6 resultados para International histories of mineral springs resorts
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The ontologies of space and territory, our experience of them and the techniques we use to govern them, the very conception of the socio-spatial formations that we inhabit, are all historically specific: they depend on a genealogy of practices, knowledges, discourses, regulations, performances and representations articulated in a way that is extremely complex yet nevertheless legible over time. In this interview we look at the logic and the patterns that intertwine space and time — both as objects and tools of inquiry — though a cross-disciplinary dialogue. The discussion with Stuart Elden and Derek Gregory covers the place of history in socio-spatial theory and in their own work, old and new ways of thinking about the intersection between history and territory, space and time, the implications of geography and history for thinking about contemporary politics, and the challenges now faced by critical thought and academic work in the current neo-liberal attack on public universities and the welfare state
To improve understanding of how a rare endemic species of Centaurium adapts to a specialized ecological niche, we studied the germination ecology of the mountain spring specialist, C. somedanum, a perennial species restricted to an unusual habitat for this genus. We conducted laboratory experiments with fresh seeds collected from two populations for three consecutive years, to investigate: (1) the effect of temperature and light ongermination; (2) the existence of seed dormancy; and (3) inter-population and inter-annual variation in germinability. Germination occurred only in the light and at relatively low temperatures (15?228C) with no differences between constant and alternating regimes, and a significant decrease at high temperatures (258C and 308C). We found non-deep simple morphophysiological dormancy and variation in seed germinability depending on the year of seed collection. C. somedanum diverged from the common germination characteristics of the genus in: (1) its germination at lower temperatures, which contrasts with what is generally expected in wetland species but could be adaptive in the spring habitat; and (2) its morphophysiological dormancy, which we report here for the first time in the genus and which could be an adaptation to its mountain habitat.
Passive performance of buildings is nowadays one of the key points, not only for reducing energy consumption of buildings, but also for decreasing “fuel poverty”. Among the constructive systems in buildings, façades are the ones having higher influence on thermal performance in urban spaces. Lime renders are specialized systems which can improve not only the durability of the support but also the thermal properties. According to previous researches, a modification of their radiative properties can reduce thermal fluxes between 24% and 89%. In this paper, the influences of the aggregate content in lime pastes, as well as the nature of the aggregates, colour and roughness, on the visible near and medium infrared reflectance are analyzed. Ten types of aerial lime mortars were prepared and two methods of reflectance determination were performed. Finally, the effect of the resulted reflectance on the constructive systems of façades was analyzed using pseudotime-dependent software, for which an annulation of the thermal fluxes or significant reduction of them can be observed, when modifying the aggregate nature.
Melon is traditionally cultivated in fertigated farmlands in the center of Spain with high inputs of water and N fertilizer. Excess N can have a negative impact, from the economic point of view, since it can diminish the production and quality of the fruit, from the environmental point of view, since it is a very mobile element in the soil and can contaminate groundwater. From health point of view, nitrate can be accumulated in fruit pulp, and, in addition, groundwater is the fundamental supply source of human populations. Best management practices are particularly necessary in this region as many zones have been declared vulnerable to NO3- pollution (Directive 91/676/CEE) During successive years, a melon crop (Cucumis melo L.) was grown under field conditions applying mineral and organic fertilizers under drip irrigation. Different doses of ammonium nitrate were used as well as compost derived from the wine-distillery industry which is relevant in this area. The present study reviews the most common N efficiency indexes under the different management options with a view to maximizing yield and minimizing N loss.
Technological and environmental problems related to ore processing are a serious limitation for sustainable development of mineral resources, particularly for countries / companies rich in ores, but with little access to sophisticated technology, e.g. in Latin America. Digital image analysis (DIA) can provide a simple, unexpensive and broadly applicable methodology to assess these problems, but this methodology has to be carefully defined, to produce reproducible and relevant information.
The use of mineral wool is becoming more widespread due to increased acoustic and thermal demands of Spanish Technical Building Code. This increase affects both in rehabilitation and new construction projects. Therefore, waste generation of this type of insulating material is having more importance. The main objective of this research is to study the possibility of recycling fiber obtained from mineral wool of the C&DW as an alternative material to chopped glass fibers that are currently used as reinforcing elements in the prefabricated plaster. To achieve this objective, series are made of plaster E-35 additived with rock wool residue and glass wool residue at different rates of addition. These series are repeated by changing the additive by E fiberglass (length of 25mm) to make a comparative analysis with respect to the series additived with mineral wool waste. All the series are subjected to the test to determine Shore C surface hardness and mechanical testing to determine the compressive and flexural strength. From the results it can be concluded that: with rock wool residue, increases Shore C hardness up to 15% with respect to the glass fiber and 9% with respect to the glass wool, with a percentage of addition 2%. With rock wool residue, weight is decreased by 5% with respect to the glass fiber and 4% with respect to the glass wool waste, with an addition percentage of 4%. For an addition rate of 4%, results in the flexural strength test with fiberglass are 85% higher than those obtained with glass wool residue. However, for a percentage of 1% addition, the results obtained with glass wool residue are 35% higher than those obtained with fiberglass. For an addition rate of 3% results in the compressive strength test with fiberglass are 54% lower than those obtained with rock wool waste and 70% lower than those obtained with glass wool waste. Comparing the two mineral wools, it can be concluded that up to 3% of the addition, the glass wool series results obtained are 10% higher than those additived with rock wool. However, higher percentages of addition show that the results obtained with rock wool are 35% higher than those obtained with glass wool. The general conclusion is that the series additived with mineral wool from C&DW show better results in tests than the ones used nowadays as plaster reinforcement.