14 resultados para Inspection tasks

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Neuropsychological Rehabilitation is a complex clinic process which tries to restore or compensate cognitive and behavioral disorders in people suffering from a central nervous system injury. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Biomedical Engineering play an essential role in this field, allowing improvement and expansion of present rehabilitation programs. This paper presents a set of cognitive rehabilitation 2D-Tasks for patients with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). These tasks allow a high degree of personalization and individualization in therapies, based on the opportunities offered by new technologies.


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In recent decades, there has been an increasing interest in systems comprised of several autonomous mobile robots, and as a result, there has been a substantial amount of development in the eld of Articial Intelligence, especially in Robotics. There are several studies in the literature by some researchers from the scientic community that focus on the creation of intelligent machines and devices capable to imitate the functions and movements of living beings. Multi-Robot Systems (MRS) can often deal with tasks that are dicult, if not impossible, to be accomplished by a single robot. In the context of MRS, one of the main challenges is the need to control, coordinate and synchronize the operation of multiple robots to perform a specic task. This requires the development of new strategies and methods which allow us to obtain the desired system behavior in a formal and concise way. This PhD thesis aims to study the coordination of multi-robot systems, in particular, addresses the problem of the distribution of heterogeneous multi-tasks. The main interest in these systems is to understand how from simple rules inspired by the division of labor in social insects, a group of robots can perform tasks in an organized and coordinated way. We are mainly interested on truly distributed or decentralized solutions in which the robots themselves, autonomously and in an individual manner, select a particular task so that all tasks are optimally distributed. In general, to perform the multi-tasks distribution among a team of robots, they have to synchronize their actions and exchange information. Under this approach we can speak of multi-tasks selection instead of multi-tasks assignment, which means, that the agents or robots select the tasks instead of being assigned a task by a central controller. The key element in these algorithms is the estimation ix of the stimuli and the adaptive update of the thresholds. This means that each robot performs this estimate locally depending on the load or the number of pending tasks to be performed. In addition, it is very interesting the evaluation of the results in function in each approach, comparing the results obtained by the introducing noise in the number of pending loads, with the purpose of simulate the robot's error in estimating the real number of pending tasks. The main contribution of this thesis can be found in the approach based on self-organization and division of labor in social insects. An experimental scenario for the coordination problem among multiple robots, the robustness of the approaches and the generation of dynamic tasks have been presented and discussed. The particular issues studied are: Threshold models: It presents the experiments conducted to test the response threshold model with the objective to analyze the system performance index, for the problem of the distribution of heterogeneous multitasks in multi-robot systems; also has been introduced additive noise in the number of pending loads and has been generated dynamic tasks over time. Learning automata methods: It describes the experiments to test the learning automata-based probabilistic algorithms. The approach was tested to evaluate the system performance index with additive noise and with dynamic tasks generation for the same problem of the distribution of heterogeneous multi-tasks in multi-robot systems. Ant colony optimization: The goal of the experiments presented is to test the ant colony optimization-based deterministic algorithms, to achieve the distribution of heterogeneous multi-tasks in multi-robot systems. In the experiments performed, the system performance index is evaluated by introducing additive noise and dynamic tasks generation over time.


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Systems integration is the origin of most major difficulties found in the engineering design of aeronautical vehicles. The whole design team must assure that each subsystem accomplishes its particular goals and that, together with the rest of the systems, they all meet the general aircraft requirements.Design and building of UAS is a field of actuation to which leading Universities, research Centers and Aeronautical designers have dedicated a lot of effort. In recent years, a team of students, lecturers and professors at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) have been working on the design and building of a UAS for civil observation. The design of multi-mission Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has seen a rapid progress in the last years. A wide variety of designs and applications, some of them really ingenious, have been proposed. The project, which has been going on as a teamwork experience for the last ten years, consists of the design and building of a UAV, and its peculiarity is that it has been carried out entirely by undergraduate students, as part of their Final Research Project. The students face a challenge that includes all the features and stages of an authentic engineering project. We present the current moment of evolution in the process, together with a description of the main difficulties the project has undergone, as a global experience in engineering design and development.


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This paper focuses on the general problem of coordinating multiple robots. More specifically, it addresses the self-election of heterogeneous specialized tasks by autonomous robots. In this paper we focus on a specifically distributed or decentralized approach as we are particularly interested on decentralized solution where the robots themselves autonomously and in an individual manner, are responsible of selecting a particular task so that all the existing tasks are optimally distributed and executed. In this regard, we have established an experimental scenario to solve the corresponding multi-tasks distribution problem and we propose a solution using two different approaches by applying Ant Colony Optimization-based deterministic algorithms as well as Learning Automata-based probabilistic algorithms. We have evaluated the robustness of the algorithm, perturbing the number of pending loads to simulate the robot’s error in estimating the real number of pending tasks and also the dynamic generation of loads through time. The paper ends with a critical discussion of experimental results.


