5 resultados para Integrated modular avionics
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
There are a number of research and development activities that are exploring Time and Space Partition (TSP) to implement safe and secure flight software. This approach allows to execute different real-time applications with different levels of criticality in the same computer board. In order to do that, flight applications must be isolated from each other in the temporal and spatial domains. This paper presents the first results of a partitioning platform based on the Open Ravenscar Kernel (ORK+) and the XtratuM hypervisor. ORK+ is a small, reliable real-time kernel supporting the Ada Ravenscar Computational model that is central to the ASSERT development process. XtratuM supports multiple virtual machines, i.e. partitions, on a single computer and is being used in the Integrated Modular Avionics for Space study. ORK+ executes in an XtratuM partition enabling Ada applications to share the computer board with other applications.
Los muros cortina modulares están constituidos por paneles prefabricados que se fijan al edificio a través de anclajes a lo largo del borde del forjado. El proceso de prefabricación garantiza buena calidad y control de los acabados y el proceso de instalación es rápido y no requiere andamiaje. Por estas razones su uso está muy extendido en torres. Sin embargo, el diseño de los marcos de aluminio podría ser más eficiente si se aprovechara la rigidez de los vidrios para reducir la profundidad estructural de los montantes. Asimismo, se podrían reducir los puentes térmicos en las juntas si se sustituyeran los marcos por materiales de menor conductividad térmica que el aluminio. Esta investigación persigue desarrollar un muro cortina alternativo que reduzca la profundidad estructural, reduzca la transmisión térmica en las juntas y permita un acabado enrasado al interior, sin que sobresalgan los montantes. La idea consiste en conectar un marco de material compuesto de fibra de vidrio a lo largo del borde del vidrio aislante a través de adhesivos estructurales para así movilizar una acción estructural compuesta entre los dos vidrios y lograr una baja transmitancia térmica. El marco ha de estar integrado en la profundidad del vidrio aislante. En una primera fase se han efectuado cálculos estructurales y térmicos preliminares para evaluar las prestaciones a un nivel esquemático. Además, se han realizado ensayos a flexión en materiales compuestos de fibra de vidrio y ensayos a cortante en las conexiones adhesivas entre vidrio y material compuesto. Con la información obtenida se ha seleccionado el material del marco y del adhesivo y se han efectuado cambios sobre el diseño original. Los análisis numéricos finales demuestran una reducción de la profundidad estructural de un 80% y una reducción de la transmisión térmica de un 6% en comparación con un sistema convencional tomado como referencia. El sistema propuesto permite obtener acabados enrasados. ABSTRACT Unitised curtain wall systems consist of pre manufactured cladding panels which can be fitted to the building via pre fixed brackets along the edge of the floor slab. They are universally used for high rise buildings because the factory controlled assembly of units ensures high quality and allows fast installation without external access. However, its frame is structurally over-dimensioned because it is designed to carry the full structural load, failing to take advantage of potential composite contribution of glass. Subsequently, it is unnecessarily deep, occupying valuable space, and protrudes to the inside, causing visual disruption. Moreover, it is generally made of high thermal conductivity metal alloys, contributing to substantial thermal transmission at joints. This research aims to develop a novel frame-integrated unitised curtain wall system that will reduce thermal transmission at joints, reduce structural depth significantly and allow an inside flush finish. The idea is to adhesively bond a Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) frame to the edge of the Insulated Glass Unit (IGU), thereby achieving composite structural behaviour and low thermal transmittance. The frame is to fit within the glazing cavity depth. Preliminary analytical structural and numerical thermal calculations are carried out to assess the performance of an initial schematic design. 4-point bending tests on GFRP and single-lap shear tests on bonded connections between GFRP and glass are performed to inform the frame and adhesive material selection process and to characterise these materials. Based on the preliminary calculations and experimental tests, some changes are put into effect to improve the performance of the system and mitigate potential issues. Structural and thermal numerical analysis carried out on the final detail design confirm a reduction of the structural depth to almost one fifth and a reduction of thermal transmission of 6% compared to a benchmark conventional system. A flush glazed appearance both to the inside and the outside are provided while keeping the full functionality of a unitised system.
