the system enables the utilization of various organic phosphate sources. A phosphatase of the PhoX family, previously designated UxpB, was identified, which was produced under low Pi conditions and transported across the cell envelope in an Xcp-dependent manner demonstrating that the xcp genes encode an active T2SS. The signal sequence of UxpB contains a twin-arginine translocation (Tat) motif as well as a lipobox, and both processing by leader peptidase II and Tat dependency were experimentally confirmed. Two different tat gene clusters were detected in the P.?putida genome, of which one, named tat-1, is located adjacent to the uxpB and xcp genes. Both Tat systems appeared to be capable of transporting the UxpB protein. However, expression of the tat-1 genes was strongly induced by low Pi levels, indicating a function of this system in survival during Pi starvation.