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This paper focuses on the general problem of coordinating of multi-robot systems, more specifically, it addresses the self-election of heterogeneous and specialized tasks by autonomous robots. In this regard, it has proposed experimenting with two different techniques based chiefly on selforganization and emergence biologically inspired, by applying response threshold models as well as ant colony optimization. Under this approach it can speak of multi-tasks selection instead of multi-tasks allocation, that means, as the agents or robots select the tasks instead of being assigned a task by a central controller. The key element in these algorithms is the estimation of the stimuli and the adaptive update of the thresholds. This means that each robot performs this estimate locally depending on the load or the number of pending tasks to be performed. It has evaluated the robustness of the algorithms, perturbing the number of pending loads to simulate the robot’s error in estimating the real number of pending tasks and also the dynamic generation of loads through time. The paper ends with a critical discussion of experimental results.


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El principal objetivo de esta tesis es dotar a los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs, por sus siglas en inglés) de una fuente de información adicional basada en visión. Esta fuente de información proviene de cámaras ubicadas a bordo de los vehículos o en el suelo. Con ella se busca que los UAVs realicen tareas de aterrizaje o inspección guiados por visión, especialmente en aquellas situaciones en las que no haya disponibilidad de estimar la posición del vehículo con base en GPS, cuando las estimaciones de GPS no tengan la suficiente precisión requerida por las tareas a realizar, o cuando restricciones de carga de pago impidan añadir sensores a bordo de los vehículos. Esta tesis trata con tres de las principales áreas de la visión por computador: seguimiento visual y estimación visual de la pose (posición y orientación), que a su vez constituyen la base de la tercera, denominada control servo visual, que en nuestra aplicación se enfoca en el empleo de información visual para controlar los UAVs. Al respecto, esta tesis se ocupa de presentar propuestas novedosas que permitan solucionar problemas relativos al seguimiento de objetos mediante cámaras ubicadas a bordo de los UAVs, se ocupa de la estimación de la pose de los UAVs basada en información visual obtenida por cámaras ubicadas en el suelo o a bordo, y también se ocupa de la aplicación de las técnicas propuestas para solucionar diferentes problemas, como aquellos concernientes al seguimiento visual para tareas de reabastecimiento autónomo en vuelo o al aterrizaje basado en visión, entre otros. Las diversas técnicas de visión por computador presentadas en esta tesis se proponen con el fin de solucionar dificultades que suelen presentarse cuando se realizan tareas basadas en visión con UAVs, como las relativas a la obtención, en tiempo real, de estimaciones robustas, o como problemas generados por vibraciones. Los algoritmos propuestos en esta tesis han sido probados con información de imágenes reales obtenidas realizando pruebas on-line y off-line. Diversos mecanismos de evaluación han sido empleados con el propósito de analizar el desempeño de los algoritmos propuestos, entre los que se incluyen datos simulados, imágenes de vuelos reales, estimaciones precisas de posición empleando el sistema VICON y comparaciones con algoritmos del estado del arte. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los algoritmos de visión por computador propuestos tienen un desempeño que es comparable e incluso mejor al de algoritmos que se encuentran en el estado del arte. Los algoritmos propuestos permiten la obtención de estimaciones robustas en tiempo real, lo cual permite su uso en tareas de control visual. El desempeño de estos algoritmos es apropiado para las exigencias de las distintas aplicaciones examinadas: reabastecimiento autónomo en vuelo, aterrizaje y estimación del estado del UAV. Abstract The main objective of this thesis is to provide Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with an additional vision-based source of information extracted by cameras located either on-board or on the ground, in order to allow UAVs to develop visually guided tasks, such as landing or inspection, especially in situations where GPS information is not available, where GPS-based position estimation is not accurate enough for the task to develop, or where payload restrictions do not allow the incorporation of additional sensors on-board. This thesis covers three of the main computer vision areas: visual tracking and visual pose estimation, which are the bases the third one called visual servoing, which, in this work, focuses on using visual information to control UAVs. In this sense, the thesis focuses on presenting novel solutions for solving the tracking problem of objects when using cameras on-board UAVs, on estimating the pose of the UAVs based on the visual information collected by cameras located either on the ground or on-board, and also focuses on applying these proposed techniques for solving different problems, such as visual tracking for aerial refuelling or vision-based landing, among others. The different computer vision techniques presented in this thesis are proposed to solve some of the frequently problems found when addressing vision-based tasks in UAVs, such as obtaining robust vision-based estimations at real-time frame rates, and problems caused by vibrations, or 3D motion. All the proposed algorithms have been tested with real-image data in on-line and off-line tests. Different evaluation mechanisms have been used to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithms, such as simulated data, images from real-flight tests, publicly available datasets, manually generated ground truth data, accurate position estimations using a VICON system and a robotic cell, and comparison with state of the art algorithms. Results show that the proposed computer vision algorithms obtain performances that are comparable to, or even better than, state of the art algorithms, obtaining robust estimations at real-time frame rates. This proves that the proposed techniques are fast enough for vision-based control tasks. Therefore, the performance of the proposed vision algorithms has shown to be of a standard appropriate to the different explored applications: aerial refuelling and landing, and state estimation. It is noteworthy that they have low computational overheads for vision systems.