The technique of Abstract Interpretation has allowed the development of very sophisticated global program analyses which are at the same time provably correct and practical. We present in a tutorial fashion a novel program development framework which uses abstract interpretation as a fundamental tool. The framework uses modular, incremental abstract interpretation to obtain information about the program. This information is used to validate programs, to detect bugs with respect to partial specifications written using assertions (in the program itself and/or in system libraries), to generate and simplify run-time tests, and to perform high-level program transformations such as multiple abstract specialization, parallelization, and resource usage control, all in a provably correct way. In the case of validation and debugging, the assertions can refer to a variety of program points such as procedure entry, procedure exit, points within procedures, or global computations. The system can reason with much richer information than, for example, traditional types. This includes data structure shape (including pointer sharing), bounds on data structure sizes, and other operational variable instantiation properties, as well as procedure-level properties such as determinacy, termination, nonfailure, and bounds on resource consumption (time or space cost). CiaoPP, the preprocessor of the Ciao multi-paradigm programming system, which implements the described functionality, will be used to illustrate the fundamental ideas.
Several models for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs have been proposed, each with different characteristics and representing different trade-offs. The advantage of these context-sensitive analyses is that they provide information which is potentially more accurate than that provided by context-free analyses. Such information can then be applied to validating/debugging the program and/or to specializing the program in order to obtain important performance improvements. Some very preliminary experimental results have also been reported for some of these models which provided initial evidence on their potential. However, further experimentation, which is needed in order to understand the many issues left open and to show that the proposed modes scale and are usable in the context of large, real-life modular programs, was left as future work. The aim of this paper is two-fold. On one hand we provide an empirical comparison of the different models proposed in previous work, as well as experimental data on the different choices left open in those designs. On the other hand we explore the scalability of these models by using larger modular programs as benchmarks. The results have been obtained from a realistic implementation of the models, integrated in a production-quality compiler (CiaoPP/Ciao). Our experimental results shed light on the practical implications of the different design choices and of the models themselves. We also show that contextsensitive analysis of modular programs is indeed feasible in practice, and that in certain critical cases it provides better performance results than those achievable by analyzing the whole program at once, specially in terms of memory consumption and when reanalyzing after making changes to a program, as is often the case during program development.
Energy storage at low maintenance cost is one of the key challenges for generating electricity from the solar energy. This paper presents the theoretical analysis (verified by CFD) of the night time performance of a recently proposed conceptual system that integrates thermal storage (via phase change materials) and thermophotovoltaics for power generation. These storage integrated solar thermophotovoltaic (SISTPV) systems are attractive owing to their simple design (no moving parts) and modularity compared to conventional Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies. Importantly, the ability of high temperature operation of these systems allows the use of silicon (melting point of 1680 K) as the phase change material (PCM). Silicon's very high latent heat of fusion of 1800 kJ/kg and low cost ($1.70/kg), makes it an ideal heat storage medium enabling for an extremely high storage energy density and low weight modular systems. In this paper, the night time operation of the SISTPV system optimised for steady state is analysed. The results indicate that for any given PCM length, a combination of small taper ratio and large inlet hole-to-absorber area ratio are essential to increase the operation time and the average power produced during the night time. Additionally, the overall results show that there is a trade-off between running time and the average power produced during the night time. Average night time power densities as high as 30 W/cm(2) are possible if the system is designed with a small PCM length (10 cm) to operate just a few hours after sun-set, but running times longer than 72 h (3 days) are possible for larger lengths (50 cm) at the expense of a lower average power density of about 14 W/cm(2). In both cases the steady state system efficiency has been predicted to be about 30%. This makes SISTPV systems to be a versatile solution that can be adapted for operation in a broad range of locations with different climate conditions, even being used off-grid and in space applications.