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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of cognitive processes and by a deficit of typi-cal emotional responses. Effectiveness of computerized task has been demonstrated in the field of cognitive rehabilitation. However, current rehabilitation programs based on virtual environments normally focus on higher cognitive functions, not covering social cognition training. This paper presents a set of video-based tasks specifically designed for the rehabilita-tion of emotional processing deficits in patients in early stages of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders. These tasks are part of the Mental Health program of Guttmann NeuroPer-sonalTrainer® cognitive tele-rehabilitation platform, and entail innovation both from a clinical and technological per-spective in relation with former traditional therapeutic con-tents.


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Autonomous aerial refueling is a key enabling technology for both manned and unmanned aircraft where extended flight duration or range are required. The results presented within this paper offer one potential vision-based sensing solution, together with a unique test environment. A hierarchical visual tracking algorithm based on direct methods is proposed and developed for the purposes of tracking a drogue during the capture stage of autonomous aerial refueling, and of estimating its 3D position. Intended to be applied in real time to a video stream from a single monocular camera mounted on the receiver aircraft, the algorithm is shown to be highly robust, and capable of tracking large, rapid drogue motions within the frame of reference. The proposed strategy has been tested using a complex robotic testbed and with actual flight hardware consisting of a full size probe and drogue. Results show that the vision tracking algorithm can detect and track the drogue at real-time frame rates of more than thirty frames per second, obtaining a robust position estimation even with strong motions and multiple occlusions of the drogue.


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Delamination reduces the strenght of the composites, mainly in compression. Several methods exist to overcome this problem, but they are either not feasible for large scale production or too expensive. 3D composites are a promising solution.


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This document is the result of a process of web development to create a tool that will allow to Cracow University of Technology consult, create and manage timetables. The technologies chosen for this purpose are Apache Tomcat Server, My SQL Community Server, JDBC driver, Java Servlets and JSPs for the server side. The client part counts on Javascript, jQuery, AJAX and CSS technologies to perform the dynamism. The document will justify the choice of these technologies and will explain some development tools that help in the integration and development of all this elements: specifically, NetBeans IDE and MySQL workbench have been used as helpful tools. After explaining all the elements involved in the development of the web application, the architecture and the code developed are explained through UML diagrams. Some implementation details related to security are also deeper explained through sequence diagrams. As the source code of the application is provided, an installation manual has been developed to run the project. In addition, as the platform is intended to be a beta that will be grown, some unimplemented ideas for future development are also exposed. Finally, some annexes with important files and scripts related to the initiation of the platform are attached. This project started through an existing tool that needed to be expanded. The main purpose of the project along its development has focused on setting the roots for a whole new platform that will replace the existing one. For this goal, it has been needed to make a deep inspection on the existing web technologies: a web server and a SQL database had to be chosen. Although the alternatives were a lot, Java technology for the server was finally selected because of the big community backwards, the easiness of modelling the language through UML diagrams and the fact of being free license software. Apache Tomcat is the open source server that can use Java Servlet and JSP technology. Related to the SQL database, MySQL Community Server is the most popular open-source SQL Server, with a big community after and quite a lot of tools to manage the server. JDBC is the driver needed to put in contact Java and MySQL. Once we chose the technologies that would be part of the platform, the development process started. After a detailed explanation of the development environment installation, we used UML use case diagrams to set the main tasks of the platform; UML class diagrams served to establish the existing relations between the classes generated; the architecture of the platform was represented through UML deployment diagrams; and Enhanced entity–relationship (EER) model were used to define the tables of the database and their relationships. Apart from the previous diagrams, some implementation issues were explained to make a better understanding of the developed code - UML sequence diagrams helped to explain this. Once the whole platform was properly defined and developed, the performance of the application has been shown: it has been proved that with the current state of the code, the platform covers the use cases that were set as the main target. Nevertheless, some requisites needed for the proper working of the platform have been specified. As the project is aimed to be grown, some ideas that could not be added to this beta have been explained in order not to be missed for future development. Finally, some annexes containing important configuration issues for the platform have been added after proper explanation, as well as an installation guide that will let a new developer get the project ready. In addition to this document some other files related to the project are provided: - Javadoc. The Javadoc containing the information of every Java class created is necessary for a better understanding of the source code. - database_model.mwb. This file contains the model of the database for MySQL Workbench. This model allows, among other things, generate the MySQL script for the creation of the tables. - ScheduleManager.war. The WAR file that will allow loading the developed application into Tomcat Server without using NetBeans. - ScheduleManager.zip. The source code exported from NetBeans project containing all Java packages, JSPs, Javascript files and CSS files that are part of the platform. - config.properties. The configuration file to properly get the names and credentials to use the database, also explained in Annex II. Example of config.properties file. - db_init_script.sql. The SQL query to initiate the database explained in Annex III. SQL statements for MySQL initialization. RESUMEN. Este proyecto tiene como punto de partida la necesidad de evolución de una herramienta web existente. El propósito principal del proyecto durante su desarrollo se ha centrado en establecer las bases de una completamente nueva plataforma que reemplazará a la existente. Para lograr esto, ha sido necesario realizar una profunda inspección en las tecnologías web existentes: un servidor web y una base de datos SQL debían ser elegidos. Aunque existen muchas alternativas, la tecnología Java ha resultado ser elegida debido a la gran comunidad de desarrolladores que tiene detrás, además de la facilidad que proporciona este lenguaje a la hora de modelarlo usando diagramas UML. Tampoco hay que olvidar que es una tecnología de uso libre de licencia. Apache Tomcat es el servidor de código libre que permite emplear Java Servlets y JSPs para hacer uso de la tecnología de Java. Respecto a la base de datos SQL, el servidor más popular de código libre es MySQL, y cuenta también con una gran comunidad detrás y buenas herramientas de modelado, creación y gestión de la bases de datos. JDBC es el driver que va a permitir comunicar las aplicaciones Java con MySQL. Tras elegir las tecnologías que formarían parte de esta nueva plataforma, el proceso de desarrollo tiene comienzo. Tras una extensa explicación de la instalación del entorno de desarrollo, se han usado diagramas de caso de UML para establecer cuáles son los objetivos principales de la plataforma; los diagramas de clases nos permiten realizar una organización del código java desarrollado de modo que sean fácilmente entendibles las relaciones entre las diferentes clases. La arquitectura de la plataforma queda definida a través de diagramas de despliegue. Por último, diagramas EER van a definir las relaciones entre las tablas creadas en la base de datos. Aparte de estos diagramas, algunos detalles de implementación se van a justificar para tener una mejor comprensión del código desarrollado. Diagramas de secuencia ayudarán en estas explicaciones. Una vez que toda la plataforma haya quedad debidamente definida y desarrollada, se va a realizar una demostración de la misma: se demostrará cómo los objetivos generales han sido alcanzados con el desarrollo actual del proyecto. No obstante, algunos requisitos han sido aclarados para que la plataforma trabaje adecuadamente. Como la intención del proyecto es crecer (no es una versión final), algunas ideas que se han podido llevar acabo han quedado descritas de manera que no se pierdan. Por último, algunos anexos que contienen información importante acerca de la plataforma se han añadido tras la correspondiente explicación de su utilidad, así como una guía de instalación que va a permitir a un nuevo desarrollador tener el proyecto preparado. Junto a este documento, ficheros conteniendo el proyecto desarrollado quedan adjuntos. Estos ficheros son: - Documentación Javadoc. Contiene la información de las clases Java que han sido creadas. - database_model.mwb. Este fichero contiene el modelo de la base de datos para MySQL Workbench. Esto permite, entre otras cosas, generar el script de iniciación de la base de datos para la creación de las tablas. - ScheduleManager.war. El fichero WAR que permite desplegar la plataforma en un servidor Apache Tomcat. - ScheduleManager.zip. El código fuente exportado directamente del proyecto de Netbeans. Contiene todos los paquetes de Java generados, ficheros JSPs, Javascript y CSS que forman parte de la plataforma. - config.properties. Ejemplo del fichero de configuración que permite obtener los nombres de la base de datos - db_init_script.sql. Las consultas SQL necesarias para la creación de la base de datos.


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En entornos hostiles tales como aquellas instalaciones científicas donde la radiación ionizante es el principal peligro, el hecho de reducir las intervenciones humanas mediante el incremento de las operaciones robotizadas está siendo cada vez más de especial interés. CERN, la Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear, tiene alrededor de unos 50 km de superficie subterránea donde robots móviles controlador de forma remota podrían ayudar en su funcionamiento, por ejemplo, a la hora de llevar a cabo inspecciones remotas sobre radiación en los diferentes áreas destinados al efecto. No solo es preciso considerar que los robots deben ser capaces de recorrer largas distancias y operar durante largos periodos de tiempo, sino que deben saber desenvolverse en los correspondientes túneles subterráneos, tener en cuenta la presencia de campos electromagnéticos, radiación ionizante, etc. y finalmente, el hecho de que los robots no deben interrumpir el funcionamiento de los aceleradores. El hecho de disponer de un sistema de comunicaciones inalámbrico fiable y robusto es esencial para la correcta ejecución de las misiones que los robots deben afrontar y por supuesto, para evitar tales situaciones en las que es necesario la recuperación manual de los robots al agotarse su energía o al perder el enlace de comunicaciones. El objetivo de esta Tesis es proveer de las directrices y los medios necesarios para reducir el riesgo de fallo en la misión y maximizar las capacidades de los robots móviles inalámbricos los cuales disponen de almacenamiento finito de energía al trabajar en entornos peligrosos donde no se dispone de línea de vista directa. Para ello se proponen y muestran diferentes estrategias y métodos de comunicación inalámbrica. Teniendo esto en cuenta, se presentan a continuación los objetivos de investigación a seguir a lo largo de la Tesis: predecir la cobertura de comunicaciones antes y durante las misiones robotizadas; optimizar la capacidad de red inalámbrica de los robots móviles con respecto a su posición; y mejorar el rango operacional de esta clase de robots. Por su parte, las contribuciones a la Tesis se citan más abajo. El primer conjunto de contribuciones son métodos novedosos para predecir el consumo de energía y la autonomía en la comunicación antes y después de disponer de los robots en el entorno seleccionado. Esto es importante para proporcionar conciencia de la situación del robot y evitar fallos en la misión. El consumo de energía se predice usando una estrategia propuesta la cual usa modelos de consumo provenientes de diferentes componentes en un robot. La predicción para la cobertura de comunicaciones se desarrolla usando un nuevo filtro de RSS (Radio Signal Strength) y técnicas de estimación con la ayuda de Filtros de Kalman. El segundo conjunto de contribuciones son métodos para optimizar el rango de comunicaciones usando novedosas técnicas basadas en muestreo espacial que son robustas frente a ruidos de campos de detección y radio y que proporcionan redundancia. Se emplean métodos de diferencia central finitos para determinar los gradientes 2D RSS y se usa la movilidad del robot para optimizar el rango de comunicaciones y la capacidad de red. Este método también se valida con un caso de estudio centrado en la teleoperación háptica de robots móviles inalámbricos. La tercera contribución es un algoritmo robusto y estocástico descentralizado para la optimización de la posición al considerar múltiples robots autónomos usados principalmente para extender el rango de comunicaciones desde la estación de control al robot que está desarrollando la tarea. Todos los métodos y algoritmos propuestos se verifican y validan usando simulaciones y experimentos de campo con variedad de robots móviles disponibles en CERN. En resumen, esta Tesis ofrece métodos novedosos y demuestra su uso para: predecir RSS; optimizar la posición del robot; extender el rango de las comunicaciones inalámbricas; y mejorar las capacidades de red de los robots móviles inalámbricos para su uso en aplicaciones dentro de entornos peligrosos, que como ya se mencionó anteriormente, se destacan las instalaciones científicas con emisión de radiación ionizante. En otros términos, se ha desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para mejorar, facilitar y hacer más seguras las misiones de los robots en entornos hostiles. Esta Tesis demuestra tanto en teoría como en práctica que los robots móviles pueden mejorar la calidad de las comunicaciones inalámbricas mediante la profundización en el estudio de su movilidad para optimizar dinámicamente sus posiciones y mantener conectividad incluso cuando no existe línea de vista. Los métodos desarrollados en la Tesis son especialmente adecuados para su fácil integración en robots móviles y pueden ser aplicados directamente en la capa de aplicación de la red inalámbrica. ABSTRACT In hostile environments such as in scientific facilities where ionising radiation is a dominant hazard, reducing human interventions by increasing robotic operations are desirable. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has around 50 km of underground scientific facilities, where wireless mobile robots could help in the operation of the accelerator complex, e.g. in conducting remote inspections and radiation surveys in different areas. The main challenges to be considered here are not only that the robots should be able to go over long distances and operate for relatively long periods, but also the underground tunnel environment, the possible presence of electromagnetic fields, radiation effects, and the fact that the robots shall in no way interrupt the operation of the accelerators. Having a reliable and robust wireless communication system is essential for successful execution of such robotic missions and to avoid situations of manual recovery of the robots in the event that the robot runs out of energy or when the robot loses its communication link. The goal of this thesis is to provide means to reduce risk of mission failure and maximise mission capabilities of wireless mobile robots with finite energy storage capacity working in a radiation environment with non-line-of-sight (NLOS) communications by employing enhanced wireless communication methods. Towards this goal, the following research objectives are addressed in this thesis: predict the communication range before and during robotic missions; optimise and enhance wireless communication qualities of mobile robots by using robot mobility and employing multi-robot network. This thesis provides introductory information on the infrastructures where mobile robots will need to operate, the tasks to be carried out by mobile robots and the problems encountered in these environments. The reporting of research work carried out to improve wireless communication comprises an introduction to the relevant radio signal propagation theory and technology followed by explanation of the research in the following stages: An analysis of the wireless communication requirements for mobile robot for different tasks in a selection of CERN facilities; predictions of energy and communication autonomies (in terms of distance and time) to reduce risk of energy and communication related failures during missions; autonomous navigation of a mobile robot to find zone(s) of maximum radio signal strength to improve communication coverage area; and autonomous navigation of one or more mobile robots acting as mobile wireless relay (repeater) points in order to provide a tethered wireless connection to a teleoperated mobile robot carrying out inspection or radiation monitoring activities in a challenging radio environment. The specific contributions of this thesis are outlined below. The first sets of contributions are novel methods for predicting the energy autonomy and communication range(s) before and after deployment of the mobile robots in the intended environments. This is important in order to provide situational awareness and avoid mission failures. The energy consumption is predicted by using power consumption models of different components in a mobile robot. This energy prediction model will pave the way for choosing energy-efficient wireless communication strategies. The communication range prediction is performed using radio signal propagation models and applies radio signal strength (RSS) filtering and estimation techniques with the help of Kalman filters and Gaussian process models. The second set of contributions are methods to optimise the wireless communication qualities by using novel spatial sampling based techniques that are robust to sensing and radio field noises and provide redundancy features. Central finite difference (CFD) methods are employed to determine the 2-D RSS gradients and use robot mobility to optimise the communication quality and the network throughput. This method is also validated with a case study application involving superior haptic teleoperation of wireless mobile robots where an operator from a remote location can smoothly navigate a mobile robot in an environment with low-wireless signals. The third contribution is a robust stochastic position optimisation algorithm for multiple autonomous relay robots which are used for wireless tethering of radio signals and thereby to enhance the wireless communication qualities. All the proposed methods and algorithms are verified and validated using simulations and field experiments with a variety of mobile robots available at CERN. In summary, this thesis offers novel methods and demonstrates their use to predict energy autonomy and wireless communication range, optimise robots position to improve communication quality and enhance communication range and wireless network qualities of mobile robots for use in applications in hostile environmental characteristics such as scientific facilities emitting ionising radiations. In simpler terms, a set of tools are developed in this thesis for improving, easing and making safer robotic missions in hostile environments. This thesis validates both in theory and experiments that mobile robots can improve wireless communication quality by exploiting robots mobility to dynamically optimise their positions and maintain connectivity even when the (radio signal) environment possess non-line-of-sight characteristics. The methods developed in this thesis are well-suited for easier integration in mobile robots and can be applied directly at the application layer of the wireless network. The results of the proposed methods have outperformed other comparable state-of-the-art methods.


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El uso de técnicas para la monitorización del movimiento humano generalmente permite a los investigadores analizar la cinemática y especialmente las capacidades motoras en aquellas actividades de la vida cotidiana que persiguen un objetivo concreto como pueden ser la preparación de bebidas y comida, e incluso en tareas de aseo. Adicionalmente, la evaluación del movimiento y el comportamiento humanos en el campo de la rehabilitación cognitiva es esencial para profundizar en las dificultades que algunas personas encuentran en la ejecución de actividades diarias después de accidentes cerebro-vasculares. Estas dificultades están principalmente asociadas a la realización de pasos secuenciales y al reconocimiento del uso de herramientas y objetos. La interpretación de los datos sobre la actitud de este tipo de pacientes para reconocer y determinar el nivel de éxito en la ejecución de las acciones, y para ampliar el conocimiento en las enfermedades cerebrales, sus consecuencias y severidad, depende totalmente de los dispositivos usados para la captura de esos datos y de la calidad de los mismos. Más aún, existe una necesidad real de mejorar las técnicas actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva contribuyendo al diseño de sistemas automáticos para crear una especie de terapeuta virtual que asegure una vida más independiente de estos pacientes y reduzca la carga de trabajo de los terapeutas. Con este objetivo, el uso de sensores y dispositivos para obtener datos en tiempo real de la ejecución y estado de la tarea de rehabilitación es esencial para también contribuir al diseño y entrenamiento de futuros algoritmos que pudieran reconocer errores automáticamente para informar al paciente acerca de ellos mediante distintos tipos de pistas como pueden ser imágenes, mensajes auditivos o incluso videos. La tecnología y soluciones existentes en este campo no ofrecen una manera totalmente robusta y efectiva para obtener datos en tiempo real, por un lado, porque pueden influir en el movimiento del propio paciente en caso de las plataformas basadas en el uso de marcadores que necesitan sensores pegados en la piel; y por otro lado, debido a la complejidad o alto coste de implantación lo que hace difícil pensar en la idea de instalar un sistema en el hospital o incluso en la casa del paciente. Esta tesis presenta la investigación realizada en el campo de la monitorización del movimiento de pacientes para proporcionar un paso adelante en términos de detección, seguimiento y reconocimiento del comportamiento de manos, gestos y cara mediante una manera no invasiva la cual puede mejorar la técnicas actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva para la adquisición en tiempo real de datos sobre el comportamiento del paciente y la ejecución de la tarea. Para entender la importancia del marco de esta tesis, inicialmente se presenta un resumen de las principales enfermedades cognitivas y se introducen las consecuencias que tienen en la ejecución de tareas de la vida diaria. Más aún, se investiga sobre las metodologías actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva. Teniendo en cuenta que las manos son la principal parte del cuerpo para la ejecución de tareas manuales de la vida cotidiana, también se resumen las tecnologías existentes para la captura de movimiento de manos. Una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis está relacionada con el diseño y evaluación de una solución no invasiva para detectar y seguir las manos durante la ejecución de tareas manuales de la vida cotidiana que a su vez involucran la manipulación de objetos. Esta solución la cual no necesita marcadores adicionales y está basada en una cámara de profundidad de bajo coste, es robusta, precisa y fácil de instalar. Otra contribución presentada se centra en el reconocimiento de gestos para detectar el agarre de objetos basado en un sensor infrarrojo de última generación, y también complementado con una cámara de profundidad. Esta nueva técnica, y también no invasiva, sincroniza ambos sensores para seguir objetos específicos además de reconocer eventos concretos relacionados con tareas de aseo. Más aún, se realiza una evaluación preliminar del reconocimiento de expresiones faciales para analizar si es adecuado para el reconocimiento del estado de ánimo durante la tarea. Por su parte, todos los componentes y algoritmos desarrollados son integrados en un prototipo simple para ser usado como plataforma de monitorización. Se realiza una evaluación técnica del funcionamiento de cada dispositivo para analizar si es adecuada para adquirir datos en tiempo real durante la ejecución de tareas cotidianas reales. Finalmente, se estudia la interacción con pacientes reales para obtener información del nivel de usabilidad del prototipo. Dicha información es esencial y útil para considerar una rehabilitación cognitiva basada en la idea de instalación del sistema en la propia casa del paciente al igual que en el hospital correspondiente. ABSTRACT The use of human motion monitoring techniques usually let researchers to analyse kinematics, especially in motor strategies for goal-oriented activities of daily living, such as the preparation of drinks and food, and even grooming tasks. Additionally, the evaluation of human movements and behaviour in the field of cognitive rehabilitation is essential to deep into the difficulties some people find in common activities after stroke. This difficulties are mainly associated with sequence actions and the recognition of tools usage. The interpretation of attitude data of this kind of patients in order to recognize and determine the level of success of the execution of actions, and to broaden the knowledge in brain diseases, consequences and severity, depends totally on the devices used for the capture of that data and the quality of it. Moreover, there is a real need of improving the current cognitive rehabilitation techniques by contributing to the design of automatic systems to create a kind of virtual therapist for the improvement of the independent life of these stroke patients and to reduce the workload of the occupational therapists currently in charge of them. For this purpose, the use of sensors and devices to obtain real time data of the execution and state of the rehabilitation task is essential to also contribute to the design and training of future smart algorithms which may recognise errors to automatically provide multimodal feedback through different types of cues such as still images, auditory messages or even videos. The technology and solutions currently adopted in the field don't offer a totally robust and effective way for obtaining real time data, on the one hand, because they may influence the patient's movement in case of marker-based platforms which need sensors attached to the skin; and on the other hand, because of the complexity or high cost of implementation, which make difficult the idea of installing a system at the hospital or even patient's home. This thesis presents the research done in the field of user monitoring to provide a step forward in terms of detection, tracking and recognition of hand movements, gestures and face via a non-invasive way which could improve current techniques for cognitive rehabilitation for real time data acquisition of patient's behaviour and execution of the task. In order to understand the importance of the scope of the thesis, initially, a summary of the main cognitive diseases that require for rehabilitation and an introduction of the consequences on the execution of daily tasks are presented. Moreover, research is done about the actual methodology to provide cognitive rehabilitation. Considering that the main body members involved in the completion of a handmade daily task are the hands, the current technologies for human hands movements capture are also highlighted. One of the main contributions of this thesis is related to the design and evaluation of a non-invasive approach to detect and track user's hands during the execution of handmade activities of daily living which involve the manipulation of objects. This approach does not need the inclusion of any additional markers. In addition, it is only based on a low-cost depth camera, it is robust, accurate and easy to install. Another contribution presented is focused on the hand gesture recognition for detecting object grasping based on a brand new infrared sensor, and also complemented with a depth camera. This new, and also non-invasive, solution which synchronizes both sensors to track specific tools as well as recognize specific events related to grooming is evaluated. Moreover, a preliminary assessment of the recognition of facial expressions is carried out to analyse if it is adequate for recognizing mood during the execution of task. Meanwhile, all the corresponding hardware and software developed are integrated in a simple prototype with the purpose of being used as a platform for monitoring the execution of the rehabilitation task. Technical evaluation of the performance of each device is carried out in order to analyze its suitability to acquire real time data during the execution of real daily tasks. Finally, a kind of healthcare evaluation is also presented to obtain feedback about the usability of the system proposed paying special attention to the interaction with real users and stroke patients. This feedback is quite useful to consider the idea of a home-based cognitive rehabilitation as well as a possible hospital installation of the prototype.


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Internet está evolucionando hacia la conocida como Live Web. En esta nueva etapa en la evolución de Internet, se pone al servicio de los usuarios multitud de streams de datos sociales. Gracias a estas fuentes de datos, los usuarios han pasado de navegar por páginas web estáticas a interacturar con aplicaciones que ofrecen contenido personalizado, basada en sus preferencias. Cada usuario interactúa a diario con multiples aplicaciones que ofrecen notificaciones y alertas, en este sentido cada usuario es una fuente de eventos, y a menudo los usuarios se sienten desbordados y no son capaces de procesar toda esa información a la carta. Para lidiar con esta sobresaturación, han aparecido múltiples herramientas que automatizan las tareas más habituales, desde gestores de bandeja de entrada, gestores de alertas en redes sociales, a complejos CRMs o smart-home hubs. La contrapartida es que aunque ofrecen una solución a problemas comunes, no pueden adaptarse a las necesidades de cada usuario ofreciendo una solucion personalizada. Los Servicios de Automatización de Tareas (TAS de sus siglas en inglés) entraron en escena a partir de 2012 para dar solución a esta liminación. Dada su semejanza, estos servicios también son considerados como un nuevo enfoque en la tecnología de mash-ups pero centra en el usuarios. Los usuarios de estas plataformas tienen la capacidad de interconectar servicios, sensores y otros aparatos con connexión a internet diseñando las automatizaciones que se ajustan a sus necesidades. La propuesta ha sido ámpliamante aceptada por los usuarios. Este hecho ha propiciado multitud de plataformas que ofrecen servicios TAS entren en escena. Al ser un nuevo campo de investigación, esta tesis presenta las principales características de los TAS, describe sus componentes, e identifica las dimensiones fundamentales que los defines y permiten su clasificación. En este trabajo se acuña el termino Servicio de Automatización de Tareas (TAS) dando una descripción formal para estos servicios y sus componentes (llamados canales), y proporciona una arquitectura de referencia. De igual forma, existe una falta de herramientas para describir servicios de automatización, y las reglas de automatización. A este respecto, esta tesis propone un modelo común que se concreta en la ontología EWE (Evented WEb Ontology). Este modelo permite com parar y equiparar canales y automatizaciones de distintos TASs, constituyendo un aporte considerable paraa la portabilidad de automatizaciones de usuarios entre plataformas. De igual manera, dado el carácter semántico del modelo, permite incluir en las automatizaciones elementos de fuentes externas sobre los que razonar, como es el caso de Linked Open Data. Utilizando este modelo, se ha generado un dataset de canales y automatizaciones, con los datos obtenidos de algunos de los TAS existentes en el mercado. Como último paso hacia el lograr un modelo común para describir TAS, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo para aprender ontologías de forma automática a partir de los datos del dataset. De esta forma, se favorece el descubrimiento de nuevos canales, y se reduce el coste de mantenimiento del modelo, el cual se actualiza de forma semi-automática. En conclusión, las principales contribuciones de esta tesis son: i) describir el estado del arte en automatización de tareas y acuñar el término Servicio de Automatización de Tareas, ii) desarrollar una ontología para el modelado de los componentes de TASs y automatizaciones, iii) poblar un dataset de datos de canales y automatizaciones, usado para desarrollar un algoritmo de aprendizaje automatico de ontologías, y iv) diseñar una arquitectura de agentes para la asistencia a usuarios en la creación de automatizaciones. ABSTRACT The new stage in the evolution of the Web (the Live Web or Evented Web) puts lots of social data-streams at the service of users, who no longer browse static web pages but interact with applications that present them contextual and relevant experiences. Given that each user is a potential source of events, a typical user often gets overwhelmed. To deal with that huge amount of data, multiple automation tools have emerged, covering from simple social media managers or notification aggregators to complex CRMs or smart-home Hub/Apps. As a downside, they cannot tailor to the needs of every single user. As a natural response to this downside, Task Automation Services broke in the Internet. They may be seen as a new model of mash-up technology for combining social streams, services and connected devices from an end-user perspective: end-users are empowered to connect those stream however they want, designing the automations they need. The numbers of those platforms that appeared early on shot up, and as a consequence the amount of platforms following this approach is growing fast. Being a novel field, this thesis aims to shed light on it, presenting and exemplifying the main characteristics of Task Automation Services, describing their components, and identifying several dimensions to classify them. This thesis coins the term Task Automation Services (TAS) by providing a formal definition of them, their components (called channels), as well a TAS reference architecture. There is also a lack of tools for describing automation services and automations rules. In this regard, this thesis proposes a theoretical common model of TAS and formalizes it as the EWE ontology This model enables to compare channels and automations from different TASs, which has a high impact in interoperability; and enhances automations providing a mechanism to reason over external sources such as Linked Open Data. Based on this model, a dataset of components of TAS was built, harvesting data from the web sites of actual TASs. Going a step further towards this common model, an algorithm for categorizing them was designed, enabling their discovery across different TAS. Thus, the main contributions of the thesis are: i) surveying the state of the art on task automation and coining the term Task Automation Service; ii) providing a semantic common model for describing TAS components and automations; iii) populating a categorized dataset of TAS components, used to learn ontologies of particular domains from the TAS perspective; and iv) designing an agent architecture for assisting users in setting up automations, that is aware of their context and acts in consequence.


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This work presents the evaluation of a new non-contact technique to assess the fatigue damage state of CFRP structures by measuring surface roughness parameters. Surface roughness and stiffness degradation have been measured in CFRP coupons cycled with constant amplitude loads, and a Pearson?s correlation of 0.79 was obtained between both variables. Results suggest that changes on the surface roughness measured in strategic zones of components made of the evaluated CFRP, could be indicative of the level of damage due to fatigue loads. This methodology could be useful for other FRP due to similarities in the fatigue damage process.